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Lesson plan

School: Scoala Gimnaziala Aninoasa

Date: 22 nd November 2016

Class: 4th

Level: starter
Teacher: Grigore Gabriela Beatrice
Time: 45’

Textbook: Set Sail 4

Unit 4, Lesson : Present tense simple - consolidation

Type of lesson: consolidation of knowledge and  developing skills and abilities

Lesson aims:

 to revise and practise the present simple - affirmative, negative and interrogative;

 to revise and practise vocabulary connected to daily activities;

 to practise telling the time;

 to talk about habits.

Subsidiary aims:

 to practise group work;

 to practise listening, speaking, reading;

 to follow instructions uttered in English;

Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Teaching aids: the textbook, handouts, pupils’ notebooks, the blackboard, computer, CD,
flashcards, a ball.

Methods: conversation, reading, explanation, elicitation, description, discovery.

Modes of interaction: whole class, individual work, pair work, group work.

Anticipated problems:

 Students could become noisy when working in groups;

 Some students may not understand the task given by the teacher.

Possible solutions:

 The teacher may ask students to keep their voice down while working in group and focus
on their task;
 The teacher may repeat or rephrase the task so that all students will understand it; if students
still do not understand the oral commands or the tasks, these will be translated into
Romanian for them.


Both teacher and students provide continuous feed back through observation. The teacher
checks that the students complete the tasks entirely and correctly at any stage of the lesson, she
gives extra explanations whenever necessary.


Activity 1,checking the homework

The teacher greets the students and they greet back. The teacher asks for absentees. The
students on duty name the absentees if there are any.

The teacher checks up homework: the students had to draw and write some clock times
given in a worksheet.

Procedure: The teacher asks the students to draw the clocks on the blackboard in the first
exercise and to read the sentences in the second exercise.The teacher makes error-correction, if

Teacher’s role: controller

Skills: reading, speaking

Materials: students 'notebooks

Class management: whole class activity;

Timing: 5 minutes


Activity 2, speaking about daily activities


to revise vocabulary connected to daily activities

to revise the present simple – affirmative, negative and interrogative

Procedure: The students watch a video and sing the song about daily routines. The teacher asks the
students to make sentences using the activities in the video and clock times. The teacher asks a
question and throws a ball to the student who wants to answer it then, after answering the question,
the student throws the ball back to the teacher who corrects it if necessary or asks another question
and passes the ball to another student who wants to continue the game.

What do you do at 7 o’clock/10 o’clock?

I wake up./ I have a snack.

At the end of this stage, the teacher announces the title and the aims of the lesson. She asks
the students to write affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences on the blackboard to revise
the present simple.

I wake up at 7 o’clock./I don’t wake up at 7 o’clock./ Do I wake up at 7 o’clock?

He wakes up at 7 o’clock./He doesn’t wake up at 7 o’clock./ Does he wake up at 7 o’clock?

Teacher’s role: controller

Skills: reading, speaking

Materials: CD, a ball, blackboard, students’ notebooks

Class management: whole class activity

Timing: 7 minutes

Activity 3, The letter

Aim: to introduce the topic

Procedure: The teacher shows the students a picture of a postman carrying a bag. Then she asks
them to open the book at page 30 and to sing a song ”My favourite kind of person”. The teacher
plays the CD and the students sing the song.

The teacher shows the students a letter from postman Pete. She invites one of the students to read
the letter.

Teacher’s role: organiser

Skills: speaking, reading

Materials: CD, a letter

Class management: whole class activity;

Timing: 6 minutes


Activity 4, practising grammar

Aims: to practise the present simple - affirmative, negative and interrogative

Procedure: The teacher gives the students parts of the previous letter. The students work in
groups.The group members are assigned different roles. The groups are homogenous and their task
has the same difficulty level. They have to arrange the given letters in order to make words, to write
the correct form of the given verbs, to arrange words in order to build up correct sentences or to
provide the missing verbs.

While the students are working, the teacher sticks some pictures on the blackboard.

When the students have finished their task, they read the sentences and go to the blackboard where
they match their text with the existing pictures.

Teacher uses peer correction, whenever possible.

Teacher’s role: organiser

Skills: reading, writing;

Materials: posters, worksheets

Class management: group work;

Timing: 10 minutes


Activity 5, using grammar to express meaning

Aim: To reinforce vocabulary connected to activities and grammar

Procedure: The students are divided into two teams. Each team is given a large sheet of paper and a
marker. The teacher explains the game. One student from each team comes in front of the class and
chooses a card from the teacher’s desk. The first student who writes a grammatically correct
sentence with the verb in the present simple, without grammar mistakes, is awarded one point for
their team, if the sentence is affirmative or two points if the sentence is interrogative or negative.
The game continues until most of the students have played the game. The team that scores the most
points is the winner.

Teacher’s role: organiser.

Skills: speaking and writing;

Materials: cards, posters, markers

Class management: group work;

Timing: 15 minutes

Activity 6, Evaluating and assigning homework

The teacher makes remarks on students’ activity during the English class and marks some students
with grades.

The teacher announces homework: the students have to write 9 sentences each, using the
given verbs, following the same pattern as the one used in the previous game.

Timing: 2 minutes

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