For Office Use: Grade: Managing Social Projects

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For Office Use: Grade

Managing Social Projects

Individual Assignment

‘Centre for Environment Education’

Submitted by:

Name : Shivam Tiwari

Roll no. : 191153

Section : A

Batch : MBA(FT) 2019-21

Institute of Management, Nirma University

Date of Submission:15-11-2019


The Center for Environment Education (CEE) in India was built up in August 1984 as a Center of Excellence
bolstered by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The association progresses in the direction of creating
projects and materials to expand mindfulness about the earth and manageable advancement. The administrative
center is situated in Ahmedabad. The Center has 41 workplaces crosswise over India remembering local cells
for Bangalore (South), Guwahati (North East), Lucknow (North), Ahmedabad (West) and Pune (Central); state
workplaces in Delhi, Hyderabad, Raipur, Goa, Coimbatore; and a few field workplaces. It has worldwide
workplaces in Australia and Sri Lanka. CEE is an association worked around submitted individuals. The CEE
group, speaks to an assortment of controls and foundations, and works in multi-disciplinary groups to
accomplish the undertaking of creating natural mindfulness about a scope of issues and for an assortment of
target gatherings. With almost 300 colleagues, 30 workplaces crosswise over India and 17 automatic push
regions, CEE is a one of a kind cases of an organization that is devoted to building limit so as to address
economical advancement worries of India and other creating nations.

CEE works through a multidisciplinary group of specialists and the way that groups at CEE are
multidisciplinary and multi-gifted, all the time, do have some region of cover in their work profiles. The group
of program staff joined with the aptitudes of specialized staff acquires certifiable mixes of ability.

CEE works with nearby, state, national and global offices, associations and governments in India and in
different nations to help make a feasible future. CEE works intimately with Forest Departments and others in
making understanding projects and offices. With a broad system of more than 2 Lakh schools it embraces many
school programs in organization with various offices.

CEE’s Vision

To accomplish the vision CEE's crucial to improve comprehension of economic advancement in formal, non-
formal and casual training through its work with schools, higher instructive establishments, arrangement
creators and connecting with youth and the general network. It is to incorporate training as a key driver for
change in exhibiting and progressing manageable practices in country and urban networks, and in business and
the open area, and in meeting difficulties of worldwide issues, for example, environmental change and
biodiversity preservation. CEE additionally advances individual and aggregate positive Handprint activities that
are ecologically stable, monetarily practical and socially helpful


With accomplices including State Governments, Foundations and Corporates through CSR financing, CEE has
embraced extends in provincial and urban advancement, squander the board, biodiversity preservation, quality
improvement in school training, marine protection and others.
Sustainable development goals of CEE

CEE was the nodal organization in India for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD)
from 2005 to 2015. The principal gathering of the DESD was held at CEE in January 2005 which came about
into Ahmedabad Declaration. In this there was a reaffirmation that "We immovably accept that a key to
manageable improvement is the strengthening surprisingly, as indicated by the standards of value and social
equity, and that a key to such strengthening is activity arranged instruction." Post 2012, paving the way to the
procedure of conclusion of SDGs, CEE assumed a basic job. It was given the obligation of gathering view from
every one of the Ministries in Delhi and interfacing this to our rule arbitrators at the UN. After the SDGs were
concluded, CEE held two worldwide gatherings, one in January 2016 to feature the job of instruction could play
so as to accomplish the SDGs and in September 2016 a meeting was held to take a gander at Goal 4 which
manages training and inside that target 4.7 to advance ESD, worldwide citizenship, culture and harmony.

Today a few projects of CEE coordinate SDGs into their work. SDG Handprint Lab, a neighbourhood and
supportability activity teaching method for Higher Education Institutions is a spearheading program by CEE
that gives a one of a kind learning condition to youth to move in the direction of the SDGs. The program
includes comprehension of the SDGs and relating it to issues of a neighbourhood utilizing their abilities and
information to direct research and executing imprint exercises

CEE’s Strategies to achieve targets

Community for Environment Education is a national establishment occupied with fortifying natural instruction
and preparing activities by creating spearheading programs that advance ecologically moral conduct. Since its
initiation, the Centre’s exercises and projects have been established in, and guided by, specific methodologies
for expansion of value, adequacy and effect.

 Maximize the extent of EE with best in class thinking, improvements, advancements and points of view
in the territories of Environment and Sustainable Development
 Focus on limit building exercises in projects and activities
 Develop programs that are versatile to various geographic, social, social and financial settings
 Partnering with the end goal of using the corresponding qualities of different associations, in order to
dodge duplication of exertion, and to organize successfully towards the synergistic combination of
thoughts and objectives
 Develop projects and materials to expand on the current vital chances and offices for EE
 Encouraging and supporting different organizations in the field of EE and ESD to create comparable
materials and projects dependent on their particular needs and circumstances.
 Build cooperative energies between the Government, NGOs and CEE for thorough sway.
 Identify the key passage focuses for various push territories, and key focuses for starting and uniting
gains, to accomplish a multiplier impact.
 Facilitate data systems at neighbourhood, national and provincial levels, through various instruments,
for example, discoursed, registries, bulletins, and so on.
 Conduct workshops/classes to encourage exchange between different partners, including the
administration and the general public, on the ecological ramifications of development and improvement

CEE’s upcoming Projects

The upcoming projects would be based on following areas:

 Education for Children
 EE in Higher Education
 Examination systems for EE
 Education for Youth
 Communicating Environment through the Media
 Experiencing Nature
 EE through Interpretation
 Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development
 Industry Initiatives
 Sustainable Rural Development
 Water and Sanitation
 Sustainable Urban Development
 Waste Management
 EE for Fragile Areas
 Biodiversity Conservation
 Ecotourism
 Disaster Preparedness and Rehabilitation
 Training, Networking and Capacity Building
 Facilitating NGO and Community Initiatives
 Initiatives for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
 Research in EE

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