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Juno in Astrology

♀ Venus is what we desire,

what we find attractive and
how we wish to receive
affection and appreciation,
while Juno represents long
term committed relationships,
loyalty and faithfulness in a
partnership. It shows what
one needs to feel satisfied in
love or romance, or what one
feels they need to have a
successful, satisfying, long-
term partnership.
Your Juno sign, house
placement and aspects can
give an additional layer of
information about what you
need, desire and are likely to
manifest in marriage/long-
term relationship.

All descriptions below can

be applied both to your
potential marriage partner
AND yourself and the way you
act in a long-term
( Can read sign for house
placement - eg : 4th house
Juno, read cancer as well as
natal sign).

Juno in Aries
You may desire a very strong,
masculine and direct marriage
partner. A partner who can act
as a leader, pave their own
path and has a strong sense
of who they are. You may
desire a marriage partner who
will fight for you if necessary
(and vice versa), and also
someone who is independent
and can carry out their own
goals without relying too
much on you to assist them.
You may want to be put first in
the relationship, though it can
sometimes manifest as your
partner putting themselves
and their concerns before you
instead, which is where the
need for ones own
independence in the
relationship can arise. You
and/or the marriage partner
certainly do not like being told
what to do in the relationship.
The marriage partner may
also have a sense of
impatience about them,
wanting to get to step 3
before completing 1 and 2,
though they most likely wont
adhere to advice. If problems
do arise in the relationship,
they will be upfront and deal
with it before quickly moving

The marriage partner may

prove to be bold and direct,
and perhaps may be
somewhat harsh and brash at
times, and there is a
possibility for an aggressive
relationship or a marriage
where dispute is common,
depending on the house
placement and aspects Juno
receives, especially any harsh
aspects from Mars, Saturn or
Pluto. Also be aware of the
possibility of the marriage
partner dominating the
relationship (or yourself) and
can be quite temperamental,
though sudden outbursts can
subside quite quickly.

You may in fact not wish to

get married, as your desire for
independence can make the
concept of marriage
uncomfortable for you.On the
other hand, you may marry
simply out of impulsion. This
placement can also manifest
the possibility of remaining
single throughout life.

Your most successful

relationship will have a great
sense of independence and
individuality, whereby both
you and your partner are able
to do as they please without
relying too heavily on the
opinion or direction of the

Juno in Taurus
You may desire a marriage
partner with a stable and
consistent income, whereby
they are able to financially
support you in marriage. They
may be incredibly hard
workers and be very involved
in their own projects. You may
desire a relaxed and down to
earth partner, who you can
spend time with in the
comforts of your own home.
You may desire a marriage
partner with a natural sense of
beauty or is naturally
attractive. Your marriage
partner may be quite sensual
and hedonistic, enjoying
touching and caressing, and
lots of exchange of physical
pleasure between the both of
you. You especially want
peace and tranquility in the
relationship, whereby neither
of you want to intentionally
stir each other. You both may
enjoy indulging in good food
and other material comforts
together, happily lazing
around doing very little in
each others company. You
may also both enjoy spending
time in nature or natural
settings, and you could
potentially both decide to
move to a country area
together away from the hustle
of larger communities (many
other chart factors need to be
evident for this). Most of all,
you desire a stable and secure
marriage that has been built
upon reliable foundations.
Once you marry, you want to
keep it that way. You may
strongly disagree with
divorce, and if that ever
became a possibility, you (or
your partner) would do
everything in their personal
power to avoid that situation.
You want the comfort in
security and stability of

If afflicted, there is
possibility of the partner
being over materialistic,
caring too much about your
income and what you buy, and
therefore being rather
restrictive and cheap when it
comes to buying things. You
may also choose to marry
someone simply for the sake
of financial security, especially
if youʼre struggling materially
on your own. The marriage
partner may be quite stubborn
and set in their ways, to the
point where their mannerisms
and routines becomes highly

Ultimately you desire a

grounded and reliable
marriage partnership where
the security of knowing your
partner will stay with you, and
also having the security of
material resources between
you and your partner.

Juno in Gemini
With this placement you may
desire an intellectual marriage
partner who has fantastic
communication skills, often
engaging in daily conversation
whether through phone calls,
emails, texts and speaking
face to face together. You may
marry someone who keeps in
constant contact with you,
often telling you where they
are and what they are doing if
always from you (often in the
local town or at work). Your
marriage partner may be quite
witty, humorous and have a
youthful expression and
personality, or may in fact be
younger than you. The may
love to socialise and get
amongst the local community
setting, which may mean they
often travel back and forth
from home quite frequently.
You may have met the
marriage partner through an
online dating service or
another social media platform.
They may have also been a
neighbour or simply someone
from your local town where
you grew up. With Juno in
Gemini, thereʼs also
possibilities of having one
more marriage in your life.

If afflicted, you or the

marriage partner may have
cheated within the
relationship which ultimately
causes a separation and a re-
marriage to someone else.
They may also be
unpredictable and unreliable
when it comes to promises
and deadlines you give them.
They may say theyʼll do
something, though it ends up
falling through. Gemini has no
particular intent on keeping to
a certain path, so there still is
a possibility with this
placement not to be married
at all. The marriage partner
may often have unpredictable
mood swings, based on their
rationality of things, therefore
needing clear communication
of things in order for them to
avoid episodes of anxiety.

Ultimately what you desire

in a long-term relationship is
variety, communication,
someone who is intellectual
and social, and can keep the
relationship fresh and

Juno in Cancer
You may desire marriage to
establish strong family
foundations. You may want a
marriage partner who is
gentle, sensitive and caring,
and can easily get on well with
members of your family and
particularly your mother (or
mother figure). You desire a
marriage partner who can
commit and provide a sense
of emotional security, who
also tends to stay at home
and/or takes care of the
home. They may also enjoy
cooking for you, and you for
them. Your marriage partner
may be emotionally intuitive
and sensitive, and enjoys
staying close to your side,
offering physical affection
whenever possible. They may
be quite protective of you,
and will defend you in times of
need. You may marry due to
your family traditions, and/or
wish to continue the family
tradition (yours or theirs) after
marriage, continuing activities
you or your partner
experienced during their
childhood. The marriage
partner may also wish to start
a family, and you or the
partner may strongly wish to
become a parent after

If afflicted, you or the

marriage partner may be quite
moody and/or clingy, making
it hard for independence in
the marriage. They may be
emotional vulnerable, and
desire you to ‘motherʼ them in
the relationship, rather than
act like a traditional marriage
partner. They can also be
quite clingy and smothering,
never really allowing you your
own independent need for
space. Their sentimentality
about things past in the
relationship may be brought
up, and they may become
quite emotional and cranky if
you were to forget an

Ultimately what you desire

in a marriage partner is
loyalty, openness and
sympathy, emotional
connection, care, security and
perhaps to start your own
family and to continue family

Juno in Leo
You may desire a bold,
expressive and charismatic
partner. You want the
marriage partner to make you
feel special in the relationship,
and be quite romantic and
affectionate, never forgetting
to remind you how much they
love you, spoiling you with
surprises and courteous
gestures and tokens of
appreciation. They may have a
very strong and dignified
personality, and you can find
charismatic leadership ability
quite attractive. Your marriage
partner may be quite playful
and humorous, extruding a
sunny disposition and
approaching the marriage
with a copious amount of
energy and enthusiasm. You
want to be able to take pride
in your partner, not being
afraid to show them off and
express how closely bonded
you are to them. You want to
be able to share a spotlight
with your partner where you
feel like you are the only two
in the world. You desire to
experience warmth and
generosity in the marriage
throughout your time spent

If Juno is afflicted, or
especially if aspected by
Jupiter with this placement,
you may experience the
marriage partner to be
overwhelming, and trying to
outshine you in the marriage
as the one who tends to ‘call
the shotsʼ as to where youʼre
going, what you two will do
together and when. This
sense of bossiness can be
quite unsettling, and their
sense of pride may get in the
way of them expressing
affection to you in public or in
front of friends and/or family.
At times, they may over-
dramatically react to
situations in the relationship,
causing unnecessary drama
for the sake of causing drama.
They may also become quite
jealous and defensive over
What you desire in a long
term committed relationship is
ultimately consistent love,
affection and appreciation,
even if that means them
simply saying “I love you”
every now and again, fun and
playfulness, generosity,
excitement, and above all,

Juno in Virgo
With this placement, you may
desire a long-term
relationship with someone
who is practical, observant,
orderly and has strong work
ethic. You may wish to be
committed to someone who
has a selfless and giving
nature, who enjoys helping
you with daily tasks and
taking care of the home life.
You may attract a rather
modest partner, who doesnʼt
indulge too much in
extravagant romantic
gestures, but expresses their
love and affection through
being of help to you in anyway
you ask or need. They may
take great time and care in
getting to know you down to
the finest detail so that they
can apply themselves to doing
things the exact way you like it
to make you happy (example,
taking note exactly what your
favourite hot beverage is and
making it exactly how you like
it). They may clean and take
the initiative to help you order
and structure your daily
routine and if required, help
you with work. The partner
may also be a diligent worker
themselves, applying
themselves to their own job
and providing the partnership
with a stable and steady
income for the both of you.
They may also be quite
concerned for your health and
wellbeing, happily taking care
of you best they can on your
sick days.

If afflicted, the partner may

be overly critical and and
faulty finding in the things you
do and the way you do them.
They may have the
compulsion to brush you to
the side when they feel
‘Youʼre not doing it rightʼ
when you simply just arenʼt
doing something THIER way,
which can ultimately make
you frustrated. They may
complain about the most
mundane incidences which
may get on your nerves. They
may also be a workaholic,
often not giving you enough
attention and appreciation.
Ultimately what you desire
in a marriage or long-term
partnership is dependability
and punctuality whereby they
follow through when they say
they will do something and
when, cleanliness and
practicality, has a stable day-
to-day job to earn money for
the both of you.

Juno in Libra
With this placement, you may
desire a traditional marriage
and long-term partnership
whereby you and your partner
are as equally committed to
one another in the
relationship. You desire a
stable, balanced and fair
marriage partner, one that can
see and understand your point
of view, and even if they
disagree, they can find a
compromise and see a value
in your opinion on things. You
desire someone who is fair
and respectful of you and the
things you do and happily
returns the favour to you. You
desire a long-term partner
who is open about
communicating and aims to
settle any dispute before they
get out of hand. You want
someone who is a traditional
romantic, and never forgets to
express their love and
affection for you. The
marriage partner may be quite
attractive and have a
wonderful sense of style, and
may be somewhat artistic, or
at least has an appreciation of
beauty and the arts. They may
be quite charming and
charismatic and perhaps
rather social, and have a
strong sense of justice and
may have an interest in
government or law.

If Juno is afflicted, the

marriage partner may
fabricate truth in order to
cover something that theyʼve
done or not being truthful in
their opinion. They may be
quite indecisive about things
which can make the
relationship frustrating if
decisions are always left for
you and also, it may make
them lazy when it comes to
choosing and pursing
something in life. They may
also be manipulative towards
you if they donʼt like someone,
telling you things about them
to make you alternate your
perspective so you can dislike
them as a couple - while what
they had said may not have
been true, they want your
reassurance that they are still
the ‘good guyʼ, and as a
marriage partner they demand
that support from you. They
may also be indecisive about
getting married or the
relationship itself

Ultimately what you desire

in a long-term committed
partnership is fairness,
balance, harmony,
communication and
understanding one another
perspective, love and
diplomacy, compromise and
beauty in the relationship.

Juno in Scorpio
With this placement, you
desire an intense and deep
connection to your marriage
partner, where you unite all
aspects of your body, mind
and soul. You want passion
and security in the sense of
deep intimacy in your
relationship, knowing your
partner is truly connected to
you and will stay by your side
giving you their full devotion.
You may find yourself
transformed as a person after
marriage, perhaps in the
house area your Juno is
placed. The partner may be
deeply sexual and passionate,
and together you share highly
intense intimate moments,
going through emotional highs
and lows, though in the end it
can feel rejuvenating leaving
you feeling the high of being
alive, which may be quite
healing for you. You want to
be able to trust your partner
with all of your deepest
secrets, and except all of your
flaws and your past hardships,
whereby being with them can
allow healing of yourself and
your past and anything you
may face in the future.

If afflicted, Juno in Scorpio

can manifest a very
possessive partner who may
try and control what youʼre
doing, where youʼre going,
and who you socialise with.
They may easily become
jealous and you need to
constantly reassure them of
your commitment to them,
even if you feel its
unnecessary. They may be
quite secretive and
mysterious which may make it
frustrating for you to know
what they want and to
understand them better. They
can also be quite self-
destructive which can make
the relationship exceedingly
difficult. At times, their nature
can become highly
overbearing but once they
break down they tend to build
themselves back up again,
especially with your
assistance and presence.

Ultimately what you want

in a marriage or long-term
committed partnership is
deep connection, passion,
intense intimacy, sex, to share
each others emotional highs
and lows, unwavering
commitment, and the power
to get through any challenged
you face together.

Juno in Sagittarius
With this placement, there is a
very high need for freedom in
a long-term partnership, and
this placement be the most
likely to avoid marriage simple
because you (or the potential
partner) doesnʼt want to feel
caged in a legally documented
commitment. If you do choose
to get married you need an
extensive amount of freedom
to come and go as you please,
and to do what you want and
when. The marriage partner
on the other hand may be
quite open natured, optimistic
and humorous. They may
have a philosophical and
expansive outlook on life, and
can unconsciously take on a
spiritual direction in life
because of their open-
mindedness. They may have a
passion for travel and
exploring foreign countries
and experiencing different
cultures. You may in fact meet
the marriage partner
overseas, or they are originally
from a foreign country. They
may be quite jovial and fun,
always encouraging you to go
on an adventure somewhere
new with them.

If afflicted, the marriage

partner may care about their
personal freedom so much
that they are unwilling to
commit. They donʼt want to be
tied down and therefore have
a back and forth nature in
terms of the relationship by
where you get too close, and
they pull away. They may
stumble into a marriage
without much forethought of
what that actually entails,
then once the realisation sets
in, they may opt for a divorce
(but may even still want a
relationship - just without a
title), which may make this
quite frustrating for you. The
partner may be exceedingly
hard to pin down and they
may be quite reluctant to
open up emotionally.

Ultimately what you desire

in a long-term commitment
relationship is FREEDOM, fun
and light heartedness,
changeability to keep it
interesting and a constant
learning experience, open-
mindedness, traveling
together and playfulness.

Juno in Capricorn
You desire the security and
reliability found in marriage,
and you want the relationship
to be built on a strong
foundation of knowing the
partner very well before you
are willing to commit. Once
you have married, you do not
want to separate from the
partner and will do whatever
is in your personal power to
bring structure back to the
relationship. You may attract a
very hardworking and dutiful
partner, who may be heavily
involved in their own work life
and career. They may express
a very authorise stance in the
relationship, and be quite
serious in their personality
nature. They may expect you
and themselves to take
traditional roles in marriage, or
that they insist on being the
‘leaderʼ in the relationship.
They may be significantly
older than you and be quite
conventional in the way they
do things and structure the
marriage life. They may be
quite dutiful and take on the
most difficult tasks, and also
the responsibility of maintain
the relationship, especially
when it comes to providing
the both of you with income.
They may not be the most
demonstrative and overly
affectionate partner, but they
express their love and
devotion through their actions
and providing for you.

If afflicted, the marriage

partner may be quite cold and
pessimistic, and they seem to
force the authoritative role in
a relationship and set you a
role which they expect you to
fill. Their lack of affection and
romantic gestures can be
quite disheartening for you,
and their lack of gratification if
you give to them may also
make you feel unappreciated.
They can also be overly
controlling, dictating where
you go and when, which you
can greatly detest in the
relationship. Also, their
devotion to their job and work
can leave you feeling lonely at

Ultimately what you desire

in a marriage is comfort in
traditional and conventional
commitment, practicality and
dutifulness, a hard worker,
someone to prove for you,
someone who can take
leadership and is self-

Juno in Aquarius
With this placement, you may
desire a marriage partner who
is a humanitarian that has a
large social circle, whereby
they know many people from
many different places and
therefore you can go with
them to interact with a variety
of people and gain new
experiences. You may want a
partner who is quite friendly
and idealistic, one who is
innovative and progressive in
the way they do things, either
for themselves or for the
benefit of a larger extent of
people. You may greatly
desire a highly intellectual
partner, whoʼs emotional
detachment from things and
people allows them to see
things from an objective
perspective. They may greatly
enjoy socialising with anyone
at any given time, and you
may find yourself doing the
same with them, even if it
wasnʼt something you would
intentionally do previous to
meeting and forming a
relationship (or marriage) with
this person. They may also
express a sense of duty and
authority, but more in an
intellectual leadership manner
than by commanding a
following. There may be
something eccentric or
unconventional about the
marriage partner, and this can
include their personal
interests, their likes and/or
dislikes, or simply a significant
age difference which is seen
as unusual in society.

If afflicted, the partner may

be quite emotionally
withdrawn and detached.
Although you may know they
hold affections for you, they
may have trouble expressing it
due to their highly intellectual
nature and they may uphold
their masculine qualities too
much to the point where its
difficult to become
emotionally vulnerable to you.
If you attempt to openly
express your emotions
towards them, they may
distance themselves from
There can also be a fear of
commitment, from you or your
partner with this placement,
often withholding marriage, if
you ever do decide to get
married. Itʼs not uncommon
with this placement for the
native to stay single for life
because of their choosing.
You (or they) may value ones
personal freedom and need
for experimentation above the
need for a solid relationship,
which can mean manifesting
as an open relationship.

Ultimately what you desire

in a long-term committed
relationship is to have your
own sense of personal
freedom and space,
socialisation with others
together, having new
experiences, genuine
friendship with the marriage
partner, understanding and
tolerance of ones own

Juno in Pisces
With this placement, you
desire a very sensitive, gentle
and romantic marriage
partner. You want to be able
to get lost in them and their
presence and experience
unconditional love and care
from them. You desire
someone who is modest,
compassionate and
empathetic to you and your
needs, as well as being
selfless, compassionate and
giving to other people. You
also may have to take care of
the practical side of things for
the marriage partner (or vice-
versa). The marriage partner
may be quite emotionally
open and vulnerable, and is
eager to care for you in
anyway they can. They may at
times try to mould themselves
to be whatever you want them
be. They may also have a soft
spot for animals and enjoys
caring for all forms of life. The
marriage partner may also
have a strong interest in the
arts, including painting,
acting, film making and/or
photography. They may also
be interested in caring for
other people, giving
themselves freely in a
sympathetic form of service
such as nursing or caring for
the elderly, and generally
helping those who are
underprivileged and less
fortunate. There is also the
possibility for the marriage
partner to be highly intuitive
and/or psychic (empath). You
may also idealise the potential
partner, conjuring a fantasy of
getting married to a creation
from your imagination. This
fantasy may also be projected
onto the real life marriage
partner, whereby you ignore
there flaws and only see them
as your idea of perfection.

If afflicted, the marriage

partner may be too overly
self-sacrificing to the point of
their own detriment. They may
either over work or over give
themselves for little in return,
then they end up playing the
victim and express that ‘no
one cares about meʼ even
though they put themselves
into that position in the first
place - then you end up
coming to their rescue, having
to coddle them because they
refuse to take responsibility
for their own actions. They
may also be too much of a
dreamer and live in their
dreams and ideals, and not
attempt to put them into
action. They may at times
become confused or have
extremely high or low
emotional episodes where you
have to make sure you
measure them that all will turn
out fine in the end. There is
also a possibility of drug and
alcohol abuse from the

Ultimately what you desire

in a long-term committed
relationship is unconditional
love and affection, empathy
and sympathy, gentleness and
modesty, an openly giving
personality , and loves you
completely for who you are.
Source: ©ellie-mae-
astrology on Tumblr

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