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The Pearson Question Bank for Electrical Engineers ~ PDF ~ SJPLYGNPJM

The Pearson Question Bank for

Electrical Engineers

By Satish K. Karna

Pearson Education, 2012. Softcover. Book Condition: New. First

edition. Features Based on the latest syllabus of the GATE, IES
and PSUs. Over 3,000 MCQs as well as a mock tests based on
the real PSU, GATE and IES examinations Three levels set in
these books depending on the structure of the examination
pattern Includes diagrams, tables, step-wise listing of key
concepts to help the students to clear the doubts. Contents
Preface Acknowledgements DRDO: Syllabus for Electronics and
Communication Engineering Gate EC - Electronics and
Communication Engineering Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering Paper-I (For Both Objective
and Conventional Type Papers) Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering Paper (For Both Objective
and Conventional Type Papers) JTO : Syllabus:
Telecommunication Engineering About the Author Materials
and Components Physical Electronics, Electron devices and ICs
Signals and Systems Network Theory Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Analog
Electronic Circuits Digital Electronic Circuits Control Systems
Communication Systems Microwave Engineering Computer
Engineering Solutions Test Papers Test paper 1 Test paper 2
Test paper 3 Test paper 4 Test paper 5 Test paper 6 Test paper
7 Test paper 8 Test paper 9 Bibliography Printed Pages: 0.

[ 8.53 MB ]


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