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Eda Addis Hotel Policy No.

Subject:- Work Ethics of Hotel Worker:
1. A worker has an obligation to observe his/her working hours, be at the working place, attend
at his/her assigned job, fulfill his/her assigned work and has a responsibility to complete
his/her daily working hours properly for the company.
2. A worker is obliged to wear his/her given uniforms while at the working place and keep the
uniform clean.
3. A worker appears to the working location clean at all times.
4. A worker must be fully reliable for both the guests of the hotel and its property while on
5. A worker is obliged to give due respect and care for the hotel guests.
6. A worker shall try to fulfill his/her obligations within fully applying his/her knowledge and
skills as well as physical labor.
7. A worker, who is idle at her/his post on any given time, will assist others to get the job done
to respect and satisfy the hotel guests.
8. A worker is always obliged to upkeep of and promotes the interest of the hotel.
9. A worker has the responsibility of improving the performance of the hotel by introducing
new methods and help in the upkeep of its good image.
10. No worker is allowed to sit and relax/eat with the hotel guest/s either in the bar, restaurant,
rooms or any other similar activity in the hotel remises.
11. Forbidden for the workers to eat and drink in the bar, reception or other working places,
outside the assigned dining place.
12. A worker shall not eat and drink at the kitchen.
13. A worker attending the guests must not smoke, chew gums or manifest any other rudeness.
14. A worker shall never smoke in sharing the cigarettes which are delivered to the guests.
15. A worker has an obligation to render his/her service on the spot when food and drink service
is required to be given outside the hotel compound (another place).
16. A worker is liable to furnish accurate information to the hotel guests upon request.
17. A worker shall not make himself/herself absent from his/her regular job site without
informing his/her immediate supervisor in writing, stating the reason and getting
18. For a worker to quarrel with his/her colleague, including insulting and fighting with one
another is absolutely forbidden.
19. A worker has an obligation to immediately inform the hotel management when hazards, like
fir, occur and assist.
20. When workers are told to periodically take medical examinations, according to the
international rules, they have to abide.

The above policy has to be strictly followed by the worker of Sarem International Hotel.
Sarem International Hotel Policy No. 2
Subject:- Policy on staff termination without notice:
- To undermine one’s duty by being disobedient negligent or tardy or by none-observance of
working procedures;
- Absence from work without good cause for a period of five consecutive working days or ten
working days in any period of non month or thirty working days in a year;
- Deliberate procrastination of cases of mistreatment of clients of colleagues;
- To deliberately obstruct work or collaborate with other in committing such offence;
- Unjustifiable repeated absenteeism or non-observance of office hours in site of being
penalized by simple disciplinary penalties;
- To initiate physical violence at the place of work;
- Conviction for an offence where such conviction renders him in capable for the post which
he holds;
- Present at the duty place by being alcoholic or drug addict;
- Found chewing chat in the work place at any time;
- To accept or demand bribes from the staff as well as outsiders;
- To commit an immoral act at the place of work;
- To commit an act of theft or breach of trust;
- To commit an act of misrepresentation in fraudulent act;
- Misappropriation of the property or fund of the employer with intent to procure for himself
or to a third person undue enrichment;
- Returning output which despite the potential of the worker, is persistently below the
qualities and quantities stipulated for the organization;
- Absence from work due to sentence of imprisonment passed against the worker for more
than 30 days;
- To inflict damages to the property of the company due to an intentional act or negligence.
- Found eating customer food;
- Found sitting with the customer and not following the norms & dignity of the hotel;
- Gossip/roomers;
- Disclosing the particulars of the customers staying in the hotel to and unauthorized person.
- Security staff found sleeping while on duty.
Sarem International Hotel Policy No.3
Subject:- Norms and Dignity to be followed by the staff:-
1. Security staff at the gate stands up and greets all customers entering into the hotel.
2. Behave and undertake the security check politely and in a humble way.
3. Render assistance to the guests to move luggage etc., if required.
4. Once the guest is entered into the hotel, watch his movement of going to restaurant,
reception, directly going to the rooms or to the swimming pool area. Watch security
5. Any suspected customers entering into the stair, should be brought to the attention of the
bell boy/reception staff.

Bell Man:
1. Bell man should be standing all the time to attend the customers.
2. Greet and welcome the customers.
3. Render assistance to the customers to move their luggage to the rooms.
4. Be vigilant not to allow unauthorized persons going to the rooms.
5. Be present at the duty place when ever not attending the customers.
6. Accompany the guests to the rooms.
7. Open the doors, place guest’s luggage to the appropriate place and show the guests how to
switch on the TV, Fan & AC.
8. Ask the guests for any assistance to render.
1. Stand and greet the guests in a very pleasant in a very pleasant mood, as the reception
creates the first image of the hotel. Again, create a good image of the hotel.
2. Complete necessary documentation of the guests as soon as possible.
3. Avoid standing the guests in the reception for a long time.
4. Avoid argument with the customers.
5. Do not sit when the customers are present in front of the reception.


1. Do not eat/drink guest’s food.
2. Do not sit with guests and play at any time in the hotel.
3. Should be present at their assigned locations during duty hours.
4. Create good atmosphere for the customers.
5. Any lost item found anywhere, deposit with the reception
6. Treat all customers as VIPs.
Sarem International Hotel Policy No.4
Subject:- Policy on Hiring & Firing:-

All vacancies have to be got it approved by the Managing Director, before making the
vacancy announcement. Once the vacancy announcement is done and the interview is
completed, the Managing Director has to be involved for the final selection. All interview
ranking documents/recommendations along with their CVs has to be submitted to the
Managing Director for final selection.

For conducting interview, the committee is comprises of the following staff for various

All employment contracts have to be signed by the Managing Director.

Like hiring of staff, firing of staff also has to be the Managing Director. In order to
terminate a staff, we have to follow the labor proclamation of issuing 1 st, 2nd and with 3rd
warning letter, the service should be terminated. Also, please refer to Sarem International
Policy No. 2 for terminating staff without warning letter/notice.

When we take a decision to terminate a staff member, critical analyses of the

crime/incidents that he/she committed have to be undertaken.

Tips to carry out the critical analysis:-

Investigate the matter at the grass root level with eye witness, who is present at the
time of incident, if possible. Proper and unbiased judgment must be applied.

Number of people who involved in the particular incidents has to be identified to take fair
action against every one, those who are involved.

Before taking action, do harm and benefit analysis of the employee whom we are going to
terminate. This should be done on a case by case basis. While taking decision, the decision
maker should ask himself/herself the following questions:-

a) How long the employee worked?

b) How is the past service record of the employee?
c) What is the importance of the employee with the organization?
d) Can we find his/her replacement easily?
e) Is there any harm, if we retain the employee with the organization? (if his past
records are good)

f) Did he/she involve in real stealing/misappropriation of the property of the

g) If we issue warning letter with penalty, do the employee improve her
h) What is the attitude of the employee at the time of investigation? Is she/he
regretful for the incident?

Please Note: Make it a point to retain good staff and terminate staff those who have poor
performance/harmful to the organization. A good administrator will keep records of all
incidents in the personal files for future reference.

Any comment on this policy is welcome.

Sarem International Hotel Policy No.5
Subject:- Employee of the Month and Black Marks:-


Each month beginning, an employee, from each department that is eligible, will be awarded a bonus
on pay, a certificate and recognition in the form of a poster in a prominent place for the entire
month, if he/she qualifies for employee of the month.


1. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, COURTYARD, Waiters, barman, bar tenders, room
service, cashiers not including head waiters. Business center cashiers not eligible.
2. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, HOUSEKEEPING. House keepers and laundry, not
including supervisor.
1. Responsibility, punctuality, attendance.
2. Politeness and agreeableness with customers.
3. Knowledge of work, willingness to learn, practicing what is known.
4. Ability to work in harmony with others, willingness to work and take orders.
5. Employee with a black for the month will not be eligible for employee of the month.
6. Employee of the month cannot be awarded to an employee consecutively for two months.

1. The department head for the eligible departments will evaluate according to the above
criteria and their own and select an employee from their department to be eligible for
employee of the month. All eligibility criteria and forms have to be reviewed by the general
manager before it is used.
2. The head of an eligible department will then forward his proposal letter for the employee of
the month to the General Manager for approval by the 25th of each month.
3. Once approved the General Service in charge will file the proposal letter of all the
employees of the month in the respective employee files.
4. A copy of all employees of the month approved proposals will then be placed in the
‘employee of the month file’.
5. The general service in charge will then draft a letter with all the approved employees of the
month names to the accounting by the 28th of every month.

The Administrators in charge will make sure that employee of the month order of work is followed
through to completeness. He/she will take full responsibility to co-ordinate all the involved
departments and issue a report, in the form of a letter, to the general manager in the first week of
every month of the awarded employees of the month.
A black mark is a reprimand that when received will render the employee ineligible to collect 100%
of service charge for the month the black mark was issued.
1. An employee can receive up to 3 black marks a month.
2. Each black mark deducts 100% of the employee’s service charge.
3. If an employee receives 3 black marks in one month, the employee will be subject to
termination under the discretion of the general manager.
4. Black Mark Forms will always be available with the General Manager and his Secretary.
1. He/she commits an error on job that undermines customer relations.
2. By incompetent behavior affects the efficiency of other staff or supervisors to maintain
order and business.
3. Destroys or loses property by negligence, carelessness or purposefully.
4. Personal hygiene and upkeep are not according to standards after repeated warnings.
5. Negligence is found on daily duties and tasks.
6. Disobeys direct orders from supervisors or managers.
1. A supervisor/manager fills in the reason he/she thinks the employee should receive a black
mark, into the black mark form. Black mark forms will be available at the main office with
the General Manager’s secretary.
2. The manager/supervisor then signs the ‘Reviewed by Section’ and invites another manager
supervisor to review the case and sign the ‘Reviewed by Section’ if he/she thinks the
accused deserves a black mark according to the accusation.
3. The supervisor/manager then forwards the form to the general manager who will approve, or
not, the black mark form.
4. If approved, the black mark form will be forwarded to General Service, (Human Resource),
in charge who will file the form in the respective employee’s file.
5. The general service in charge will then enter the black mark information of the ‘Black Mark
Sheet’ for the respective month. He/she will maintain a file with black mark sheets for all
6. At the end of the month, on or before the 28 th, the general service in charge will forward a
copy of the black mark sheet for the respective month to the accounting department.
7. Accounting department will then make necessary deduction on service charge for the
employee for the respective month.

The General Service in charge will take full responsibility to ensure that black marks are followed
through from its inception to completeness every month. He/she will provide a detailed report of
black marked employees in the first week of every month to the General Manager.
Daily task for Bell Man
Whished to the guest according the time.
Received guest on the door.
Bring baggage at the reception.
Waite for registration.
Keep keen eye on the scanty baggage.
Bring guest baggage in room inter first guest after your.
Explain about room of all controls in the room about fringe, TV and Hot Water.
Check the guest room at the time of guest departure.
Inform to reception about room states lost or damage.
Page the guest in lobby.
Report to the housekeeping and F&B Department.
Coordinating with front office.
Be ready to handle t unruly guest in the lobby.
In improve your attitude.
In prove your model conversion with guest be hell full always.
Be smart and groomed
Model Conversation
Food & Beverage

1. After received the guest.

2. Good morning Sir or Madam.
3. Good afternoon Sir or Madam.
4. Good evening Sir or Madam
5. May I help you?
6. What can I do for you?
7. Were would you wish to sit? (In the bar or restaurant).
8. May I have your order?
9. Did you place your order?
10. What would you like to drink?
11. Hard drink, soft drink, mineral water r carbonated water?
12. May I repeat your order?
13. Did you order what you order?
14. Fasting food or none fasting?
15. Thank you sir & have a nice day.
16. Good appetite.
17. We will be glad to see you again.
Hotel Management Guide Book

Front Office

House Keeping Food & Beverage

Management Service

Human Resources
International Food



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