The Goal: A Complete List of Items Such As Property, Goods in Stock, or The Contents of A Building

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The Goal

Chapter 9
What title would you give this
Write a 10-sentence summary of One morning in the house of Alex’s mom after talking to Jonah last night,
the chapter. Use specific he called her secretary Fran to tell that he is fine just in case everyone in
character names, and specific the office is finding him. The secretary also told him that the head of the
events that occurred. company named Grandby will drop by to the plant for the photo shoot with
the robots in the plant. Returning back to the office, he bump into Lou’s
office first to talk about something that Jonah has mentioned him. Alex find
out through Lou’s report that ever since the robot came into the line, there
is no increase in sales but only made an overdue shipments. Next, he
asked the person in charge in the inventory named Stacey Potazenik
about the work in process that are passing through the robot areas. He
also calls the attention of Bob Donovan (Production manager) to ask
about the excess parts built by the robots that are eventually being turn
into increased inventories. Alex discovers that the robots increased
operating expenses without reducing any costs like direct labor, which was
merely shifted to other parts of the plant. Since inventory stayed the same
and throughput did not increase, the productivity of the plant declined
because of adding the robots. Rogo is beginning to understand theory of
constraint thinking and is trying to help his team see the mistakes they
have made.
3-5 unfamiliar or not very familiar  leafing - turn over (the pages of a book or the papers in a pile),
words (add their definition, or reading them quickly or casually.
ever a picture to show what they  Inventories - a complete list of items such as property, goods in
are) stock, or the contents of a building.
 Surplus - an amount of something left over when requirements
have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand.
Powerful quote from this chapter “One of them, I remember as I'm driving, was whether we had been able
and why you chose it to sell any more products as a result of having the robots. Another one
was whether we had reduced the number of people on the payroll. Then
he had wanted to know if inventories had gone down. Three basic

This scene makes it the highlight of the chapter because finally Alex has
already understand what his professor, Jonah, is trying to tell him the last
time they talked. He already knows the root cause of everything and he is
ready to find out the trends.
Historical or current event
Personal Comments/Insights

CLAVO, Jaira Micah P. | BSA52

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