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Aastha Shrivastava
Rahul Verma
Piyush Chahar
Praveen Dhandare
Prasad Desai
What approach did both the companies take towards market?

Elephantine introduced the product straightaway into the market without any proper research
or test marketing. They did not focus on determining the market size.

Whiz bang:

Whiz bang introduced the product with proper market testing. They went through the process
of determining market size for the segment targeted for the product. They surveyed about
how the consumers would handle, use or re-purchase the product.

They did proper study of Investments cost and risks in the market. They introduced product
in 4-5 test markets and monitored these markets through consumer panel surveys.

They commercialised the product region-wise and aimed them at opinion leaders.

They used different marketing strategies and analysed the market situations of competitors.

What is wrong with elephantine?

They never focused on the concept development and testing at the time of product
development. Market Strategy Development did not occur in their case.

Since Business Analysis was missing from their approach, thus they did not know the
prospects and scope of the product and measure of demand it was having in the market.

They also did not test the product in the market because of which they were not able to know
the markets response initially and came to know only when the product flopped in the

They should have estimated the competitors’ strategies before launching the product in the
market and should have launched the product region wise.

How did Whiz bang made it a roaring success?

Whiz bang introduced the product after proper segmentation, targeting and positioning of the
They conducted proper market testing. They targeted the proper segment and determined
the segment’s market size and demand. They made the consumers aware of the key,
distinctive benefits of the product. They researched the usage methods of the products by
the customer so that the product can be marketed as most user friendly software in the

They did appropriate analysis Investments cost and risks indulged in the launching of the
product in the market. Test marketing was done in 4-5 metro and semi-metro cities and
monitored the response of these markets through consumer panel surveys.

They commercialised the product region-wise and aimed them at opinion leaders like
students and software professionals and software companies.

They used different marketing strategies and analysed the market situations of competitors.

Compare critically the STP framework for both the companies ?

While Elephantine did not use any STP framework at all, Whiz Bang adopted the proper
methods of STP where it segmented the market into the right group of customers who will
use this software; they targeted only this group and positioned it as the a highly useful

Before launching they analysed if they have proper resources to target the segment group.
They used single segment concentration for targeting the group.

They made sure the supplies and accessibility of the product should be high. They targeted
the segment group with proper product differentiation..

To position the product in the best way, they created the image of the product as most
qualitative, multi-featured, fast and user friendly software. They made their customer-care
centres highly dedicated to this product and highly trained for resolving customers problem
as fast as possible which helped in building customer relations

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