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Paul and Jan send greetings

for a wonderful Christmas
Season to each of you from
Wayne, PA

Looking back
Christmas Arizona with Evan, Sarah
2009 Anne and Bryce. Visited Still working…but thinking about retiring
with other AZ family and
We are still working for the US Forest Service, Paul doing facilities
engineering for the Northern Research Station and Jan helping fire
Winter Philly record winter snowfall
departments for the Northeastern Area Cooperative Fire, State and
of over 80 inches; it seemed
2010 Private Forestry. She also still works as a liaison to FEMA and
like winter would never end.
although 2010 was a quiet season, she spent a lot of time with
catastrophic planning for the “Big One.” Retirement is sitting out there
tempting us so we have been thinking about it more and more. In the
meantime, we stay busy serving on the board of the Philadelphia
SHARE Food Program, serving on several committees and boards at
Berwyn United Methodist Church, as well as singing in the choir. We
also sing in a Community Choir in Norristown, which blesses us with
Fall Paul attended the 50th High the opportunity to sing in a large choir with orchestra. After some
School Reunion as a member of minor repairs to body parts needing some attention this past winter, we
the first graduating class of Buena are healthy. We enjoy getting together with friends for a night at local
High School, Sierra Vista, AZ.
theater or taking in a great concert. We enjoy the wonderful fresh
produce from our summer garden. We think of each of you often and
hope you will consider a visit and give us an opportunity to host you
before we leave the East. Love .Paul and Jan
Summer 2010 Cordes –Evans Family Reunion
Atticus , 9 and Bryce ,2 had a great time this summer playing in the cool pines
of Greer, AZ at Grandma Ruth’s . Atticus flew solo to Philly and had a great
three weeks with us. We toured historic sites, took in several professional
baseball games, had a great day at Hersey Park, attended a local science class
and Parks & Recreation Camp, and made lots of new friends.
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Atticus, 4th grade

Simmons-Graff’s love the Giants Quinn, Kindergarten
Brian and Melanie still love living in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco and recently did
major renovation of their place. Brian works as an education reform administrator for San Mateo County,
trying to make a very broken system better. Melanie has moved her office downtown and she is supervising
again. Her work still entails recruiting high-powered accountants for large companies. She and Brian are
very busy supporting the boys in their many activities, but find time to hit the gym several times a week. We
had a great visit with them the end of October where we shared in all the Giants World Series excitement.
Quinn has adjusted to kindergarten. His first year of soccer rewarded him with his first medal. Atticus
enjoys soccer, baseball and ballet; he was tapped to dance in the youth scholarship program for the San
Francisco Ballet. Developing that “six-pack” has really improved his other sports.


A June 2011wedding in a historic mansion near Valley Forge Park will be

the setting for Sarah and Mac to commit themselves to one another.
Wedding plans are just one of the things keeping them busy. Mac is
continuing his pursuit of a Mechanical Engineering Degree from Temple
University and sneaks in some time to race his model race cars, play with a
local hockey team and get away for a NASCAR race once in awhile. Sarah
is a reading paraprofessional with Beaumont Elementary School in the
local district and runs the after-school tutoring program. Since May, she is
also the Children’s Program Coordinator at our church and has done a
wonderful job getting the program organized; she works with the youth as
well as the children.


After many years of very hard work, Sarah Anne defended
and was awarded her PHD in Ed. Psychology. We are so
proud of her and proud of Evan and Bryce for being so
supportive of her crazy schedule this past year. She also has a
new job with AZ State University in the Ed Dept. Evan is a
Scottsdale Police Officer and has started to work on his
Masters at Grand Canyon College this past year. Bryce,
turned 2 in November & is a big boy (in size 5 clothes). He
keeps them on their toes as he is extremely bright (of course),
but he has known the alphabet since last winter & counts like
a 5 year old. We spent some great time with them this
summer during Jan’s Family Reunion in July & Paul had a
short visit in Oct when he attended his Reunion.

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