Behavior of The Young

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These days, the education of children is one of the most important keys to develop our
society and so is the responsibility for their behavior. It is commonly believed that only parents
are responsible for their behaviors due to the duty to their children. On the other hand, schools
and the government are also usally said to be in charge of the behaviors of the young. From my
point of view, the responsibility must equally belong to the both groups.
When it comes to the parental responsibility, parents are thought to have various
advantages to fulfill their job. More specifically, children spend most of their childhood with the
parents, so it must be their job to keep an eye on the young and to teach them how to behave.
Moreover, parents are the first teachers of their kids. They are also the first models for their
children to imitate in terms of personal characteristics. Hence, the responsibility is obviously
theirs. Finally, they are the ones who give birth to their children, so it is inevitably their job to
shape their children mindset and their attitude towards others as well.
Besides, regarding the mission of the social authority, schools and the government are
also supposed to share the responsibility. They have not only the responsibility to teach the
young academic knowledge but also the mission to form their traits. For example, it is the
school laws and the social policies that show the children their rights and their behavioral
limitation which directly found their personality and communal awareness. In addition, children
are usally emotionally affected by the environment, in other words, their peer and their
teachers. Consequently, it is the authority’s responsibility to keep track on them in order to
gradually build their proper behaviors.
In my opinion, the responsibility does not belong to any individual or organisation. It lies
with our whole society. Both parents and the authority are accountable for nurturing the young
generation. Therefore, they have to do it equally together to get the best result for the young.
In conclusion, shaping the way a child behave is absolutely the job of their parents. But
they could never do that without the support of schools and the government. Thus, it is vitally
important for the two groups to cooperate with a view to perfecting their kids personality.

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