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BSN 210

Self-Assessment Questions:
You are a nurse assessing a pregnant woman in your care for potential risk of PPH.
1. Suppose a postpartum patient has a retained placental fragment that is causing extensive
bleeding. What hormone test would you anticipate being ordered to detect whether
placenta is still
C. Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone.

2. A postpartum client develops endometritis. What would be the best activity for her?
B. Walking around her room listening to music.

3. Which statement by a postpartum client is most suggestive of a woman developing

4. “Breastfeeding is harder than I thought.”

4. What questions would you ask a pregnant woman and what would you remember to
check as part of your antenatal care visit?
A. How have you been feeling these days? Any symptoms I should know about?
B. Do screening tests
C. Ask patients about any bleeding.

5. What checks and interventions would you make during her labor and delivery?
A. Check for vital signs
B. Contractions (Time, frequency, intervals)
C. Limited oral intake
D. Pain managements

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