Cabanas, Diane (Formative Assessment)

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(Show True
(Nurture your Love)

De La Salle Lipa
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Office of the National Service Training Program

My NSTP ECQ Journal

Name: Cabañas, Kristine Diane P. Section: A1B Date: 05-16-2020

General Instructions. Each student is required to perform four “acts of kindness” which show Good Citizenship Values. These acts may involve your
immediate family members as long as you do them inside the perimeter of your house/compound. Take pictures of the acts and insert one (1)
picture inside each cell/box below corresponding to the values indicated. In 2-3 sentences describe how the picture reflects the values. Include the
date/s when you conducted the deeds. In not more than 5 sentences, answer the questions on the right column.

iNSTeP 4.0: Four Good Citizenship Deeds @ Home

How can you continue to live a life of faith in God during this time of Enhanced
Community Quarantine (ECQ)?

During this enhanced community quarantine, I never forgot

to pray. In times like this, we only have the Lord for who we
can rely. I never stop praying for our Land to be healed
again. As I know that nothing is impossible to God.

How do you promote the value of peace, love and freedom during this time of Enhanced
Community Quarantine (ECQ)?

Making face masks became my habit during this enhanced

community quarantine. And these masks are for the people who
are fighting for COVID – 19. We also do face masks for the one
who badly needed these essentials as of today.

How important is unity and respect for law and government during this time of Enhanced
Community Quarantine (ECQ)?

During enhanced community quarantine, many political

issues arise. People keep on battling about who should we
blame about this pandemic. But for me, we should think
before we act, to avoid conflict with one another. Because
our true enemy is not the people, but the virus itself. If we
continue posting fake news, many of the people will become
During this time of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), how can you show your care
for the environment on a daily basis?

I was a high school student when planting became my habit

because, for me, this is my responsibility for nature. If we
cannot take a simple action, our nature will be destroyed. It
is on our hands to maintain a green and healthy
environment for everyone.

Note: Lay-out may change once you type your answers. Please edit before turning this in. You may convert this to pdf file.

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