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Missouri University of Science and Technology

Scholars' Mine
International Conference on Case Histories in (1998) - Fourth International Conference on Case
Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Mar 8th - Mar 15th

Validity of Peck, Hanson and Thornburn's SPT

Correction Method and Soil Pressure Chart
D. S. Tolia
Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India

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Tolia, D. S., "Validity of Peck, Hanson and Thornburn's SPT Correction Method and Soil Pressure Chart" (1998). International
Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 66.

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Proceedings: Fourth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri,
March 9-12, 1998.



D.S. Tolia,Head, Paper No.l.l6

Geoteclmical Engineering Division.
Central Road Research Institute. New Dclhi-110020.


Site investigation is a scientific process. its main objective being to provide definite values of soil properties and parameters
for the foundation design and construction engineer, so that an economic and safe design can be prepared. For many years,
plate loading tests have been used and yield dependable information. Geoteclmical investigations of sands and sandy soils
invariably involve the use of standard penetration tests (SPT) but the test results are apt to be variously interpreted with
respect to foundation analysis. This paper attempts to set out a rational approach for tbe interpretation of the field N-values
upon which the allowable soil pressure of cohcsionless soils arc normally predicted. The validity of Peck. Hanson & Thomburn
(1974)'s SIT-correction method and allowable soil pressure chart arc analysed and a new SIT-correction method and chart have
been propounded in tbc background of a digest of available data and literature extent on the subject.


Standard penetration test, allowable soil pressure, settlement. relative density, angle of internal friction, foundation.


Development of foundation test borings was started in 1902,
when the late Col. Charles R. Gow introduced tbe dry SPT-correction method given by Peck, Hanson &
sampling mctbod by driving a I inch diameter open -ended Thomburn ( 197 4) is based on assumption only and may
pipe into the ground. The specifications regarding the not give the true and scientifically corrected N-value.
standard penetration test began to appear in tbe early 1930's. They have assumed for a shallow depth !bat tbe N-value at
Terzaghi pioneered the attempt at standardization of tbe J.Okglcm2 should be taken as standard and does not require
penetration test. any correction for overburden pressure effect (i e surcharge).
There is no scientific reasoning explained except
The standard penetnttion test is DO\'r' extensively adopted assumption to take care of surcharge effect at a depth of 1.0
almost all over tbe world. It consists of driving a split kglcm2 level. Surcharge effect parameter on foundation at
sample spoon witb an outside diameter of 5.1 em. internal different level and depths may be taken care separately on
diameter of 3.49 em and 51 em long, by means of a 65.0 kg different types of foundations. Why this manipulation !bat
drop hammer falling freely through a height of 75 em. The no correction on N-valuc at 1.0 kglcm2 depth and on tbe
test is usually carried out in a I 0 to 15 em diameter other hand, double tbe measured N-value at ground surface,
borehole. The penetrometer is lowered to tbe bottom of the where there is no surcharge effect on N-value. Peck et a!
borehole and given an initial penetration of 15 em. The (1974) have suggested Ibis modification to keep their
number of blows required for a further penetration of particular soil pressure chart valid and may be called 'best-
penetrometer by 30 em is taken as a measure of the fit' SPT correction chart.
penetration resistance and is called tbc 'N-value'.

Fourth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Missouri University of Science and Technology
Corrected N-values obtained from Peck et al (1974) assumed Where N' ~ the corrected N -value
melhod can not be directly correlated with allowable soil N ~the in-situ measured N-valuc
pressure, relative density. angle of internal friction of sandy po ~ effective overburden pressure (kg/cm2)
soils. Gibbs and Holtz ( 1957) have given lhe well-known
chart, fig.l, showing the effect of overburden pressure on
SPT value at different relative densities on sands. This ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE FROM CORRECTED
chart dearly shows tbat N-values from SPT tests conducted N-VALUE
at ground surface ie at zero surcharge. ranges from 0 to 20
with increasing relative density. Therefore, all measured N- As a plate bearing test is normally conducted with the
valucs at depth should be brought at the ground surface ie requirement that there should not be any surcharge around
at zero surcharge by removing the influence of effective the loading plate. Correlation of the allowable soil
overburden pressure on measured N-value. In this way, the pressure so determined with the in-situ measured N-value
SPT-correction is made by using the Gibbs & Holtz's (1957) should also be free from the influence of surcharge effects,
chart as suggested by Tolia (1971). From the point of Therefore the measured N-value should be brought to the
measured N-valuc on x-axis. a horizontal line is dra\vtt upto zero surcharge levels by lhe above mentioned N-correction
the line of overburden pressure curve ic depth of SPT test, method and then correlated with the allowable soil pressure.
Fig.l, Now from the intersection of these two lines, a
line is drawn vertically downwards so as to intersect the Mohan, Aggarwal & Tolia ( 1971) have conducted controlled
zero overburden pressure curve. The point of intersection model studies in a pit of l.5m x 1.5m x l.5m size and
so obtained is !hen projected horizontally towards x-axis to conducted plate load tests and SPT-tests in the pit at various
give lhe corrected N'-value. This corrected N'-value will be relative densities. The plate size used was 30cm x 30cm at
free from the influence of effective overburden pressure. The the center of the pit. Load.cteformation curves were plotted
vertical line drawn downwards from the first intersection for load tests corresponding to various relative densities.
point ""'ill also indicate the exact relative density of sandy Now allowable settlements were calculated for various
soils at that particular dcplh of SPT test. width of footings ranging from 1.0 m to 6.0 m, using the
Tcrzaghi's expression sis' ~ (2B/B+l)2. Then
corresponding to these allowable settlement values, the
! allowable soil pressures were computed from the
•• 1--+--+-- -· +-~-i- ~--1--+--1 corresponding load-deformation curves. In tltis way, a
z final standard Allowable Soil Pressure chart, Fig.2, was
w_ •• prepared. This chart uses the corrected N'-values for
i!• 70
determining the allowable soil pressure at any depth of soil
ww ,. stratum.

0 ..
z 30
Regarding the relations between N-value, relative density
. and lhe angle of internal friction of sands, Terzaghi & Peck
(1967) have again not taken into account the effect of
overburden pressure on N-value. SPT tests conducted at
shallow depth would give low N-value whereas at greater
deplh, the same soil wilh the same relative density would
give a higher N-value due to surcharge effect How these
Fig./. Correlation Between Relative densi(v different N-valucs could be correlated with a particular
and SPT at different overhurden pressures constant relative density. Hence from lhe Gibbs & Holtz's
(after Gibbs and Holtz, 1957) ( 1957) chart, Fig. L the N-value corresponding to zero
surcharge have been correlated with relative densities and
Therefore this new SIT-correction method wi11 not only angle of internal friction by Tolia (1971) as given below in
compute the corrected N'-value but also indicate lhc exact Table-L
relative density corresponding Lo lhe measured N-value.
On lhc basis of this new method of SPT-correction, an Tolia ( 1971) has given the approximate empirical equations
empirical equation >was given below by Tolia (1971), which (2) and (3) below, which can be used directly for predicting
can be used for SPT-correction for even higher overburden lhc relati·ve density (Dr) and lhe angle of internal friction (
pressures also: 4il of sandy soil respectively:

Fourth International
0.7 Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering 2.8
Missouri University of Science and Technology
N' N ( ------------) (l) Dr ~ ------------ N + 30 (2)
po + 0.7 ( po+0.7)
257 I
for a given bearing area under a given load. Obviously due
9 to this reason both allowable soil pressure and the SPT-

value decrease more or less with the same degree. Meyerlmf
~ ' & Nc' "r.r, No. al
......._ c(,:
( 1965) and D' Appolonia et al ( 1970) have made no
• N: 19

correction for estimating the bearing pressure for the

' I'--
lllc = Jll
' ' !1
"t::N: presence of static ground water since the effect of
..........__ ' '
Nc = 26
submergence is already reflected in the measured SPT.
~ t-

NE z
• ' .......__ '
<ic=N:l) '
• :: 23

' .......__
y X

......... kc = 20 w
« q' =N':II z After comparing lhe Modulus of Elasticity (E) and N-
• w 0

'!; w

« ' ' =N=

'lc ' !J
N: = 17
values at comparable surcharge levels and comparable
relative density, a standard chart, Fig.3, has been given,
w ~
' •
......... ....__ G~-N :7
' = '" z
Tolia (1994). This chart, Fig.3. can be used for quick
determination of modulus of elasticity of sandy soils
« ~
z NJc=IO knowing lhc in-situ measured S.PT-values at any depth.
~ w
<ic=N:o4 '
0 ~
c =6
~ ~
' '
<ic=N=2 w

......... N(: u
' '
<i 0 =M=I
' w

"'- ' u

0 150 300 .so SOD


DENSIT'W ( "4)

Fig 2. ,Vew penetration allo-wable pressure chart ~~·"" I
for footings on sands (After A1ohan, Agganval z Jo•£.
and Tali a, I 97 I) ...__
Table I. Relative Density and Angle of Internal Friction v/s 40"1.
corrected N·values. ~

Corrected Relative Degree of Angle of inter-

Density Range Compactness nal friction v~5)
:c 20 !'-.... so.,.
N-values • ~
(%) in degree "-----..._ I
I'-- oo-.
<I 0-35 Very loose,
1'-------- oo-.
1-7 35-65 Medium 30-36
7-14 65-85 Dense 36-41
> 14 85-100 Very dense > 41
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0


and fl = ------------- N + 28 (3) Fig.3. Ratio ofModulus ofElasticity (E) and Field
(10 po+7) ,')'PT-Value (N) at different overburden pressures

Where N = lhe measured N-value in lhe field

po = effective overburden pressure (kg/cm2) CONCLUSIONS

This new soil pressure chart has been tried with field data by
WATER TABLE EFFECT ON N-VALUE using author's S.PT-correction method and compares well
wilh the corresponding plate load test results. Validity of
The effect of water table on SPT value has not been lhe new soil pressure chart and SPT-correction method are
considered in theConference
Fourth International above on chart. Fig.2inand
Case Histories equations
Geotechnical (2) &
Engineering verified by comparing lhe actual plate bearing values with
(3 ). Missouri
On University of Science
lhcorctical and Technology
considerations. it is seen lhat the the soil pressures found by field SPT conducted at the
settlement increases due to submergence of the soil strata. corresponding dcplh levels by various investigators.
Moreover. this ne""· soil pressure chart is almost identical
with Terzaghi & Peck's (1967) soil pressure chart. The only
draw back with Terzaghi & Peck's (1967) chart is !hat
they have correlated lhe soil pressure with field observed
SPT-values, whereas the new soil pressure chart given by the
author, has been correlated with corrected SPT-valucs.


The paper is published wilh the kind permission of Dr. A.K.

Gupta, Director, Central Road Research Institute. New


D' Appolonia. D.L D' Appolonia. E & Brissette. RF.(J970).

Closure. J. Soil Mech. Fdns. Div. Am. Soc.civ. Engrs 96.
SM 2. March. 754-762.

Meyerhof, G.G. ( 1965). "Shallow Foundations". J. Soil

Mech. Fdns. Div. Am. Soc. civ. Engrs. 91, SM 2, March.

Mohan. D. Aggarwal. V.S. & Tolia, D.S. (1971). "Bearing

capacity from Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests"~ Indian
Geotechnical Journal. Vol.l. No.2. April,l97l, pp.l33-142.

Natarajan T.K. & Tolia. D.S. (1972), "Interpretation of

Standard Penetration Test Results". Third Southeast Asian
Conference on Soil Engineering, Hong Kong.
November.! 972.

Natarajan T.K. & Tolia, D. S. (1982). "Validity of Existing

Procedures for lhe Interpretation of SPT and CPT results".
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ESOPT II, Amsterdam, May, 1982.

Roa. P.J. and Tolia, D. S. ( 1979) "Effect of confining

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Vol.l December 14-16, 1969 pp.205-208.

Tolia, D.S. (1971). "A critical Review of Terzag]li's

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Institution of Engineers (India). Vol.4. March.l971, pp.669-

Tolia, D.S. (1991). "Critical Evaluation of IS:6403-1981"-

Proe. IGC-9L Geotechnical Analysis. Practices and
Performances. Surat. Vol. I December. 1991. pp. 25-27.

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wilh SPT and Static Cone resistance". Proc. Indian
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Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering Warangal (A.P.),
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Vol.l. December 26-28. 1994.

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