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True about Micromeritics

a. Particles are any unit of matter having undefined physical dimensions

b. Physical state of particles can be altered by chemical manipulation
c. Particle characteristics can alter therapeutic effectiveness
d. Both A and C
e. All of the above

2. The height and diameter of the resulting cone are measured and the angle if repose is calculated as?

a. LxWxH
b. true density p = w of the sample/V
c. tan ○ = h/r
d. Void = Vbulk – V/Vbulk
e. None of the above

3. Facts about the Microscopic Method, except:

a. Presence of agglomeration and particles of more than one component may be detected
b. The diameter is obtained only from two dimensions
c. Uses an ordinary microscope for particle measurement in the range of 0.2um to 1000um
d. both B and C
e. None of the above

4. Importance of packing and flow except:

a. The flow of granulation

b. Ease of working with powders
c. Efficiency of filling apparatuses for making tablets and suspensions
d. Ease of working with powders

5. All particles pass through no.8 sieve and not more than 20% through sieve no.60

a. Fine b. Course c. Very course d. Very fine e. NOTA

6. All particles pass through a no.80 sieve. There is no limit as to greater fineness.

a. Moderately coarse b. Fine c. Very fine d. Coarse e. NOTA

7. All particles pass through no.20 sieve and not more than 40%through sieve no.60

a. Very coarse b. Fine c. Coarse d. Moderately coarse e. NOTA

8. All particles pass through no. 40 sieve and not more than 40%through sieve no.80

a. Fine b. Very fine c. Moderately Coarse d. Very coarse e. NOTA

9. Upper limit of sub sieve range

a. 10um-50um b. 50um-100um c. 0.5um-10um d. 150um-1000um e. 1000um-3360um

10. Lower limit of sub sieve range

a. 10um-50um b. 50um-100um c. 0.5um-10um d. 150um-1000um e. 1000um-3360um

11. Suspensions and fine emulsions

a. 10um-50um b. 50um-100um c. 0.5um-10um d. 150um-1000um e. 1000um-3360um

12. Coarse powder range

a. 10um-50um b. 50um-100um c. 0.5um-10um d. 150um-1000um e. 1000um-3360um

13. Factors affecting flow properties

a. Particle size and shape b. Porosity and density c. All of the above d. Both a and c e. NOTA

14. The science of small particles

a. rheology b. Sieving c. Micromeritics d. Micrometrics e. Both C and D

15. Study of a number of characteristics, including particle size and size distribution, shape, angle of
repose, porosity, true volume, apparent density and bulkiness.

a. Nanoparticles b. Microparticles c. Micromeritics d. micrometrics e. Rheology

16. The following are the factors affecting flow properties except:

a. Surface Roughness b. Porosity and density c. Physical stability d. Particle size and shape e. AOTA

17. Increase the particle size increase will be,

a. Absorption b. Distribution c. None of above d. All of the above e. Both A and B

18. Particle size can be reduced by,

a. Mortar and pestle b. Grinder c. both a and c d. sieving e. All of the above

19. Sedimentation rate can be decreased by.... Particle size,

a. Increase b. unchanged c. Decrease d. equal e. None of above

20. In microscopic method, the diameter is obtained only from which of these?

A. Thickness and depth

B. Height and width
C. Length and breadth
D. None of the above

21. A relative simple technique for estimating the flow properties of a powder.

A. Microscopic method
B. Particle size reduction
C. Angle of repose
D. None of the above

23. USP Standards for powders of chemicals except:

A. Coarse
B. Fine
C. Very Coarse
D. Very Fine

24. Characteristics used to describe powder except:

A. Bulkiness
B. True density
C. Solubility
D. Porosity

25. It is usually employed as a pre or post mixing method to reduce loosely held agglomerates.
A. Trituration
B. Sifting
C. Sieving
D. Tumbling

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