413954634-Dangerous-Prayer-by-Mike-Ofegbu - Part 3 PDF

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, i~,:··i~./pr~y.~~~\~p"¥\cn~§.~~~q.€W.:;~~'{~~.ov~rcome light (10
'1:5~ '~:~f,you
.~'O;i'?OW"" are' :sincere1t a child of. God ..then,J~"A,"
use. y( ';l\kj 1\/ .:~,." .. ,l;;'.; M".
prayers to Q,V(y'r.c.olDe,,,tlleIl}.'l'~··iC
'M , Ut,;- ..I..1ll>t..j 1,;,:) '~))"
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1(1:".; '~8cp,l~~9~ft~~;Y99. fn
:pra~g"p..fiI+gy'~o~s '1?r~y~rsat .will, ,JJse~w.sl'pJ;ayer,
Y9& 90Iijiiill#oq, ;f9.r::Y~u.:.WilJ·be gr~(fyq~Ai~~.·.Qet 1
·w401~··.p~s. ~~Yeis~·'fqr~;~,~~P.',9f)li~em1
Prayerwithoutholiness is ~ uselessas a gun without oWn~sp~~~ii(
l~tl,{ ,PPyslc~,works' lp'
an4 ~~q'~1P y~,~li
bullets. "Por pi"iiyers't6 ab~eve"bre~oligh~"your and' No' man' kll<)\vtifall except ,004:' ~.~~.'.Qo~f.~~~Ys,1
get God/it must be .said in 'righteousness'> ,lithe 'effecmal ~'" : aside .somebody .whom he' usesto re~ch"a"partiCul
fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth muchH.FJ ames :;'~,','"',"".~ 'gerieratior{'tof"''b-etter,
Do not allow yourself to be
5:16b. It IS a dangerous thing for one be living in sin. to hinderance to yourself or others, Flow together with t
~p~~~plane of the Holy Ghost. .:; I .' •

, A m~ can have nothing except ,it be given ~o him , .' '. \. I , • ~... • • I " ' ••

from'':above; 'Dangerous Prayers, books' 'ar~ nbt your j , . Avoid the

'd~ger, of wo~lcll~~s's or ·y~u·~ becor
BIble" sd'tembmber'- to 'read your "Bible, rdaily, 'to ~:pe ,:!
an enemy of God. Youarethe living epistle, let ye 'so
equipped with the living word of G6d:,:, "Yo\u:\
breakthr01!.@is in your h~d ....If~Qu have determined to

- light 'shine 'befoie.' men, that they may see it and glori
your God in Jesus. name, Amen.
. ,then Y.PJ.l m:USt1't)e. detefiniriell 'l ·1
m '"", ~..i,'".. lI' '1:1." :"'1-" r ••• ' \ ,~~ I'"~'''''b ••.••
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'(;'iW KI(h~O~-,p.J{. ...~ '{A(Jn ~;r':/
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Remember, that you are;nQt:PJ:!\y.i.*-g;~ga~n~~~~Y) :",i ::~:: .,:,. .I ••~: ': .:' ~,,;' '::: ; •': i '~

human bein,~: You are only 'p'~aYll.lg a~i:1~~ji)j9.yt:,~~my,;fi Mike Ofoegbu .: .. .....:
- Satan and his demons which are using.human 'agents,:,,) . '. • • • ~ 1 " t" .." : I • \". \" \. •••
• • '0,'" I" , : :.,~ .•.•

against you, Read Ephesians 6:.11:-18. T4~:battle. iSI~~9Y!

a: physical one, so, avoid challenging your neighbours ;,) I. )

'.!.'; '~f :.... " '\:~~"~

.openly or publicly. Never you call any person a witch or '.,:,'1

wizard. if you are been disturbed by them, the cure of, " .. '.il:. ./c .• ! .•

" I .~" .,'. • ..,' ~

',,' .c>

viii .

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ancnllimyrifiihim.:rres have
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\ ::.r: Testinionies'fiihr:(j
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Thed6'are soirie·:bftheie·~tim8riies
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of'those'~hoh~ve . ;..:..:':',.i·c·e~sed:·pf3is'e"Goq: .'':'~.,,>~_..
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prayed With Dangerous Pnlye~s!part'i .and 2 .', . \~/<i.n·, • ''-''.'' ,., ..1': fC' . :,.~.
t. ". :~, '- '.: .,; "Ada» Benue.
~". '. .' Dfi.E.~!1,)' ., .~. ~~;;J
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\J' ~ !' , .
~ '. .', ,
,'" .':' , • '.'. .

:.~'::,A ft.et~~~::.*~e~:?~ 4~~j~(p:~~e~9~,~:; ,~~~~~s,

Landlord .iiianifested publicly ..by coiifessing how
~,.. <f.o~~Y~ ..~~' ~usine~~ ,~~~.~~~.o..,~~$:l.hom.~
. ." -.<;t~out,'but~er Ikept night vigil With the Dangerous
be aIi(lIlls.-rn:2)tlier·hadbe\~itch6d:Ih~:;He s~dthat
.' ." .. . ..... ,...,.. . ....
/",I ." II' ' ' ..•. , "', ,
! :;':Piayers,~r:~edu1ie
;:' my :busmess"'b~gan 'to :fre'e:'and
. ··poom. Praise' 'God .Almighty.
I ", . , • .. - ,'. ,'. .• "...... ,~, I'· '.. .j" •• " ,';."

.; "theychained my bus~ess~lcov~red iny progress 'and i' .:; .': ..., ..f'-: I. :;

. :'h6v/he ;r"pr~rforiIiel rituals' ~g''aiiIst me 'With ori~

~: " • • :.... " .', I ",,' • J
,I. . "'.. ' '. :.":"~.!':" )'::>~.-. . Chigbafa
~"Onitsha '~r, , .•.•':,.. ,', !...") ,"

'.:-~ hundred 'native doctors." .' . ..,.... . ... :' .1 ~J':.. . !.. ,:.
, , '," , • . '. ' :," L .' .' ' '.. " .., ' . , ( •• I" " .~'''l '

, NiCb.:~las _ Lagos,
.,1:.' •.. •.. ' .,.• :' '·..··-1·was formally an'applicant; but after I prayed the
: .. : .'. . Dangerous Prayers, the Lord gave m~ a good' job
* Since I started praying Dangerous.Prayers, my'faith . and more' offers ate 'stillcoming ·rn.···:> '.' " .'
has bec?me stron~er ~d "my .hope has increased, . : ". ~ ·,~~h?1de ..~Lagg,s .'
My business has. increased tremendously and my ".~. . ,.'. .'
life has changed automatically, '~ ,,~.,\,.. "...: * I used the' Dangerous Prayer hook for God to touch
. ...• : .h· 'Mbaougha- Kaduna. I :', ~~
he~.~~.tho~~·~h.~~~me ~Q~e~Q,~~~,:Aft~r
. the prayers, God touched them and, they 'all paid
* I cannot thank God :enough for the. physical and I '. '. their debts:'· ' .... .- . .".,. ':::.' :.' i.:.:'::.
spiritual deliverances I received .after praying Aboge ~ Agege.
. ~;1
Dangerous Prayers. A medium size cockroach
jumped out of my ear, the battle lasted for an hour f?i, 5.l~F~'
*...::~(';.?~~?:~d~~~::~,ick ~.~~~~,~eFP~.aying
between 2 a.m. and 3 'a,m, :..' . . .' Dangerous Prayers for him, he wasl'i.delivered
.' .-;, . ',' I :.1
.' I •..• t ' /.'. :' .•• ')' ;." i .,('~ ." .','.' I

Lawal- Nigeria. .i; wasliealed co·inpletely.~Praise theLord .. " .. ""r.i..i'f~"'" ·"-':~·'I~ :.~ , ..•



:,.I::,,;, -,H.-' I~~)<).·. ..... Udoli _ Lagos . 1,.' ,'.:' .

.::~JD'\~·;·.;:~'~:~;~~~~t h'!:· ~;~:~. :~.' '
* Iwas a month pregnant when my husband divorced ., • 1'1'" \".1\.... .••. :-,.', i.•.~ ..' ~.:: " .,.. : '.' -: t· . -"; : . ",:

me. After I prayed the Dangerous Prayers, my * ....

I am' from"llifidohitfous' family
. / ... r
boundunder a serious
';' ,1

broken home was restored and one month later, I curse, 'b~t 'since I started praying Dangerous Praye~s; ...'
put to bed, a bouncing baby boy, I passed my my family curse was b~Oke/;\ My confused fartlJ7,1

__ .• _~.~.•.._.••.
~.••.\"<t,~'~'::"''''j,'o)'''''im:!i'3'I~';1!1,:i~a-''.-i::I:.rI ~-;w.••jI''~·l'l'tn: .•••• "~""''''i!V'
••• ••~,e¥ •• _1 •• -;..~~.=.T'~'T",""""""""':~"''''''--~- r-,

'. . 5;
-. "
.. .
I , I

, . was united arid those 'who hated 1.:,.me without .cause ".* :Mf{p~om:otio"Ii',~as'delayed
';b~li,·.~ft~'t;tistrig the
. ..",' ••I •••.•• .I.:
Il'("j.';J. •• , .•. ,,:.i)

; have turned to be' my loving friends. "My business.

t •.' 10 •• t , •• 1"'1 " • d.a.J If.. '........... ;'. "
. 'Dangerous Prayers it vias released,:I:am promoted. -
• . '. • • .~. loll I •. ' ~,.t,'''''Z .'

.: " .is al~B.,boo~g.··Prais·e God. '. .": ... ", , '. '.;'): ....:, " Marantha - Ibadan.
I! '..
.... ,".!~, " . "'.: ,', I.' ',I
. •.• ' ••. "

. Sattey - Ghana
:.:\~ ,;) ")~::::'.\.'. :' ::::.·;ir .;~::':':~!'1,!3(' _,'.~:"'"''

\ .• ',
..;:...• '

. '.

,',- , J"~ \

. ~ .•.

. . There arelots of shocking

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'i . 's


testimonies receiy~q from

{)·f.~;r~$)':;1 ;'~; ~:Q'~", ,,~:\./ 1~': ~J:..: 'I.;)r::f~ (.,i:: ::i. :,1
I,. . J J.. . ..... " .., . "',.: ~)J ~ .••
* .Forthe :past 7 'years, '0,I 'have not .slept in my fathers all over the world and we cannot publish all, .because it J .: ~.'

will take another voluminous book to do so." Please,

,J •• , ,'. • ~ •• '. 0 ••••• / , ::' "

! • '. I . " o!!!. .' I .1.. ,.·1.1, ..• "....

house, because of demonic attack, but after I held a \

. " '•..• ' • .;

seven days' night vigil the whole house was set on

t ~~ :.•- .•••••••••. ,.; .••. ~ .• ", .~.'
those that serit their testimonies should bear with us. Your
Holy Ghost fire and I now sleep there confidently
'. _,' .' ••• 1 '~ " '0 • •
test~~~ies may .appear "in part 4.' '~J2!U)@Yillg. your
~way. c):' fl·e?·r rrc:.~))-~y ~-.f'il
, and coirifdItably: .
.. I .• ' O~n~~e .;.Nigeria.
All about DangerousPrayers
* In my 7days 'night' Vigil ,With Dangerous Prayers,' I . 'Part 3
dreamt of a ,snake coiled on my' upstairs window *. Dangerous Prayers .part 3 is quite different from
frame. On the day I finished the prayer, my wife Parts 1 and 2- '
spotted physically the same 'snake Isaw in my dream .
coiled on the same Window frame, Istopped praying, * Dangerous Prayers part ? attacks and destroys all
'killed the snake ~d burnt it ·that rii~t. That .was the demons that. Satan has assigned to attack you
'.how my family and I were delivered frot;n years many m every year.
of suffering. '
Dangerous Prayer 3, gets dip into tVie Spiritual realm,
Samuel - Lagos ..,..;.
.... ,,,, *
.to attack all your-attackers ',' .... <. .: .'..
* (have been married ;;e~s without issue' f~~:2 ~y . ';:. ': :"1,:.".: ',: ~ ~ :'
* . . These prayers createconfusion inthespiritual realm
, •_. ' ' ..... ~.:' ,'. . .... .'

as a result of
a. moving object in my.womb. I ate, among the demons that have gathered against you
made love and had spiritual children but when I or your family.
started 3 'days fasting and prayers with Dangerous
Prayer, the Lord delivered me. Amen.' . * i~
Th~s.~.praYers, . wi~. t;renwn.d.9}.!~.firethatSatan
.., '." Keribo - Nigeria and hi['(Iemons cannot. .swaHQW,therefore~Y9JJJ

~: ".',
tmi~_~~js yqll pn~y_ with ful~' ".
:~~~~~~_~!1 ",'

xii xiii

~il1ifJOW;fwlJ,en.::qnd ~w/lJir!!:~~tO,~Jtr.f!,~;~~:i~~~<~
": IUU PH"] ~~'''''''''''.J
~-, - ---
i: the midnightand early, pours of themorning.
lidU CU;)V H A ._

nOlV ·,<~\ri~~.tJ·f'3;(r6'I·q··W(Ylf:}\11""~(J;
if ""-<'(':'(/ I"W".... :': !,r.. ,."-,I'",,~
:_. ,.,. ~,~. 'l .' ,,": ~,~ *? ,
·coO ~ :'-~:'. ~t:!;:
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i),:: ~·.;·i).;;:')'-.;' ~:,)
*:;::r;y~U'mii'sf~'con:'feSS'every-sin consciously': and. * When things are not moving as supposed to. '
unconsciously committed beforepraying ~the~y
.:' .prayers, :bec~iise~?sin'·is·:!a':t¥dibJ~')h'jD'tleraB.6{ to . '"
.' ""'p'rogressivt{prayeis~;i!.'£s:~"~:::"'f '.: ...~: '::'.;1;:,VJ ,sdr 1~y\~ill:. Where •
• '
t- ~'"


•:•...• :.,~ !,. ",i::: ',:d :;,i:,.:f.1(~ ,:\j;)!t.:~"~;.i.,:,.:-'1:.1:~':~'i(:'S ~'·I'JE1,ft~·/! *.: ·:Pray these prayers where.ianytime, and anyday .
* r. 'These praYers ··aftf-not the'tiPe'you'lbaii:klleel:dowb , J' ..

: ' 'while prayingbecause theyare 'dangerouswarfare To the Man of G.0d·· ...

prayers. . :, ' .' . -,..
Dearly beloved, calvary greetings to you and.the 'flock
of Jesus Christ. Please encourage your Church or
* Pray with faith'believing that eye'rythffig that .oom..es'~'""
Fellowship members to give themselves to prayers. Do
out of your mouth must come to pass. riot hinder them from praying these prayers just because
* Avoid shouting during the 'night prayers if an; iou you 'are the Author. Let us .encourage one another and
God Will bless us for we Must surely give account of
living in a crowed house, because shouting may your
;';;"1.: ~~...~.':
disturb others.Pr~y out in the normal charged way,

Pray the whole prayers ~tonce',


"" -<~. ,:
our stewardship -to God.

God bless you my beloved. Ple~se~1rive'

household of God corrimitted into your-hands into the
to 'lead the

~:.~-. :.....;...
.. : .
* -You may' have a spiritual attack after .praying this' Kingdom of God for the ..t~~ i,~Y~fJ sb.ort~emain
prayers. Let not your heart be troubled, .because blessed,. .. . . .. .)
i.',.·. ".' . ' . :-' ...-:'.: ··f· :"Mike {)foe bu
your prayers are bulldozing the spiritual' mountains, . ;;:-.' ':, t:· . :~ , ,~',"~.l ' ' r.:. ' '.' ;., g
, so there-may be little reaction, .',
. : ~i'~:'" ':'!, .:', , "~"" . . .... .' ,'.
f,~, ,I
... , ."Wa~~~ing"
When Please, give your life' to Christ, before praying these
* In .severe .demonic cases, pray .these prayers for prayers. Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and
.seven nights from
12,fnidnight to ~a.t:n. using the Saviour. the prayers begin 'from the next topic' "Praise
" wholeparts of Dangerous 'Prayers. ' 'You can add";"'" ,.I'.~ .and Worship"
fasting' to:it from '12' midnight to Sp.m. . .'
xiv xv


...-. .••.••••••• - •••••••••••• H.~~

~~~l{lQJiw:aC<il:='~A ••I •• a"U;~~;~"'.JloJ;,l~~~(?~,~!i~~);:~)~~~§:i;t~~,~I~_~t:-!.?h~~.~7.r,::"O;:~'Y~.!,.,~r.'~"-~-"--"---- --- -- i
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Ur.. h
nors l"p·,f,
".l:' .
• t.
''l.f';·,'-jfl';·· .A 1 • " . ~ ,. ~ ~.-
..me ; Jr.l!q~o~..l!er§ballggther t.0gethie,':.:~gainstthee shall
" Forjihe:presep,ce of,Go~.~ghtYit.9fbe:witli!you,· .fall-for, tby §C(k~t:; Verse 17 .,Sqy~,·I'PlO.weapon 'that is.
praise him enoughwithdevotionaland worshipsongs formed against meshall prosper; and.every tonguethat
before youstartthese.prayers.roo ~·:~,i.~]rl:r
t·~·: f.i:.;ijV": -: shall rise against me in judgement' 1 shall condemn.
. This 'is. my heritage-because I am. 'the. H~rvC!nt of.the
Prayer of Agreement \.",~::,:,\'
~i Lord and myrighteousness is of God, saith the LORD"
In-the powerful name .of out Lord Jesus Christ of
"1': ,

Nazareth) Heavenly Father)' I lift up my hand in agreement My family and I are covered by the blbo'd of J~sus
and chain prayer .of faith with the Holy Ghost Anointed Christ. We will not have any spiritual or physical attack.
Book Ministries Prayer Squad, Because it is written that I command the Holy Ghost fire to consume all the
two' are better than one'. 'Oneshall chase a-jthotis~d but demons and agents of Satan that were assignedto attack
. l..
,',: " two shall chase ten thousand." '~galn, I untoyou, say' me or my family after praying these prayers in Jesus,
t~a:~ ..if.~~· of you shal! :agree· ·ortear~~·'as. touching Amen.
I"' anything 'that they shall ask, it shall be 'done for them-

I:, ojmy 'Father. which" is .in heaven ,'..."Matt. 18:19, Ecc.

'D~ " ." ..", ,~." . '~'..... Power in the Word
4:.9, eut. 32:30' .... .
Confess the following words of God to .yourself:
. ,~ v: .
Isaiah 10:27 - It is written- "And it shall come to pass
ft;;;.,' . I b~1ieve that God ~il,l 'answer all qlr..m.ay~ I

1 in that day, that his burden shC;tt-b.8~aken away from

p~y_~q~j~}esu~ N~~?u¥~l!:' . . .:,~'. . . '. -c
"I .•.

,,'.'jl, :,ill.
.•... ::. ·~"·"'r:·"·"-·""·:· .•...... ! ' v , ," : ;',' off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the
"I~:'" .,'. ,... ~.. . .. .: . .; .. "'\, ..
yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing". .:.
~., , Attacking forces ofSa~an' . .'"-:':.'
: .:~;:.
In the wonder-working name 9.four Lord Jesus christ Confess ., Heavenly Father, take away all the burdens of
ofNaiarefu, Ahnighty Father, I strongly come against all . Satan from Jl1Y shoulder and his yoke off myneck. I
the attacking forces of Satan, (whom) satan has assigned ;co'inmand'all the Satanic yoke upon me to be destroyed
to attack me spiritually 'bi' physically during or after this completely, because of the anoirtting of the Holy Spirit
dangerous ..»prayers.. ,,\,~ '.: '.".. :-..: . I, .

in Jesus name, Amen .
.• . . ,.', .' , .: ;,; -~.:. .: ';:!.'

It isclearly- written in the book 'of Isaiah 54: 15" !I

':'PhiiijJjJians 2:10-11 -- It is written, "That at the name.'
Behold, they shall surely gather together,', but not-by.
)(oj JesLls 'every ·knee should bow, of things in heaven,

.. il1'i.',
1. , .,..;.. "'l 2

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':;,'" ; v. \""a~~.~)j;~~~~~h'<'~~~!.h:\::,,9:nd,:~~~i~~~t~~fjer::t~~.i·~(j;'~h.;. 'And 'cAJ:n~'~

,! ',;~C(hJfess,~ j{eaveIilyiFathet~!:iheai-":ril~::'speedilY~'
,~Ji'a(\~l~"I~~'~to~~e" sh'9:a?4,p'q.rff.es~'t~qr:Jes~s;(Jk;'ist.:is ',.- my resciIeJorithe, enemies, ite;about tolaugh :at ,m.~::"Hidi-.:
".. ·'if·h:-~Y.~~~~'"
l.J ranotne loryo,\J()a~me'.f'a
'v th "11 "' ...
er. ,,' ""\";,'1:'
""'. .'.
'I not your facefrom me;' lest I be like them that .godow»
, I
,\,i:"I"W.)~\\\,:~ \\i',',\'/
'Ie' I
, '.\~. ",
".>. ..,~;,,"j;,:t:Jl"rs~,~,",.:. ':,'.',' ': r ,;.. ; ::..:, ' I1 .in tbthe:·p·l't:J:,,;,·:.i"\,'\··:~..l...
. l'
' .', • ""',.,..J • J. J.' . , .'.'
".: :'., '..
• ,,; I ,.". hI , •. ~ ··f'
I • • -~ "'·t~'t.\'.li.tt '

"·C,(J!.if.essn~ci'ave~::~~ef;\~,.~~~~~ all the, powers'of ! "'7~:":;-'::;;'t;\i',', i\"itl,':, "~~'·'!\~,)(\~.'ir/·

, .;''·':r~·· ~'.:-, ·:i,,~··,':'''l·:·;'.:, i.:..:::.: .:,\",:.

~,Qar~~~~{l~ r~;9~lf~
··kllebs:·rlfgw. 'to .the Lordship 'of. ;'. Psalm 103·:13 -- It is written. "Like as a Father pitte
.his children; so ..'the LD RD pitieth ". them that /e.{1.f;\hiri1

. "

,,' \.: ":>">·L j'1J( t:)~l,:Y}

- ; ,'.; ..:: > ' ? ,::,
nairi.~~Anicilr;': ~i~~,
~~\-:.: ~.';". " '. . .
:.Confess ~-Merciful Father, have mercy c:n me and.delivev
,.:; i!")·\~~~,i'!
.."; .' ,.:,.
".: " ':" ">' .. :. . , me from all rny.troublesfor no one else can helpme bW
j .. ~: " "., .. - •. :, '. ':'." ,,, , • .

,', "I - .'

.Proverbs· 30:5 ., It is Written). "Eyery word of Gbd is ,!'

you inJesusname.Amen. .
'pure:"heJis it 'shield unto 'therkihat}:Jui·their {rust in ••.• .~', ! I .,
/ .
him 11 .. ,;i Zecltariah 2: 5 -:--It is written" "For I,.saith the LORD
; . ~,

r will be unto her a wall to fire roundabout, end will bi

Confess - Heavenly Father, your '?loid is pure .. 13'~a "I': the glory in the midst of her",
shield unto me for I put my trust in, you .in Jesus ·,name)· ,.;

Am~n:':,.':' '. .
Isaiat: 11:,2 •• It is written. 1.'AntJ.1he·~pltlt op.l~~fk9r1J
:.' '3/~;;;:':~l1!';«;';i;>"Rt",,; '.
. I,
Confejs r:'A1mighty Father, be unto me a w8.11offire anc
let yqurglory shine in my 'We in Jesus name, Amen,
." ',.
shall rest upon him,' the spirit of wisdomi',/'(2nd Mica" 5:9 -- It is' written. "Thine handshall be lifted
understanding, the spirit of c(j~nse~~.nc!.ff1.!~ht,t~:~:,~pirit up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall
of knowledgeand of th~fear~p[t~e :~OfSP::'~.~ -:/}.:i';, be. cut, off',.' . ~' :" ..; ~.,;>'. '.':.:, '.
" .: '-" "' -, - ', : ... "f:"~ '~:.;:~'!i&~.:
COI~ef$ '-~:~eay~nly,~ather, iricup~te':~~?~~}~~i~P~~t
of wisdom, understanding, .'c?'f1selli~g,:i111~\~.?11~~~
CoitjeS$ ~ileayeilly:Fath·e~,lill
•. :,. , .r. '.' '.' .• , , .1 ~ '/ " , '. t, • • .
up my.hands " ••.
upon my
, ...

adversaries, .and all.my/ways,Cut off all enemies that

and,the fear of the LORD m':the mighty ..~~~:;~f;:X~~~~ '. ,. ,'. ",' .'

.Satanhas assigned .to attack me in Jesus name, Amen,

."l, ~,' " • •• ,.'. • ,. ,

Christ ofNaz th , ..,:.' .,~,.iI,i .!.! '.. . ..

are . ""
• \. • 1,·." ,,,', '. • '

\:".~:;i'i':,:. "

\" Psalm ·143 :7 z: It is written, "~'Heq~ ~f.n<~T:W~~~,~VY,:kO. Lamentation 3,44 -- It is written. "Thou host covered
LORD: my spirtt faileth: hide not-thyfdc~'fr6rrf~i1e,~lesf , thyself with p" cloud, that our prayer should not pass
I belite unto them that go down int6:;(ije.PWi,O:';.'··· ..·:;f~{::}\
~ " ,' , ," , ,,' '.. ': \ ~t/ '~ ....
: through I'. ...)
. ,·t, "~ -», , . ';,.:';..~. '.~~'.~(, ;~~~~:: ".
.' . 3 :",""'~:"~'r'~'-:.\~' '. 4
-', l " • ' ," >·,:.(~·:.:~I~~~~~t~lt
~~t confess ....Heavenly.Father;

remove everylcovering that Phillipians 2:.9-11: -:.l"Wherejore GOd aJ~O' nuu, (H6" •r
.is ~ ~dt:aiices to myprayers 'hrJesus'rlame,~,An1en//, 'exalted 'hirf(:imd, him ,::(; given
inamewhich .is above
'I" ;!',',,":!~),i:"dl :1"::',;d', '~":""",:' '""",,",
"": ,',;.,:,:,' 'every,name:,Th{lt atihe name
of Jesus every knee should
t Lamentations 5 : 7 -, It is writteIi. "Our Fathers have bow,' of things in heaven.iand things in 'earth,' 'andthings
'sinned, and are not: and we have borne their iniquities".
" "
. if rI
I. f' i.', ."
under 'the earth, Andthai'every tongue -should.canfess
that JesusChrist is Lord to the glory of God the fath er".

Confess ..:.'Heavenly Father, .I confess -allthe sins and '
wickedness ofmy ancestors. I reject all their evil ways-> ,""'.' Lord Jesus Christ, as I am praying now in your name,
t and I turn unto you for total cleansing. Father, according I cOfI1!11and,~ve.!1iiii\?/~r,of darkness to how at I?-~_w~d
tb.C:l.1..th,~tS,cnptuI:~ be fullilleaT<'ftlie glory of osr our
to yourwordthe Hghteous in Christ shall. not bear ,the
.Father.." ' .,' ---~
i iniquities Ofthe wicked. My .dear F~ther,~break every
£..ursethat is upon me, bec;au~e of their sins. I am totally
!' free ID Jesus name, Aiilen. ' .": ' Thepresencepfthe Holy Ghost
'",In the excellent name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
'GodAlmighty Nazareth, God the', Holy Ghost, I respectfully
i In the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of acknowledge your divine' and .glorious presence in this
f' Nazareth and in the power of the 'Holy Ghost, Father, I place. Thank you, my beloved comforter, for all yOliW'
t protection and guidance in my life. Please, my honourable
acknowledge your divine presence here. Let your glory
,fillthis place ahd,~tY9_urjlQYleIJ}l'.er.tbrow,alLthe.p-o.w.ers, , Senior Pastor, 9irec't"my1rayers in your own ways, and '
of darkness against me in Jesus name, Ameri. pray through me according to the perfect will of God,
Release your anointing on me, so that I will be able
, 'ThePresence of the Lord Jesus Christ i to stand against all the powers of darkness, that are against
In the-victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of I me. I rec'eiye the anointing QfbQJdn~ss. atld...faith, in my
·lify in Jesus name, Amen, ' ,
Nazareth, Dear Lord Jesus, I acknowledge your "diVine .,'.,',,' l,
presence'.and your glory all over I know iIuite well me. Thepool of the blood of Jesus Christ.
that without yoU I can do nothing, therefore, help me in
t@~e-PIay.er& In the protective .name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Heavenly Father, with your authority, I release,
... ~

Victory is always ip ,y~t1!,~~~,~..fQljL.iLwritten..:i:~~ the pool of the blood of Jesus Christ to cover me .:and

5 6

'>~.. "~~.r::~:~.- --77~:~.~~--~-'··-·-=~-:'~._._=-=.:.2:~~:=':::"'F'~'''''~(';':~~'',~7
',;',.,1:.. s , ;-~~:~.: -.E:::':::!!::!L~:':;·:'·:!:'':5:r:~~::;,~2~~·;~r.2."':!=.~':f" _~
-i:~' ..--:....~ :".';··.;.l,~·~';"":4""'''''''~·''~---- i .,.._.•
~\J} I
in·y\surroundings. I. use .thebloodoftlesus Ghri~tr;t~:
1' .. ..'
1 ars '. 0J.
')Efltre .;
.. .: ,., ,.r ,.:~ ·,h" I i \.1 ( JI ", .•• "

V:' .. neutralise all the toxic substances of Satan and his'demons. : . In the wonder working name 'Of our Lord Jesus Christ
~".; i Icover mys~lf) my family.and all mypropettieswith the. ofNazareth, H~~yenlY'F~th;ef, builla'ti.edg~of fire? walls
precious blood' of .Jesus .Christ of N azareth ..iI )r~ceive . of fue';'pillafs'Of fire'; moililfci4is 'of fire '~Ci valleys)of fil'~ .
around me in.Jesusname+Amen.":
·'1·..... ' "... (·It•...,·l·,.. ,..· .,
: ~e:tectio~::~:n:Jes~~.
f .and nothing s . 'means .inJesusname,:


" .,'; "...

, ::1.':>:.; .... .:.).;:;.1'"11 .:1..::'"


I I..
•••••• 'iI"'"
• •••..•• ~ :',: r1 ni',: ,f ,I ~ ~.: ~ 1;;.:~.',

r . Amen.
It is .written in the book of Zechariah 2:-S;"tFdr:"],:"
t·: saiththe LORD,· will be unto her a wall -of fire round:
~; . . ..Garment of 'protectlon about, and will be' glory inthe midst of her' Irelease
f; In the powerful name' of our Lord Jesus' Christ of the fire of the Holy Ghost tocover this place, I command
{i Nazareth, Almighty Father, I put on the garment of . the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy any demon that
'I';' protection against all the powers of darkness that might raised up his head against my prayers in the mighty name
j; want to fight back as ·theY are being '~ftacked by my ':~'VI''''. of Jesus. Amen. .
.:;. pray~rs now. I release God's protection 01+ every corner
:~; of this place. I command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy Demons that cause weakness .
f any demonthat wants to attack me spiritually OJ; physically In the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
ti as I am praying now in Jesus name; Amen,' ; Nazareth, Dearly beloved Father, I come against all the
li. demons that cause me to be spiritually or physically weak
~. Mighty Angels.' '.. Holy Ghost, consume all the demons in of 'weakness
t~ '.' In the
mighty name of bur -Lord Jesus Christ of
. prayer, weakness in going to church; weakness' ~m-:-tEe
f~ Nazareth, Heavenly Father, I 'give 'YOll all the 'praise, thmg's of God and general weakness
irimy life and body
. »"
r. h?no~rand glory, F~~~~~~.gtiQ~.)!5l1L~a!e I in Jesus name, AIDen.· :... '. ,: .\ '" '
given to me, I release your mi~angels"'of war to come, I . f?> '
down andguard this place against tlie'llifrusloo'gf satan . .1.
1 Offensive Demons
and all the powers of darkness, I In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, Almighty Father, I rebuke, bind and cast into '.
Father, like wax before the fire is melted 'into liquid, the.._~Qy,s.s., all the demons that Satan has released. to war
let your mighty angels destroy any demon that wants to against me from the air, the land, the sea arid 'under 'the'
attack me in Jesus name, Amen.
<, sea. '1 command them to be chained until the judgiTI~nC'/
.,~.•,.;.. "I.
7 8

:...w.·-:r •.~..•.~•.•.•••.•• -:--''1.••~.•,~,·••y~.~:-·,...,'':¥X''I''~~:j:..,.r"'~~-"..

.•.•,..:-.·h'''I''''',..·:-.'!'lc.~~~.("r,~'<:'!.II~"".::'~~":":'IOO::-"''''''''''''·'T.',--..._. ·_
t- , I .'

.day of.the LORD in Jesus.name, Amen',
• • , l ~ ,..' '" I" \ M _ t ~
"'. u·'
to be' spiritually .andphysically .awake, in the name oj
i It.•!,,;·.!:)' '11.,:" ;"1' .;. .:.. ,",.:~'., \"( : ';': ,:(.: -d' Jesus. ;·1.d~~tr'9y:11ll
t;li~cords .ap.~p~~§ "thatthe enemy
t; . .:' . .'· •• :.,DemonsonAsslgnments ( "_ . has ~~e~j.~ #.e~g}l~y~anqs. ~P.iP.~~Yi~Q.·asto ,di~wrb
, ." • , ",,., ,,/ •. ,/ ••• :.,' I.. .' • I' ; •• . I .. " I. ,~~:," ~
, ,
.. " .In. the wonderfulname. of our.Lord.JesusChristof
" • • . / '., '. • ,... ' • _~., '. ' :" I '• .1 t.• , 1~: • • •• ~ f ; ••
m~.:~om:.p.94i~Ying,aq.:y;gO.9d :ip:jhi~;w.Q.rl.~..: .I .release
: "Nazareth, Heavenly Father, 1come against all the demons myselfrightnow iu)esus name.' ~.~~':':~ ;':'." ' .. ;;'.
: that Satan has assigned 'against nre. tJ}_~e demoD:s~ib.~i . . . . ';':::ri!, '··..

~re ass~&!edto_followand hinder me all the days of ffi.J' Anti-Clock Wise Clock
1ifs from the air, the land, the sea and under the sea, I In the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
command the Holy Ghost fire to make all of them. to Nazareth, Heavenly Father, I come against the
manifestfrom their hideouts now. '.' anticlockwise clock that Satan and .his demons set has
against my life, my ..business, my family, my career.my
.As you manifest) I command you "to be bound. I educ~tion and everything about my.life. .
:1\1' commandyou to be still and harm:less.. Icripple an your
strenghts and powers and be casted into the abyss in the I break the second, minute and hour hands of that
mightyname of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. anti-clock wise' clock which Satan is using to slow down
, ',i'
my progress, to make things happen in contrary to my
Sleeping in the Spirit ....
,......,.,. expectations, to bring hatred in my life, to cause accident,
.In the wonder working name of our Lord Jesus Christ to determine death against me and to hinder. me from
of Nazareth, Father, I come against all the demons that prospenng.
IIr~' havemanipulatedme, and 'made me to be spiritually asleep
.1 •• ;
while Ireinain awake in the physical. I rebuke, bind and I use the hammer of God to destroy that anti-clock
'.cast into .hell fire all those demons thathave put my wise Clock anywhere it is in the air, the land, the sea and
business, my ministry, my career and all my endeavours under the sea -, I command the' Holy Ghost fire to destroy
ii , tosleep .': J it 'completely in'tlie··.ID.ighty·name· of Chris(- I Jesus
."command all my movement; pro gress in life, to be clock
I~ r 'remove all the garment
of Spiritual sleeping from ~ wise totheglory of God Almighty in J:e~msname, Amen.
my body. I command the Hoiy Ghost fire' to destroy
. 11,
/ . those garments in Jesus name, Amen. .I command IP.y.
business.my ministry, 'my career and all my endeavours, .

la" 9 10
-",' '-,,, -.. ':"i'""~.,, .••
_~-""lW ..• : J..".,. ,- ..•• 'Y':',' """. .-, '-!' • ":'~.-, ··n.7t"1t'.',w~~r~·0I>·J' ·.-.·'~I',;. o:;.,,.. ,.,..,~•. ,••...••
;,,,~~, •. ,'. ~.

~::!,:"",,-"""''''"~'''--''''~''''''''-.''-'.' •••..•
-.-.-••.. -'. - "'.'-"'."'-' -~.-.~- ...•
';t.. . -

~~j, ~lf' . ;..;:

fi..~~. . .. «Demonsof-Accident ."J.,. : "!.' .':.:.
r.·•..• ,,:'
t .' .
. .' . t •• ' (,I.. , "," .
to'mein Je'sus".nam e.: . ",- .,:- .' '" ..JJ. "i »> ., ". ~"
.'~. • .' .r,«:». •• '., f~•. t- ,:.. .. , I ".\~"':"""":.:

~." ~:. I~';i the' Vi&ori~u~:~iapie?~Fp)*

'Lord rJeSllS ~Qhrist:bf
. ':,!.~~:l'( :.~r:' 'J 21'[1 i';' :;'1.1.:
';.'. l··Naiateth,.~ghtY.Fathef; r6ofu~against all the'demons I ~... i; L:D~mons.ofs:tealing and1dlling.J,!:/; .:!
'1\:': that Satan ~as.sent ~o~ailse:accidentiri mylife this ~ear ... T . r. In the ·pro.te9tive'·,n~(f\of;our lJbr(:t:.re·~hs'Christ :01
'::' I rebuke, bind and cast out of my ways all those demons J
••• , Nazareth, .Orrinipote 't.i.father;'·'~Fcohle::agairlst 'all "the
t of accident anywhere they are in the air, the land, the sea
and under the sea. . ':.
demons .of'stealing and' clI ing that Satan ~has.ra~signed
against me this;¥e·ar.·.-Ifis\i\:vriti:enin the.boo'kcf1ohtil 0: 10

. '-
"The thief cometh 'not, but for to steal, ana to kill, .and
~ ,',"

. ~::;':
I'command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all those to destroy, 1am come that they might have life and they
demons right nowin the mighty.name of Jesus Christ of I might have it more abundantly".
f.~. Nazareth. Isprinkle the blood of Jesus Christ on all my
ways and Icover any vehicle Iwill enter with the blood
of Jesus to the glory of God in Jesus name, Amen.
Icommand all those demons that have been assigned
··W"!T against me to be bound and ·cast into. the abyss right
i now in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
·9 Spy Demons I
Nazareth .. Lord Jesus, give me life more abundantly-m
r}:, In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of the glory of God that I may serve you all the days of my
'f'i Nazareth, Dear Father, I come against. all the demons life.
""'i that spy out' my liberty and pass the information to satan.
fl: Icome against 'the spy demons of cockroach, mosquito, Father, I~posit all my properties and my life into
spiders, geckos, rats, lizards, flies.eto .. your holy h~. Take tqtal cWe of me' until Lwill come
back to you at ¥.OUJ own appoip,ted time in peace 41 Jesus

I release the' fire of the Holy Ghostall over this place. ,;,,;., " .•.. j
, name, f.mep .. :'.;.:-,..: . , .r : '0; • .' ..' .::,
I cover the 'whole of this place With the blood of Jesus !
r.. Christ ofNazarefu. I blind any eye of the enemy watching ! D reciffl Ait~'c"lel~s
rne from the air,' the land, the sea and. under the sea. 'In the pow~rful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
. " '.' ~
! Nazareth, Heavenly Father, it is written in the book of
I rebuke, bind and cast into hell fire all the spy demons I
i Isaiah 54: 17""No~weapon that is formed against me
against my life, myfamily, my business, my career and
shall prosper,' 'and .every tongue that shall rise against
I all my endeavour. r command you never to return back I me injudgement 1shall condemn", I come against the:"

" -r ~~."":!:.........-.~~~.:.~<:.," ~.- . ...............,,'
" ·'- .,..··-··'
').~. .~
~.•. '"
.1 .' "'?:"K~'
demons that to attack x:n.e through ,;,'.', ~..,'. . ". ":,":i . :! .'.~.
1'£ °ll!\
~ dreams this ",'I'\ct \;:)\ nd ~\.-eCV' ~,",.u~
.-.. .
. :... ,:; '"
.' n '.
.'. ,',:'·'.l!~.I1J:0n$Ojt!,z ntss ".. < ." .', .: ',i.",:: .1
I . I rebuk yer they ~e. in the air, i '. In ,:the:"he~1iDtj·iiarrie·of our" Lojd Jesus Christ of H. ',.1/


I,: the land an .the Holy C3-- ~o~t fire to I , .,.Nazareth;'.HeayenlY:Fafuer, I raisea standard against all .
destroyall .' stewards c>:f Satan that ! I ".'U,le' demons that Satan 'has assigrreH .cause' fllnessin to
have-been the dream. 1:hisyear. I I . illy 'Iifethis year: ':'~:Fath~r;'''it
.is written: in.the ibook "of
also' eo fire to destroy all the Exodus 23:45,.· 26.)'AndjJe·:shall serve the LGRDyour
demons th to make-Ico ve to me ~",~,.""'.~ God, and he shall bless thy' breadand thy water; and
I will.take,:~ickness away fromthe midst of thee. . There
the dream .
I will pared by S ::atan and his
shCll!~;.~othint.0pst the!·;' ~oifri"gi"no~ barren, in the
~ land: 'The .nl{~~er of thy .days I wtll-fulftl".
n \"~ agents nei any demo:a:::1s spiritually , ;\, • ::'.~. . .:: ",'. ,,' 'I':'~ " ,0', ';', :

. ~I r~buke and bind al1"th~'de~~~s

\ e'

~ or physic e .of my be:> dy with the that"~ere sent to

I•• ~
, blood of J ID Jesus ~ ame~ Amen': . cause sicknes~ in my.:·1ife,and family. :I command all my
I1 you 4~mon~.t0.dry up with your various .sicknesses." I
ouble release ifue·;We of the Holy destroy -all of you in '~~o~t.W'
.M. ~::
j, In th ur Lord J~~us Christ of Jes:us name,. Amen. . , ,'. ' .'

Nazaret I come a~ ainst all the . " ·.I.I(:<~\:.'·.;' " . ,
I demons d to cause t:::r ouble in my . 7- Spiritual nets 'a~dpits .
I: _,life this y t are sent to ~ause trouble
,l.... .: In the glorious name df .our ,Lord .Jesus Christ of .
:, e~'.~~,
b~twe. betweeJ::lli... " me-and my N~z,areth'r~~S.!!!tJ~tf1~,""t come ag~~t,:all.the
spiritual nets
ana'--pus that{Satan"aild \ms··demons·,:h:avC"·' 7
., friends , y, betweer:a.. me and other
people e.
", 1 ,hid for .me'this year. Father, ;it is 'writterHll'Ps'aln13 5 81 '~\'.. ::r~
I,,. '''For without cause have ·theY· hidfor the .:·th'eir 'net ;tn.:qJ,....'~..'
'1 ree demons ~h~rever'tl:i;'· I pit, ,which'Without'cause they hlrve.'diggedjor:my .sbtl/l
I are hi'~' e sea and Ur-1!t. der the 'Sea. 1 ;~. Let destruction come upon .him at unawares; and/~
fi release destroy all· c:::::>f them 'iD the his, net that' he hath hid catch 'himself: into that r:.'
'mighty' four Lord I ~sus Christ of destruction let him fall". . . '. .'. '.' ~. .
i ",,'t ,I. '1·~ ' (':';'
.,' l; .: i 7.1 . .'

; •••• f,q.·i •...,...\!'l .•.•••.•.•

"" ''', .;~". :.•.•.
..•',) ::r.ll.'.'.;~.~r::-"''-' '~'" . "!'.

.'.'.,." .-." ..•....... :..... ,"-.-~ .."...--~-.,...,.,.--..,...

l' ,

r ";"-'
. ::.:.:-r! ..•..•..•.... - ........::_ ..: .~ .•.'.' •..-,.:"V' •......... ~~I-:t1'(""._~~ ..•

. ~.
i '. ~e.~\c;...\~'S. \0.: g -E} . I
I;' It is' also written in Proverbs 26:27: "Whose diggeth :. I ')py·life·~:t6::V'e··;fi1ade·whole now :tcr the:~:glorY-of God in
rf a pit shall fall there. -in: "·qhd:11e/(htit.rolleth a stone, it J . . .... . ,...•... fJ" ,'", -: :"., ,. :., ::·1~'.i·(~""
.' esus ·name ;'. . en. ',,', ..... ,.:("...•.L .J.•.••.. :~"l'::.~....... "
't".Am: t':~:

I.•. ','. ' .. " •..
vi' " .J ••

, t: ,will return upon him ,I command 'all the ideIhons that

1/.: ' .. !,:,.',;; .'; ':,'::, :J-J" .:;,·.cJ:J.i:;c.\··.;·)·;t~:".Er;~~·';.;,i.b
f 'hid their nets for me and those that diggedpits for me to Demons in hideout '1.;);)::'1;.: ,.",,:'
'...• : .:'~ .·':.c··"
, r
,{ fallintothose pits and-nets inJesus.name. I chain.all of· I
..,In the mighty name ~:o't~
ouf toto :Jggtis 1QIfri'sf,O(: i

you in those pits and cover you with the HolyGhost fire
Nazareth, ~ Father, I release thei~e' d.r~h<2.
never to be released again until the judgement day. of the
Holy Ghost to. pursue the demons out of their hid!g9
Lord in Jesus name," Amen,
places illmyhouse:I comrIiai}.d the fire of the Holy Gh(!~
!, '. ' , •

"ff-5"" .. ...
~~~' .
to oC'cupy every place or thing-that has given the demon
Destructive demons. c'omfortable hide. out in my house. . ,
.J~; In the excellent name of our Lord Jesus 'Christ of ., .,
,~; Nazareth, Almighty Father, I raise a triple standard against It is written in the gospel of Matthew 10:26, "Fea
: li: all the destructive demons 'assigned to destroy aDY';~f
. them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, the.~
tft my possessions this year. It is written in Jeremiah 51:25. shall not be t:.-evealed,and hid that shall not be known.

"Behold, . I am againstthee, 0 destroying' mountain, I command ·the' Holy ghost fire to destroyalf'demori
. :;1
saith the LORD,· which destroyeth all the earth:' and I hide' .out ,~ house aDd my' surroundings in' Jesu ....
l'!'; will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down name, Amen, r Use the blood of Je~1e

I '1.. dernor
from the rocks, arid will make thee a burnt mountain. /I
• ,I
•• , "0·
.,'.. '

' .. •


' .
hide out in my house. I sanctify all my properties wit~
the blood of .Jesus Christ of Nazareth. . .
~. Ij It is written in Psalm '17:4. :~'Co.ncerning the works
of men, by word of thy lipsl have '. kept ~'mefrom the
. :j ,
.". ·i
~i paths of the destroyers. 11 Fathet~keepm.s:·ffomthepaths ImportedDenfO'fls·i .::;;,,"'·
','" of all destroyers in Jesus Name. I destroy. every destroyer in .the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ 0
~tft"1 ir
against my life. I command every demon that was assigned :Nazareth, Dear loving Father, I -c'ome'agamst'alI the foreigi
to destroy myJifu, mY -family, ~ business; l11Y.I2t.ogress, demons that have come to j oin the local 'demons .of thi,

place to figh'tme, 'It is Written in DeuteronomY 28:7, "Th


, ·~R.IDtty~ ~ 'knowledge, PlY m..Y-v@Crom hous~,
i· li anq ..?lLthe .y'(9~Ks. 9LmyJ~ to be imprisoned in the
Loiwshdll cause thine enemies that rise ilji'Ciga{n'
r· ;' i:i
abyss right now in Jesus name, Amen, thee to be smitten before thy face,' they shaflccime ch
against thee one way, and flee before thee sevenw~ys
1 ',
I command all that the destroyers have destroyed in
• "'.~~(~ •.••• t•.·•
I- !
~ • 1
I ~. ! .15
t 16
1. ""now"!,",!" . ""~,,,,:~.o._.
, .: ._~:" ....'"__
v'· f7"':-····-;'";~::~,;;:::·;," , c",-,==.· . . .. .. .r-""~~-".",:,-,,,,-,;-,+~-~-,:,;-~--:-

tr.'... I rebuked and bind allthe.foreign ..troubles, foreign'"

sickness, f6reigh sufferings.foreign poverty, foreign sins.",
. 'I
' "';\..':'P'{in?i'ns~j';iilenfl,lih~n('ij'r'7eiiie1iii!j,ti\"j,{,
.::," ~ !li~Y,9~~ttm~Milli~ Bf'oq;.%ril 'Jes;},!\Qhh:'f'(W
tand foreign dis~ase that d~mons have put. in my life.
-"ty Pather, acc?rding to .the. number ..of these demons, .l
tI . N¥?~;:H;~\ixeliIx!~~~¥;"~~~s,~~'~fi
~e.: d~~?,~s.~.~.t'.S:~t~.~.~ .)~~slgned.to,r:~~nc~.:,?~.~~~e
:f.j, command hail stones and fire to drop upon themand set 1" .m~~.~~ ~y)o?~...my' bus~es~) my offip~;·~IIty'company,
:i~: them ablaze.
;a l

'! ~?/~~~~?~~.~
.' ..:'
~d:all m~ efforts this..~~ar.'
• ., •••.•• • .
1\ .:;.;·I~::r,·:·'···'··
• ; , • • .

;\ I destroy their sources of re-enforcement and I lItis written in the book of Numbers '23:23 "Surely'
·.J:command the good angels of the LORD to take over f there IS no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there
'f ~heirfo~erpositions. I build a hedge o~fire ~ound me I any'.divination aga~ns..tlsreal." Inthe mighty name of
:;;' m the nughty name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus, n~ demon will be able to retrench or retire me
.. Amen.
.. .~
. ~:
from my job this year, by the grace or God. .'
!; ,;
Every Jonah in my life . I rebFe ,an'dbind all those demons, sent against my
1JI~r In the wonder working. name of our Lord Jesus Christ career. Icomman? the Holy Ghost fire to dystroy-afI of
l,~; . '
of Nazareth. Almighty Father, I come against all the
.~~' the~ from the air, the lan~ arid the sea. I cover' my
v5 demons that Satan has assigned to come in-disguise and·:;;.:, .'',..' b~sllless) my office, my company) and all my investments
.~~ live or work~. All the disguising demons that are
"D Wl~ the blood of Jesus andthe fire of tile Holy Ghost in
. ,.~,n causing wreckin my life, .my business) my Family, and
;:/'. Jesus Name.' . ... •..
• )'-.1('
my properties, Irebuke and cast out all of you wherever '.;,

you are hiding in Jesus name.' .. : "Spiritual Vehicles '.," .':,'.,
: in ;t1e':protective"n~e: or our Lord Jesus Christof
~.' I

it ~
""I' .
,~,:.'I It is written in Matthew 15: 13) "Every plant, which.
• t ;ii
my heavenly father hath not planted, shall be rooted
Nazare~! H~~veiJjyFather, 1come~g'aillsnill the spiritual
;';': up, Idecree that no contrary spirit within my family or
11 'vehicle~ftl:iat'Satan
ye:ar:J.:< V : .
has' assigned
i";'''. : .' ....:., .
to knock me down this
·.N'· :
my business will ever have peace. Icommand the Holy
,rl ghost .fire to keep on tormenting them day and night. I
'.' . Almighty Father, it is written in Psalm 91 :3-7, "Surely.
I'.;1: uproot every power of darkness that is within my family
I,' he shall deliver 'thee from the snare of the fowler, and'
'. ,iI: and my businesses in the mighty name of Jesus. j;om'·the n;oisomepestilence. He shall cover thee' wltJ-
.j!: ;1
. ./:'.

.,''.:/'.. . "i:.~~;?;~i;~?:.\
i' .fire .that Satan Will send from the air the.land .and the sea .
.hts fe'!.th?rs'.ffiIil!#!.e.r,h;S,l':illgs,S"f!!t-t~OU}~t:his :I.'~~stW.,~tlio~6"·~~i.~ITi~n~ '>Q'f;fii~'~;:iU~~iii~f5'~i~:.t~t?~~·~~
~-o/'..'f.I:'~JP~~.,~ ...,lt"l-.:¥~'t.Jr'f.~1.
'fr;u§,(.~hallbe.t.hY}flJiil{?ilM gl!fNe~r!J9,1Mhg!~ not be I.,' ,. W ••,l

.,.,'.I.~j .' n~I;".I:';' <i.',

to be
.J •.••. \,{;..w •••••",

1 ""~',.:J: lE" (..
••~.' •..•

'. ~ ~ .•, .•.•.,. I-...I •••

....';.I'U\\.~;J...'i;';"'" ,.!,.,g .....;.
t.. l..;.JI ,•••,g.\~J.c;.cI\! •..

..pfrwMor .tlieJ~!.:fOrJ?xs,!z,g~tl~pr for. !~e fl~[PW·. t!J£lt .'. the"Jud gtn ent: d~i'y of the
until esus~iiame)
,"",LOrd 'UO
P'i';' ·Pl~r,(;·~""':j:YF"..· ',.,; ... ,,".c.,

. fl.l,~~~.:b~.4~Y;,lv~~fl!.~.~'h~fP(~.~fl!~P'f.~
Jh~·t.~q!~~~h. In ",~: ,;.: . ... :'" .,,' :::~,·.i' ,·..::;··~.:. ~~~~.lhi.i:{i~\l~ti~f~i..~/i;id~.\
.... darl~nJssf"no·r for the qe~t~l!pti0':ltha; .wa~tet~. pt ••••..• ,.,' :Secretlnltlations·(r.,.,"'r~r:::;'pr"il:'d
•.• c :,n· .....
.I ',,j.",~;
.•. ," ~ ...
~ :.•••
\ .L.J .•.• ""., "':'1J•.. ,.••....l '" .•t ..•••~ .••,"~,!i' 1p..~.":,!.'f:~y-'i"':~J :.: •.
noonday. A' thous~?1~ ~hallRIll. at .~hyside, and ten " .';~';'In tl,i~Secret revealing name o(ojif;~p:<,d:~~S:t.is~Clu.ist
thousand at thy right liand, but' it shaii not come "nigh . pfN~tn:etl;t),~a~er,....I raise a dangerousStendard against
thee." . . . '",,i"'r all the demons thatsatan hasassigned get me initiated to \
" .'
into one evil or the other. .
I command the fire' of the Holy 9'hQ~tto' destroy
every spiritual ve4icle and tli~ d~~9~s ,th,~t.clpetates··~~~. \ .' Fathe~,'it',js bo6ic':oiIsaiah 54:'15, .wiitt~~hi':ilie
which Satal\.has planted against me, 'my'family :,my I "Behold': ihey'.sha/(surely gather. iogeth.er, but not by
friends and well wishers. I 'cover the whole air., th,e land -I.
~d the'sea with the, blood ofJ~sus·Christin Jesus name,
me. Whosoever-sh,al! gather togeth:er against thee shall
I fall for thy sake. " I rebuke andbind all the secret gathering
~en. . .
.of the power of darkness to get me initiated. I command
. .1
the Holy Ghost fire 'to destroy all the demons 'involved
to Fire .. , and their properties of initiation.' . .
In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of ..
: . .'-~.

Nazareth, Qeloved Father, I use your fire ex:tiUgmsher·to . .' :',; ". ~
. '. '. . '. . .' .' ~
.' ':. ,.: ': -' '{~:.

I destroy all initiations in the die~ ~dip:life'aga#ist

put out all the me.of sa~~·~.IW.,life. I rebuke, bind and me from the air, the land and' .the se'~':-i~de'stroyevery
cast out all the demons in my, life. I ~~b~e, bind and
cast out a.M the demons tha.(Satail· h~as'siglled set to win:-pr, screen or-anything ~j' )3las set t~:~.g-m.JLimage.
my house , my office, my business, my company .~.my "~'':;:'''t. ",. ••.,
at tlie,.:Yenue..of iO.i~i~tW-n..!cover, D1'yseJfWitluh~hloQd
gf Je9.IlS Christ, I refuse to ,be initiated in the mighty name.
vehicles, my money, my b\lildings and 'my family on fire , ,. "' . . . ~. • ..... f .• ," . • . . ' ',. ..'
'. Je&us Christ of Nazareth, Amen.
this year.
'04 \:.' .• I .' .: ',.; .,", .' •

I quenc~ all the


. •

of th~Wlcke~.··~g~s~.m~;..3¥d
• I " ~ I .". \,., • to • i' . '
...;:~:':i:·.6jJend God'
my family. I release the Holy .Gho~t·fire to neutralise any .~ .. '''In!lth~ righteousname of our Lord Jesus Christ of'
j' ,.", • .' •

19 1 20

.< ...'"
Naz3retli~lieaveniy Father) I come -agahisl au,th~demons
~at Sat~:has-assigned to ~~e:·ine'.'sin·'agaInst 'you, ~ I .,
I bind all the powers .of darl(J~(~fJ'-th<l(r~;~p I'" ~ r' \.~.(.;, t, ',:. t~. 4'... j'~ ,", \ •• " ''''_ • '.

those that God ':hciS "senft6'helj:t~:e' : ·.~C·, 1)' or the

:orie'lway or the other, 'so ~atY9Ur glory Will depart from
.'me:'!/'" ':!~!~··r::':: .:..... . ',:,"/..; '. ~;. 'other:';! torrunana 'the HolY·tliioY(0r<:L'.'~{e~:~',::;Y..ai! tb~
:of hinderances' ui hIY:life!"m:V)lai#ilY~an~~

derrlOns :t?1y.
business in J(~SUSname. r~Ui~i.;:!Q~c.~ .p~~S~W:w.f.t{~
Father, it is writtenin Ezelae136:26 - 27 ''Anew heart . .. ,. ·· .. e r t : •.•• ·:,· "'1('" ·.I~·' .:'~~';1;I"'~"~'.';""I'L":if'~"
of those people you' have 'ptepared. for ',me, ~t9;lielp..:nle
.also will give 'Lyou, and a' new spirit 'will I put 'within this year in the migh'tyname'ofour Lord )c~liE":;Ji0~tf>f
you: and I willgive you' an heart offlesh. And I will put Nazareth. Amen. . ."-l": ., -. . .. ..

my spirit within you" and cause you to' walk tn my

statutes; and ye shall keep myjudgements, and do them. " .I:~~\J~I '.).,.~.

, F'a~~lJ!br~a.king..t~~f\ ~ ',i.'
.' I rebuke 'and bind allthe demons that make me to In the Excellent name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
offen4 my God 'from the air, the land and the sea. I cast , Nazareth, Ainll~ty. F~the~,r' come agaillst'atJ the demons
theminto' the abyss, never to rise again until the judgement that Satan has assigned to break" my family this year, I
day of the' Lord 'in Jesus name, Ainen. release the Holy Ghost fire 'against' ti-~ose' d'31l1OnS
anywhere they are in the air , the ra~'" ,: ~~ sea. I
command all their' evils againstme (~C\~.:, :') '. ,"to' be"
~ Favour hindetingDemons .
". .Inthe mighty naw.-e' of our LordJesus Christ. of I
destroyed now in Jesus 'Amen. name) "j,

.,' "
'. .'

. Nazareth, Father, I raise a:standard against all the demons
that Satan has assigned to hinder people from rendering
. No matter the 'plans of.Satan to .llly· 'f~ly; scatte~
. 4eip'~tome my business, my company, mypiogiess; 'I commend
, . " .•• ," • \'." ;.,'. I"

this-year. - ...... '. , ."~,. ' ,'. . .; .

. the blood of Jesus and.."the, fire .6f:th~-J-r01y~ g~')st to
. Father, it is'written in Psalm 121 :2-3. i'Myhelp cometh destroy all. those ...e.Y.il,P()Wef$':J ::q~str0l:.·~~':.s~.g_,Of
':r-:.l.;"'·l"·""" '
' • .' .~ •• ,'. •• • j '. -"')..... .._ •••_ •••••• '!" ,,' ,

from the' LORD, which made heaven and earth. He discord, which Satari 'arid his
!-".~. •• .,. • :11'\ ..•.•.~:: .. "
.'I!!\lWll 1:1.:my. j -: y, I' , . " f L .

. life,mY-rami~Y, ',my: busin~ss,"my' ··cO'mpaiiY. and ill. my

t, " •••(: • '. ~ " : ';' •••

will notsvffer thyfoot to be mov~d he that keepeth thee

will not slumber nor sleep." I rebuke and bind all the -sUrroundings agamstme; and oilier people in-the mightY
".';~:;. ••.•• "''\1 ••- name' of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen'. '., =>.
demons that go about, .hindering 'all my relations, my
eo- workers, my neighbours, my friends, my well wishers 1 ..•. -'
and othersthat have the mind to hylp)ne.:·, .
.: ','


~~~i'ft_<_'" ' .....,
,: ", " y., ,_J_ "'. __ .;' •. M:-;"~""':''''''~'
'I, "~'_M~I:.'.';"',;,.,,· ._.1. • ••••..•.••••..••.

'I > ~..:.~~ "" ..~.

. .. , ... , i'" ".1, ':,'. '''y.' .•.. I'" P i I" .'.oIl:·~'i I that are dwellirig·~··:ni;:hbJs~;;·iD;.'6iTiC/~:-:>1)1~:')~({'my
. _~iJeiiionS·.~fB,iocJ///4.iiS·f.',!..·::··~:
. ~.""'"
: ,.,
..•.... I.... ' .. \.•.. '.. " 1 . company, my vehicle and my family. I . :.:>:::.:~.~.: id 1bind
~~pr:~~~~~s pf
..n~e ..~f..pux:L9r~,}~~!~~\·.~hrist . all the'·::.demons·that Satan has ass'igne(J' to'·d~c.ll·\n my
. I., . . t. ,,' ••••• , " ,'" "t"'" 1 .,' ''',1.' ", .•

l, H~aven1y Fa$er, I raise~ a s~~~w.d ~gaiR-~t~ hOllsem orderto hlltder'my,progi,es·s:·:t6 b~~S~"20llfu~iori

cause ~~~c~aq~s~~~ ..~~~~e in myfamily, to spirit 'awaY' myri16~e~f'to'lriiti~t~Nii6IhBgtS\
l all the demons assigned to .~ause blockades in " ""'~"i\\lf:"'r\
of my family, to manipulate me and nieinbers9f~ny farrilly
.., ,.:. \. ','.' '., ~I •• ".;.\<I,.:.''';''~\,\

ny f~¥;in:ybUsine~S, niY~!1ge,.my
mycareerand all-myendeavo~s ,th,is,.y;ear·:~ '("~"-'
~V~~ attheir willand s "oil-our food: :', .._: ".' .: .\, ' .. '.'." "I.:,
. \:".'" ,". "-;.:" (:'~··-i.: ".£"',,"!::;:
••.. •.

0"'," '.
.' " • ','~ " J'I"'\'\'

. ','

, . . . . (~ . I J'" :, .•••.••••••

..I cast out all the indwelling 'd em c '!l:~: :' .:!':\.: ;se'and
lease the fire 9ftq~. Holy ghost to ~~stroy all their
les aga,inst .roe. Ifis'~~en iI(th~.~9.~~ of Isaiah
those in my
business 'and .office. I co·li':c, ..::.ld .: ~ lIoly
ghost fire to chase all of them out from their hic1.iU.g
'''l will go. before ..thee, andt1iak~ the cr:oo~~4 places., I sprinkle the blood of Jesus Christ upon all my
straight. j will break in pleces.the gates ofbras:~, .' ." •••• "

properties, and I cover thewhole of my house and office

• , . I ~ .

t in ~under the bars of Iron: Arid I will gi,Je thee . with the blood of Jesus Christ of N azareth.Arr r ~1. \
.asures of dp'r/ilf~'ss, and hidden riches pi secret
I 'that thou' m'ayest ~ow that I, the LO!!!);, 'which
1,"'I:t ~ ,~1,.'"

~ Key to Success .
~e by thy name,' am the God flf Isreal. .. .fqcob· For In the blessed nameof'.our Lord Jc;;l.1S Christ of
\ .

rvant's sake and Isreo! 'mine elect. I haVe 'even

l thee by thy name !.b~e su~me{#l~e
hast not' kilo i,ii1e.~". '" . ..
t~.iui.h Nazareth, Dearly beloved Father, I come against allthe
powers of darkness that have seized my':keyf6;succe'ss
.. -.\"...' ......' . .....: .....~. ,~ ,i •... :

in the air , the land and the sea: I oommand all the padlocks
and key that Satan' and hisagents haveusedin locking
• cast alI.th? de~ons.~fbloCkades~d ~~.,~~1#
r to nse again until the Jtidgemen~day'.qf,the Lord. I my' progressto manifest now, IDilie·h11ghi..~1: :'m; ·Jf our
LordJesusChrist, . .' ..': ..
the' blood of je,~usupori all my\~Tay(~d ~ co~ef' ·:~~:..·~tl~:.,i.i·! .1;:"'· ~', '.",1:,' : .
ything ab,out me' wi~ the fife. of·the Hbl'{Qho~~. ill
s name, Amen.··· .: .~.. ...- ..',. ',; I destroy all those keys and padlocksanywhere they'
areintheair, the land and the sea. Satan, in the name of

Jesus, I 'command you t6 release my key to success

Indwelling Demons ,,,!,' now. I cast you and all your agents out , z~ndI cOjr;i'11:~i1"d,
In the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of the fire to the Holy Ghost to corisurrc ','01' now i:]11
areth, Almi~tyFather, I come ~gainst all the demons
. ,~\.;4:'~'
; . :.~: 24
23 ~i'.~'!;~:.
._.._ ~ """", ", "" l'IIIlI!u.;II!i..JI,!!!Cl<!!!ll\1lllllllll'""';MIQQ!I<, IQ

. ..
=~=~--,." --'-,;~.-c:,_=
, .. :.i "f!) ~.:}'.': :'·:)':·~:IJi,.·Chltmele()tl':J)ell'llJl~S~·e':rffJJIUQ':Y.P'·i,JI(:' •••• :r•.••..;.,"
!.~.•. .•.

.;... ' 11'\ "'t1 j''''''lV' • '&t',.: l~r'JI" r ""~'J:. " :f··'J!..I/JJ ';"1" ~"ojIfi..A!I.ti,~~:{q.,-;L't~'MtJrI'~:f
IQ ••

" . 11. '10' 10 'O't'!O'LlCl,1'1Ul,ll'lf,;,l0" I.ILlI/.L:70l'O\Jesi.1,1:i'\Ji1ll1St'u I

~\I3';1,s ~llIIle:~~0\\1" LoJ;~J~Sl}~IG!li~1
i' :,;,: ,:",
Naz~i'reth;' Heavel·Ii>p"Fd.th$~;j)r oo1fltiilkRhl"st ~~~fdii1'ef
~~~~9JiY ~lt~·'~:~~e~'.lli:!~;.'~~a
Fa~~~;iii~: . chameleon ~d~monsi;thata~t~llbn,s\t:{i~aiahmA1\t~\t~s.~
face to. p~wit~h:~1)·~.oJni9tpq?pl~.iu,t.ll'/~~~~\tltis ~~~Ct
~gly..e;1JrItq .the~,keys of ~eJiingdom. of heayen' ',..' '. your
~w.~atso.e:v~"thou, shall ,b nd one eprth, sha!l.be I,Elll t1t~, .d~U\0116 ·thm.t ·huv£J.bll~.,!lioWlllgIP~~9P,1~),
I :.t:ebu.l~~ \

,d in heav(m~.r::ma what s,O'?v.er ·tho~shdU l;;~s~'~n

• • ,'. ..' ". I ' •• t ,I ••• : A ,: J'.. .
'. evil, 9~~.mlls:ijPO~lt'me 'Of lll!liu; my fIlaa ~to.do '~Vlllill:tl1~·. .. (
dreani, hi ord~r to 111akO·.tll~)'l1h8\t~ml,l -: It·.·."; . ",,1\" ".

1. shallbe [oosed i~ heave~(:' tu the ~ptoriou~·.tiam,e from I\

U" Lord Jesus Christ of Na~areth~ F,ther I Qlatm and I

, Ir~l?~e1I!l.d~~~JJlg;rl.. '·u]lllf.\Jtlll.1Wmt 'er as \

.ve my key to success., t~2~~1l
..~U.·th~-:~QU?..9.f.E~~§~g ~t the
the .enemies had locked .(}.gain~u.n.e.~inl.esus...name) \
..••• ," • " ",I
ML9.'~l1~tY·l<gL&¥~",\t.. ,,' , .' .', n has
'.', .~'J'I'I . .1~",~~",n9.~1?·!~,\ij·~·~~fgain.a;t
~P~~l"~ J.,.C,~Q~8L·~~c . ~ life, .
'~~.PJ.e.t2,p'n~,~~1.o,"~Yllt'lst¥A~~I .fd.looao :tho~oml!JJJJJJJg
.,' '*
Multiple p~mon~.
~ s . '. I' .' ' 1

fife ot.t11e l-!oly,Ohost to destroy all of you in 'UIO sir ~10 ·S. set \
III the '\,¥9nder working hame. of.:our Lord-Jesus
.1mld aud':tile Sea' In 'J,es1.ls llaJl1o. Anion. . " +1 .,'"
I 1'1 " .).... ,.' 11.111 ,h," 1,\1. •• I t~, 1,1,:'
"I"~~ " .: '
,1 I J) I
cular \

I • , ,

be a
ist ofNaz'areth, Father, I r~se astandard against all
. Multiple ,demons of '~~ssion, d_~sion, ¥.\~it'oh~r:wk~d':~l{'benhf~ t6:' '
. .l' o'bmriiaha' U~atl~.~ h the
use my fa:o'o' ofhlY'h~~' tc)"'atta'ck peoph:(·agmn·:or·'.'give·
~at ~tan
to attack .1U~.this y~~.lcome against, all 9f people e,vil dre~s, about me ip..,tb:e m;f~typam~ .of.Jesus, .

Chl'ls.t.ofNaiareth. Amen,
I, I' It , • , I I '. '.

.. ,..
' ' ,. I I /.

.' •• "I ~,.,1 't'

'X :..'"

\: ,: .ome
l in Jesus l,181ne. Amen, .," ': ,.'
r ..,< '.". .;':.'covens
",' ,: '<":.)":.,:'~;;1.':"~:'> ..
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I".". '; ".:'.." , : .•• your

ar.O.uil(J ,'. ,house:" ~
" " "
, " ,j' ' t', '. " ' " '\" ,it, ,

It is written in the'book ofNahum l:~ .ii W/lal d9YOU'''' ." . ." \,

• I. '. ' .''\'
\.,., ~\, 6,,~.,'I~A" .
.. ','1 .. , .. : I"~ ... ,',: •. ~ •..•...
.~.;.j:~:"':'.': . orify
19ine against the LORD?, He'wW make an'utie', :.,:',:Jj~,\tl\~.'.:g~?~9~~
"n.~~J ~rm~r.J~g~d}~s~(Q~st
1, affliction shall not rise: up the"~eFond ~i1ne"..:'J N n~eth, .f.~$e.~~ l~~,rq~.~gamstJJny;po.ven, that isJ~c~ted· '.
:nmand the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all you demons apoll.J).H ~~S:,rp18C~,;.9tp'.e~ . I~Y::4ou~.~.:apdrpy business' "
It has been setl.t to afflict me atl~ my family in one '?lay place. . .' \'.:.:.~:~"::!L·.<·
",,:,:,.;:.;".::.:)., ..... \ .. '
the .other. I ca~t·out any of your evil depq~~t.still.. . }.'.

naining.in my life' I sanctify my· spirit, my-sout my ". I;.c~mmanA the H9~Y:,c;J~P~~·f4'e.;
:,.h .. t9;.de~troy:;~1l:the',
cl)' and my .fal~ly Wi.~ the .blood of Jesus Chris~/qt :.. "r . g~.t:heiing.9,f:IP1.e..p.o.w~.r~of darkness ar6ul1(trny. h.9H~~_\
~.zai.·eth in J'esusname': Amen .. ' .' ..: .;:.,. ,..,~.:.,j~
, .' ~ • .' I ~,I , , . ,',.. " ..,

)...~.: . :26
2·5 'J::;~~\.;·~djl\ii{~,
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.,' ~;",~~v",,:..... 't'
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'., '"


...•••• -.:.:-:~ ••• ~~JIA~~

'.' :
'the rend -11shall.speak, and not lie: ..tHough.: it .tarry, :,wait '
for.:it, because it will.surely.:cOlne ',(it,will not tarry": I'
, ',
rebuke; .bind rand icast rout all tl1e demons -:t~at .are t••
..: Claim"~IIYou:have..askedfor

:/ ,hinder~g., mf goo~ ,~reams;'i~eve~~tions, 'visions and ..Tnthe ble'sse~"naine ·ofour:.L()fd":Jesus)(

:'( prophesies from cqmmg to pass.' , . .: . ' .'N azareth~Father,\by}oUf':gtace~\ 1:P9~ina#dthe)'
.:I .'.
~ ,,..••ti.~.I.. :\":,'
I' • ~: ."
\ ';(,'
e , to ~
rt\',,{.' 'I"': \\\"':"~ , .1 .~ ',',"" '.I I',
too.. ,,''4
....' ~>of heaven 'to be:'6p'e'Iied -unto "me! ndw.;il~clain
! :; z. .:I 'pg~~4. th~t, al1...JP.Y.good .dreams ~4o~4come ' ,n~~ds;:'froin your throne in ;Jesus name: :.' .i~1',2;t
I:: to pass ;w#hin (~,s yearin }e~us naple.::I"cqllllD:and the, .:,:<:tr;.Y:: "":.', ,:<~ ·..·ij1.". ':' ',.> :,"~:I (~l .:::,I'~,

HplyJlhp~tfit:~t9. 4e~t.!0Y~. demon qr. ~get\t.9.f~a.tan , '.. I release the' good-niinistering angels of the
" that will intend to delay my ..gooo·dreains t;iO~:9Qm,ing' L.J rd.·A:ibring· all that I am going- claim now to the. .'/, to I

to pass in ·my life and my famjly.,pYJP~,:grgqe,:'9f ...G.q,4:.i:P ' . God the Father in Jesus name.
the mighty name of Jesus 9~st of.~~~~~,)~·lJleD: -. .: " " ~ ',,, \ "'t I, ~I " '•.~ ,,' ',,'.

.JBE.9IN.,TO.~LAIMA~~· Y9.l! N.~~P':,,,1


. .,
.'aJ ••••••.•••.
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••••• ,:Han"Ov~r~~~'~·
~COl.\ ~~~, ••••I ••••.• VVI
1~"'9"~,v 'i~,~\::i''"OW.
1"" claim, have strong faith that you IImJe'receiJ/(!j
• ". • • I • I •• ,'I' ,

: In 'the peaceful name of our ord esus"'Clfr(t of I, in Jesus"nam~ ,': ,,, t' ." '"

Nazareth; Dear Father, I hand over my spirit :;;·my soul

and my body into your victorious right hand. I alsonand
over my family;' my business.my money, 'my-career, my \,
.office;"my business place 'and everything that 'concerns In .the glorious name 'of our' Lord ;;resits "Cl
me into your powetluJ. hands:,' ':" .. I'," •••.. ': .:.: ."~" •
'Nazareth, . Hdave·D.tyFather, Ithank'·yuti 'tdi! y6
.0 :"., ':, v
1I "f'
,. I
I, I"
been with me"throughout my piayers;aila''lJwol~i,
, Father, I am no longer a pr~pe~ of my own. All I o great Father. ' "
:",' .;",'" i'n ("'t.,-,.<:':.~..•.:,' .;'''"" :,' 11" I' 1/(""1 '
have I surrender unto you. It is wilitten in' PsalIrl 24: 1. '.. '" ~.I·•• r , .".
~•• '.r....J •• :_)t.., ,1'-i'
~ ,:•• :
'., _".'10 1,,1 I, :~1

'':~Ji'~$!'.'.'I ~'' •
"The earth is the .LORD's , and thefulness thereof; the
'. I '
t th~ ~dii'for"niy life::my 'famiIY/~liY'b~ishlC
';,;" 1.
' '
.. "',
i:t ~:.' '

world and tHey thatdwell therein. 11. ,::..' .' . , c. ' , .·;·office;.:my "ousjiless' place, ·inYcar~et 'and'dthet,
,. '•• 1"
',. .',' , " ~. . ..•.• . . ., ~'" "" t·: .:.:.' ~t::; I~. ."
that are mine that I could not rememb~l'. I am hapl
'. ~ l' .
•:;: I~' Ask what you 'want God to do for-you now.and . have bl~ssedmb and'} Will remain blessed all the (
.' ~',
'\1 ~I believe that you have received them in Jesus name . ')riy lifem Jesiis\n~e.,_.&ll.en.
C.-' '1 .'. " "
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