Wonder 3

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For the Student

Student’s Book
All the core work is divided into
a welcome unit and eight main
teaching units. The units in turn Click on the links
below to find out
place, just for you. in your book. Welcome! Less
about the themes
are divided into ten lessons. The Wonder Lab
You can learn lots
is a very special
of amazing and intere
You can trave l
sting things
around, see intere
sting 1 Click on this link
a personality test.
to do
1 1.2 Find the
answers. Then, sing the
on 2

about our world. on now and get ready

Additionally, there is a section other child ren. Log
places and meet to find
Click on this link
world! 2 and
to wonder at our out about energy
ctions to log on. the environment.
Follow the instru
which covers special days 1 Write your emai
l address, for exam

ination of at least
3 Click on this link
out what’s on TV.
to find

ord using a comb OH

2 Write your passw
at the end of the book. 6 letters and 3 numb
3 Write your passw
ord again.
for exam ple: SR123MN
4 Click on this link
out about famous
to find
4 Click log on .
er Lab.
d on to the Wond
You are now logge 4

us a message.
on the icon to send
and ideas. Click London
your suggestions
We love receiving Stone Street
Oh, this is the Wond
er Lab and it's 0793 625
3 Choose a unit questions. In the Wonder
Lab, we can trav time to take a ride. Sam
or False. and answer the And see the worl el far
1.1 Liste n and say True d from a different and wide. The kid’s got
1 of the unit? side, in the Wond talent
What's the title er Lab. 12 th Decem
of the story? ber
the photos with What's the title On the bus
s and re page about?
2 Match the link book. What's the cultu
se this unit? 2 Write five secu Goalation!
the units in your t…. Why did you choo rity questions and
… because it’s abou ask three classmat
ber 3 is for Unit t…. es.
I think link num … because it’s abou
ber 2 is for Unit security que
I think photo num stions
| IT | What’s your favou
with the book
familiarisation …. rite …?
Web pages and some / aren’t any
a … . There are When do you …
There is a / isn’t 09/07/14 11:42 ?

3 Write about your

492103 _ 0004-00
06.indd 4 self.
My name is ... . I
live in ... .
Asking and answe
ring personal quest
ions | Mont
What’s your … hs, Transport, Numb
? Where are you ers, Places |
from? Where/How
492103 _ 0004-00 do you … ?
06.indd 5

Activity Book and Audio CD 09/07/14 11:42

Reflecting the Student’s Book structure, the additional support

is divided into a welcome unit, eight main units and a festivals
section. The work can be done in class or set as homework.

Welcome! Less
1 1 Listen and clas on 2
sify the informa
tion you hear.
✓ = I know
? = I think so
e the bloggers ’ numbers. ✗ = I don’t know
the blogs and writ
1 Read about blog when she was
2 Holly Fratter started herloves reading and so she 1 Christine’s surn
ame is German.
old. She
a blog called only nine years cbooks. Together 2 She’s 11 year
1 Martha Payne startedblog she described and called Childtasti s old.
this start ed a blog s and posts
NeverSeconds. In blog was so Holly reads book 3 There are five
ol lunches. Her with her mother, Other children use it to children in the
criticised her scho up a special organisation revie ws on her blog. 4 She lives in a
set want to read. big house.
popular that she to donate money for decid e wha t they
ls 5 She walks to
called Mary’s Mea a. school.
Afric is really
school meals in years old and she 6 She’s very good
4 Natasha is fourteenon design. Her blog is called at ice skating.
started a blog calle interested in fashi She posts pictures of her 7 Her birthday
3 Jake McGowan-Loiswefascinated by bones and tashasartand desig n. arts
is very soon.
Jake’s Bones. Jake animaldbone s. on on ideas for 8 Her birthday
and catalogues This blog descdesig ners and has a secti
is on 21 st Septemb
skulls! He collects his blog for their projects how to make thing
use e This blog hasand crafts. s.
Lots of children t wildlife. got ideas for mak
questions abou ing a museum. 2 Read and tick (✓)
and to ask him f This blog reco
mmends stories. the correct text
e things. s.
ribes how to mak
d This blog desc ing a museum. Not everyt
ing. got ideas for mak
t food and cook e This blog has
hing you
a This blog is abou
are lookin read on
g for inf the Intern
got a lot of draw
ings. mmends stories. ormation et is tru
f This blog reco
you need e! When
b This blog has ity.
to think
s money for char .
c This blog raise
There are
bers. thousands
write the unit num
elephants of wild
s and Energy saving in Sweden
2 Read the text mostly in and they live Comets are
the north like dirty
Arctic Circ inside the made of ice snowballs
le. The elep and dust.
endangered hants are a round shap They
because peop e at the fron have
3 Energy saving
them. Elep le hunt the nucleus t called
hant stew and a long
animals a popular tail.
meal in Swed chips is The last extr
2 Extraordinary en. aordinary
saw from the comet we
1 Personality para the ages Earth was
5 Fashion through
Bopp Comet the Hale
in 1997.
4 Screen time 8 The Olympics About 20%
of Sweden
ren 7 Super cities Arctic Circ
le. There
is inside
6 Champion child 100,000 lake are almost Warning! On
s and rive Wednesday
re now. health cent
Sweden. The
Sami people
rs in everybody
needs to wear
next week,
a is a sports and the north. live in when they a helmet
The multi-use aren time. they follow
They are noma
dic and
go outside.
Roger is goin The comet
electricity all the the reindeer g to pass
Standby lights use herds. to the Eart so close
h all the
is shy beca use she’s blushing. plants are tree
going to die. s and
I think Mary five km away.
l wate r from
Elephants can smel the 18 century?
children wear in taries and carto
What clothes did y like documen
watc h wha t we like and I reall s.
After lunch we beat her father playing ches
years old, Judit
When she was five bai in 2025? And
in Beijing?
le will live in Mum
How many peop
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07/08/14 12:12
07/08/14 12:12

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The accompanying CD provides the audios

for the listening activities in the Activity Book Activity
and the picture dictionary, as well as the songs Audio CD
Includes songs
and stories

and stories from the Student’s Book. from the

Student’s Book!

The Activity Book Audio is also available

CP: 593323

to download from the course website.

© Santillana Educación, S.L

Cian Magenta Amarillo Negro Troquel
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