Summative: Assessment

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Summative Assessment 2

6. 7 04q - 26 - 3 825 =
A 25q6 C 37tB
Circle the correct onswer. B 30q8 D 4125
l. The diogrom below shows 7. The product of two numbers is
number cord. 2 576. If one of the foctor is 7,
whot is the other foctor?
A 27t c 389
Whot is the ploce volue of digit 9 in
B 368 D 420
the number? 8. Which of the following is the
A ones C hundreds
B tens D 'thousonds equivolent froction of ]r4
2. 'Zero point three six' in nulnerol is .22
A 0.t6 c 0.36 48
B 0.26 D 0.63 82D2
3. Which of the following numbers q. 9880+B=
when rounded off to the neorest A t046 C t3t8
thousond becomes g 000? B t235
A 6234 D 1473
B 76t0 D 8525 t0. The diogrom below shows o
pocket of rice groins.
4. 3217 +48+ 1679= r-- -
A 4q44 c 53Bt t*( -----)
B 5t25 D 6648 @ tRMrasol
t00 Whot is the price of 8 pockets of
A 4Yo c 49,/. the rice groins?
B 8Yo D 84YO A RM I48 C RM 160

c5 @ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

N *""* Mathematics Year 3 summative Assessment 2

ll. The diogrom below shows the 14. The diogrom below is o pie chort
time Beng Hong hos his dinner. showing the tgpes of fovourite
food of 100 pupils.

Nosilemak-/. ' ffi
5P''"' ' '',.::do

If Beng Hong eots for holf ond .40
Fried noodles

hour, whot time will he be done

How mong pupils like nosi lemok?
with his dinner?
A p.m.
B: 15
At5 c35
B 8:20 p.m.
820 D40
C 8:25 p.m. 15. The toble below shows the quonlitg
D 8:30 p.m. of mongoes in two boskets, 5 ond
12. The diogrom below shows Anwor's

883 mongoes more

thon bosket 5.
2 35q mongoes in bosket f ore
Colculote the sum of sovings. olreodg ripe. Colculote the quontitg
of unripe mongoes in bosket L
A RM383.40
A 3r4g
B RM43t.40
B 3675
c RM560.60
c 4825
D RM620.BO
D 5508
13. The toble below shows the lengths
of two ribbons, P ond O. 16. Azmon estimoted the height of
o cupboord is I m 2 cm. When
Ribbon Length meosured, the octuol height of the
P 2m5cm cupboord wos 50 cm less thon the
I m 45 cm longer thon estimoled volue. Whot is the octuol
o height, in cm, of the cupboord?
ribbon P
Colculote the length, in cm, of A 36cm
ribbon G. B 43cm
A 240 c 3r0 C 48cm
B 260 D 350 D 52cm

A Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. q6

KSSR Mathematics Yeat 3 Summative Assessment 2 N

17. The diogrom below shows the lq. The diogrom below shows o jug
totol moss of 5 pockets of sugor filled with wotermelon juice.
of the equol size on o weighing

' tr rso,r I

The juice is equollg poured into

7 glosses. Whot is the volume of
wotermelon juice in eoch gloss?
Colculote the moss, in g, of pocket A 150 ml
of sugor. B 250 mt!
A 89 C 300 m/
B 80g D 400 mtt
C B00g 20. The diogrom below is o pictogroph
D 80009 showing the number of books
t8. The incomplete toble'below shows reod bg four pupils in o month.
the quontitg of cons collected in 3
weeks. Srson

The totol cons collected in 3 weeks reU, 2 books
is l0 thousond. How monu cons
were collected during the second Colculote the totol number of
week? books reod bg the four students.
A 3232 At4
B 33OB 826
c 4441 c28
D 4625 D30

q7 @ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd

N **"* Mathematics Yeat 3 Summative Assessment 2

l. The diogrom below shows o spike obocus.

(o) Stote the number represented bg the spike obocus in words.

(b) Whot is the ploce volue of the digit 5 in lhe obove number?

2. The diogrom below shows Lucos' sovings.

ii wEp

(o) How much is his totol sovings?

(b) Lucos spent o portion of his sovings to bug o shirt thot costs RM 185.50.
Whot is the remoinder of his sovings?

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. g8

KSSR Mathematlcs yeat 3 Summativelssessmenf 2 N
3. The diogrom below shows 5 cons of sordines of equol weight on o bolonced

(o) Colculote, in g, the moss of o con of sordines.

(b) Puon Loglo bought 5 cons of sordines ond o pocket of sugor weighing I

kg 2509. Colculote the totol moss, in kg ond g, of oll the items purchosed
bg Puon Loglo.

4- The diogrom below shows the volume of woter in o bottle.

A tr'6sfi4
The volume of the woter in thot bottle is equivolent to the volume of woter in
6 woter contoiners of the some size.
(o) Determine the volume, in {. ond ml, the woter in eoch woter contoiner.

(b) Fotimoh used 4 {. BOO m{. of woter in lhot bottle to moke grossjellg
whot is the volume, in I ond mL of woter reft in the bofilJno*i

qq A Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd

N *""* Mathematics Yeat g Summative Assessment 2

5. The diogrom below shows o binder clip ond o ruler.

(o) Whot is the length of the bose of the binder clip in cm?

(b) The height of o cupboord is equivolent to the length of 35 some binder

clips. Whot is the height, in m ond cm, of the cupboord?

6. The diogrom below shows the positions of Firdous's home ond locolions
neorbg his house. '

6 i

5 I


-.----'-'-.-.'-'* I

-.- ------"^--"--l

(o) Stote the position of Firdous's home.

(b) Stole the two locotions thot ore lhe some distonce from Firdous's home.

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. t00

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