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Power Attitude number one:

being with me is the best possible choice that any woman could make.

you don't overcome another persons uncertainty by being uncertain about yourself.

you overcome it by being totally certain that being with you is the best possible
choice that they can make.


what i resist persists.what i accept i gain power to use. (it is a paradox.
there is an enormous power in paradox)
the best way to accept something is to use your humor and turn it around and
look at it in a different way

3, you never know what physical type a woman will go for. so you always go for it
congruently and powerfully.
4. never attach access meaning to being accepted or rejected. be relaxed, determend
and do what works.
be persistent but don't be pushy.
5. if a woman wants me a little but she likes me alot more if she has to work to
get me.
sometimes it is good just to walk away. often the person doesn't realize how
much you meant for her until after she thinks she has lost you.
but do this without being punishing or nasty. learn to walk away calmly matter
of factly.
about computers, half the time when theres somehting wrong you have to just turn
it off and turn it on sin some minutes again.
the ability to walk away from someone who is waisting your time dramatically
increseas your abiltiy to approach someone who you like to meet, and take out.

6. you don't need to win all the time.

i was wrong more often than i was right, but i was wrong small and i was right


1) say 3 times on inside "my mind will keep this commands in my memory perminmently
and all the time and make everything neccessary for them to happen"
say each affirmations 3 times in the right tonality and also see pictures,
examples and feel it!!

3 times "let this commands be fullfilled" am ende. "So be it"

a) you (I am) are aggressive direct and powerful wiht the women you (I)desire.
you (I) radiate a confidece, self control and charme that women find
irresitably attractive

b) your (my) mind is focused on what you (I) desire, you (I) go for what you (I)
want congruently and powerfully.

c) you (I) never know what phyical type a woman will go for. so you (I) will go for
it congruently and powerfully.

It is extremely easy for me to walk up to any girl and start talking to her.

d) You (I) take immediate advantadge of your opportunities with women. you swiftly
establish incredible rapport.
gather the information that you need, then close with aggression, power and

e) you radiate a natural, easy self acceptance, that women find irresitably

f) you saveguard your moral and self esteem at all times.

you swiftly size up a womans potential and eliminate those who are waisting your

g) you are mastering the respones, attitudes, behaviours, insights and timing,
that are bringing you irresistable power with the women you desire.

I am a sexual magnet (with the dynamic ability to) who attracst and captivates any
who comes into my range.

don't force your find yourself just automatically doing the right

other examples:
"I am now approaching girls that I am attracted to".
As you say the suggestion to yourself, SEE yourself approaching girls,
FEEL yourself being totally relaxed and self-confident when approaching
girls. BELIEVE that you are actually relaxed and self-confident when
approaching girls.



NOTE: It is important that you use the SEE...FEEL...BELIEVE

technique for each suggestion. This is the only way you will be able
to reach your subconscious mind, and thus, receive positive results.

I don't stand around anymore watching other guys pick up girls. I now take action
and score with girls.

I have absolutely no limitations when it comes to meeting, dating and seducing


I am now going out often and pursuing girls by every means possible.

It is extremely easy for me to walk up to any girl and start talking to her.
I am a new man and see myself through the "success" eye for now.

I always think in terms of succeding whenever I approach girls.

When I see a girl I like, I am able to move into action quickly and easily.

- I am able to pick up any girl I desire.

If I see a girl that I am attracted to, I approach her immediately, strike up a

and get her phone number

I always know exactly what to say to girls.

I am a sexual magnet with the dynamic ability to attract and captivate any female

who comes into my range.


Procedure #1

With your eyes still closed...and your mind totally blank...start counting
backwards from 20 down to 1. Count slowly.

As you count down...20-19-18-17-16-15...feel your body and mind

begin to "awaken". (Your eyes should remain closed).

As you count down 14-13-12-11-10...start to become aware of the

sounds and atmosphere around you.

As you count down...9-8-7-6...say to yourself: "When I open my eyes, I

will feel simply GREAT! I will feel totally rested and greatly refreshed.
When I open my eyes, I will feel terrific. I will be full of energy and will
feel greatly refreshed." (All the while you are saying the above, believe it!)

As you count down...5-4-3-2..."feel" yourself starting to feel just great.

"Feel" yourself starting to come "alive". And finally, as you say 1....OPEN
YOUR EYES...and immediately GET UP!

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