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Wesley Anderson Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy Serving Atlanta Georgia, Atlanta,

Buckhead, Fulton county, Hypnosis, Atlanta hypnosis, Atlanta weight loss,

Secret # 2 Words Matter 1 (Why Bother?)

Imagine precious little three year old Suzie Darling innocently

asking "Why?" to
whatever her mother says. At that age it's simply a request for
information, however
tiresome it might be for her parents. Little does Suzie know that in
a few years that
"Why?" is going to be turned around on her with a vengeance.

Time passes. Suzie Darling's eight years old, and now it's Mom's
turn to ask "Why?".

"Why didn't you clean up your room after school, like I told you to

Suddenly that innocent little "Why?" has acquired a sharp edge of

accusation, and we all
remember just how little good an honest "I don't know" will do as an

So some years later Suzie's all grown up. She married and has a good
job. And, what
happens when Joe asks her "Why" she filled out the paperwork for the
new A-1 widgets
that way? She automatically gets a tiny bit defensive.

Joe was merely curious, and with his innocent question he

unknowingly set off an old
response. Even though Suzie "knows" it's a simple request for
information, lingering
traces of the eight year old's feelings from Mom's "why's?" resonate
to this day.

So how can Joe safely satisfy his curiosity? Simply by rephrasing.

If he had asked, "What
was the purpose of cross filing the A-1 widgets with the crumpet
displacers on page 2?",
Suzie would have happily supplied him with her reasons, and both
would have felt good
about their conversation.

Human minds make associations. Flags remind us of Mom, and apple pie
they've been mentioned together so many times. And, a great many
seemingly innocent
words can inadvertently evoke none too desirable feelings at times.

So now that you've taken the first step, and become aware that
eliminating "why"
questions can promote more positive responses from simple requests
for information,
what are you going to do? True, putting your new knowledge into
practice will take a
little effort, but surely by now you can imagine the rewards vividly
enough to be
motivated to take action.

Curious about other hot button words? How about the "right/wrong"
and "good/bad"
concepts? Imagine if your boss said, "That doesn't really fit what
we need here. Go ahead
and move the eggs in the large cartons." Instead of, "That's all
wrong. Put the eggs in the
large cartons." Which of those two would make you feel the best?
Which of those two
would motivate you to do your best job for the boss?

In becoming aware of the power of words like "why", you can begin to
appreciate the
value of choosing words with care. By now, it's become easier to
appreciate how a little
verbal precision can make a decided difference in the relationships
that we care most

The good news is, that after a little effort, new speaking habits
can be established, and we
begin to speak with an increasingly easy and automatic precision.

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