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Student Name: Programme: Date:

Riyad Batal MBA Top-up

Research Topic based on your Interest:

Managing Learning and Training Development sessions in The Field of Cars

Repairing Units

Tentative Title:

"To what extent do the owners and Managers of car workshops apply learning and
training development sessions for their Employees?
A Case study of The Management of Car Workshops in Jeddah, KSA"

Aim and Objectives:


The aim of the study is to,

 To study and examine how close the samples, collected from various
workshop, through observations and surveys, actually matches with the
practicing learning and training development sessions throughout their
workshops in Jeddah.
 To study difference of creative and friendly learning methods implied by the
owners and managers for their employees in their workshops in Jeddah.


 To conduct surveys by visiting automobile workshops and to examine the

hazards and hinders in Learning and training development sessions for the
workers during their initial course of training.
 To survey and visit top five local leading and well reputed automobile
workshops for the examination of their current running system and methods of
Learning and Training Development sessions.
 To carefully observe and record the quantitative data and carefully analyze

Research Proposal
the difference of samples collected versus the ongoing practicing of learning
and training development sessions and how far these learning and training
theories of development are being implemented.
 To highlights the obstacle faced by the workers in five major well reputed local
automobile workshops during their course of learning management and
training development sessions and find the possible relevant solution to
overcome those hazards.
 To examine the performance of the workers during the surveys and to focus
on the learning development of the workers through their performance.

Short literature review/issues already identified in this area:

In the respective project, the basic idea of the researcher will be to highlight how far
these training management and learning theories are being implemented by
management team, managers, owners, supervisors or technician of five workshops
in Jeddah.
Many authors spoke and have written a lot of theories about learning management
and Training development sessions in different organization and corporate sectors
with deep and complex theories by exploring the problems, reasons and devising
methods about it. The major name among these writers are Senge, Kolb and
Bandura as they are some of the major authors who have played a vital role in this

Senge's Five Disciplines (2006)

Peter Senge, the author of the book, “The Fifth Disciplines”, focuses on leading the
learning in organizations and corporate sectors. He has written this book to portray
different ways of understanding the leadership qualities for the leaders of the
corporate and the use of methods and theories by for learning management. He also
highlights the quality and struggle for being a leader of the corporate and the
responsibilities of the leaders for acting as an inspiration and beacon for the workers
of their corporates. This very behavior of the leaders will be an efficient way for

Research Proposal
achieving successive goals. The writer does not actually forced the leaders to accept
and implement his policy of learning management by he believes by following his
ways the process will go hand in hand unintentionally. He has defined the role of
personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning and systems
thinking.(“id10926-the-fifth-discipline.pdf,” 1990.)
It can be deduced from the above reference that by enabling personal skills in
mastery is key to an inspiration and it the door to attain the individual achievement.
The positive attitude and encouraging behavior of the leaders has an actual power to
bring about the positive change and inducing the positive mindset among the
workers in organization. It creates happiness among the workers and can mould
their mental environment. Mental Development Model is the second area in Learning
and Training Management is the constant source for the continuous mental
development. The responsibility for the leader is to create healthy but challenging
environment for their worker. Yet the leaders of the corporate takes challenges
wrong for Torture. Leader should have to avoid Judgement. By eliminating the past
and personal experiences of the workers and belief, it is the responsibility for the
leaders to take workers as individual.
“To practice a discipline is to be a lifelong learner. You ‘never arrive.’ The more you
learn, the more acutely aware you become of your ignorance.” (Senge, 1990)
The importance of sharing a single vision and its practice of sharing the vision of
leaders and corporate among the workers makes it the collective goal of the team to
achieve it from the best corporative and understood means. It makes the idea of
sharing vision, positive methods for learning and training development for the
workers. This makes the workers to fully engage themselves with the clear
understanding of the corporate or company’s goals, so that they will put all their
efforts on the way the company is heading to.(Utley, 2016)
Team learning acts as a nerve center for personal mastery. The basic Idea behind
the process of Team Learning is the involvement of the leaders with their coworkers
to work for the clear goal by working mutually under a single vision under common
grounds. The enable way for the workers and management team to work for single

Research Proposal
goal by opening their arms for acceptance and tolerance and mutual respect for
each other, thereby building an absolute trust. This clear understood and mutual
respect and sharing of ideas makes it possible for the corporate to accountable itself
in any stage of its work, to verify and account for its progress for the further possible
change where need.(Michael E. Friesen, 2015)
This idea of, mutual understanding, finding the problem and opting the best possible
reason for solving it is described by Senge in his book as single and double loop
learning. Double loop is more preferable because of its way finding the main cause
of the problem, which is only possible when there will be mutual understanding for
the shared goal among the members.(Mark K. Smith, 2012)

Kolb’s Learning Stage

David Kolb in 1984 published his famous learning style module which is basis of
development of his learning style inventory. David Kolb Learning style inventory
works on two levels:
 Four stage cycle of Learning
 Four separate learning style
The basis of much of Kolb works depends upon or based upon the human instinctive
cognitive behavior.(Ruby Rumson, 2016) According to Kolb’s concept during the
process of learning, human mind goes from the process of acquiring some abstract
concept which he can applied in wake hours of its need, in a flexible manner. Here
flexible means the open passage for the workers or members for deciding the
implementation of the needed ideas in the wake hours without any hesitation.
According to Kolb,
“Learning is the process whereby the knowledge is created through the
transformation of experience”. (Kolb, 1984, p.38).

Research Proposal

Conceptuali Observation

Kolb’s Laerning Cycle

Learning thorugh experience is the second step known as Rflective Observation, is

impetus for the development of a new concept.

Third stage is the idea of learning through abstract conceptualization, which actually
is the reflection that helps modifying the existing ideas of abstract concept and giving
rise to new concept. (Saul McLeod, 2017)

In Kolb’s Experiential Learning Style, Fourth comes the stage of Active

Experimentation, where learners actively involve themselves as an active
Experiment in the world around them and are open to accept the possible results.

Self-Efficacy and Social Cognitive Theories (Bandura 1977)

Bandura in 1977, introduced a concept of Self Efficacy and Social Cognitive

Theories, as he doesn’t in the sheer influence Behaviourism and Psychoanalysis on
human mind, but he believes that humans themselves yearns for and look for the
cognitive development process. Badura believes that all of these three factors
including Behaviour, Environmental Factor, and Cognitive Process, works together
building behaviour and motivation for a man.(Frank Pajares, 2002)

Research Proposal
The theory consists of four processes to realize goals
 Self-observation
 Self-reaction
 Self-Evaluation
 Self-Efficacy
All of these four factor work together as motivation for the achievement of the future
desired goals. Self-efficacy is basically what a person knows he can do using his set
of skills under specific circumstances and how more efficient he could be on
focusing on what he still need to learn. (Marilyn Price-Mitchell, 2015). Self-Efficacy
Theory is based upon a principle of self believe as it says that people will feel more
confident and encouraging and likely to involve themselves in activities around them
when fell high level of self-efficacy among them. Self-Efficacy is measured by
 Magnitude
 Strength
 Generality.

Final Note

The literature review will be covering different aspects of the learning management,

Research Proposal
then it will critically analyze these theories of the discussed writers in an evaluating
manner to take out important perspectives and ideas in learning management. Along
with the reference of literature review, the paper will further discuss the critical
aspects of management learning theories. The paper will also highlight different
methods used by skilled writers to check the performance of Management learning
sessions in workshops.

Research Questions

The Research questions of the study are,

 If Management Learning sessions or training workshops would be a beneficial
or effective step for every worker or member?
 Whether the implementation of these theories of Learning Management will
be applicable to workers or members of all levels or is it only beneficial for the
workers of higher corporate levels?
After looking into these various theories we will come to initial conclusions that will
address the questions about if management learning would benefit or be as effective
for everybody or not, and whether the theories have addressed management
learning mainly on top level only or on all levels across the workshops.

References and/or Bibliography:

 Stajkovic, A., Luthans, F., 2002. Social cognitive theory and self-efficacy:
Implications for motivation theory and practice
 Kolb, D., 1984. Experiential Learning. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Pearson
Education LTD.
 Senge, P. M., 1990. The Fifth Discipline. Newyork: DoubleDay.
 Frank Pajares. (2002). Self-efficacy defined. Retrieved December 17, 2017,


 id10926-the-fifth-discipline.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved from

 Marilyn Price-Mitchell. (2015, April 7). Metacognition: Nurturing Self-

Research Proposal
Awareness in the Classroom | Edutopia. Retrieved December 19, 2017, from


 Saul McLeod. (2017). Kolb’s Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle

| Simply Psychology. Retrieved December 17, 2017, from

 Mark K. Smith. (2012, December 6). Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-

loop learning and organizational learning. Retrieved January 2, 2018, from


 Michael E. Friesen. (2015, June 23). The Importance of Team Learning |

LinkedIn. Retrieved January 2, 2018, from

 Ruby Rumson. (2016, December 7). David Kolb ’s Four Distinct Learning

Styles. Retrieved January 2, 2018, from


 Utley, T. (2016, November 30). The Importance Of Shared Vision In Social

Impact Organizations. Retrieved January 2, 2018, from


Outline of the Research Methodology:

Research Proposal

The market of car repairing and maintenance of well-established workshops in

Jeddah is considerably small compared to the large local market of weakly-
established workshops. The reason being is official car dealers offer trustworthy
maintenance and repairing capabilities at competitive costs. These official car
dealers do follow well-implemented business modules where they do practice
managing learning properly. However in the research five well-established
workshops will be focused on.

Sample Size and Selection of Sample

Data or sample collection will be purposive i.e. data will be collected in the form of
surveys from selected five well reputed automobile local workshops.

The samples chosen were looked at through different perspectives, i.e.

 From Customer Satisfactory Perspective
 Reputation
 High Performance
 Highest Targeted Clients
The selected automobile well reputed local workshops depending upon their local
reputation, high quality service, targeting the higher class individuals or insurance
covered clients and similar in their conduct of services, man power, staff members
and huge market share, will be,
 Al Eitany
 Mize
 Al Alamiyah
 Moda Car
 High Peaks

Sources of Data

Research Proposal
To collect correct data and assure maximum data quality, high management and the
supervisors will be most relied on when surveying.

Collection of Data

Data collected will be quantitative and based upon questionnaires. Data collection
will be from three different perspectives,
 Learning management in these workshops
 How they apply methods of practicing training and Observation.
 How far do they follow the rules of learning these practices?
There will be a separate survey conducted on the strategies of development learning
management based upon Research objectives.

Exposure Assessment

The exposure assessment will be made reliable and valid by statistic data collected
 Various meetings
 Survey based on Interviews based on surveys

Data Management

The data collection will be based on

 Validity,
 Reliability, \
 Competence,
 Precision,
 Integrity and
All this will be done by showing statistical data using tables and charts.

Data Analysis Strategies

Data will be analyzed by the comparison of the results of the survey and interviews
conducted from those referred five local automobile workshops, by using the critical

Research Proposal
evaluative study under the umbrella of above mentioned Theories of Learning

Ethics and Human Subjects Issues

The paper will also keep in notice the use of Ethical and Human Subjective issues
during the conductance of interviews and surveys. The researcher or surveyor will
also keep in mind the basic ethical and human rights including,
 Beneficence (Doing Good)
 Preventing any Harm
 Fidelity
 Trust within Interviewer and Participants
 Personal Dignity
 Autonomy
 Integrity of Voluntary
 Personal Information


The Anticipated Timeframe will be the First Week of March 2018,

Chapters Timeframe
Chapter 1: Introduction Last Week of December
Chapter 2: Literature Review First Week of January
Chapter 3: Research Methodology First Week of February
Chapter 4: Research Findings Second Week of February
Chapter 5: Conclusion, Suggestions First Week of March

Anticipate Possible Constraint:

Three most important project constraints or triple Constraints also known as the
project management triangle, are

 Schedule: All the chapters have deadline to meet but Time & Date are
universal constraint which is difficult to manage, that must be met.
 Biasedness: The biased constraint for the researcher will be the possible
biased views of the workers or company about their information etc.
 Due Diligence: Due to extra care and judgmental evaluation due to legal,

Research Proposal
professional or ethical reasons the project may timeframe extend.
 Quality: A quality of data collection that satisfies the researcher is a
mandatory requirement.

University email address: Other email address as a back-up

Research Proposal

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