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ww EXCLUSIVO! APRENDA FACIL, CONSULTE RAPIDO. HARK me TEKe Ons ae aeEE UNC U ey PT * Hg a fo ommn ees on eee rer ‘Whole goups Abstract nouns Small tans Nouns are names for: ‘mat beauty ‘aie Articles are words that modify nouns. Ther are 160 ‘ypesofarticles: People: oy. woman, Mn fod ck salt Paces: New York. Paris, home, sare ‘rape ‘mate gar Derinrre ARTICLES (THE) Definite aril are se ih singular count mons, Animals: dog horse wurm. bigmacsee ——Languager otter plural count nouns, snd noncount nouns VWisadow ‘Things car book compte Bess cathe eas hones, Deut Arabic heat Spanish soccer “There ar: {Expressions of quantity come before nea ‘Commen Nouns building, plane, hy. ‘Some are ed th only count nouns Proper Nouns: While Howe, Lath, Coors 1 Some are wed with only nancount nouns 1 Some are used wih both Merete oem reson fay (book astore ‘water honey ‘one . sachioery count Noncount ‘robots comple of Isinglar & pal) [no purl) thee ee ‘eo heals ‘some ster ts feweveral ome books great deal of water ora maber of flat of books tae of won oncount nau ‘many books ‘ees ater ‘eile wor ‘few books ‘lade water wh voter ‘great del of ter In grammar, noncount sours cannot be counted. |For Both aunt and noncount noun: 1h verb fellowing a noncount noun i alnays ott Toointer singular some ota tof water passer under the bride. tof open of ook/nater 1A noncount noun never takes the indinte unt ookwater ‘acl avan it eotnaror Pa ed For most regular plurals, ad an-5 10 the word: coin pple ' When the noun is known fo the speakers: The ea have le wry expensive The quctian they wat to ah sabe hoewnrk. + Whon the noun is “the only one” fi kind The su rises in he ex, The moon's ul. The doors locked (Thre is only one oo) "When he non sa representine ofa genera ‘das of tan “The computer isthe most mportaniwention Tha pate 0 beanie stant INDEFMITE ARTICLES (A, AN) Indefoie ances se used with Singular count ‘oun on bid, boy, a book, a dictionary, apiece of ake + Use an wth 2 noun that begin with a vowel sound ‘an apple an examination. an hour Remember a univer hate! because “avery” tnd “hott” begin wih «consonant pronunciation OO "Yer oan sunken oe shes Mary hs et fomornns Pronounstlethe place ofnoun they acnounsubstines: IM They want ak a qucston oy" he book =i Mary she Vsaow 1 Wher the noun i being introduced forthe ist dime PERSONAL PRONOUNS A Puna ally ele ‘other Noun Pua 1 When the sng end in sh oh x Subject pronouns eter to the subj ‘A bok sa pod rend ona fon tip as clases TUrspeat Boplsh) we 1 When the singular end ino, a you sou No ARmicLs Exceptions tomatoes potatos. echoes, eres Br ay Put count nouns and noneount nouns do nt need ‘When te singular ens in (peceda by © voweb, Mf Object pronouns refer to the obeto he verb efits when the ae refering 10 AL of he nly =e add ys os an called me) * item. 1 Whoa the singular ends ay (recoded by acoso son you an) es is add Pee. Hin, erie ioe Para, count nouns: Foterive pronouns ist owt) Tae — Nouns hat cad info fe change oes ening: Tine (is books me) wus i all calves ie, fies sel, ees sour, snus apples tw Ms bas oe a. cps sp) al faves af fomes thaws His hes its ire Boks are expense oats in gre Knife trves sess Wot woes Aeflexve pronouns (fer to these sometimes "Tee bok the tore ae cheap (cite ks) Teuhicves Sear scarves Used fir empha: as eapions ei chi, ei, 08. TMS ke dre myself’) oussves Thar store has comp rst, nga Sourselt ourselves ‘The compures hey have ae ol. pei copes) seep ateink TEE neat ner ms Sure ie oe ee eae inet = tal nen" ee Sec, yo camo ae Sine saul revere wease a ‘man, men ‘woman, wane everyone (Everyone has his or her idea.) a Seabees Senne ee nee ' Some nouns in English come fom othe languages fad hae foreign pra analysis anaes hypothesis pothees foe Sonata here ate th erode ie) something (Did ! leave something om the table?) anyone Wie neces. (ost nese th etd ee ae Ito meats ins) Few owtnt ote ak te ‘ppenives” rtm, moiia noi > secon Rte” merits omen) Sone nce earn) remeber +s ct wn camer arc Mn =a =< = bre = Se cece eee ‘crisis, crives’ phenomenon, phenomena UAPERSONAL PRONOUNS: ‘must have: ‘riterion, criteria stimulus, still ‘One meins “any person, people in general ‘san article: « Book, the ear. am uncle im fot corns ylation nei Siucenenaoe uavotcrene 3 ae ad =o ae Seat elie eee ceca rem, cece on > pn shay rear etn eine met EB Apsecrives ‘Adjectxes give more information about nouns The following ae cll deseripive ajotives they describe the pou: good Stent, bad sent een dn ht, bt fe co ey, old ‘The following endings ars offen Fund on adjectives 2 (mil), -0us ous, al hoped, ate wena, less (pes eample Hei Joyous child ‘comparisons “io none ith adjectives can bo compared: ‘Tinmoatemes allt ensgeane toes come "Eo rg, uma bigger hn ex Sgr ie, Homey ever hn 0) + In actives with more than 190 syllables, sc more to compare “fo handsome. Peter more hand Algebra is diel. Calo move dificult When compating more than two nouns wth adjectives use the supeative: Al the and est oalectvs whic we er. Use the most with aujacvs with mare han cw syllables: Earths bi. Uranus is bggor Saturn isthe biggest “ofall panes Aiebras ifilt, Caleatus is more dificult ‘Nuclear plsts i he mas dficul of al subjects, Possessive ADJECTIVES 1 Describe ownership: ray (My cari ie) your your his thie ee thie its their Posteson wth = 1 Another way show possessions with: ‘hi hok belongs to dab (3 bas 3 book.) ‘hiss Johns books his book.) * If noun is singular, use ony ‘The bay's book The do's food. The gin he. The man car If now pana se only The bone” books The ds? The gt has +f no ns eeu pla ih ns, dc we The men’ a The cron to. If noun or mame ends ia use ear or: Thomas" book Thomas’ oa DEmonsTRATIVE ADJECTIVES Single This book (CLOSE to speaker: This bok srk That car (FAR fren spake) That boos be Por! These hoses (CLOSE tsps These Pooks ro ‘hone chars FAR rm peak The boos a ie pad Adve sve information about verbs, adjectives and avert 2 Adverbs ar often forme by ating yt an active: ‘espate ey desea) hey are exromely ineliget eA She opened the bor very carey ‘Adv Ad + Adverbs often answer qustions ‘adver ‘answer iow ‘She opons the presen quick “where?” She opens ae roses inside when” She opened ae reson yesterday. “To whet exten” She opens the presen very que = Adverbs expess time (tomorrow, yesterday, today, aly Tate ste “oho arrives tomerrw. 1 Frequency verbs (sometimes, usa 4c) "ow often” seme ation happens "How een do you smoke?” never smoke” 100% cm 50% => slays usually sometimes ‘len oceasionally <= 0% rarely ever sldom noc ever aly ever 1 Frequency adverbs come BEFORE webs [emple present & past) (usually comes, never ate, ftten dar never had: "Ske usualy comes ot 8 PM Usually, never often, rarely come AFTER te et pe" [ple poset & pat) ‘She is usualy on tne = Frequenoyaverhs come BETWEEN an auxiliary and rain verb (has always Been, wll never eat, had ‘often come) "Se hana ee ote ‘oe things ae compared “He came ltr tani ‘She nas up earlier han the rest of ws do ‘Mary pes faster an fa, "With sree ce more nouns ald the and -est ue latest, the east, the slowest, ee Ui ype he stn ofa of 1 Mos avers hat nd in ly use the word more ‘wen somparing two verbs + adverbs “eats mare p(s his beso) ‘She spas mare ier (Gan her eessmate) 1 When comparing mor han to serbia, ss the most Berns more uly hans roster: couse ‘as the most quickly (te thes). + Some avers change their forms completely when thy ae teen compar we four est bad nich most Pao ud Prepositions are words that show a special relation ship botwoon wo tas 1 Propositions also answer such questions as where? ‘nen? and how? "he sons arin the var. (Wher are they?) lon coming by bus. (How is We coming?) She faves at 400 a.m, (When dies shee?) Common preposition: shout before despite of shove behind down off sce bolow —dunng_ on aller beneath for out gist besides] fom slong between into] trogh —_wahinvvtot smog beyond like thoughout sound by near til at tof] sander sn ron) over with 1 Many vt are flamed by prepositions 11s import ear bth the ver and he preps tien. +The meaning ofa verb will change depending on the preposition which follows i Verband prepasiton combinations goten listen for stand for stout listen standout eter stand up anette cinoe bs anes oye) + ‘ef tat has meaning when fr sands by ise “nced help. sv ‘She kes soccer Independent clases can be combined wih “ennee- tov er conjunetions ‘hich show the relationship Iotcon th fest and socond clause. wat for “Te rt clase in ll he examples below the same; Ihgweser the second clauses are ferent ‘AND signals an adton of equal imporance: ‘Tn ste, and he not sng to schoo toda: 1 BUT (YET) signals a conmast: cn ck, but he spain 1 scoot ody 10m signals chive: ‘Tock, or hei pretending +50 signa a rosule “Toi sc, so heb mt going to school toda. 1 FOR signals a eas: ‘To is sick, fr he goa cold in the rin += Use a comma botwcon the frst independent clause and the second. Paine = When wo sens are eonmected the subject loser othe sr detrminas whether the vers singular or pha not only + noun + but aso ¢ noun: No only my itr bu aso my ses Ete, ‘ier + ou oF enoun: Ether ny bother orn sister wt Be ie Europe Neher my brother nor my sister si Europe ‘Nather my brnhere nor my sisters ae i Europe + When 6 subjects are connected ty both, they take plural ver: bath + noun + and + noun: ‘Bath my brother and my sister are in Europe Em A sentence usualy has a subject [5] and aver V1 Hasna Dole eat Ea cain Saeer ye oe v 1 Some somences also have an objeet Frople eat fod. s vO Macy enjoved the mie. : ov 8 They need passports sv 1 Some seatnces also have an indirect objet [0] “ola gave a present ro me 0 ola gave me a presen oo preps] 0 causes © Aclave ase subject and m ver ee ate two basis clause i Enlish: Independent ‘and dependent clases Tn going Wo the sore beconse I ned ile Tindepenset] [dependent “5 The dependent else need the independent ease ie covplete meaning. 1 Thee ate thee ype of dependent clauses in Engish: Eich ot tem has name which desis tua each does na sentence Apsective CLAUSES = Adjective clauses work lke actives they give more inna about nous they are desing ‘WHO is used for persons. cH i sed Tr thes [THAT is wel for bot Whe got? The sik whoithat talking ism const Which doctor? Ths «doctor afhas every famos Which ctr The actor whoftat was tn hae ‘movie ast month, The bok whither you borrowed emir he ight which hat we ware dubing vas canceled. WHOSE is used for possession Ii rend whose car was soem vets the police. (Giscar was scien) {eta gil whose mothers a pilot (her mother is pion Noun CLauses ‘= Noun clanses are usd ike nouns noun ean bea subject ran object ina sentence” A nun catse {an siso bea sect ran objet oa setense ‘Subject of Sentence Tateness Your coming late That you came late ‘That heady do is work His absence 1 When a noun clase is used aa subject. he word hat rust be use The subject ean ako be wsod by paving the noun clause athe endo the sentence: Timakes me angry thar you come lt. Hemakes me angry dat he didn do hie work. ‘Objects of Sentence ‘een sow name French *[ha| your buhay 1s tomar: {tht} Mashinton ws the ost president “ator ‘ADVERS CLAUSES f Adverb clauses ae ted lke atherbs They answer questions like when? why? how long? = Atherb auses shaw reladnshis between mo Whi book? Wie igh? mabe me ang How Time Te fon hone lace Lua. smug, They came after had eaten der The sudent stood when the teacher ante, Futur Time Causes Whe aking about the frre The ver nth me clause is alvays present rn, The main verb fate fens: ecu go swinming because i aig. ‘Wh raliag oe eon go een, ppost dahon nb cold Pe going ruining ‘Se gor ago grade eve. the shel sd Condition “Clas we wll ance he plese Told hove gone Purpose “She came carly so thas she could get a good sa ‘Maxine SENTENCES NEGATIVE 1 You can make a sentence negative by puting the ‘word mot with dhe aula form ofthe ver, ok beat AERP RMP ‘Do not vse double negatives, they are ahs Incorrest ‘Corrst: Dow ouch ansthing lncorect Don’ touch nothing Be “Thor are two kinds of questions: 1. Yes Questions (Rag cthera"yes ce" anser) ere? is woe ions Dit be to wit ste caine Hs Mary ‘Remember thatthe aur caries tense information and sometimes “number” slormation abut the subject othe sok Bagh? Am ding wel? ag? ares eg exe week? Shee ei ean ling Tettll a He silent Fe il be ening soon = You have he eating we hs comes. dau hee a ie? Wars? a eb ving sean? ia? ‘Have on ber eng wel? asi eon sang? ab ie 0? ow eee soe 2. WH - questions (To ask fr pif infomation) 1SWH- questions fl the same pater a8 ent qustions, excep the fst woud ia WH. question is the Word, not the auniiry. aa aS alice When ‘mer? — te tn Wy did et Wess ear will 2 (ee) Mice ee ey ’ How does x x Wht Whefatt ae you Wht bas ake ieaoing tomorow? moving? ‘oust ne? "Who in this sortonco ie asking a question about the subject ofthe sentence. When you areasking any kind ‘Of WH- question aso the subject ofthe semence do Mot use an ausilary in Sour question Thee children have cen ne (bet) HOW MANY CHILDREN have boon jure? {oo ausiary] ‘She has three children, objet) HOW MANY CHILDREN does she have? {aoaiany needed) The Bue car has mare power (set) WHICH CAR has mors power? (00 aie] Me prefer ahe Ble car (obj) WHICH CAR do on refer? (asiiay weeded ‘Whoen is ased when aeking & question abou! the object ofa sentence =I ofen very formal, Today, nay poeple donot use the form whom; Instead they use who There is one sxeption Whom orev saling to? 0 whom are you tiking? when «preposton comes fore wh, you must xe whom, sich 3s, for whew, fy hou, th hom ins? whom Wiword_ Meaningiuse ast ice place iy reason psson Example Answers iri Ts eh oO, Athi: Hee He Yok Bese Pn lk Tet anh Mars’ book he man's Picea runner Que Bus: ey we enon sje] Th es Ar ndJon, ei aed Te eh re Sid, igs Theo The a: Thr ‘Tas Quesrions Tag questi sea ond of sesso mse co tran comet or sek acme ‘cng conte? Tater ome sr = Affimusiveseaonce ~ nopative tag ~ affirmative Tos like coffe don you? Yes, La 1 Negative sentence ~afimative tag Tou don lie cof. de you? = Necarive QUESTIONS = When asking anesative question we nt withthe swslay and allow th sme prover for asking ‘ihe yee/no” oe WH - questane rzive Na don Questions Didar go lastnight? Why werent yeu in lass? — Tas sick Mase the recone? Sosy dehet Who didn come yesterday? [abet Jot & F dda answers Not didn Ra a ed * THE ALPHABET ‘Thwart letersi tbe Engh lpi: * MEASURES 2.54 centimeters 1 inches 03058 meter Set 5.200 feet 83 filometers 43,560 square fet hat day iit? Toast Jeary st, 2001 «new centr! Monday January Ferry Mach Avail spring summer fall DIRECTIONS Noth orth out est orcas sorter fouthesst uth Notthwest Northeast Southeast South > CARDINAL NUMBERS 0-220 4 one 29 3 three tour Sine 6am 7 seven 8 oie 9-nine fovten A slexen 12 owelve thin 21 -weny-one 22 measy-ene 2B went 30- thir 31 tine 2200 fo hundred 4000 ene thousand 10,000 «ten thon £00,000 "rin 100,000,000 1 tilion fit a second 3th nth thi Yoh tenth ‘arth 400th one hands Rh {2Mh one hundred sed sith ‘ventyfourth event it x TIME ‘The Past, Tae ack “the day before yesterday Brisa quarter of, ‘morning —AM (betiee noo) aternoon PM (alr nooa} cvening~ ale 7PM ‘ght 12 PM — noon 2AM — midnight 2:10 AM "two te (inthe morning) SHS PM ~ thee fifteen or quater ast tres (in te afternoon) 4430 PM four thiry or hal as our {inte evening) S35 AM — five tinyfive or benty> Five of sx (nthe morning) 115 PM — eleven fertyfive quarter ‘of twese [in he esening) + A FEW GREETINGS Wess Hello How are oa? Whats your name? Thnk po etme imireduce you to Mars Speak st: pase ‘Goodbye Good morning eed eeaine Good night Tine, ta ocd yo? ‘My mame & Pore ow ar welcome, Helo Mars delighted to mec ou Tam sory Gand, wae nice moving ot iia sa a J, 0 cold, irs 20 degrees. 7 4. Ws cloudy. * WEATHER, CLIMATE Wat the temperature ouside? 2.8 teeing. Bisco, 31s snow Weft cham Vite: 9. ts thundering. 40.1S wins we Ae ibe e- eo. Bh ri @ vallow € ‘ree Ligh Bie ‘Rctansstee eae hen eraresccst ‘ISBN i 88 749-37-8 iii br Lit] Pa ead Vets ae word hat tually show ation. ‘Sem examples at: talk wal ea, go, write ‘She eat Banana. Sometimes veibs do nat show action; instead, some ‘vers connect the subject with an adjective, ‘Some examples are: be, Become, et, smell, sound, ‘ase, fee. lok appr, seem Tha ono tats Verbs also gine information about time Some verb tenses are: present, pos, fture Tos ain. Yesterday 1 ane Nat eh wll an ‘Simple Tenses isnt habits, single actlons Continuous or Progressive Tenses focus on sions happening’ tthe moment of speaking (Continacos terns lays ave a frm ofthe te "be a "ng" fn the base form ofthe ve em snows December: Iris mowing now lon smoked cigars. John ws smoking cigar Mary te dtaer-2n Mary was eats ase whoa Feane Tranve vecbs are fllonod by en ojos (in bl, People et foo. John wil ned 0 passport, Intrantive vets are followed by an object. “Bo Fann, Some vers abe uch rani and intransitive. Intransitive "People eat, dot drives, Ther are sadying ‘Transitive: People eat food data dives er They are studying Ealick aang PS aT Most vers are regular verbs: ved is adad 10 make the past tense and the Verb have dhe principle pas: So ply playa riage ft uted fed cook cooked Gotha sexy suid sued APRENDA FACIL, CONS eres Newey Peaad HTTP Lenten cet ot ee LILI. | {> A gerund isthe ing form ofa verb sed asa noun. | Go + Gerund Verb + Ing eoping plying, walking Tes used inthe sae way as now Waking i «good exercise oy He eno plying tenis. °° Gerunds are used with certain verbs: Common verbs followed by gerunds: seus (asda) keep expen) | Past-Passive Gerund tenets) Heving bon + Past paricile ensdr (nk sos) Suez 1 eperecite having been old he ho. ithe moment of Soaking indicates util faking place a person doer every compleed:theimportance | Empat ‘ofthe acca continues tothe | ACTION/DURATION Prestand may even happen | cf aneton ts te some words tat jana th preset prec or | preset pret ontinuns ate ce a or crea an et. nave studied [have boon studying so have sted you have been studying the as studied issih been stdin has studied ‘thas been studying se have studied oye hive been studying yes indicates an action ‘ih eins or omplte (ean be ‘sed with ie signals Sich ar ao, gested Tas week month te), shons ation fa prolonged duration you were looking Hote was looking | iia tated ‘hal been taking sou had talked Som had been talking | beste hat ned Bese nad een talking "Thad caked iehad been tal wwe ee looking | they were looking poco indicates planned Place inthe fare week, month et) you willbe ving hehe wl be ving ‘hey wil be ving Go is followed by »gorun in certain iiomatic exes ‘ons, mostly rating to reeestionl aces ‘hey go dancing Satinay igh (go boating go camping, sino Passive Forme of Gerund Passive Gerund Being + Past patcple appreciate being invited 19 dis ver Past Gerund Having + Past participle appreciate Maing had the oper to eet her ceent Perfect, Continuous Tense ilicates a action which | has the same intent stared at some indefinite tine | gs simple present ‘nthe pat and is NOT revfes bo sth they have sae ‘hey hae been studing rt Perfect Ts the same purpose as smpe post perfest bur with empiasso ACTION’ DURATION of an acion, rs ‘Suse when there are TWO. ‘eas inthe pe onde Veh ACTION happened ist Tha fist action inte past perfect the seed ston Pinte simple pas ‘ead talked soohad heen talking they had talked thy had been tallig ere errr ay arte in ased when tae ae ‘TWO vetsin the hitireto | ae fate perfect indcte te camplenon a one | but with emphasis on ‘xin bef the secend acon, | ACTION'DURATION fe verb scompleed | of an actin, fin tho fue pstst tne he same argos nave worked [il have heen working you wil have worked you wl have een working hese wifhave worked | he’she wil have been working ie wil nave worked "ll have een working ‘so will have worked ‘vc will have been merking they wilt have worked | they wil have been working ed ee ic DO, Vers BE “The vot bee inking vor, It connects subj with 4 complement. complement can be a NOUN, an [ADIBCTIVE cra PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE. fa doctor Mary ie {iraeizen, inthe ray. hani-working teachers ime a Tam Tat Tl be youare © youyere — youwilbe tels fcwas Hewllbe shes sewas ——sbewil be ti itwasitibe ve willbe hey wil be ole and Bob are ‘ey are Frresent Perfect] Past Perfect | Future Perfect have been Thad been il have heen you have een you had been _you wil have been hoias been ead been he will shohas been shed been she wil ivhas been ithad been sew nave been ‘mehave been welhad been weil ave Been thy have Been they had been they wil ave been ‘THERE IS/THERE ARE Sometimes, the subject ofthe setence is NOT inthe they were ‘There is a pctare onthe wal. = A picture ison she wal “A pte” isthe subject; the verb be" i singular ‘ota the subjects Singular. ae Used to + verb (ht fom) salsa past actity thas ‘esa happen any mere ‘SSitjet uae to + ver (base Form) Tse te play wit oy tras (monger do that.) ‘She wsed cook doer. (She 10 longs does tha.) BE USED To 1 De careful yo w confuse be used to sit with used to (ast ctity no lnger done). Be ued to + verb + Ing signals habit thatthe speaker no longer bas, Tr gor a now job las ear Fad to get wpa! Same ‘tory workdays At fist, geting yp was iil for Ie, bur now am une to ging wo at Sa. «Eins doner aS pom is no problem. Fam used ting cnr cart (Be Gome To: FUTURE TIME Tam going te + base you are ging t+ base eis going e+ base seis going to + ase iets going to + fase ‘wear golagto > base syouare going t+ hase they are going to + bose oth be going to and wil express fue time. Sometimes: howeve, there are ight difreaes meaning an sage To prot something about the fatre, use ether be going to or wl. Its going to ron tomorr Iii rain toro ‘To express an ation that was planed before fin the pant}, Be going to; this san ronan, something previculy planes “Tam going 10 make you dianer (C've alealy ‘planned to do this) Tietsmot going to attend class. (He has made plans to be absent) 1 To eres that a speaker want te do something sui 8 t0 solusoer off help Oi se will Someone Is nook atthe door There NO prediction o ree ‘us plan "Thaye a queston Tvl help you! wi ger! Px Dad “Ther re tne min cndional sentences. Fach sefence has two parts ~ the conditional clause ad the result clase ‘The conditional clause is sometimes called the “Wf” ‘clase, The cononal sentence is based ou What ‘Soe or pss” and wht not tu oF impossible” ‘We talk sbout these conitons in either the presen future rte pas. Present Rea! (possible) TE present ese) Wlsiay ard she comes ear, she can finda god sea hes have time, the wl stele finds —iltnese ren are possbi Ft conditions happen. (fare tensemodal) vi sxcceed. Present Unreal (nposible; can never happen) Tr pas tense, wold ~sple vet form) {Ifthad ocr (now, 1 col dive te New York Gun dont havea car sof ean drive Here) 1p Bob were’ sick, he would go tote part tonight vet ck she wom" font) {Ip she hada TY, she could watch the gan. (but she doesn have Tso she can" wach the sume) = tn this conditional ype, the “pas” tense grammar cane tha he action is present ao not possible Note the veib “te” inthis contioal is abways the ‘Stee form fra persons Past Unreal Gapossbe to change: did aot happen) i pace perfet,(wouldicold might have ™ past parte) If. sted, would have goiten oe grade (Bo dot sty thrfrs 1g aba grade) = These past ton and real are impossible o change If Mary had gosten sp cat, she wouln have nse the but and would have arrive late. (ut Mary woke up fae 0, the mse her us find erie ate) 1 Mary had arrived on tie, her boss wouldnt Ihave goiten angry with her (ur Mary arid ae 0, er oss got angry with hon) This post action andres re impossible to chase. Mary fad gston up cary, se wouldnt ave mised the bus and woulda ave seed las. Als, the Boss ‘would’ ave goten angry wih he. + Mine conditions pend onthe tuth or eat of ‘Trth/ Realty ‘Consequence/Reason Tt do my homework, Tam in rouble now that done i, {oun rouble ow. He i He ate tot of cand He wouldn be (nom) Ife ha eaten so much. + Whan the conitonal sentonce egins wit then & comma suse between th conditional cause and the result The comaonal sentence ean also bein ‘vith te el in ha ons, no coma equed ‘She con watch te game fhe had a TV. Iwill ucceed IF stay hard. ‘Pavull have gover o god wrede if Thad studied Ps Ta Sentences with special verbs or adjetives tht tess mportune or nest im the ain clause sAtways use the simple base form of the verb inthe oun clause Verbs: adie ask demand, propose, recommend, command, ‘guest desir, nite: regu ses. ject uviabl, best, eter, essential, good, imperative since necessary: required, byportant, urgent. s Regardless ofthe tense ofthe main vec, the verb in the noun elause is abe site ase form: he tegative, oly ad not 0 the base orm, ‘The ctor advised (tat) she go lac the hospital ‘vas important (that loncome ear 1 prof that they no arrive ear yl be est for al of th) he be eat tomorrow ‘Did iis (hat weno: Be no? Pasa Eas WoutD RATHER... Present Time ow old are you? Tou rather noel yo. (Ss my ceiee tote sou ort) Do you vn chicken or bee? Ti (L would) rather have chicken. had bee last high rather have cisten thon bee How itis less? Tiare epg than siting here ast Time How was the movie? ras oy, ut Fi rather have stayed tome Hoy a New York Cy? ry bury and expensive. 1 raher have gone fo ‘ishing. NOTE: n speaking, peopl usualy use the ‘Satsution ead a sebing would Pastas Inlet he wr “pe me oe et usmc “1” May (please) spat with vou? {Could pease) speak wh vou? Boh have the sam polite meaning, an (pease speak with you? Is aaa pote, but es formal and acepabe Ponte replies: ‘Ofcourse tes Contain: ‘Would you mind if 1. “Would You mind i” has the meaning of “ls this 2 problem for yu? Is itall sight with ou?" The verb always inthe past ens. ould you min if apened the window? Would you mid 1 shut of the ih” Mould you mind I turned of he 1? ould you mind iT Borrowed your pen? Possible replies: Noor ara, No ofeoure not ‘No thar would be fine. Usinc “vou” ould you (plese) pas the sali? Fy (ese) pas the sali? Cou you please) pas he salt? Can you pease pass the scl? Possible replies Tis, [a be hap to. Tes. ofcourse. Yes, Fb glad Sire Ofcourse. Would you mind “Would you mind” has the meaning of Is this 2 ram fry? Ist al ight with you” Here, ising with he ver. ould you mind opening the window? Wo you mind satin off the igh? ok vind arming ofthe TP? ou you mind lending ve our pon? Possible replies: No 1 be happy to Not at al Fa beglad a UsiNc [vou]-IMPERATIVE Sometimes a simple command (onperrve) issu coat a foqust hat someon do somethin. ‘Adding “please” will ake the request more polite 1 Use the simple base form ofthe verb; for negatives, we “don't.” You may say “please” before the ver of atthe end ofthe semen, {Please} Open the door Be gue (pease) (ease) Don else the winder: on shout a me. (lets) Pose reps: Sr 1 Be aad are tea ay dn mean NaTeunte tn by ers eans "ee ws") eat (nes the speaker) Let not, Let go fora walk fist. hy don we eat? No. wi dom Ye go for a all far? Shall we oot? No, lets not. Let’ wo fr wah. fis ‘Aa informal expression which incides the speaker ‘Show about (verbeing)?: ‘How aheut eating? ‘No how abou ing for ‘Mawanc suGcesTioNs: CoULD/SHOULD When someone asks for hap or advice, you can give siggesions by using two mds ould, meaning this isa possiblity, or should, meaning you think sis a ood suggestion ‘Tm having problems te meth. Can yo help me? Mel, you cout find erator (pasts) You could work with a rind. (possi) (Or You could asec computer. program (possi) Fin vou should go to your teacher fr ely (good sea) wall fst? pas aay PASSIVE FORM To form the passive: Re + Pas Parcine nthe passive, the object ofthe ver becomes the sub. "acs nthe mang Sys he same, CIS sips thei ishelped by Susan, Only transite ver ves followed by an objet) are sed in the pai ‘ln the passive, is not posible ous verbs suc as ‘happen, sleep, come sr scem as they a inane ‘verbs (ses not followed bya objec) EI Vet An accident happened Maric sleeps Passive: NO PASSIVE FORM POSSIBLE om (one) (ooae) Actives Active VS. Passive FORM ‘Simple Present: ‘civer Sasa helps Peter Passive: Peter is helped by Susan aye ‘= Mdals (lo known as Modal Ausllaries) express a special meaning andadd that meaning the main ve, “Ho can stim Tie has he obi oom hee howe He may smoke. ~ He hus permission to smoke, He migh go = He snot re oboe ging. “He will came. = He gong to come (Sts) ‘eshould sta: = 1 very advisable ori sa “Herat lave = Iti ery necessary for hin fave *Modils do not have #3 fhe 86 i {Main ves do ot havea when modal is used ‘Madi nef by 1 + ver, + Modals work the same way as otter ausiliares do in grammaz, especially in questions and woguives, [rodal | atcanings Example ey rope Mey eee? sth uteri | Hema come emi come Fst ed mihi Meshal ove ares SS ancriy ond sve ane einy Present Progressive ‘tives Susan helping Petr Passive: Pater Beng helped by Suzan Present Perfect ‘Actives Susan as helped Peter. Passives Peter has heen helped by Susan, Simple Past ‘Active: Sas Ape! Peter Passive: Per was helped by Susan Past 7 ‘ative: Sum was helping Peter Passives Per nas Being heed by Susan Past Perfect ‘etie: Soan Aad helped Peer Passives ‘Four ad boom helped by Susan ‘Simple Future: "active: Susan wil help Peter Pastves ‘Petr wl be helped by Susan ‘Be Going Tor ‘Active: Swan & going help Peer: Passive: Peters ig 0 be helped by Sus, Future Perfect ‘Active: Suse wil have helped Peter Passive: Poor will ave boos helped by Susan, ‘Tue Passive Form oF MODALS SIS Maio wi ‘mviee tothe dice Tredoor ean opened bye i This loner shuld set oy ‘The scent may hom the cass ‘Theseort bad heer bette Fr: he rae ought next wk Her tir hasta ‘wld shout the tp, EIT ‘THe PasT-Passive Form oF MopaLs ECT The eter should have boon seat Thecale must —havebsen built Swan oughtie hae oes ester 0 yeusage. invited therein ro ona wae eon haven sia: ‘geod advice with [iw had beer stad ‘bra of tad eu (or ce yu st post al [aor spared eto ‘esarposlo | expen mn maar a oe Tw ct ot he Biorb, emeioet [Palacio proton Gezatse 100% cerns | Fb ere lng Yes ne some Pika | Wilson ie me plese” Fam sing Be tee Pim gare mene ee Gag mow? stn ie con be he as [econ raf lpm plane? el vos cond ello dace He conn be ere Teteatew ae oul yo sa edo? oir? rd ahr hve Fase dre work ro tee Sha Topo he door? reget Those ph | sagen | sues ‘spony (oceans) pata nies ss pousity mposity feces} i Check outfof—iemeahoret Look over review or hook eaeflly * PHRASAL VERBS Cheer up make (someone) fel happier Look up Took for informstion in a rofrence lean op tithe clean and ony book Phrasal verbs rter © a verb + preposiion which | Come across nist by chance Make up (ives (2) lo pas work together have special meaning Grove aut rawa line though Passamsy die ‘They ae common in informal English Cutout ep, emeve Fes out (Uy ait pul ~ of poste Drop bi (2) fos ensciousnest Mary puts of doi her work. ‘opin fon) wit informally Pick out Select Sometimes they consis of three parts: Diop aft Tere someting or someone at ape | Pik up {Tp ake (2) goto get somenee pul up with = tolerate Drop eut(ef)/ stop soinato sshool ioaiask ets | Point out cal atenion to. Mary puts wp with er bos. Figure out fin he answer Putt {postpone ) repel Phrasal verbs are also called ewo-word verbs or | Fil ut ‘wth compces of questionaire | Put on patelotes on oa ony ‘tree-word verbs orton Putup with oleate Find out ‘Nrmaion Run out fo fins supply of something ‘sk out ask someone © goon date Get along (with) be harmony with show up ‘pps come ‘ng about, Getouter (les aca. (2) avon something | Take afer resemble bang on cease et ove reeaner Takeover ake contol ‘Bring wp rear etien: @) meen oriamo |Get through Teh Take bein new atv or tpie le tone Getup aie fom be ache Take down nassenbie Callback tetra telephone call Give Back elu something Tear down demolish Gallott cancel ‘Gwe wp wep ine ‘ear up tear nto mans lite pees Gallen ‘ask speak in hss, Goover revo of check arfaly Think over consider carey hss end in Sub asignmenc Tum down decrease volume o intensity Catch up (with each thesame postion orlewal | Hang up (put elothes om hanger or 3 hook; | Tami [submit an eet (2) 0 40 bd Check, (2) Conclude elepbonecemcrstion | Tum af Sepa chine igh ance eck nto egisterat the hose Keep up (with) at sams poston or eel Turn on begin a machine, igh, fucee ‘Checkout (2) snvostgate:(2) ake a book tom | ick out (0 force (someon) to leave Tum out cingioh igi tho iar ook out for) he eaef Tum up increase volume or neosity ‘Past tense doesnot ad ed instead, hee ieaular forms need 4 be memorized. ‘Wises ae used wen a eaker wants make ree ome examples: ity erent ha SELES ST WISHES ose avian Yilihted ithe Future was were been fost. ost Mary wit ot come. | Dwi at Mary became become made rae woul come. began began met met Joe cannot come Tet hae i bine stock mistaken ‘nu eve town pa pa broken ae ret bt resent rougie bough in by co Tar incw Span, | She wishes (at Srondent Brokat rouse a Sa a Tae Sunk ta bs le tate fen iesnovng Tvs a Monae Bou a ioe Hy sont nt ag ene co re os ——d shove iota s su sid ast Se cone v= ay = ‘Shel study She wishes (a) ‘oot com si le =a ‘he had i cre oe sd sou = fico? He wie ht) he a = a i= = pres cod he understood sak San ate shook Shaken ae aie shoot Sar sot fone aon Showed shovnshoned | The verb "wisi fllowed by anon caus the ce cha oo oe ord tha optional cn sine ae og faten sit sat st cereal i flesp Sep Sip fe ok Sake sehen found spin * Barros, Fischer fed ae Sido Sit “Associados flown, sph sale spit enbidae spread ‘Spread spread ‘Resumao Torgoten spre Spranysprang Sprung, ‘Elon: Le nt feaahen stn stoad Sood Pcie enor en steal stole olen (Sener ae tnb a = on a anes ‘anno = Ey Wb ge ire Spies 2 ¢ even sting sing Sone Tipiaaraegres es cesta ae fone sre ‘rick Srnckisrtan’ | SuSuaptg rte ee daca re TR srown vcr ‘sore Sern Baan por fang seep Seep ha ay sem tea Sas seas hen {90k taicn inpesee. crass aaa hls ‘suet saute ‘Bats sera essa gts arsom0 kept coe on known ‘ond ‘old lad ‘thought thought led ‘new ‘hoa ten ‘andersood understood rcs 0 cs Sot oats ea eel a ks

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