Strategies and Investigations For The Defending Counsel at The Scene of The Crime

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Forensic Science International 146S (2004) S215–S217

Strategies and investigations for the defending counsel

at the scene of the crime
Paolo Carnuccio1
Catanzaro ‘‘Magna Grecia’’ University, Viale Pio X8 n. 21, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy

Available online 12 October 2004

1. Access to the scene of the crime authorisation, producing documentation in the case of a
refusal given to those who have the right to authorisation,
Access to the scene of the crime is a typical part of the so that the judge can weigh up the case and decide whether
defensive investigation. The provisions of the articles 391 access to the scene is really necessary to make a complete
sexies and 391 septies of the Code of Penal Law refer to this investigation for clues that could be in favour of the defend-
activity and in particular, the second one refers to access to ing counsel’s client. The judge’s verdict will specify any
private property or property that is not open to the public. The time limit on the access to the place in question; the
defending counsel, the substitute PP, the private detectives and authorisation will not be given for access to living areas
the technical consultants all have a right to on the spot and dependant buildings unless it is necessary to find traces
investigations. They can establish the condition of the spot and material clues of the crime, signs or indication of the
and the things found there. They can proceed to make their commissioning of the crime—finger prints, blood stains,
own description of the place and they can also make technical, articles belonging to the presumed culprit etc. In the case of
graphical, planimetric, photographic and audiovisual surveys technical investigation that uses unrepeatable techniques (ex
or notes. art 233 comma 1-bis Code of Penal Law and 391 sexies Code
It is possible to make written minutes of the presence of of Penal Law) on things or places, the state of which is liable
people at the scene of the crime, recording the date and to modification, the defending counsel must immediately
place, the generalities of the person writing the report and all alert the PP in order to exercise the faculty forseen by the art
the other people who intervene, with a description of the 360 Code of Penal Law for ‘‘unrepeatable technical inves-
place and things found there, which records the various tigations that are to be considered compatible’’. The defend-
exams carried out, the results of which can be attached to the ing counsel guarantees, in these cases, that the PP will be
report, and with the signatures of all those who participated. able to participate in the investigation together with his
In public places and properties that are open to the public, technician in order to be able to make observations and/or
the people mentioned above do not need to have any special defer the promotion of probatory accident. In this hypoth-
authorisation in order to gain access to the scene. In the case esis, mirroring what is forseen by the Public Prosecutor’s
of private properties or ones that are not open to the public, legislator, the defending counsel must consider whether to
the defending counsel must ask permission from those who accept the alternative of accepting the deferral proposed by
have the authority to give it, or in lack of these, from the the PP or whether he should continue his investigations on
judge. In this case, the defending party himself must ask for the assumption that, should these be deferred, they would no
longer be gainfully carried out because of the risk that the
1 results become useless should the PP’s assumption prove to
Scholor of Penal Law and Administrative Criminal Law at
Catanzaro ‘‘Magna Grecia’’ University, Professor of Procedural be wrong. It is advisable to avoid trial situations that
Penal Law at the Legal and Forensic Professional Post Graduate could damage the client’s position, for whom the best
Specialization School of Catanzaro ‘‘Magna Grecia’’ University. solution is undoubtedly that the judge decides upon proba-
E-mail address: tory accident.

0379-0738/$ – see front matter

S216 P. Carnuccio / Forensic Science International 146S (2004) S215–S217

2. The defending counsel on the scene of the crime the Code of Penal Law, it is necessary to observe the grade of
and the legal and medical investigations intent or guilt, and in this sense an attentive defending
counsel will certainly consider the most favourable defen-
In certain circumstances it is best that the defending sive course to follow during the investigations recommend-
counsel personally intervenes on the scene of the crime in ing a sub-agent with a suitable psychological profile to the
order to carry out the aforementioned investigative activities. judge. Particular care and precision will be necessary when
When a crime is committed, a soon as possible after receiv- verifying problems attaining to possible changes in the state
ing the news, the examining magistrate arrives on the scene of the corpse at the scene of the crime. The cadaver might
and decides what to inspect using scientific legal medical have been moved, transported for an unknown distance, have
techniques. Obviously, the defending counsel cannot be had its position or pose changed. These are all interesting
present in this moment; he can only be made party to the elements for the defensive strategy because they can be
facts when he receives the mandate notifying him of an important in judging the suspect’s conduct (consider the
illegal activity carried out and the need to make investiga- hypothesis of concealment of the corpse), and inherent in
tions about a well-defined subject. The defending counsel situations where the guilt can be shared with other people
must be vigilant over this since the decisions over, which when it is possible that several people may have been present
things to do in order to help his client cannot ignore the during or immediately after the crime, and their conduct may
unpredictable, which may arise when studying decisive have influenced the evidence.
scientific evidence of extraneousness to the contested facts. In the case of firearm crimes the defending counsel must
The place where the crime was committed is the first to be examine all the pertinent ballistic details: (a) the type of
studied. A study of the surroundings allows the investigator weapon used; (b) the bullets or cartridges used; (c) the
to make useful observations about the personality of those position of the shooter; (d) the trajectory of the bullet and
who live there, for example. It will be possible to make an (e) the entrance and exit holes in the corpse; the type and
anthropo-psychological evaluation of the victim or the pre- grade of wounds inflicted. In short, it is impossible to work
sumed culprit. A person’s home will often give indications out any trial studies where firearms are involved in the crime
about the habits, character, profession and culture: tidiness without having resolved the ballistic problems, since to do so
or untidiness; luxury or poverty; these are all psychological would compromise the efforts made on behalf of the defence
indicators, which can be very useful in a defensive strategy. because the ballistic details are intrinsic to the results of any
The most interesting investigation for the defending study. Comparative investigations or studies that could lead
counsel is that carried out on the corpse. Having made to comparative investigations have a separate part in the
photos of the victim and the surroundings, the position defending counsel’s activities. These studies involve taking
and clothing of the victim must be examined first. The fingerprints, and examining bloodstains, residues from shots
doctor will decide whether it is opportune to move the and organic traces in general. It is possible to carry out these
corpse or undress it, partially or totally. The choice is not investigations with a certain ultimate aim in view, or alter-
without repercussions for the defending party. Should he natively they can be made in order to use them in comparison
decide to remove the victim’s clothes (night clothes, sports with other clues (already found or still to be found) so that a
clothes, casual or elegant clothes in good state, tidy or complete reconstruction of the business can be made.
untidy, ripped, blood-stained or clean etc.) immediately Setting aside the possible results of an investigation, if
without sterilizing them adequately, there is a concrete risk the investigations do not refer to the relationship between
that the scientific evidence may be altered, which may or two perfectly homogeneous elements, the circumstance
may not be important to the final results of the investigation. according to which the observation is to be made by com-
Thus, as a complete examination of the corpse can only parison and consequently the defending counsel’s attention
be carried out at the autopsy, it is advisable to leave any will increase, not only in the activity in question but also for
investigation other than the ascertainment of the death and the formulation of the comparative data to be reported. The
the immediately recognisable features (position, location, problem is how to formulate or create the facts to be
expression, rigidity and temperature) to a second moment compared the defending counsel must scrupulously certain
where it is possible to carry out every examination with fundamental principles and make sure that others do so as
proper equipment. well, in order to avoid dangerous situations. During the
The position and pose of the corpse are fundamental to search for clues he must make sure certain things are done
the final understanding of the criminal action. They serve to depending on the object that is considered a clue: he must
orientate the defending counsel in his activities on behalf of check that the object is correctly sealed; that it is adequately
his client. In fact, the more specific the reconstruction of the preserved; that it is handled properly; that the creation of
crime, the easier it will be for the defending counsel to data is guaranteed and not dispersed in order that further
uncover the psychological element that influenced the agent scientific analysis can be carried out; he must ensure the
and describe the crime. contextuality of the comparative findings and he must make
In terms of penal responsibility, for the criteria for sure that the final result can be documented and especially
establishing the sentence as determined by the art 133 of that the comparative data can be identified.
P. Carnuccio / Forensic Science International 146S (2004) S215–S217 S217

Should the defence discover any error or weakness in cases he should vigorously denounce the error to the autho-
the search for clues, he should report it immediately to the rities, when the preservation process: (a) leads to irreparable
juridical authorities, making certain that the report is damage to the clue; (b) does not allow a certain test to be
properly worded in order to that the activities thus far carried out; (c) leads to a state of degradation such that the
carried out can be nullified or that the results be considered evidence cannot even be used for comparative relationship
void. investigations and (d) impedes the possibility of carrying out
The defending counsel, who has the advantage over the further observations.
examining magistrate of already knowing his client’s phy- When organic traces are compared, it is worthwhile
sical characteristics, may find it useful to stimulate a com- remembering that DNA types, like fingerprints, are unique
parative investigation in order to prove his client’s complete to each individual, and can be full proof, or nearly full proof.
non-involvement in the facts. The defending counsel must Thus, the defending counsel must be aware at all times what
take care to oversee that the samples are adequately sec- tests are being carried out, and check them using all the rules
tioned, removed and preserved. If the bloodstained object is and scientific instruments in his possession.
small it can easily be transported. Otherwise it is necessary A classic case is that in which the suspect’s DNA profile
to remove a part of the object with the stains taking pre- is compared with that in the bloodstains on the victim’s
cautions to preserve the sample; removing a piece of furni- clothes, in order to verify the compatibility suggested by
ture to be studied, or a floor tile or, using a glass support and other evidence at the scene of the crime. In this case, since
cloth reinforcement, the stained plaster should the sample be the test will be decisive, the defending counsel cannot skimp
on a wall and other similar methods for different stains. in his efforts to verify each clue in order to satisfy his
The defending counsel can denounce any incorrect pre- defensive strategy since he will have to accept a minimal
servation of samples containing blood. In the following margin of error.

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