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Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 31 (2015) 204–208

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10th NTES Symposium

A neutron activation technique for manganese measurements

in humans
C. Bhatia ∗ , S.H. Byun, D.R. Chettle, M.J. Inskip, W.V. Prestwich
Department of Medical Physics and Applied Radiation Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Manganese (Mn) is an essential element for humans, animals, and plants and is required for growth,
Received 30 January 2014 development, and maintenance of health. Studies show that Mn metabolism is similar to that of iron,
Accepted 28 July 2014 therefore, increased Mn levels in humans could interfere with the absorption of dietary iron leading
to anemia. Also, excess exposure to Mn dust, leads to nervous system disorders similar to Parkinson’s
Keywords: disease. Higher exposure to Mn is essentially related to industrial pollution. Thus, there is a benefit
Occupational and industrial exposure
in developing a clean non-invasive technique for monitoring such increased levels of Mn in order to
Manganese toxicity
understand the risk of disease and development of appropriate treatments.
Accelerator neutron source
Non-invasive technique
To this end, the feasibility of Mn measurements with their minimum detection limits (MDL) has been
Neutron activation reported earlier from the McMaster group. This work presents improvement to Mn assessment using an
upgraded system and optimized times of irradiation and counting for induced gamma activity of Mn. The
technique utilizes the high proton current Tandetron accelerator producing neutrons via the 7 Li(p,n)7 Be
reaction at McMaster University and an array of nine NaI (Tl) detectors in a 4␲ geometry for delayed
counting of gamma rays. The neutron irradiation of a set of phantoms was performed with protocols
having different proton energy, current and time of irradiation. The improved MDLs estimated using
the upgraded set up and constrained timings are reported as 0.67 ␮gMn/gCa for 2.3 MeV protons and
0.71 ␮gMn/gCa for 2.0 MeV protons. These are a factor of about 2.3 times better than previous measure-
ments done at McMaster University using the in vivo set-up. Also, because of lower dose-equivalent and a
relatively close MDL, the combination of: 2.0 MeV; 300 ␮A; 3 min protocol is recommended as compared
to 2.3 MeV; 400 ␮A; 45 s protocol for further measurements of Mn in vivo.
© 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Introduction response in the lung, which, over time, can result in impaired lung
Manganese is a trace element that is an essential nutrient for Manganese is one of the most widely used metals in industry
normal development and body function across the life span of all [5]. Exposure to Mn dust occurs primarily in mining, and metal-
living organisms [1]. In humans, the diet is the main source of lurgical operations for iron, steel, ferrous and nonferrous alloys.
Mn, with an adequate intake of 2–4 mg/day and an upper toler- Manufacturing of dry-cell batteries, anti-knock gasoline additives,
able intake of 11 mg/day for total Mn intake [2]. The major storage pesticides, pigments for ceramics, dyes, and matches can also lead
of Mn is in the bones (about 50%) and its excretion is through the to occupational Mn exposure. Manganese fumes are produced
liver [3]. A healthy person with normal liver and kidney function during metallurgical operations and several types of welding oper-
can excrete excess dietary manganese. Inhaled Mn is of greater con- ations. The principal sources of Mn in the atmosphere are however,
cern because it can bypass the body’s normal defense mechanisms; from natural processes including volcanic gas and dust, and forest
i.e. it is often transported directly to the brain via olfactory nerve fires [6].
[4] before it is metabolized by the liver. Also, inhalation exposure to Exposure to Mn is usually via inhalation, which can lead to Mn
high concentrations of manganese dusts can cause an inflammatory accumulation and results in adverse health effects including dam-
age to the lungs, liver, kidney and central nervous system [7,8].
Mn toxicity has been reported through occupational (e.g. welder,
miner) and dietary over exposure. Prolonged exposure to high
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (905) 525 9140x26328. Mn concentrations (>1 mg/m3 ) in air may lead to a Parkinsonian
E-mail addresses:, (C. Bhatia). syndrome known as “manganism” [9–12]. Numerous studies have
0946-672X/© 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
C. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 31 (2015) 204–208 205

indicated that welders may be at high risk of Parkinson’s disease approximately 50% of the total body Mn content [3]. In addition,
and neurological health effects [9–12]. from number of animal studies it is evident that bone is a long
The majority of the available scientific literature on Mn expo- term storage site for manganese and to measure a hand bone is
sure, body burden and its health effects comes from animal studies technically convenient compared to complexity of using neutron
and invasive methods like biopsies and autopsies. Toxic elements activation method at other sites of body. Also, the effective radiation
like Mn are commonly measured in blood and serum, or by a bone dose to the subject is much lower when only the hand is exposed to
biopsy. It is widely accepted that blood and serum concentrations the neutron beam as opposed to a whole body irradiation. Earlier
of elements provide information only about the recent exposure to studies done at our laboratory demonstrated the accumulation of
the element, and therefore do not necessarily reflect chronic expo- Mn in human hand following the inhalation of the element in occu-
sure of an individual. On the other hand, bone biopsy is painful, pational exposures, and that it is measurable using IVNAA [16–20].
involves a risk to the patient and it may not be possible to repeat it We have conducted a few feasibility tests and measurements on
several times. The assessment of lifetime exposure from the gen- occupational subjects but the levels of Mn in the control subjects
eral environment, or the work place, to a toxic element therefore were below the MDL of this previous system. After the feasibility
requires a different approach. Because toxic elements like Mn are studies confirmed the measurement of Mn, the main effort was to
well retained by bone tissue and may reside there for years to improve the MDL values further so as to permit measurements of
decades, a non-invasive, non-destructive and without-pain neu- (i) subjects with low exposure and (ii) non-exposed individuals as
tron activation based diagnostic technique is being developed and well. The aim of this study was to explore the factors required to
used to assess Mn. Taking into account the large accumulation of improve the MDL for the in vivo set-up at McMaster University.
Mn in bone, an X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy or neutron-based The main variables of accelerator-based IVNAA are the energy of
spectroscopy methods are being considered as novel non-invasive the projectile and it’s current, the irradiation time, counting strat-
tool for assessing Mn exposure and toxicity [13]. However, low egy and concentration of elements in tissue equivalent hand bone
energy of Mn X-rays, together with their relatively low fluorescence phantoms, irradiation cavity and counting system. For this study, all
yield make neutron activation analysis (NAA) the more promis- the possible parameters were explored and their effects were stud-
ing approach. This non-invasive in vivo technique can (i) measure ied. Also, this study was done using on an upgraded (in-house) pulse
Mn amounts in humans, (ii) contribute to limited human data, processing system [21]. This article presents the resulting improved
regarding current knowledge of Mn metabolism and (iii) possi- calibration curves and MDL with a comparison to previous stud-
bly be helpful in early detection of accumulation resulting from ies aimed at making the technique useful for low or non-exposed
over-exposure in industrial and environmentally exposed popula- subjects.
tions. Of many different techniques applied e.g. atomic absorption
spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
spectrometry or mass spectrometry to the determination of total Materials and methods
Mn content, NAA is a prime example of a non-invasive analytical
technique. This method is extremely valuable because of its high Tissue equivalent hand-bone phantoms containing a solution
specificity and sensitivity for very low concentrations of Mn, as well of Mg, Ca, Na, Cl and Mn in dil. HNO3 were prepared in 250 ml
as several other elements. In contrast to other commonly used tech- low density polyethylene (LDPE) Nalgene bottles. The mass of Mn
niques, in the case of NAA the sample is not permanently damaged in the phantoms varied from 0.0 to 12.4 mg while the masses of
and can be saved for further analysis. The technique is also useful Ca, Na and Cl were kept the same as the phantoms used in earlier
to benchmark the accuracy of results obtained by other analytical measurements [19], based on the data available in ICRP 23 [22].
methods. The mass of Mg was 500 mg in each phantom based on estimations
The 55 Mn(n,)56 Mn reaction is used for the in vivo neutron acti- made from recent Mg measurements conducted as part of a study
vation analysis (IVNAA) technique. 55 Mn, a stable isotope (natural in our Alzheimer’s disease patients [23]. Table 1 lists the details of
abundance is 100%) undergoes thermal neutron absorption with a the element masses used with their respective reaction, half-life
high capture cross section of 13.3 barn, producing a radioactive iso- and their thermal neutron capture cross-section.
tope 56 Mn, which decays with a half-life (T1/2 ) of 2.58 h, emitting As mentioned earlier for this in vivo study, an accelerator-based
a ␥-ray of energy 0.846 MeV having intensity (I␥ ) of 98%. The sub- neutron source was used followed by delayed neutron activation
stantial amount of magnesium present in the human body produces analysis. The hand bone phantoms were irradiated in the accel-
27 Mg through the 26 Mg(n,)27 Mg reaction, which is expected to erator beam following one of two protocols of different proton
cause spectral interference, since 27 Mg emits a ␥-ray of 0.843 MeV energy, current and irradiation time, i.e. (i) 2.0 MeV, 300 ␮A, 3 min
with I␥ = 72%, close in energy to the ␥-ray of 56 Mn. However, the and (ii) 2.3 MeV, 400 ␮A, 45 s. To measure the gamma activity in the
difference in half-lives of the two is advantageous in differentiat- phantoms, a system of eight 10.2 cm × 10.2 cm × 40.6 cm and one
ing their contributions as 27 Mg is comparatively short lived with a 10.2 cm × 10.2 cm × 10.2 cm NaI detectors, arranged in an array of
T1/2 of 9.46 min. The 48 Ca(n,)49 Ca reaction is also studied for nor- 4␲ geometry, was used [24]. The irradiated phantoms were then
malization and quantification, 49 Ca decays with a T1/2 of 8.7 min placed inside the gamma counting cavity and the ␥-ray spectra
and a ␥-ray of energy 3.08 MeV with I␥ = 91% [14]. from the activated phantoms were acquired. The counting strategy
IVNAA of Mn performed using a Tandetron accelerator is based for each phantom was chosen in such a way as to get the contri-
on the neutron production reaction, 7 Li(p,n)7 Be. The Q value of the bution of both short- and long-lived isotopes of interest. Average
endothermic nuclear reaction is 1.64 MeV and the threshold energy cooling time between the end of irradiation and the start of the
is 1.88 MeV. The possible maximum energies of neutrons from count was about 30 s. Counting was done in variable time cycles;
protons of 2 MeV and 2.3 MeV are 0.23 MeV and 0.57 MeV respec- for the first 1.5 h the counting was done in 10 min cycles to account
tively along the beam axis i.e. 0◦ and the total neutron yield from for Ca (T1/2 = 8.7 min) and Mg (T1/2 = 9.46 min) and after 1.5 h the
2.3 MeV protons is 5.25 times that 2.0 MeV protons [15]. There- counting was continued with 30 min cycles for 5–7 h. A typical
fore, the maximum energy of neutrons is such that the potentially gamma spectrum acquired for the 12.4 mg of Mn phantom at three
interfering reactions with iron 56 Fe(n,p)56 Mn (Eth = 2.97 MeV) and different time intervals after the irradiation is shown in Fig. 1,
57 Fe(n,d)56 Mn (E = 8.48 MeV) [14], cannot take place. where the strong gamma peaks with their respective elements are
The hand bone is chosen for in vivo neutron activation also labeled. Detailed neutron dosimetry of the irradiation cavity
because bone tissue has the highest concentration of Mn with was also carried out in a separate study using a tissue-equivalent
206 C. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 31 (2015) 204–208

Table 1
The masses of elements used in phantom solution with their respective reaction, half-life and cross section.

Element Reaction Mass (g) (ICRP) Compound used Half-life Capture cross section (mb) [14]

Manganese 55
Mn(n,)56 Mn Variable Mn standarda 2.58 h 13,360 ± 50
Magnesium 26
Mg(n,) 27 Mg 0.5c Mg standardb 9.46 min 38.2 ± 0.8
Sodium 23
Na(n,) 24 Na 1.25 Na, NO3 14.997 h 530 ± 5
Chlorine 37
Cl(n,)38 Cl 1.19 NH4 Cl 37.24 min 433 ± 6
Calcium 48
Ca(n,) 49 Ca 14.9 Ca(NO3 )2 8.7 min 1090 ± 140
996 ± 4 mg L−1 .
1000 ± 2 mg L−1 .

proportional counter [25]. The signals from each of the nine detec- observed MDL is an improvement on the previous measurement by
tors were recorded through digital multi-channel analyzer and a factor of about 2.3.
gamma peak-fitting was done to estimate the respective net peak As compared to the previous measurements carried out dur-
areas of Mn and Ca, corrected for transfer and decay time. The slope ing the last study done by Aslam et al. at McMaster, the major
of the calibration curve was obtained from the ␥-ray peak analysis changes adopted in the present study are: (i) Phantoms: The mass
of induced activity of 56 Mn in the irradiated phantoms i.e. a cali- of Mg is doubled (500 mg) based on the estimations made from
bration standard is required to quantify the in vivo ␥-ray signal and Mg measurement in the Alzheimer’s disease study [23]. (ii) Of
thus its amount in the hand bones of a subject under study. the previous measurements done, Mg interference was taken into
account only in Ref. [19]. (iii) Counting strategy: Long counting in
Results and discussion cycles with time varying from 10 to 30 min helps us in deciding

The calibration curves obtained for the two different protocols

studied are shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b). Linear regression curves were
fitted for both data sets and slopes of the curves were used to deter-
mine the net count rate and hence the mass of Mn. After applying
the required corrections for the transfer and irradiation time, the
count rate of Mn was normalized to Ca in order to make the accuracy
of the measurement independent of factors such as target quality,
variation in beam current or positioning of phantom in the cav-
ity, and thickness of overlying soft tissue i.e. expressing Mn mass
per unit bone mass. The Mn net count sensitivity for 2.3 MeV and
2.0 MeV protocols along with the detection limits and a comparison
with available literature data are presented in Table 2. The obtained
sensitivity was 3.2 times the sensitivity of the earlier measure-
ments done at McMaster University [19]. The minimum detection
limit (MDL) of Mn content for our set-up, was estimated as twice
the uncertainty in the peak area of the zero mg Mn phantom with
added mixture, after conversion to mass using the Mn sensitivity
obtained from the respective calibration curves. The revised MDLs
obtained in this study, along with a comparison with previous val-
ues obtained, are presented in Table 2. As shown in this table, the

Fig. 2. (a) Linear calibration curve obtained from the measurements of irradiation
Fig. 1. Typical gamma spectrum for 12.4 mg of Mn along with Mg, Ca, Na, Cl after of Mn mixed hand phantoms for Ep = 2.0 MeV, 300 ␮A, 3 min and (b) for Ep = 2.3 MeV,
irradiation for three different time intervals. Elements with their respective energy 400 ␮A, 45 s. The slope of the curve converted to mass units is used to determine
of gamma lines are shown. the Mn mass in human hands.
C. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 31 (2015) 204–208 207

Table 2
Summary of observed detection limits for in vivo neutron activation analysis of Mn and comparison with available literature data.

Authors Description of Irradiation Irradiation/cooling/ Local equivalent Detector Sensitivity MDL (␮gMn/gCa)
facility parameters counting time dose (mSv) H (counts/mg)

Zhang et al. [27] Brookhaven Reactor power 4 min/4 min/5 min N/A Pair of Ge(Li) 3827 ∼0.5 ␮g Mn
Medical 2 MW
Arnold et al. [16] McMaster Ep = 2.00 MeV; 10 min/6 min/60 min 109 Pair of NaI(Tl) N/A 4.6
KNVan de Graff Ip = 42 ␮A
Byun et al. [18] McMaster Ep = 2.00 MeV; 3 min/30 s/30 min 20 4␲ NaI(Tl) 12,046 5.8
KNVan de Graff Ip = 50 ␮A
Pejovic et al. [17] McMaster Ep = 2.00 MeV; 3 min/30 s/30 min 11 4␲ NaI(Tl) 8879 7.3
KNVan de Graff Ip = 50 ␮A
Aslam et al. [19] McMaster Ep = 2.00 MeV; 3 min/65 min/30 min 18 4␲ NaI(Tl) 17,586 1.6
Tandetron Ip = 100 ␮A
This work (2013) McMaster Ep = 2.00 MeV; 3 min/30 s/30 min 59.7 4␲ NaI(Tl) 56,314 ± 1674 0.71 (1.17%)
Tandetron Ip = 300 ␮A
This work (2013) McMaster Ep = 2.30 MeV; 45 s/30 s/30 min 450.5 4␲ NaI(Tl) 230,459 ± 3101 0.67 (1.01%)
Tandetron Ip = 400 ␮A

a statistically optimal counting interval allowing for decay from Conclusions

short-lived interfering elements, as well as restricting the duration
of the counting interval so as to be acceptable to human sub- This work presents the study of key components resulting in
jects. The MDLs obtained from the counting done utilizing short improvement of the MDL for an accelerator based non-invasive,
time intervals over the hours is shown in Fig. 3; the MDL minima in vivo technique used for the measurement of Mn in tissue equiv-
obtained in the region of 50–80 min are used to calculate an inverse alent human hand-bone phantoms. The technique could serve
variance weighted mean (IVWM) of the MDLs of the two proto- as a quantitative and analytical approach for measuring elevated
cols. (iv) Data acquisition system (DAQ): The acquisition system amounts of Mn exposures in humans.
was upgraded since the time of the last measurements and details The important factors studied which have been taken into
were discussed previously [21]. (v) Accelerator current: The proton account for the estimation of MDL for Mn in bone include opti-
currents for the 2.0 MeV and 2.3 MeV protocols used are 300 ␮A and mally selected beam parameters for irradiation, using an upgraded
400 ␮A respectively, 54 mC at 2.0 MeV gives an equivalent dose of DAQ system, a revised more realistic mass of magnesium, use of
59.5 mSv, whereas 18 mC at 2.3 MeV gives an equivalent dose of higher neutron fluence by increasing the current, and estimation
450.5 mSv [25]. of dose equivalents and counting strategy. Combining these fac-
Since, in the present measurements Mg content is doubled, tors has reduced the overall detection limit by a factor of nearly
which increases uncertainty, the sensitivity does not increase pro- 2.3 with our present experimental set-up at McMaster University.
portionally to the increase in current i.e. a factor of three. Of the two A comparison of MDL with previous measurements has also been
protocols investigated, the combination of: 2.0 MeV, 300 ␮A, 3 min presented. The present MDL values are close to the reference value
protocol is recommended for further measurements of in vivo Mn of 0.63 ± 0.30 ␮gMn/gCa for the human skeleton [26]. Work is in
measurements studies as compared to the 2.3 MeV, 400 ␮A, 45 s progress to extend this study for low (<2 mg) mass of Mn phantoms.
protocol. With the former, we saw a much lower dose-equivalent Thus, the improved MDLs revealed in this work could be of pro-
and a relatively minor difference in MDL. The factors that could be found importance for use in the measurement of occupational and
considered in improving the detection limit further are the dose- environmental exposures to Mn, and hence provide a potentially
rate to the subjects; should we manage to do longer counting of improved assessment of health risks, in clinical studies aimed at
(say) 1–2 h, we would expect the MDL to improve further by a factor better understanding the mechanism of Mn toxicity.
2–3 as can be seen from Fig. 3.
Conflict of interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.


The authors extend their thanks to Justin Bennett, accelera-

tor operator and Scott McMaster, accelerator manager, McMaster
University for their assistance in the operation of the Tandetron
accelerator and S.D. Molla for providing us the recent dose equiva-
lent data. The project was funded by a research grant provided by
AECL, Canada.


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