Use of The Software Poser4' in Reconstruction of Accident and Crime Scenes

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Forensic Science International

113 (2000) 277–280 / locate / forsciint

Use of the software ‘Poser4’ in reconstruction of accident and

crime scenes
P. Neis*, T. Fink, M. Dilger, Ch. Rittner
Institute of Legal Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Am Pulverturm 3, 55131 Mainz, Germany


The reconstruction of accident and crime scenes demands the full attention of the forensic working physician. Description
by words is often difficult and liable to be misunderstood. Reconstruction in the original places of events are expensive and
in some cases impossible. Computer graphics and animations give the possibility to construct the original course of events.
Poser4 is a software package to perform these reconstructions in an easy and vivid way. We investigated the possibilities of
reconstructing an accident with this software.  2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accident reconstruction; Crime reconstruction; Computer aided visualization

1. Introduction dimensional character animation. With this software

it is also possible to reconstruct difficult scenes and
Accident and crime scene reconstructions are to visualize these scenes by picture sequences or
some of the most difficult and ambitious tasks in computer animation.
forensic medicine [1–7]. Once the results of autopsy
and biomechanical investigations are known, the
forensic specialists try to reconstruct the original
2. Materials and method
course of events. Often, the explanation in words is
very difficult and incomprehensible and sometimes it
Poser4 is a three dimensional character animation
is very difficult for the lawyer to understand these
software, running under Windows 9x, NT and
explanations. In some cases a real reconstruction
Macintosh operating systems. Hardware require-
could help in understanding the details of the past.
ments are a Pentium PC, 32 Mbytes RAM, Color
These real reconstructions are often difficult to
Display, CD-ROM drive and 240 Mbytes of free
perform, expensive and sometimes (e.g. in cases of
hard disk space. The requirements for Apple Macin-
explosions) never possible. A visual description with
tosh computers are System8, otherwise the same as
pictures is in most cases a good way to explain the
on windows PCs.
occurrences at the scene. The progress of computer
Our environment is a 266 MHz PentiumII PC with
software and hardware now allows applications to
96 Mbytes RAM, a 3 Gbytes hard disk and a Matrox
perform reconstructions on the computer desktop.
Millenium graphics board with 4 Mbytes of video
Poser4 is a computer program that performs three
Poser4 allows use of different characters of both
*Corresponding author. sexes (Fig. 1). It is also possible to modify the

0379-0738 / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0379-0738( 00 )00235-8
278 P. Neis et al. / Forensic Science International 113 (2000) 277 – 280

Fig. 1. Working screen of Poser4.

characters’ weights and heights, even for single parts the character set, which allows building computer
of the body. Moreover, one can add different clothes animation of the scene. The animation can be
and head hair to the character. Environment objects constructed by key frame definition and also by path
can be imported from other commercial 3D software. definition. The movements can be smoothened, so
The body can be set freely in the three dimensional they look very natural. These pictures and anima-
environment, in every pose. All body parts can be tions can be combined with digitized pictures taken
moved separately, either in physiologic or in at the original crime or accident scene. As a result of
pathologic motions. Even every single finger can be this, the character could be set to the original place
modified. Poser allows the construction of a set of of crime. The entire animation can be copied to a
different poses for still image reproduction. Poser VCR for viewing on a TV screen. A walk designer
knows the center of gravity of a body and it is makes it easy to make characters walk in different
possible to move a character only round this center manners along defined paths.
of gravity. Even the possibility to set movements
against anatomical order is important for accident
scene reconstruction. Otherwise it is possible to
move characters only in anatomic boundaries. Poser4 3. Results
pursued a special way to allow normal movements of
the actors. This way of animation is called ‘reverse We have tested the software in two cases of
kinematics’. These reverse kinematics allow to per- accident investigations. One investigation was the
form movements of the extremities by taking a hand reconstruction of a working accident (Fig. 2). The
or a foot and moving it in a desired pose. The rest of man fell down from a box, backwards. Falling down,
the extremity automatically follows the movement of he had a chimney stone with a weight of 20 kg in his
the hand or foot. So the scene builders do not have to hand. He had injuries at the sacral bone. The
take care about the movements of the different parts question was whether he fell backward in a recti-
of an extremity. Another way to reconstruct the linear manner or with a static attitudinal reflex,
accident or crime scene is to perform an animation of which is the only way to produce injuries around the
P. Neis et al. / Forensic Science International 113 (2000) 277 – 280 279

Fig. 2. Reconstruction of a fall accident.

sacral bone. In this case, only pictures and no video scenes is hard to describe by words. In the past only
were constructed using Poser. The pictures show drawings of the scene could help to explain the
different stages of the accident. As a conclusion of course of events. Poser is the first commercial
the reconstruction, the worker can fall only with the software that allows a reconstruction of crime or
righting reflex to cause the trauma in the sacral accident scenes with realistic posing of the actors in
region. a virtual environment. The possibility of setting, if
The second case investigates a scale accident (Fig. wanted, in anatomic correct positions and motions,
3). A man went down a scale and slipped due to a the definition of the normal center of gravity and the
wet scale surface. He had injuries in the left forehead principle of reverse kinematics enables an easy and
and left chest and both hands. No unconsciousness fast reconstruction even of complex scenes.
was reported. He complained about headache for Everyone working in forensic crime or accident
about 3 months. As he said, he slipped forward with scene reconstruction can take a picture of the sus-
his feet and backwards with the upper part of his pected course of events.
body, sliding down the scale. A consequence of the Our two case reconstructions point out that the
reconstruction is that the man cannot get any injuries reconstruction using Poser makes easily understand-
in the region of the forehead. Only injuries in the able picture series or movies from the crime or
occipital area seem to be possible. In this case accident scenes. A disadvantage of the software is
Poser4 demonstrates the true accident course in a the lack of the possibility to construct broken arms or
realistic video animation. legs. Perhaps this option is given in one of the next
software versions. The software can be combined
with other 3-dimensional software from Metacrea-
tions, such as Canoma, a tool to transform a 2-
4. Discussion dimensional image into a 3-dimensional virtual
environment and Ray Dream software to build 3-
Often the course of events in crime or accident dimensional environments.
280 P. Neis et al. / Forensic Science International 113 (2000) 277 – 280

Fig. 3. Reconstruction of a scale accident.

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