Process Capability Indices-A Review, 1992-2000

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Process Capability Indices-

A Review, 1992-2000
George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

We provide a compact survey and brief interpretations and comments on some 170 publications on
process capability indices which appeared in widely scattered sources during the years 1992 to 2000. An
assessment of the most widely used process capability indices is also presented.

Personal Preamble since 1992, and some comments on possible future

THE rapidity of scientific development (including
li statistics and operations research) towards the There have, indeed, been remarkable develop-
end of the 20t h century has not only been a favorite ments in the field in the last eight years. These
topic of commentators, it has been truly amazing. include four books in English (Kotz and Johnson
Much work done ten years ago is now often classified (1993a), Bothe (1997), Kotz and Lovelace (1998),
as "obsolete." The very limited and specific field of and Wheeler (1999)), and a monumental, compre-
process capability indices (PCls) is, in this respect, hensive book in German (Rinne and Mittag (1999)).
quite typical, though some early ideas and methods Our bibliography includes some 170 papers ap-
appear to remain important and useful. Before em- pearing during 1993-2000 on the topic of PCls,
barking on our review, we thought it might be de- from a variety of sources ranging from theoretical-
sirable to summarize our attitude regarding the use mathematical journals to down-to-earth quality con-
and reputation of PCls. trol publications. A considerable variety of software
The entire October 1992 issue of the Journal of has been generated, geared toward implementation
Quality Technology (JQ T) was devoted to the topic, of some of the more recent versions of PCls. A con-
which was then relatively new, of PCls. We were servative estimate indicates the existence of about
among the contributors. At that time we were able twenty variants of univariate PCls and seven multi-
to locate some 50 papers on the subject since its early variate PCls. Although the majority of contributions
life in the 70's and 80's. After the JQT issue was cited in this paper are from the U.S.A., the following
published, we received a communication from then countries are represented by authors of papers listed
editor Peter Nelson of JQT informing us that he did in the bibliography: Sweden, Germany, Australia,
not envision any further papers on PCls appearing in U.K., China, Netherlands, Taiwan, Canada, Spain,
JQT in the foreseeable future. It was therefore with India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Rus-
great surprise-as well as pleasure-s-that we received sia, Israel, Romania, Brazil, and Greece. In addition,
an invitation from the present editor to provide a we have had communication with researchers and
survey, including developments in the PCI "world" practitioners from France, New Zealand, and Bel-
Dr. Kotz is currently Senior Research Scholar in the De- Despite this superficially glowing picture, we could
partment of Engineering Management. His e-mail address is
not ignore signs of uneasiness among both practition-
ers and theoreticians. In particular, it was clear to us
Dr. Johnson is Professor Emeritus in the Department of that although our book (Kotz and Johnson (1993a))
Statistics. received mostly polite reviews from all quarters, it

Journal of Quality Technology 2 Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


was felt to be far too theoretical for practitioners. an introduction which provides the background in-
For example, Walker (1995) was of the opinion that formation needed for a comfortable reading of the
"a person with an M.S. in a technical area should survey proper.
understand the results, but to fully comprehend the
derivations and proofs, a Ph.D. is desirable." In our Introduction
opinion, this reflects an inadequate level of training
in probability theory and statistical inference in en- As we understand it, PCls are intended to provide
gineering education. See Annis (2001) in this con- single-number assessments of ability to meet specifi-
nection. Furthermore, we believe that the theory cation limits on quality characteristic(s) of interest.
underlying PCls is essentially elementary, and that We are going to attempt to describe some recent
anyone who understands the structure, working for- and current developments in PCls (and related mea-
mula, and usage of the t-statistic [t = vn(x - p,)/s sures). They are neither purely scientific nor purely
in common notation] should have few difficulties in practical in nature, though elements of both are cer-
comprehending analyses relevant to all but the most tainly present. Broadly speaking, we might term
"advanced" PCI indices. them a "social movement." We are not attempt-
Nevertheless, we agree with sentiments expressed ing to ascribe credit (or blame) for these develop-
by Orchard (2000) and believe that parts (at least) of ments, though we may incidentally illustrate some
them deserve to be more widely known, so we quote shortcomings.
the following sample: "there is, as far as I know, no A major feature of these developments has been
argument about the methods used to calculate 'er- the proliferation and increased variety of circum-
rors and uncertainties' but I am aware that engineers stances in which PCls have been applied. Indeed,
struggle to come to terms with statistical issues that even within a single organization PCls may be used
are relatively trivial, and that statisticians have to in relation to products and processes of many dif-
learn a new vocabulary in order to talk about bias, ferent kinds, each with its own specific requirements
variation and confidence intervals." and problems. As a result, it is not really possible
to give a coherent "world-view" of the state of "PCI
The gap between theoreticians and practitioners
is, we believe and hope, closing, mainly through soft- art" or its likely future course(s). However, we shall
ware (which is perhaps the medicine that cures the try to identify some major concepts and methods,
and boldly speculate on their immediate future.
symptoms rather than the disease), but there still
remain numerous instances of (mutual) lack of un- As a consequence of the varied ways in which PCls
derstanding of the purpose and usage of PCls and are used, there have been two natural lines of re-
process performance, often due to a confusion about search work: (i) studies on the properties of PCls and
an appropriate estimator of process variance. their estimators in many different environments; and
(ii) construction of new PCls purporting to have bet-
Also, it seems to us that although the topic of
ter properties in certain circumstances. (Under (ii)
PCls may be used by some academicians as an op-
may be included suggestions for replacing PCls by
portunity for proposing new indices, regardless of
other procedures.) We will try to relate these to an
their practical relevance and often for the sake of the
assessment of prominent features of the construction
accompanying theory, most academicians are well-
aware of the kinds of problems faced by practitioners and implementation of PCls. This will necessarily in-
clude consideration of: (a) aims of procedures, inso-
and are sincerely trying to bridge the gap.
far as these are sufficiently clear and widely accepted;
Unfortunately, mistrust of PCls, and especially of (b) the interests of users - broadly, if inaccurately,
their estimators, when based on the meager data of- termed "engineers" ("practitioners" is a more gen-
ten available at factory level, is still not uncommon. eral term); (c) technical statistical aspects of pels,
Resistance to accompanying a single estimated PCI especially in relation to presumed aims of their use;
value by an estimate of its variability (be it confi- and (d) estimation of PCls, with attention to desir-
dence interval, standard deviation, or whatever) is able amounts of data ("sample size") on which the
still very pronounced, even though accepted statis- procedure is to be based.
tics, such as sample mean and standard deviation,
Our bibliography contains over 200 references. As
perform essentially the same function.
we have noted, most of them (about 170) are from
We now proceed to the survey itself, starting with the period 1993-2000 (i.e. subsequent to publication

Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


of Kotz and Johnson (1993a)). The large number of and Taguchi (1985). The measure Cpm is sometimes
recent publications may attest, in part, to the im- called the "Taguchi index."
portance of the subject of PCls, in some quarters
There is also the hybrid index
(though not necessarily to actual importance in the
eyes of engineers). C _ d-If-l-MI
pmk - -:-3J'::::::E:;::;:[
Notation and the "Basic" pels (Choi and Owen (1990); Pearn et al. (1992)). Clearly
For convenience, we will denote the upper and c, : : c.; : :Cpmk and c, :::: c.; :::: c;«.
lower specification limits by U, L respectively, rather relation between Cpk and Cpm is less clearcut. From
than the more customary USL, LSL. When (as in Equations (1) and (2) we have
the bulk of this survey) univariate measurements are
concerned, we will denote the corresponding variate Cpk = c, _ ~ 1_f-l_~_M_1 ' (5)
by X. The expected value and standard deviation
of X will be denoted by f-l and 0" respectively. When and from Equations (1) and (3) we have
multivariate measurements are involved we will use Cp
Cpm = . (6)
X, IL, and E, where E represents the variance-
covariance matrix of X. We will limit ourselves to )1+ (J!-;Tf
situations when f-l is in the specification interval, i.e.
L~f-l~U. In the special case when T = M, only, it follows
from (5) and (6) that
There appears to be a general acceptance of the
idea that PCls can be used only after it has been es-
tablished that a process is in "statistical control" (for
example, by the use of control charts). This is reason-
able, if it simply required that there be no irregular
changes in quality level. However, there seems to be,
in some quarters, an assumption that the measured
characteristic should have a normal distribution (at So the relation Cpk < Cpm is certainly valid if
least, approximately), although it is difficult to see
why a good industrial process must result in a normal _1 I MI > ~ M)
f-l -
0" 2
(f-l -
2 or

f-l - Mj<_2
distribution for every measured characteristic.
or, equivalently,
The commonly recognized "basic" PCls are: 1 0" 3Cp

1f-l~MI < 9~;'

U-L d
C ----- (1)
p- 60" - 30"'

where d = (U - L)/2; Parlar and Wesolowsky (1998) have noted that if

d-If-l-MI min{U - f-l,f-l- L} T = M, then the three basic PCls are connected by
Cpk= ----'-'-----'- (2) the relationship
30" 30"

( ~) 2 -1.
where M = (U + L)/2; and
d d Cpm
C = 3J0"2 + (f-l- T)2 3JE[(X _ T)2]' (3) See also Kotz and Johnson (1999), who examine the
relations between c; c.;and in detail. If X c.;
where T is a "target value" and E[.] denotes "ex- has a normal distribution, then the indices Cp and
pected value." Cpk , together, determine the expected proportion (p)
Usually, T = M; if T i=- M the situation is some- of values of X falling outside the specification interval
times described as "asymmetric tolerances." (See (L, U)-called "nonconforming" (NC), as exhibited
Boyles (1994) and Vannrnan (1997b, 1998a)). In- in Equation (11) below. On the other hand, Cpm is
troduction of Cp (initially as a "capability ratio") related to a Taguchi-style loss function. Indeed,

d92 E [(X - T) 2]
is ascribed to Juran (1974); that of Cpk to Kane
C21 = (8)
(1986); and that of Cpm for the most part to Hsiang pm

Journal of Quality Technology Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


has been suggested as a "process incapability index" tions, we have the window of opportunity (for fL)
(Greenwich and Jahr-Schaffrath (1995)). This possi-
bility will be discussed later. M - (d - 30') :::; fL :::; (d - 30') + M,

However, the C p index is clearly related to the so w = 2(d - 30') and

assumption that the distribution of X is sufficiently
close to normal for "practical purposes". At any rate, V; _ 2(d - 30') _ _ ~
t - 2d - 1 C·
this appears to be the motivation for the choice of the p

multiplier '6' in the denominator of the second term If Vi is less than zero, there is no possibility of at-
of Equation (1).
taining a value of p of 0.27 percent or lower, and the
If X does have a normal distribution, then the process is to be regarded as "not viable."
probability that an item is NC, i.e. its value is out-
The above discussion is not intended to shatter to-
side the specification limits, is
tally the myth that the value of C p =1 corresponds
p = Pr[X tf- [L,U]] to a satisfactory low proportion of non-conforming
items in the process. This assertion indeed contains
= 1 - { <P (U ~ fL) _ <p ( L~ fL) } , (9) a grain of truth, but ought to be taken with a sub-
stantial grain of salt. Indeed, in many cases a value
where <p(.) is the unit normal cdf. If L = fL - 30' and of p as small as 0.0027 is regarded as woefully inad-
U = fL+3O', so that in this case U -L = 60' and Cp = equate.
1, this probability is rather small (0.27 percent). But
Parenthetically, we note that C p is sometimes
note that this requires that fL = (L + U)/2 = M. A
called the "six sigma" index. This is, presumably,
value of C p = 1 does not guarantee that p is 0.27
because the increasingly popular Six Sigma method
percent-in fact it does guarantee that p cannot be
of achieving good results by careful organization
less than 0.27 percent. However, note also that if
of quality assurance procedures has adopted PCI
Cpk = 1, then [from Equation (2)] the greatest pos-
indices-including Cp-as a tool in some of its meth-
sible value for p is 0.27 percent. For C p k = 1 means
ods. Our critical remarks on some PCls, and partic-
that min(U - u, fL - L) = 30' so that L :::; fL - 30'
ularly on the "six sigma" C p , are not intended as
and U :::; fL + 30'. It is true that Cp = 1 does imply
a direct criticism of the entire Six Sigma program,
that, for L :::; fL :::; U, P can exceed 50 percent only
though they do relate to some interpretations of one
slightly, even when p. = Lor fL = U, but this is scant
of its tools.
practical consolation.
Considerations of this kind may have played a part
Keeping these features in mind, it is to be em-
in motivating increases in the allowable lower bound
phasized that we regard "capability" in the present
for C p above 1. Values of 1.33, 1.66, and "even 2.00"
context, as meaning "possibility of achieving," rather
(Bothe (1999)) are becoming more and more com-
than "actually achieving" -i.e. in the terminology of
mon. It is noteworthy that the choices of the limits
Kane (1986), "process potential." Adopting this out-
4/3, 5/3 appear to have been based on the fact that
look, Veevers (1995, 1998, 1999) has used the term
they imply 2d = 80' and 2d = 100' respectively (with
"viability" (introduced by Davis et al. (1992)) rep-
associated values for p (if fL = M) of 0.0063 and
resenting "capability potential," and constructed a
0.000057 percent, respectively, on the assumption of
viability index. This is of general application, not
normality being valid even in extreme tails of the
restricted to normal distributions for X, or even to
distribution of X).
univariate situations (see later). The univariate vi-
ability is the ratio of the length (w) of the interval From quite early on (early 80's, in this context),
(the "window of opportunity") for B for which the the fact that Cp does not depend on fL has been
distribution of (X + B) would result in an expected noted, together with the consequence that the value
proportion NC (p) no greater than the conventional of p is not determined by that of Cpo The index Cpk
0.27 percent, to the length (2d) of the specification was introduced to remedy this drawback, although p
interval (L, U). Thus is not determined by Cpk alone, either, but (perhaps)
w because it is determined by Cp and C p k together,
Vi =-. (10) from the formula
For the special case of normal N(fL, 0'2) distribu- (11)

Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


Of course, Equation (11) holds only under the condi- we also include a somewhat condensed summary of
tion that the normality condition on the distribution multivariate PCls later, reflecting the current rela-
of X is sufficiently closely satisfied. In fact, under tive sparseness of their use. We will first introduce
these conditions, Cpk can be regarded as a more in- some more recent newcomers among PCls, and then
fluential index than Cp because it provides the upper discuss problems in the estimation of values of PCls
bound (old and new) from observed data ("samples").
We start by considering a class of PCls directly
all by itself. aimed at the control of expected proportion NC (i.e.,
p). These appeal to both down-to-earth practitioners
It would be easy to construct a table of val-
and theoreticians, who argue "why not use, as your
ues of P with (C p, Cpk) as entries. Vannman's
indices, quantities based directly on observed or es-
(1998b) "process capability plots"-see also Deleryd
timated proportion of NC output or on an estimate
and Vannman (1999) and Gabel (1990)-make it
of a loss function, if such has been sufficiently well
possible to derive rapid estimates of P from values
established?" Why not, indeed?
of Cp and Cpk, without recourse to detailed tables
assessing simultaneously a deviation from the target
value. It might well be objected that such a table
PCls Based on Expected
could also be constructed, even more easily, using val-
Proportion NC
ues of (U - It)/u and (It- L)/u as entries in Equation Before embarking on studies of specific PCls, in
(9). A possible objection to this suggestion, provid- all their "bewildering variety," it is essential to keep
ing an interesting insight into some aspects of PCI in mind the basic assumption that a state of sta-
psychology, is that "we are familiar with PCls, but tistical control has been attained, using whatever
the Z-ratios (U - It) / a and (It - L) / a appear less rel- long-established methods such as subgroup sampling,
evant" (despite the fact that their sum is just 6Cp ) . control charts, etc. are needed. This does not nec-
This statement is not quoted to be an object of essarily mean that X is assumed to have a nor-
ridicule. It is evidently valid from the point of view mal distribution or, indeed, any specific distribu-
of many practitioners who use PCls regularly. From tion. It only means that the distribution does not
the point of view of theoreticians (such as ourselves), change in the course of use of the PCI, and that
however, there is an unfortunate element of arbitrari- observed values of X have no dependences among
ness in the construction and use of PCls. With some themselves. There have been some studies of effects
embarrassment, we admit that C pmk [see Equation of departures from these conditions-our bibliogra-
(4)], for which we are among the proposers, is es- phy includes references to such work by Chen and
pecially open to criticism on this point. While Cp Hsu (1998a), Christofferson (1999), Shore (1997) and
and Cpk, together at least, are related to expected Zhang (1998). Also a note by Nelson (1999) includes
proportion NC [see Equation (11)] and C pm is re- some reflections on these matters, but we will not
lated to a (possibly arbitrarily chosen) loss function discuss them here.
[see Equation (8)], C pmk is a mixture of the two, but As early as 1991, Carr (1991) suggested that one
not specifically related to either. Our embarrassment might just use the expected proportion NC as a PCI,
is not substantially reduced by the fact that several possibly estimated by p, the observed proportion NC.
other PCls unfortunately share the same defect. Others, clearly bitten by a powerful PCI bug, even
Much recent work can be assessed in the light of suggested transforming back to a respectable PCI-
reconciling the viewpoints of practitioners and theo- type value (1/3)<1>-1(1 - (1/2)p)-which is the cor-
reticians, largely on the basis of closer examination responding Cp value if It = M and X has a normal
of the nature of PCls. Another approach is the con- distribution.
struction of novel PCls, becoming now available in Yeh and Bhattacharya (1998) propose use of a PCI
a rich, though sometimes bewildering variety ("The based on the ratios of expected proportion NC to
Avalanche," according to Kotz and Lovelace (1998, actual observed or estimated proportion NC. In itself
Chapter 4)). Many practitioners feel, with some rea- this is simply the ratio
son, that such variety can lead only to confusion. Our
survey concentrates on these aspects and attempts to
outline current trends. As mentioned above, we limit
ourselves primarily to univariate measurements, but where Po is the desired proportion of NC output and

Journal of Quality Technology Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


p is the actual proportion. This PCI is simply esti- prominent in extreme value distribution theory and
mated by practice, while Polansky (1998, 2000) used a popular
Po kernel method of "smooth nonpararnetric" fitting.
Before leaving this topic, we note that expected
(Yeh and Chen (1999) have extended this to mul-
proportion NC can be expressed in terms of the loss
tivariate cases.) Another PCI, suggested by Yeh
function approach by using the loss function
and Bhattacharya (1998), distinguishes between NC
items for which X is less than L, and those for which Loss ={O if L :S X :S U (16)
X is greater than U. Using superscripts L, U to 1 otherwise.
denote values applicable to NC by reason of X be- See, for example, Palmer and Tsui (1999).
ing less then L, or greater than U, respectively, they
suggest using the PCI Modifications of the Basic pels

. {pf;
= mill
pL ' pU . (13)
As time has passed, assessments of usefulness and
ways of interpreting PCls have themselves developed
in a sometimes bewildering variety. Informative dis-
Flaig (1992, 1996/7, 1999,2000) strongly supports cussions, of some generality, are to be found in Kotz
the use of "fraction conforming" [ = 1 - proportion and Lovelace (1998), Palmer and Tsui (1999), and
NC] as a basis for PCls which will be suitable for any Singpurwalla (1998), the last of which includes some
unimodal distribution for X, using the Camp-Meidell contributions from discussants.
inequality (a variant of the Chebyshev inequality) Notable among general impressions and those de-
4 rived from some more detailed analyses are that
Pr [IX - J-LI < ka] ~ 1 - 9k 2
(a) C p m is unreliable if the expected proportion
or, equivalently, NC is regarded as the most important feature
4 (Ruczinski (1996) provides a table showing how
- -9k2 ' (14)
the same value of Cp m can be associated with a
Singpurwalla (1998) uses the even broader Cheby- wide range of values of the expected proportion
shev inequality, applicable for any distribution of X, NC);
but replaces 1-4/9k2 in Equation (14) by the weaker (b) Cpmk is even worse in these circumstances;
1- 1/ k 2 . These approaches do not seem very efficient (c) More attention should be paid to possible ef-
in the context of the very small values of p desired fects of non-normality of the distribution of X
in many applications of PCls. In the case of possi- and ways of reducing these effects;
bly asymmetric tolerances, with L = J-L - k 1 a and (d) C pk seems to have the greatest degree of accept-
U = J-L + k2a for (k p, k2 > 0) we have: ability among the basic PCls (indeed, from our
p = Pr[X < J-L - k1a] + Pr[X > J-L + k2a] limited information, it appears to be the one
most commonly employed).
= Pr[X - J-L < -k1a] + Pr[X - J-L > k2a]
:S Pr[lX - J-LI > amin(k 1,k2 ) ] An enlightening view of relations among our ba-

~ max (:r :~) .

sic PCls can be obtained from studies of the "su-
:S (15) perstructure PCls" introduced by Vannrnan (1995).
These are defined by
For k 1 = k2 = 3, this gives p :S 4/81 = 4.84 percent.
This is considerably greater than the 0.27 percent Cp(u,v)= d-ulJ-L-MI (u,v~O). (17)
from normal theory. 3Va2 + v(J-L - T)2
Flaig does not suggest using actual observed pro- The four basic PCls are included in this class:
portions of NC output, nor do most of those who
suggest that p be the basis for a PCI. Rather, he
c; == Cp(O, 0); c: == C (1, 0);

and his coworkers suggest that some kind of distri-

c.; == Cp(O, 1); Cpmk == Cp(l , 1).
bution be fitted to X and the resultant tail prob- Vannrnan devotes special attention to the case u = 0.
abilities used for estimating p. For example, Yeh From detailed and ingenious numerical studies based
and Bhattacharya (1998)-see above-suggest using on statistical considerations involving power of a test
the methods of Pickands (1975) and Smith (1987), argument she suggests that taking u = 0, v = 4 will

Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


produce a useful PCl. To appreciate her conclusions The new PCI is then
about this particular choice of u and v an interested C' = U- L 2d (20)
reader is referred to her paper. In the authors' opin- p 6-a - ~a - 6-a - ~a '
ion this work constitutes an important breakthrough
where ~a is defined by Pr[X ::; ~al = a, taking
in the theory of process capability indices with an
a = 0.00135, so that 6-a, ~a are the upper and
eye on applications.
lower 0.135 percentiles of the distribution of X. [For
Spiring (1997) also defines a PCI, c~w) == Cp(O,w). a N(p, a 2 ) distribution 6-a = p + 3a, ~a = p- 3a.]
However, in this definition, w is not necessarily a con- Note that Veevers' (1998) viability index [see Equa-
stant; it may be a function of Ip- TI/a. In principle tion (10) 1 is equal to 1 - 1/ C~ for any symmetric
this allows w[(p-T)/a]2 in Vannrnan's formula to be unimodal distribution.
replaced by any function of Ip - TI/a. So, in effect,
The corresponding definition for C~k is
, d-l~o.5-MI
Cpk = -c.-----:...::.::..c-=----- ...:. (21)
2(6-a - ~a)
The replacement of the expected value (e.g. p) by
with a general choice of function g(.), though for the median, ~O.5, is a natural, though not essential,
practical purposes it should be a positive, increas- choice.
ing function. Clements (1989) suggested fitting a Pearson sys-
In a sense this leads us back to the relation be- tem distribution for X, in order to obtain the re-
tween C pmk and C pk given by quired ~a values. Applications of this kind of method,
with various assumed distributional forms, have been
Cpk quite numerous since 1992. References include: Ro-
driguez (1992), Bittanti et al. (1998), Lovera et
al. (1997) - all Pearson system; Castagliola (1996) -
Burr distributions; Farnum (1996/7), Polansky et al.
and that between C pm and C p given by Equation (6).
(1998/9), Pyzdek (1992) - all Johnson system; Pad-
A further interesting relation is
gett and Sengupta (1996) - Weibull and log normal;
_ CpmCpk Mukherjee and Singh (1997-8) - Weibull; Sarkar and
Cpmk - (19) Pal (1997) - extreme value; Somerville and Mont-
gomery (1996/7) - t, gamma and log normal; Sun-
daraiyar (1996) - inverse Gaussian. As mentioned
Dealing with Non-normality above, Polansky (1998, 2000) uses a general kernel
of the Distribution of X fitting method.
As already noted, the "6" in Equation (1) has been A closely related approach (e.g. Rivera et al.
associated with the idea (hope?) that a normal dis- (1996)) is to transform X to Y = h(X), where h(X)
tribution for X provides a satisfactory approxima- is a continuous monotonically increasing function of
tion. Of course, both practitioners and theoreticians X, for which a normal distribution is (assumed to be)
realized that this would not always be the case, and a satisfactory approximation, and then to use origi-
some (at least) of the second group energetically bus- nal formulas with U, L, and a replaced by h(U), h(L)
ied themselves with the task of coming up with rele- and the standard deviation of Y, respectively. How-
vant information and suggestions. Some practition- ever, this method tends to be regarded unfavorably
ers, on the other hand, have claimed that C p need by practitioners, because it does not relate clearly
not be assessed on the grounds of direct relevance to enough to the original specification limits.
properties of NC product, though it is not clear what
other means of assessment are to be used. Among other methods we note that Kotz and
Johnson (1993b) suggest replacing "6a" by "5.15a,"
At a relatively early date, Clements (1989), in an because the approximate relation
influential paper, suggested that "6a" be replaced
by the length of the interval between the upper and
Pr[p - 2.575a ::; X ::; p + 2.575a] :::::: 0.99
lower 0.135 percentage points of the distribution of varies only a little among gamma distributions (see
X (this is 6a for a normal N(p, a 2 ) distribution). Merrington and Pearson (1958)). This might be use-

Journal of Quality Technology Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


ful if there are insufficient data to provide sufficiently The multiplier y'2 in the denominator relates to the
accurate fitting. On the other hand, there are two fact that if X has a symmetrical distribution with
important drawbacks: the most important being the E[X] = T, then MSE+ = MSE- = u 2/2. See also
limitation to about 1 percent for the value of p when Franklin and Wasserman (1994).
the value of the modified Cp is 1, which is too high in
We have already mentioned that Yeh and Bhat-
most cases; and the other, somewhat less formidable,
tacharya (1998) propose a PCI based on compari-
drawback is the required limitation to gamma-type
son between allowable proportions p&, p~ for which
distributions, though this includes a wide range of
X < L, X > U respectively and the corresponding
distributional shapes, from exponential to normal (as
actual proportions v': pU. See Equation (13).
a limiting case).
Wright (1995) suggested the PCI Estimation
d -Itt
- MI The preceding discussion relates to properties of
Cs = -::-;:::=;;===;====::::::::;::::;=====0==::
3Ju 2 + (tt - T)2 + Itt3/ul PCls which depend on knowledge of the values of
(d/u) - (Itt - MI/u) parameters (tt, o , v1J, etc.) in their formulation.
(22) Generally, values of these parameters are not known
3Jl + [(tt - T)/u]2 + I~I precisely, but have to be estimated from data ob-
as a "PCI sensitive to skewness" where tt3 = E[(X - tained from samples of produced items. It is quite
E(X))3] and ~ = tt3/u3/2 (= 0:3) is an established possible that the estimated values may differ sub-
measure of skewness. stantially from the actual values, leading to serious
discrepancies between estimated and actual proper-
Chen and Kotz (1996) suggest inserting a multi-
ties (e.g. value of p). In this section we outline how
plier 'Y > 0 before I~I· The value of 'Y may be
some estimators might vary from the actual values
chosen to meet a desired optimality requirement(s).
being estimated.
Bai and Choi (1997) have constructed PCls for use
So far as we are aware, the most prevalent
with possibly skewed distributions of X, based on
methods of estimating the basic PCls are to re-
a 'weighted variance' (WV) approach. This utilizes
place tt by X= n-12:7=lXi and a by S =
different divisors at the upper and lower limits (U,
L) of the specification interval. V(n - 1)-1 2:7=1 (X i- XF, where X 1,X2,··· .x,
are n independent values of X, or by an appropriate
With Pr[X ::::: ttl = P, they define the PCI corre- multiple of the range (greatest Xi - least Xi). Very
sponding to C p as
often, estimation is based on values from a series of
samples, combining the individual sample estimates
CW d [min (_1
3uy'2 ..;p' VI 1
- P) ] into a single estimate.

~, (23)
On the common (though not always stated) as-
sumption that X has a N(tt, ( 2) distribution, X has a
where W = Jl + 11- 2PI. Since W :2: 1, C;;' ::::: c; N(tt, n- 1(2) distribution and S2 has a (n-1)-l u2 x2
with equality if P = 1/2. We also have distribution, and X and S are mutually indepen-
dent. The resultant distributions of estimators c;
CW =
min ( U - tt tt - L
3u,j2P' 3uJ2(1 - P)
) = Cpk
c; c.; c-:
Cpk , Cpm , Cpm k , of Cpmk respectively,
have been thoroughly investigated (Ahmed (1998),
Ahmed and Rohbar (1997), Bissell (1990), K.-S.
and C;;'m = Cpm/WT where W T = Jl + 11 - 2PT I
Chen (1998b), Chou et al. (1990), Chou and Polan-
with PT = Pr[X ::::: T].
sky (1993), Hoffman (1999), Hubele et al. (1999),
The "flexible PCI" of Johnson et al. (1994) also Kane (1986), Kushner and Hurley (1992), Li et al.
treats the two limits differently. This PCI is essen- (1990), Mazzuchi (1997), Mukherjee (1995), Nagata
tially a modification of C pm and is defined as (1995a, b), Nagata and Nagahata (1992), Pearn et

1 (U-T T-L)
= 3y'2 min MSE+' MSE-' (24)
al. (1992), Subbaiah and Taam (1993), Vannman
(1997c), Vannrnan and Kotz (1995a), Wright (1998,
2000), Zimmer and Hubele (1997/8), and Zimmer et
where MSE+ = E[(X - T)2 1 X > T] Pr[X > T] al. (2000)). References to work on asymptotic distri-
and MSE- = E[(X - T)2 1 X < T] Pr[X < T]. butions (as the number of available observed values

Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


of X increases) include Chan et al. (1990), Chen sults obtained for c; c.; C pm, Cpmk in the articles
(1997), Chen and Hsu (1995), and Chen and Pearn mentioned earlier in this Section will apply to C;,
(1997). C;k' ci.; C;mk (with J-l, a replaced by J-l*, u*).
Recent investigations of asymptotic properties of Mittag's work is included in the book by Rinne
estimators (spearheaded by Hallin and Seoh (1999)) and Mittag (1999). Persijn and VanNuland (1996/7)
indicate the importance of determining the sample also discuss problems concerning measurement error,
sizes n for which asymptotic results are adequate. In in a somewhat different manner and, more recently,
many instances the appropriate values of n far exceed Newton (1999) discusses them briefly. These studies
the "folklore values" of 25 or 30 suitable in the case of are of importance, because measurement error can
asymptotic results associated with the t-distribution. severely affect estimation of PCls, with unfortunate
To the best of our knowledge this problem has not consequences on inference regarding process capabil-
been as yet properly addressed as far as asymptotic ity.
distributions of PCls are concerned.
Scholz and Vengel (1998) have addressed the prob-
Distributions of estimators of the basic PCls when lem of constructing confidence bounds for Cpk, al-
the distribution of X is not normal have been re- lowing for correlation between values of X for items
ported by Han et al. (2000) . within the same batch. They describe the use of
Unusually, Little and Harrelson (1993) suggest us- an "effective sample size" -less than the actual to-
tal sample size-that leads to reasonably adequate
ing 2tn-1,O.99868, in place of 68, in the denominator
approximate results.
to estimate Cp .
Use of a multiplier of the average range in a num- Multivariate pels
ber of subsamples of small size « 10, usually) as
an estimator for o has been prominent in quality as- A more precise title for this Section would be
surance for a long time. Its susceptibility to non- "PCls for Use When X is Multivariate." Many of
normality in the distribution of X, however, renders the PCls in this group are not, in fact, multivariate.
it an unattractive procedure for estimating PCls, es- Maybe they should be, but writers have opted for
pecially in regard to bias, but also in regard to vari- construction of univariate PCls, based on the multi-
ability (even if approximate normality holds). This variate distributions of X. Nevertheless we will term
is because the distribution of range is very sensitive them all "multivariate PCls" (MPCls). References
to variation in the tails of the parent distribution. with a title including the word "multivariate" or "bi-
variate" are: Beck and Ester (1998); Bernardo and
Distributions of estimators of Wright's PCI, Cs, Irony (1996); Boyles (1996b); Chan et al. (1991);
have been derived by Chen and Kotz (1996) and Davis et al. (1992); Hellmich and Wolff (1996);
Sundaraiyar (1996). Distributions of estimators of Hubele et al. (1991); Karl et al. (1994); Li and
Viinnman's Cp(u, v) PCls are derived in Kalyana- Lin (1996); Mukherjee and Singh (1994); Niverthi
sundaram and Balamurali (1997), Vannman (1997b, and Dey (2000); Shariari et al. (1995); Taam et
1997c, 1998b), and Vannman and Kotz (1995a, b). al. (1993); Tang and Barnett (1998); Veevers (1995,
Mittag (1997) has drawn attention to the fact that 1998, 1999); Wang et al. (2000); Wierda (1992, 1993,
if measurement errors are superimposed on the values 1994a, 1998); and Yeh and Chen (1999). Multivari-
of X, producing observed values of a variable, X* say, ate situations are also discussed in the following ref-
with a different distribution, then we are, instead of erences, that do not indicate, explicitly, in their titles
estimating c.; C pm, Cpmk> etc., actually estimating that this is so: Chan et al. (1988b); Wang and Chen
C;k' C;m' C;mk' etc.-values obtained by replacing (1998/9); and Wang and Hubele (1999, 2001).
u, a by new values, The univariate specification interval (L ::; X ::; U)
is now replaced by a specification region. This may
J-l* = J-l+o; (25)
just be constructed from separate specification inter-
vals: one for each variable Xi in X. The specification
where 0, u~ are the expected value and variance, re-
region is then the hyperrectangle
spectively, of the measurement error (on the assump-
tion that this error is independent of X). On the fur-
ther assumptions that both X and the measurement (t; < Xi < Ui ) . (26)
error are normally distributed, the distributional re- i=l

Journal of Quality Technology Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


However, more complex regions may be used, reflect- which is

ing perceived relations among the variables in X.
These are of the general form Pr [Fv,n-v > v~n-_vI) T 2
] , (34)

L < g(X) ::; U. (27) where Fv,n-v denotes a variable having the F-
Often, L is zero. Possibly for mathematical conve- distribution with v, n - v degrees of freedom. The
nience, g(X) is often taken as a monotonic function of final component just takes values 1 or 0 according
the joint probability density function of X. Thus if X to a modified process region-defined as the small-
is assumed to have a multivariate normal N v (/1 , E) est region similar in shape to the specification region,
distribution, one might take circumscribed about a specified probability contour
(of the distribution of X)-is or is not entirely con-
tained in the specification region.
and regard an item as NC if g(X) > U. In this way Wang et al. (2000) compared this 3-component
we obtain the ellipsoidal specification region MPCI with Chen's (1994) MCp and with an index
MCp m proposed by Taam et al. (1993) which is also
a ratio of two volumes. The volume in the denomina-
An analogue of Cp is tor is the same as in Equation (30) with R = X~,l-P
Volume of {(X -/1)' 17- 1(X -/1) ::; U} with p = 0.0027, while in the numerator we have the
volume of a "modified specification region" which is
Volume of {(X - /1)' 17- 1 (X - /1) ::; R}
the largest ellipsoid centered at the target that is
within the original specification region.
where Pr [(X -/1)' 17- 1 (X -/1) ::; R] = 1 - p. Veevers' (1995) univariate viability index Vi (see
If the distribution of X is multivariate normal Equation (10)) can be extended naturally to multi-
then (X -/1)' 17- 1 (X - /1) has a X2 distribution with variate X, defining
u degrees of freedom and R = X~,l-P (the upper V. = volume of "window of opportunity" (35)
100(1 - p)% point of the X2 or "chi-squared" distri- p volume of specification region
bution with v degrees of freedom).
Chen (1994) applies this method to the case when Veevers considers only the case of rectangular
the specification region is of the form in Equation specification regions of type in Equation (31), and
(29). The region is defined by shows that, denoting the viability index for Xi by
Vii, we have
i=f.2~.,v (IX-M'I)
d t
t ::; 1 (31)
if Vii > 0,
with M, = (L i + U;)/2 and d, = (Ui - L i)/2, and for all i = 1, ... , v
Chen defined MCp as R- 1 , where
I1 Vii) otherwise.
(IX-MI) R ] = 1 -
1- (1 -
Pr . max
t=1,2, ... ,v
t ::; p. (32) Vti<O

If anyone Xi is not viable, then Vi < 0 and X is not

There can be many variants on these approaches.
For example, the g(X) in Equation (28) might be We do not pursue the topic of multivariate PCls
replaced by (X - /1)'A -1 (X - /1) where A is a pos- any further here. There is clearly much room for in-
itive matrix, not necessarily the variance-covariance ventiveness, even though we have not covered many
matrix of the distribution of X. of the indices already proposed. Our reason is that
so far the variety of MPCls outstrips their present
Shariari et al. (1995) proposed a truly multivari-
amount of employment. Of course, suggestions for
ate MPCI. It contains three components. The first
remedying this situation, either by increased atten-
is of the type in Equation (32). The second is the
tion to possibilities of application or by improved
significance level of the Hotelling's T 2 statistic
understanding of possible utility, are most welcome.
This problem cannot be relegated to the back burner.

Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


Concluding Remarks reminds us in the discussion of Singpurwalla (1998,

p. 33) "all models are wrong, but some models are
Given the complexities of connections among usefuL"
many of the PCls we have discussed, it is not surpris-
ing that several articles have appeared attempting to Also, one should guard against assuming that lack
guide workers in the selection, use, and interpretation of normality for a characterstic is an indicator of in-
of PCls. Study of these articles can be well worth- adequacy of a process. Normality, in itself, is not an
while, insofar as the reader may recognize some situa- essential feature of good production. Lack of nor-
tion(s) with which he/she is familiar, and even derive mality, however, serves to indicate need for caution
enlightening information from the text. Among our in the use of PCls for quality assessment.
references, we draw special attention to the following
A few of our references (Adler and Shper (1994),
articles, wherein use and interpretation of PCls are
Bernardo and Irony (1996), and Niverthi and Dey
treated in a quite general and very thoughtful man-
(2000)) refer to "Bayesian" PCls. We have not dis-
ner: Cheng (1994/5), three comprehensive treatises
cussed these, partly because we are still of the opin-
by Deleryd (1998a, 1998b, 1999a), Kaminski, Dovich,
ion that excessive reliance on prior information (even,
and Burke (1998), Kotz and Lovelace (1998, Chap-
for example, just "simple normality") is a some-
ter 1), Palmer and Tsui (1999), Rodriguez (1992),
what risky enterprise, and partly because these three
Singpurwalla (1998), and Tsui (1997).
works represent valuable but initial innovative at-
It is not to be expected that these authors are all tempts.
in total agreement, of course. However, they do have
We finally quote from the Editorial (Nelson
some points in common-notably on the unfortunate
(1992)) in the issue of JQT devoted to PCls: "in
non-dependence of Cp on the value of u: There is
fact, it is clear from a statistical perspective that
also wide agreement on the need for establishment
the concept of attempting to characterize a process
of a state of statistical control before PCls are used.
with a single number is fundamentally flawed." See
Of course, substantial variation in a PCI index, over
also Herman (1989). This is, of course, equally valid
time, will itself provide evidence of lack of statistical
for any summarizing statistical measure used with-
out any qualms. Nevertheless, the statement that
We have referred to the use of various methods for "process capability indices are here to stay" (Kotz
estimating tails of distributions in order to obtain (in and Lovelace (1998, page 16)) appears, fortunately
effect) estimates of p (expected proportion NC). Such or unfortunately, to also be true.
indirect estimation of p--as opposed to direct obser-
vation of proportion NC-reflects, we believe, some Postscript for Practitioners
anxiety about the sparseness of data in many applied
. There are several papers and monographs in the
situations. There is little, or no, comparison of ac-
references containing accounts of specific applica-
curacy of estimators from the two methods, but it
tions of PCls. These include Bittanti et al. (1998),
seems that there should, in any case, be more appre-
Boyles (1996), Cheng (1994/5), Deleryd (1998a,
ciation of the effects of sampling variation on values
1999a), El.Awady et al. (1996), Hubele et al. (1994),
of PCls estimated from data. It is necessary to dis-
Kotz and Lovelace (1998), Municheka (1992), Par-
tinguish between the properties of PCls as defined
lar and Wesolowsky (1999), Porter and Oakland
and those of the estimators of the PCls. Also, there
(1991), Prasad and Calis (1999), Sarkar and Pal
is obviously need for great skepticism about values
(1997), Schneider et al. (1995/6), Zhang and Feng
of p based on extreme tails of assumed forms of dis-
(1999/2000). Although these will be of interest to
tributions. For example, much analysis depends on
some readers, they are too specific for us to discuss
assumptions about extreme tail probabilities of nor-
in further detail in this survey article, wherein we
mal distributions. In spite of numerous optimistic
have tried to deal with rather general issues. We are,
assertions in the literature, it is most unlikely that a
naturally, aware that "general" issues are the result
normal distribution will fit the actual distribution of
of synthesis of many specific examples, but adequate
X accurately as far out as four or five (even three)
treatment in detail would require a book, not just an
times (J from the value of u: Practically always, we
know that a normal distribution will not be exact
everywhere, since such a distribution does not ex- We hope that these remarks may serve as a pro-
clude negative values. Nevertheless, as G.E.P. Box logue in preparation for a substantial volume, to be

Journal of Quality Technology Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002


written by some dedicated and energetic team of bility Indexes". Proceedings of the ASA Section on Quality
enthusiastic researchers and practitioners sometime and Productivity, pp. 101-102.
during the first decade of the 21st century, which will BECK. C. and ESTER, S. (1998). "Multicriteria Capability In-
dexes". Spektruni 24, pp. 179-187.
finally bridge the gap and reduce further the lack of
BERARDO. J. M. and IRONY, T. X. (1996). "A General Multi-
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A good survey of scientific or technological mat-
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ters ought to raise profound questions for which there BITTANTL S.; LOVERA, M.; and MOIRAGHI, L. (1998). "Ap-
may not be immediate answers. We trust that we plication of Non-Normal Process Capability Indices to Semi-
have at least partially succeeded in this respect. Un- Conductor Quality Control". IEEE Transactions on Semi-
til new (less ambiguous) ways of looking at process conductor Manufacturing 11, pp. 296-302.
capability will be found, we will remain, as Milton BORGES. W. and Ho, 1. L. (1998). "A Fraction Non-
says in his Comus, "in the blind mazes of this tan- Conforming Based Capability Index". Department di Es-
tadistics, Universidede de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
gled wood."
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bution of Clements' Capability Index". Communications in
Acknowledgments Statistics-Simulation and Computation 29, pp. 121-138.
BOTHE, D. R. (1992). "A Capability Study for an Entire
The authors express their sincere thanks to the
Product". Transactions of the ASQC Technical Conference,
Editor for his encouraging and valuable guidance pp.I71-178.
and to Nozer Singpurwalla for providing thought- BOTHE, D. R. (1997). Measuring Process Capability. McGraw-
ful discussion. Our special gratitude goes to Kerstin Hill, New York, NY.
Vannman and Norma Hubele, who have established BOTHE, D. R. (1999). "A Capability Index for Multiple Pro-
prominent centers of PCI research in northern Swe- cess Streams". Quality Engineering 11, pp. 613-618.
den and in southwestern United States, respectively, BOYLES, R. A. (1991). "The Taguchi Capability Index". Jour-
and to the Editor, for providing us with a number nal of Quality Technology 23, pp. 17-26.
BOYLES, R. A. (1994). "Process Capability With Asymmetric
of important bibliographical sources. We are also in-
Tolerances". Communications in Statistics-Simulation and
debted to the discussants for alerting us about some Computation 23, pp. 613-643.
controversial points and for providing useful com- BOYLES, R. A. (1996a). "Exploratory Capability Analysis".
ments and suggestions on an earlier version of our Journal of Quality Technology 28, pp. 91-98.
paper. BOYLES, R. A. (1996b). "Multivariate Process Analysis With
Lattice Data". Technometrics 38, pp. 37-49.
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Vol. 34, No.1, January 2002

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