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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Treating Hypertension in Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Shannon W. Finks, Pharm.D., Mark J. Rumbak, M.D.,
and Timothy H. Self, Pharm.D.​​

hronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects 174 mil- From the College of Pharmacy, Depart-
lion people worldwide, a number expected to rise over the next several de- ment of Clinical Pharmacy and Transla-
tional Science, University of Tennessee
cades as a result of the increased prevalence of smoking in developing Health Science Center, Memphis (S.W.F.,
countries and markedly aging populations in higher-income nations.1 Approxi- T.H.S.); and the Division of Pulmonary,
mately 1.13 billion people worldwide have hypertension,2,3 the most common Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Mor-
sani College of Medicine, University of
concurrent disease among patients with COPD.4,5 Furthermore, hypertension may South Florida, Tampa (M.J.R.) Address
be more prevalent among patients with asthma–COPD overlap syndrome, a sub- reprint requests to Dr. Finks at the Col-
group of patients with COPD who have asthma-related symptoms for which lege of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical
Pharmacy and Translational Science, Uni-
asthma therapeutics may be effective.6 Like hypertension, COPD and impaired versity of Tennessee Health Science Center,
lung function have been independently associated with an increased risk of car- 881 Madison Ave., Rm. 459, Memphis,
diovascular events.7,8 The frequent presence of hypertension in patients with COPD TN 38163, or at ­sfinks@​­uthsc​.­edu.

may compound the risk of cardiovascular events.5,7,8 N Engl J Med 2020;382:353-63.

This review focuses on recent studies relevant to the management of hyperten- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1805377
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
sion in patients with COPD. Contemporary evidence concerning the effects of
antihypertensive-drug classes on COPD exacerbations, hospitalizations, and ad-
verse pulmonary outcomes is included, along with a brief update regarding the
use of cardioselective beta-blockers in patients who have COPD and hypertension
with concomitant heart failure or coronary artery disease. Adequate management
of hypertension in patients with COPD requires an understanding of appropri-
ate drug-therapy choices in view of other common, coexisting diseases in such

C OPD, H y per tension, a nd A sso ci ated

C a r diova scul a r Dise a se
Patients with chronic lung disease are at increased risk for cardiovascular events.7,9
Both COPD and cardiovascular disease are characterized by chronic systemic in-
flammation, which plays an overlapping and central role in the pathogenesis of
the two diseases (Fig. 1).7,10,11 In addition, increased oxidative stress caused by
endogenous and exogenous mechanisms can lead to endothelial dysfunction in
patients who have both COPD and hypertension.12 Both sympathetic nervous sys-
tem overactivation and the presence of proinflammatory cytokines may lead to an
increased risk of atherosclerosis and autonomic dysfunction, heightening arterial
vascular stiffness.13 Smoking, a powerful risk factor for cardiovascular disease,
also appears to contribute to increased arterial stiffness in COPD.10 Arterial stiff-
ness increases with the frequency of COPD exacerbations, further contributing to
systemic hypertension. All these observations provide persuasive reasons for con-
trolling hypertension in patients with COPD.14
Many patients with COPD, particularly those with severe disease, have evi-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

Treating Hypertension in Patients with Concomitant COPD

• Hypertension affects many patients with underlying COPD, and the number of patients concomitantly
affected is increasing.
• Patients with COPD and hypertension commonly have coexisting conditions such as obesity, heart
failure, and coronary artery disease; practitioners should assess cardiovascular risk and address
concurrent diseases to ensure adequate management.
• The benefits of antihypertensive therapy and the risk of adverse pulmonary effects or interaction with
medications used for pulmonary control are specific to the antihypertensive drug class.
• Contemporary data on the pulmonary effects of antihypertensive therapy are limited.
• Management of hypertension in most patients with COPD is similar to hypertension management in
the general population, with specific exceptions.
• Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors should be considered in choosing antihypertensive
agents for patients with COPD, along with any coexisting conditions.

dence of systemic inflammation, even when therapies.19 Despite this lack of guidance, the
the disease is stable, probably placing them at clinician should be mindful of factors influenc-
heightened risk.15,16 For example, in one study ing control of both illnesses. The definition of hy-
with 3 years of ­follow-up, persistent systemic pertension was recently changed by the American
inflammation (as measured by biomarkers College of Cardiology–American Heart Associa-
such as the white-cell count and levels of C-re-tion to a systolic arterial pressure of more than
active protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, fi-
130 mm Hg, a diastolic pressure of more than
brinogen, and tumor necrosis factor α [TNF-α]) 80 mm Hg, or both (Table 1), which means more
was found in 281 of 1755 patients with COPD persons will be considered to have hyperten-
(16%) and was asso­ciated with increased all- sion.19 Since hypertension is the most common
cause mortality, as compared with patients concurrent disorder among patients with COPD,
who did not have systemic inflammation.16 In the clinician is often faced with making treat-
a study of more than 8600 patients with COPD, ment decisions about both illnesses. Further-
inflammatory biomarkers were associated with more, in the context of obesity, COPD and hy-
an increase by a factor of 2 to 4 in the risk ofpertension coexist more frequently with other
coexisting conditions, including ischemic heart metabolic diseases such as diabetes and ob-
disease, myocardial infarction, and heart fail- structive sleep apnea, further complicating treat-
ure.17 Coexisting disorders such as hyperten- ment and the monitoring of underlying illness.20
sion, heart failure, and diabetes were associat-Knowledge of the pulmonary side effects of
ed with elevations in markers of systemic different classes of antihypertensive therapies,
inflammation in a cohort of 2164 patients with as well as interactions between antihypertensive
clinically stable COPD.18 Even after adjustment drugs and agents used for pulmonary control, is
for confounders, fibrinogen levels remained essential for successful management.
significantly elevated in patients with hyperten- Contemporary data on specific outcomes of
sion. These findings suggest that systemic in- antihypertensive therapy in patients with COPD
flammation has an important influence on the are limited. The risks and benefits of antihyper-
progression of disease in patients with COPD tensive therapy in such patients have been sum-
and coexisting conditions.16,18 Thus, one might marized previously, yet consensus has been
speculate that control of hypertension in pa- limited by lack of solid outcome evidence.
tients with COPD has important clinical impli- Recommendations for treatment have tradition-
cations. ally been based on the theoretical risks of the
drug therapy in patients with COPD.21,22 Pharma-
cokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors should
A n t ih y per tensi v e T r e atmen t
in Pat ien t s w i th C OPD be considered in choosing antihypertensive agents
for patients with COPD, along with underlying
Neither contemporary nor traditional hyperten- lung function and any additional coexisting con-
sion guidelines have identified COPD as a com- ditions. In general, antihypertensive drug ther-
pelling indication for certain antihypertensive apy should follow guideline-directed approaches,

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Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Recurrent hypoxia in COPD

Oxidative stress Alveolar


Sympathetic nervous system


Proinflammatory cytokines
Acute-phase proteins (CRP)
White cells

Systemic inflammation
Increased risk of arterial stiffness,
endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease

Hypertension Heart failure Coronary artery disease

Figure 1. Potential Mechanisms for the Association of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with Hypertension and Other
Cardiovascular Diseases.
Increased oxidative stress caused by endogenous and exogenous mechanisms in patients with COPD can lead to increased risk of hyper-
tension and other cardiovascular diseases. The dashed lines denote lung-related changes in pulmonary diseases that contribute to chronic
systemic inflammation. CRP denotes C-reactive protein.

Table 1. New Diagnostic and Treatment Criteria for Hypertension in Adults Living in the United States.*

Category Blood Pressure Treatment†

mm Hg
Normal <120 systolic and <80 diastolic Promote good lifestyle habits
Elevated 120–129 systolic and <80 diastolic Promote lifestyle modifications for 3–6 mo before initiat-
ing drug therapy
Hypertension ≥130/80 Promote lifestyle modifications and initiate drug therapy,
according to degree of blood-pressure elevation and
10-yr ASCVD risk
Stage 1 130–139 systolic or 80–89 diastolic If 10-yr ASCVD risk is <10%, promote lifestyle modifica-
tions for 1 month before initiating drug therapy to
reach target blood pressure of <120/80 mm Hg; if
risk is ≥10%, initiate drug therapy and promote life-
style modifications
Stage 2 ≥140 systolic or ≥90 diastolic Initiate drug therapy and promote lifestyle modifications

* Diagnostic and treatment criteria are from Whelton et al.19

† ASCVD denotes atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with some minor exceptions.19 Thus, angiotensin- Loop diuretics have minimal antihypertensive
converting–enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin- effects but are often used in patients with heart
receptor blockers (ARBs), calcium-channel failure and volume overload or those with an
blockers, and thiazides are all options for initial estimated creatinine clearance of less than 30 ml
antihypertensive therapy, as long as racial differ- per minute per 1.72 m2 of body-surface area.25
ences in treatment response are taken into con- Electrolyte monitoring is prudent in such pa-
sideration and COPD symptoms can be ade- tients, since hypokalemia may be more common
quately controlled with the addition of these with loop diuretics than with thiazide diuretics.
therapies.19 Age alone is not an indicator for More important, loop diuretics may contribute to
specific drug therapy, but frailty at baseline and metabolic alkalosis and hypercapnia in patients
the degree of pulmonary impairment may influ- with COPD. Data from a recent retrospective
ence the benefits and risks of particular antihy- cohort study involving administrative claims for
pertensive therapies, as outlined in the sections 99,766 older patients with COPD linked a new
below. 30-day prescription of a loop diuretic to increas-
es in emergency department visits (hazard ratio,
1.62; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.38 to 1.90)
Diur e t ic s
and hospitalization for a COPD exacerbation or
We suggest that thiazide diuretics be considered pneumonia (hazard ratio, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.16 to
as first-line antihypertensive medications in pa- 1.60), as well as increased mortality (hazard ratio,
tients with COPD. To our knowledge, there is no 1.31; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.51).26 In that cohort, ad-
evidence that thiazides exacerbate pulmonary im- verse respiratory effects were observed with loop
pairment in such patients, although data from diuretics but not with new prescriptions for
prospective, randomized studies in this patient thiazides, ACE inhibitors, or ARBs. Although
population are lacking. A retrospective study confounding data cannot be excluded from this
examining the effectiveness of thiazide diuret- observational data set, it does suggest a signal
ics used concomitantly with other antihyper- for increased adverse respiratory outcomes when
tensive medications in 7140 veterans with COPD loop diuretics are prescribed in a real-world co-
and hypertension showed no increase in COPD hort with COPD. Therefore, limiting loop diuret-
exacerbations with thiazide use, as compared ics in the general management of hypertension in
with combination antihypertensive therapy that patients with COPD would appear to be prudent.
did not include a thiazide diuretic.23 In fact, for
patients who did not have a history of heart fail- ACE Inhibi t or s a nd A R Bs
ure, antihypertensive therapy combined with a
thiazide diuretic was associated with a reduced Although both ACE inhibitors and ARBs are
risk of future hospitalizations for heart failure. considered first-line antihypertensive agents for
Despite historical concerns, contemporary evi- the general population because they are associ-
dence suggests that thiazide diuretics have no ated with reductions in cardiovascular and cere-
negative effects on airway function.21,22 However, brovascular events,19 when these agents are pre-
electrolyte abnormalities can become problem- scribed for patients with COPD, the risks and
atic when therapies such as inhaled β2-adrenergic benefits must be considered in light of certain
receptor agonists, which shift potassium intra- pulmonary issues.
cellularly, and glucocorticoids, which can increase Theoretical benefits of ACE inhibition include
urinary potassium excretion, are coadminis- attenuation of pulmonary-artery inflammation
tered.21,24 Hypokalemia during thiazide therapy is and positive effects on pulmonary alveolar gas
dose-dependent and will increase with escalating exchange, respiratory drive, and pulmonary-
doses.19 Arrhythmias are rare but remain a con- muscle function.27 With high levels in lung capil-
cern in any patient with hypokalemia (potassium laries, ACE is responsible for the conversion of
level, <3.5 mmol per liter), and patients with angiotensin I to angiotensin II, as well as brady-
COPD should therefore be monitored periodically kinin breakdown. There are at least two types of
for electrolyte abnormalities, especially when glu- angiotensin II receptors: angiotensin II type 1
cocorticoid or bronchodilator doses are being (AT1) receptors increase vascular tone when acti-
introduced or increased. vated, whereas vasodilatation occurs when angio-

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Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

tensin II binds and activates type 2 (AT2) recep- age, smokers, and persons taking concomitant
tors. In patients with marked pulmonary fibrosis, calcium-channel blockers, antihistamines, or sys-
the ratio of AT1 to AT2 receptors is increased, temic glucocorticoids.37-41 Both ACE inhibitor–
and the forced expiratory volume in 1 second induced cough and bronchospasm, as well as
(FEV1) is decreased.27 This inverse relation might angioedema, are considered to be related to the
suggest a pathophysiological role of the renin– elevation in bradykinin levels that occurs when
angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) in pa- ACE is inhibited.38 Furthermore, unacceptable ad-
tients with allergic airway inflammation and verse events are more common in patients with
COPD.28 Furthermore, since lung and skeletal allergies and in those who use antihistamine
tissues express ACE, the RAAS is considered to and antiasthma medications.41 Nevertheless, the
be involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary reductions in morbidity and mortality from the
and extrapulmonary symptoms of COPD. The use of these agents, as observed in clinical trials
RAAS contributes to the pathophysiology of evaluating the agents for the treatment of hyper-
COPD through proinflammatory cytokines such tension in the general population, make them
as interleukin-6 and TNF-α. Lung-tissue injury is appropriate for patients with COPD in whom
potentially mediated through RAAS effects on drug-induced symptoms do not develop. ARBs
the T-cell response, and AT1-generated reactive may be preferable to ACE inhibitors in patients
oxygen species contribute to mitochondrial dys- with COPD because ARBs are easier to tolerate
function, further promoting oxidative stress and and are associated with a lower risk of cough.19
endothelial dysfunction.29 Unlike thiazide diuretics, ACE inhibitors and
The findings in observational cohort studies ARBs may increase potassium levels, which may
suggest that ACE inhibitors or ARBs may pro- offset the risk of hypokalemia from the frequent
vide both cardiovascular and pulmonary protec- use of inhaled β2-agonists. Thus, either an ACE
tion in patients with COPD.30,31 In one uncon- inhibitor or an ARB would be the preferred anti-
trolled study, the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs hypertensive agent in patients known to be at
after hospitalization of patients for COPD exac- risk for hypokalemia.
erbation was associated with a significant reduc-
tion in 90-day mortality.32 Confirmatory data Be ta-Bl o ck er s
from randomized, controlled trials are lacking.
Finally, it has been proposed that the use of Current hypertension guidelines do not recom-
ACE inhibitors in patients with COPD is helpful mend beta-blockers for the general treatment of
in pulmonary rehabilitation. Epidemiologic evi- hypertension unless ischemic heart disease or
dence favors an effect of ACE inhibition on heart failure is present.19 However, for patients
muscle mass, leg strength, and walking speed in who have hypertension with heart failure or have
patients with hypertension who do not have had a recent myocardial infarction, cardioselec-
COPD.33,34 Evidence from randomized, placebo- tive beta-blockers such as bisoprolol and meto-
controlled studies involving patients with hyper- prolol may reduce the risk of death.25,42-45 Beta-
tension in the general population argues that in- blockers may also be useful for additional control
hibition of the RAAS influences skeletal-muscle of angina symptoms in patients with hyperten-
function and peak work-rate response during sion and coronary artery disease.19 With a low
exercise; however, relevant randomized studies initial dose and careful dose escalation, the
involving patients with COPD are limited with safety of cardioselective agents in patients with
respect to study size and duration of follow-up.35,36 pulmonary disease has been well documented.46,47
Despite the promise of a pulmonary benefit, The use of noncardioselective beta-blockers such
adverse events associated with ACE inhibitor as carvedilol or propranolol, however, is not
therapy may limit its use. Cough is generally the recommended in any clinical scenario involving
most common adverse event during therapy (oc- reactive airway disease.19
curring in 5 to 35% of patients).37 ACE inhibitor– Use of cardioselective agents in patients with
induced angioedema is rare in the general popu- COPD and additional compelling indications for
lation (occurring in 0.2 to 0.7% of patients beta-blockade should be strongly considered if
receiving such treatment), but the incidence is a survival benefit from beta-blockers has been
higher among persons older than 65 years of established (Table 2).25,45,48 Cardioselective beta-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Considerations for Beta-Blocker Use in Patients with COPD.

or with an increased blood eosinophil count
(which would suggest coexisting asthma).60 Such
Use of beta-blockers in patients with COPD should be limited to cardioselec- caveats are of particular importance in hyper-
tive agents for both initial and long-term management of hypertension.
tension-related emergencies, when intravenous
Cardioselective beta-blockers are underused in patients with COPD who have therapy might be used. Intravenous labetalol and
compelling indications (e.g., heart failure or recent myocardial infarction).
sotalol should be avoided in such circumstances,
Cardioselective beta-blockers reduce exacerbations of COPD and mortality whereas esmolol may be considered in low-to-
among patients with COPD and additional compelling indications.
moderate doses, since it selectively blocks the
Vigilance is required to avoid the use of noncardioselective beta-blockers in
patients with COPD who present with heart failure, acute myocardial in- β1-adrenergic receptor and is unlikely to cause
farction, or unstable angina. bronchospasm when used at relatively low doses.
However, higher doses may affect lung function.19

blockers are remarkably underused in patients O ther A n t ih y per tensi v e Agen t s

with COPD who also have heart failure or coro-
nary artery disease.42,44,49-52 Only approximately Treatment with calcium-channel blockers for the
half of patients in three studies received cardio­ management of hypertension is supported by
selective beta-blockers despite indications for studies of such treatment in the general popula-
such treatment.42,49,50 Several observational stud- tion. These agents are generally associated with
ies suggest that cardioselective beta-blockers re- reductions in cardiovascular mortality.19 The use
duce the risk of death among patients with of calcium-channel blockers in patients with
COPD.43,45,48,53-55 In a recent randomized trial in- asthma has been proposed on the basis of theo-
volving patients with COPD who did not have retical data, but data from a specific evaluation
an established indication for beta-blocker use, of their effect on pulmonary function in patients
metoprolol did not prevent COPD exacerbations.56 with COPD are lacking.19,21 Observational data
Cardioselective beta-blockers have been success- suggest that calcium-channel blockers are asso-
fully used in patients hospitalized for exacerba- ciated with a decreased risk of death when used
tions of COPD.57 A small, prospective cohort in patients with COPD and right heart failure.61
study suggested that use of these agents may Our opinion is that this drug class is a viable
even improve survival after coronary-artery by- first-line option for the management of hyper-
pass grafting in patients with COPD.58 Likewise, tension.
in a recent study involving 6770 patients who There are no specific concerns regarding the
were hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction, use of potassium-sparing diuretics or aldosterone-
patients with COPD (28.3% of the study popu- receptor antagonists in patients with COPD.
lation) were less likely than other patients to However, these agents are generally not pre-
receive evidence-based therapies such as beta- scribed in lieu of thiazides for the initial man-
blockers, coronary angiography, and coronary- agement of hypertension.19
artery bypass grafting.59 Underuse of evidence- The reasons for using other antihypertensive
based management was associated with higher agents vary. Alpha-blockers, which are commonly
mortality.59 used in patients with benign prostatic hypertro-
Although the use of cardioselective beta- phy, are not associated with adverse pulmonary
blockers in patients with COPD is not generally events and, specifically, are not associated with
associated with bronchospasm, our suggestion reported adverse events in patients with COPD.62
is to use small initial doses in all patients, with Centrally acting agents such as clonidine may
slow dose escalation to minimize the risks of increase bronchial hyperresponsiveness if inhaled
hypotension and bradycardia. Clinicians must be histamine has been given first and should there-
vigilant in order to avoid inadvertent worsening fore be used cautiously in patients with underly-
of pulmonary symptoms when beta-blocker ther- ing lung disease.62 There is little information
apy is initiated or the dose is increased — for about the pulmonary safety of vasodilators such
instance, in patients with an underappreciated as hydralazine, but hydralazine has generally not
history of asthma, with asthma–COPD overlap, been associated with reported adverse events
with undiagnosed reversible airway obstruction, and has a long history of use.63

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Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Achie v ing H y per tension in hypertension along with numerous other ad-
C on t rol in C OPD verse effects.68
In patients with COPD and concomitant aller-
Evidence-based hypertension guidelines support gic rhinitis, the use of oral decongestants, par-
lowering blood pressure to less than 130/80 ticularly those containing pseudoephedrine, may
mm Hg, which represents a clinical challenge increase blood pressure.69,70 For most patients,
even in the general population.19 The coexistence decongestants have little effect on hypertension
of COPD and hypertension complicates this ef- control, yet inadvertently excessive doses of topi-
fort, as reflected by lower rates of achieving cal intranasal agents have resulted in systemic
therapeutic blood-pressure targets in this sub- hypertension.71,72 If the blood-pressure goal is not
population of patients.64 Several factors influence reached despite adherence to the antihyperten-
blood-pressure control in patients with COPD, sive regimen, and other drug-induced causes of
including coexisting conditions such as obesity hypertension have been ruled out, antihyperten-
and severe pulmonary disease, which may re- sive treatment should be intensified, since pa-
quire additional drug therapy that may counter- tients with concomitant rhinitis are at elevated
act efforts to lower blood pressure. Furthermore, risk for COPD-related hospital readmission.73
psychosocial issues such as depression or sub- Finally, since systemic inflammation is in-
stance use disorders, which are common in pa- creased in patients with hypertension and COPD,
tients with chronic disease, can affect adherence assessment of cardiovascular risk is important
to treatment regimens.65 in every patient. In a recent nested case–control
When blood pressure is not adequately con- study involving 284,220 patients with COPD,
trolled in patients with COPD, the use of con- 70% of whom had hypertension at baseline, the
comitant medications should be thoroughly as- estimated risk of a major cardiovascular event
sessed once adherence to the antihypertensive within the first 30 days after the initiation of
regimen has been verified. In addition to sys- therapy with an inhaled long-acting bronchodi-
temic glucocorticoids, as well as over-the-counter lator was increased by a factor of 1.5.74 Cardio-
oral and intranasal decongestants, which can vascular events included inpatient care or emer-
cause hypertension, drug interactions may ad- gency-department visits for coronary artery
versely affect blood-pressure control and pre- disease, heart failure, ischemic stroke, and ar-
dispose patients to adverse outcomes.66-71 In a rhythmia. Since long-acting muscarinic antago-
randomized, double-blind trial involving 314 nists and long-acting β2-agonists are mainstay
patients with acute exacerbations of COPD, the therapies for long-term management of COPD,4
incidence of hypertension from oral glucocorti- further study of this increased risk at therapy
coid therapy (40 mg of prednisone daily) did not initiation is necessary. Clinicians are encouraged
differ significantly between patients receiving a to monitor patients with COPD for cardiovascular
conventional course of prednisone (14 days) and symptoms during the initiation of any therapy.74
those receiving a short-term course (5 days). Intensifying antihypertensive therapy while
However, blood-pressure elevations developed or addressing lifestyle modifications is generally
worsened in more than 10% of all patients re- recommended for all patients at least monthly
ceiving glucocorticoids (11.6% of patients in the until blood-pressure goals are achieved.19 When
5-day group and 17.8% of those in the 14-day antihypertensive therapy is initiated or changed
group, P = 0.22).66 Although one cross-sectional in patients with COPD, baseline pulmonary
study suggests that high-dose inhaled glucocor- function or status should be documented, and
ticoids may be associated with hypertension, agents known to exacerbate or increase pulmo-
prospective investigations with larger patient nary and extrapulmonary adverse events should
populations are needed to confirm this observa- be avoided (Table 3). Subsequent monitoring
tion.67 Inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 3A4 great- should include an assessment for changes in
ly increase serum levels of inhaled glucocorti- pulmonary function, and discontinuation of an
coids and cause adrenocortical suppression.68 antihypertensive drug may be warranted if pul-
For example, inhibition of the metabolism of monary symptoms worsen after the initiation of
inhaled glucocorticoids by ritonavir may result therapy.

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Table 3. Practical Considerations for the Management of Hypertension in Patients with COPD, According to Drug Class.

Drug Class General Considerations Disease-Related Considerations Drug-Related Considerations

Thiazide diuretics Safe and effective as first-line antihyper- Decreased risk of COPD-related hospitalization23 Historical concern about thiazide-induced metabolic alkalosis,
tensive agents19 Lower risk of heart failure–related hospitalization yet no contemporary evidence suggests suppression of
Hypertension guidelines favor chlor­ among patients with COPD and heart failure23 ventilatory drive21,22 or worsening of acid–base abnormal­
thalidone19 Consider use in frail patients or in those with ities21,76
Chlorthalidone is twice as potent as ­osteoporosis, since thiazides are bone-­ Increased risk of hypokalemia when used alone (dose-depen-
­hydrochlorothiazide19 protective75 dent effect) or in combination with inhaled β2-agonists
and glucocorticoids21,22*
Monitor potassium level routinely; treat hypokalemia as ap-
Monitor for glucose, lipid, and electrolyte abnormalities19

Loop diuretics Use should be limited in patients with Increased risk of metabolic alkalosis and hyper- Increased risk of elevated urinary calcium excretion when used
COPD unless required for patients capnia21 alone or in combination with long-term glucocorticoids21*
with heart failure Increased emergency department visits and Use cautiously in patients at risk for bone fragility75
­hospitalization for COPD or pneumonia26 Monitor for hypercapnia and oxygen levels according to dis-
ease severity26
Angiotensin-converting– Safe and effective as first-line antihyper- Greater potential for angioedema38 Risk of cough higher than in the general population37,38
enzyme inhibitors tensive agents19 Decreased mortality among patients hospitalized Use with caution in patients with reactive cough37,77
with COPD exacerbations30-32 Avoid in patients who smoke tobacco38
Improvement in pulmonary rehabilitation33-36 Offsets the risk of hypokalemia from thiazides, β2-agonists,
and glucocorticoids*
Monitor for changes in potassium level or renal function19
Angiotensin-receptor Safe and effective as first-line antihyper- Minimal safety concerns in patients with COPD Offsets the risk of hypokalemia from thiazides, β2-agonists,
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

blockers tensive agents19 Well tolerated in patients with stage III or IV and glucocorticoids*

The New England Journal of Medicine


COPD31 Monitor for changes in potassium level or renal function19

Calcium-channel blockers Safe and effective as first-line antihyper- No pulmonary effects Caution is advised with diltiazem and verapamil, owing to
tensive agents19 Both dihydropyridine and other agents in this ­increased drug levels due to CYP-450 3A4 enzyme inhi­
class are considered safe in patients with bition68

n engl j med 382;4  January 23, 2020

COPD21,22 No routine monitoring required19

Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

Avoid verapamil and diltiazem in patients with

heart failure and reduced ejection fraction25
Beta-blockers Reserve for patients with compelling Bronchospasm with noncardioselective agents Avoid use of noncardioselective agents19
­indications19 and in rare cases with high doses of cardio­ Cardioselective agents should be initiated at lowest possible
Benefits of cardioselective agents out- selective agents25 dose and increased slowly60
weigh risks in concomitant treatment Indicated for patients with heart failure and re- Monitor for new symptoms such as dyspnea, exercise intoler-
of heart failure and COPD in patients duced ejection fraction, recent myocardial ance, cough, or increased use of rescue inhaler46,47
with atherosclerotic cardiovascular ­infarction, or angina19,25

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* Patients should be monitored judiciously for drug-induced pulmonary changes when antihypertensive therapy is initiated or modified. There is a risk of interaction with long-term medi-
cations used for pulmonary control.
Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

C onclusions function and any coexisting conditions, since the

pulmonary effects of antihypertensive therapy
Many patients with COPD also have hypertension, vary according to the drug class. Despite the pau-
and the pathophysiological features of the two city of data from randomized studies of hyperten-
disorders overlap. An increased risk of cardiovas- sion management in patients with COPD, the lim-
cular events provides a rationale for the control ited contemporary evidence supports the use of
of hypertension in patients with COPD. Drug ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and thiazides after consider-
therapy for hypertension should be based on ap- ation of the risks of adverse effects and interactions
proaches recommended in general guidelines for with medications used for pulmonary control.
the treatment of hypertension, with special con- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the
sideration of the given patient’s underlying lung full text of this article at

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