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How to achieve Peak Performance without stress

Superworking® is a program designed to trigger long term behaviour change and make a positive
contribution to individuals, organizations and communities.

The researched outcomes include shorter working hours, more effective employees, happier
personnel, and lower absenteeism.

It is an ideal platform for transforming organizational culture. Creating organisations where

people are highly motivated, innovative, committed and effective.

Program objectives

- To clearly understand the triggers for peak performance and how this can be
sustained without burnout

- To enable people to:

o Get more done in less time with less stress
o Identify the factors that allow them to use more of their mind and use it
more effectively
o Think more clearly and creatively under all levels of stress
o Protect health and well-being from sustained periods of high stress
o Develop innovative and visionary thinking by triggering and exercising
the part of the brain responsible for creativity
o Focus faster and more sharply on the things that matter
o Develop a ‘whole-brain’ approach to problem solving and decision-
o Handle difficult communications, negotiations and confrontations with
minimum conflict and maximum effectiveness
o Respond openly and flexibly to change
o Build emotional intelligence allowing them to manage themselves and
their relationships with others more effectively
o Balance work, family and leisure more effectively

What is it?

Superworking® is a behaviour change program that has been developed from intensive
research over the last 20 years.

It was built on academic research into the qualities of sustained success and the
neuroscience of achievement. What triggers peak performance in individuals – and how
is it sustained without burnout? How can the behaviours of success be learned?

The resulting program is conducted over two training days spread over 2 weeks. The
follow up will be conducted sometime later this year. Due to the unique structure of the
program spread over several months, this enables you to practice and measure the
improvements at work as you progress through the program. You will develop the skills,
observe the benefits and entrench the new habits before the program is complete.

It has well documented results including reduced working hours, reduced absenteeism,
improved effectiveness and enhanced team cohesion.

Using a holistic approach, it goes to the heart of what the individual is about. It captures
their commitment by building emotional intelligence (EQ). Consequently, the effect is
profound, acting as an empowerment tool that no amount of external pushing or
encouragement could achieve. It fits every level and can transform the culture of an
organization to one of enthusiasm, commitment and innovation.

Successful organizations are made up of successful and motivated individuals with a

sense of fulfillment. The Superworking® program is about how each individual can
operate at his or her potential. Consequently, it is taken very personally with each
participant taking something different that enables them to be more effective, happier and
more motivated. This minimal training can have a major impact in organizations.

Research results

Where measured outcomes of Superworking® in organisations have included:

28% reduction in working hours

4% increase in chargeable hours
50% reduction in absenteeism
4-year reduction in ‘health age’
250% increase in promotion rate
Improved team spirit
Staff retention rate improved
Staff morale improved
Effectiveness improved by 40% (as measured by performance
criteria used for remuneration increase)

Key Subject areas

While each workshop program is structured to meet the specific needs and experiences of
the participants involved, a number of key subject areas provide the core of the program.
These include:

Mind-Body Training
A system of exercises and training techniques that move the thought
waves into their most effective patterns. The point at which mental
clarity is high but physical tension is low. This section examines the
physical pre-requisites to peak intellectual and physical performance.
The studies of highly successful people provide models for

Creativity and Innovation

The right- and left-brain function. Analysis of present thinking style.
Methods of developing whole-brain activity - the point where right-
brain creativity combines with left-brain logic to develop imaginative
and workable solutions. Exercises and practice in developing right
brain, left-brain and whole-brain activities.

Health, Stress and Performance

What are the effects of stress? How to enhance the beneficial effects
and minimise the destructive effects? Preventing burnout. How to
improve effectiveness under high levels of sustained pressure?

Leadership & Change Management

Strategies to examine the impact of change. How to build personal
flexibility in constantly changing systems?

Extending Performance Cycles

What is peak performance? What are the triggers? At what point does
effectiveness begin to decline? How to prevent the decline? How to
tap into and sustain peak performance? How to inspire others to
higher levels of effectiveness?

Problem Solving and Decision-making

The latest methods for developing a whole-brain approach to
problem solving. Techniques to enable participants to clearly see the
complex overview - to cut through the confusion of multiple
solutionsand crystallise the vital issues.

Mind Mapping
How to use this powerful tool for planning, problem solving, note
taking, summarising and more? This technique uses far fewer words
than traditional methods, to greater effect, leaving more time for
listening and taking part in discussions. It is efficient, fast, simple and
dramatically improves recall.

Multiple Intelligences
New approaches to understanding and using intelligence. Breaking
away from the old mind-sets that limit our views of ability. Interpersonal
and Intrapersonal Intelligence (Emotional Intelligence)
Whole-brain Teams
How thinking styles enhance or inhibit team effectiveness?
Conflict prevention by understanding and valuing diversity. The
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument is used as a tool to identify the
diverse thinking styles that make up an effective team. How to use this to
handle difficult people more effectively and to build highly effective
low-stress teams?

Goal Setting
Developing a personal commitment to set and achieve visionary
goals. Integrating commitment and integrity.

Mental Models
Breaking out of restrictive belief systems and creating an
individual mindset. Achieving breakthrough thinking by
identifying and challenging assumptions.

Mental Rehearsal
Mental rehearsal has been used for decades to enhance sports
performance. The same techniques can be used to lift effectiveness in
any situation, and these are adapted for use in the work environment.

How is it different?

Beginning with latest neuroscience research, the program guides

participants through a personal journey into their motivations, their
experiences, their patterns of thinking and finally their personal
drives, visions and passions. It draws on several primary ways of
knowing including:
• Intellectual
• Experiential
• Physical
• Emotional
• Intuitive

Learning methods include collaborative learning, test-retesting to

measure changes, role playing, introspection, and multi-media. Due to
the unique structure of four separate workshop days separated by 1 –
26 weeks, participants are able to monitor and measure the
improvements in the workplace as they progress through the program.

Practical tools

The program allows participants to develop a toolkit of strategies to enable to more

Lead & inspire
Work productively with diversity
Focus strategically
Create visionary goals that tap passion & purpose
Achieve results
Protect health & well-being

Who is it for?

Superworking® is designed for anyone who:

• Works under kind of pressure
• Needs to manage information/knowledge
• Wants to balance work/family life effectively
• Is in leadership roles
• Deals with conflicting demands
• Works in teams
• Handles conflict
• Is placed in high stress situations (meetings, presentations,
• Is required to concentrate for sustained periods
• Needs to think strategically
• Needs to think creatively
• Needs to think

The program can be delivered to any level within an organization. To

date it has been conducted for groups as diverse as:

• Senior Government advisers

• Medical practitioners
• Geologists
• Miners
• Teachers
• Leadership trainees


Peer coaching is incorporated in the program and follow-up external

coaching is available.

Program Details

The 2-day program is scheduled as below:

Date: January 18 and 25, 2011 (Two consecutive Tuesdays)

Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Venue: Hotel Yak and Yeti, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu.
Training Cost: Rs. 25,000 (inclusive of lunch, tea/coffee and all material costs)
Contacts: or
URL: for Kabule and

Susanne Rix has been conducting research and training programs concerned with the
development of human potential since 1979.

Working initially with the Australian Department of Health and the University of
Sydney, her company developed a series of programs aimed at lifting personal
effectiveness by applying the latest mind/brain research and by lifting personal well-

When implemented at the Commonwealth Bank in Australia at junior to middle

management levels, results included a 58% reduction in absenteeism combined with a
range of health and performance benefits.

Follow-up studies of senior management participants from the Australian Institute of

Management and the Commonwealth Bank reveal that amongst other achievements,
participants increase their promotion rate per annum by an average of 250%.

The program has been implemented in a number of major Australian organizations-

particularly at senior management level. In addition, invited papers describing the
program have been presented both nationally and internationally.

Organisations which have benefited from the Superworking® program or other in-house
training presented by Susanne Rix include:

State Rail
Department of Defence
Illawarra Water Board
Saatchi and Saatchi
Retirement Benefits Organisation
Macquarie Bank
Department of Superannuation
State Bank
St Vincents Hospital
NSW Board of Studies
Department of Veterans Affairs
Rheem Australia
National Mutual
St Johns Ambulance
ANZ Funds Management
AAP Information Services
Australian Taxation Office
Comalco Aluminium
State Rail
Hewlett Packard
Coopers and Lybrand
Dulux Australia
NSW Department of Health
Digital Equipment
Institute of Chartered Accountants

As well as a large number of smaller public and private organisations. Contact with
previous participants to discuss the benefits of the program to themselves and to their
organisation can be arranged.


The independent magazine for Training and Development in the UK, gave Superworking
a five star rating on all parameters as follows:

Value for Money ØØØØØ

Quality of Experience ØØØØØ
Effectiveness ØØØØØ
Ability to meet business needs ØØØØØ
Overall rating ` ØØØØØ

Training Magazine, UK May 2003

“Superworking continues to play a major part in my working life, almost two years after
the course. It has helped me to think more clearly, reduce stress and positively manage
my workload. I’m confident that the program played a major part in helping me to get
to grips with my new role as CEO of BBC Children in Need in the run-up to our Jubilee
appeal. I’d recommend Superworking to anyone”
Sally Deighan, CEO of BBC Children in Need

“I have experienced many courses - but none as effective as Superworking. The practical
nature of the course, combined with the timing to explore, practice and take on board new
behaviours - makes it unique and effective - it has the power to bring about significant
improvements in individual performance”

“I know the workload I’m getting through at the moment is something I would not have
been able to sustain previously. It’s thanks to the Superworking techniques I’ve taken on
board that I’ve been able to respond so positively to a period at work that’s been even
more challenging than usual”
Tim Kiy, Marketing Director, Barclays.

“I am convinced that I am now more energetic, capable, assured and less stressed. My
work output in quality and quantity has significantly increased. I urge you and your key
staff to look seriously at Superworking”
Steve Kelton, Director, TAFE, SA

We monitor our time in 6-minute units everyday. I have it on record that I am now
working 4-6 hours less a day but with the same number of chargeable hours. I am
simply more effective in the hours that I work. I no longer waste time handling material
slowly or inefficiently–or having to redo my assistant’s or my own work. I would not
charge for the hours I was inefficient or doing things over.
Nicole Lloyd – Nicole Robertson Halletts Lawyers Brisbane, Aug 2002

Superworking™ was also a fundamental component of the Work & Life Balance
Program I implemented in my organisation, which was a finalist in the national
Corporate Work and Family Awards 2000. Highly recommend to organisations and
Phil Gouldson, Manager People Strategies, Department of Finance and

"I had never heard of life balance and the importance of equilibrium before I met Susanne
Rix. Over a three-week period she taught me the guiding principles to a holistic approach
to life. I cannot commend a single more important course of learning than this to any
senior executive". Simon Mordant, Caliber Partnership

One of the most useful courses I’ve attended. A real life-changer.

David Stewart-Hunter, CEO, Saatchi

Superworking provided a different school of thought. I have been able to get off the cycle
of stress, not enough time, declining health, increasing workload, declining energy and
poor memory.Melda Boundy – Qld Housing, Director

This course addresses learning techniques and improves them; addresses preconceptions
and shows how to remove them; addresses eating for mind/brain power and provides
dietary data; addresses the power of positive thinking, visualization and goal setting and
puts them into practice – it’s terrific!
Rex van Heythuysen, Manager, National Mutual Life Association

Amazing results in improved productivity and ability to manage stress.

Allan Tippett, Manager, Marketing Operations, Westpac Banking Corporation

Very enlightening! Theories were reinforced by practical demonstrations of how much

more effective members of the class became through using the techniques.
John Davies, General Manager, St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)

… shows the enormous potential and capacity of the mind and how under-utilised our
brains are. I now have a greater capacity to deal with things as they come up. I deeply
feel it has made an enormous difference to me. A thoroughly great experience and I
endorse the program without reservation.
Terry Jones, General Manager, Riverstone Meat Company

Refreshing and highly relevant. I would recommend it to anyone.

Brendon Goodman, Senior Sales Executive, McDonnell Douglas

An unusual but wonderful course that gives high potential to the individual.
Andrew Dunn, Rheem Australia

Refreshing, enlightening, invigorating, opening new doors and windows. Not your
ordinary course at all! An initiator, breaking the ground by bringing together techniques
and information from a wide variety of sources into a new composite.
William Burlace, Manager Marketing Communications, Yellow Pages Australia

By far the best course I have been to for improvement in personal and business goals and
performance. G Whitford, Rheem Australia Ltd

Would have no hesitation in recommending this course. I do not know anyone who
wouldn’t benefit greatly from it. Peter Jollow, Commonwealth Bank of Australia

This course has been a revelation. Only wish I had had exposure to it years ago. Should
be valuable to all management and staff/problem solvers. Superworking™ demonstrated
to me that there are all sorts of opportunities in our daily lives when we can use
latent/passive hours to develop right brain thinking and we now have the techniques we
can gainfully employ.
Mike McCormack Customer Relations Executive CBA

This course has improved self-awareness and opened opportunities for change.
Norman Monshall, Deputy Secretary, NSW Superannuation office

I gained a new sense of direction and purpose – more energy, enthusiasm and conviction
that anything is possible.
Ailsa Turrell, Australian Taxation Office

I am getting more done in less time, have more energy, I’m more alert, need less sleep
and feel less stress.
Gill Burke, Division Director, Information Services, Macquarie Bank

I had never heard of life balance and the importance of equilibrium before I met Susanne
Rix. She taught me the guiding principles to a holistic approach to life and I cannot
commend a single more important course than this to any senior executive.
Simon Mordant, Caliburn Partners

Twenty-two people in Maritime (Department of Transport and Regional Services) have

done this course, and without exception, found it the most significant they have
undertaken in years.
Joanne Blackburn, DOTRS, Canberra

…. A new dawn is now breaking, an enlightened course called Superworking™.

Leonie Mack, DOTRS, Canberra

Superworking™ has a definite focus towards improving work performance through the
use of a number of useful and practical techniques – a benefit to both work and sanity in a
busy and potentially stressful environment.
Terry Aldred, DOTRS, Canberra

This course showed me how to work more effectively using positive thinking and
constructive self-talk. I learnt the value of optimizing my thought processes and how to
avert stress with relaxation techniques.
Lisi Bromley, DOTRS, Canberra

I’ve been working with the Superworking™ principles now since 1993 and they continue
to help me to achieve my goals. Currently I run my own company, including conducting
many hours of hands-on consulting both in Australia and throughout Asia, I’m
completing an MBA and will also complete the Company Director’s Diploma before the
end of the year. I wouldn’t stay sane without the Superworking™ principles!
Cheryl Dooley, Managing Director, Dooley Dynamics Pty Ltd

Never got so much out of such a short time in my entire life

Ron Gouldson

I have new energy and vitality that I thought had been lost in childhood!
Andrew Chamberlain

The course enables a focus on our most valuable resource – the capacity and efficiency of
staff. It’s for people who wish to understand, implement and sustain principles of peak
performance - the outcome is a more productive workforce. PS Since the course I’ve lost
four points in my golf handicap (which represents a 30% improvement!).
Steve J Kelton, Director, TAFE, South Australia

“What can we say – it works – a successful business, created by high productivity

Cheryl and Stephen Dooley, Dooley Dynamics Pty Ltd

"Of all the courses I have attended over 26 years this was the most useful, interesting and
Optus Communications

"An excellent transformational program that is highly challenging and produces

immediate results."
Premier's Department

"One of the few courses I've done that has ongoing value - life changing”
Commonwealth Government

"An amazing course that will be of great use"


“I believe this is one of the few courses I have attended from which I have seen an
obvious and likely sustained direct impact."

“Through ongoing use of the techniques and thought process I discovered at the course,
I've noticed the following changes:
• I work noticeably shorter hours and achieve much more
• Opportunities seem to present themselves in much greater numbers far more
• Risk taking has become easier and less stressful to deal with
• I have new energy and vitality that I thought had been lost in childhood
• I have been able to negotiate a new position - a move I believe will cement
my future as a leader in my field."
Mason Gray Strange

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