1 Term: Chapter No. Title Page. No

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Chapter No. Title Page. No.

1 Introduction to Computers 03

2 Computer Components 21

3 Input/output Devices 36
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 1/13
Topic: Computer ( Capabilities & limitations of Computer)
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 Define Computer.
 What are the capabilities of a Computer?
 What can be the limitations of a Computer?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 The word ‘compute’ means?
 Concept, need and history of a calculator.
 What computer can do for us?
 What type of problems can be solved by using computer?
 Computer is not a single object, combination of different objects.
 The parts and programs in a computer
 Comparison of a computer with humans.
 The limitations of a computer.

 Our today’s topic is about the definition of a computer, the capabilities and limitations of a
 We will try to learn and discuss the existence and need of a computer starting from the history of
calculator, will also be discussed with examples and the limitations and capabilities of a computer in
this lecture

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this class that the meaning of compute word, the computer is
derived from the word ‘compute’ means to count
 Explanation about the need and existence of computer that results in a definition of a computer
 The term software and hardware discussed in details with the examples
 The definition of software and hardware
 Capabilities of a computer: Speed, Repetitions, Accuracy, Logical Operations, Store and recall information,
Self-Checking and Self operating
 Limitations of a computer
 Asking the following questions from students

 Introduction and explanation of a computer
 Definition of Computer
 The detailed explanation of capabilities of a computer
 The limitations of a computer
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topics “The Computer, Capabilities and limitations of a computer.
 Read the contents of Chapter No. 1 related with today’s topic .
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 2/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: History and development of computer
Learning Objectives: After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 The history of computer
 What do you know about Abacus, Napier Bones, Slide Rule?
 The History of Pascaline(Pascal’s Calculator)
 Leibniz’s Calculator, Arithometer, Babbage’s difference Engine & Analytical Engine
 The history of Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Have you ever listen this proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’?
 Why we have this machine ‘the computer’?
 Starting from history of computer
 The Abacus machine: to introduce
 Calculations and computations

 Our today’s topic is about the history and development of computer
 We will try to learn and discuss the history and development of computer
 Abacus.
 Napier Bones, Slide Rule?
 The History of Pascaline(Pascal’s Calculator)
 Leibniz’s Calculator, Arithometer, Babbage’s difference Engine & Analytical Engine
 The history of Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine

 Starting from the brainstorming part to discuss the importance of proverb: ‘necessity is the mother of
 Every invention has the reason of need
 People use stones and pebbles before computer to count the things
 The history started from Abacus
 Understanding the next step of invention Napier Bones and Slide Rule
 Explanation of the history of Pascaline(Pascal’s Calculaor)
 Leibniz’s Calculator, Arithometer, Babbage’s difference Engine & Analytical Engine
 The history of Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
 Asking the following questions from students
 How the existence of computer made possible by different Scientists and Experts of that period and what are
the step by step inventions

 The history of Computer starting from very early inventions
 The Abacus
 Napier Bones and Slide Rule
 Pascaline(Pascal’s Calculaor)
 Leibniz’s Calculator, Arithometer, Babbage’s difference Engine & Analytical Engine
 The history of Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topics “History and Development of Computer” on page No. 3-10
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 3-10
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 3/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Generations of computer
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do you mean by generations of computer?
 How many generations of computer?
 The period and major invention of 1st generation
 The period and major invention of 2nd generation

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What do you mean by the period or ‘era’?
 What did you do in your first five years of age?
 And what about your 5 years of time after initial five years?
 Where you spent your last five years?
 The inventions related with computer divided in period as like your periods for example first 5 years spent in
your childhood , after those five years, you got primary education and now you are getting secondary

 Our today’s topic is about the generations of computer
 We will try to learn and discuss the generations of computer
 First generation
 Second generation

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this class that the meaning of period or era
 The period of invention of computer divided into different degrees of generations
 How many generations of computer this invention is divided into
 The major invention and period of 1st generations
 The major invention and period of 2nd generation
 Ask students the questions that:
 How many generations of computer, what is the period and major inventions of each and every generation

 The generations of computer
 1st generation
 2nd generation of computer
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Generations of computer” on page No. 11-13
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 11-13
 Make a diagram showing the major invention and period of each and every generation of computer
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 4/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Generations of computer
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 The period and major invention of 3rd generation
 The period and major invention of 4th generation
 The period and major invention of 5th generation

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What do you mean by the period or ‘era’?
 What did you do in your first five years of age?
 And what about your 5 years of time after initial five years?
 Where you spent your last five years?
 The inventions related with computer divided in period as like your periods for example first 5 years spent in
your childhood , after those five years, you got primary education and now you are getting secondary

 Our today’s topic is about the generations of computer
 We will try to learn and discuss the generations of computer
 Third generation
 Fourth generation
 Fifth generation

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this class that the meaning of period or era
 The period of invention of computer divided into different degrees of generations
 How many generations of computer this invention is divided into
 The major invention and period of 1st generations
 The major invention and period of 2nd generation
 The period and major invention of 3rd generation
 What is invented in the 4th generation of computer and its period
 Understanding the major invention and period of 5 th generation of computer
 Ask students the questions that:
 How many generations of computer, what is the period and major inventions of each and every generation

 The generations of computer
 3rd generation
 4th generation of computer
 5th generation
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Generations of computer” on page No. 11-13
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 11-13
 Make a diagram showing the major invention and period of each and every generation of computer
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 5/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Types of Computers
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 How many types of computer are there?
 What do you mean by general purpose computer?
 What is meant by special purpose computer?
 What are Analog computers?
 What are Digital computers?
 What are Hybrid computers?
 How we can classify the computers according to their capacity?
 What is super computer, main frame computer, minicomputer and micro computer?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Do you know the meaning of category or classification?
 If we divide our class in three categories according to the intelligence and cleverness of the students then we
can have three classes those are Excellent, good and average
 And if we want to divide our class according to the height of the students then we can have three categories
like Highest, average and low
 Similarly computers are divided according to their capacities, size or working and occupied space by them
 Today we have to talk about the classification of computers

 Our today’s topic is about the Types of computer
 We will try to learn and discuss the types of computer related with their size, capacity, space, speed and as
per working
 General Purpose Computer
 Special Purpose Computer
 Digital versus analog computer
 Hybrid computer
 Super Computer, Main frame computer, minicomputer and micro computer

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this class that the categorize the class into different levels of their
 The same way computers are also divided into different categories
 Understanding the concepts of general purpose and special purpose computer types
 The difference among analog, digital and hybrid computers
 Classification of computer according to their capacities
 Super computers
 Mainframe computer
 Minicomputer and microcomputer
 Ask students the questions that:
 How many types of computer according to the purpose, difference between analog and digital computer,
super computer, mainframe computer, microcomputer and minicomputer

 Types of Computers, General purpose and special purpose computers
 Digital, analog and hybrid computers
 Classification of computer according to their capacity
 Super computer, mainframe computer, minicomputer and microcomputer
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Types of Computer” on page No. 13-16
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 13-16
 Make a diagram showing the classification of computers according to their capacity
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 6/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Impact of computers and the internet on society

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do you mean by Internet?
 What is meant by Society?
 Benefits of using internet
 What are the impacts of computer on education?
 What are the impacts of internet?
 Impact of computers on work: the upside and downside

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Google, Social Websites, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp???
 The Internet…
 How computer has been beneficial for us
 Is computer used in education sector?
 Where, how, what are the applications?
 Impacts of computer and internet…

 Our today’s topic is about the Impact of computers and the internet on society
 The existence of internet
 Internet
 Impacts of computers
 Impacts of Internet
 Conclusion

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this class that what are Google, social websites, Facebook, whattsapp
 Impact of computers on education
 Society
 The difference between pro age of computer and now
 Education sector getting benefits by using computer and internet
 The Internet
 The benefits at workplace or in business
 The upside and downside
 Conclusion
 Ask students the questions that:
 Internet, Impacts of computer and internet on our society

 Society
 Internet
 Impacts of computer
 Impacts of Internet on education, workplace or business and society
 Conclusion
 Questions and Answers
Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Types of Computer” on page No. 17-19
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 17-19
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 7/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Introduction to programming languages

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What is program?
 What is programming language?
 What do you mean by machine/low level language?
 What is Assembly language?
 High level language?
Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster
Brain Storming:
 Instruction given to one of the students ‘come here’
 ‘Close the window’
 What I did now? And what is being followed by this students?
 The instructions given by me, understood by him and action as per instructions
 Similarly, while communication with computer, we have some instructions to give and in return we have
some results or outputs according to those instructions
 Our today’s topic is related with such instructions and output part with computer

 Our today’s topic is about the Programming languages
 Program, Programming languages
 Machine language, assembly language and high level language

 Starting from the brainstorming part about the given instructions to one of the students
 Program: Set of Instructions
 Definition and explanation of Programming language
 Machine language or low level language
 Assembly language and high level language
 Conclusion
 Ask students the questions that:
 What is program, programming language, machine language, low level language, assembly language and
high level language, the source code and object code

 Program and programming languages
 Machine language/low level language
 Assembly language and high level language
 A concept of source code and object code
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Introduction to programming language on page No. 19-22
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 19-22
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 8/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: languages translator

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What is program?
 What is programming language?
 What do you mean by machine/low level language?
 What is Assembly language?
 High level language?
Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster
Brain Storming:
 Instruction given to one of the students ‘come here’
 ‘Close the window’
 What I did now? And what is being followed by this students?
 The instructions given by me, understood by him and action as per instructions
 Similarly, while communication with computer, we have some instructions to give and in return we have
some results or outputs according to those instructions
 Our today’s topic is related with such instructions and output part with computer

 Our today’s topic is about the Programming languages
 Program, Programming languages
 Machine language, assembly language and high level language

 Starting from the brainstorming part about the given instructions to one of the students
 Program: Set of Instructions
 Definition and explanation of Programming language
 Machine language or low level language
 Assembly language and high level language
 Conclusion
 Ask students the questions that:
 What is program, programming language, machine language, low level language, assembly language and
high level language, the source code and object code

 Program and programming languages
 Machine language/low level language
 Assembly language and high level language
 A concept of source code and object code
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Introduction to programming language on page No. 19-22
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 19-22
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 9/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Software & its Types
Learning Objectives: After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What is a program?
 What is software?
 What and how many types of software are there?
 What is Application Software?
 What is System Software?
 The difference between Application and System Software

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What are instructions?
 How to communicate or interact with others?
 What are programs?
 What is system?
 What does manager mean?
 The manager or head that is responsible for all the tasks going on?
 In this lecture we will try to understand the basic concepts of program, software and its types.

 Our today’s topic is related with Program & Software
 Software types
 Application Software and their examples
 System software and their examples

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this lecture i.e basic definitions of program, manager, instructions
 Definition of Program with explanation
 Software definition and understanding with the help of example
 Two types of software are there
 Application software definition and explanation with detail understanding
 System software definition and explanation with detail understanding
 Where and how these types of software work
 What is operating system? Detailed explanation
 Give examples
 Ask students to understand the definitions and give some examples related with software and its types

 Programs
 Software
 Application Software & System software
 Interpreter, Compiler, Assembler, Editor, Utility program
 General Purpose & Special purpose application software

Home Assignment:
 Learn what we discussed in today’s lecture i.e. Software its types
 Read the contents of the topic heading “Types of Software” on Page No. 120-123
 Windows OS
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 10/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: hardware
Learning Objectives: After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 Identify and describe the two types of computer system units
 Identify different parts of a computer
 Describe the function of different computer parts

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What are the two types of system units? How are they the same and different?
 What is the motherboard? What does it do?
 Why is the central processing unit like the brains of the computer?
 What is the difference between memory, cache, RAM, and ROM?
 What is the hard drive? What does it do?

 Our today’s topic is about the Computer components and CPU
 Definition of Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Input and output devices
 The term port to be defined
 Definition and function of Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram

 Starting from the brainstorming part about the function of human brain and its internal working
environment so that it can be relate with the brain of computer i.e. CPU
 Definitions with the help of examples: Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Understanding the concepts Input and output devices
 The term port to be defined
 Definition and function of Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram
 Ask students the questions that:
 Define Central Processing Unit, Bus, Memory(Primary and secondary memory), Input and output devices,

 Central Processing Unit
 Definitions: Bus, Memory(Primary & secondary memory)
 Input and output devices
 Ports
 Understanding the internal working of CPU with the help of Block diagram
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Computer Components & CPU” on page No. 27-28
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 27-28
 Draw block diagram of CPU

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 11/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Network

Learning Objectives: To know what is Network and its advantages.

How can we connect different computers on Network?
How do computers communicate in Network and various other communication medium?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What is a Network?
 What is Remote Computing?
 What is Internet?
 What is LAN?
 What is MAN and Wan?
 How do we connect computers in a Network?
 How do we connect Internet on PC?

 Explain that the class are going to learn about different kinds of computer network, their capabilities, and
suitability for different kinds of ICT tasks. They will found out why some organisations configure their
computer networks in certain ways, and the implications of different network architecture.

 Network is interconnection of independent computers.
 Topology is the way by which we interconnect computers in a network.
 Protocols are set of rules used to transfer data in a network.

 Programs
 Software
 Application Software & System software
 Interpreter, Compiler, Assembler, Editor, Utility program
 General Purpose & Special purpose application software

Home Assignment:
 What are the uses of microwave signals?
 What is the difference between LAN & WAN?
 What is the purpose of using FTP?
 Define the terms Bridges? How do they differ from repeaters?
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 12/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: internet

Learning Objectives: After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 Describe the various services on the Internet.
 How do you use the Internet in your daily life?
 What are some ways to communicate online? Which do you prefer and why?
 Are there things you would like to do online that aren’t possible yet?
 How can you use the Internet to help you learn?
 What Internet features are most useful for you?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What are instructions?
 How to communicate or interact with others?
 What are programs?
 What is system?
 What does manager mean?
 The manager or head that is responsible for all the tasks going on?
 In this lecture we will try to understand the basic concepts of program, software and its types.

 Our today’s topic is related with Program & Software
 Software types
 Application Software and their examples
 System software and their examples

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this lecture i.e basic definitions of program, manager, instructions
 Definition of Program with explanation
 Software definition and understanding with the help of example
 Two types of software are there
 Application software definition and explanation with detail understanding
 System software definition and explanation with detail understanding
 Where and how these types of software work
 What is operating system? Detailed explanation
 Give examples
 Ask students to understand the definitions and give some examples related with software and its types

 Programs
 Software
 Application Software & System software
 Interpreter, Compiler, Assembler, Editor, Utility program
 General Purpose & Special purpose application software

Home Assignment:
 Google, Social Websites, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp???
 The Internet…
 How computer has been beneficial for us
 Is computer used in education sector?
 Where, how, what are the applications?
 Impacts of computer and internet…
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 13/13
Unit No. 1(Introduction to Computers)
Topic: Topology
Learning Objectives:
 Identify the four standard topologies and their variations.
 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each topology.
 Determine an appropriate topology for a given network plan.

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What is a Network Topology?
 Does anybody know the different
 types of network topologies?
 What is a star topology?
 What is a ring topology?
 What is a bus topology?

 This lesson describes designs for connecting computers. You will also learn about variations that are often
used and what you need to consider when planning your network.

 Starting from the brainstorming part of this lecture i.e basic definitions of program, manager, instructions
 Definition of Program with explanation
 Software definition and understanding with the help of example
 Two types of software are there
 Application software definition and explanation with detail understanding
 System software definition and explanation with detail understanding
 Where and how these types of software work
 What is operating system? Detailed explanation
 Give examples
 Ask students to understand the definitions and give some examples related with software and its types

 Star topology also known as star network, is a system that all computers are connected to a central device
known as the hub or switch hence all of the computer share data through the hub or switch. As compared to
the bus topology it gives far much better performance as sent signal reaches the intended destination after
passing through no more than 3-4 devices

Home Assignment:
 Learn what we discussed in today’s lecture i.e. Software its types
 Read the contents of the topic heading “Types of Software” on Page No. 120-123
 Windows OS

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