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Session 06


• Past simple
• Phrasal verbs
• Language in use: planing meetings
• Vocabulary quiz
Session 06


At the end of this session,
students will be ready to build
up sentences in past tense
and manage some phrasal
verbs for its use on daily

Business focus:
• The student will develop
some vocabulary for
meeting plans.
Session 06

The use of past simple:

1. To express completed action in the past.

A: Where were the children?

B: They were playing with their friends in Peter´s house.


• He saw an angel in his dreams.

• I finished my work office.
• We enjoyed dancing all night yesterday.
• John Lennon died in 1980.
• Gabriel García Marquez wrote the novel “A hundred years of loneliness”.
Session 05

Past simple:
1. To talk about past facts.
2. To talk about habits in the past and using adverbs of frequency.

Your exam started at 09.00.

1. My father always read me tales before I went to bed.

2. When I was a young girl, I walked 2 kilometers to arrive to my
Session 05

Past simple:
1. Use it for single period with time expressions.


1. She had a boyfriend for 3 years.

2. She chose to stay with her mother all day.
3. His brother talked on the mobile for half an hour.
Session 06

Past simple
1. She _____ in Matucana in 2014. (die)

2. I ______ french in Alianza Francesa Institute. .(study)

3. They _____with her parents until 2018.(live)

4. We ____ that book from Amazon.(buy)

5. My birthday ____ on april 28th. (is)

Session 05


Where did you live? She lived in Santa Clara.

1. What did you study? I studied accountancy in Cientifica University.

2. Who did you live with? She lived with her parents.

3. Which of these books did you buy? I bought the book from Isabel
1. When was your birthday? My birthday was on april 28th.
Session 06
Learning some irregular verbs
Session 06

Listening practise:

Use of past simple
Session 06


Session 06

Chair: 'Thanks for coming to the meeting today. I'm sorry that we had to put off the meeting
until today. It would have been better to have had the meeting last week as was originally
planned. As I told you before, the last meeting was postponed because something very
urgent came up, which meant that I couldn't attend.

Everybody is here today except Peter Jenkins, who is on holiday. So Roger Wilson is standing
in for him today in the meeting. Welcome Roger.

You'll be happy to hear that we don't have a lot to get through today. There's only three items
on the agenda. So I'll start by just running through the items on the agenda. The first item is
about the recent changes to the customer service telephone project. The second item is about
the problems at the Dublin Call Centre. And the last item is an update on the new government

The meeting is scheduled to last two hours. I'm sure that it won't run over today. I believe that
we'll be finished after one and half hours. Before we start talking about the first item, I just want
to inform you that this Saturday's company cricket match has been called off. It seems that the
weather forecast says that it's going to rain all weekend. So you can relax at home this weekend.

So Jane, do you want to update us on the changes in the customer services telephone project.'
Session 06

Jane:'Thanks Steve. First of all, the project is still on schedule. We haven't run into any major problems. There
was a small issue in testing, about 10% of calls were being lost. I'm pleased to tell you that we identified the
problem and this has been sorted out. There has been a development with the automatic customer answering

Chair:'Sorry Jane, going back to the problem with the lost calls. What was the problem?'
Jane:'Well, it was’

Ian:'Sorry Jane, do you mind if I answer this?’

Jane:'No, go ahead.’

Ian:'There was a simple problem with the moving of the calls, which just required a reconfiguration. It won't
cause any more problems.'
Chair:'Ok. So Jane, about the accent, go on.’

Jane:'As I was saying, we have to change the accent. We've already hired someone to re-record the messages
in a southern accent.

The last change is about me. I'm leaving the project on the 12th of May to start another project with the finance
department. So, my colleague Tim Berridge will be taking over the role of project manager for the project on
that date.
Session 06

Vocabulary for planning meetings

1. Put off : to postpone

2. Come up: happen

3. Standing in: to replace

4. Get through: to finish

5. Running through: to check (repasar)

6. Run over: to prolong (mantendrá)

Session 06

Vocabulary for planning meetings

7. Call off ( to cancel)

8. On schedule: With no delay.

9. Going back to: to return to

10. Go ahead: to continue with

11. Go on: go with the topic

12. Taking over: charge of or take control.

Session 06


Session 06

Tips before enrolling to a meeting

What do you have to consider before going

to a meeting:

• Understand The Purpose Of The meeting. .

Write a one-page summary of
your meeting..
▪ Develop an Agenda For The meeting. ...
▪ Prepare for The meeting....
▪ Know the Participants. ...
▪ Send an Invite and Select an appropriate
venue. ...
▪ Gather and send relevant information.
Session 06

During your meeting

Session 06

Tips during a meeting

What do you have to consider in your


▪ Take time to promote questions,

comments, and reactions from
your class.
▪ Make sure you stay on topic.
▪ Ask the right questions.
▪ Encourage participation.
• Determine a timeline. ..
• Don't leave the meeting right away.
Session 06

time: 25 minutes
Session 06
Reading: Four things to think about on your
first day at work:
1.Confidence, confidence, confidence: We cannot stress this first advice enough. A good confidence is
vital when meeting new people. Each person has their own level of confidence and while its quite hard to
maintain a good confidence on your first day at work, when you’re surely quite nervous, there is some
things that you should try to have in mind when you meet your new colleagues. When you beam with good
confidence, other people will feel comfortable around you. But how do other people notice your good
confidence? Have in mind your body language and posture when trying to make a good first impression. A
good body language is for example a steady handshake, relaxed facial impression, arms unfolded and
keeping a good eye contact with the people you speak with. Its okay to be nervous, but also try to be
happy and relaxed, after all they chose you for the position, so do not worry too much!
2.Dress appropriate: Every office place has their own dress code. So, the best thing you can do is to
ask your manager before your first day what your office dress code is. Dress to impress on your first day or
even on your first week at the office. You want to give the impression of professionalism on your first day,
so remember to to dress appropriately and professional when meeting your new colleagues.
3.Be on time: Its your first day at work and one of the more important things is to be on time! Since its
your first day, things can go wrong on the way to work. This is a new route that you haven’t taken before
so you might not be aware of the possible delays and traffic jams that might occur on this new route. Be
well prepared for possible delays in traffic or getting lost on your first walk to work. Arriving early and
prepared is better then showing up stressed and sweaty for your first day at work.
4.Smile: Don’t forget to smile! There is nothing like a contagious great smile. This is something that will
help you when making a good first impression. A confident smile will be remembered and will make others
feel happy around you.
Session 06

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is your body language important for your

first day at work?

2. What “the office dress code” is?

3. Is better to be arriving early to your first day at

work? Why?

4. If I´m nervous and smile all the time for

everything, is it good for my job? What do you
Session 06

Let´s practice (20 minutes)
Session 06

Practise your knowledge

Time activity: 40 minutes

❖Prepare a dialogue with a partner

writing a topic for a business
❖You may use vocabulary and
some phrasal verbs used in class.
❖Exchange the role with your
Session 04


• British Council resources. Retrieved from:

• Phrasal verbs retrieved from:

• Grant, D, Hughes, J & Turner, R. (nd). Business Result Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford
University Press

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