Universidad de Nariño Docente: Luis Miguel Caro Muriel G18 LVL 2 15/05/2020

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UNIVERSIDAD DE NARIÑO Docente: Luis Miguel Caro Muriel

G18 LVL 2 15/05/2020


- Fill in the gap with the correct form of To Be.

1. Why __________ you so ill yesterday?

2. __________ Steve at the library last Friday?
3. We __________ (not) in Spain last year, we were in France.
4. Unfortunately she __________ (not) offered the job.
5. I __________ a good worker but he fired me anyway.
6. They __________ busy all day.
7. It __________ a very difficult situation.
8. Yesterday it __________ very cold. I hope it will be warmer today.
9. My brother __________ a teacher for 20 years.
10. They __________ really unkind to me, but I __________ (not) any better back.


- Answer the following questions using the past form of To Be.

1. Where were you last weekend? __________________________________________

2. Who were you with last weekend? __________________________________________

3. Where was your mother yesterday? __________________________________________

4. Were you a good student at school? __________________________________________

5. How did Mike feel when he got the test results? __________________________________________

6. Why was the teacher angry? __________________________________________


- Answer the following questions about the interview.

- Listening #1

1) How was the movie? 3) How was the test?

a) Scary a) Very long

b) Boring b) Not easy

2) Where was she last night? 4) What was not there?

a) Back home a) Jason and Sue

b) At work b) Tom and Katie

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