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Finally football again

after a long time football is finally played in germany again. the prime minister gives a green
light. From May 15 the football teams in Germany were allowed to start again. before they
started they all had to be quarantined for 2 weeks. the first games started at half past three.
Dortmund played at home against schalke 04 and won 4-0. Haland opened the score and
that was his 10 goal. He celebrated from distance.
10 difficult words:
1. Finally-eindelijk
2. Prime-president
3. Allowed-toegestaan
4. Quarantined-quarantaine
5. Against-tegen
6. Green light-groen licht
7. Germany-duitsland
8. Played-gespeeld
9. After-na
10. Before-voordat
Champions legeau

the uefa president has said that he wants to play the champions legeau and europe legeau
at the end of August. actually it was played again in March, but then the corona virus
appeared. this had major consequences and therefore also for the termination of
professional football.
in germany they already kicked off this weekend but without an audience. the uefa now also
wants to play the big leagues. a number of matches have yet to be played.

10 difficult words:
1. Actually-werkelijk
2. Appeared-verschenen
3. Consequences-gevolgen
4. Termination- beëindiging
5. Kicked-schopt
6. Audience-publiek
7. Yet-nog
8. Therefore-daarom
9. Professional-professioneel
10. Without-zonder
Football in London

In London, the leaders of Chelsea football club have been looking at some players' contracts
for some time. the coach Frank Lampard hopes for a number of extensive contracts. willian
and giroud are 2 big names that are talked about a lot. June 30 will be spoken with these
due to the corona virus there are a number of new rules. one of them is that they have a
little longer to possibly renew a contract. because everyone is in crisis, the players are
therefore less likely to be bought. soon all premier legeau teams will sit together for new
rules and how things are going. Lampard looks closely at the players and hopes for an
extension of the contract.

10 difficult words:
1. Leaders-leiders
2. Extensive-uitgebreid
3. Possibly-mogelijk
4. Renew-vernieuwen
5. Bought-kocht
6. Closely-nauw
7. Extention-verleging
8. Due-ten gevolgen
9. Rules-regels
10. Talked-sprak

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