Design and Analysis of 11 KV Distribution System Using ETAP Software

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Design and analysis of 11 KV Distribution System

using ETAP Software
C.J.Soni P.R.Gandhi S.M.Takalkar
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute Electrical Engineering Takalkar Power Engineers and
of Technology, SVIT Vasad, Department, Consultants PVT.LTD, Vadodara,
India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute India of Technology, SVIT Vasad,

Abstract-This paper presents the design and loss losses integration of distributed generation units and
optimization of distribution system. Here Urban power shunt capacitors are one of the solution [9]. The
network is considered and llKV feeder is designed and approach for developing the software tool for analyzing
PR losses are calculated. Feeder bifurcation and re­ radial systems with limited capabilities for representing
conductoring techniques are adopted for loss optimization distribution resources [10]. New approach for structural
of distribution network. Electrical Transient and Analysis
optimization of urban distribution network for
Program (ETAP) software is used for analysis of the
improving power supply capability [11]. For active
distribution system. The cost benefit analysis of the feeder
management in distribution network with renuable
bifurcation and Reconductoring of the llkv distribution
energy generation optimal power flow is one of the
network is also carried out.
solution is presented [12]. Loss optimization, design of
distribution network, cable network analysis and cost
Keywords- Distribution losses, ETAP, feeder
bifurcation, re-conductoring
optimal low voltage distribution network is discussed in
[13] [14] [15] [16].

I. INTRODUCTION The feeder under study is an urban area feeder and

the feeder has mostly domestic and commercial loads
Distribution system is an ultimate and revenue
are connected. In this paper we follow mathematical
related part in power system which provides supply to
approach for design of distribution network and
the consumers from high voltage transmission system to
calculate the losses. The losses are higher therefor we
lower voltage. The load connected with distribution
adopt feeder bifurcation and re-conductoring technique
system is not constant. Various types of load are for the loss optimization of distribution network. For the
connected with distribution system. Therefore through purpose of proper evolution of the losses and
load study analysis, the voltage, current, power, power performance of the network, the existing lines with All
factor and reactive power at various point in electrical Aluminium Alloy conductor (AAAC) was configured in
network can be analyzed. For the electrical design of ETAP and then the exercise was repeated for feeder
distribution system, the load magnitude and bifurcation and re-conductoring.
geographical location of the load is needed.


The approach for designing the distribution system
using the load flow method by considering the
A. Parameter calculation
committed load using load flow method has been
discussed in literature [1]. The distribution version of
load flow method is introduced for the various The electrical design of transmission line is
applications in the design process either MV or LV done by computing the various parameter of
level. The new approach was proposed to optimize the transmISSIon line, like resistance, inductance,
distribution network losses by PSS/ADEPT software capacitance and conductance. The resistance plays an
have been discussed in literature [2]. The magnitude of important role in determining losses. As the line current
energy dissipation depends upon the design of line and increases PR losses are increased. When current exceeds
voltages. It is not possible to eliminate such type of a certain value heat generated due to ohmic losses start
losses but this could be reduce up to some extent by melting conductor and because of expansion of
capacitor placement, laying additional link lines and conductor the length of catenary is increases and
network re-conductoring. Nadia M. Mahdi [3] this therefore the sag of conductor increases [4]. The value
paper discusses the analysis of the power distribution
of current that flows in a conductor is associated with
network in Rafah governorate by using ETAP software.
another parameter known as an Inductance. In AC
The results of a load flow analysis can be used for
transmission line magnetic field is generated due to flow
operational purposes to evaluate various operating
of current. The current varies sinusoidally therefore the
states of an existing system. From previous work
magnetic field also varies sinusoidally. This varying
stastical model for developing the software tool for
magnetic field induces an e.m.f and that e.m.f opposes
design of distribution network is presented [8]. For
the flow of current. So this opposition of current is
improve voltage regulation and reduce distribution

978-1-4673-6524-6/15/$ 31.00 © 2015 IEEE


introduce by the parameter inductance [4]. The difficulties in motor starting or damage to motor
inductance depends on the configuration of the network. winding etc.
Here we select equilateral triangle configuration for
llKV distribution network. The voltage difference D. Losses
between the phase conductors give rise to electric field
between the conductors. The two conductors are just The losses in the distribution system comprise
like parallel plates and the medium air between this two technical and commercial losses. Technical losses are
conductor acts as dielectric medium. Similar due to FR and reactive power flow. The commercial
capacitance is form between lines and the earth. [4] losses are due to theft of power and poor metering
system. Reduction of total power loss in distribution
B. Calculation of Current carrying capacity (CCC) system is very essential to improve overall efficiency
and also saving of revenue loss by the utility [7]. Two
The current carrying capacity (CCC) is types of losses are associated in distribution network
calculated according to IEC 1597 standard. The CCC of Technical losses and Commercial losses. Technical loss
the conductor is the maximum current that can be associate with 11 kV network is mention by equation (3)
allowed to flow in the conductor within it's thermal to (8).
loading limit. The ccc depends on electrical resistance of
Total connected load \' connected Transformer centre rating

conductor, maximum allowable temperature rise and (3)

ambient condition. The Steady state temperature rise of
conductor is reached whenever the heat gained by the Peak load =-V3xsystem voltagexMax. amp recorded (4)
conductor from various sources is equal to heat losses.
This is called a heat balance equation[5]. This is Average load
Load factor
expressed by equation (1). = Peak load (5)

(1) Load loss factor= (0.8Lf2 + 0.2Lt) (6)

Peak power Loss=3F (Rcos<D+Xsin<D) (7)
Where Where
P; is the heat generated by joule effect, Pso1 is <D=power factor
the solar heat gain by the conductor surface ,Prad is the Annual energy loss=PPLx8760xLLF (8)
heat loss by radiation of the conductor and Peon" is the
convection heat loss.
E. Efficiency
The stedy state current is

In general the efficiency is defmed as output

[max =2 Pr a d T Pco n v - pso !
(2) divided by input expressed in percentage. The
RT expression is given by equation (9).
Power delivered at receiving end
% transmission efficiency Xl 00
power sent from the sending end (9)
Rr is the electrical resistance of conductor at a

C. Voltage Regulation A. Feeder bifurcation

Feeder bifurcation is one of the short term
Voltage regulation is the calculation of the measures which are proposed for achieving faster and
change in voltage magnitude between the sending end immediate results for system improvement.
and receiving end voltage. Because of economy Network reconfiguration involves any one or all of the
considerations utility is not able to supply power at following:
constant voltage, matching exactly the name plate 1. Formation of new links to reduce the length of
voltage on customer's utilization apparatus. Therefore
the trunk line.
the common practice for the utilities is to stay with
2. Create the interlinking lines to change the area
preferred voltage levels and range of variation permitted
as per electricity rules/Acts. According to rural of feed from one substation to another to

electrification corporation notification allowable voltage optimize the losses.

variation [6] 3. Bifurcation of existing feeder to form parallel
+-6% for voltage less than 650v paths of power.
+6% to -9% for voltage less than 33kv
+-12.5% for voltage above 33kv Here the distribution system is radial in nature
Too high steady state voltage causes reduced and each load is served through only one source. All the
the life of heating/cooling/lightning loads, electronic loads in distribution system are served by substation
devices, and may also lead to the premature failure of transformer through distribution feeder. Here the loads
some equipment. On the other hand too low steady state are modeled at their peak value. Here we calculate the
voltage causes lowered illumination level, distortion of losses in all the section and we bifurcate that part of the
TV pictures, slow heating of heating devices and main feeder which produces higher losses.

978-1-4673-6524-6/15/$ 31.00 © 2015 IEEE


B. Reconductoring of the network I S-O 0 III 3342

Network re-conductoring is the replacement of

2 O-A A 155 1577
the existing conductor on feeder with different sizes of
3 A-AI Al 76 263
conductor is important parameter as it determines the
current density and resistance of the line. The lower 4 AI-A2 A2 77 163
conductor size can cause high PR losses and also high
5 A2-A3 A3 72 63
voltage drop.
This scheme arises where existing conductor is no more 6 A-A' A' 198 1314

optimal due to rapid load growth. This is particularly 7 A'-B B 25 1251

relevant for the developing countries, where the annual
8 B-BI BI 630 163
growth rates are higher and the conductor sizes are
chosen to minimize the initial capital investment. Study 9 BI-B2 B2 30 63

of distribution feeder indicates that the losses in first few 10 B-C C 20 1088
main sections from the sources constitute a major part of
II C-CI CI 20 588
the losses in the feeder. The PR losses and cost factor
are minimized by replacing the conductor. 12 CI-C2 C2 60 525

13 C2-C3 C3 230 500

14 C3-C4 C4 25 400
A. Description of the distribution network under study 15 C4-C5 C5 45 300
Design and optimization is performed on llkv three
16 C5-C6 C6 30 100
phase supply, 44 node urban distribution feeder situated
at Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Total length of HT line 17 C5-C7 C7 150 100

including main line and tapped line is 4.6km. Total 18 C-D D 175 500
distribution transformers including various capacities are
19 D-E E 117 400
37. Total installed capacity of Connected TC is 3342kva.
Here for analysis we have consider 100% loading as per 20 E-EI EI 23 300

the TC rating. Fig. 1, shows the single line diagram of 21 EI-E2 E2 III 100
llkv network covering the TC totaling 3342 kva.
22 O-F F III 1665

23 F-G G 30 1565

24 G-H H 238 1465

25 H-I I 30 1365

26 I-II II 20 300

27 TJ-12 12 55 100

28 \-J J 30 1065

29 J-K K 127 965

30 K-KI KI 116 200

Fig. 1. Single line diagram of feeder 31 KI-K2 K2 40 100

32 K-L L 155 765

Table 1 show the detail of connected rating of
33 L-Ll Ll 5 163
transformer in llkv network and table 2 shows the
length of the line section and connected TC rating at 34 LJ-L2 L2 80 100
given node in kva.
35 L-M M 395 602


Distribution Transformer Number of Distribution 37 M-MI MI 32 288

Ratings (kva) Transformer
38 MI-M2 M2 15 188
200 2
100 23 39 M2-M3 M3 90 163
63 9
25 3 40 M3-M3' M3' 32 63

41 M3-M4 M4 98 100


42 N-O 0 73 289

43 O-P P 123 189

Sr. No Section of Name of Lengh in Connected TC
Line Node M Rating at given P-PI PI
44 52 189
Node kva
45 PI-P2 P2 153 126

46 P2-P3 P3 61 63

978-1-4673-6524-6/15/$ 31.00 © 2015 IEEE


c. Cost analysis
B. Optimization and analysis Let us consider unit price as 6 Rs/kwh. Therefor cost of
annual energy loss is 6, 20,994 Rs. By feeder bifurcation
The analysis is carried out in two ways.
we can optimize 26.87% losses. So additional revenue
a. Base case without considering any optimization
generated is 1, 09,648.96 Rs. The total cost of
installation of new feeder is 2, 54,873 Rs. By re­
b. Result using the following optimizing conductoring we can optimize 19.34% losses. Additional
techniques namely, revenue generated is 1, 29,499. The cost of re­
1. Feeder bifurcation conductoring is 7, 86, 000 Rs.

2. Re-conductoring

Optimization is performed on a typical llKV

a. Base case
urban distribution feeder. For the network under study,
The conductor of feeder is AAAC Rabbit. The
total load on the feeder is 3342KVA and the losses are
parameters of Rabbit conductor are: high. Various optimization techniques are tried for
reduction in the losses and increase the revenue. In this
R=0.477 Wkm and X=0.391 Wkm respectively. study, techniques tried are re-conductoring and feeder
Maximum loading capacity =3342 kva bifurcation.
Size of conductor=7/3.15 mm While Reconductoring the distribution feeder
Current carrying capacity is 173.705A at 75° temp. The under study, we replacing the existing rabbit conductor
results for the base case are given in table 3. by higher size Dog conductor. While selecting the
conductor we consider the future load growth at 15% per
year. Thus, we can avoid the over loading and under
Sr. Electrical Parameters Magnitude voltage situations.
No By bifurcation of the system under study, the
1 Voltage regulation 0. 3651%
appropriate location for providing the link line is
2 Efficiency 89. 46 %
selected based on the topology of the system. For
3 Peak power loss 17.9942 kw
4 Annual energy loss 103499 kwh strengthening the feeder under study, express feeder
from the substation are provided to bifurcate the loads to

b. Optimization technique have better voltage regulation and reduction in line

losses. The losses were minimized to 26.87%. Table 6
1. Feeder bifurcation
gives the summary of the complete case study
From the design and ETAP load flow results we can
found that the losses associated with S-O section is
6.l394kw and the length of that section is 111M. Sr. No Name of Annual % Loss Efficiency
Technique Energy Reduction in%
Therefor we bifurcate that section. The results for the
Loss kwh
feeder bifurcation are shown in table 4. 1 Without 1,01,991. 20 ---- 89. 46
TABLE IV. AFTER FEEDER BIFURCATION 2 Reconductoring 82,262. 18 19. 34 89.54
3 Feeder 74,578. 96 26. 87 89.58
Sr. Electrical Parameters Magnitude
1 Voltage regulation 0. 3421 %
2 Efficiency 89. 58% Fig. 2, shows the voltage profile for three different
3 Peak power loss 13. 1450 kw cases. We can observe that the voltage profile is
4 Annual energy loss 76697 kwh improved for feeder bifurcation and re-conductoring.
Fig. 3, shows the peak power loss comparison for
2. Re-conductoring different cases and fonn figure 3 and table 6 we can
conclude that by using feeder bifurcation we can reduce
significant amount of losses. Fig. 4, shows the load flow
Here in Reconductoring, we replace the eXlstmg
diagram in ETAP software.
conductor by Alumunium Conductor Steel Rain forced
(ACSR) DOG 19/2.89mm conductor. The ampacity of
DOG conductor is 386A. For selection of conductor we Voltage Profile

consider the future load growth. We consider future load

growth as 15% per year. The results for the re­
conductoring are shown in table 5.


Sr. Electrical Parameters Magnitude

Bus Name
1 Voltage regulation 0. 3227%
2 Efficiency 89. 57% - EXISTING - feeder bifurcation - reconductorlng

3 Peak power loss 14. 30 kw

4 Annual energy loss 82262. 18 kwh F ig. 2. Voltage profile for three cases

978-1-4673-6524-6/15/$ 31.00 © 2015 IEEE



The under study is an urban feeder with an installed

capacity of 3342KVA. The power flow analysis for this
feeder was carried out by ETAP software. The annual
energy loss calculated is 1, 01,991.20kwh. The
optimization techniques adopted are feeder bifurcation
and re-conductoring to minimize the losses and increase
the revenue. The analysis of exercise shows that,
(1) Percentage loss reduction is 19.34% and
26.87% by Reconductoring and feeder
bifurcation respectively.
Fig. 3. Peak power loss for three cases (2) By feeder bifurcation we can reduce higher
losses and it is economical.


The authors wish to thank the officials of MGVCL,

for their cooperation in providing the data for analysis.


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978-1-4673-6524-6/15/$ 31.00 © 2015 IEEE


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C.J.Soni Born on 5th Oct 1990 and graduated in

Electrical Engineering from Charotar University of science and
technology Changa, in 2013. Currently he is pursuing Masters in
power system from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology,
Vasad affiliated with Gujarat Technological University. His interests
include power system planning, operation, optimization and impact of
distributed generation on distribution systems.

'--_____ P.R.Gandhi has received B. E. (Electrical), M. E. (

Automatic Control and Robotics) from, Govt. Engineering College
and Faculty of Technology and Engineering ,Vadodara, M. S.
University, Vadodara ,India, in 1999, 2006 respectively. He has
received the Ph. D. degree (Electrical Engineering) from M. S.
University of Baroda, Vadodara, in 2014. Currently he is working as
Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad His areas of
research includes power system stability, FACTS, intelligent
technique, identification techniques, deregulated electric market, wind
power and smart grid.

Er. SM Takalkar Born on 30th March 1948 and

graduated in Electrical engineering from the MS University of
Vadodara in 1971. He has more than forty years' experience in
transmission and distribution of power as well as hydro power. He
retired from Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation in the cadre of
chief engineer in March 2006. Presently he is a Managing Director of
consultancy firm named 'Takalkar Power Engineers & Consultants
Pvt. Ltd. " in Vadodara. The firm is engaged in design, engineering
and construction supervision of transmission lines and substation up
to 765kV. The firm is also actively involved in industrial electrical
design and hydro power designs.

978-1-4673-6524-6/15/$ 31.00 © 2015 IEEE


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