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Wetlands and Water

Quality Trading:
Review of Current Science and
Economic Practices with
Selected Case Studies

Ground Water and Ecosystems Restoration Division, Ada, Oklahoma 74820
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Office of Research and Development
Appendix A

Annotated Bibliography


# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
This report describes results of an interdisciplinary study of
Moreton Bay to examine the link between sewage and diffuse
loading with environmental degradation. The study includes
examination of runoff and deposition of fine-grained sediments,
Managing the Brisbane River and sewage-derived nutrient enrichment, blooms of a marine cyano­
Abal, E.G., W.C. Water Sci Technol.
Moreton Bay: An Integrated Research/ bacterium, and seagrass loss. The study framework illustrates
1 Dennison, and P.F. 2001 Paper 2001;43(9):57-70. PMID:
Management Program to Reduce Im­ a unique integrated approach to water quality management
Greenfield 11419140
pacts on an Australian Estuary. whereby scientific research, community participation and the
strategy development were done in parallel with each other.
This collaborative effort resulted in a water quality management
strategy which focuses on the integration of socioeconomic and
ecological values of the waterways.
Biomass Production and NPK Reten­ Abdeslam Ennabili,
Aquatic Botany; 62(1): 45­
2 tion in Macrophytes from Wetlands of Mohammed Ater and Sep-98
56. Sept. 1, 1998.
the Tingitan Peninsula Michel Radoux
Wetlands Engineering &
River Restoration 2001,
Proceedings of the 2001
Hydrologic Performance of a Large- Conference This paper summarizes the hydrologic performance, mass bal­
Abtew, Wossenu and Wetlands Engineering &
3 Scale Constructed Wetland: The Ever­ Aug-01 Proceeding ance and treatment efficiency of one of the largest constructed
Tim Bechtel River Restoration Confer­
glades Nutrient Removal Project Paper Abstract wetlands in the world.
ence, August 27-31,
2001, Reno, Nevada.
Section 36, Chapter 1 .

Ecological Issues Related to N Deposi­ Environment Interna­

4 tion to Natural Ecosystems: Research Adams, Mary Beth Jun-03 tional; 29(2-3): 189-199.
Needs June 2003.
Adcock, P.W., G. Water Science and Tech­
Nutrient Partitioning in a Clay-based
5 L. Ryan and P. L. 1995 nology; 32(3): 203-209.
Surface Flow Wetland
Osborne 1995.
Many wetland restoration projects occur on former agricultural
soils that have a history of disturbance and fertilization, mak­
Aldous, Allison, Paul ing them prone to phosphorus (P) release upon flooding. We
Hydrologic Regime Controls Soil
McCormick, Chad Restoration Ecology; conclude that maintaining moist soil is the means to minimize
6 Phosphorus Fluxes in Restoration and Jun-05 Abstract
Ferguson, Sean Gra­ 13(2): 341. June 2005. P release from recently flooded wetland soils. Alternatively, pro­
Undisturbed Wetlands
ham, and Chris Craft longed flooding provides a means of liberating excess labile P
from former agricultural soils while minimizing continued organic
P mineralization and soil subsidence.
Al-Khudhairy, D. H.
Lakes and Reservoirs:
Framework for Surface Water Quality A., A. Bettendrof­
Research and Manage­
7 Management on a River Basin Scale: fer, A. C. Cardoso, Jul-01 Paper
ment: 6(2): 103-115. July
Case Study of Lake Iseo, Northern Italy A. Pereira, and G.
South Nation Conserva­
South Nation Watershed Phosphorus
8 Allaway, Chris (B.Sc.) Jan-03 Paper tion Clean Water Com­
Algorithm Report Phase II
Proceedings of a Conference on Wet­
Allen, G.H. and R.H. Humbolt Sate University,
9 lands for Wastewater Treatment and 1988
Gearheart Arcata, CA
Resource Enhancement
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by
Al-Omari, Abbas and Desalination; 155(1): 27­
10 Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands May-03
Manar Fayyad 39. May 30, 2003.
in Jordan
South Nation River Conservation American Society
American Society of
Authority: What has 57 years of Wa­ of Agricultural and
Agricultural and Biological
11 tershed Management and Multi-Million Biological Engineers, 2004 http://asae.frymulti.com/abstract.asp?aid=16399&t=2
Engineers, St. Joseph,
Dollar Watershed Plans Taught Us? St. Joseph, Michigan
Michigan. www.asabe.org
Andersen, Douglas
The Effects of Bird Use on Nutrient This case study supports the concept that a constructed
C., James J. Sartoris, Wetlands; 23(2): 423-425.
12 Removal in a Constructed Wastewater- Sep-02 Abstract wetland can be designed both to reduce nutrients in municipal
Joan S. Thullen, and September 2002.
Treatment Wetland wastewater and to provide habitat for wetland birds.
Paul G. Reusch
Temporal and spatial development of Journal of Environmental
Anderson, C.J., W.J. Nov­
13 surface soil conditions at two created Quality; 34(6): 2072-2081.
Mitsch, R.W. Nairn Dec-05
riverine marshes Nov-Dec 2005.
Temporal Export of Nitrogen from a Ann-Karin Thorén,
Ecological Engineering;
Constructed Wetland: Influence of Catherine Legrand,
14 Dec-04 23(4-5): 233-239. Dec 30,
Hydrology and Senescing Submerged and Karin S. Tonder­
Plants ski
Modelling Nitrogen Removal in Poten­ Arheimer, Berit and Ecological Engineering;
15 Jul-02
tial Wetlands at the Catchment Scale Hans B. Wittgren 19(1): 63-80. July 2002.

Oxygen diffusion from the roots of Nature 204:801-802.

16 Armstrong, W. 1964
some British bog plants 2004
SWRRB: A Basin Scale Simulation Arnold, J.G., J.R. Wil­
Texas A&M Univ. Press.
17 Model for Soil and Water Resources liams, A.D. Nicks, and 1990
College Station, TX.
Management N.B. Sammons
Latitudinal characteristics of below- and Asaeda, T., D.N. Hai,
Annals of Botany; 96(2):
18 above-ground biomass of Typha: a J. Manatunge, D. Wil­ Aug-05
299-312. Aug 2005.
modelling approach liams, and J. Roberts
Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Atlas, R.M. and R. Addison-Wesley, Read­
19 1981
Application Bartha ing, MA.
Denitrification, N20 and C02 fluxes
Aulakh, M.S., T.S. Biology and Fertility of
in rice-wheat cropping system as af­
20 Khera, J.W. Doran, Dec-01 Soils; 34(6): 375-389. Dec
fected by crop residues, fertilizer N and
and K.F. Bronson 2001.
legume green manure
Update on the Tradable Loads Program
21 Austin, S. Aug-99 Paper
in the Grassland Drainage Area
Environment Interna­
Treatment of Wastewater by Natural Ayaz, Selma Ç. and
22 Jan-01 tional; 26(3): 189-195.
Systems Lütfi Akça
January 2001.
Denitrification in Constructed Free-
Ecological Engineering;
water Surface Wetlands: I. Very High Bachand, Philip A.M.
23 Sep-99 14(1-2): 9-15. September
Nitrate Removal Rates in a Macrocosm and Alex J. Horne
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Denitrification in Constructed Free- Ecological Engineering;
Bachand, Philip A.M.
24 water Surface Wetlands: II. Effects of Sep-99 14(1-2): 17-32. Septem­
and Alex J. Horne
Vegetation and Temperature ber 1999.
Watershed ‘98 – Moving
Holding the Line: Tampa Bay’s Coop­ Bacon, E. and H.
25 May-98 Presentation from Theory to Implemen­
erative Approach to Trading Greening
tation. Denver, CO.
Nutrients and Zooplankton Composi­ Badosa, Anna, Dani
tion and Dynamics in Relation to the Boix, Sandra Brucet, Estuarine, Coastal and
26 Hydrological Pattern in a Confined Rocío López-Flores, Feb-06 Shelf Science; 66(3-4):
Mediterranean Salt Marsh (NE Iberian and Xavier D. Quin­ 513-522. February 2006.
Peninsula) tana
Nitrogen mineralization processes
Bai, J., W. Deng, Q. Canadian Journal of Soil
of soils from natural saline-alkalined
27 Wang, H. Chen, C. Aug-05 Science; 85(3): 359-367.
wetlands, Xianghai National Nature
Zhou Aug 2005.
Reserve, China
Communications in Soil
Spatial variability of nitrogen in soils Bai, J., W. Deng, Y. Science and Plant Analy­
28 2004
from land/inland water ecotones Zhu, and Q. Wang sis; 35(5-6): 735-749.
Bai, Junhong, Hua
Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Ouyang, Wei Deng,
Geoderma; 124(1-2):
29 Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen of Yanming Zhu, Xuelin Jan-05

181-192. Jan 2005.

Marsh Soils in River Marginal Wetlands Zhang, and Qinggai
Introduction to Nonpoint Source Pollu­
Ecological Engineering;
30 tion in the United States and Prospects Baker, Lawrence A. Mar-92
1(1-2): 1-26.March 1992.
for Wetland Use
Masters Thesis, North
Evaluation of a Small In-Stream Con­ Carolina State University,
Bass, Kristopher
31 structed Wetland in North Carolina’s Jun-05 Master Thesis Biological and Agricultural
Coastal Plain Engineering Department,
Raleigh, North Carolina
Bastviken, S.K., P.G.
Potential nitrification and denitrification Eriksson, I. Mar­ Journal of Environmental
32 on different surfaces in a constructed tins, J.M. Neto, L. Quality; 32(6): 2414-2420.
treatment wetland Leonardson, and K. Nov-Dec 2003.
GLTN Comments to the EPA on
Batchelor, David J. Letter to Com­
33 Proposed Changes to the NPDES Jan-99
(Chair) ment Clerk
Growth of Phragmites australis (Cav.)
Trin ex. Steudel in Mine Water Treat­ Batty, Lesley C. and Environmental Pollution;
34 Nov-04
ment Wetlands: Effects of Metal and Paul L. Younger 132(1): 85-93. Nov 2004.
Nutrient Uptake
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Stormwater Treatment: Do Constructed
Bavor, H.J., C.M. Water Science Technol­
Wetlands Yield Improved Pollutant
35 Davies, and K. 2001 ogy; 44(11-12):565-70.
Management Performance Over a
Sakadevan 2001.
Detention Pond System?
Progress in the Research and Dem­ Bays, J.S., R.L. Water Science Technol­
36 onstration of Everglades Periphyton- Knight, L. Wenkert, R. 2001 ogy; 44(11-12):123-30.
based Stormwater Treatment Areas Clarke, and S. Gong 2001.
This paper discussed a stationary theory of gas emission from
sedimentary (active) layers of wetlands, which takes into ac­
count methane generation in a sedimentary layer and its depth
Theoretical Consideration of Methane Chemosphere; 50(2):
37 Bazhin, N.M. Jan-03 dependence, and the solubility and the mobility of methane
Emission from Sediments 191-200. Jan 2003.
molecules set by the methane diffusion coefficient.
Incentives For Environmental Improve­
ment: An Assessment Of Selected Global Environmental
38 Beardsley, Daniel P. Aug-96 Report http://www.gemi.org/IDE_003.pdf
Innovative Programs In The States And Management Initiative
Feasibility of Using Ornamental Plants
(Zantedeschia aethiopica) in Sub­
Ecological Engineering;
surface Flow Treatment Wetlands to Belmont, Marco A.
39 Dec-03 21(4-5): 233-247. Dec 31,
Remove Nitrogen, Chemical Oxygen and Chris D. Metcalfe

Demand and Nonylphenol Ethoxylate

Surfactants: A Laboratory-Scale Study
Belmont, Marco A.,
Eliseo Cantellano,
Treatment of Domestic Wastewater in a Ecological Engineering;
Steve Thompson,
40 Pilot-scale Natural Treatment System in Dec-04 23(4-5): 299-311. Dec 30,
Mark Williamson,
Central Mexico 2004.
Abel Sánchez, and
Chris D. Metcalfe
Memorandum to Local
Programs, Neuse and Memo notifying the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Stormwater
Updates to Stormwater BMP Efficien­ Bennett, Bradley and
41 Sep-04 Memo Tar-Pamlico Stormwater Programs of new nutrient removal efficiencies for Stormwater
cies Rich Gannon
Rules, NC Division of BMPs.
Water Quality
John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
42 Rainfall-runoff Modeling: The Primer Beven, K.J. 2001
Chichester, London
Quantification of oxygen release by Biotechnology and Bioen­
Bezbaruah, A.N. and
43 bulrush (Scirpus validus) roots in a Feb-05 gineering; 89(3): 308-318.
T.C. Zhang
constructed treatment wetland Feb 2005.
pH, redox, and oxygen microprofiles in
Biotechnology and Bio­
rhizosphere of bulrush (Scirpus validus) Bezbaruah, A.N.and
44 Oct-04 engineering; 88(1): 60-70.
in a constructed wetland treating mu­ T.C. Zhang
Oct. 5, 2004.
nicipal wastewater
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Bicknell, B.R., J.C. National Exposure Re­
Hydrological Simulation Program Imhoff, J.L. Kittle, Jr., search Laboratory. U.S.
45 2001
– FORTRAN Version 12 User’s Manual T.H. Jobes, and A.S. Environmental Protection
Donigian, Jr. Agency. Athens, GA.
N storage and cycling in vegetation Bischoff, J.M., P. Water, Air, and Soil Pol­
46 of a forested wetland: implications for Bukaveckas, M.J. May-01 lution; 128(1-2): 97-114.
watershed in processing Mitchell, and T. Hurd May 2001.
Evaluation of Past and Potential Phos­ Ecological Engineering;
Black, Courtney A.
47 phorus Uptake at the Orlando Easterly Dec-03 21(4-5): 277-290. Dec 31,
and William R. Wise
Wetland 2003.
The effects of varied hydraulic and Wetlands : the journal
nutrient loading rates on water quality Blahnik, T. and J. of the Society of the
48 Mar-00
and hydrologic distributions in a natural Day, Jr. Wetlands Scientists. Mar
forested treatment wetland 2000. v. 20 (1) p. 48-61.
This paper summarises and balances the data on the regula­
tory role of nitrogen in the consumption of methane by soils and
sediments with the intent of stimulating the scientific community
Nitrogen as a Regulatory Factor of Bodelier, Paul L. E. FEMS Microbiology Ecol­
to embark on experiments to close the existing gap in knowl­
49 Methane Oxidation in Soils and Sedi­ and Hendrikus J. Mar-04 ogy; 47(3): 265-277. Mar
edge regarding the role of nitrogen in methan oxidation in soils
ments Laanbroek 15, 2004.
and sediments.

Hydraulic tracer study in a free-water IFM/Department of

surface flow constructed wetland sys­ Biology, University of
50 Bojcevska, H. 2005 http://www.ifm.liu.se/~inuita/researchproposal_tracerstudy.doc
tem treating sugar factory wastewater Linköping, Linköping,
in Western Kenya Sweden.
Pollutant Removal Capability of a Con­ Bolton, Keith G.E. Water Science and Tech­
51 structed Melaleuca Wetland Receiving and Margaret Gre­ Mar-99 nology; 39(6): 199-206.
Primary Settled Sewage enway March 1999.
Metabolism of Compounds with Nitro- International Biodeteriora­
Boopathy, Ramaraj
52 functions by Klebsiella pnuemoniae Dec-04 tion & Biodegradation;
and Earl Melancon
Isolated from a Regional Wetland 54(4): 269-275. Dec 2004.
Controlled drainage and wetlands to Journal of environmental
Borin, M., G. Bonaiti, Jul-Aug­
53 reduce agricultural pollution: a lysimet­ quality. July/Aug 2001. v.
and L. Giardini 01
ric study 30 (4) p. 1330-1340.
54 The biogeochemistry of nitrogen in Bowden, W.B. 1987 Biogeochemistry 4:313­
freshwater wetlands 348.
Nutrient Removal from Effluents by
an Artificial Wetland: Influence of Water Research, Volume
55 Rhizosphere Aeration and Preferential Bowmer, Kathleen H. May-87 21, Issue 5, May 1987,
Flow Studied Using Bromide and Dye Pages 591-599
New South Wales
56 Salinity & Nutrient Trading in Australia Brady, Katy Presentation Environment Protection http://www.inece.org/emissions/brady.pdf
Authority, Australia
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Factors Affecting Nitrogen Retention in Ecological Engineering;
57 Small Constructed Wetlands Treating Braskerud, B.C. Jan-02 18(3): 351-370. January
Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution 2002.
The impact of hydraulic load and Braskerud, B.C., H. Journal of environmental
58 aggregation on sedimentation of soil Lundekvam, and T. quality. Nov/Dec 2000. v.
particles in small constructed wetlands Krogstad 29 (6) p. 2013-2020.
Restoration of Lake Borrevannet - Self- Water Science and Tech­
Bratli, J.L., A. Skiple
59 purification of Nutrients and Suspended 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
and M. Mjelde
Matter through Natural Reed-belts 3, 1999, Pages 325-332
A Mass Balance Method for Assessing Water Research, Volume
60 the Potential of Artificial Wetlands for Breen, Peter F. Jun-90 24, Issue 6, June 1990,
Wastewater Treatment Pages 689-697
*This research was supported by the US Environmental Protec­
tion Agency and the Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College.
Corresponding author: 6182 Steele Hall, Hanover, NH 03755;
phone: 603-646-0213; email: kfv@dartmouth.edu
Summarizes waterquality trading and offset initiatives in the
U.S., including state-wide programs and recent proposals. The
Breetz, Hanna L. and document provides background information on each program
Water Quality Trading and Offset Initia­ Karen Fisher-Vanden, and provides specific information on each program for the
tives in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Laura Garzon, Han­ following categories: trade structure (determination of credit,
61 Aug-04 Paper edu/~kfv/waterqualitytrad­
Survey* nah Jacobs, Kailin trading ratios and other mechanisms to deal with uncertainty,

Kroetz, Rebecca liabilities/penalties for non-complinace, approval process, ex

Terry post-verification/auditing, machanisms for trade identifica­
tion and communication, market structure and types of trades
allowed); outcomes (types and volumes of trades that have
occured, adminiatrative costs, transaction costs, cost savings,
program goals achieved, program obstacles, MPS inolvement
and incentives to engage in trading, and other); and program/in­
formation references.
A comparison of nutrient availability Bridgham, S.D., K. Soil Science Society of
62 indices along an ombrotophic-minero­ Updegraff, and J. America journal. Jan/Feb
trophic gradient in Minnesota wetlands Pastor 2001. v. 65 (1) p. 259-269.
Rept. #5, Water Research
Brinson, M.M. and
63 Application of Wastewater to Wetlands 1983 Report Inst., Univ. of North Caro­
F.R. Westall
lina, Raleigh, NC
The capacity of the swamp for nutrient removal was highest for
nitrate, intermediate for ammonium, and lowest for phosphate.
Journal of Applied Ecolo­
Annual drydown of sediments would be required for sustained
Brinson, M.M., H.D. gy Vol. 21, No. 3, p 1041­
Nutrient Assimilative Capacity of an ammonium removal in swamps with prolonged flooding, as in
64 Bradshaw, and E.S. Dec-84 1057, December, 1984. 9
Alluvial Floodplain Swamp this case. It appears that swamps of this type could be man­
Kane Fig, 2 Tab, 45 Ref. OWRT
aged for inorganic nitrogen removal from sewage effluent, but
project B-114-NC.
their usefulness for tertiary treatment of phosphate is limited by
the capacity of sediments for phosphorus storage.
Gas Exchange through the Soil-at­
mosphere Interphase and through Water Research, Volume
65 Dead Culms of Phragmites australis Brix, H. Feb-90 24, Issue 2, February
in a Constructed Reed Bed Receiving 1990, Pages 259-266
Domestic Sewage
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Treatment of Wastewater in the Rhi­
Water Sci Technol.,
66 zosphere of Wetland PlantsùThe Root Brix, H. 1987
Zone Method
Root-zone acidity and nitrogen source Journal of experimental
Brix, H., K. Dyhr-Jen­
67 affects Typha latifolia L. growth and up­ Dec-02 botany. Dec 2002. v. 53
sen, and B. Lorenzen
take kinetics of ammonium and nitrate (379) p. 2441-2450.
The Use of Vertical Flow Constructed
Ecological Engineering;
Wetlands for On-site Treatment of Brix, Hans and Car­
68 Dec-05 25( 5):491-500.Dec. 1,
Domestic Wastewater: New Danish los A. Arias
Brodrick, Stephanie Water Research, Volume
Denitrification in a Natural Wetland
69 J., Peter Cullen and Apr-98 22, Issue 4, April 1988,
Receiving Secondary Treated Effluent
W. Maher Pages 431-439
Presented at the National
Forum on Water Quality
Watershed Permitting in North
Trading, Chicago, IL, July
Carolina: NPDES Permit NCC000001
70 Brookhart, Morris 2003 Powerpoint 22-23, 2003. Retrieved
Became Effective Jan 1, 2003, Neuse
Dec. 12, 2005 from www.
River Compliance Association
Watershed Permitting to Increase Ef­
71 Brookhart, Morris Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
ficiency and Facilitate Trading

Evaluating Constructed Wetlands EPA/600\3-91-058. EPA

72 Through Comparisons with Natural Brown, M.T. 1991 Environmental Research
Wetlands Lab., Corvallis, OR
Computers, Environment
A Simulation Model of Hydrology and and Urban Systems, Vol­
73 Brown, Mark T. 1988
Nutrient Dynamics in Wetlands ume 12, Issue 4, 1988,
Pages 221-237
Nutrient Removal and Plant Biomass
Browning, K. and M. Water Science Technol­
74 in a Subsurface Flow Constructed 2003
Greenway ogy. 2003;48(5): 183-9.
Wetland in Brisbane, Australia
Soil Science Society of
Spatial variability of soil properties in
Bruland, G.L. and C.J. Jan­ America journal. 2005
75 created, restored, and paired natural
Richardson Feb-05 Jan-Feb, v. 69, no. 1, p.
Burgoon, Peter S., Water Science and Tech­
Treatment of Potato Processing Waste­
76 Robert H. Kadlec and 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
water with Engineered Natural Systems
Mike Henderson 3, 1999, Pages 211-215
Busnardo, Max J.,
Ecological Engineer­
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal by Richard M. Gersberg,
ing, Volume 1, Issue 4,
77 Wetland Mesocosms Subjected to Dif­ René Langis, The­ Dec-92
December 1992, Pages
ferent Hydroperiods resa L. Sinicrope and
Joy B. Zedler
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Limnologica - Ecology
Riparian Alder Fens - Source or Sink
Busse, Lilian B. and and Management of In­
78 for Nutrients and Dissolved Organic May-02
Günter Gunkel land Waters; 32(1): 44-53.
Carbon? - 2. Major Sources and Sinks
May 2002.
Ecological Economics,
The Nitrogen Abatement Cost in Volume 26, Issue 3, 1
79 Byström, Olof Sep-98
Wetlands September 1998, Pages
Byström, Olof, Hans Ecological Economics,
Economic Criteria for Using Wetlands
80 Andersson, and Ing- Oct-00 Volume 35, Issue 1, Octo­
as Nitrogen Sinks Under Uncertainty
Marie Gren ber 2000, Pages 35-45
California Environ­
California Environmental
Defining the Mercury Problem in the mental Protection
Protection Agency, San
Northern Reaches of San Francisco Agency, San Fran­ Draft Staff
81 Jun-98 Francisco Bay Regional
Bay and Designing Appropriate Regu­ cisco Bay Regional Report
Water Quality Control
latory Approaches Water Quality Control
Cameron, Kimberly,
Pollutant Removal from Municipal Sew­
Chandra Madramoot­ Water Research; 37(12):
82 age Lagoon Effluents with a Free-sur­ Jul-03
oo, Anna Crolla, and 2803-2813. July 2003.
face Wetland
Christopher Kinsley
Proposed BMPs to be Applied in Trad­ Carter, David L. (Ph.

83 Feb-02 BMP Proposal

ing Demonstration D., CPAgSSc)
Based on stormwater runoff concerns, two constructed
stormwater wetlands (0.3 ac) were designed and installed on
the North Creek floodplain. The purpose of this study was to
measure stormwater treatment of sediment and nutrients during
initial stabilization (three months). Suspended sediment was
generated in both wetlands (W1 and W2) during the first two
North Carolina State weeks. Total suspended sediment loads were reduced in W2
Stream Assessment and Constructed University, Biological and but not in W1 by the end of the study. Nutrients (TKN, NH4,
Ph.D. Disser­
84 Stormwater Wetland Research in the Carter, Melanie Dawn Mar-05 Agricultural Engineering, NO3, TP) were all reduced in W1 throughout the study. Am­
North Creek Watershed URN: etd-03142005­ monium and total phosphorus were generated in W2 throughout
103836 the study. Differences between the two wetlands were due to
several variables, including the larger sediment and nutrient
concentrations entering W2. Polyacrylamide (PAM) was applied
to W1 only (15 lb/ac) during hydromulching after construction.
The influence of PAM was not clear, however, due to the numer­
ous different variables between the two wetlands.
Journal of environmental
Mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in a Casey, R.E., M.D. Sep­
85 quality. Sept/Oct 2001. v.
subsurface flow riparian wetland Taylor, S.J. Klaine Oct-01
30 (5) p. 1732-1737.
Effects of static vs. tidal hydrology on Journal of environmental
Catallo, W.J. and T. Nov­
86 pollutant transformation in wetland quality. 2003 Nov-Dec, v.
Junk Dec-03
sediments 32, no. 6, p. 2421-2427.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Developing an Effluent Trading Pro­ http://envstudies.brown.edu/Thesis/2002/caton/
Center for Environmental
gram to Address Nutrient Pollution in Caton, Patricia-Ann includes multiple case studies at the following link: http://
87 May-02 Studies
the Providence and Seekonk Rivers envstudies.brown.edu/Thesis/2002/caton/FRAMES/
Brown University
Master’s Thesis Case%20Study%20Frame.htm
Soil Science Society of
Effects of sediment deposition on fine Cavalcanti, G.G., May­ America Journal. 2005
root dynamics in riparian forests. B.G. Lockaby Jun-05 May-June, v. 69, no. 3, p.
This paper provides an overview of the current environmental
Cave, R.R., L. and socio-economic state of the Humber catchment and coastal
The Humber Catchment and Its Sci Total Environ. 2003
Ledoux, K. Turner, T. zone, and broadly examines how socio-economic drivers affect
89 Coastal Area: From UK to European Oct-03 Paper Oct 1;314-316:31-52. Re­
Jickells, J.E. Andrews, the fluxes of nutrients and contaminants to the coastal zone,
Perspectives view. PMID: 14499525
and H. Davies using the driver-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) ap­
Compilation by the Center for Watershed Protection of 150
articles on all aspects of watershed protection and represents
The Practice of Watershed Protection: a broad interdisciplinary approach to restoring and maintain­
Center for Watershed Center for Watershed
90 Techniques for Protecting and Restor­ 2000 ing watershed health. Indexed for easy reference, this massive
Protection Protection
ing Urban Watersheds volume is an invaluable reference for anyone interested in the
whys and hows of watershed protection practices. http://www.
The Performance of a Multi-stage Sys­
Cerezo, R. Gómez, Ecological Engineering;

tem of Constructed Wetlands for Urban

91 M.L. Suárez, and Feb-01 16(4): 501-517. February
Wastewater Treatment in a Semiarid
M.R. Vidal-Abarca 1, 2001.
Region of SE Spain
Ecological Engineering,
Sewage effluent discharge and
Chague-Goff, C., M. Volume 12, Number 1,
92 geothermal input in a natural wetland, Jan-99
R. Rosen, and P. Eser January 1999, pp. 149­
Tongariro Delta, New Zealand
EPA-600/S2-82-086. EPA
Chan, E., T.A. Bunsz­
The Use of Wetlands for Water Pollu­ Municipal Environmental
93 tynsky, N. Hantzsche, 1981
tion Control Research Lab., Cincin­
and Y.J. Litwin
nati, OH
Water Quality Impacts of Climate and The Professional Geogra­
94 Land Use Changes in Southeastern Chang, Heejun May-04 Paper pher, Volume 56, Issue 2,
Pennsylvania Page 240-257, May 2004
Removal of Endocrine Disruptors by
Water Science Technol­
95 Tertiary Treatments and Constructed Chapman, H. 2003
ogy. 2003;47(9): 151-6.
Wetlands in Subtropical Australia
Applied and environ­
Syntrophic-methanogenic associations Chauhan, A., A.
mental microbiology.
96 along a nutrient gradient in the Florida Ogram, and K.R. Jun-04
2004 June, v. 70, no.6, p.
Everglades Reddy
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
This document presents fundamental principles and guidelines
for nutrient trading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This
document is not a regulation. Rather, it is intended to be used
Chesapeake Bay Program Nutrient
Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Pro­ on a voluntary basis as a guide for those Bay jurisdictions that
97 Trading Fundamental Principles and Mar-01 Report
Program gram choose to establish nutrient trading programs. The document is
based on the Negotiation Team’s comprehensive consideration
of numerous other trading programs and approaches, substan­
tial research, and corresponding lengthy negotiations.
The Chesapeake Bay Program completed a document de­
lineating nutrient trading guidelines entitled Nutrient Trading
Fundamental Principles and Guidelines - Draft and made this
document available to the public for review on September 8,
Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake 2000. A series of public meetings were held during the months
Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Pro­
98 Bay Watershed, Public Workshop Pro­ Apr-01 Report of September and October in a variety of locations around the
Program gram
ceedings (361 KB) Chesapeake Bay watershed for the purpose of providing the
public with an explanation of the meaning and purpose of the
trading guidelines, and to give the public a chance to comment
on them. This document is a compilation of the public meeting
proceedings prepared for each of the 16 public meetings.
This is the workshop proceedings held on December 14, 1998.
Nutrient Trading to Maintain the Its purpose, as delineated on the agenda (see Appendix I)
Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Pro­
99 Nutrient Cap in the Chesapeake Bay Dec-98 Report was to initiate a process to develop nutrient trading policies
Program gram
Watershed (128 KB) and guidelines to achieve and maintain the Nutrient Cap in the
Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

This paper addresses the need for nutrient trading in the

Nutrient Trading for the Chesapeake Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Pro­
100 Apr-01 Report Chesapeake Bay, the process to develop baywide guidelines,
Bay (109 KB) Program gram
and activities taken elsewhere in the Bay region.
Following the release of the Nutrient Trading Fundamental
Principles and Guidelines - Draft, sixteen public meetings
were collectively held throughout the watershed in each of the
Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Pro­ signatory jurisdictions. All jurisdictions received numerous public
101 Bay Watershed, Public Comments Apr-01 Report
Program gram comments during the meetings as well as written comments
Summary (286 KB)
during the review period. This document is a summary of the
comments (both during the public meetings as well as those
written) received by the jurisdictions.
Endorsement of the Nutrient Trading
Chesapeake Bay Executive Chesapeake Bay Pro­
102 Fundamental Principles and Guide­ Mar-01
Program Council Action gram
lines (555 KB)
Water, Air, & Soil
Pollution (Histori­
cal Archive), Springer
Chew, C. W., J. Herr,
Science+Business Media
R. A. Goldstein,
Watershed Risk Analysis Model for B.V., Formerly Kluwer
103 F. J. Sagona, Jul-96 Paper
TVA’s Holston River Basin Academic Publishers B.V.
K. E. Rylant, and
ISSN: 0049-6979 (Paper)
G. E. Hausers
1573-2932 (Online),
Volume 90, Numbers 1-2
Pages: 65 - 70
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Communications in
Seasonal changes of shoot nitrogen
Choi, W.J., S.X. Soil Science and Plant
104 concentrations and 15N/14N ratios in 2005
Chang, H.M. Ro Analysis. 2005, v. 36, no.
common reed in a constructed wetland
19-20, p. 2719-2731.
Environ Sci Technol. 2002
Nutrient Trading Advocated to Improve
105 Christen, K. Feb-02 Paper Feb 1;36(3):53A-54A. No abstract available.
Water Quality
PMID: 11871571
Christou, M., E.J. Av­ Soil Biology & Biochem­
Dissolved organic nitrogen in contrast­
106 ramides, J.P. Roberts, Aug-05 istry. 2005 Aug., v. 37, no.
ing agricultural ecosystems
D.L. Jones 8, p. 1560-1563.
Lakes and Reservoirs:
Dimensionless Volatilization Rate for Ciaravino, Giulio and Research and Manage­
107 Dec-01 Paper
Two Pesticides in a Lake Carlo Gualtieri ment, Volume 6, Issue 4,
Page 297-303, Dec 2001
Chemical Characteristics of Soils and Cikova, Hana, Libor
Pore Waters of Three Wetland Sites Pechar, t pán Husák,
Aquatic Botany; 69(2-4):
108 Dominated by Phragmites australis: Jan Kv t, Václav Apr-01
235-249. April 2001.
Relation to Vegetation Composition and Bauer, Jana Radová,
Reed Performance and Keith Edwards
Role of Macrophyte Typha latifolia in
a Constructed Wetland for Wastewa­ Ciria, M.P., M.L. So­ Biosystems Engineering;
109 Dec-05
ter Treatment and Assessment of Its lano, and P. Soriano 92(4): 535-544. Dec 2005.

Potential as a Biomass Fuel

Role of macrophyte Typha latifolia in
Biosystems Engineering.
a constructed wetland for wastewater Ciria, M.P., M.L. So­
110 Dec-05 2005 Dec., v. 92, no. 4, p. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15375110
treatment and assessment of its poten­ lano, P. Soriano
tial as a biomass fuel
Nitrogen Pools and Soil Characteristics Aquatic Botany, Volume
111 of a Temperate Estuarine Wetland in Clarke, P.J. Dec-85 23, Issue 3, December
Eastern Australia 1985, Pages 275-290
Clausen, J.C., K. Journal of environmental
Water quality changes from riparian Nov­
112 Guillard, C.M. Sig­ quality. Nov/Dec 2000. v.
buffer restoration in Connecticut Dec-00
mund, and K.M. Dors 29 (6) p. 1751-1761.
Thermal Load Credit Trading Plan at
Rock Creek and Durham wastewater
113 Clean Water Services Oct-03 Management Clean Water Services
treatment facilities, OR, Clean Water
Clément, Jean-Chris­
Ammonium Oxidation Coupled to Soil Biology and Bio­
tophe, Junu Shrestha,
114 Dissimilatory Reduction of Iron Under Dec-05 chemistry; 37(12): 2323­
Joan G. Ehrenfeld,
Anaerobic Conditions in Wetland Soils 2328. Dec 2005.
and Peter R. Jaffé
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Paper from the Department of Economics, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala that analyzes the lack of
success in nutrient trading programs. Tradable permit solutions
Search for the Northwest Passage: The
Water Sci Technol; are based on an assumption that the assignation of quantifi­
Assignation of NSP (non-point source
115 Collentine, D. 2002 Paper 45(9):227-34. 2002. able rights to both point and nonpoint sources, based on some
pollution) Rights in Nutrient Trading
PMID: 12079107 predetermined ambient water quality measure, is possible. The
conclusion here is that there are significant features particular
to NSP that hinder the introduction of rights and significantly
decrease the utility of tradable permit solutions.
A paper that analyzes the problems with Transferable Dis­
charge Permit (TDP) systems and describes a composite
market system that may solve some of the common problems.
Water Sci Technol; 51(3­
Including Non-point Sources in a Water Problems with TDP systems are transaction costs and in the
116 Collentine, D. 2005 Paper 4):47-53. 2005. PMID:
Quality Trading Permit Program case of non-point sources (NPS), undefined property rights. The
composite market design specifically includes agricultural NPS
dischargers and addresses both property rights and transaction
cost problems.
Paper prepared for
presentation at the 99th
Setting Permit Prices in a Transferable seminar of the EAAE
117 Discharge Permit (TDP) System for Collentine, D. 2005 (European Association of
Water Quality Management Agricultural Economists),
Copenhagen, Denmark
August 24-27, 2005

This paper proposes an innovative design for a Transferable

Discharge Permit (TDP) system, a composite market system.
Including Non-point Sources in a Water Diffuse Pollution Confer­ The composite market design is a proposal for a TDF system,
118 Collentine, Dennis 2003
Quality Trading Permit ence, Dublin 2003 which specifically includes agricultural non-point source (NPS)
dischargers and addresses both property rights and transaction
cost problems.
In Steenvoorden, J.(ed.),
Economic Modelling of Best Manage­ Agricultural Effects on
119 ment Practices (BMPs) at the Farm Collentine, Dennis 2002 Ground and Surface http://www.envtn.org/docs/EMM_WHITE_PAPERApril04.pdf
Level Waters. IAHS Publication
no. 273, 17-22.
A number of experimental freshwater wetlands with different
ages since they were abandoned as rice fields, were used to
analyze the prospects of multipurpose wetland restoration for
such degraded areas. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate
Restoration of Wetlands from Aban­ Comín, Francisco A. ,
Restoration Ecology, of the wetlands was determined monthly during the flooding
doned Rice Fields for Nutrient Re­ José A. Romero, Oli­
120 Jun-01 Paper Volume 9, Issue 2, Page season to estimate their efficiency as filters to remove nutrients
moval, and Biological Community and ver Hernández, and
201-208, Jun 2001 from agricultural sewage. Both the temporal dynamics and
Landscape Diversity Margarita Menéndez
changes in the spatial pattern of land use cover during the last
20 years were determined from aerial photographs and field
analysis. All the wetlands appeared to be very efficient in the
removal of nitrogen and phosphorus exported from rice fields.
Comín, Francisco
Nitrogen Removal and Cycling in Water Science and Tech­
A., Jose A. Romero,
121 Restored Wetlands Used as Filters of 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
Valeria Astorga and
Nutrients for Agricultural Runoff 5, 1997, Pages 255-261
Carmen García
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Comparison of Created and Natural
Confer, S.R. and W.A. Wetlands Ecology & Man­
122 Freshwater Emergent Wetlands in Con­ 1992
Niering agement. 2(3):143-156
necticut (USA)
Watershed Economic Incentives
Through Phosphorous Trading and Wa­ Conservation Authori­ Conservation Authorities
123 Jun-05
ter Quality, Innovations in Watershed ties of Ontario of Ontario
Water Science and
Reducing Diffuse Pollution through Cook, M.G., P.G.
Technology, Volume 33,
124 Implementation of Agricultural Best Hunt, K.C. Stone and 1996
Issues 4-5, 1996, Pages
Management Practices: A Case Study J.H. Canterberry
The Use of a Constructed Wetland for Paper number 012102,
Cook, Michael J. and
125 the Amelioration of Elevated Nutrient 2001 2001 ASAE Annual Meet­
Robert O. Evans
Concentrations in Shallow Groundwater ing . @2001
Anthropogenic landscapes and soils Cook, T.D. and K. Soil Survey Horizons. Fall
126 2002
due to constructed vernal pools Whitney 2002. v. 43 (3) p. 83-89.
Water Science and Tech­
Use of Constructed Wetland to Protect Coombes, C. and P. J.
127 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Bathing Water Quality Collett
3, 1995, Pages 149-158
IAWPRC. Pergamon
Constructed Wetlands in Water Pollu­ Cooper, P.F. and B.C.
128 1990 Press, Inc., Maxwell

tion Control Findlater

House, NY
Copeland, Claudia CRS Issue Brief for
Water Quality: Implementing the Clean
129 (Resources, Science, Apr-05 Briefing Congress http://www.ncseonline.org/nle/crsreports/05apr/IB89102.pdf
Water Act
and Industry Division) Order Code IB89102
Copeland, Claudia
(Specialist in Re­
Stormwater Permits: Status of sources and Environ­ CRS Report for Congress
130 Feb-05 Briefing http://www.ncseonline.org/nle/crsreports/05Feb/97-290.pdf
EPA’s Regulatory Program mental Policy 97-290 ENR
Resources, Science,
and Industry Division)
Journal of environmental
Response of biogeochemical indicators Corstanje, R. and Nov­
131 quality. 2004 Nov-Dec, v.
to a drawdown and subsequent reflood K.R. Reedy Dec-04
33, no. 6, p. 2357-2366.
pg. 1-20. In D.L. Corwin,
Introduction: Assessing Non-point K. Loague, and T.R. Ells­
Corwin, D.L., K.
Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone worth (ed.). Assessment
132 Loague, and T.R. 1999
with Advanced Information Technolo­ of non-point source pol­
gies lution in the vadose zone.
AGU. Washing ton, D.C.
Removal of Municipal Solid Waste
Cossu, Raffaell, Ketil
COD and NH4-N by Phyto-reduction: Ecological Engineering;
Haarstad, M. Cristina
133 A Laboratory-scale Comparison of Feb-01 16(4): 459-470. February
Lavagnolo, and Paolo
Terrestrial and Aquatic Species at Dif­ 1, 2001.
ferent Organic Loads
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Preliminary Investigation of an Inte­
Ecological Engineering,
grated Aquaculture-wetland Ecosystem Costa-Pierce, Barry
134 Jul-98 Volume 10, Issue 4, July
Using Tertiary-treated Municipal Waste­ A.
1998, Pages 341-354
water in Los Angeles County, California
Coveney, M.F., D.L.
Nutrient Removal from Eutrophic Lake Stites, E.F. Lowe, Ecological Engineering;
135 Aug-02
Water by Wetland Filtration L.E. Battoe, and R. 19(2): 141-159. Aug 2002.
Fisheries Management
Rehabilitation of Freshwater Fisheries: Cowx, I. G., M. van and Ecology, Volume 11,
136 Jun-04 Paper
Tales of the Unexpected? Zyll de Jong Issue 3-4, Page 243-249,
Jun 2004
Soil Science Society of
Forms and amounts of soil nitrogen
Craft, C.B. and C. Sep­ America journal. Sept/Oct
137 and phosphorus across a longleaf pine-
Chiang Oct-02 2002. v. 66 (5) p. 1713­
depressional wetland landscape
In: Proceedings of
Crites, R.W., R.C. WEFTEC 1995, Miami,
Removal of metals in constructed
138 Watson, and C.R. 1995 FL. Water Environment
Willams Federation, Alexandria,
Changes in water parameters were studied in a yard experiment

for 7 weeks after application of cow dung, poultry manure, feed

mixture and inorganic fertilizers. To study the role of soil in the
mineralization process, each treatment was divided into two
groups - one with and the other without soil substrate. Higher
degree of changes in water parameters was observed at higher
input levels. Both organic amendment and inorganic fertilization
caused significant reduction (P<0.05) in dissolved oxygen and
Comparative Changes in Water Quality increase in free CO2, dissolved organic matter, total ammo­
Das, Pratap Chandra, Aquaculture Research,
and Role of Pond Soil After Applica­ nia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphorus contents of water. Organic
139 Subanna Ayyappan, Jun-05 Paper Volume 36, Issue 8, Page
tion of Different Levels of Organic and inputs significantly decreased (P<0.05) water pH and increased
and Joykrushna Jena 785-798, Jun 2005
Inorganic Inputs total alkalinity and hardness. In contrast, inorganic fertilization
caused a significant increase in pH; alkalinity and hardness
increased significantly in the presence of soil, but reduced in
its absence. In organic input, presence of soil substrate caused
significantly lower value of pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved or­
ganic matter and phosphate-phosphorus and significantly higher
free CO2, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
contents, compared with those in the absence of soil, revealing
enhanced microbial mineralization in the presence of soil.
Soil Science Society of
The influence of organic carbon on
Davidsson, T.E. and May­ America journal. May/
140 nitrogen transformations in five wetland
M. Stahl Jun-00 June 2000. v. 64 (3) p.
Temporally Dependent C, N, and P Davis, Stephen E.,
Dynamics Associated with the Decay III, Carlos Corronado-
Aquatic Botany; 75(3):
141 of Rhizophora mangle L. Leaf Litter in Molina, Daniel L. Mar-03
199-215. March 2003.
Oligotrophic Mangrove Wetlands of the Childers, and John W.
Southern Everglades Day, Jr.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Day, J.W., Jr., Jae-
Young Ko, J. Ryb­
The Use of Wetlands in the Mississippi Ocean & Coastal Man­
czyk, D. Sabins, R.
142 Delta for Wastewater Assimilation: A 2004 agement; 47(11-12):
Bean, G. Berthelot, C.
Review 671-691. 2004.
Brantley, L. Cardoch
and W. Conner, et al.
Nutrient fluxes at the river basin scale. Hydrological Processes
143 De Wit, M. 2001
I: the PolFlow model 15:743-759.
Faculty of Geographical
Sciences, Utrecht Uni­
Nutrient fluxes in the Rhine and Elbe
144 De Wit, M. 1999 PhD thesis versity, Netherlands Geo­
graphical Studies:259.
The Netherlands.
Sci Total Environ. 2001
de Wit, M. and G.
145 Nutrient Fluxes in the Po Basin 2001 Paper Jun 12;273(1-3):147-61.
PMID: 11419598
Removing Muck With Markets: A Case
146 Study on Pollutant Trading for Cleaner DeAlessi, M. Aug-03 Policy Brief Reason Foundations http://rppi.org/pb24.pdf
University of Florida,
Institute of Food and
147 Nitrogen Cycling in Wetlands DeBusk, W.F. 1999
Agricultural Science,

Gainesville, FL.
Nonpoint Source Pollution Reductions-
148 Dedrick, Allen Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
Estimating a Tradable Commodity
Benefits to Downstream Flood Attenu­
ation and Water Quality As a Result of http://www.aftresearch.org/researchresource/caepubs/delaney.
149 DeLaney, T.A. 1995 American Farmland Trust
Constructed Wetlands in Agricultural html (January 2006).
A Screening of the Capacity of Louisi­ DeLaune, R.D., A.
Ecological Engineering;
ana Freshwater Wetlands to Process Jugsujinda, J.L.West,
150 Nov-05 25(4): 315-321. Nov 1,
Nitrate in Diverted Mississippi River C.B. Johnson, and M.
Water Kongchum
The Banking Experience: Environmen­
Denisoff, Craig 7/11­
151 tal Performance Standards & Credit Presentation Audio Recording
Wildlands, Inc. 12/2005
Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking. Describes
The Banking Experience: Environmen­
Denisoff, Craig 7/11­ framework for establishing banks, including outlines of perfor­
152 tal Performance Standards & Credit Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Wildlands, Inc. 12/2005 mance standards, credit release, and monitoring. Draws on
information from existing mitigation banks in CA. - http://www2.
Department for Department for Environ­
Economic Instruments for Water Pol­ http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/quality/econinst2/in­
153 Environment, Food & Sep-99 Report ment, Food & Rural
lution dex.htm
Rural Affairs Affairs
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Department for Department for Environ­
Water Pollution Discharges: Economic dex.htm
154 Environment, Food & Jan-98 Report ment, Food & Rural
Instruments Note: Annex 3 International experience (http://www.defra.gov.
Rural Affairs Affairs
Nitrate dynamics in relation to lithology Devito, K.J., D. Journal of environmental
155 and hydrologic flow path in a river Fitzgerald, A.R. Hill, quality. July/Aug 2000. v.
riparian zone and R. Aravena 29 (4) p. 1075-1084.
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation-based
Dierberg, F.E., T.A.
Treatment Wetlands for Removing
DeBusk, S.D. Jack­ Water Resources. 2005
156 Phosphorus from Agricultural Runoff: Mar-02
son, M.J. Chimney, Mar;36(6): 1409-22.
Response to Hydraulic and Nutrient
and K. Pietro
Dobson, A.P., J.P.
Geographic Distribution of Endangered Rodrigues, W.M.
157 1997 Science, 275: 550-555
Species in the United States Roberts, and D.S.
Economic analysis can be a guide to determining the level of
actions taken to reduce nitrogen (N) losses and reduce envi­
ronmental risk in a cost-effective manner while also allowing
consideration of relative costs of controls to various groups.
The biophysical science of N control, especially from nonpoint
sources such as agriculture, is not certain. Widespread precise

data do not exist for a river basin (or often even for a water­
shed) that couples management practices and other actions to
reduce nonpoint N losses with specific delivery from the basin.
Doering O.C., M.
The causal relationships are clouded by other factors influenc­
Ribaudo, F. Diaz-Her­
ScientificWorldJournal. ing N flows, such as weather, temperature, and soil charac­
Economic Analysis as a Basis for melo, R. Heimlich, F.
2001 Oct 23;1 Suppl teristics. Even when the science is certain, economic analysis
Large-Scale Nitrogen Control Deci­ Hitzhusen, C. How­
158 Oct-01 Paper 2:968-75. PMID: has its own sets of uncertainties and simplifying economic
sions: Reducing Nitrogen Loads to the ard, R. Kazmierczak,
12805894 [PubMed - in­ assumptions. The economic analysis of the National Hypoxia
Gulf of Mexico. J. Lee, L. Libby, W.
dexed for MEDLINE] Assessment provides an example of economic analysis based
Milon, M. Peters, and
on less than complete scientific information that can still provide
A. Prato
guidance to policy makers about the economic consequences
of alternative approaches. One critical value to policy makers
comes from bounding the economic magnitude of the conse­
quences of alternative actions. Another value is the identification
of impacts outside the sphere of initial concerns. Such analysis
can successfully assess relative impacts of different degrees of
control of N losses within the basin as well as outside the basin.
It can demonstrate the extent to which costs of control of any
one action increase with the intensity of application of control.
Advisor, Great Lakes
Great Lakes Commission Point-Coun­ Donahue, Michael Mar-Apr Trading Network, March/
terpoint on USEPA’s Trading Policy J.(Ph.D.) 2003 April 2003Volume 16,
HSPFParm: An Interactive Database Donigian, A.S., Jr., EPA-823-R-99-004. U.S.
160 for HSPF Model Parameters, Version J.C. Imhoff, and J.L. 1999 EPA, Washington DC
1.0 Kittle, Jr. 38pp.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Modelling Nitrogen Transformations in
Freshwater Wetlands: Estimating Nitro­ Ecological Modelling, Vol­
161 gen Retention and Removal in Natural Dørge, Jesper Sep-94 umes 75-76, September
Wetlands in Relation to their Hydrology 1994, Pages 409-420
and Nutrient Loadings
Pollution Diffuse et Gestion du Milieu
Agricole: Transferts Compares de
Phosphore et d’Azote dans un Petit Water Research, Volume
Dorioz, J.M. and A.
162 Bassin Versant Agricole: Non-Point Feb-94 28, Issue 2, February
Pollution and Management of Agricul­ 1994, Pages 395-410
tural Areas: Phosphorus and Nitrogen
Transfer in an Agricultural Watershed
Phosphorus saturation potential: a Drizo, A., Y. Co­ Environmental Science &
163 parameter for estimating the longevity meau, C. Forget, R.P. Nov-02 Technology. Nov 1, 2002.
of constructed wetland systems Chapuis v. 36 (21) p. 4642-4648.
In this paper, the methodology of the material flow analysis
is presented and applied to develop a nitrogen balance in a
river basin and to evaluate different scenarios for total nitrogen
pollution reduction. Application of the methodology is illustrated
by means of a case study on the Krka river, Slovenia. Different
scenarios are considered: the present level of sewerage and
Evaluation of Total Nitrogen Pollution Water Sci Technol. treatment capacities, different stages of wastewater treatment
Drolc, A., J.Z. Kon­
164 Reduction Strategies in a River Basin: 2001 Paper 2001;44(6):55-62. PMID: and management of agricultural activities on land. The results
dan, and M. Cotman

A Case Study 11700664 show that beside effluents from wastewater treatment plants,
agriculture contributes significantly to the total annual nitrogen
load. Therefore, in order to protect river water quality and drink­
ing water supply, strategies to manage agricultural nitrogen will
be needed in addition to reduction of point sources by means
of wastewater collection and implementation of nutrient removal
Phosphorus retention and sorption by Dunne, E.J., N. Culle­ Water Research. 2005
165 constructed wetland soils in southeast ton, G. O’Donovan, R. Nov-05 Nov., v. 39, issue 18, p.
Ireland Harrington, K. Daly 4355-4362.
The Three Rivers Project--Water
Water Sci Technol.
Quality Monitoring and Management
166 Earle, J.R. 2003 Paper 2003;47(7-8):217-25.
Systems in the Boyne, Liffey and Suir
PMID: 12793683
Catchments in Ireland
World Water Congress
2005 Impacts of Global
Climate Change
Earles, T. Andrew, World Water and Envi­
Phosphorus Trade Credits for Non- al&id=ASCECP000173040792000214000001&idtype=cvips&g
167 Wayne F. Lorenz, and 2005 ronmental Resources
Point Source Projects ifs=yes
Wilbur L. Koger Congress 2005
Available for purchase
Raymond Walton - Editor,
May 15–19, 2005, An­
chorage, Alaska, USA
Water Resources Man­
Design methdology of free water sur­ Economopoulou, M.A.
168 Dec-04 agement. 2004 Dec., v. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0920-4741/contents
face constructed wetlands and V.A. Tsihrintzis
18, no. 6, p. 541-565.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
DUFLOW, a microcomputer pack­
age for simulation of one-dimentional Leidchendam, The Neth­
169 EDS. 1998
unsteady flow and water quality in open erlands.
channel systems
Effective Enforcement and Compli­
170 ance in the EU ETS: A View from the Edwards, Rupert Presentation Climate Change Capital http://www.inece.org/emissions/edwards.pdf
Financial Sector
Water Science Technol­
Performance of Constructed Wetland Elias, J.M., E. Salati
171 2001 ogy. 2001;44(11-12):579­
System for Public Water Supply Filho, and E. Salati
Journal of Hydrology,
The Impact of a Riparian Wetland on Emmett, B.A., J.A.
Volume 162, Issues 3-4,
172 Streamwater Quality in a Recently Af­ Hudson, P.A. Coward Nov-94
November 1994, Pages
forested Upland Catchment and B. Reynolds
Nonpoint Source Pollution Control: Environmental De­ Environmental Trading
Breaking the Regulatory Stalemate fense Network
Background Information on Water
Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Environmental Law Environmental Law
174 Web page
Banking by the Environmental Law Institute Institute
National Association of http://www.envtn.org/docs/TradingBankModelPaper.doc

Water Quality Trading Nonpoint Credit Environmental Trad­

175 2003 Paper Conservation Districts CREDIT SALE REVENUE SCENARIOS: http://www.envtn.
Bank Model ing Network
Great Lakes Protection Fund - Final
Environmental Trad­ Environmental Trading
176 Market-Based Approach to Ecosystem http://www.envtn.org/docs/finalGLPFreport.pdf
ing Network Network
- Grant #609
Fertile Ground: Nutrient Trading’s Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Environmental Trad­ World Resources Insti­
177 Potential to Cost-effectively Improve 2000 Paper Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
ing Network tute, Washington, DC.
Water Quality. - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
2002 Cost for Connecticut Nitrogen Environmental Trad­ cessed Environmental Trading
178 Attachment
Trades ing Network Jan. 31, Network
EPA National Risk EPA National Risk
179 Stormwater Trading Articles Management Re­ Articles Management Research
search Laboratory Laboratory
EPA National Risk EPA National Risk
Using Tradable Credits to Control
180 Management Re­ Report Management Research
Excess Stormwater Runoff
search Laboratory Laboratory
Prevention of Mosquito Production at
In: Bulletin of the Society
an Aquaculture Wastewater Reclama­ Epibare, R., E. Hei­
181 1993 for Vector Ecology
tion Plant in San Diego, California dig, and D.W. Gibson
using an innovative sprinkler system
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Concept Paper for a Nutrient Trading Eskin, R. and V. Maryland Department of
182 Aug-97 Paper
Policy, Revision 5 Kearney the Environment
Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Etnier, C. and B. Bokskogen, Gothenburg,
183 1991
Treatment Guterstam Sweden
University of Florida
184 Cypress Swamps Ewel and Odum 1985 Press, Gainesville, FL.
The Potential for Nutrient Trading in
185 Minnesota: The Case of the Minnesota Faeth, P. Feb-98 Draft Report World Resources Institute
River Valley
Market-Based Incentive and Water
186 Faeth, P. 1999 Paper World Resources Institute http://www.igc.org/wri/incentives/faeth.html
The Use of Water Quality Trading
Faeth, Paul World 7/11­
187 and Wetland Restoration to Address Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Resources Institute 12/2005
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

WRI Features, Vol. 3, No. Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Faeth, Paul and G.
188 Nutrient Runoff Creates Dead Zone Jan-05 Paper 1. World Resources Insti­ Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
Tracy Mehan, III
tute, Washington, DC. - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm

WRI Issue Brief, World Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
A Climate and Environmental Strategy Faeth, Paul and

189 Nov-00 Paper Resources Institute, Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
for U.S. Agriculture Greenhalgh, Suzie
Washington, DC. - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Environmental Pollu­
Stable Isotope Dynamics of Nitrogen
Fair, Jeanne M. and tion, In Press, Corrected
190 Sewage Effluent Uptake in a Semi-arid Oct-05
Jeffrey M. Heikoop Proof, Available online 4
October 2005
This paper provides a detailed overview of two water pollution
trading projects in Minnesota and tries to answer the question:
have these two projects been cost-effective and environmentally
American Agricultural beneficial? Specific objectives of this paper include: (1) to pro­
Pollution Trading to Offset New Pol­ Economics Associa­ vide an in-depth examination of the two point-nonpoint source
Fang, F. and K.W.
191 lutant Loadings--A Case Study in the Jul-03 presentation tion Annual Meeting in trading projects, (2) to conduct cost effectiveness analysis of
Minnesota River Basin Montreal, Canada, July the nonpoint source loading reduction practices used in the
27-30, 2003 two projects for trading, (3) to evaluate the role of scientific un­
certainty played in these two projects, and (4) to look for other
social benefits that such offsetting pollution trading efforts can
offer to a watershed.
American Society of
Preliminary Analysis of Water Qual­ Fang, F., M. S. Kieser,
un­ Agricultural and Biological
192 ity Trading Opportunities in the Great D. L. Hall, N. C. Ott, Paper http://asae.frymulti.com/abstract.asp?aid=18044&t=2
known Engineers, St. Joseph,
Miami River Watershed, Ohio and S. C. Hippensteel
Michigan www.asabe.org
Journal of the Ameri­
Point-Nonpoint Source Water Quality Fang, Feng (Andrew),
can Water Resources
193 Trading: A Case Study in the Minnesota K. William Easter, and 2005 Journal Article
Association (JAWRA)
River Basin Patrick L. Brezonik
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
In: Constructed Wetlands
for Wastewater Treatment
Physical and chemical characteristics Faulkner, S.P. and
194 1989 – Municipal, Industrial,
of freshwater wetland soils C.J. Richardson
and Agricultural. Lewis
Publishers, Chelsea, MI.
In: D.A. Hammer (ed.)
Constructed Wetlands for
Wastewater Treatment,
195 Wetlands: the lifeblood of wildlife Feierabend, J.S. 1989
Municipal, Industrial and
Agricultural. Lewis Pub­
lishers, Chelsea, MI.
Seasonal and Storm Event Nutrient Ecological Engineering;
Fink, Daniel F. and
196 Removal by a Created Wetland in an Dec-04 23(4-5): 313-325. Dec 30,
William J. Mitsch
Agricultural Watershed 2004.
Hydrology and earth sys­
Wetland nutrient removal: a review of Fisher, J. and M.C.
197 Aug-04 tem sciences. 2004 Aug., http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/hess/published_papers.html
the evidence Acreman
v. 8, no. 4, p. 673-685.
Journal of environmental
Phosphorus flux from wetland soils af­ Fisher, M.M. and K.R. Jan­
198 quality. Jan/Feb 2001. v.
fected by long-term nutrient loading Reddy Feb-01
30 (1) p. 261-271.
Capped and Non-capped Emissions Fisher-Vanden, K.
199 Trading: Applying Lessons from Water and H. Jacobs, C. 2002 Working paper

Quality Trading Schary

Governmental programmes and international agreements to
counteract eutrophication have largely not attained agreed goals
Quest Environmental, (e. g. reduction by half of the anthropogenic nitrogen load on
The potential role of ponds as buffer Fleischer, S; Joels­ PO BOX 45, Harpenden, Swedish coastal waters, to be carried out between 1985 and
zones son, A; Stibe, L Hertfordshire, AL5 5LJ 1995). To attain the agreed goal of a 50 percent reduction of the
(UK). pp. 140-146. 1997. nitrogen transport in streams, decreased agricultural leaching
must be combined with extensive pond and wetland construc­
Balancing Wildlife Needs and Nitrate
Ecological Engineer­
Removal in Constructed Wetlands: Fleming-Singer, Maia
ing, In Press, Corrected
201 The Case of the Irvine Ranch Water S. and Alexander J. Nov-05
Proof, Available online 28
District’s San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctu­ Horne
November 2005
Fletcher, Susan
Environmental Laws: (Coordinator
Summaries of Statutes Administered Specialist in Environ­
202 Mar-05 Briefing CRS Report for Congress http://www.ncseonline.org/nle/crsreports/05mar/RL30798.pdf
by the Environmental Protection mental Policy
Agency Resources, Science
and Industry Division)
Flite, O.P. III., R.D.
Nitrate removal in a riparian wetland Journal of environmental
Shannon, R.R. Jan­
203 of the Appalachian Valley and ridge quality. Jan/Feb 2001. v.
Schnabel, and R.R. Feb-01
physiographic province 30 (1) p. 254-261.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Ecological Engineer­
Nitrogen Removal from Domestic Fontenot, Jeremy,
ing, In Press, Corrected
204 Wastewater Using the Marshland Up­ Dorin Boldor, and Jan-06
Proof, Available online 6
welling System Kelly A. Rusch
January 2006
Water Environment Fed­ Published in Proceedings of Watersheds ‘96.
205 Point-Nonpoint Pollutant Trading Study Fordiani, R. Jun-96 Presentation
eration and U.S. EPA http://www.epa.gov/owowwtr1/watershed/Proceed/fordiani.html
206 Basinlink Fox-Wolf Basin 2000 2000 Newsletter Vol. 2, No.3.
Watershed-Based Trading & The Law:
207 Fox-Wolf Basin 2000 2000 Report http://www.fwb2k.org/research/legalrpt/tradelaw.htm
Wisconsin’s Experience
A Test of Four Plant Species to Reduce
Fraser, Lauchlan H., Bioresource Technology;
Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus
208 Spring M. Carty and Sep-04 94(2): 185-192. Sept
from Soil Leachate in Subsurface Wet­
David Steer 2004.
land Microcosms
Journal of Hydrology,
Nitrate Removal by Denitrification in Al­ Fustec, E., A. Mari­
Volume 123, Issues 3-4,
209 luvial Ground Water: Role of a Former otti, X. Grillo and J. Mar-91
March 1991, Pages
Channel Sajus
Detritus Processing and Mineral Cy­ Gallagher, John L., Aquatic Botany, Volume
210 cling in Seagrass (Zostera) Litter in an Harold V. Kibby and Oct-84 20, Issues 1-2, October
Oregon Salt Marsh Katherine W. Skirvin 1984, Pages 97-108

EPA/600/R-93/105. EPA
Design and Construction of Demon-
Gamroth, M.J. and Environmental Research
211 stration/Research Wetlands for Treat­ Apr-93
J.A. Moore Laboratory, Corvallis, OR
ment of Dairy Farm Wastewater

Transactions of the
The Making of a Regulatory Crisis: Institute of British Ge­
212 Restructuring New York City’s Water Gandy, Matthew Sep-97 Paper ographers, Volume 22,
Supply Issue 3, Page 338-358,
Sep 1997
Ecosystem Structure, Nutrient Dynam­ Gann, Tiffany,
Forest Ecology and Man­
ics, and Hydrologic Relationships in G.Childers, Daniel L.
213 Aug-05 agement; 214(1-3):11-27.
Tree Islands of the Southern Ever­ Troxler, and Damon
Aug 2005.
glades, Florida, USA N. Rondeau
Telephone Interview with Rich Gan-
214 non, North Carolina Division of Water Gannon, Rich
WQC Item no. 3 EMC Item no. 03-38 Report to the N.C. Environmental Management Comission
Request for Approval of Local Nitrogen (EMC) from the the Basin Oversight Committee (BOC) on the
Strategies October progress of the Nitrogen Reduction Program and to obtain EMC
North Carolina Division of
215 Tar-Pamlico Agriculture Rule: A Report Gannon, Rich 8 - 9, approval of fourteen local strategies for achieving the Agricul­
Water Quality
to the NC Environmental Management 2003 ture rule’s basinwide nitrogen goal of a 30% reduction in loading
Commission from the Tar-Pamlico from baseline 1991 levels by 2006.
Basin Oversight Committee http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/EMCRpt-LocStrtgs10-03prn.pdf
Nutient Enrichment of Wetland Veg­ Gathumbi, S.M., P.J. Soil Science Society of
216 etation and Sediments in Subtropical Bohlen, and D.A. 2005 America Journal; 69: 539­
Pastures Graetz 548. 2005.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
The use of mangrove wetland as a
Aquaculture research.
biofilter to treat shrimp pond effluents: Gautier, D., J. Ama­
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preliminary results of an experiment on dor, and F. Newmark
the Caribbean coast of Colombia
The Use of Free Surface Constructed Water Science and
Wetland as an Alternative Process Technology, Volume 40,
218 Gearheart, R.A. 1999
Treatment Train to Meet Unrestricted Issues 4-5, 1999, Pages
Water Reclamation Standards 375-382
Water Science and Tech­
Suitability of a Treatment Wetland for Geary, P.M. and J.A.
219 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Dairy Wastewaters Moore
3, 1999, Pages 179-185
Horizontal Subsurface Flow Systems
in the German Speaking Countries: Water Science and Tech­
220 Summary of Long-term Scientific and Geller, Gunther 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
Practical Experiences; Recommenda­ 5, 1997, Pages 157-166
Nitrogen Transformations in a Wetland
Gerke, Sara, Law­ Water Research; 35(16):
Receiving Lagoon Effluent: Sequen­
221 rence A. Baker, and Nov-01 3857-3866. November
tial Model and Implications for Water
Ying Xu 2001.
Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Water Research, Volume
222 Nitrogen Removal in Artificial Wetlands Elkins and C.R. Gold­ 1983 17, Issue 9, 1983, Pages

man 1009-1014

Gersberg, R.M., B.V. Water Research, Volume

Role of Aquatic Plants in Wastewater
223 Elkins, S.R. Lyon and Mar-86 20, Issue 3, March 1986,
Treatment by Artificial Wetlands
C.R. Goldman Pages 363-368

Gersberg, R.M., S.R. EPA-600/D-84-258. Robt.

The Removal of Heavy Metals by Artifi­
224 Lyon, B.Y. Elkins, and 1984 S. Kerr Env. Research
cial Wetlands
C.R. Goldman Lab., Ada, OK
Mass Loss, Fungal Colonisation and
Nutrient Dynamics of Phragmites aus­ Aquatic Botany; 69(2-4):
225 Gessner, Mark O. Apr-01
tralis Leaves During Senescence and 325-339. April 2001.
Early Aerial Decay
This paper considers a plan for managing flows in the River
Murray to provide environmental benefits. Described are four
Water Sci Technol. key aspects of the process being undertaken to determine the
Environmental Flows and Water Quality Gippel, C., T. Jacobs, 2002;45(11):251-60. MID: objectives, and design the flow options that will meet those
226 2002 Paper
Objectives for the River Murray and T. McLeod 12171360 [PubMed - in­ objectives: establishment of an appropriate technical, advisory
dexed for MEDLINE] and administrative framework; establishing clear evidence for
regulation impacts; undergoing assessment of environmental
flow needs; and filling knowledge gaps.
A Comparison of Rain-related Phos­ Glandon, R.P., F.C. Water Research, Volume
227 phorus and Nitrogen Loading from Ur­ Payne, C.D. McNabb 1981 15, Issue 7, 1981, Pages
ban, Wetland, and Agricultural Sources and T.R. Batterson 881-887
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Godfrey, P.J., E.R.
Ecological Considerations in Wetlands Kaynor, S. Pelczarski Van Nostrand Reinhold
228 1985
Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters and J. Benforado Co., New York, NY
Water Science Technol­
Surmounting the Engineering Chal­
229 Goforth, G.F. 2001 ogy. 2001;44(11-12):295­
lenges of Everglades Restoration
Symbiont Nitrogenase, Alder Growth,
and Soil Nitrate Response to Phospho­ Gökkaya, Kemal, Environmental and Ex­
230 rus Addition in Alder (Alnus incana ssp. Todd M. Hurd, and Jan-06 perimental Botany; 55(1­
rugosa) Wetlands of the Adirondack Dudley J. Raynal 2): 97-109. Jan 2006.
Mountains, New York State, USA
Good, R.E., D.F.
Freshwater Wetlands: Ecological Pro­ Academic Press, New
231 Whigham, and R.L. 1978
cesses and Management Potential York, NY
Simpson (eds)
The Origins and Practice of Emissions Gorman, H.S. and Journal of Policy History,
232 2002 Paper
Trading B.D. Solomon 2002
Gowda, P.H., A.D. In: Proceedings of the
Modelling drainage practice impacts on
Ward, D.A. White, Seventh International
233 the quantity and quality of stream flows 1998
D.B. Baker, and T.J. Symposia of the ASAE,
for an agricultural watershed in Ohio
Logan Orlando, FL.

Rule Enforcing Selenium Load Alloca­ Grassland Basin

Grassland Basin Drain­
234 tion and Establishing a Tradable Loads Drainage Steering Jan-99 Draft rule
age Steering Committee
Program for Water Year 1999 Committee
The Nutrient Assimilative Capacity of Gray, Shalla, John
Water Research: 34(8):
235 Maerl as a Substrate in Constructed Kinross, Paul Read, Jun-00
2183-2190. June 2000.
Wetland Systems for Waste Treatment and Angus Marland
Second Semi-Annual Report to the Great Lakes Trading Great Lakes Trading
236 Dec-98 Report http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/trading/htm/GLTNrept2.htm
Great Lakes Protection Fund Network Network
Great Lakes Trading Great Lakes Trading
237 2nd Semi-Annual Report Dec-98 Report Includes a summary of trading programs in the Appendices
Network Network
Great Lakes Trading Great Lakes Trading
238 Categorization of Issues
Network Network
Great Lakes Trading Great Lakes Trading
239 List of Issues Encountered
Network Network
Differences in wetland plant commu­ Canadian journal of bota­
nity establishment with additions of Green, E.K. and S.M. ny = Journal canadien de
240 Feb-01
nitrate-N and invasive species (Phalaris Galatowitsch botanique Feb 2001. v. 79
arundinaceae and Typha xglauca) (2) p. 170-178.
Bioresource Technol­
Constructed Wetlands for River Recla­ Green, Michal, Iris
ogy, Volume 55, Issue 2,
241 mation: Experimental Design, Start-up Safray and Moshe Feb-96
February 1996, Pages
and Preliminary Results Agami
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Greenberg, A.E., L.S. 18th ed. American Public
Standard Methods for the Examination
242 Clescer, and A.D. 1992 Health Association. Water
of Water and Wastewater
Eaton, eds. Environment Federation.
A Potential Integrated Water Quality Scientific World Journal;
Greenhalgh S, and P. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db
243 Strategy for the Mississippi River Basin Nov-01 paper 1(2):976-83. Nov 22,
Faeth =PubMed&list_uids=12805841&dopt=Citation
and the Gulf of Mexico 2001.
Awakening the Dead Zone: An Invest­ WRI Issue Brief, World Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Greenhalgh, Suzie
244 ment for Agriculture, Water Quality, and Feb-03 Paper Resources Institute, Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
and Amanda Sauer
Climate Change Washington, DC. - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Suitability of Macrophytes for Nutri­
ent Removal from Surface Flow
Water Sci Technol.
245 Constructed Wetlands Receiving Greenway, M.
Secondary Treated Sewage Effluent in
Queensland, Australia
The Role of Constructed Wetlands
Ecological Engineering;
in Secondary Effluent Treatment and
246 Greenway, Margaret Dec-05 25(5): 501-509. Dec. 1,
Water Reuse in Subtropical and Arid
Nutrient Content of Wetland Plants in Water Science and Tech­
247 Constructed Wetlands Receiving Mu­ Greenway, Margaret 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
nicipal Effluent in Tropical Australia 5, 1997, Pages 135-142

Ecological Engineering,
Constructed Wetlands in Queensland:
Greenway, Margaret Volume 12, Issues 1-2,
248 Performance Efficiency and Nutrient 1999
and Anne Woolley January 1999, Pages
Indigenous Sediment Microbial Activ­
ity in Response to Nutrient Enrich­ Greer, C.W., N.
Bioremediation Journal;
249 ment and Plant Growth Following a Fortin, R. Roy, L.G. Apr-03
7(1): 69-80. Apr 15, 2003.
Controlled Oil Spill on a Freshwater Whyte, and K. Lee
Greeson, P.E., J.R.
Wetland Functions and Values: The Amer. Water Resources
250 Clark and J.E. Clark 1979
State of Our Understanding Assoc., Minneapolis, MN
In this paper, the role of nutrient transports between marine ba­
sins is investigated for cost-effective solutions to predetermined
marine basin targets. The interdependent advective nutrient
transports as well as retentions among the seven major marine
basins of the Baltic Sea are described by input-output analysis.
Regional Environmental This is in contrast to prior economic studies of transbound­
Cost-effective Nutrient Reductions to Change, ISSN: 1436­ ary water pollution that include only direct transport between
Gren, I-M, and
251 Coupled Heterogeneous Marine Water Dec-04 Paper 3798 (Paper) 1436-378X the basins. The analytical results show that the difference in
F. Wulff
Basins: An Application to the Baltic Sea (Online), Issue: Volume impacts between transport specifications depends mainly on
4, Number 4, pg 159-168 the openness of the basins, that is, their transports with other
basins. The application on Baltic Sea shows significant differ­
ences in costs and policy design between the nutrient transport
specifications. The reason is that the Sea is characterized by
long water and nutrient residence times, so relatively large parts
of nutrients are transported among basins.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
The Advantages of a Constructed Water Science and Tech­
Griffin, P. and C.
252 Reed Bed Based Strategy for Small 1998 nology, Volume 38, Issue
Sewage Treatment Works 3, 1998, Pages 143-150
Water Science and
Advanced Nitrogen Removal by Rotat­
Griffin, P., P. Jennings Technology, Volume 40,
253 ing Biological Contactors, Recycle and 1999
and E. Bowman Issues 4-5, 1999, Pages
Constructed Wetlands
Hydraulic characteristics of a sub­ Grismer, M.E., M. Water Environment Fed­
254 surface flow constructed wetland for Tausendschoen, and eration. July/Aug 2001. v.
winery effluent treatment H.L. Shepherd 73 (4) p. 466-477.
Ecological Engineering,
Nutrient Removal Processes in Fresh­
255 Gumbricht, Thomas Mar-93 Volume 2, Issue 1, March
water Submersed Macrophyte Systems
1993, Pages 1-30
High nitrogen : phosphorus ratios New Phytologist. 2005
256 reduce nutrient retention and second- Gusewell, S. May-05 May, v. 166, no. 2, p.
year growth of wetland sedges 537-550.
Perspectives in Plant
Variation in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Güsewell, Sabine and Ecology, Evolution and
257 2002
Concentrations of Wetland Plants Willem Koerselman Systematics; 5(1): 37-61.
Techniques of Water-resources Investi­

U. S. Government Print­
gations of the United States Geological
258 Guy, H.P. May-05 ing Office. Washington,
Survey: Laboratory Theory and Meth­
ods for Sediment Analysis
Habicht, Hank
Bank Review and Certification Require­
Global Environment & Jul-11­
259 ments: A Third Party Auditor Perspec­ Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Technology Founda­ 12-05
Journal of Plant Nutri­
tion and Soil Science =
Nitrogen mineralization in marsh mead­
Hacin, J., J. Cop, and Zeitschrift für Pflanzen­
260 ows in relation to soil organic matter Oct-01 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=10008342
I. Mahne ernährung und Boden­
content and watertable level
kunde. Oct 2001. v. 164
(5) p. 503-509.
Hagedorn, C., J.B.
Journal of Applied
Carbon Source Utilization Profiles as Crozier, K.A. Mentz,
Microbiology, Volume 94,
261 a Method to Identify Sources of Faecal A.M. Booth, A.K. May-03 Paper
Issue 5, Page 792-799,
Pollution in Water Graves, N.J. Nelson,
May 2003
and R.B. Reneau, Jr.
Where Did All the Markets Go? An
Hahn, R.W. and G.L. Yale Journal on Regula­
262 Analysis of EPA’s Emissions Trading 1989a Journal Article
Hester tion, 6, 109-153
Marketable Permits: Lessons for Hahn, R.W. and G.L. Ecology Law Quarterly,
263 1989b Article
Theory and Practice Hester 16, 361-406.
Tar-Pamlico River Basin Program in
264 Hall and Howett 1994 Paper
North Carolina
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
North Carolina Depart­
Guide to Establishing a Point/Nonpoint ment of Health and
Source Reduction Trading System for Hall, J. and C. Natural Resources,
265 Basinwide Water Quality Management: Howett, Kilpatrick & Jul-95 Paper Division of Environmen­
The Tar-Pamlico River Basin Experi­ Cody tal Management, Water
ence. Quality Section
Background: The History and Status of Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
266 Wetland Mitigation Banking and Water Hall, Lynda U.S. EPA Presentation Audio Recording Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Quality Trading eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Background: The History and Status of Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
267 Wetland Mitigation Banking and Water Hall, Lynda U.S. EPA Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Quality Trading eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Control of Denitrification in a Septage­
Hamersley, M. Robert Water Research; 36(17):
268 treating Artificial Wetland: The Dual Oct-02
and Brian L. Howes 4415-4427. Oct 2002.
Role of Particulate Organic Carbon
Hamersley, M. Rob­
ert, Brian L. Howes,
Nitrogen Balance and Cycling in an David S. White, Ecological Engineering;
269 Ecologically Engineered Septage Treat­ Susan Johnke, Dale Oct-01 18(1): 61-75. October
ment System Young, Susan B. 2001.
Peterson, and John

M. Teal
Lewis Publishers, Inc.
270 Creating Freshwater Wetlands Hammer, D.A. 1992
Boca Raton, FL.
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater
271 Treatment - Municipal, Industrial & Hammer, D.A. (ed) 1989 Lewis Publ., Chelsea, MI
EPA- 600/S2-83-026. EPA
Design Principles for Wetland Treat­ Hammer, D.E. and Municipal Environmental
272 1983
ment Systems R.H. Kadlec Research Lab, Cincin­
nati, OH
The Potential For Water Quality Trad­ Hansen, E., M. Christ,
ing To Help Implement The Cheat J. Fletcher, J.T. Petty, Friends of the Cheat
273 Apr-04 Report http://downstreamstrategies.com/CheatReport.zip
Watershed Acid Mine Drainage Total P. Ziemkiewicz, and http://www.cheat.org/
Maximum Daily Load In West Virginia R.S. Herd
Exploring Trading to Reduce Impacts
274 Hansen, Evan Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
from Acid Mine Drainage
Harmon, S.M.,
Environmental Science &
Methylmercury formation in a wetland J.K.King, J.B. Glad­
275 Jan-04 Technology. 2004 Jan. 15,
mesocosm amended with sulfate den, G.T. Chandler,
v. 38, no. 2, p. 650-656.
and L.A. Newman
Treatment at Different Depths and Headley, Thomas R., Ecological Engineering;
276 Vertical Mixing Within a 1-m Deep Hori­ Eamon Herity, and Dec-05 25(5): 567-582. Dec.
zontal Subsurface-flow Wetland Leigh Davison 2005.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
The Role of Marsh Plants in the
Transport of Nutrients as Shown by a Aquatic Botany, Volume
277 Heckman, Charles W. 1986
Quantitative Model for the Freshwater 25, 1986, Pages 139-151
Section of the Elbe Estuary
This report identifies trends in land, water, and biological
resources and commercial input use, reports on the condi­
tion of natural resources used in the agricultural sector, and
Economic Research describes and assesses public policies that affect conserva­
Agricultural Resources and Environ­
Service, U.S. Department tion and environmental quality in agriculture. Combining data
278 mental Indicators, 2003, Agriculture Heimlich, Ralph Feb-03 Report
of Agriculture. February, and information, this report examines the complex connections
Handbook No. (AH722)
2003. among farming practices, conservation, and the environment,
which are increasingly important components in U.S. agriculture
and farm policy.
Hench, Keith R., Gary
Fate of Physical, Chemical, and K. Bissonnette, Alan The Science of The Total
Microbial Contaminants in Domestic J. Sexstone, Jerry Environment, Volume
279 Feb-03
Wastewater Following Treatment by G. Coleman, Keith 301, Issues 1-3, 1 Janu­
Small Constructed Wetlands Garbutt, and Jeffrey ary 2003, Pages 13-21
G. Skousen
Treatment of Primary-Settled Urban
Sewage in Pilot-Scale Vertical Flow Heritage, Alan, Pino Water Science and Tech­
280 Wetland Filters: Comparison of Four Pistillo, K. P. Sharma 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue

Emergent Macrophyte Species Over a and I. R. Lantzke 3, 1995, Pages 295-304

12 Month Period
Water Environmental
Nutrient Farming and Traditional Re­ Hey, D., J. Kostel, A.
281 2005 Research Foundation http://www.wetlands-initiative.org/images/03WSM6COweb.pdf
moval: An Economic Comparison Hurter, R. Kadlec
Summary Report of Four Workshops. Background information
Nitrogen Farming: Using Wetlands to
Hey, Donald The The Wetlands Initiative, for the National Forum on Synergies Between Water Quality
282 Remove Nitrogen From Our Nation’s May-02 Report
Wetlands Initiative Chicago, IL. Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.eli.org/re­
Stimulating Creation of a Point/Non-
Hey, Donald The 7/11­
283 Point Source Trading System on a Presentation Audio Recording
Wetlands Initiative 12/2005
Watershed Scale
Introduces the concept of “nutrient farming” , which would create
Restoration Ecology: The wetlands for their water quality improvement function in order to
Journal of the Society for create nutrient trading credits. The paper describes a potential
Nitrogen Farming: Harvesting a Differ­ Hey, Donald L. (Ph.
284 Mar-02 Ecological Restoration, market for credits due to wetland losses and nitrogen fertilizer
ent Crop D.)
Vol. 10, No. 1, March use in the Mississippi River Basin. A cost comparison between
2002 waste water plants and potential “nutrient farms” is provided.
Ecological Engineer­
Hey, Donald L., Ann
Water Quality Improvement by Four ing, Volume 3, Issue 4,
285 L. Kenimer and Kirk Dec-94
Experimental Wetlands December 1994, Pages
R. Barrett
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Ecological Engineering:
Hey, Donald L., Laura The Journal of Ecosys­ Available online at www.sciencedirect.com.
Nutrient Farming: The Business of
286 S. Urban, and Jill A. Apr-05 Paper tem Restoration, Vol. 24, http://www.wetlands-initiative.org/images/pdfs_pubs/EcoEng­
Environmental Management
Kostel No. 4 (April 5, 2005), pp Proof.pdf
Nutrient Farming: The Business of Hey, Donald L., Laura
287 Environmental Management - Execu­ S. Urban, and Jill A. Apr-05 Summary
tive Summary Kostel
Removal Efficiency of Three Cold-cli­
mate Constructed Wetlands Treating Water Science and Tech­
Hlum, Trond M. and http://www.wetlands-initiative.org/images/pdfs_pubs/harvesting.
288 Domestic Wastewater: Effects of Tem­ 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Per Stlnacke diff.crop.pdf
perature, Seasons, Loading Rates and 3, 1999, Pages 273-281
Input Concentrations
The use of microbial tracers to monitor Hodgson, C.J., J. Water Research. 2004
289 seasonal variations in effluent retention Perkins, and J.C. Nov-04 Nov., v. 38, issue 18, p.
in a constructed wetland Labadz 3833-3844.
Nitrogen removal from waste treatment Water Science and Tech­
290 pond or activated sludge plant effluents Home, Alexander J. 1995 nology, Volume 31, Issue
with free-surface wetlands 12, 1995, Pages 341-351
Croom Held, Ltd.,
The Ecology and Management of Wet­
291 Hook, D.D. et. al. 1988 London/Timber Press,
lands (2 vols.)
Portland, OR

Most research on point–nonpoint trading focuses on the choice

of trading ratio (the rate point source controls trade for nonpoint
controls), although the first-best ratio is jointly determined with
the optimal number of permits. In practice, program managers
often do not have control over the number of permits—only
Differences in Social and Public Risk American Journal of Agri­
the trading ratio. The trading ratio in this case can only be
292 Perceptions and Conflicting Impacts on Horan, R.D. Nov-01 Paper cultural Economics; 83(4):
second-best. We derive the second-best trading ratio and,
Point/Nonpoint Trading Ratios 934. Nov 2001.
using a numerical example of trading in the Susquehanna
River Basin, we find the values are in line with current ratios,
but for different reasons than those that are normally provided.
Policy Objectives and Economic Journal of the American
Horan, R.D. and M.O.
293 Incentives for Controlling Agricultural 1999 Journal Article Water Resources Asso­
Sources of Nnonpoint Pollution ciation, 35(5), 1023-1035.
Horan, R.D., J.S.
Point-nonpoint Nutrient Trading in the Water Resources Re­
294 Shortle, and D.G. 2002
Susquehanna River Basin search, 38(5), 1-13.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
If stochastic nonpoint pollution loads create socially costly risk,
then an economically optimal point/nonpoint trading ratio the
rate point source controls trade for nonpoint controls is adjusted
American Journal of Agri­ downward (a risk reward for nonpoint controls), encouraging
cultural Economics more nonpoint controls. However, in actual trading programs,
Differences in Social and Public Risk
Volume 83 Issue 4 Page ratios are adjusted upward in response to nonpoint uncertain­
295 Perceptions and Conflicting Impacts on Horan, Richard D. Nov-01
934 - November 2001 ties (a risk premium for nonpoint controls). This contradiction
Point/Nonpoint Trading Ratios
doi:10.1111/0002­ is explained using a public choice model in which regulators
9092.00220 focus on encouraging abatement instead of reducing damages.
The result is a divergence of public and social risk perceptions,
and a trading market that encourages economically suboptimal
nonpoint controls.
American Journal of
When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Sec­ Horan, Richard D. Agricultural Economics, http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1467­
296 May-05 Paper
ond-Best Point/Nonpoint Trading Ratios and James S. Shortle Volume 87 Issue 2 Page 8276.2005.00726.x
340 -
Field Examination on Reed Growth, Water Science and Tech­
Hosoi, Y., Y. Kido, M.
297 Harvest and Regeneration for Nutrient 1998 nology, Volume 38, Issue
Miki and M. Sumida
Removal 1, 1998, Pages 351-359
Background: The History and Status of Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Hough, Palmer U.S. 7/11­
298 Wetland Mitigation Banking and Water Presentation Audio Recording Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
EPA 12/2005
Quality Trading eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm

299 Water Quality Study Feedstuffs Howie, Michael Jun-04
Nitrogen Removal in Constructed Huang, J., R.B. Water Research; 34(9):
300 Wetlands Employed to Treat Domestic Reneau, Jr., and C. Jun-00 2582-2588. June 15,
Wastewater Hagedorn 2000.
Effect of design parameters in hori­ Huang, Y., L. Ortiz,
zontal flow constructed wetland on the P. Aguirre, J. Garcia, Chemosphere. 2005 May,
301 May-05
behaviour of volatile fatty acids and R. Mujeriego, J.M. v. 59, issue 6, p. 769-777.
volatile alkylsulfides Bayona
Techincal notes provide the results of a creek enhancement
project in Mass. A summary of bank stabilization treatments
Assessment of Environmental and and the conditions of the banks at Year 9 are provided. Erosion
Hubbard, Lisa C.,
Economic Benefits Associated with estimates are made using aerial photo interpretation. Total
302 David S. Biedenharn, May-03 ERDC WQTN-AM-14
Streambank Stabilization P and biologically available P are sampled in the bed, bank,
and Steven L. Ashby
and Phosphorus Retention and top of bank. Cost of bank stabilization and cost for total P
removal are estimated. http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/elpubs/pdf/
Transactions of the
Use of floating vegetation to remove Hubbard, R.K., G.J. Nov­
303 ASAE. 2004 Nov-Dec, v.
nutrients from swine lagoon wastewater Gascho, G.L. Newton Dec-04
47, no. 6, p. 1963-1972.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal
Huett, D.O., S.G.
from Plant Nursery Runoff in Vegetated Water Resources, 39(14):
304 Morris, G. Smith, and Sept-05
and Unvegetated Subsurface Flow 3259-72. Sept 2005.
N. Hunt
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Constructed Treatment Wetland System
305 Humboldt University 2000 Humboldt University http://firehole.humboldt.edu/wetland/twdb.html (January 2006).
Description and Performance
Soil Science Society of
Denitrification potential and carbon Hume, N.P., M.S.
Sep­ America journal. Sept/Oct
306 quality of four aquatic plants in wetland Fleming, and A.J.
Oct-02 2002. v. 66 (5) p. 1706­
microcosms Horne
State of the Art for Animal Wastewater Hunt, P.G. and M.E. Water Science Technolo­
307 2001
Treatment in Constructed Wetlands Poach gy. 2001;44(11-12):19-25.
Denitrification in a coastal plain riparian Journal of environmental
Hunt, P.G., T.A. Ma­ Nov­
308 zone contiguous to a heavily loaded quality. 2004 Nov-Dec, v.
theny, and K.C. Stone Dec-04
swine wastewater spray field 33, no. 6, p. 2367-2374.
North Carolina Coop­
Designing Stormwater Wetlands for Hunt, William F. and
309 Apr-00 erative Extension, North http://www.neuse.ncsu.edu/SWwetlands.pdf
Small Watersheds Barbara A. Doll
Carolina State University
Archives of environmen­
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic
Hunter, R.G., D.L. tal contamination and
310 carbon removal in simulated wetland Oct-01
Combs, D.B. George toxicology. Oct 2001. v. 41
treatment systems
(3) p. 274-281.
Journal of Agronomy and The present study developed methods for improving the HPLC
Perchlorate is Not a Common Contami­ Crop Science, Volume analysis of perchlorate and used these methods to survey 15
311 Hunter, W. J. Nov-01 Paper
nant of Fertilizers 187, Issue 3, Page 203­ US fertilizers for perchlorate. The study found no perchlorate in

206, Nov 2001 any of the fertilizers investigated.

Wetlands : the journal
Nitrogen sources in Adirondack Hurd, T.M., K. Gok­ of the Society of the
312 wetlands dominated by nitrogen-fixing kaya, B.D. Kiernan, Mar-05 Wetland Scientists. 2005
shrubs. D.J. Raynal Mar., v. 25, no. 1, p. 192­
Soil Science Society of
Modeling of nitrogen sequestration in Hussein, A.H. and Jan­
313 America journal. Jan/Feb
coastal marsh soils. M.C. Rabenhorst Feb-02
2002. v. 66 (1) p. 324-330.
Open-air Treatment of Wastewater from Aquatic Living Resourc­
Hussenot, Jérôme,
Land-Based Marine Fish Farms in Ex­ Jul-Aug­ es, Volume 11, Issue 4,
314 Sébastien Lefebvre
tensive and Intensive Systems: Current 98 July-August 1998, Pages
and Nicolas Brossard
Technology and Future Perspectives 297-304
This paper reports methane fluxes measured in an area of om­
brotrophic mire at the Migneint in North Wales when nitrogen,
in the form of ammonium and/or nitrate, was applied to plots on
the mire surface. These applications of nitrogen had no effect
on the methane emission rates at any date, with the exception
Methane Emission Rates from an Om­ Atmospheric Environ­ of the measurement from November 1994. No correlation was
Hutchin, P.R., M.C.
brotrophic Mire Show Marked Season­ ment, Volume 30, Issue found between methane flux and either soil temperature or
315 Press, J.A. Lee and Sep-96
ality which is Independent of Nitrogen 17, September 1996, water table.
T.W. Ashenden
Supply and Soil Temperature Pages 3011-3015 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
EPA 600/2-84-154. EPA
Hyde, H.C., R.S.
Technology Assessment of Wetlands Municipal Environmental
316 Ross and F.C. Dem­ 1984
for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Research Lab., Cincin­
nati, OH
Int’l. Assoc. of Water
Proceedings of Wetlands Downunder,
Quality/Australian Water
An International Specialist Conference
317 IAWQ/AWWA 1992 & Wastewater Assoc.,
on Wetlands Systems in Water Pollu­
Univ. of New South
tion Control
Wales, Sydney, Australia
Applied and Environ­
Characterization of microbial communi­
Ibekwe, A.M., C.M. mental Microbiology.
318 ties and composition in constructed Sep-03
Grieve, S.R. Lyon 2003 Sept., v. 69, no.9, p.
dairy wetland wastewater effluent
1st Annual Status Report: Lower Boise
Idaho Department of Idaho Department of
319 River Effluent Trading Demonstration May-01 Report
Environmental Quality Environmental Quality
2nd Annual Status Report: Lower Boise
Idaho Department of Idaho Department of
320 River Effluent Trading Demonstration Jun-02 Report
Environmental Quality Environmental Quality
Surface Water: Lower Boise River Sub-
Idaho Department of Ac­ Idaho Department of http://www.deq.state.id.us/water/data_reports/surface_water/tm­
321 basin Assessment and Total Maximum Web-site
Environmental Quality cessed Environmental Quality dls/boise_river_lower/boise_river_lower.cfm
Daily Loads

Surface Water: TMDL Implementation Idaho Department of Ac­ Idaho Department of http://www.deq.state.id.us/water/data_reports/surface_water/tm­
322 Web-site
Plans Environmental Quality cessed Environmental Quality dls/implementation_plans.cfm
Surface Water: Snake River - Hells
Idaho Department of Ac­ Idaho Department of http://www.deq.state.id.us/water/data_reports/surface_water/tm­
323 Canyon Subbasin Assessment and Web-site
Environmental Quality cessed Environmental Quality dls/snake_river_hells_canyon/snake_river_hells_canyon.cfm
Total Maximum Daily Loads
Selected nonpoint source BMPs used to offset a point source’s
discharge in the Lower Boise River are described in this paper.
Best Management Practice (BMP) List The procedure for generating credits, as well as other trading
Idaho Soil Conserva­ BMP List Idaho Soil Conservation
324 for the Lower Boise River Pollution May-02 program requirements, are described as well. Evaluation and
tion Commission Paper Commission
Trading Program measurment requirements for BMP monitoring are discussed.
This document will be updated periodically and new BMPs
added to the list of those currently eligible for trading.
Pretreatment Market System Develop­ Illinois Environmental Discussion Illinois Environmental
325 Undated
ment Protection Agency Paper Protection Agency
Market-Based Trading of Categorical Illinois Environmental Illinois Environmental
326 Aug-96 Paper
Pretreatment Limits Protection Agency Protection Agency
Illinois Environmental
Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency,
Market-Based Approaches to Reduce Protection Agency,
327 Bureau of Water and Nov-95 Report
Water Pollution: A Pre-Feasibility Study Bureau of Water and En­
Environmental Policy
vironmental Policy Office
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Discussion Paper: Conference on Com­ Agency (England and
3/16­ Agency (England and
328 pliance and Enforcement for Emissions Wales), Worcester Presentation
18/2004 Wales), Worcester Col­
Trading Schemes College, Oxford,
lege, Oxford, England
Periphyton tissue chemistry and nitro­ Inglett, P.W., K.R.
Biogeochemsitry 67:213­
329 genase activity in a nutrient impacted Reddy, and P.V. Mc­ 2004
Everglades ecosystem Cormick
Forest Ecology and
Hydrochemistry and Hydrology of For­ Jacks, G. and A.C.
330 Jul-04 Management; 196(2-3):
est Riparian Wetlands Norrström
187-197. Jul 26, 2004.
Applied Resource
Economics and Policy,
The Tar-Pamlico River Basin Nutrient Department of Agricultur­
331 Jacobcon, E.M., et al. Apr-94 Paper http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/program/extension/arep/tarpam.html
Trading Program al & Resource Econom­
ics, North Carolina State
Applied Resource
Jacobson, E.M., L.E. Economics and Policy
The Tar-Pamlico River Basin Nutrient
332 Danielson, and D.L. 1994 Group, Department of
Trading Program
Hoag Agricultural and Resource

Phosphorus adsorption characteristics Canadian Journal of Soil

Jamieson, T.S., R.
333 of a constructed wetland soil receiving Feb-02 Science. Feb 2002. v. 82
Gordon, A. Madani
dairy farm wastewater (1) p. 97-104.
Design and Performance of Experimen­ Jardinier, N., G. Water Science Technol­
334 tal Constructed Wetlands Treating Coke Blake, A. Mauchamp, 2001 ogy. 2001;44(11-12):
Plant Effluents and G. Merlin 485-91.
Jennings, Greg,
13th National Nonpoint
Lessons Learned from the Neuse River PhD. and Deanna http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/wqg/nmp_conf/
335 Sep-05 Presentation Source
Basin Education Program Osmond, PhD. (NC presentations.html
Monitoring Workshop
State University)
Jenssen, Petter D.,
Trond Mæhlum,
The Potential of Natural Ecosystem Marine Pollution Bulletin,
Roger Roseth, Bent
336 Self-purifying Measures for Controlling 1994 Volume 29, Issues 6-12,
Braskerud, Nina
Nutrient Inputs 1994, Pages 420-425
Syversen, Arnor Njøs
and Tore Krogstad
Evaluation of vegetation management Journal of the American
strategies for controlling mosquitoes Jiannino, J.A. and Mosquito Control Asso­
337 Mar-04
in a southern California constructed W.E. Walton ciation. 2004 Mar., v. 20,
wetland no. 1, p. 18-26.
Removal of N, P, BOD5, and coliform Jin, G., T. Kelley, M. International Journal of
338 in pilot-scale constructed wetland Freeman, M. Cal­ 2002 Phytoremediation. 2002.
systems lahan v. 4 (2) p. 127-141.
Microcosm Wetlands for Wastewater Journal of Environmental
Jin, S.R., Y.F. Lin, T.W.
339 Treatment with Different Hydraulic 2002 Quality. 2002 Mar­
Wang, and D.Y. Lee
Loading Rates and Macrophytes Apr;31(2): 690-6.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Jing, S.R., Y.F. Lin,
Nutrient Removal from Polluted River Bioresources Technology.
340 D.Y. Lee, and T.W. Jan-01
Water by Using Constructed Wetlands 2001Jan;76(2):131-5.
In this paper the authors discuss the results of a study to deter­
mine the flux of methane from a constructed wetland over two
growth seasons on a pilot scale wetland constructed to reduce
nutrient levels in secondary treated wastewater. The emissions
for the spring to autumn period averaged 141 mg CH4 m−2
d−1 (S.D.=187), ranging from consumption of 375 mg CH4 m−2
d−1 to emissions of 1739 mg CH4 m−2 d−1. The spatial and
Methane emissions from a constructed Johansson, A.E.,
Water Research. 2004 temporal variations were large, but could be accounted for by
wetland treating wastewater--seasonal A.M. Gustavsson,
341 Nov-04 Nov., v. 38, issue 18, p. measured environmental factors. Among these factors, sedi­
and spatial distribution and depen­ M.G. Oquist, B.H.
3960-3970. ment and water temperatures were significant in all cases and
dence on edaphic factors Svensson
independent of the scale of analysis (r2 up to 0.88).
This article presents a modelling system for synthesising het­
erogeneous productivity and nutrient loading potentials inherent
in agricultural cropland for policy use. Phosphorus abatement
Metamodelling Phosphorus Best Man­ Johansson, R., P.H. cost functions for cropland farmers in a southeastern Minnesota

Agricultural Economics,
342 agement Practices for Policy Use: A Gowda, D.J. Mulla, 2004 Paper watershed are metamodelled using frontier analysis. These
2004 - ideas.repec.org
Frontier Approach and B.J. Dalzell functions are used to evaluate policies aimed at reducing non-
point phosphorus discharges into the Minnesota River. Results
indicate an efficiently targeted policy to reduce phosphorus
discharge by 40% would cost US$ $167,700 or $844 per farm.
This article presents a modelling system for synthesising het­
erogeneous productivity and nutrient loading potentials inherent
in agricultural cropland for policy use. Phosphorus abatement
cost functions for cropland farmers in a southeastern Minnesota
Watershed Nutrient Trading Under Agricultural and Resource
343 Johansson, R.C. 2002 Paper watershed are metamodelled using frontier analysis. These
Asymmetric Information Economics Review, 2002.
functions are used to evaluate policies aimed at reducing non-
point phosphorus discharges into the Minnesota River. Results
indicate an efficiently targeted policy to reduce phosphorus
discharge by 40% would cost US$ $167,700 or $844 per farm.
Reducing Hypoxia in Long Island
344 Sound: The Connecticut Nitrogen Johnson, Gary Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
Sediment and nutrient retention by Critical Review in
345 freshwater wetlands: effects on surface Johnston, C.A. 1991 Environmental Control
water quality 12:491-565
The cumulative effect of wetlands on Johnston, C.A., N.E.
Biogeochemistry 10:105­
346 stream water quality and quantity: a Detenbeck, and G.J. 1990
landscape approach Niemi
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Johnston, C.A., S.D. Soil Science Society of
Nutrient dynamics in relation to geo­ Mar­
347 Bridgham, and J.P. America journal. Mar/Apr
morphology of riverine wetlands Apr-01
Schubauer-Berigan 2001. v. 65 (2) p. 557-577.
Watershed ‘98 – Moving
Establishing a Framework for Nutrient
Jones, C. and E. from Theory to Implemen­
348 Trading in Maryland – A Utility Perspec­ May-98 Presentation
Bacon tation. Denver, CO. May
5, 1998.
Trading Opportunities and Challenges
349 for the Wastewater Management Com­ Jones, Cyrus Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
Legal and Financial Liability – Issues in Jones, Cyrus
Mitigation Banking and Water Qual­ Washington Subur­ 7/11­
350 Presentation Audio Recording http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_forum.htm
ity Trading: A Water Quality Trading ban Sanitary Com­ 12/2005
Perspective mission
Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Legal and Financial Liability – Issues in Jones, Cyrus
Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking. Describes
Mitigation Banking and Water Qual­ Washington Subur­ 7/11­
351 Presentation PowerPoint Presentation some of the challenges involved with implementing waste water
ity Trading: A Water Quality Trading ban Sanitary Com­ 12/2005
trading programs in light of the Clean Water Act. http://www2.eli.
Perspective mission
Jordan, T.E., D.F.
Nutrient and Sediment Removal by a Journal of Environmental
Whigham, K.H.
352 Restored Wetland Receiving Agricul­ 2003 Quality. 2003 Jul­
Hofmockel, and M.A.

tural Runoff Aug;32(4):1534-47.

Estuarine, Coastal and
Nutrient Chemistry and Hydrology
Jordan, Thomas E. Shelf Science, Volume
353 of Interstitial Water in Brackish Tidal Jul-85
and David L. Correll 21, Issue 1, July 1985,
Marshes of Chesapeake Bay
Pages 45-55
Estuarine, Coastal and
Nutrient Flux in the Rhode River: Tidal Jordan, Thomas E.,
Shelf Science, Volume
354 Exchange of Nutrients by Brackish David L. Correll and Dec-83
17, Issue 6, December
Marshes Dennis F. Whigham
1983, Pages 651-667
Environ Health Perspect.
The Dead Zones: Oxygen-Starved
355 Joyce, S. Mar-00 Paper 2000 Mar;108(3):A120-5.
Coastal Waters
PMID: 10706539
Juwarkar, A.S., B. Water Science and Tech­
Domestic Wastewater Treatment
356 Oke, A. Juwarkar and 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
through Constructed Wetland in India
S. M. Patnaik 3, 1995, Pages 291-294
The inadequacy of first-order treatment Ecological Engineering
357 Kadlec, R. H. 2000
wetland models 15:105-119.
Journal of Environmental
Phosphorus Removal in Emergent Free Science and Health Part
358 Kadlec, R.H. 2005
Surface Wetlands A (2005) 40(6-7): 1293­
306. 2005.
Wetlands and Water Quality IN: Wet­
Kadlec, R.H. and J.A. American Water Resourc­
359 lands Functions and Values; The State 1979
Kadlec es Assoc., Bethesda, MD
of Our Understanding
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Water Environment
Temperature Effects in Treatment Kadlec, R.H. and K.R. Sep-Oct
360 Research. 2001 Sep­
Wetlands Reddy 2001
Kadlec, R.H., R.L.
EPA/600/C-94/200. Office
Knight., S.C. Reed,
361 Wetlands Treatment Database 1994 of Research and Devel­
and R.W. Rubles
opment, Cincinnati, OH.
Deterministic and Stochastic Aspects Water Science and Tech­
362 of Constructed Wetland Performance Kadlec, Robert H. 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
and Design 5, 1997, Pages 149-156
Water Science and Tech­
Overview: Surface Flow Constructed
363 Kadlec, Robert H. 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
3, 1995, Pages 1-12
Kadlec, Robert H. Ecological Modelling, Vol­
364 Modeling Nutrient Behavior in Wetlands and David E. Ham­ Jan-88 ume 40, Issue 1, January
mer 1988, Pages 37-66
Kadlec, Robert H.
365 Treatment Wetlands 1996 CRC Press 893 pgs.
and Robert L. Knight
Kadlec, Robert H.,
Nitrogen Spiraling in Subsurface-flow
Chris C. Tanner, Vera Ecological Engineering;
366 Constructed Wetlands: Implications for Nov-05
M. Hally, and Max M. 25(4): 365-381. Nov 2005.

Treatment Response
Kadlec, Robert H.,
Water Science and Tech­
Integrated Natural Systems for Treating Peter S. Burgoon and
367 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
Potato Processing Wastewater Michael E. Hender­
5, 1997, Pages 263-270
This article reports on a study of wetland use and impact on
Lake Victoria conducted in March and April 1995. A field survey
and interviews were used to study wetland use and their impact
on Lake Victoria. This article identifies management issues and
establishes a broad vision for the future. It also addresses the
Lakes and Reservoirs:
need to balance the competing demands for wetland use and
Wetland Use and Impact on Lake Research and Manage­
368 Kairu, J. K. Jul-01 Paper development with the need to conserve a healthy and func­
Victoria, Kenya Region ment, Volume 6, Issue 2,
tional Lake Victoria. Investment proposals are made that would
Page 117-125, Jul 2001
minimize destruction of the wetlands and negative impacts on
the lake. General recommendations for planning and manage­
ment issues, as well as suggestions of specific research needs
that should form the basis of action and investment initiatives,
are given.
Kang, Sinkyu, Kang,
Nitrogen Removal from a Riverine Ecological Engineering;
Hojeong Walton,
369 Wetland: A Field Survey and Simulation Mar-02 18(4): 467-475. March 1,
Dongwook Ko, and
Study of Phragmites japonica 2002.
Dowon Lee
Wastewater Treatment by Tropical S., S. Pilaila, W. Water Science and Tech­
370 Plants in Vertical-flow Constructed Tanapiyawanich, W. 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Wetlands Tikampornpittaya, 3, 1999, Pages 173-178
and S. Kamkrua
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Kao, C.M., F.C. Wu,
Pollutant Sources Investigation and Water Sci Technol.
K.F. Chen, T. F. Lin,
371 Remedial Strategies Development for 2003 Paper 2003;48(7):97-103. PMID:
Y.E. Yen, and P.C.
the Kaoping River Basin, Taiwan 14653639
Kao, C.M., K.F. Chen, Water Sci Technol.
Water Quality Management in the
372 Y.L. Liao, and C.W. 2003 Paper 2003;47(7-8):209-16.
Kaoping River Watershed, Taiwan
Chen PMID: 12793682
This paper analyzes budget-constrained, nonpoint source
(NPS) pollution control with costly information acquisition and
learning, applied to the sediment load management program
for Redwood Creek, which flows through Redwood National
Park in northwestern California. We simulate dynamic bud­
get-constrained management with information acquisition and
learning, and compare the results with those from the current
policy. The analysis shows that when information acquisition in­
An Information-theoretical Analysis of Journal of Environmental creases overall abatement effectiveness the fiscally constrained
Kaplan, J.D., R.E.
373 Budget-constrained Nonpoint Source 2003 Paper Economics and Manage­ manager can reallocate resources from abatement effort to
Howitt, Y.H. Farzin
Pollution Control ment, 2003 information acquisition, resulting in lower sediment generation
than would otherwise exist. In addition, with learning about pol­
lution generation occurring over time the manager may switch
from a high intensity of data collection to a lower intensity to
further reduce sediment generation. Also, as sediment control
proceeds at upstream sources, at some time in the future the
marginal reduction in sediment for a given expenditure will

equalize across the sources such that uniform abatement effort

may occur across all sources.
Karpiscak, M.M., K.J.
Kingsley, R.D. Wass, Journal of Arid Environ­
Constructed wetland technology and
374 F.A. Amalfi, J. Friel, Mar-04 ments. 2004 Mar., v. 56,
mosquito populations in Arizona
A.M. Stewart, J. Ta­ no. 4, p. 681-707.
bor, and J. Zauderer
Karpiscak, Martin M.,
Water Science and Tech­
Multi-Species Plant Systems for Charles P. Gerba, Pa­
nology, Volume 33, Issues
375 Wastewater Quality Improvements and mela M. Watt, Kennith 1996
10-11, 1996, Pages
Habitat Enhancement E. Foster and Jeanne
A. Falabi
Karpiscak, Martin
Management of Dairy Waste in the M., Robert J. Freitas, Water Science and Tech­
376 Sonoran Desert Using Constructed Charles P. Gerba, 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Wetland Technology Luis R. Sanchez and 3, 1999, Pages 57-65
Eylon Shamir
Performance of a sub-surface flow con­ Water Research. 2004
377 structed wetland in polishing pre-treat­ Kaseva, M.E. Feb-04 Feb., v. 38, no. 3, p. 681­
ed wastewater--a tropical case study 687.
378 The Dillon Bubble Kashmaniam et. al. 1986
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
This report examines effluent trading as one option to achieve
water quality objectives at least cost. While several options are
discussed, the paper focuses principally on trading schemes in
which regulated point sources are allowed to avoid upgrading
their pollution control technology to meet water quality-based
(Besthesda, MD: Apogee effluent limits if they pay for equivalent (or greater) reductions
Incentive Analysis for Clean Water Act Research, Inc., 1992), in nonpoint source pollution within their watersheds. The report
Kashmanian, Richard
Reauthorization: Point Source/Nonpoint 24-26. Office of Policy, identifies several conditions that appear necessary for an
and Mahesh Podar
379 Source Trading for Nutrient Discharge 1992 Paper Planning, and Evalua­ efficient and effective point/nonpoint source trading program.
Apogee Research,
Reductions-Cherry Creek tion, U.S.Environmental Reviews of three trading experiences to date--Cherry Creek
Protection Agency and Dillon Reservoir in Colorado, Tar-Pimlico River Basin in
http://yosemite.epa. North Carolina--indicate that the absence of one or more of
these necessary conditions result in the delay of trading or will
necessitate a shift in focus of the trading program to facilitate
continued pollutant load reductions. The report also discusses
the economic benefits and costs, the nationwide potential, and
Clean Water Act implications of effluent trading.
Keeler, A.G. Con­
Contract-Based Trading Programs in Keeler_home/
380 temporary Economic Apr-04 Draft paper
Environmental Regulation Working%20papers/Con­
Nitrogen and Bacterial Removal in

Keffala, C. and A. Desalination; 185(1-3):

381 Constructed Wetlands Treating Domes­ Nov-05
Ghrabi 383-389. Nov 2005.
tic Waste Water
Adult Chloropidae (Diptera) associated
Keiper, J.B., M. Entomological News.
with constructed treatment wetlands Sep­
382 Stanczak, W.E. 2003 Sept-Oct, v. 114, no.
modified by three vegetation manage­ Oct-03
Walton 4, p. 205-210.
ment techniques
Environmental Trading
Economic and Environmental Benefits Keiser, M.S. and
383 undated Paper Network and Keiser As­ http://www.envtn.org/docs/Japan_paper.pdf
of Nutrient Trading Programs Feng Fang
Kellogg, D.Q.,
In situ ground water denitrification in Journal of environmental
A.J.Gold, P.M. Groff­ Mar­
384 stratified, permeable soils underlying quality. 2005 Mar-Apr, v.
man, K. Addy, M.H. Apr-05
riparian wetlands 34, no. 2, p. 524-533.
Stolt, G. Blazejewski
Indicators of nitrate in wetland surface Hydrology and earth sys­
Kennedy, M.P. and
385 and soil-waters: interactions of vegeta­ Aug-04 tem sciences. 2004 Aug., http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/hess/published_papers.html
K.J. Murphy
tion and environmental factors v. 8, no. 4, p. 663-672.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
This analysis evaluates the trends in nutrient loading in the
Tar-Pamlico Basin from 1991 to 2002 using the Seasonal Ken­
dall test, which tends to perform better than other parametric
methods for data sets that are commonly non-normal, vary sea­
Memorandum to Michelle sonally, and contain outliers and censored values. The results
Trend Analysis of Nutrient Loading in May-23­ Woolfolf, NC Division of indicate significant, negative trends in flow-adjusted concentra­
386 Kennedy, Todd Memo
the Tar-Pamlico Basin 03 Water Quality Planning tions for both TP and TN. Over the selected study period of
Branch 1991-2002, the estimated decrease in TP and TN concentration
over the 12 years are 0.046 mg/L and 0.203 mg/L, respectively.
This represents a reduction of in TP and TN through 2002 of
33% and 18%, respectively. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/
Ecological Engineering,
Treatment of Domestic and Agricultural Kern, Jürgen and Volume 12, Issues 1-2,
387 Jan-99
Wastewater by Reed Bed Systems Christine Idler January 1999, Pages
Market-based Approaches and Trading- Kerns, W. and K.
388 Paper http://www.epa.gov/owowwtr1/watershed/Proceed/kerns.html
Conditions and Examples Stephenson
Kerr, Robert L., Ste­ Kerr, Greiner, Anderson &
389 Nine Case Studies, Appendices A-I ven J. Anderson, and Jun-00 Case Study April, and Battelle Pacific
John Jaksch Northwest Division
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Steven J. Anderson,
Learning from Innova­
Cross Cutting Analysis of Trading Pro­ John Jaksch (Kerr,
tions in Environmental
390 grams: Case Studies in Air, Water and Greiner, Anderson Jun-00
Protection, Research
Wetland Mitigation Trading Systems & April and Battelle
Paper Number 6
Pacific Northwest
Abundance of Alnus incana ssp. rugosa
Kiernan, B.D., T.M. Environmental Pollution;
in Adirondack Mountain Shrub Wet­
391 Hurd, and D. J. Jun-03 123(3): 347-354. June
lands and Its Influence on Inorganic
Raynal 2003.
Draft white Environmental Trading
392 Ecosystem Multiple Markets Kieser & Associates Apr-04 http://www.envtn.org/docs/EMM_WHITE_PAPERApril04.pdf
paper Network
Preliminary Economic Analysis of Wa­
393 ter Quality Trading Opportunities in the Kieser & Associates Jul-04 Report Kieser & Associates Prepared for the Miami Conservancy District, Dayton, Ohio
Great Miami River Watershed, Ohio
ETN Paper and Presentation Pre­
sented at the Workshop on Urban Kieser, Mark and “An­
394 Feb-04 Paper Kieser & Associates
Renaissance and Watershed Manage­ drew” Feng Fang
ment, Japan
Water Quality Trading in the United Kieser, Mark S. and Ac­ The Katoomba Group’s
395 Web-site news.php?component_id=3954&component_version_
States: An Overview “Andrew” Feng Fang cessed Ecosystem Marketplace
Economic and Environmental Benefits The Environmental Trad­
Kieser, Mark S. and http://www.envtn.org/docs/Japan_paper.pdf
396 of Water Quality Trading- An Overview ing Network and Kieser &
“Andrew” Feng Fang mkieser@kieser-associates.com
of U.S. Trading Programs Associates
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
published in the pro­
ceedings for the Water
Environment Research
Point/non-point Source Water Quality
Foundation Conference
Trading for Phosphorus in the Kalama­ Kieser, Mark S. and
397 1998 Workshop #115: Water­
zoo River Watershed: A Demonstration David J. Batchelor
shed-based effluent trad­
ing demonstration proj­
ects: Results achieved
and lessons learned.
Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
The Challenges of Point/Non-Point King, Dennis Univer­ 7/11­
398 Presentation Audio Recording Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Source Trading sity of Maryland 12/2005
The Challenges of Point/Non-Point King, Dennis Univer­ 7/11­
399 Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Source Trading sity of Maryland 12/2005
Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
King, Dennis M. and
400 Crunch Time for Water Quality Trading 2005 Paper Choices. 20(1): 71-75. Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
Peter J. Kuch
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Environmental Law
Will Nutrient Credit Trading Ever Work? Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
King, Dennis M. and Reporter, 33 ELR 10352.
401 An Assessment of Supply and Demand 2003 Paper Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
Peter J. Kuch Environmental Law Insti­
Problems and Institutional Obstacles - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
tute, Washington, DC.
pg 309-322. In D.L. Cor-

win, K. Loague, and T.R.

Science, Technology, and the Changing Ellsworth (ed.). Assess­
King, J.L. and D.L.
402 Character of Public Policy in Nonpoint ment of non-point source
Source Pollution pollution in the vadose
zone. AGU. Washington,
The Potential for Nitrification and Annals of botany. 2005
Kirk, G.J.D. and H.J.
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Wetland Plants: A Modelling Study 646.
Seasonal Fluctuations in the Mineral Agriculture, Ecosystems
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of Fertiliser Nitrogen Application 1993, Pages 11-29
Constructed Treatment Wetland: A
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macrophytes and R.L. Simpson, eds.
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Ancillary benefits and potential
Ecological Engineering
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nonpoint source pollution control
Knight, Robert L.,
Victor W. E. Payne, Ecological Engineering;
Constructed Wetlands for Livestock
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Wastewater Management
Ronald A. Clarke, Jr., 2000.
and John H. Pries
CREAMS: A Field Scale Model for
USDA Conservation Re­
409 Chemicals, Runoff and Erosion from Knisel, W.G. 1980
search Rept. No. 26.
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Personal Communication with Scott
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servation Districts
Nutrient, Metal, and Pesticide Removal
Kohler, E.A., V.L. Ecological Engineering;
During Storm and Nonstorm Events by
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a Constructed Wetland on an Urban
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Golf Course
Role of Plant Uptake on Nitrogen Koottatep, Tham­ Water Science and Tech­
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Located in the Tropics Polprasert 12, 1997, Pages 1-8

Comparison of the Treatment Perfor­

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mances of Blast Furnace Slag-based Ecological Engineering;
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lands Operated Identically for Domestic 2005.
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Effectiveness of constructed wetlands Journal of environmental
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export from agricultural tile drainage 29 (4) p. 1262-1274.
Assessing Denitrification Rate Limit­ Water Science and Tech­
Kozub, D.D. and S.K.
415 ing Factors in a Constructed Wetland 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Receiving Landfill Leachate 3, 1999, Pages 75-82
This paper explores the use of market-based incentives such as
Kraemer, R.A., E. Ecologic, Institute for In­
The Role of Tradable Permits in Water Undated tradable permits to improve water quality in Chile. http://www.
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Pollution Control 2003+ iadb.org/sds/inwap/publications/Tradable_Permits_in_Water_Pol­
Interwies Environmental Policy
Analysis of Phosphorus Control Costs
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Strategies, Inc.
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A report of a study of the P control costs for non-point (agricul­
tural operations) and point source (municipal treatment plants)
in the Fox-Wolf Basin, Wisconsin. Cost estimates made by
MTP managers. For non-point source, current P loads are
Analysis of Phosphorus Control Costs Kramer, Joseph M. estimated, BMPs are described, and cost estimates are made
418 and Effectiveness for Point and Non- Resource Strategies, Jul-99 Report Fox-Wolf Basin 2000 for P load reductions. Trading zones recommended because of
point Sources in the Fox-Wolf Basin Inc. non-uniform mixing of P in water bodies. Favorable conditions
for successful trading program include: wide variation in point
source control costs, large number of point sources, availabil­
ity of low cost non-point source reductions. http://www.rs-inc.
Using a wetland bioreactor to remedi­ International Journal of
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Cost-Effective NOx Control in the East­ Connell, M. Cannon, Discussion
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Annual Cycle of Nitrogen Removal by
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papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum­ Frank Kansiime, Lena Water Research; 38(2):
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Two Strategies for Advanced Nitrogen Laber, Johannes, Water Science and Tech­
424 Elimination in Vertical Flow Constructed Reinhard Perfler and 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
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Lakatos, Gyula,
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Application of Constructed Wetlands for Magdolna K. Kiss,
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Péter Juhász
Landry, Mark,
Applying Lessons Learned from Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Antje Siems, Gerald Abt Associates Inc.,
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Stedge, and Leonard Bethesda, MD.
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Lane, Robert R.,
Potential Nitrate Removal from a River Hassan S. Mashriqui,
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ested Wetland W. Day, Jason N. Day,
and Anna Hamilton
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Lane, Robert
Changes in Stoichiometric Si, N and R., John W. Day,
Estuarine, Coastal and
P Ratios of Mississippi River Water Dubravko Justic,
428 May-04 Shelf Science; 60(1): 1­
Diverted Through Coastal Wetlands to Enrique Reyes, Brian
10. May 2004.
the Gulf of Mexico Marx, Jason N. Day
and Emily Hyfield
The 1994 Experimental Opening of the Lane, Robert R.,
Ecological Engineering;
Bonnet Carre Spillway to Divert Missis­ John W., Day, Jr., G.
429 Aug-01 17(4): 411-422. August
sippi River Water into Lake Pontchar­ Paul Kemp, and Den­
train, Louisiana nis K. Demcheck
The Role of Plant Uptake on the Re­
Water Science and Tech­
moval of Organic Matter and Nutrients
430 Langergraber, G. 2005 nology, 51(9): 213-23.
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lands: A Simulation Study
Stormwater Quantity and Quality in a Ecological Engineering;
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ingsbergsviken Case Study 2000.
Quantification of Biofilms in a Sub-Sur­ Water Science Technol­
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Nutrient Removal 115-22.
Prepared for Agricultural Economics’ “Risk and Profit” Confer­
Leatherman, J., C.
An Introduction to Water Quality Trad­ Department of Agricul­ ence

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Page 35-48, Mar 2000
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This paper describes the role that steady water discharge from
the Yangtze River has on alleviating impacts from pollution in
Ambio. 2004 Feb;33(1­ the East China Sea and that large-scale water transfer and
Ocean Pollution from Land-based
439 Li, D. and D. Daler Feb-04 Paper 2):107-13. PMID: dam constructions in the Yangtze River basin will change this
Sources: East China Sea, China
15083656 process. The main challenge to restoring ecosystem balance is
to integrate socioeconomic and environmental decision making
in order to promote sustainable development.
Li, Xiuzhen, Duning
Ecological Modelling;
Spatial Modeling on the Nutrient Reten­ Xiao, Rob H. Jong­
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tion of an Estuary Wetland man, W. Bert Harms,
and Arnold K. Bregt
Roles of Substrate Microorganisms Liang, Wei, Zhen-bin
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441 Dec-03 21(2-3): 191-195. Dec 1,
Purification in a Constructed Wetland Qiao-hong Zhou and
System Hong-ying Hu
Comparison of Nutrient Removal Ability
Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue
Between Cyperus alternifolius and Liao, X., S. Luo, Y.
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Vetiveria zizanioides in Constructed Wu, and Z. Wang
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Puustinen, J. Koski­ Journal of environmental
Phosphorus removal in a wetland con­ May­
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Liikanen, Anu, Jari
T. Huttunen, Satu
Temporal and Seasonal Changes in Ecological Engineer­
Maaria Karjalainen,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a ing, In Press, Corrected
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Constructed Wetland Purifying Peat Proof, Available online 15
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Mining Runoff Waters December 2005
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J. Martikainen
The Effect of Heavy Metals on Nitrogen Lim, P.E., M.G. Tay, The Science of The Total
445 and Oxygen Demand Removal in Con­ K.Y. Mak, and N. Jan-03 Environment; 301(1-3):
structed Wetlands Mohamed 13-21. Jan 1, 2003.
Oxygen Demand, Nitrogen and Copper
Environment Interna­
Removal by Free-water-surface and Lim, P.E., T.F. Wong,
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Subsurface-flow Constructed Wetlands and D.V. Lim
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Under Tropical Conditions
Removal of solids and oxygen demand
Water Environment Fed­
from aquaculture wastewater with a Lin, Y.F., S.R. Jing, Mar­
447 eration. Mar/Apr 2002. v.
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Performance of a constructed wetland
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448 D.Y. Lee, Y.F. Chang, Apr-05 2005 Apr., v. 134, no. 3, p.
wastewater under high hydraulic load­
Y.M. Chen, K.C. Shih 411-421.
ing rate
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The Potential Use of Constructed Wet­ Lin, Ying-Feng, Environmental Pollution;
449 lands in a Recirculating Aquaculture Shuh-Ren Jing, and May-03 123(1): 107-113. May
System for Shrimp Culture Der-Yuan Lee 2003.
Lin, Ying-Feng, Shuh-
Nutrient Removal from Aquaculture
Ren Jing, Der-Yuan Aquaculture; 209(1-4):
450 Wastewater Using a Constructed Wet­ Jun-02
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lands System
Effects of Macrophytes and External Lin, Ying-Feng, Shuh-
Environmental Pollution;
Carbon Sources on Nitrate Removal Ren Jing, Tze-Wen
451 Oct-02 119(3): 413-420. Oct
from Groundwater in Constructed Wang, and Der-Yuan
Wetlands Lee
Air/water Exchange of Mercury in the
Everglades II: Measuring and Model­ Science of the Total
Lindberg, S.E. and H. 2-Oct­
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Zhang 00
Waters in the Everglades Nutrient 2;259(1-3):135-43.
Removal Project
Stimulation of microbial sulphate reduc­ Lloyd, J.R., D.A. Water Research. 2004
453 tion in a constructed wetland: microbio­ Klessa, D.L. Parry, P. Apr-04 Apr., v. 38, no. 7, p. 1822­
logical and geochemical analysis Buck, N.L. Brown 1830.
Lockaby, B.G., R.G.
Influence of Harvesting on Biogeo­ Forest Ecology and
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plain Forest 1997, Pages 187-194
Telephone Interview with Bill Lord,
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Carolina State University 12/9/2005
The effect of nitrogen fertilizers on methane (CH4) production
and emission in wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.) is not clearly un­
derstood. Greenhouse pot and laboratory incubation were con­
ducted to determine whether the effect of N type (NH4)-N and
NO3-N) and rate (30 and 120 kg N ha super(-1)) were related to
the availability of carbon for CH4 production in flooded rice soils.
The inhibitory effect of NO3-N seemed not fully accountable
Dissolved organic carbon and methane Lu, Y., R. Wassa­ Journal of environmental
Nov­ for the prolonged reduction in CH4 production and emission in
456 emissions from a rice paddy fertilized mann, H.U. Neue, quality. Nov/Dec 2000. v.
Dec-00 the fields. The root zone DOC that is enriched by plant-borne C
with ammonium and nitrate and C. Huang 29 (6) p. 1733-1740.
appears to be a main source for CH4 production and the lower
DOC concentrations with NO3-N application are accountable for
the low CH4 emissions.
Early development of vascular vegeta­ Luckeydoo, L.M., N.R. Agriculture, ecosystems
457 tion of constructed wetlands in north­ Fausey, L.C. Brown, Jan-02 & environment. Jan 2002.
west Ohio receiving agricultural waters and C.B. Davis v. 88 (1) p. 89-94.
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Luederitz, Volker,
Nutrient Removal Efficiency and Re­ Elke Eckert, Martina Ecological Engineering;
458 source Economics of Vertical Flow and Lange-Weber, An­ Dec-01 18(2): 157-171. Decem­
Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetlands dreas Lange, and ber 2001.
Richard M. Gersberg
Estimating Denitrification in a Large Lund, L.J., A.J. Ecological Engineering;
459 Constructed Wetland Using Stable Horne, and A.E. Wil­ Sep-99 14(1-2): 67-76. Septem­
Nitrogen Isotope Ratios liams ber 1999.
Efficacy of a Subsurface-flow Wetland Lymbery, Alan J.,
Using the Estuarine Sedge Juncus Robert G. Doupé, Aquacultural Engineering;
460 Jan-06
kraussii to Treat Effluent from Inland Thomas Bennett, and 34(1): 1-7. Jan 2006.
Saline Aquaculture Mark R. Starcevich
Reducing Phosphorus Loads in Idaho’s
461 Lower Boise River: The Role of Trading Mabe, David Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
from a State Perspective
Importance of Compliance and En­ Foundation for Interna­
Mace, M. J. (Pro­ 3/16­
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gramme Director) 18/2004
Trading Schemes ment
Mæhlum, T., P.D. Water Science and Tech­
463 Cold-Climate Constructed Wetlands Jenssen and W. S. 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Warner 3, 1995, Pages 95-101

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The Use of Constructed Wetlands for Water Science and
acheslav G., Michael
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Ludmila I. Yakovleva
ence 315-323
and Margaret E. Ince
mpacts of sedimentation and nitrogen
Mahaney, W.M., D.H. Plant Ecology. 2004, v.
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Wardrop, R.P. Brooks 175, no. 2, p. 227-243.
nity development
Nitrogen and phosphorus flux rates Malecki, L.M., J.R.
Journal of Environmental
466 from sediments in a southeastern US White and K.R. 2004
river estuary Reddy
Point/non-point Source Trading of Pol­
Malick, A., D. Letson, American J. of Ag. Econ.
467 lution Abatement: Choosing the Right
and S.R. Crutchfield 7:959-967.
Trading Ratio
Water Science and Tech­
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Mander, Ulo and Tonu
468 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
Treatment in Estonia Mauring
5, 1997, Pages 323-330
Landscape and Urban
Nutrient Dynamics of Riparian Eco­ Mander, Ülo, Valdo
Planning, Volume 31, Is­
469 tones: A Case Study from the Porijõgi Kuusemets and Mari Feb-95
sues 1-3, February 1995,
River Catchment, Estonia Ivask
Pages 333-348
Application of Constructed Wetlands for Mandi, L., K. Water Science and Tech­
470 Domestic Wastewater Treatment in an Bouhoum and N. 1998 nology, Volume 38, Issue
Arid Climate Ouazzani 1, 1998, Pages 379-387
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Mantovi, Paolo, Marta
Marmiroli, Elena
Application of a Horizontal Subsurface
Maestri, Simona Bioresource Technology;
471 Flow Constructed Wetland on Treat­ Jun-03
Tagliavini, Sergio 88(2): 85-94. June 2003.
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Piccinini, and Nelson
Pollutant Monitoring of Effluent Credit
Masters Virginia Polytechnic and http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-02142001-091021/
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Thesis State University unrestricted/FinalFinalThesisVersion0202.PDF
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Ecological Engineering,
The Role of the Submergent Macro­
Mars, Ross, Kuruvilla Volume 12, Issues 1-2,
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Greywater Treatment
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474 Marshall, C. Sep-99 Report
Trading Simulations rated
Results of Water-Based Trading Simu­ Marshall, Chuck
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lations QEP Philip Services
Estimating Erosion in a Riverine Water­ Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. This study uses spatial analysis techniques and a numerical
Martin, A., J.T. Gunt­
476 shed: Bayou Liberty-Tchefuncta River 2003 Paper 2003;10(4):245-50. PMID: modeling approach to predict areas with the greatest sheet ero­
er, and J.L. Regens
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The Use of Extended Aeration and Water Science and Tech­

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Interaction and Spatial Distribution of Martin, Jay F. and K. Volume 105, Issue 1, 14
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Matheson, F.E.,
Fate of 15N-nitrate in Unplanted,
M. L.Nguyen, A.B. Ecological Engineering;
479 Planted and Harvested Riparian Wet­ Oct-02
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Mayhew, C.R., D.R.
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hardt, R.T. Burns, and Apr-04
constructed wetlands 47, no. 2, p. 567-573.
M.S. Younger
Sustainable Agriculture
Producing native and ornamental Research and Education
wetland plants in constructed wetlands (SARE) research proj­
481 Maynard, B.K.
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agricultural runoff 2001, SARE PROJECT
Effect of HRT on Nitrogen Removal in Ecological Engineer­
a Coupled HRP and Unplanted Subsur­ Mayo, A.W. and J. ing, Volume 21, Issues
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Wetland Pages 233-247
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Nitrogen Transformation in Horizontal Physics and Chemistry
Mayo, A.W. and T.
483 Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands 2005 of the Earth, Parts A/B/C;
I: Model Development 30(11-16): 658-667. 2005.
Nitrogen Transformation in Horizontal Physics and Chemistry
Mayo, A.W. and T.
484 Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands 2005 of the Earth, Parts A/B/C;
II: Effect of Biofilm 30(11-16): 668-672. 2005.
Modelling Nitrogen Removal in a
Physics and Chemistry
Coupled HRP and Unplanted Hori­ Mayo, A.W. and T.
485 2005 of the Earth, Parts A/B/C;
zontal Flow Subsurface Gravel Bed Bigambo
30(11-16): 673-679. 2005.
Constructed Wetland
Comparative treatment of dye-rich
Water Research. 2005
wastewater in engineered wetland Jan­
486 Mbuligwe, S.E. Jan-Feb, v. 39, issue 2-3
systems (EWSs) vegetated with differ­ Feb-05
p. 271-280
ent plants
Habitat Quality Assessment of Two EPA/600/R-93/117. EPA
Pilot Study
487 Wetland Treatment Systems in the Arid McAllister, L.S. Jul-92 Environmental Research
West--Pilot Study Laboratory, Corvallis, OR
Habitat Quality Assessment of Two EPA/600/R-92/229. EPA
Pilot Study
488 Wetland Treatment Systems in Missis­ McAllister, L.S. Nov-92 Environmental Research
sippi--A Pilot Study Laboratory, Corvallis, OR
Habitat Quality Assessment of Two EPA/600/R-93/222. EPA

489 Wetland Treatment Systems in Florida­ McAllister, L.S. Nov-93 Environmental Research
-A Pilot Study Laboratory, Corvallis, OR
Modelling Biofilm Nitrogen Transforma­ Ecological Engineering;
McBride, Graham B.
490 tions in Constructed Wetland Meso­ Sep-99 14(1-2): 93-106. Septem­
and Chris C. Tanner
cosms with Fluctuating Water Levels ber 1999.
This paper discusses some of the technical work that supports
the Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Trading Program implementation. In
order to help the Program participants set a reasonable cost
for trading nitrogen or phosphorus between point and nonpoint
Cost Effectiveness and Targeting of McCarthy, M., R. Watersheds ‘96. Water sources and understand how cost effective different best man­
491 Agricultural BMPs for the Tar-Pamlico Dodd, J.P. Tippett, 1996 Proceedings Environment Federation agement practices (BMPs) are, the authors developed cost-
Nutrient Trading Program and D. Harding and U.S. EPA. effectiveness estimates (expressed as $/kilogram of nutrient
load reduced) for cost-shared agricultural BMPs in the Basin.
The data represent BMPs that were implemented from 1985 to
Nutrient Trading: Experiences and Massachusetts Institute
492 McCatty, T. Aug-99 Case Study
Lessons of Technology
A Guide to Hydrologic Analysis Using Printice-Hall, Inc. Engle­
493 McCuen, R.H. 1982
SCS Methods wood Cliffs, NJ.
McElwaine, Andrew
Multiple Credit Types for a Single 7/11­
494 Pennsylvania Envi­ Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Project Site 12/2005
ronmental Council
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Estimating Inorganic and Organic Ni­
McGechan, M.B.,
trogen Transformation Rates in a Model Biosystems Engineering;
495 S.E. Moir, G. Sym, May-05
of a Constructed Wetland Purification 91(1): 61-75. May 2005.
and K. Castle
System for Dilute Farm Effluents
Modelling oxygen transport in a reed­ McGechan, M.B., Biosystems Engineering.
496 bed-constructed wetland purification S.E. Moir, I.P.J. Smit, Jun-05 2005 June, v. 91, no. 2, p. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15375110
system for dilute effluents and K. Castle 191-200.
This paper describes the diversity of existing pollution trading
Springer-Verlag GmbH,
programs and the flexibility that exists in trading programs to
ISSN: 1433-6618
manage nearly any site-specific watershed pollution problem.
Watershed-based Pollution Trading (Paper) 1434-0852
Although the use of watershed-based pollution trading is rela­
497 Development and Current Trading McGinnis, S. L. Feb-01 Paper (Online), DOI: 10.1007/
tively unproven, observation of the existing trading programs
Programs s100220000018, Volume
indicates that trading has the potential to improve water quality
2, Number 3, Pages: 161
in heavily impaired watersheds. http://www.springerlink.com/
- 170
The objective of this study was to compare recently published
approaches for relating terrestrial N inputs to the Mississippi
Relating Net Nitrogen Input in the River basin (MRB) with measured nitrate flux in the lower Mis­
McIsaac, G.F., M.B. Sept- J Environ Qual. 2002
Mississippi River Basin to Nitrate Flux sissippi River. Nitrogen inputs to and outputs from the MRB
498 David, G.Z. Gertner, Oct/ Paper Sep-Oct;31(5):1610-22.
in the Lower Mississippi River: A Com­ (1951 to 1996) were estimated from state-level annual agri­
and D.A. Goolsby 2002 PMID: 12371178
parison of Approaches cultural production statistics and NOy (inorganic oxides of N)
deposition estimates for 20 states that comprise 90% of the
MRB. Modeling was used to analyze the data.

Soil Organic Matter and Nitrogen

McLaughlin, James
Cycling in Response to Harvesting, Forest Ecology and Man­
W., Margaret R. Gale,
499 Mechanical Site Preparation, and Apr-00 agement; 129(1-3): 7-23.
Martin F. Jurgensen,
Fertilization in a Wetland with a Mineral April 17, 2000.
and Carl C. Trettin
Stakeholders’ View of Watershed-
500 McNew, Todd Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
Based Trading
The Use of Water Quality Trading Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Mehan, G. Tracy III, 7/11­
501 and Wetland Restoration to Address Presentation Audio Recording Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Cadmus Group 12/2005
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) develop­ Journal of Medical Ento­
Mercer, D.R., S.L.
502 ment within microhabitats of an Iowa Jul-05 mology. 2005 July, v. 42,
Sheeley, E.J. Brown
wetland no. 4, p. 685-693.
Meuleman, Arthur
Water and Mass Budgets of a Verti­ F. M., Richard Van
Ecological Engineering;
503 cal-flow Constructed Wetland used for Logtestijn, Gerard Mar-03
20(1): 31-44. March 2003.
Wastewater Treatment B.J. Rijs, and Jos T.
A. Verhoeven
Nutrients in salmon hatchery wastewa­
Aquaculture. 2003 Oct.
ter and its removal through the use of
504 Michael, J.H., Jr. Oct-03 31, v. 226, no. 1-4, p. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00448486
a wetland constructed to treat off-line
settling pond effluent
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Michigan Department Michigan Department of
of Environmental Environmental Quality,
505 Introduction to Market-Based Programs Web site http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/trading/htm/intro.htm
Quality, Surface Wa­ Surface Water Quality
ter Quality Division Division
Michigan Department Michigan Department of
of Environmental Environmental Quality,
506 Market-Based Program Feasibility Web site http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/trading/htm/kzo.htm
Quality, Surface Wa­ Surface Water Quality
ter Quality Division Division
Michigan Department Michigan Department of
of Environmental Environmental Quality,
507 Saginaw Basin Modeling Modeling http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/trading/htm/wrimod.htm
Quality, Surface Wa­ Surface Water Quality
ter Quality Division Division
Michigan Department Michigan Department of
Water Quality Trading Workgroup
of Environmental Environmental Quality,
508 Discussion Document. Part XXX. Water Sep-99 Discussion http://www.deq.state.mi.us/swq/trading/htm/Rule20.htm
Quality, Surface Wa­ Surface Water Quality
Quality Trading - Draft #20
ter Quality Division Division
Minnesota Pollution Minnesota Pollution Con­
509 Rahr Malting Company “Trading” Permit Mar-97 Fact sheet http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/pubs/rahrtrad.pdf
Control Agency trol Agency
Watershed-Based Permitting Case
Study: Final Permit Rahr Malting
Minnesota Pollution Minnesota Pollution Con­
510 Company National Pollutant Discharge Jan-97 Case Study
Control Agency trol Agency (MPCA)
Elimination System and State Disposal

System Permit No. MN0031917

A Framework for Trading Phosphorus River Basin Center Insti­
Minnesota Pollution
511 Credits in the Lake Allatoona Water­ 2003 Project plan tute of Ecology, University
Control Agency
shed of Georgia
The Use of Wetlands for Water Pollu­ Mitchell, D.S., A.J. Water Science and Tech­
512 tion Control in Australia: An Ecological Chick and G.W. 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Perspective Raisin 3, 1995, Pages 365-373
Mitchell, Myron J.,
Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in the Charles T. Driscoll,
Environmental Pollution;
Adirondack Mountains of New York: Shreeram Inamdar,
513 Jun-03 123(3): 355-364. June
Hardwood Ecosystems and Associated Greg G. McGee,
Surface Waters Monday O. Mbila, and
Dudley J. Raynal
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
General design principles of wetland construction for nonpoint
source (NPS) water pollution control emphasize self-design and
minimum maintenance systems, with an emphasis on function
over form and biological form over rigid designs. These wetlands
can be located as instream wetlands or as floodplain ripar­
ian wetlands, can be located as several wetlands in upstream
reaches or fewer in downstream reaches of a watershed, and
Landscape design and the role of can be designed as terraced wetlands in steep terrain. Case
Ecological Engineering
created, restored, and natural riparian studies of a natural riparian wetland in southern Illinois, an in-
514 Mitsch, W.J. 1992 [ECOL. ENG.]. Vol. 1, no.
wetlands in controlling nonpoint source stream wetland in a downstream location in a northern Ohio wa­
1-2, pp. 27-47. 1992.
pollution tershed, and several constructed riparian wetlands in northeast­
ern Illinois demonstrate a wide range of sediment and phospho­
rus retention, with greater efficiencies generally present in the
constructed wetlands (63-96% retention of phosphorus) than
in natural wetlands (4-10% retention of phosphorus). By itself,
this could be misleading since the natural wetlands have much
higher loading rates and actually retain an amount of nutrients
comparable to constructed wetlands (1-4 g P/ super(2)/year).
Hardbound, ISBN: 0­
515 Mitsch, W.J. (ed.) 1994 444-81478-7, 992 pages,
publication date: 1994
Wetlands and Lakes as Nitrogen Traps
: Kessler, E. and M. Jansson, eds. Ecological Engineering,
516 1994. Special Issue of Ambio 23:319­ Mitsch, William J. Oct-95 Volume 5, Issue 1, Octo­

386. Royal Swedish Academy of Sci­ ber 1995, Pages 123-125

ences, Stockholm.
Mitsch, William J. and 21-Jul­ John Wiley and Sons 936
517 Wetlands 3rd Edition
James G. Gosselink 00 pgs.
Mitsch, William J.,
Ecological Engineering;
Nitrate-nitrogen Retention in Wetlands John W. Day, Li
518 Apr-05 24(4): 267-278. Apr 5,
in the Mississippi River Basin Zhang, and Robert
R. Lane
Mitsch, William J., Li
Creating Riverine Wetlands: Ecological Zhang, Christopher Ecological Engineering;
519 Succession, Nutrient Retention, and J. Anderson, Anne E. Dec-05 25(5)1/19/2006 510-527.
Pulsing Effects Altor, and Maria E. Dec. 1, 2005.
Working Paper # 05-07.
Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Water Quality Trading in the United Morgan, Cynthia and U.S. EPA, National Center
520 Jun-05 Working Paper Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
States Ann Wolverton for Environmental Eco­
- http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Biogeochemical Considerations for Policy Research Initiative
521 Morin, Anne 2005
Water Quality Trading in Canada Working Paper, Ottawa.
The Design and Performance of Averti­
Water Science and Tech­
cal Flow Reed Bed for the Treatment of Morris, Michael and
522 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
High Ammonia, Low Suspended Solids Robert Herbert
5, 1997, Pages 197-204
Organic Effluents
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Off-set Banking–A way Ahead for School of Marketing and
523 Controlling Non-point Source Pollution Morrison, M. 2003 Paper Management, Charles
in Urban Areas Sturt University
Off-set Banking: A Way Ahead for
Working Paper Georgia Water Planning http://www.h2opolicycenter.org/pdf_documents/water_working­
524 Controlling Non-point Source Pollution Morrison, Mark D. Jun-02
Draft and Policy Center papers/2002_004.pdf
in Urban Areas in Georgia
Constructed Wetland for Water Quality CRC Press, Boca Raton,
525 Moshiri, G.A. 1993
Improvement FL. 1993.
Modelling Nutrient Fluxes from Diffuse
and Point Emissions to River Loads: Water Sci Technol.
Mourad, D. and M.
526 The Estonian Part of the Transbound­ 2004 Paper 2004;49(3):21-8. PMID:
van der Perk
ary Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Drainage 15053095
Basin (Russia/Estonia/Latvia)
Journal of the American
Do wetlands behave like shallow lakes Water Resources Asso­
527 Moustafa, M.Z. Feb-00 http://www.awra.org/jawra/index.html
in terms of phosphorus dynamics? ciation / Feb 2000. v. 36
(1) p. 43-54.
Moustafa, M.Z., Ecological Engineer­
The Response of a Freshwater Wet­
M.J. Chimney, T.D. ing, Volume 7, Issue 1,
528 land to Long-term “Low Level” Nutrient Sep-96
Fontaine, G. Shih and September 1996, Pages
Loads - Marsh Efficiency
S. Davis 15-33

In D.L. Corwin and T.R.

Ellsworth (ed.). Assess­
Validation Approaches for Field-, Basin­ ment of non-point source
Mulla, D.J. and T.M.
529 , and Regional-scale Water Quality 1999 pollution in the vadose
Models zone. American Geoph­
syical Union. Washington,
D.C. pp. 63-78.
Effect of NH4+/NO3? Availability on Munzarova, Edita,
Nitrate Reductase Activity and Nitrogen Bent Lorenzen, Environmental and Ex­
530 Accumulation in Wetland Helophytes Hans Brix, Lenka Jan-06 perimental Botany; 55(1­
Phragmites australis and Glyceria Vojtiskova, and Olga 2): 49-60. Jan 2006.
maxima Votrubova
USGS Water Quality
Information on Water Quality Param­
531 Murphy, S. 2005 Monitoring, BASIN Proj­ http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/data/BACT/info/ (January 2006).
ect, City of Boulder, CO
Simulation of Pollution Buffering Ca­ Mwanuzi, F., H. Environmental Interna­
532 pacity of Wetlands Fringing the Lake Aalderink, and L. Apr-03 tional. 2003 Apr; 29(1):
Victoria Mdamo 95-103.
Wetlands : the Journal
Nair, V.D., D.A.
Soil development in phosphate-mined of the Society of the
533 Graetz, K.R. Reddy, Jun-01
created wetlands of Florida, USA Wetlands Scientists. June
and O.G. Olila
2001. v. 21 (2) p. 232-239.
Report of the Conservation Innova­
National Associa­
tions Task Force (CITF), Dec. 2003, National Association of
534 tion of Conservation Dec-03 Report http://www.nacdnet.org/resources/CITF/app3.htm
Appendix III - Water Quality Trading Conservation Districts
- Nonpoint Credit Bank
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Treatment of Freshwater Fish Farm Ef­ Naylor, S., J. Brls­
Water Science Technol­
535 fluent Using Constructed Wetlands: The son, M.A. Labelle, A. 2003
ogy. 2003; 48(5): 215-22.
Role of Plants and Substrate Drizo, and Y. Comeau
Neitsch, S.L., J.G. Available at http://www.
Soil and Water Assessment Tool User’s
536 Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, 2001 Online brc.tamus.edu/swat/swat­
and J.R. Williams 2000doc.html.
Market and Bargaining Approaches to
Netusil, N.R. and Water Science and Tech­
537 Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement 1993 Journal Article
John B. Braden nology, 28(3-5), 35-45.
Watershed Based Permitting Case Neuse River Compli­ US Environmental Protec­
538 2002 Case Study http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/wq_casestudy_factsht11.pdf
Study: Final Permit ance Association tion Agency
Neuse River Eduction
Wetland Project Teaches Students How Neuse River Eduction winter Team, North Carolina
539 Case study http://www.neuse.ncsu.edu/neuse_letters/winter2004/story2.htm
To Protect Our Water Supply Team 2004 State University website.
Viewed on 12/05/2005
Neuse River Eduction
Neuse Education Team Impacts: Agri­ Neuse River Eduction Team, North Carolina
540 undated Case study http://www.neuse.ncsu.edu/impact2b.pdf
cultural Impacts 2: Novel Nursery Team State University website.
Viewed on 12/05/2005
New York City De­
New York City Depart­
partment of Environ­

ment of Environmental
Guidance for Phosphorus Offset Pilot mental Protection,
541 Mar-97 Guidance Doc Protection, Bureau of
Programs Bureau of Water
Water Supply Quality and
Supply Quality and
Seasonal Performance of a Wetland Newman, Jana Majer, Ecological Engineering;
542 Constructed to Process Dairy Milk- John C. Clausen, and Sep-99 14(1-2): 181-198. Sep­
house Wastewater in Connecticut Joseph A. Neafsey tember 1999.
National Hog Farmer,
543 An Environmental Big Stick Newport, Alan Mar-04 Article
Magazines and Media,
Inc. 2004
The Effects of Stormwater Surface
Publ. #90-2. The Environ­
Runoff on Freshwater Wetlands: A
mental Institute, Univ. of
544 Review of the Literature and Annotated Newton, R.B. 1989
Massachusetts, Amherst,

Organic Matter Composition, Micro­

Ecological Engineering;
bial Biomass and Microbial Activity
545 Nguyen, Long M. Nov-00 16(2): 199-221. Novem­
in Gravel-bed Constructed Wetlands
ber 2000.
Treating Farm Dairy Wastewaters
Nguyen, T., R.T.
A Guide to Market-Based Approaches
546 Woodward, M.D. Mat­ Oct-04 Paper World Resource Institute
to Water Quality
lock, and P. Faeth
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Evidence of N2O emission and gas­
Biology and Fertility of
eous nitrogen losses through nitrifica­
547 Ni, W.Z., and Z.L. Zhu Aug-04 Soils. 2004 Aug., v. 40,
tion-denitrification induced by rice
no. 3, p. 211-214.
plants (Oryza sativa L.)
Inhibition kinetics of salt-affected Water Research. 2005
Nitisoravut, S. and P.
548 wetland for municipal wastewater treat­ Nov-05 Nov., v. 39, issue 18, p.
ment 4413-4419.
Wetlands and Water Quality: A Re­
Technical Rept. Y-86­
gional Review of Recent Research
2, U.S. Army Corps of
in the U.S. on the Role of Freshwater Nixon, S.W. and V.
549 1986 Abstract Engineers Waterways
and Saltwater Wetlands as Sources, Lee
Experiment Station,
Sinks, and Transformers of Nitrogen,
Vicksburg, MS
Phosphorus, and Heavy Metals
Inactivation of Indicator Micro-organ­ Journal of Applied
isms from Various Sources of Fae­ Noble, R.T., I.M. Lee, Microbiology, Volume 96,
550 Mar-04 Paper
cal Contamination in Seawater and and K.C. Schiff Issue 3, Page 464-472,
Freshwater Mar 2004
A Pilot Study of Constructed Wetlands
Noemi Ran, Moshe
Using Duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) for Water Research; 38(9):
551 Agami, and Gideon May-04
Treatment of Domestic Primary Effluent 2241-2248. May 2004.
in Israel
Environmental Man­

Report of the Proceedings on the North Carolina De­

agement Commission
Proposed Neuse River Basin Nutrient partment of Environ­
552 Dec-97 Plan Meeting December 11,
Sensitive Waters (NSW) Management ment and Natural
1997. Printed November
Strategy Resources
26, 1997
North Carolina De­ North Carolina Depart­
Phase II of the Total Maximum Daily
partment of Environ­ ment of Environment
553 Load for Total Nitrogen to the Neuse Dec-01
ment and Natural and Natural Resources,
River Estuary, North Carolina
Resources Dividion of Water Quality
North Carolina De­
Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality partment of Environ­ NC Division of Water http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/Neuse/neuse_wq_manage­
554 1998
Plan ment and Natural Re­ Quality ment_plan.htm
sources (NCDENR)
Report of the Proceedings on the
North Carolina De­
Proposed Neuse River Basin Nutrient
partment of Environ­
555 Sensitive Waters (NSW) Management Jun-97 Plan Reprinted July 1997.
ment, Health and
Strategy. Environmental Management
Natural Resources.
Commission Meeting
North Carolina Divi­ North Carolina Division of
Tar-Pamlico River Nutrient Manage­
sion of Environmental Environmental Manage­
556 ment Plan for Nonpoint Sources of Dec-95 Plan
Management, Water ment, Water Quality
Quality Section Section
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
North Carolina Divi­
sion of Soil and Water
Implementation of the Conservation North Carolina Divi­ Conservation, North
557 Partnership’s Neuse River Basin Initia­ sion of Soil and Water Website Carolina Department of http://www.enr.state.nc.us/DSWC/pages/intitiative.html
tive Conservation Environment and Natural
Resources. Website ac­
cessed 11/26/2005
Tar-Pamlico River Basinwide Water
North Carolina Divi­ North Carolina Division of http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/tarpam_wq_management_
558 Quality Plan (July 1999) 1999
sion of Water Quality Water Quality plan.htm

North Carolina Division of Water Qual­

ity Nonpoint Source Management Pro­ Date ac­
North Carolina Divi­ North Carolina Division of
559 gram : Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Strategy cessed: Website http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/tarpam.htm
sion of Water Quality Water Quality
Website 12/06/05

Fiscal Analysis: Nonpoint Source

Nutrient Rules Tar-Pamlico River Basin North Carolina Divi­ Jul. 1, North Carolina Division of
Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management sion of Water Quality 1999 Water Quality
First Annual Status Report to the Envi­
North Carolina Divi­ North Carolina Division
ronmental Management Commission.
561 sion of Water Quality, Oct-97 Report of Water Quality, Water
Tar-Pamlico River Nutrient Manage­
Water Quality Section Quality Section

ment Plan for Nonpoint Sources

Second Annual Status Report to the
North Carolina Divi­ North Carolina Division
Environmental Management Commis­
562 sion of Water Quality, Jul-98 Report of Water Quality, Water
sion. Tar-Pamlico River Nutrient Man­
Water Quality Section Quality Section
agement Plan for Nonpoint Sources
Northeast Wisconsin Northeast Wisconsin Wa­
Point/nonpoint Trading Program for the Waters For Tomorrow ters For Tomorrow (now
563 1994
Green Bay Remedial Action Plan (now called Fox-Wolf called Fox-Wolf Basin
Basin 2000) 2000)
NRCS. Agronomy Techni­
564 The phosphorus index NRCS 2001 cal Note 26 (revised).
Portland, OR.
Water Science Technol­
Evaluation of Phosphorus Retention in Nungesser, M.K. and
565 2001 ogy. 2001;44(11-12):109­
a South Florida Treatment Wetland M.J. Chimney
Phosphorous Trading in the South Na­ O’Grady, D. and M.A. South Nation Conserva­
566 2002 http://www.envtn.org/wqt/programs/ontario.PDF.
tion River Watershed, Ontario, Canada Wilson tion Authority.
O’Grady, Dennis Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Lessons Learned from Point-Nonpoint 7/11­
567 South Nation Conser­ Presentation Audio Recording Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Source Trading Case Studies 12/2005
vation eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
O’Grady, Dennis Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Lessons Learned from Point-Nonpoint 7/11­
568 South Nation Conser­ Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Source Trading Case Studies 12/2005
vation eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Creating Markets for Nutrients and
569 O’Sullivan, D. 2002 Coast-to-Coast 2002
Other Water Pollutants
Distribution of Nutrients and Heavy Obarska-Pempkow­
Chemosphere; 39(2):
570 Metals in a Constructed Wetland iak, Hanna and Katar­ Jul-99
303-312. July 1999.
System zyna Klimkowska
Mineral nutrition of three aquatic Olivares, E., D.
Journal of plant nutrition.
571 emergent macrophytes in a managed Vizcaino, and A. 2002
2002. v. 25 (3) p. 475-496.
wetland in Venezuela Gamboa
EPA 600/3-79-105.
Nonpoint Source-Stream Nutrient Level Corvallis Environmental
572 Omernik, J.M. 1997
Relationships: A Nationwide Study Research Laboratory,
U.S. EPA, Corvallis, OR.
Osmond, Deanna,
Reducing Nitrogen from Agriculture at 13th National Nonpoint
Bill Lord, and Mitch http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/wqg/nmp_conf/
573 a River Basin Scale: Lessons Learned Sep-05 Presentation Source
Woodward (NC State presentations.html
in the Neuse River Basin Monitoring Workshop
Ottová, Vlasta, Water Science and Tech­
Microbial Characteristics of Construct­
574 Jarmila Balcarová 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
ed Wetlands
and Jan Vymazal 5, 1997, Pages 117-123
Paerl, Hans and
Thomas Gallo

(Institute of Marine
FerryMon: Using Ferries to Monitor and
Science, UNC-Cha­ 13th National Nonpoint
Assess Environmental Conditions and http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/wqg/nmp_conf/
575 pel Hill); Christopher Sep-05 Presentation Source
Change in North Carolina’s Albemarle- presentations.html
P. Buzzelli (Hollings Monitoring Workshop
Pamlico Sound System
Marine Lab); Joseph
S. Ramus, presenter
(Duke University)
Phytoplankton Photopigments as
576 Indicators of Estuarine and Coastal Paerl, Hans W. Oct-03 BioScience
Journal of Environmental
Hydrologic Influence on Stability of Or­ Pant, H.K. and K.R. Mar-Apr
577 Quality. 2001 Mar­
ganic Phosphorus in Wetland Detritus Reddy 2001
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Study that assessed nine riparian buffer zone schemes in New
Zealand that had been fenced and planted (age range from 2 to
24 years) and compared them with unbuffered control reaches
upstream or nearby. Included in the study were macroinverte­
brate community composition and a range of physical and water
quality variables within the stream and in the riparian zone.
Generally, streams within buffer zones showed rapid improve­
ments in visual water clarity and channel stability, but nutrient
Parkyn, Stephanie
and fecal contamination responses were variable. Significant
Planted Riparian Buffer Zones in New M., Rob J. Davies- Restoration Ecology,
changes in macroinvertebrate communities toward “clean water”
578 Zealand: Do They Live Up to Expecta­ Colley, N. Jane Hal­ Dec-03 Paper Volume 11, Issue 4, Page
or native forest communities did not occur at most of the study
tions? liday, Kerry J. Costley, 436-447, Dec 2003
sites. Improvement in invertebrate communities appeared to
and Glenys F. Croker
be most strongly linked to decreases in water temperature,
suggesting that restoration of in-stream communities would
only be achieved after canopy closure, with long buffer lengths,
and protection of headwater tributaries. Expectations of ripar­
ian restoration efforts should be tempered by (1) time scales
and (2) spatial arrangement of planted reaches, either within
a catchment or with consideration of their proximity to source
areas of recolonists.
Study of potential N and P losses at edge of farm fields and
root zones in Virginia. Describes details of existing farm­
Economic and Environmental Impacts
Pease, J. and D.E. Pen State University and ing practices. Simulates farm income effects under current
579 of Nutrient Loss Reductions on Dairy 1998 Paper
Kenyon Virginia Tech practices and 3 possible nutrient management policies; manure
and Dairy/poultry Farms

incorporation, restrict N application, restrict P application. Esti­

mates made by agricultural engineers.
Effect of different assemblages of
Environmental entomol­
larval foods on Culex quinquefasciatus Peck, G.W. and W.E.
580 Aug-05 ogy. 2005 Aug., v. 34, no. http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/periodicals/ee/index.htm
and Culex tarsalis (Diptera: Culicidae) Walton
4, p. 767-774.
growth and whole body stoichiometry
Nordic Hydrology
581 The use of design element in wetlands Persson, J. 2005
Persson, J., N. L. G.
Hydraulic efficiency of constructed Water Science and Tech­
582 Somes, and T. H. F. 1999
wetlands and ponds nology 40 (3): 291-300.
Ecological Engineering;
How Hydrological and Hydraulic Condi­ Persson, Jesper and
583 Dec-03 21(4-5): 259-269. Dec 31,
tions Affect Performance of Ponds Hans B. Wittgren
Ecological Engineer­
The Role of Plants in Ecologically Engi­ Peterson, Susan B. ing, Volume 6, Issues
584 May-96
neered Wastewater Treatment Systems and John M. Teal 1-3, May 1996, Pages
Communications in soil
Nitrogen and phosphorus transport
science and plant analy­
585 in soil using simulated waterlogged Phillips, I.R. 2001
sis. 2001. v. 32 (5/6) p.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Ecological Engineer­
Factors Affecting Nitrogen Loss in Phipps, Richard
ing, Volume 3, Issue 4,
586 Experimental Wetlands with Different G. and William G. Dec-94
December 1994, Pages
Hydrologic Loads Crumpton
The Interacting Effects of Temperature Bioresources Technol­
Picard, C.R., L.H.
587 and Plant Community Type on Nutrient Jun-05 ogy, 96(9): 1039-47. June
Fraser, and D. Steer
Removal in Wetland Microcosms 2005.
Legal and Financial Liability – Issues in
Mitigation Banking and Water Quality Platt, George I. 7/11­
588 Presentation Audio Recording http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_forum.htm
Trading: A Wetland Mitigation Banking Wetlandsbank, Inc. 12/2005
Design Recommendations for Subsur­ Water Science and Tech­
589 face Flow Constructed Wetlands for Platzer, Christoph 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Nitrification and Denitrification 3, 1999, Pages 257-263
Poach, M. E., P.G.
Improved Nitrogen Treatment by Con­ Hunt, M.B. Vanotti, Ecological Engineer­
590 structed Wetlands Receiving Partially K.C. Stone, T.A. Ma­ May-03 ing; 20(2): 183-197. May
Nitrified Liquid Swine Manure theny, M.H. Johnson, 2003.
and E.J. Sadler
Poach, M.E., P.G.
Swine Wastewater Treatment by Marsh­ Hunt, G.B. Reddy,
Ecological Engineering;
591 pond-marsh Constructed Wetlands K.C. Stone, M.H. Nov-04

23(3): 165-175. Nov 2004.

Under Varying Nitrogen Loads Johnson, and A.
Poach, M.E., P.G.
Ammonia volatilization from marsh­ Hunt, G.B. Reddy, Journal of environmental
592 pond-marsh constructed wetlands K.C. Stone, T.A. Ma­ quality. 2004 May-June, v.
treating swine wastewater theny, M.H. Johnson, 33, no. 3, p. 844-851.
E.J. Sadler
Sustainable Development
Policy Research
Water Quality Trading II: Using Trading Briefing NOTE, Policy http://policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/R2_PRI%20SD%20BN_WQII_
593 Initiative, Government
Ratios to Deal With Uncertainties Research Initiative, Gov­ E.pdf
of Canada
ernment of Canada
section 1, chapter 205
World Water Congress
2001, Bridging the Gap:
Hydrodynamic Behavior and Nutrient Polychronopoulos, Conference Meeting the World’s This paper highlights the relationship between the wetland
594 Removal Capacity of a Surface-Flow Michael and Bronwyn 2001 Proceeding Water and Environmental hydraulic characteristics and the overall treatment efficiency of
Wetland P. Chapman Paper Abstract Resources Challenges, the wetland.
World Water and Envi­
ronmental Resources
Congress 2001
Watershed Protection: Capturing the Postel, Sandra L., Natural Resources Fo­
595 Benefits of Nature’s Water Supply Barton H. Thompson, May-05 Paper rum, Volume 29, Issue 2,
Services Jr. Page 98-108, May 2005
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Pote, D.H., T.C. Dan­
Relationship Between Phosphorus Lev­ iel, D.J. Nichols, A.N.
J. Environ. Qual. 28:170­
596 els in Three Ultisols and Phosphorus Sharpley, P. A, Moore, 1999
Concentrations in Runoff Jr., D.M. Miller, and
D.R. Edwards
The Current Controversy Regarding VERMONT JOURNAL
TMDLs: Contemporary Perspectives OF ENVIRONMENTAL
597 Powers, Ann 2003 Paper http://www.vjel.org/articles/pdf/powers.pdf
Pollutant Trading” Volume Four 2002-2003
Prantner, S.R., R.S. Applied Engineering in
Soil infiltration and wetland microcosm
598 Kanwar, J.C. Lorimor, Jul-01 Agriculture. July 2001. v.
treatment of liquid swine manure
and C.H. Pederson 17 (4) p. 483-488.
National Spatial Crop Yield Simula­ Ecological Modelling;
Priva, Satya and http://www.ped.muni.cz/wgeo/staff/svatonova/AGNPS/ELSE­
599 tion Using GIS-based Crop Production Jan-01 Abstract 136(2-3): 113-129. Jan
Ryosuke Shibasaki VIER/22.htm
Model 20, 2001.
Science and the Protection of Endan­ Pullliam, H.R. and B.
600 1997 Science, 275: 499-500.
gered Species Babbitt
Phosphorus enrichment affects litter
Soil Science Society of
decomposition, immobilization, and Qualls, R.G. and C.J. Mar­
601 America journal. Mar/Apr
soil microbial phosphorus in wetland Richardson Apr-00
2000. v. 64 (2) p. 799-808.

Transformation of effluent organic Quanrud, D.M., M.M.

Chemosphere. 2004 Feb.,
602 matter during subsurface wetland treat­ Karpiscak, K.E. Lan­ Feb-04
v. 54, no. 6, p. 777-788.
ment in the Sonoran Desert sey, and R.G. Arnold
Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
National Wetlands Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking.
Water Quality Trading: What Can We Newsletter; 27(4). Envi­ Discusses the opportunities presented by using wetlands in
Raffini, Eric and Mor­
603 Learn From 10 Years of Wetland Mitiga­ Jul- Newsletter ronmental Law Institute, water quality trading programs and lessons learned from Wet­
gan Robertson
tion Banking? Washington, DC. Jul-Aug land Mitigation Banking that can be applied to development of
2005. In Press. nutrient trading programs that use wetlands to generate credits.
The Effectiveness of a Small Construct­ Ecological Engineering,
Raisin, G. W., D. S.
ed Wetland in Ameliorating Diffuse Volume 9, Issues 1-2,
604 Mitchell and R. L. Sep-97
Nutrient Loadings from an Australian September 1997, Pages
Rural Catchment 19-35
Groundwater Influence on the Water Ecological Engineering,
Balance and Nutrient Budget of a Raisin, G., J. Bartley Volume 12, Issues 1-2,
605 Jan-99
Small Natural Wetland in Northeastern and R. Croome January 1999, Pages
Victoria, Australia 133-147
Water Science and Tech­
The Use of Wetlands for the Control of Raisin, G.W. and D.
606 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Non-point Source Pollution S. Mitchell
3, 1995, Pages 177-186
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Incentive-based regulatory instruments have the potential to
reduce complinance costs by encouraging efficient resource
allocation and innovation in environmental technology. Cost
reductions from pollution permit trading often have exceeded
Journal of Agricultural expectations, but the devil is in the details: the rules matter. In
Incentive-Based Solutions to Agricul­ and Applied Economics, recent years, IB instruments of many kinds, from permit trading
Randall, Allen and Aug.
607 tural Environmental Problems: Recent Paper 32,2(August 2000):221­ to various informal voluntary agreements, have been introduced
Michael A. Taylor 2000
Developments in Theory and Practice 134, Southern Agricultur­ in many countries. Point-nonpoint trading programs have been
al Economics Association established in th U.S., but recorded trades have been rare. This
paper speculates about prospects for performance-based moni­
toring of agricultural nonpoint pollution which, we believe, would
encourage trading to the benefit of farmers and society.
Ravikumar, S., K.
Journal of Experimental
Nitrogen-fixing Azotobacters from Kathiresan, S. Thade­
Marine Biology and Ecol­
608 Mangrove Habitat and Their Utility as dus Maria Ignatiam­ Nov-04
ogy; 312(1): 5-17. Nov
Marine Biofertilizers mal, M. Babu Selvam,
and S. Shanthy
Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment and Reddy, K.R. and W.H. Magnolia Press, Inc.,
609 1987 Abstract
Resource Recovery Smith (eds) Orlando, FL
Oxygen transport through aquatic Reddy, K.R., E.M.
Journal of Environmental
610 macrophytes: the role in waster water D’Angelo, and T.A. 1989
Quality 19:261-267.
treatment DeBusk

In Phosphorus: Agricul­
ture and the Environ­
Reddy, K.R., R.G.
Biogeochemistry of Phosphorus in ment J. T. Sims and A. N.
611 Wetzel, and R. 2004
Wetlands Sharpley (eds), Soil Sci­
ence Society of America
(In press).
Reed, S.C., E.J.
Natural Systems for Waste Manage­ McGraw Hill, New York,
612 Middlebrooks, and 1988 Abstract
ment & Treatment NY
R.W. Crites
Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in
Reed, S.C., R. Bas­
Cold Climates. IN: Future of Water Re­ AWWA Research Foun­
613 tian, S. Black, and R. 1984 Abstract
use, Proceedings of the Water Reuse dation, Denver, CO
Symposium III. Vol. 2:962-972.
Phosphorus retention in small con­ Reinhardt, M., R. Journal of environmental
614 structed wetlands treating agricultural Gachter, B. Wehrli, B. quality. 2005 July-Aug, v.
drainage water. Muller 34, no. 4, p. 1251-1259.
Nutrient resorption in wetland mac­ New phytologist. 2005
615 rophytes: comparison across several Rejmankova, E. Aug-05 Aug., v. 167, no. 2 p.
regions of different nutrient status 471-482.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
In recent years, low dissolved oxygen levels, sporadic fish kills,
loss of submerged vegetation, and other water quality problems
have plagued North Carolina’s Tar-Pamlico basin. The North
Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM)
responded by developing stricter nitrogen and phosphorus efflu­
ent standards for dischargers in the basin. However, discharg­
Research Traingle ers were concerned about the high capital costs that might be
Total Maximum Daily
Institute and USEPA, required to achieve the nutrient reduction goals. Consequently,
Load Program (TMDL),
TMDL Case Study: Tar-Pamlico Basin, Office of Wetlands, a coalition of dischargers, working in cooperation with the En­
616 undated Case study EPA Office of Water
North Carolina Oceans, and Water­ vironmental Defense Fund, the Pamlico-Tar River Foundation,
Quality. Site viewed on
sheds, Watershed and NCDEM, proposed a nutrient trading framework through
Management Section which dischargers can pay for the development and implemen­
tation of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) to
achieve all or part of the total nutrient reduction goals. The EMC
approved the program in December 1989, at the time this paper
was written, the implementation phase (Phase 1) was currently
under way.
Ribaudo, Marc O., Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Nitrogen Sources and Gulf hypoxia: Po­ Ecological Economics. 52
617 Ralph Heimlich, and 2005 Paper Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
tential for Environmental Credit Trading (2005) 159-168.
Mark Peters - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Least-cost Management of Nonpoint
Ribaudo, Marc O.,
Source Pollution: Source Reduction Ecological Economics;
Ralph Heimlich,
618 Versus Interception Strategies for Con­ May-01 37(2): 183-197. May

Roger Claassen, and

trolling Nitrogen Loss in the Mississippi 2001.
Mark Peters
Pollutant Trading in North Carolina’s Rich Gannon (North Presentation to the Uni­
Dec. 7, Outlines and contrasts the Tar-Pamilco and Neuse River Basin
619 River Basins: Tar-Pamlico and Neuse Carolina Division of PPt versity of Pennsylvania
2005 Nutrient Trading programs.
River Basins Water Quality) IES Seminar
EMC Agenda Item No. 0511: TarPam­
Rich Gannon (North This document establishes the third phase of a nutrient control
lico Implementa­ North Carolina Division of
620 Carolina Division of Apr-05 Agreement for point source discharges in the TarPamlico River
Nutrient Sensitive Waters Implementa­ tion Strategy Water Quality
Water Quality) Basin, reaffirms loading goals set in Phase II for all sources in
tion Strategy: Phase III
the basin, and proposes timeframes for restoration of nutrient-
related estuarine use support.
Mechanisms Controlling Phosphorous
621 Retention Capacity in Freshwater Richardson, C.J. 1985 Abstract Science; 228:1424-1427.
Richardson, S.D., Ground water. 2004
Use of rhodamine water tracer in the
622 C.S. Willson, K.A. Sep-04 Sept-Oct, v. 42, no. 5, p.
marshland upwelling system
Rusch 678-688.
Ringhausen, Alley Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Lessons Learned from Point-Nonpoint 7/11­
623 Great Rivers Land Presentation Audio Recording Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Source Trading Case Studies 12/2005
Trust eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Ringhausen, Alley Presented at National Forum on Synergies Between Water
Lessons Learned from Point-Nonpoint 7/11­
624 Great Rivers Land Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking - http://www2.
Source Trading Case Studies 12/2005
Trust eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Influence of Various Water Quality
Robertson, D.M. and Water Resources Re­
625 Sampling Strategies on Load Estimates 1999
E.D. Roerish search 35(12):3747-3759.
for Small Streams
Romero, Jose A., Chemosphere, Volume
Restored Wetlands as Filters to Re­
626 Francisco A. Comín, Jul-99 39, Issue 2, July 1999,
move Nitrogen
and Carmen García Pages 323-332
A.L. Burruss Institute of
Lake Allatoona Phase I Diagnostic-fea­ Public Service. Kennesaw
627 Rose, P. 1999
sibility Study Report for 1992-1997 State University. Ken­
nesaw, GA.
Lower Boise River Effluent Trading
Ross & Associates
Demonstration Project: Summary of Idaho Division of Environ­ http://www.deq.state.id.us/water/data_reports/surface_water/tm­
628 Environmental Con­ Sep-00 Report
Participant Recommendations For a mental Quality dls/boise_river_lower/boise_river_lower_effluent_report.pdf
sulting, Ltd.
Trading Framework
Rainfall Simulation Study on the Ef­
Ross, B.B., P.H. Da­
629 fectiveness of Continuous No-till in Jun-01 Final Report
vis, and V.L. Heath
Rousseau, Diederik P.
Constructed Wetlands in Flanders: A L., Peter A. Vanrol­ Ecological Engineering;
630 Nov-04
Performance Analysis leghem, and Niels De 23(3): 151-163. Nov 2004.

Nitrate Removal from Drained and Rückauf, Ulrike,

Soil Biology and Bio­
Reflooded Fen Soils Affected by Soil Jürgen Augustin, Rolf
631 Jan-04 chemistry; 36(1): 77-90.
N Transformation Processes and Plant Russow and Wolf­
Jan 2004.
Uptake gang Merbach
Nutrient Removal in Subsurface Flow Water Science Technol­
Rustige, H. and C.
632 Constructed Wetlands for Application in 2001 ogy. 2001;44(11-12):149­
Sensitive Regions 55.
Nitrate removal in riparian wetlands: Journal of environmental
Rutherford, J.C. and May­
633 interactions between surface flow and quality. 2004 May-June, v.
M.L. Nguyen Jun-04
soils 33, no. 3, p. 1133-1143.
Communications in Soil
Ammonium production in submerged
Science and Plant Analy­
634 soils and sediments: the role of reduc­ Sahrawat, K.L. 2004
sis. 2004, v. 35, no. 3-4, p.
ible iron
Communications in Soil
Organic matter and reducible iron
Sahrawat, K.L. and Science and Plant Analy­
635 control of ammonium production in 2001
L.T. Narteh sis. 2001. v. 32 (9/10) p.
submerged soils
Nutrient Removal Mechanisms in Water Science and Tech­
Sakadevan, K. and
636 Constructed Wetlands and Sustainable 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
H.J. Bavor
Water Management 2, 1999, Pages 121-128
Impact of Heavy Metals on Denitrifica­ Sakadevan, K., Water Science and Tech­
637 tion in Surface Wetland Sediments Huang Zheng and 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
Receiving Wastewater H.J. Bavor 3, 1999, Pages 349-355
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Nutrient dynamics and eutrophication Sanchez-Carrillo, S. Water, air, and Soil Pollu­
638 patterns in a semi-arid wetland: the and M. Alvarez-Co­ Oct-01 tion Oct 2001. v. 131 (1/4)
effects of fluctuating hydrology belas p. 97-118.
This paper summarizes the extension of new market mecha­
nisms for environmental services, explains of the importance of
generating price information indicative of the cost of mitigat­
Philos Transact A Math ing greenhouse gases (GHGs) and presents the rationale and
Sandor, R., M. Walsh,
639 Greenhouse-gas-trading Markets Aug-02 Paper Phys Eng Sci. 2002 Aug objectives for pilot GHG-trading markets. It also describes the
and R. Marques
15;360(1797):1889-900. steps being taken to define and launch pilot carbon markets in
North America and Europe and reviews the key issues related
to incorporating carbon sequestration into an emissions-trading
Journal of the American
The impact of wetland vegetation dry­
Sanford, M.R., J.B. Mosquito Control Asso­
640 ing time on abundance of mosquitoes Dec-03
Keiper, W.E. Walton ciation. 2003 Dec., v. 19,
and other invertebrates
no. 4, p. 361-366.
Effects of inorganic nitrogen enrich­
ment on mosquitoes (Diptera: Cu­ Journal of medical ento­
Sanford, M.R., K.
641 licidae) and the associated aquatic Sep-05 mology. 2005 Sept., v. 42,
Chan, W.E. Walton
community in constructed treatment no. 5, p. 766-776.
Sansanayuth, P.,

A. Phadungchep,
Shrimp Pond Effluent: Pollution Prob­ Water Science and Tech­
S. Ngammontha,
642 lems and Treatment by Constructed 1996 nology, Volume 34, Issue
S. Ngdngam, P.
Wetlands 11, 1996, Pages 93-98
Sukasem, H. Hoshino
and M.S. Ttabucanon
Aquatic Botany, Volume
Response of an Alaskan Wetland to
643 Sanville, William Mar-88 30, Issue 3, March 1988,
Nutrient Enrichment
Pages 231-243
Sartoris, James J.,
Investigation of Nitrogen Transforma­ Ecological Engineering;
Joan S. Thullen, Larry
644 tions in a Southern California Con­ Sep-99 14(1-2): 49-65. Septem­
B. Barber, and David
structed Wastewater Treatment Wetland ber 1999.
E. Salas
Performance of a constructed wetland Schaafsma, Jennifer
Ecological Engineering;
treating intensive shrimp aquaculture A., Andrew H. Bald­
645 Sep-99 14(1-2): 199-206. Sep­
wastewater under high hydraulic load­ win, and Christopher
tember 1999.
ing rate A. Streb
Biological diversity versus risk for Schafer, M.L., J.O.
Medical and Veterinary
mosquito nuisance and disease Lundstrom, M. Pfef­
646 Sep-07 Entomology. 2004 Sept.,
transmission in constructed wetlands in fer, E. Lundkvist, J.
v. 18, no. 3, p. 256-267.
southern Sweden Landin
A New Approach to Water Quality Trad­
ing: Applying Lessons from the Acid Schary, C. and K. Environmental Practice 6,
647 2004
Rain Program in the Lower Boise River Fischer-Vanden no. 4: 281-295.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Schipper, L.A., W.J. Biological Wastes, Vol­
Nitrogen Renovation by Denitrification
648 Dyck, P.G. Barton 1989 ume 29, Issue 3, 1989,
in Forest Sewage Irrigation Systems
and P.D. Hodgkiss Pages 181-187
Water Resources Bulletin;
Cost Minimization of Nutrient Reduc­
Schleich, J. and D. 33(1): 135-142. Febru­ No abstract available. http://awra.org/~awra/jawra/papers/
649 tion in Watershed Management Using 1997 Paper
White ary 1997. Paper Number J95127.html
Linear Programming
Salt Tracer Experiments in Constructed
Wetland Ponds with Emergent Vegeta­ Schmid, B.H.,
Water Resources. 2004
650 tion: Laboratory Study on the Forma­ M.A. Hengl, and U. Apr-04
tion of Density Layers and Its Influence Stephan
on Breakthrough Curve Analysis
Schmied, B. and K. Soil Science Society of
Inverse estimation of parameters in a Mar­
651 Abbaspour, and R. America Journal. Mar/Apr
nitrogen model using field data Apr-00
Schulin 2000. v. 64 (2) p. 533-542.
Water Quality Characteristics of Veg­ Science of The Total
Scholz, Miklas and
652 etated Groundwater-fed Ditches in a Oct-04 Environment; 332(1-3):
Michael Trepel
Riparian Peatland 109-122. Oct 2004.
The Use of Constructed Wetlands to
Upgrade Treated Sewage Effluents Schreijer, M., R. Water Science and Tech­
653 Before Discharge to Natural Surface Kampf, S. Toet and J. 1997 nology, Volume 35, Issue
Water in Texel Island, The Netherlands: Verhoeven 5, 1997, Pages 231-237

Pilot Study
Phosphorus Loss in Runoff from
Ph.D. Thesis. University of
654 Grasslands Related to Soil Test Phos­ Schroeder, P. 2002
Georgia. Athens, GA.
phorus and Poultry Litter Application
Market Incentives and Nonpoint Sourc­
655 es: An Application of Tradable Credits Schultz, Pati Report USEPA Information sheet
to Urban Stormwater Management
Treatment of Rainbow Trout Farm
Schulz, Carsten,
Effluents in Constructed Wetland with Aquaculture; 217(1-4):
656 Jörg Gelbrecht, and Mar-03
Emergent Plants and Subsurface Hori­ 207-221. Mar 17, 2003.
Bernhard Rennert
zontal Water Flow
Effectiveness of a constructed wet­
Environmental science &
land for retention of nonpoint-source Schulz, R. and S.K.C.
657 Jan-01 technology. Jan 15, 2001.
pesticide pollution in the lourens river Peall
v. 35 (2) p. 422-426.
catchment, South Africa
This research investigates various policy options considered
by the state of North Carolina for reducing nonpoint source
pollution. Focusing on nitrogen runoff from cropping activi­
Review of Agricultural
ties, we estimate and compare the control costs and estuarine
Economics, 2001 - black­
nutrient loadings under both the initial proposed rules, which
Nonpoint Source Pollution, Uniform well-synergy.com Page
were quite uniform, and the more flexible final proposed rules.
658 Control Strategies, and the Neuse Schwabe, K.A. 2001 Paper 1. Review of Agricultural
We then illustrate the magnitude to which the outcomes from
River Basin Economics—Volume 23,
models and policies can diverge depending upon the treatment
Number 2—Pages 352­
of the application-specific environmental heterogeneity. Such an
analysis illustrates the relative importance of certain types of
heterogeneity associated with the environment on policy design
and real-world outcomes.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Case Study: Minnesota - Pollutant Trad­ 11/5­ Environmental Regulatory
659 Senjem, N. Case Study http://www.pca.state.mn.us/hot/es-mn-r.html
ing at Rahr Malting Co. 7/1997 Innovations Symposium
Minnesota Pollution Con­
Pollutant Trading for Water Quality
660 Senjem, N. 1997 Paper trol Agency, Water Quality
Improvement. A Policy Evaluation
Suitability of Constructed Wetlands and Physics and Chemistry
Senzia, M.A., D.A.
Waste Stabilisation Ponds in Wastewa­ of the Earth, Parts A/B/C;
661 Mashauri, and A.W. 2003
ter Treatment: Nitrogen Transformation 28(20-27): 1117-1124.
and Removal 2003.
Phosphorus retention capacity of filter Water Research. 2005
Seo, D.C., J.S. Cho,
662 media for estimating the longevity of Jun-05 June, v. 39, issue 11, p.
H.J. Lee, J.S. Heo
constructed wetland 2445-2457.
Prepared for Dr. Mahesh
A Summary of U.S. Effluent Trading Sessions, S. and M. Podar, U.S. Environmen­
663 1999 http://www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/hotlink.htm
and Offset Projects Leifman. tal Protection Agency,
Office of Water
Sezerino, P.H., V.
Nutrient Removal from Piggery Effluent Reginatto, M.A.
Water Science Technol­
664 Using Vertical Flow Constructed Wet­ Santos, K. Kayser, S. 2003
ogy. 2003; 48(2): 129-35.
lands in Southern Brazil Kunst, L.S. Philippi,
and H.M. Soares

Discussion Paper 04–48

Past, Present, and Future of Wetlands Shabman, Leonard Not peer reviewed
665 Dec-04 Resources for the Future,
Credit Sales and Paul Scodari http://www.rff.org/documents/rff-dp-04-48.pdf
Washington DC
Shackle, V.J., C. Soil Biology & Biochemis­
Carbon supply and the regulation of
666 Freeman, and B. Nov-00 try. Nov 2000. v. 32 (13) p.
enzyme activity in constructed wetlands
Reynolds 1935-1940.
Shamir, E., T.L. Journal of the American
Nitrogen accumulation in a constructed Thompson, M.M. Kar­ Water Resources As­
667 Apr-01 http://www.awra.org/jawra/index.html
wetland for dairy wastewater treatment piscak, R.J. Freitas, sociation / Apr 2001. v. 37
and J. Zauderer (2) p. 315-325.
Subsurface flow constructed wetland Shannon, R.D., O.P. Journal of environmental
668 performance at a Pennsylvania camp­ Flite, III., and M.S. quality. Nov/Dec 2000. v.
ground and conference center Hunter 29 (6) p. 2029-2036.
Results of a survey of recreational river users. The results
of the survey are used to make an estimate of the decrease
Determining the Economic Costs of Department of Eco­
in consumer surplus (monetary value of river recreation) as
669 Fish Kills for Recreational Users of the Sharratt, Jo Dec-98 Report nomics, East Carolina
a result of declining water quality. The report describes the
Tar-Pamlico River University
results as being similar to the published results of other studies.
The Influence of Rainfall on the Inci­ Journal of Applied
Shehane, S.D., V.J.
dence of Microbial Faecal Indicators Microbiology, Volume 98,
670 Harwood, J.E. Whit- May-05 Paper
and the Dominant Sources of Faecal Issue 5, Page 1127-1136,
lock, and J.B. Rose
Pollution in a Florida River May 2005
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Water environment
research : a research
Treatment of high-strength winery Shepherd, H.L., M.E.
Jul-Aug­ publication of the Water
671 wastewater using a subsurface-flow Grismer, and G.
01 Environment Federation.
constructed wetland Tchobanoglous
July/Aug 2001. v. 73 (4) p.
Stability of phosphorus within a Environmental science &
Sherwood, L.J. and
672 wetland soil following ferric chloride Oct-01 technology. Oct 15, 2001.
R.G. Qualls
treatment to control Eutrophication v. 35(20) p. 4126-4131.
Planning to Protect Water Resources Both the Chesapeake Bay and the Neatherlands face similar
Department of City and
and Natural Areas: A Comparison of threats and challenges with respect to water quality and man­
Master’s Regional Planning, Uni­
673 the Water Basin Management Strate­ Shingara, Erica Apr-01 agement planning. This paper compares management strate­
Project versity of North Carolina
gies of the Chesapeake Bay and the gies used to protect water resources and natural areas in both
at Chapel Hill
Netherlands locations. http://www.planning.unc.edu/carplan/mpshingara.pdf
Simulation of nitrogen and phos­ Shirmohammadi,
phorus leaching in a structured soil A., B. Ulen, L. F. Transactions of the
674 1998
using GLEAMS and a new submodel, Bergstrom, and W. G. ASAE, 41(2):353-360.
“PARTLE.” Knisel
Seasonal Effect on Ammonia Nitrogen
Environmental Pollution;
Removal by Constructed Wetlands Shuh-Ren Jing and
675 Jan-04 127(2): 291-301. Jan
Treating Polluted River Water in South­ Ying-Feng Lin
ern Taiwan

An Examination of Key Elements and Siems, Antje, Jenny Background information for the National Forum on Synergies
Abt Associates Inc.,
676 Conditions for Establishing a Water Ahlen, and Mark Mar-05 White paper Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
Bethesda, MD.
Quality Trading Bank Landry - http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Study to quantify the effect of applied lake dredged materials
Assessing the Efficacy of Dredged on soil physico-chemical properties (soil quality) at the disposal
Materials from Lake Panasoffkee, Sigua, G.C., M.L. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. site. The experimental treatments that were evaluated consisted
677 Florida: Implication to Environment and Holtkamp, and S.W. 2004 Paper 2004;11(5):321-6. PMID: of different proportions of lake dredged materials at 0, 25, 50,
Agriculture. Part 1: Soil and Environ­ Coleman 15506635 75, and 100%. The study demonstrated that when lake dredged
mental Quality Aspect materials were incorporated into existing topsoil they would
have the same favorable effects as liming the field.
Sikora, F.J., Zhu
Ammonium Removal in Constructed Water Science and Tech­
Tong, L. L. Behrends,
678 Wetlands with Recirculating Subsurface 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
S. L. Steinberg and H.
Flow: Removal Rates and Mechanisms 3, 1995, Pages 193-202
S. Coonrod
Vegetation is the main factor in nutri­ Plant and soil. 2004
Silvan, N., H. Va­
679 ent retention in a constructed wetland Jan-04 Jan., v. 258, no. 1-2, p. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0032-079X/contents
sander, J. Laine
buffer 179-187.
Silvan, Niko, Harri
Microbial Immobilisation of Added Ni­
Vasander, Marjut Applied Soil Ecology;
680 trogen and Phosphorus in Constructed Oct-03
Karsisto, and Jukka 24(2): 143-149. Oct 2003.
Wetland Buffer
Nutrient requirements of seven plant
Sistani, K.R. and D.A. Journal of plant nutrition.
681 species with potential use in shoreline 2001
Mays 2001. v. 24 (3) p. 459-467.
erosion control
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
In: D.A. Hammer (ed.)
Constructed Wetlands for
Ancillary benefits of wetlands con­
Wastewater Treatment,
682 structed primarily for wastewater Slather, J.H. 1998
Municipal, Industrial and
Agricultural. Lewis Pub­
lishers, Chelsea, MI.
Constructed Wetlands as Nitrogen
Ecological Engineering;
683 Sinks in Southern Sweden: An Empiri­ Söderqvist, Tore Aug-02
19(2): 161-173. Aug 2002.
cal Analysis of Cost Determinants
Constructed wetlands as a sustainable Biosystems engineering.
Solano, M.L., P. So­
684 solution for wastewater treatment in Jan-04 2004 Jan., v. 87, no. 1, p. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15375110
riano, M.P. Ciria
small villages 109-118.
This paper is an examination of how emissions trading pro­
grams evolved as an unintended consequence of the Clean Air
Act of 1970. Despite some early theoretical work by economists,
most precedent-setting decisions were made as regulators,
firms, environmental groups, and policy analysts struggled to
The Origins, Practice, and Limits of Solomon, Barry D. Journal of Policy History; address practical issues of implementation associated with the
685 1995 Paper
Emissions Trading (Barry David) 14(3):293-320. 2002. Clean Air Act. Today, after almost three decades of practice and
theory having refined one another, the ability of program design­
ers and policy analysts to anticipate and address the challenges
of specific trading applications has significantly improved.
However, some early decisions resulted in precedents that have

never received the level of deliberation and debate they warrant.

Song, Zhiwen,
Ecological Engineer­
Seasonal and Annual Performance of Zhaopei Zheng, Jie
ing, In Press, Corrected
686 a Full-Scale Constructed Wetland Sys­ Li, Xianfeng Sun, Jan-06
Proof, Available online 4
tem for Sewage Treatment in China Xiaoyuan Han, Wei
January 2006
Wang, and Min Xu
Soto, F., M. Garcia, Water Science and Tech­
Role of Scirpus lacustris in Bacterial
687 E. de Luis and E. 1999 nology, Volume 40, Issue
and Nutrient Removal from Wastewater
Bécares 3, 1999, Pages 241-247
Nutrient Cycling at the Sediment-Water
Soto-Jimenez, M. F.,
Interface and in Sediments at Chirica­ Water Research; 37(4):
688 F. Paez-Osuna, and Feb-03
hueto Marsh: A Subtropical Ecosystem 719-728. Feb 2003.
H. Bojorquez-Leyva
Associated with Agricultural Land Uses
Southern Asso­
Southern Association of
ciation of Agricultural
689 S-1004: 2003 Annual Meeting 2003 Minutes Agricultural Experiment http://www.lgu.umd.edu/lgu_v2/pages/reportMeet/158_min.doc
Experiment Station
Station Directors
Soil Phosphorus in Isolated Wetlands Master’s Thesis, Univer­ http://www.archbold-station.org/ABS/publicationsPDF/Sperry­
690 Sperry, C.M. 2004 Abstract
of Subtropical Beef Cattle Pastures sity of Florida. 2004. 2004-thesis.pdf
The Effects of Season and Hydro­
logic and Chemical Loading on Nitrate Ecological Engineering;
Spieles, Douglas J.
691 Retention in Constructed Wetlands: A Sep-99 14(1-2): 77-91. Septem­
and William J. Mitsch
Comparison of Low- and High-Nutrient ber 1999.
Riverine Systems
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Ecological Engineer­
Stadmark, Johanna
692 from Ponds Constructed for Nitrogen Dec-05 ing;25(5):542-551. Dec.
and Lars Leonardson
Removal 1, 2005.
Soil Science Society of
Monitoring and modeling lateral trans­ Starr, J.L., A.M. Sa­ Nov­ America journal. 2005
port through a large in situ chamber deghi, Y.A. Pachepsky Dec-05 Nov-Dec, v. 69, no. 6, p.
State of Idaho, De­ State of Idaho, Depart­
694 Pollutant Trading Guidance partment of Environ­ Nov-03 Draft ment of Environmental
mental Quality Quality
State of Idaho, Divi­
State of Idaho, Division of http://www.deq.idaho.gov/water/data_reports/surface_water/nps/
695 Nonpoint Source Management Plan sion of Environmental Dec-99 Report
Environmental Quality management_plan_entire.pdf
Journal of Environmental
Economics and Manage­
696 Transaction Costs and Tradable Permits Stavins, Robert N. 1995 ment, 29, 133-148.
Resource Economics, 11,
Discussion Paper 97-10
Prepared for Environ­
mental Reform: The Next

Stavins, Robert
The Next Generation of Market-Based Project, Daniel Esty and
697 N. and Bradley W. Nov-96 Paper http://www.rff.org/rff/Documents/RFF-DP-97-10.pdf
Environmental Policies Marian Chertow, editors,
Yale Center
for Environmental Law
and Policy.

Steenhuis, T.S., M.
J. of Irrigation and Drain­
SCS Runoff Equation Revisited for Winchell, I. Rossing,
698 1995 age Eng. ASCE 121:234­
Variable Source Runoff Areas J.A. Zollweg, and M.F.
Stein, O.R., P.B.
Does Batch Operation Enhance
Hook, J.A. Bieder­ Water Science Technol­
699 Oxidation in Subsurface Constructed 2003
man, W.C. Allen, and ogy. 2003;48(5): 149-56.
D.J. Borden
Vojtíšková, Lenka,
Environmental and
Edita Tylová, Aleš
Influence of Nutrient Supply on Growth, Experimental Botany, In
Soukup, Hana
700 Carbohydrate, and Nitrogen Metabolic Aug-05 Press, Corrected Proof,
Hana Novická, Olga
Relations in Typha angustifolia Available online 2 August
Votrubová, Helena
Lipavská, and Hana

ížk ová
Toward an Effective Watershed-Based
Stephenson, K., L.
Effluent Allowance Trading System: Environmental Lawyer,
701 Shabman, and L.L. 1999 Paper
Identifying the Statutory and Regula­ Vol. 5, Pp. 775-815, 1999
tory Barriers to Implementation
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Department of Agri­
cultural and Apprlied
Economics, Virginia
Market Based Strategies and Nutrient Addresses policy tools that can be used to better achieve the
Stephenson, Kerns Tech, Blacksburg, VA and
702 Trading: What You Need to Know (563 Nov-95 Report dual objectives of improved environmental quality and more
and Shabman Virginia Division of Soil
KB) flexible, cost-effective environmental policies.
and Water Conservation,
Department of Conserva­
tion and Recreation
Freshwater Wetlands, Urban Storm-
water, and Nonpoint Pollution Control: WA Department of Ecol­
703 Stockdale, E.C. 1991 Bibliography
A Literature Review and Annotated ogy, Olympia, WA
Bibliography (2nd Ed.)
Stolt, M.H., M.H. Soil Science Society of
704 Spatial variability in palustrine wetlands Genthner, W.L. Dan­ America journal. Mar/Apr
iels, and V.A. Groover 2001. v. 65 (2) p. 527-535.
Stolt, M.H., M.H.
Wetlands : the journal
Comparison of soil and other environ­ Genthner, W.L.
of the Society of the
705 mental conditions in constructed and Daniels, V.A. Groover, Dec-00
Wetlands Scientists. Dec
adjacent palustrine reference wetlands S. Nagle, and K.C.
2000. v. 20 (4) p. 671-683.
Marsh-Pond-Marsh Constructed Wet­ Stone, K.C., M.E. Ecological Engineering;
706 land Design Analysis for Swine Lagoon Poach, P.G. Hunt, and Oct-04 23(2): 127-133. Oct 1,

Wastewater Treatment G.B. Reddy 2004

In this paper, the authors propose the use of “flow-adjusted”
pollutant concentrations to evaluate the effectiveness of man­
agement actions taken to meet approved TMDLs. Pollutant con­
centrations are usually highly correlated with streamflow, and
flow is strongly weather-dependent. Thus, pollutant loads, which
are calculated as pollutant concentration multiplied by stream-
flow, have a large weather-dependent variance component. This
natural variation can be removed by calculating flow-adjusted
concentrations. While such values are not a direct measure of
pollutant load, they make it easier to discern changes in stream-
Assessing TMDL Effectiveness Us­ water quality. Additionally, they are likely to be a better predic­
ing Flow-adjusted Concentrations: A Stow, C.A. and M.E. May-15­ Environ Sci Technol. 2003 tor of pollutant concentrations in the receiving waterbody. We
707 Paper
Case Study of the Neuse River, North Borsuk 03 May 15;37(10):2043-50 demonstrate the use of this technique using long-term nutrient
Carolina data from the Neuse River in North Carolina. The Neuse River
Estuary has suffered many eutrophication symptoms, and a
program to reduce nutrient loading has been in place for several
years. We show that, in addition to revealing recent reductions
in nutrient inputs, annual flow-adjusted riverine nutrient concen­
trations show a more pronounced relationship with estuarine
nutrient concentrations than do annual nutrient loads. Thus, we
suggest that the calculation of flow-adjusted concentrations is a
useful technique to aid in assessment of TMDL implementation.
Strecker, E.W., J.M.
The Use of Wetlands for Controlling The Terrene Inst., Wash­
708 Kersnar, E.D. Driscoll Apr-92 Abstract
Stormwater Pollution ington, DC
and R.R. Horner
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Summerfelt, Steven
Aquacultural Engineer­
T., Paul R. Adler,
Aquaculture Sludge Removal and Sta­ ing, Volume 19, Issue
709 D. Michael Glenn Jan-99
bilization within Created Wetlands 2, January 1999, Pages
and Ricarda N.
Enhanced Removal of Organic Matter
Sun, Guangzhi, Journal of Biotechnology;
and Ammoniacal-nitrogen in a Column
710 Yaqian Zhao and Jan-06 115(2): 189-197. Jan 26,
Experiment of Tidal Flow Constructed
Stephen Allen 2005.
Wetland System
Watershed-scale simulation of Suttles, J.B., G. Vel­
Transactions of the
sediment and nutrient loads in Georgia lidis, D.D. Bosch, R. Sep­
711 ASAE. 2003 Sept-Oct, v.
Coastal Plain streams using the an­ Lowrance, J.M. Sheri­ Oct-03
46, no. 5, p. 1325-1335.
nualized AGNPS model dan, E.L. Usery
Natural Wastewater Treatment in Szabo, A., A. Oszto­ Water Science Technolo­
712 2001
Hungary ics, and F. Szilagyi gy. 2001;44(11-12):331-8.
Characterization of oxidation-reduction Szogi, A.A., P.G. Applied Engineering in
713 processes in constructed wetlands for Hunt, E.J. Sadler, Mar-04 Agriculture. 2004 Mar., v.
swine wastewater treatment D.E. Evans 20, no. 2, p.189-200.
Seasonal dynamics of nutrients and Szögi, A.A., P.G.
physico-chemical conditions in a con­ Hunt, F.J. Humenik,
714 1994 ASAE Paper #94-2602.
structed wetland for swine wastewater K.C. Stone, J.M. Rice,
treatment and .E.J. Sadler

Background information for the National Forum on Synergies

Water Quality Trading: Nonpoint Credit National Association of
715 Talbert, Gerald No date Paper Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking
Bank Model Conservation Districts.
- http://www2.eli.org/research/wqt_main.htm
Charting the Course: The Comprehen­
Tampa Bay National Tampa Bay National
716 sive Conservation and Management Dec-96 Plan
Estuary Program Estuary Program
Plan for Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay Nitrogen
Tampa Bay Nitrogen
The Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Management Consor­
717 Mar-98 Plan Management Consortium.
Consortium Action Plan 1995 - 1999 tium. Partnership for
Partnership for Progress.
Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in Sub­ Water Science Technol­
718 Tanner, C.C. 2001
surface-flow Treatment Wetlands ogy. 2001;44(11-12):9-17.
Growth and nutrient dynamics of soft-
Wetlands Ecology and
719 stem bulrush in constructed wetlands Tanner, C.C. 2001
Management. 9: 49-73
treating nutrient-rich wastewaters.
Plants for constructed wetlands –A
comparison of the growth and nutrient Ecological Engineering 7:
720 Tanner, C.C. 1996
uptake characteristics of eight emer­ 59-83.
gent species
Linking Pond and Wetland Treatment:
Tanner, C.C. and J.P. Water Science Technol­
721 Performance of Domestic and Farm 2003
Sukias ogy. 2003;48(2): 331-9.
Systems in New Zealand
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of Water 2000:
Constructed wetlands in New Zealand– CD ROM ISBN 1-877134­
Tanner, C.C., J.P.S. the Global
722 Evaluation of an emerging “natural” 2000 30-9, New Zealand Water
Sukias, and C. Dall Resource
wastewater treatment technology and Wastes Association.
March 19-23.
Relationships between loading rates Tanner, C.C., J.P.S.
Journal of Environmental
723 and pollutant removal during matura­ Sukias, and M.P. 1998
Quality 27: 448-458.
tion of gravel-bed constructed wetlands Upsdell
Using Constructed Wetlands to Treat Tanner, C.C., M.L.
Water Science Technol­
724 Subsurface Drainage From Intensively Nguyen, and J.P. 2003
ogy. 2003;48(5):207-13.
Grazed Dairy Pastures in New Zealand Sukias
Nutrient Removal by a Constructed Tanner, C.C., M.L. Agriculture, Ecosystems
725 Wetland Treating Subsurface Drainage Nguyen, and J.P.S. Jan-05 & Environment; 105(1-2):
from Grazed Dairy Pasture Sukias 145-162. Jan 2005.
Plants for Constructed Wetland Treat­ Ecological Engineer­
ment Systems - A Comparison of the ing, Volume 7, Issue 1,
726 Tanner, Chris C. Sep-96
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Emergent Species 59-83
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Ecological Engineering,
Effect of Water Level Fluctuation on Joachim D’Eugenio,
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727 Nitrogen Removal from Constructed Graham B. McBride, Jan-99
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Wetland Mesocosms James P. S. Sukias
and Keith Thompson
Effect of Loading Rate and Planting on
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Martin P. Upsdell 1995, Pages 27-34
Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Tanner, Chris C.,
Nitrogen Processing Gradients in Robert H. Kadlec, Ecological Engineering;
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Influence of Wastewater Characteristics P.S. Sukias, and M. 2002.
Long Nguyen
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730 Water Pollution of the Upper Nanpan Weimin Yang, and Bo May-03 Paper http://www.idrc.org.sg/uploads/user-S/10536118430ACF64.pdf
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Developing Cost-Effective Geographic Watersheds ‘96. Water
Tedesco, M. and P.
731 Targets for Nitrogen Reductions in the Jun-96 Proceedings Environment Federation . http://www.epa.gov/owowwtr1/watershed/Proceed/tedesco.htm
Long Island Sound Watershed and U.S. EPA
An Evaluation of Pollutant Removal
Thomas, P.R., P. Water Science and Tech­
from Secondary Treated Sewage Ef­
732 Glover and T. Kala­ 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
fluent Using a Constructed Wetland
roopan 3, 1995, Pages 87-93
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Denitrification in an estuarine head­ Thompson, S.P., M.F. Journal of environmental
733 water creek within an agricultural Piehler, and H.W. quality. Nov/Dec 2000. v.
watershed Paerl 29 (6) p. 1914-1923.
Managing Vegetation in Surface-flow Thullen, Joan S.,
Ecological Engineering;
734 Wastewater-treatment Wetlands for James J. Sartoris, Dec-05
25(5): 583-593. Dec 2005.
Optimal Treatment Performance and S. Mark Nelson
Effects of Vegetation Management in
Thullen, Joan S., Ecological Engineering;
Constructed Wetland Treatment Cells
735 James J. Sartoris, Mar-02 18(4): 441-457. March 1,
on Water Quality and Mosquito Produc­
and William E. Walton 2002.
In: Kaplowitz, M.D. (ed.)
Property Rights, Econom­
Tradable Permit Approaches to Pollu­
736 Tietenberg, T. 2000 ics, and the Environment.
tion Control
JAI Press Inc., Stanford,
“Introduction.” Pp. xi-xxviii in Emissions
Aldershot, England: Ash-
737 Trading Programs. Volume I. Implemen­ Tietenberg, T. 2001
gate Publishing Limited.
tation and Evolution
Tilley, David Rogers,
Constructed Wetlands as Recirculation
Harish Badrinaray­ Aquacultural Engineering;
738 Filters in Large-scale Shrimp Aquacul­ Jun-02
anan, Ronald Rosati, 26(2): 81-109. June 2002.
and Jiho Son

The Utilization of a Freshwater Wetland

Tilton, D.L. and R.H. Journal of Environmental
739 for Nutrient Removal from Secondarily 1979 Abstract
Kadlec Quality; 8:328-334. 1979.
Treated Wastewater Effluent
This paper discusses some of the technical work that supports
the Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Trading Program implementation. In
order to help the Program participants set a reasonable cost
North Carolina Depart­ for trading nitrogen or phosphorus between point and nonpoint
Cost-Effectiveness of Agricultural Tippet, J. and R.
ment of Environment, sources and understand how cost effective different best man­
740 BMPs for Nutrient Reduction in the Tar- Dodd Research Jan-95 Paper
Health, and Natural agement practices (BMPs) are, the authors developed cost-
Pamlico Basin Triangle Institute
Resources effectiveness estimates (expressed as $/kilogram of nutrient
load reduced) for cost-shared agricultural BMPs in the Basin.
The data represent BMPs that were implemented from 1985 to
Project Spotlight,
NWQEP Noted, The
NCSU Water Quality
Evaluates the cost-effectiveness of Agricultural BMPs. The
Group Newsletter. North
authors did not include the cost-effectiveness of restoring and
Cost-Effectiveness of Agricultural Carolina Cooperative
Tippett, John P. and Summary of a protecting riparian areas and wetlands in their analysis and
741 BMPs for Nutrient Reduction in the Tar- Jul-95 Extension Service, North
Randall C. Dodd Paper indicated additional research is needed on this subject.
Pamlico River Basin (NC) Carolina State University,
College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences. Num­
ber 72, July 1995, ISSN
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Soil Biology and Bio­
Nitrogen Fixation Associated with
Tjepkema, J.D. and chemistry, Volume 8,
742 Juncus balticus and Other Plants of 1976
H.J. Evans Issue 6, 1976, Pages
Oregon Wetlands
Nutrient Removal through Autumn
Harvest of Phragmites australis and Journal of Environmental
Toet, S., M. Bouw­
Typha latifolia Shoots in Relation to Science and Health Part
743 man, A. Cevaal, and 2005
Nutrient Loading in a Wetland System A (2005) 40(6-7): 1133­
J.T.A. Verhoeven
Used for Polishing Sewage Treatment 1156
Plant Effluent
Toet, Sylvia, Richard
The Functioning of a Wetland System S.P. van Logtestijn, Ecological Engineering;
744 Used for Polishing Effluent from a Sew­ Michiel Schreijer, Jul-05 25(1): 101-124. Jul 20,
age Treatment Plant Ruud Kampf, and Jos 2005.
T.A. Verhoeven
Tourbier, J. and R.W. Univ. of Pennsylvania
745 Biological Control of Water Pollution 1976 Abstract
Pierson (eds) Press, Philadelphia, PA
Quantifying Nitrogen Retention in Sur­
Trepel, Michael and Ecological Engineering;
746 face Flow Wetlands for Environmental Aug-02
Luca Palmeri 19(2): 127-140. Aug 2002.
Planning at the Landscape-scale
Hydrologic characterization of two prior Transactions of the
Tweedy, K.L. and R.O. Sep­
747 converted wetland restoration sites in ASAE. Sept/Oct 2001. v.

Evans Oct-01
eastern North Carolina 44 (5) p. 1135-1142.
The Effects of NH4+ and NO3? on Tylova-Munzarova,
Growth, Resource Allocation and Edita, Bent Lorenzen, Aquatic Botany; 81(4):
748 Apr-05
Nitrogen Uptake Kinetics of Phragmites Hans Brix, and Olga 326-342. Apr 2005.
australis and Glyceria maxima Votrubova
EPA843-R-001. Office of
Natural Wetlands and Urban Stormwa­ Wetlands, Oceans and
749 U.S. EPA Feb-93 Abstract
ter: Potential Impacts and Management Watersheds, Washington,
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands
EPA832-R-93-001. Office
750 for Wastewater Treatment: A Technol­ U.S. EPA Jul-93 Abstract
of Water, Washington, DC
ogy Assessment
EPA 625/1-88/022.
Process Design Manualù Constructed
Center for Environmental
751 Wetlands and Aquatic Plant Systems U.S. EPA Sep-88 Abstract
Research Information,
for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Cincinnati, OH
Report on the Use of Wetlands for EPA 430/09-88-005. Of­
752 Municipal Wastewater Treatment and U.S. EPA Oct-87 Abstract fice of Municipal Pollution
Disposal Control, Washington, DC
Freshwater Wetlands for Wastewater
EPA 904/9-85-135. Re­
753 Management Environmental Assess­ U.S. EPA Sep-85 Abstract
gion IV, Atlanta, GA
ment Handbook
The Effects of Wastewater Treatment EPA 905/3-83-002. Re­
754 U.S. EPA 1983 Abstract
Facilities on Wetlands in the Midwest gion V, Chicago, IL
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Constructed Wetlands for Wasterwater EPA 832-R-93-005. Office
755 Treatment and Wildlife Habitat: 17 Case U.S. EPA 1993 of Wastewater Manage­
Studies ment, Washington, DC.
EPA 905/3-84-002.
The Ecological Impacts of Wastewater
U.S. EPA/U.S. F&WL Region V, Chicago, IL and
756 on Wetlands, An Annotated Bibliogra­ 1984 Abstract
Service U.S. F&WL Service, Kear­
neysville, WY
Preliminary Review for a Geographic
and Monitoring Program Project: A
U.S. Geological Open file
757 Review of Point Source–Nonpoint Jun-05 U.S. Geological Service http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-079/Wood_OFR03-79.pdf
Service report 03-79
Source Effluent Trading/Offset Systems
in Water Sheds
Health Threats Grow from Tons of Atlanta Journal Constitu­
758 Unger, H. 2002
Manure tion. November 24, 2002.
United States Depart­ United States Department
The Phosphorus Index: A Phosphorus ment of Agriculture, of Agriculture, Natural
759 Aug-94 Report http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/ECS/nutrient/pindex.html
Assessment Tool Natural Resources Resources Conservation
Conservation Service Service
Bank Review and Certification Require­ Urban, David T.
760 ments: A Wetland Mitigation Banking Land and Water Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Perspective Resources, Inc.

Ecological Sciences
Division of the Natural
Resources Conserva­
US Department of http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Constructed_Wetlands_all/index.
761 Constructed wetlands bibliography 2000 tion Service and the
Agriculture html (January 2006).
Water Quality Information
Center at the National
Agricultural Library
US Department of
Assessing a Neural Network Modeling US Department of
Agriculture: Agri­ Ac­ http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/projects/projects.htm?accn_
762 Approach for Predicting Nutrient Loads Web-site Agriculture: Agricultural
cultural Research cessed no=410035
in the Mahantango Watershed Research Service
A newsletter acknowledging the importance of nutrient trading
in meeting reduction goals, the process the nutrient trading
US Environmental US Environmental Protec­ negotiation team underwent to reach consensus, and a listing
763 Water Quality Training Aug-00 fact sheet
Protection Agency tion Agency of the recommended fundamental principles and elements of a
trading program.
Water Quality Trading Assessment http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/OI.NSF/
US Environmental EPA 910-B-03-003, 100
764 Handbook: EPA Region 10’s Guide to Jul-03 34090d07b77d50bd88256b79006529e8/
Protection Agency pgs
Analyzing Your Watershed 642397cf31d9997388256d66007d53a7?OpenDocument
National Water Quality Trading Assess­ US Environmental
765 Nov-04 Handbook EPA 841-B-04-001 http://www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/trading/handbook/
ment Handbook Protection Agency
Water Quality Trading Assessment http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/OI.NSF/
US Environmental EPA 910-B-03-003, 100
766 Handbook: EPA Region 10’s Guide to Jul-03 Handbook 34090d07b77d50bd88256b79006529e8/
Protection Agency pgs
Analyzing Your Watershed 642397cf31d9997388256d66007d53a7?OpenDocument
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
National Water Quality Trading Assess­ US Environmental
767 Nov-04 Handbook EPA 841-B-04-001 http://www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/trading/handbook/
ment Handbook Protection Agency
US Environmental US Environmental Protec­
768 Shepherd Creek, OH Case Study Web page
Protection Agency tion Agency
EPA 841-B-05-003, US
National Management Measures to
Environmental Protection
Protect and Restore Wetlands and US Environmental
769 Jul-05 Agency Office of Water, http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/wetmeasures/
Riparian Areas for the Abatement of Protection Agency
Washington, DC. July
Nonpoint Source Pollution
U.S. EPA, Office of Policy
US Environmental
Planning and Evaluation,
Protection Agency,
with New Jersey Depart­
New Jersey Depart­
Sharing the Load: Effluent Trading for ment of Environmental
770 ment of Environmen­ May-98 Paper
Indirect Dischargers Protection and Passaic
tal Protection, and
Valley Sewerage Com­
Passaic Valley Sewer­
age Commissioners
EPA841-B-02-002, US
The Twenty Needs Report: How US Environmental Environmental Protection
771 Research Can Improve the TMDL Protection Agency, 2002 Report Agency Office of Water, http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/20needsreport_8-02.pdf
Program Office of Water Washington DC (43 pp).

Improving Air Quality with Economic Office of Air and Radia­

772 US EPA 2001
Incentive Programs tion. EPA-425/R-01-001.
Better Assessment Science Integrating
773 US EPA 2003 US EPA http://www.epa.gov/ostwater/BASINS/index.html.
Non-Point Sources (BASINS)
http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/cwact.html. Home page for the
Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pol­ US EPA, Office of Water.
774 US EPA Oct-05 Website Clean Water Act Section 319 with links and information on
lution): Clean Water Act Section 319 October, 2005.
grants, case studies and policy directions.
US EPA, Watershed
http://www.epa.gov/watertrain/cwa/index.htm. Online tutorial on
775 Introduction to the Clean Water Act US EPA Mar-03 Website Academy Web. March
the Clean Water Act.
Office of Wetlands,
Introduces guiding principles for planning, sitting, design, con­
Guiding Principles for constructed Oceans and Watersheds.
struction, operation, maintenance and monitoring of constructed
776 Treatment Wetlands: Providing for Wa­ US EPA Oct-00 Washington, DC, EPA
treatment wetlands. Provides information on current Agency
ter Quality and Wildlife Habitat 843-B-00-003, October
policies, permits, regulations and resources.
EPA/625/R-99/010. Office
Manual: Constructed Wetlands Treat­
777 US EPA 2000 of Research and Devel­
ment of Municipal Wastewaters
opment, Cincinnati, OH.
Free Water Surface Wetlands for EPA 832-S-99-001. Office
778 Wasterwater Treatment: A Technology US EPA 1999 of Wastewater Manage­
Assessment ment, Washington, DC.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Section 319 Nonpoint Soucre Program
US EPA, Office of Water
Success Story, North Carolina, Tar- US EPA, Office of
779 Jul-05 Case Study Quality, EPA 841-F-05­ http://www.epa.gov/nps/Success319/state/nc_tar.htm
Pamlico Basin Agricultural Manage­ Water Quality
ment Strategy
Endenton Stormwater Wetland Project:
US EPA, Office of Ac­ Section 319 Success
780 Wetland Systems Reduce Nitrogen
Water Quality cessed Stories, Vol. III
Nutrient Profiles in the Everglades: Science of the Total
Vaithiyanathan, P. and 7-Oct­
781 Examination Along the Eutrophication Environment. 1997 Oct
C.J. Richardson 97
Gradient 7;205(1):81-95.
Simulation of the Effects of Nutrient Van der Peijl, M. J., Ecological Modelling;
782 Enrichment on Nutrient and Carbon M.M.P. Van Oorschot, Oct-00 134(2-3): 169-184. Octo­
Dynamics in a River Marginal Wetland and J.T.A. Verhoeven ber 30, 2000.
A Model of Carbon, Nitrogen and Ecological Modelling;
Van der Peijl, M.J.
783 Phosphorus Dynamics and Their Inter­ Jun-99 118(2-3): 95-130. June
and J.T.A. Verhoeven
actions in River Marginal Wetlands 15, 1999.
Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cy­
cling in river marginal wetlands; model van der Peijl, M.J. Biogeochemistry. July
784 Jul-00
examination of landscape geochemical and J.T.A.Verhoeven 2000. v. 50 (1) p. 45-71.
Van Hoewyk, D., P.M. Soil Science Society of

Soil nitrogen dynamics in organic and

Groffman, E. Kiviat, Nov­ America journal. Nov/Dec
785 mineral soil calcareous wetlands in
G. Mihocko, and G. Dec-00 2000. v. 64 (6) p. 2168­
eastern New York
Stevens 2173.
Nitrogen Removal in Constructed Wet­ Water Science and Tech­
786 lands Treating Nitrified Meat Process­ van Oostrom, A.J. 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
ing Effluent 3, 1995, Pages 137-147
An Operational Survey of a Natural Water Science and Tech­
787 Lagoon Treatment Plant Combining Vandevenne, Louis 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Macrophytes and Microphytes Basins 3, 1995, Pages 79-86
Emergent Plant Decomposition and Environmental and
Vargo, Sharon M.,
Sedimentation: Response to Sediments Experimental Botany, Vol­
788 Robert K. Neely and Aug-98
Varying in Texture, Phosphorus Content ume 40, Issue 1, August
Stephen M. Kirkwood
and Frequency of Deposition 1998, Pages 43-58
Venterink, H., T.E.
Impact of drying and re-wetting on N, P Plant and soil. June 2002.
789 Davidsson, K. Kiehl, Jun-02 http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0032-079X/contents
and K dynamics in a wetland soil v. 243 (1) p. 119-130.
L. Leonardson
Nutrient Dynamics in Minerotrophic Aquatic Botany, Volume
790 Verhoeven, J.T.A. 1986
Peat Mires 25, 1986, Pages 117-137
Evolving Environmental Policies World Congress of Envi­
Vukina, T. and A. 6/25­
791 and Asset Values: Nutrient Trading ronmental and Resource no copy or abstract found
Wossink 27/1998
Schemes In The Netherlands Economists, Venice,
Horizontal Sub-surface Flow and Hy­ Ecological Engineering;
792 brid Constructed Wetlands Systems for Vymazal, Jan Dec-05 25( 5): 478-790. Dec. 1,
Wastewater Treatment 2005.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
The Use of Sub-surface Constructed
Ecological Engineering;
Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in
793 Vymazal, Jan Jun-02 18(5): 633-646. June
the Czech Republic: 10 Years Experi­
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Water Science and Tech­
794 Treatment in the Czech Republic the Vymazal, Jan 1996 nology, Volume 34, Issue
First 5 Years Experience 11, 1996, Pages 159-164
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Water Science and Tech­
795 Treatment in the Czech Republic: State Vymazal, Jan 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
of the Art 3, 1995, Pages 357-364
Nutrient Trading: Harnessing Com­
un­ Academy of Natural Sci­
796 merce as a Tool to Control Water Wall, Roland Report http://www.acnatsci.org/education/kye/pp/kye7152004.html
known ences Web site
Vegetation management to stimulate Journal of the American
denitrification increases mosquito Walton, W.E. and J.A. Mosquito Control Asso­
797 Mar-06
abundance in multipurpose constructed Jiannino ciation. 2005 Mar., v. 21,
treatment wetlands no. 1, p. 22-27.
Comprehensively documents the development and implementa­
tion of the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority’s trading
program in Denver, Colorado, while highlighting several other
trading programs. By identifying the similarities and differences
Phosphorus Credit Trading in the Water Environment Re­ in program design and linking those key elements to scien­

Water Environment
798 Cherry Creek Basin: An Innovative 2000 Paper search Foundation tific, economic, and institutional conditions in the watershed
Research Foundation
Approach 130 pages. Soft cover. community, this report examines some lessons, guidelines,
and patterns emerging from the growing field of trading. Paper
available for purchase at: http://www.werf.org/AM/Template.
Describes a program of watershed-based trading intended to
reduce phosphorus and sediment loading in selected reaches of
Phosphorus Credit Trading in the Kal­ Water Environment Re­
Water Environment the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. Examines the environmental
799 amazoo River Basin: Forging Nontradi­ 2000 Paper search Foundation
Research Foundation and economic benefits of trading between point and nonpoint
tional Partnerships 282 pages. Soft cover.
sources. Identifies policy issues and technical design elements
vital to the design of a statewide water quality trading program.
Describes the pursuit of watershed-based trading by Fox-Wolf
Basin 2000, a nonprofit watershed alliance in northeastern Wis­
Phosphorus Credit Trading in the Fox- Water Environment Re­
Water Environment consin. Examines the region’s history of water quality problems,
800 Wolf Basin: Exploring Legal, Economic, 2000 Paper search Foundation
Research Foundation analyzes legal and economic issues connected with trades, and
and Technical Issues 110 pages. Soft cover.
describes preliminary work commenced in each basin toward
establishment of total maximum daily loads.
This report explores whether a market for nitrogen credits could
help wastewater treatment plants in Maryland achieve cost-ef­
fective water quality objectives. The results of this study indicate
Nitrogen Credit Trading in Maryland: Water Environment Re­ that, compared with approaches that require all plants to attain
Water Environment
801 A Market Analysis for Establishing a 2002 Paper search Foundation equal nitrogen concentrations, trading options could achieve the
Research Foundation
Statewide Framework 90 pages. Soft cover. same environmental objectives while saving millions of dollars.
Non-WERF subscribers can order hard copies of this report
for $65.00 each plus postage and handling. To order copies,
contact David Morroni at 703-684-2470.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Part of the Water Environment Research Foundation’s ongoing
Watershed-Based Trading Demonstration Project, this study
tracks a watershed-based trading program in the Long Island
Water Environment Re­
Nitrogen Credit Trading in the Long Water Environment Sound in Connecticut, U.S.A. to help other municipalities devel­
802 2002 Paper search Foundation
Island Sound Watershed Research Foundation op and implement trading programs of their own. Nitrogen efflu­
132 pages. Soft cover.
ent credit trading offers an equitable and cost-saving approach
for major point sources to meet nitrogen reduction requirements
and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limits.
Describes a program of watershed-based trading intended to
reduce phosphorus and sediment loading in selected reaches of
the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. Examines the environmental
Phosphorus Credit Trading in the Kal­ Water Environmental Re­ and economic benefits of trading between point and nonpoint
Water Environmental
803 amazoo River Basin: Forging Nontradi­ 2000 search Foundation. 2000. sources. Identifies policy issues and technical design elements
Research Foundation
tional Partnerships 282 pages. vital to the design of a statewide water quality trading program.
Published by WERF. 2000. 282 pages. Soft cover
Wayland, Karen G.,
Modelling the Impact of Historical Land Lakes and Reservoirs:
David W. Hyndman,
Uses on Surface-water Quality Using Research and Manage­
804 David Boutt, Bryan C. Sep-02 Paper
Groundwater Flow and Solute-transport ment, Volume 7, Issue 3,
Pijanowski, and David
Models Page 189-199, Sep 2002
T. Long
Laboratory assessment of atrazine and Weaver, M.A., R.M.
Chemosphere. 2004 Nov.,

805 fluometuron degradation in soils from a Zablotowicz, M.A. Nov-04

v. 57, issue 8, p. 853-862.
constructed wetland Locke
In situ removal of dissolved phosphorus
Agriculture, Ecosystems
in irrigation drainage water by planted Wen, L. and F. Reck­
806 Jun-02 & Environment. June
floats: preliminary results from growth nagel
2002. v. 90 (1) p. 9-15.
chamber experiment
Fundamental Processes Within Natural
and Constructed Wetland Ecosystems: Water Science Technol­
807 Wetzel, R.G. 2001
Short-term Versus Long-term Objec­ ogy. 2001;44(11-12):1-8.
Impacts of Freshwater Wetlands on Whigham, D.F., C.
Environmental Manage­
808 Water Quality: A Landscape Perspec­ Chitterling, and B. 1988 Abstract
ment 12:663-671
tive Palmer
Nitrification and denitrification rates Journal of environmental
White, J.R. and K.R. Nov­
809 of everglades wetland soils along a quality. 2003 Nov-Dec, v.
Reddy Dec-03
phosphorus-impacted gradient 32, no. 6, p. 2436-2443.
Soil Science Society of
Influence of selected inorganic electron
White, J.R. and K.R. May­ America journal. May/
810 acceptors on organic nitrogen mineral­
Reddy Jun-01 June 2001. v. 65 (3) p.
ization in Everglades soils
Soil Science Society of
Influence of phosphorus loading on
White, J.R. and K.R. Jul-Aug­ America Journal. Jul/Aug
811 organic nitrogen mineralization of
Reddy 00 2000. v. 64 (4) p. 1525­
everglades soils
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Influence of hydrologic regime and
White, J.R., K.R.
vegetation on phosphorus retention in Hydrological Processes,
812 Reddy and M.Z. 2004 Report
Everglades stormwater treatement area 18, 343-355
Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal in
Water Science and Tech­
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands
813 White, Kevin D. 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Employing a 2-stage Configuration, an
3, 1995, Pages 59-67
Unsaturated Zone, and Recirculation
Journal of Environmental
Rapid Removal of Nitrate and Sulfate in Whitmire, S.L. and
814 Oct-05 Quality, 34 (6): 2062-71.
Freshwater Wetland Sediments S.K. Hamilton
Nov-Dec 2005
Sulphate Reduction and the Removal Wiessner, A., U. Kap­
Water Research; 39(19):
815 of Carbon and Ammonia in a Labora­ pelmeyer, P. Kuschk, Nov-05
4643-4650. Nov 2005.
tory-scale Constructed Wetland and M. Kästner
Influence of the redox condition dy­ Wiessner, A., U. Kap­ Water Research. 2005
816 namics on the removal efficiency of a pelmeyer, P. Kuschk, Jan-05 Jan., v. 39, issue 1, p.
laboratory-scale constructed wetland M. and Kästner 248-256.
Wigand, C., R.A.
McKinney, M.M. Journal of Environmental
Denitrification enzyme activity of fringe May­
817 Chintala, M.A. Quality. 2004 May-June,
salt marshes in New England (USA) Jun-04
Charpentier, and P.M. v. 33, no. 3, p. 1144-1151.

Tissue nutrient signatures predict her- New phytologist. Dec

Willby, N.J., I.D. Pul­
818 baceous-wetland community responses Dec-01 2001. v. 152 (3) p. 463­
ford, and T.H. Flowers
to nutrient availability 481.
Wilsnack, M.M., D.E. Journal of the American
Simulating flow in regional wetlands Welter, A.M. Montoya, Water Resources Asso­
819 Jun-01 http://www.awra.org/jawra/index.html
with the modflow wetlands package J.I. Restrepo, and J. ciation / June 2001. v. 37
Obeysekera (3) p. 655-674.
First Annual Report to the Governor Wisconsin Depart­
Wisconsin Department of
820 on Wisconsin Pollutant Trading Pilot ment of Natural Sep-98 Report
Natural Resources
Studies Resources
Second Annual Report to the Governor Wisconsin Depart­
Wisconsin Department of
821 on Wisconsin Pollutant Trading Pilot ment of Natural Sep-99 Report
Natural Resources
Studies Resources
This paper discusses agricultural nutrient inputs to rivers in the
UK through description of resent field research on nutrient loss,
the need for integrated management approaches which include
both N and P, the vulnerability of land use and adoption of safe
Agricultural Nutrient Inputs to Rivers management options in relation to landscape characteristics
Sci Total Environ. 2002
and Groundwaters in the UK: Policy, Withers, P.J. and El and the sensitivity of the watercourse along its reach. For P, the
822 Jan-02 Paper Jan 23;282-283:9-24.
Environmental Management and Re­ Lord identification of vulnerable zones represents a step forward to
PMID: 11852908
search Needs the management of the river basin in smaller definable units,
which can provide a focus for safe management practices. This
requires a better understanding of the linkages between nutrient
sources, transport and impacts and is considered an urgent
research priority.
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Water Science and Tech­
Nitrogen Removal from Pretreated Wittgren, Hans B. and
823 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
Wastewater in Surface Flow Wetlands Scott Tobiason
3, 1995, Pages 69-78
Adaptation of wastewater surface flow
Wong, T. H. F. and W. Ecological Engineering
824 wetland formulae for application in 1997
F. Geiger 9:187-202.
constructed stormwater wetlands
This is a USGS report that reviews the factors affecting the
potential for instituting watershed-based trading to improve
Preliminary Preview for a Geographic
Open-File Report 03-79 water quality. An overview of successful and failed programs
and Monitoring Program Project: A
Wood, Alexander and 2003 U.S. Department of is provided, as is a description of an offset feasibility study for
825 Review of Point Source–Nonpoint 2003 Paper
Richard Bernknopf the Interior U.S. Geologi­ mercury TMDLs in the Sacramento watershed. Three case
Source Effluent Trading/Offset Systems
cal Survey studies are reviewed; Dillon, Tar-Pamlico, Clear Creek. Optimal
in Watersheds
conditions for water quality trading are listed and described.
Southern Agricultural
Market-Based Solutions to Environ­ http://agecon2.tamu.edu/people/faculty/woodward-richard/paps/
826 Woodward, R.T. Feb-00 Invited paper Economic Association,
mental Problems SAEA-MB.pdf
Annual Meeting
Market Structures for U. S. Water Qual­ Woodward, R.T. and Review of Agricultural
827 2002 Paper
ity Trading R.A. Kaiser Economics, 2002
Woodward, R.T., Journal of the American
The Structure and Practice of Water http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4038/is_200208/
828 R.A. Kaiser, and A.B. 2002 Water Resources Asso­
Quality Trading Markets ai_n9118352
Wicks ciation; 38: 967-979. 2002

Trading Research of Richard T. Texas A&M University,

List of Publica­
829 Woodward, Department of Agricultural Woodward, Richard T. Department of Agricul­
Economics Texas A&M University tural Economics
Flax Pond ecosystem study: exchange
of phosphorus between as salt marsh Woodwell, G.M. and
830 1977 Marine Biology 41:1-6.
and the coastal waters of Long Island D.E. Whitney
Emergence patterns of Culex mosqui­ Journal of the American
toes at an experimental constructed Workman, P.D. and Mosquito Control Asso­
831 Jun-00
treatment wetland in southern Califor­ W.E. Walton ciation. June 2000. v. 16
nia (2) p. 124-130.
Effect of Pond Shape and Vegetation Journal of Hydrology;
Wörman, Anders and
832 Heterogeneity on Flow and Treatment Jan-06 301(1-4): 123-138. Jan
Veronika Kronnäs
Performance of Constructed Wetlands 2005.
Emissions Trading: An NGO Perspec­ 3/16­ Senior Campaigner,
833 Worthington, Bryony Presentation http://www.inece.org/emissions/worthington.pdf
tive 18/2004 Friends of the Earth
An Evaluation of Cost and Benefits of
Wossink, Ada and Bill North Carolina Coopera­ http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/g/gawossin/stormwa-
834 Structural Stormwater Best Manage­ Nov-05 Fact Sheet
Hunt tive Extension Service terBMPFactsheet.pdf
ment Practices
The Economics of Structural Stormwa­ Wossink, Ada and Bill WRRI Research Report
835 2003 Paper http://www.ag-econ.ncsu.edu/faculty/wossink/outreach.html.
ter BMPs in North Carolina Hunt Number 344
Water Pollution Control
Natural Systems for Wastewater Treat­
836 WPCF 1990 Abstract Federation, Alexandria,
ment; Manual of Practice FD-16
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Wrubleski, Dale A.,
Decomposition of Emergent Macro­ Henry R. Murkin, Aquatic Botany, Volume
837 phyte Roots and Rhizomes in a North­ Arnold G. van der Sep-97 58, Issue 2, September
ern Prairie Marsh Valk and Jeffrey W. 1997, Pages 121-134
Ecological Engineering;
Development of a Constructed Subsur­ Wynn, Theresa Maria
838 Feb-01 16(4): 519-536. February
face-flow Wetland Simulation Model and Sarah K. Liehr
1, 2001.
Yang, Yang, Xu
Removal Efficiency of the Constructed Zhencheng, Hu Water Science and Tech­
839 Wetland Wastewater Treatment System Kangping, Wang 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue
at Bainikeng, Shenzhen Junsan and Wang 3, 1995, Pages 31-40
Agriculture, Ecosystems
Estimating the Effectiveness of Vegetat­
Yates, P. and J.M. & Environment, Volume
840 ed Floodplains: Wetlands as Nitrate-ni­ May-83
Sheridan 9, Issue 3, May 1983,
trite and Orthophosphorus Filters
Pages 303-314
Yin, C.Q., C.F. Yang,
Non-Point Pollution from China’s Rural Water Science Technol­
841 B.Q. Shan, G.B. Li, 2001
Areas and Its Countermeasures ogy. 2001;44(7):123-8.
and D.L. Wang
The Nutrient Retention by Ecotone Water Science and Tech­
Yin, Chengqing and
842 Wetlands and their Modification for 1995 nology, Volume 32, Issue

Zhiwen Lan
Baiyangdian Lake Restoration 3, 1995, Pages 159-167
Plowing New Ground: Using Economic
Young, T. and C. Environmental Defense
843 Incentives to Control Water Pollution 1994 Paper
Congdon Fund
from Agriculture
Protecting a Wildlife Refuge Through
844 Young, Terry Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
Selenium Reductions
Yu, K.W., Z.P. Wang,
Nitrous oxide and methane emissions Biology and fertility of
A. Vermoesen, W.H.
845 from different soil suspensions: effect of Jul-01 soils. July 2001. v. 34 (1)
Patrick, Jr., and O.
soil redox status p. 25-30.
van Cleemput
Zaidi, A.Z., S.M.
Paper for the American Society of Agricultural Engineers Annual
A Framework for Pollutant Trading Dur­ deMonsabert, R. Conference George Mason University,
846 2004 Conference
ing the TMDL Allocation Phase El-Farhan, and S. Paper Fairfax, VA. 2004.
Practical Case Studies of Actual Water
847 Pollutant Trading Programs. Market Zander, B. Case Study U.S. EPA; Denver
Based Trading for Water & Wetlands
Optimal Trading Between Point and Watersheds ‘96. Water
Zander, B. and K.
848 Nonpoint Sources of Phosphorus in the Jun-96 Proceedings Environment Federation http://www.epa.gov/owowwtr1/watershed/Proceed/little.html
Chatfield Basin, Colorado and U.S. EPA
Air/Water Exchange of Mercury in the
Science of the Total
Everglades I: The Behavior of Dis­ Zhang, H. and S.E. 2-Oct­
849 Environment. 2000 Oct
solved Gaseous Mercury in the Ever­ Lingberg 00
glades Nutrient Removal Project
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Effects of Plants on Nitrogen/Phospho­ Zhang, R.S., G.H.
Huan Jing Ke Xue,26(4):
850 rus Removal in Subsurface Construct­ Li, Z. Zhou, and X. Jul-05
83-6. July 2005
ed Wetlands Zhang
Sulfur:Limestone Autotrophic Deni­
trification Processes for Treatment of Zhang, Tian C. and Water Research; 33(3):
851 Feb-99
Nitrate-contaminated Water: Batch David G. Lampe 599-608. February 1999.
Zhang, X., S.E.
A water chemistry assessment of Feagley, J.W. Day, Journal of environmental
852 wastewater remediation in a natural W.H. Conner, I.D. quality. Nov/Dec 2000. v.
swamp Hesse, J.M. Rybczyk, 29 (6) p. 1960-1968.
and W.H. Hudnall
Purification Capacity of a Highly Load­ Science of The Total En­
Zhao, Y.Q., G. Sun,
853 ed Laboratory Scale Tidal Flow Reed Sep-04 vironment; 330(1-3): 1-8.
and S.J. Allen
Bed System with Effluent Recirculation Sept 2004.
Journal of environmental
Nitrogen retention and release in Atlan­ Zhu, W.X. and J.G. Mar­
854 quality. Mar/Apr 2000. v.
tic white cedar wetlands Ehrenfeld Apr-00
29 (2) p. 612-620.
Exploring Trading to Restore Base Flow
855 Zimmerman, Robert Jul-03 PowerPoint 2003 National Forum on Water Quality Trading
in the Charles River
In this paper, the flow of methane is measured in Typha latifolia

New Phytologist L. (cattail)-dominated wetlands from microbial production in

Volume 139 Page 495 anoxic sediment into, through, and out of emergent T. latifolia
Aspects of methane flow from sedi­
Yavitt, J. B. & Knapp, - July 1998 shoots (i.e. plant transport). The purpose was to identify key en­
856 ment through emergent cattail (Typha Jul-98 Paper
A. K. doi:10.1046/j.1469­ vironmental and plant factors that might affect rates of methane
latifolia) plants
8137.1998.00210.x efflux from wetlands to the Earth’s atmosphere.
Volume 139 Issue 3 http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1469­
In this report, we review progress on estimating and under­
standing both the magnitude of, and controls on, emissions of
CH sub(4) from natural wetlands. We also calculate global wet­
Review and assessment of methane Bartlett, KB and Har­ Chemosphere. Vol. 26, no. land CH sub(4) emissions using this extensive flux data base
857 1993 Paper
emissions from wetlands. riss, RC 1-4, pp. 261-320. 1993 and the wetland areas compiled and published by Matthews
and Fung (1987).
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
This study used a methane emission model based on the
hypothesis that plant primary production and soil organic matter
decomposition act to control the supply of substrate needed by
methanogens; the rate of substrate supply and environmental
factors, in turn, control the rate of CH4 production, and the
balance between CH4 production and methanotrophic oxidation
determines the rate of CH4 emission into the atmosphere. The
model was used to calculate spatial and seasonal distributions
Global carbon exchange and methane Cao, Mingkui; Journal of Geophysical
of CH4 emissions at a resolution of 1° latitude×1° longitude. The
858 emissions from natural wetlands: Ap­ Marshall, Stewart; Jun-96 Paper Research, Volume 101,
calculated net primary production (NPP) of wetlands ranged
plication of a process-based model Gregson, Keith Issue D9, p. 14399-14414
from 45 g C m-2yr-1 for northern bogs to 820 g C m-2yr-1 for
tropical swamps. Sensitivity analysis showed that the response
of CH4 emission to climate change depends upon the com­
bined effects of soil carbon storage, rate of decomposition, soil
moisture and activity of methanogens.
Economic Linkages Between Coastal
Wetlands and Water Quality: A Review Unpublished Research
859 Kazmierczak, R.F. 2001
of Value Estimates Reported in the Paper, 22 p.
Published Literature
Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: Mitchell, R.C. and Resources for the Future,
860 1989
The Contingent Valuation Method R.T. Carson Washington, DC p. 4-5.

The economic value of wetland ser­ Woodward, RT and Ecological Economics 37

861 2000 Paper
vices: a meta-analysis Wui, Y. (2001) p. 257-270.
Getting paid for stewardship: An agri­ Conservation Tech­
Conservation Technology
862 cultural community water quality trading nology Information 2006 Paper
Information Center
guide Center
WRI Annual Report
Nutrient Trading: Improving Water Qual­ World Resources
863 2004 Paper 2003. World Resources
ity Through Market-Based Incentives Institute
Lessons About Effluent Trading from a Woodward, R.T and Review of Agricultural
864 2003 Journal Article
Single Trade R.C. Bishop Economics, 2003.
Lessons Learned from the Trading Kranmer, J. M. and
865 Pilots: Applications for Wisconsin Water Resource Strategies, Jul-03 Paper Resource Strategies, Inc.
Quality Trading Policy Inc.
Rowles, K. and Geor­
A Feasibility Analysis of Applying Water Georgia Water Planning
866 gia Water Planning Jun-05 Working Paper
quality Trading in Georgia Watersheds and Policy Center
and Policy Center
Water Quality Trading in the Lower
Institute for Environ­ Institute for Environmen­
867 Delaware River Basin: A Resource for Mar-06 Report
mental Studies tal Studies
Greenhalgh, S. and Forum for Applied Re­
868 Trading on Water 2001 Article
P. Faeth search and Public Policy
# Title AAA Author Type Publisher Comments
Winsten, J.; Green­
wood, K.; Hession,
This report describes the processes and outcomes of the
C.; Johnstone, S.;
Policy Options for Reducing Phospho­ project titled ‘Developing and Assessing Policy Options for
Jokela, W.; Klein-
rus Loading in Lake Champlain: Final Lake Champlian Basin Reducing Phosphorus Loading in Lake Champlain.’ The goal
869 man, P.; Meals, 2004 Report
Report to the Lake Champlain Basin Program of this project was to facilitate the achievement of the long-term
D.; Michauld, A.;
Program P reduction goals set for Lake Champlain through the develop­
Parsons, R.; Pease,
ment of innovative policy strategies for agricultural land.
J.; sharpley, A. and E.
Economic and Environmental Implica­
tions of Phosphorus Control at North Texas Institute for Applied
870 Keplinger, K. Jul-03 Report
Bosque River (Texas) Wastewater Environmental Research
Journal of Urban Plan­
Implementation of the EPA’s Water
Trauth, K.M. and Yee- ning and Development,
871 Quality Trading Policy for Storm Water Dec-05 Journal Article
Sook Shin Volume 131, Issue 4, pp.
Management and Smart Growth
The Economics of Total Maximum Daily Texas Institute for Applied
872 Keplinger, K. Feb-03 Report
Loads Environmental Research
The National Forum on Synergies Between Water Quality
National Forum on Synergies Between
Environmental Law Environmental Law Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking report summarizes the
873 Water Quality Trading and Wetland Jan-06 Report
Institute Institute discussions from the Forum, held July 11-12, 2005, in Washing­
Mitigation Banking

ton DC.
Ohio Environment Report:
The Potential for Water Quality Trading
874 Sohngen, B. 2005 Volume 3, Issue 1. OSU
in Ohio
Extension Program.
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Cincinnati, OH 45268

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