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Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

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MiR-139 in digestive system tumor diagnosis and detection: Bioinformatics T

and meta-analysis
⁎⁎ ⁎
Yu-Hui Wanga,1, Jia Jia,1, Hong Wengb, Bi-Cheng Wangc, , Fu-Bing Wanga,
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, PR China
Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, PR China
Department of Pathology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, PR China


Keywords: Background: Accumulating evidence has indicated that microRNAs play important roles in the initiation and
miR-139 progression of digestive system tumors. However, previous studies suggest that the accuracy of miRNA detection
Digestive system tumors in digestive system tumors was inconsistent.
Bioinformatics Methods: The candidate miRNAs were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Meta-analysis was
performed to evaluate the diagnostic value of these miRNAs in digestive system tumors. Furthermore, the po-
tential target genes of the miRNAs were predicted and assessed with functional analysis.
Results: According to TCGA data, miR-139 was a common biomarker of digestive system tumors. It was mark-
edly reduced in tumor tissues as compared with non-cancerous tissues in digestive system tumors. In the meta-
analysis, the pooled diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) and AUC was 57.51 (95% CI: 14.25–232.04) and 0.96 (95% CI:
0.94–0.97), respectively. Furthermore, the overall sensitivity and specificity was 0.89 (95% CI: 0.73–0.96) and
0.91 (95% CI: 0.75–0.97), respectively. The diagnostic value of tissue miR-139 was higher than the diagnostic
value of blood miR-139. In particular, miR-139 was a superior marker for distinguishing colorectal cancer.
Conclusion: miR-139 could be a potential biomarker for diagnosis of digestive system tumors especially color-
ectal cancer.

1. Introduction binding to the 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNA transcripts to

negatively regulate target gene expression. Thus, they play an im-
Digestive system tumors, including colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, portant role in the initiation and progression of cancers [6–8]. miRNAs
liver cancer, esophagus cancer and pancreatic cancer, are common are considered to be involved in tumorigenesis through modulating cell
malignancies causing cancer-related deaths worldwide [1]. According cycle, DNA repair, proliferation, apoptosis, self-renewal and differ-
to the latest statistics, digestive system tumors are the most frequently entiation of tumor cells [9–11]. For example, miR-21 is a classic re-
diagnosed cancers. Colorectal carcinoma, stomach cancer, liver cancer search hotspot in multiple cancers [12, 13]. miR-221 and miR-222 act
and esophageal cancer rank the third, fourth, fifth and seventh in new as oncogenic miRNAs by targeting and suppressing PTEN in various
cases of male malignancies, respectively, while they rank the second, solid tumors [14]. Meanwhile, accumulating evidence demonstrates
fifth and ninth new cases of female cancers, respectively [2]. Despite that SNP occurring in miR-196a2 and miR-499 potentially increases the
the advances in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, the optimal risk of urological cancers [11]. Using miRNAs as novel diagnostic bio-
treatment for digestive system tumors is still surgical resection. In ad- markers and therapeutic targets will provide new opportunities for the
dition, the difficulty in early diagnosis and the high recurrence of di- diagnosis and therapy of digestive system tumors [7, 15].
gestive system tumors are responsible for their poor prognosis [3–5]. Microarray and high-throughput sequencing are emerging technol-
Therefore, accurate early diagnosis of digestive system tumors is in ogies that can extensively analyze genomic information. They are
urgent demand. broadly used to identify the relationship between microRNA and can-
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small single-stranded RNA molecules with cers [16–18]. The information globalization makes it possible for re-
∼22 nucleotides in length. They act in a combinatorial manner via searchers to search for significant differential gene expression in

Correspondence to: F.B. Wang, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, No. 169 Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan 430071, PR China.
Correspondence to: B.C. Wang, Department of Pathology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, No. 169 Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan 430071, PR China.
E-mail addresses: (B.-C. Wang), (F.-B. Wang).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 19 February 2018; Received in revised form 2 June 2018; Accepted 4 June 2018
Available online 05 June 2018
0009-8981/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

diseases through data mining from public databases such as The Cancer 2.4. Data extraction and quality assessment
Genome Atlas (TCGA) [19]. Subsequently, it is feasible to use bioin-
formatics analysis to predict dysregulation of miRNAs, potential target Two independent researchers (Yu-Hui Wang and Hong Weng) ex-
genes and signal pathways in various disorders. Therefore, bioinfor- tracted the data from each eligible study for analysis, including the first
matics analysis can be a novel tool to identify crucial miRNAs to direct author, published papers date, country, cancer type, sample size, con-
early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic design for cancer patients. It trols, specimens, sensitivity and specificity of the detection. The third
is also powerful for understanding the molecular mechanism of miRNAs reviewer (Jia Ji) joined the discussion to resolve differences.
in cancers [20]. Methodological quality of selected diagnostic studies was assessed by
In our study, a systematic expression profiling analysis was con- the QUADAS-2 (Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2)
ducted based on the gene expression data from TCGA on digestive [22].
system tumors. miR-139, which was differentially expressed between
the tumor tissues and adjacent normal tissues, stood out to be a
common cancer biomarker. To further substantiate the significance of 2.5. Prediction and functional analysis of target genes
miR-139, we performed an integrated meta-analysis to quantitatively
evaluate the effect of miR-139 on the diagnosis of digestive system Target genes of miR-139 were predicted using two prediction da-
tumors. Additionally, bioinformatics analysis was also used to predict tabases including Pictar [23] (Available online: http://pictar.mdc-
the target genes of miR-139 as well as their potential roles in several and miRDB [24] (Available online: http://www.mirdb.
signal pathways. Furthermore, GO enrichment analysis and KEGG org/), and were further validated in DIANA-TarBase v7.0 [25] data-
analysis of target genes were conducted. Our results suggest that miR- base with strong evidence including luciferase reporter assay, WB and
139 is a potential tumor biomarker for the screening and diagnosis of RT-PCR (Available online:
digestive system tumors. DianaTools/index.php?r=tarbase/index). Only genes that were con-
firmed by all three databases were considered target genes. To com-
2. Materials and methods prehensively study miR-139, GO [26] enrichment analysis and KEGG
[27] analysis were conducted on the target genes using an online tool
2.1. TCGA data downloading and analysis DAVID (, version 6.8). P-value < 0.05 was set
as the cut-off criterion.
High throughput miRNA sequencing data in the project LIHC,
PAAD, ESCA, CHOL, STAD, COAD and READ were downloaded from
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. miRNA expression pro- 2.6. Statistical analysis
filing was conducted on 375 liver cancer tissues and 50 normal liver
tissues, 179 pancreatic cancer tissues and 4 normal pancreatic tissues, R package “edgeR” of R language (version 3.2.5) was used to ana-
187 esophageal cancer tissues and 13 normal esophageal tissues, 36 lyze the high-throughput data to determine the differential gene ex-
cholangiocarcinoma tissues and 9 normal bile ducts tissues, 446 sto- pression. Statistical analysis was performed using the STATA software
mach cancer tissues and 45 normal stomach tissues, 619 colorectal 12.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA) to calculate two-sided P-
carcinoma tissues and 11 normal colorectal tissues, respectively. values. In the meta-analysis, P-value < 0.05 was considered significant.
Because the sample size of project CHOL is limited, we pooled data We used the bivariate meta-analysis model to estimate the pooled
from project CHOL and LIHC for analysis. The differential miRNA ex- sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio (PLR), negative like-
pression between each cancer and corresponding normal tissue was lihood ratio (NLR) and diagnostic odd ratio (DOR) with the 95% con-
determined using R package “edgeR” [21]. Benjamini-Hochberg fidence intervals (95% CIs). Meanwhile, we plotted the summary re-
method was used to control the false discovery rate (FDR). Differen- ceiver operator characteristic (SROC) curve and calculated the area
tially expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs) were identified using a threshold under the curve (AUC) to evaluate the differential diagnosis power. The
of ︱LogFoldChange︱ > 1.5 and FDR < 0.05. heterogeneity of multiple studies was assessed by the Cochran's Q test
and the inconsistency index (I2) test [28]. P-value > 0.10 and I2
2.2. Literature search strategy value < 50% suggest acceptable heterogeneity, and a fixed effects
model was adopted. In contrast, a random-effects model was adopted to
PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, CNKI and estimate the pooled results. To evaluate the sources of heterogeneity,
Wanfang database were thoroughly searched for studies (in English or we further performed subgroup analysis and meta-regression. Further-
Chinese) related to the role of miR-139 in human digestive system tu- more, the publication bias analysis was conducted using Deeks' test.
mors until May 4, 2018. The keywords used in the search were “cancer”
or “tumor” or “neoplasm” together with “miR-139” or“microRNA-139”
or “miRNA-139” or “hsa-miR-139”. After the search, the published 3. Results
papers were carefully reviewed and additional relevant references were
also included. 3.1. Hsa-miR-139 as a potential biomarker for the diagnosis of digestive
system tumors
2.3. Screening criteria
Following the screening criteria, 183 DEmiRNAs between liver
Published papers were selected based on the following criteria: (1) cancer tissues and normal liver tissues, 6 DEmiRNAs between pan-
studies are about the diagnostic potential of miR-139 for digestive creatic cancer tissues and normal pancreatic tissues, 93 DEmiRNAs
system tumors; (2) cancer cases are confirmed by histological ex- between esophageal cancer tissues and normal esophageal tissues, 190
amination; (3) studies provide diagnostic indices such as sensitivity and DEmiRNAs between stomach cancer tissues and normal stomach tis-
specificity, or sufficient information to calculate. Several published sues, 448 DEmiRNAs between colorectal carcinoma tissues and normal
papers were excluded because: (1) they are unrelated to the role of miR- colorectal tissues were obtained. Among these DEmiRNAs, miR-139
139 in the diagnosis of digestive system tumors; (2) there are no was the only common DEmiRNA in all five digestive system tumors.
available diagnostic test indices; (3) they are not human research; (4) Meanwhile, further analysis of TCGA data indicated that miR-139 was
they are reviews, case reports, meta-analysis and letters; (5) they have markedly reduced in digestive system tumor tissues in comparison with
duplicate references. adjacent non-cancerous tissues (Fig. 1).

Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

Fig. 1. Identification of potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of digestive system tumors with Bioinformatics. A. Venn diagram of differentially expressed miRNAs
between tumor tissues and non-cancerous tissues in 5 digestive system tumors. B. Relative expression of miR-139 in 5 digestive system tumors based on TCGA data.

3.2. Characteristics of eligible studies These papers focus on colorectal cancer (n = 3) and hepatocellular
carcinoma (n = 1) with 223 cases and 182 controls in total. The blood
As shown in Fig. 2, a total of 803 eligible published papers were miR-139 was detected by Quantitative real-time polymerase chain re-
found after the search. After a stringent review, 748 papers were ex- action (qRT-PCR) and TaqMan. Regarding the specimen types, blood
cluded in the step of duplicate removed and title and abstract screening. plasma was studied in three papers while blood serum was studied in
55 articles, which are closely related to miR-139 expression for the one paper. Three studies were done in China [29, 31, 32]. Four pub-
diagnosis of digestive system tumors, were selected and further lished studies and TCGA data, with 2065 cases and 314 controls, were
screened for the eligibility. 51 articles were subsequently excluded due enrolled in our meta-analysis from 2013 to 2017. The general char-
to insufficient information about diagnostic test indices. Eventually, 4 acteristics were presented in Table 1. Consequently, we assessed the
eligible papers were chosen for our present meta-analysis [29–32]. quality of studies along with the QUADAS-2 and showed them in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the paper selection.

Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

Table 1
Characteristics of diagnostic studies and TCGA sets included in the meta-analysis.
First author Year Country Histology TNM Specimen Methods Case Control Sensitivity Specifcity

Ng 2017 China Colorectal cancer I–IV Serum TaqMan 117 90 0.966 0.978
Yu 2014 China Colorectal cancer I–IV Plasma TaqMan 30 35 0.6 0.857
Li 2014 China Liver cancer I–III Plasma RT-qPCR 31 31 0.806 0.581
Kanaan 2013 America Colorectal cancer I–IV Plasma TaqMan 45 26 0.91 0.57
TCGA-colorectum 2016 America Colorectal cancer I–IV Tissue miRNA-Seq 619 11 0.998 1
TCGA-liver 2016 America Liver cancer I–IV Tissue miRNA-Seq 411 59 0.886 0.983
TCGA-stomach 2016 America Stomach cancer I–IV Tissue miRNA-Seq 446 45 0.866 0.911
TCGA-pancreas 2016 America Pancreatic cancer I–IV Tissue miRNA-Seq 179 4 0.531 0.75
TCGA-esophagus 2016 America Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma I–IV Tissue miRNA-Seq 187 13 0.813 0.923

3.3. Diagnostic accuracy of miR-139 in screening digestive system tumors Ratio (PLR) was 10.19 (95% CI: 3.02–34.45), the Negative Likelihood
Ratio (NLR) was 0.12 (95% CI: 0.04–0.34), and the diagnostic odds
We analyzed the pooled sensitivity and specificity of all eligible ratio (DOR) was 57.51 (95% CI: 14.25–232.04). The area under the
published papers. Because of the significant heterogeneity curve (AUC) was 0.96 (95% CI: 0.94–0.97) according to the corre-
(I2 = 97.57% for sensitivity and I2 = 89.86% for specificity), the sponding overall summary receiver operator characteristic (SROC)
random-effects model was used to calculate the sensitivity and speci- curve (Fig. 5A). These results indicated that the diagnostic accuracy of
ficity. As shown in forest plots (Fig. 4A), the overall sensitivity and miR-139 in screening digestive system tumors was relatively high.
specificity were 0.89 (95% CI: 0.73–0.96) and 0.91 (95% CI:
0.75–0.97), respectively. Additionally, the pooled Positive Likelihood

Fig. 3. Methodological quality of the study on miR-139 for the diagnosis of digestive system tumors.

Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

Fig. 4. Summary estimates of the sensitivity and specificity with forest plots analysis. A. Forest plots for miR-139 in digestive system tumors; B. Forest plots for miR-
139 in colorectal carcinoma; C. Forest plots for miR-139 in tumor tissues; D. Forest plots for miR-139 in blood.

3.4. Diagnostic efficacy of miR-139 in screening colorectal cancer 3.6. Meta-regression analysis

Colorectal cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the We performed meta-regression to further explore the potential
papers that were used to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of miR-139. source of heterogeneity (Fig. 6). The meta-regression explored the
Therefore, we further analyzed the significance of miR-139 in distin- characteristics of each study including “Ethnicity (Asian or not)”,
guishing colorectal cancer patients from healthy individuals. The “Control (Healthy control or not)”, “Sample (blood or not)” and
pooled sensitivity and specificity were 0.96 (95% CI: 0.72–1.00) and “Method (miRNA-Seq or not)”. Our result suggested that the control
0.94 (95% CI: 0.62–0.99), respectively, with the significant hetero- covariate was responsible for the heterogeneity in the specificity.
geneity (I2 = 97.52% and 96.5%) (Fig. 4B). The PLR, NLR and DOR
were 16.12 (95% CI: 1.77–146.86), 0.04 (95% CI 0.00–0.39) and
3.7. Publication bias
149.33 (95% CI: 9.22–2418.70), respectively. The AUC for colorectal
cancer was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.97–0.99) (Fig. 5B).
To assess potential publication bias of selected papers, the Deeks'
funnel plot asymmetry test was conducted. No significant publication
bias was found in the pooled analysis (p = 0.18) (Fig. 7), indicating no
3.5. Pooled effect of tissue miR-139 or blood miR-139 on the diagnosis of
significant publication bias in our meta-analysis.
digestive system tumors

The sensitivity and specificity in the tissue group were 0.91 (95% CI: 3.8. Target genes of miR-139 and the functional and pathway enrichment
0.63–0.98) and 0.97 (95% CI: 0.75–1.00), respectively (Fig. 4C). In
addition, the PLR and NLR were 28.7 (95% CI: 2.60–316.8) and 0.09 To provide a precise and deep insight into the role of miR-139 in the
(95% CI: 0.02–0. 50), respectively. The heterogeneity was significant in initiation and progression of digestive system tumors, the target genes
the sensitivity and specificity data (I2 = 99.02 and I2 = 64.13), we used of miR-139 were predicted using miRNA target gene prediction data-
the random-effects model. The DOR was 309 (95% CI, 6.00–16,647). bases. As a result, a total of 30 potential target genes of miR-139 were
The AUC of the corresponding SROC curve was 0.98 (95% CI: found (Table 2).
0.97–0.99), indicating that tissue miR-139 had a relatively high accu- The functional and pathway enrichment analysis of miR-139 was
racy in the diagnosis (Fig. 5C). With regard to the diagnosis using blood performed using the DAVID website (, ver-
miR-139, the sensitivity, specificity, PLR, NLR and DOR were 0.87 sion 6.8). The terms of cellular component (CC) and molecular function
(95% CI: 0.68–0.95), 0.82 (95% CI: 0.53–0.95), 4.9 (95% CI: 1.4–16.8), (MF) were nucleus (GO: 0005634) and DNA binding (GO: 0003677),
0.16 (95% CI: 0.05–0.48) and 31 (95% CI: 4–261), respectively respectively. The enriched biological process (BP) term was positive
(Fig. 4D). Moreover, the AUC was 0.92 (95%CI: 0.89–0.94) (Fig. 5D). regulation of translational initiation (GO: 0045948). However, the
KEGG analysis didn't find an enriched signal pathway (Table 3).

Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

Fig. 5. SROC analysis of the diagnostic performance of miR-139. A. SROC curves for miR-139 in digestive system tumors; B. SROC curves for miR-139 in colorectal
carcinoma; C. SROC curves for miR-139 in tumor tissues; D. SROC curves for miR-139 in blood.

4. Discussion in the suppression of MMP2 promoter in colorectal cancer [37]. An-

other study reported that miR-139 inhibited the proliferation and me-
Recently, several public databases are increasingly used for studies tastasis of colon cancer cells, and promoted the apoptosis of colon
on novel biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of cancers. In the cancer cells via targeting NOTCH1 [38]. Moreover, inhibition of miR-
current study, we focused on finding the differential expression of 139 expression by LINC00152 contributed to the tumorigenesis, pro-
miRNAs in digestive system tumors for the diagnostic purpose. gression and chemoresistance of colorectal cancer [39]. Interestingly, in
According to TCGA data, the expression of miRNA-139 was sig- gastric cancer cells, interaction of HER2 with CD44 induced the epi-
nificantly different between the tumor tissues of 5 types of digestive genetic silencing of miR-139 to increase CXCR4 expression. The de-
system tumors and the normal tissues. Therefore, miRNA-139 could be crease in miR-139 expression is associated with lymph node metastasis
a biomarker that facilitates the diagnosis of digestive system tumors. of gastric tumors [40]. What's more, miR-139 might suppress the
However, a comprehensive and systemic analysis of the clinical sig- growth of colorectal cancer by directly targeting RAP1B [41]. In this
nificance of miR-139 in digestive system tumors is still needed. The study, we predicted the target genes of miR-139, and found that these
biological function of miR-139 is still unknown. target genes were closely related to the positive regulation of transla-
miR-139, which is a novel miRNA found in various types of diges- tional initiation. Hence, miR-139 is a vital oncogene participating in
tive system tumors, is also reported to be dysregulated in other tumors tumorigenesis. It could be considered a novel biomarker for the diag-
such as cervical cancer [33], bladder cancer [34], and leukemia [35]. A nosis of digestive system tumors. We performed a detailed meta-ana-
recent research showed that miR-139 reduced ROCK2 expression to lysis to assess the diagnostic value of miR-139 in different patients with
cause the metastatic growth of hepatocellular carcinoma [36]. In ad- digestive system tumors.
dition, miR-139 inhibited the IGF-IR/MEK/ERK signaling, and resulted In this study, the pooled sensitivity and specificity were 0.89 (95%

Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

indicating that the probability of diagnosis was significantly increased.

The AUC was 0.96, suggesting that the diagnostic performance of miR-
139 was excellent. Due to the high incidence of colorectal cancer, we
analyzed the diagnostic efficacy of miR-139 for colorectal cancer.
Interestingly, the AUC for colorectal cancer was 0.99 (95% CI:
0.97–0.99), and miR-139 showed a superior performance in distin-
guishing colorectal cancer from controls. Importantly, the sensitivity,
specificity, and pooled AUC of tissue miR-139 for the diagnosis of di-
gestive system tumors were much higher than those of blood miR-139.
Our data thus suggest that miR-139, especially miR-139 in the tumor
tissue, is an effective biomarker for the diagnosis of digestive system
tumors. However, it is also possible that samples from different patients
and the evaluation methods caused the distinctive expression patterns
in the tissue and blood. In order to search the sources of the hetero-
geneity, we performed subgroup analysis and meta-regression analysis.
The results showed that the heterogeneity mainly resulted from dif-
ferent sources of controls.
To our knowledge, we are the first to comprehensively analyze the
role of miR-139 in the diagnosis of digestive system tumors using TCGA
data and published papers. Our study also indicated that the target
genes of miR-139 positively regulated translational initiation through
DNA binding in the nucleus. However, it is noteworthy that there are
some limitations in our study. For example, the statistical power was
reduced because of the small sample size of eligible studies.
Additionally, the existence of a severe threshold effect in TCGA data
might impair the accuracy of the result regarding tissue miR-139. What
is more, the publication bias might still exist, especially when most of
the selected papers in our study focus on Chinese population and the
generalizability of our study is limited. Finally, because target genes
were not enough, we can't predict relevant signaling pathways they
enriched in.
Fig. 6. Forest plots of multivariable meta-regression and subgroup analysis of
In conclusion, our study demonstrates that miR-139 might be a
the sensitivity and specificity of miR-139 in digestive system tumors.
useful biomarker for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. A large-scale
and multicenter study will be needed to confirm our results and com-
CI: 0.73–0.96) and 0.91 (95% CI: 0.75–0.97), respectively. In compar- pletely disclose the functions of miR-139 in colorectal cancer.
ison with the same parameters of the traditional blood-borne bio-
markers, they were both much higher. Additionally, the PLR was 10.19
(95% CI: 3.02–34.45) and the DOR of 57.51 (95% CI: 14.25–232.04),

Fig. 7. Deeks' funnel plot for the assessment of the publication bias.

Y.-H. Wang et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 485 (2018) 33–41

Table 2
Targets of miR-139 in data mining.
miRNA Target genes



Table 3
GO functional annotation for the most significantly enriched targeted genes of miR-139.
Type Term Gene

GOTERM_BP_DIRECT GO:0045948~positive regulation of translational DDX3X, UHMK1


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