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Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas

Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia

García Islas Ever

López Hinojosa José María

Nieto Medina Kevin Joksan

Resendiz Sosa Ulises

Physical and health habits in university students.

University life possibly includes one of the most important stages in a person's life: it is
time to grow, mature and, above all, learn. It is also demanding, because we must
squeeze all our potential day after day to achieve the previously established objectives.

Long hours of study, endless work, important exams ... It is impossible to face all these
challenges if we do not start first by working on the best version of ourselves. The first
step to obtain great results is to take care of ourselves as we should with the well-known
healthy habits for students. You have at your disposal a lot of healthy recipe apps that
will be of great help if you see something lost when facing an excellent free buffet and
do not know where to start ...

When a university degree is taken, good academic performance is a priority. But not
everything comes as a gift or fallen from the sky. Start by taking the following tips that
we offer below. Your notes will thank you!

The most important meal of the day: If something shows the passage of time, it is that
mothers and grandmothers are always right. And when they say that breakfast is the
most important meal of the day, it is because it is. That has to go to mass. Do not skip
breakfast and meet every day because it is essential to activate the metabolism. Believe
it or not, breakfast reduces tiredness, stress and anxiety. Surely it is not necessary to
convince you to have breakfast if you have a good food service in your residence.

Enjoy the fruit: With just one piece of fruit a day you will be able to avoid viruses and
common diseases. It will provide you with all the necessary nutrients to be active and
energized throughout the day. Take advantage of the different seasons eating seasonal
fruits and try the most exotic ones you find in your free buffet. Surely you will be
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas

Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia

García Islas Ever

López Hinojosa José María

Nieto Medina Kevin Joksan

Resendiz Sosa Ulises

Be water my friend: The benefits of drinking water are many. There is a great debate
about the recommended amount of water that we should drink per day. We solve the
mystery: between a liter and a liter and a half according to your complexion, health and
activity. Fruit or vegetables, foods that should not be missing in your diet, contain a lot
of water so they will also add another half a liter of water. Your vitality, your energy
and your wellbeing begin with about 7 glasses of water a day.

Coffee, more mental than real: Coffee and energy drinks are perfect allies for long
nights of study or for a good adrenaline shot when we are somewhat tired. Even so, you
should moderate their consumption. You think that drinking caffeine will be more
concentrated and more productive, but in many cases it is just something mental. In
addition, coffee gives an extra energy that only lasts momentarily.

Move that body: Play sports, dance, do yoga ... There are a thousand activities to
exercise and keep fit. If you do sports regularly you will catch fast sleep, you will sleep
more rested and you will get out of bed every day with the energy needed to face
everything that comes. If your residence has sports facilities ... You have no excuses!

Do not wait for tomorrow to start a new life: healthier, more sporty and more tailored to
enhance all your academic skills. Your new me awaits you today.

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