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Journal #5

By Shihong Xu

When I looked back what I have learned in EA 7720, I am increasingly grateful to have
joined in this program because I have the opportunity to collaborate with an incredibly amazing
professor, Dr. Abbott and an exciting group of educators from an array of diverse backgrounds,
experiences and executive levels. I learn a lot from these amazing educators and also inspire each
This course has given me an insight into what a school leadership role entails by
reviewing seven ELCC standards and has provided me with in-depth knowledge which is needed
for an education career as a future school leader in which I can begin to build on over this course
of the leadership program. More importantly, I am aware to apply what I have learned to my
clinical internship and daily work at school.
During the first three months, I have read two great books, Blankstein’s Failure is Not
an Option and Bolman & Deal’s Reframing Organizations, and have completed the two essays
about the ELL program and the Chinese program at Dexter Community Schools. After analyzing
the two programs by looking through the two books, I have a deeper understanding of how the
two programs run “behind the scene”, and also have a critical thinking about the strengths and
weaknesses existing in our programs. This kind of deep reflection is really helpful for my daily
work because the process of reading and writing enlightened me to review what I am currently
doing from different aspects and consider what efforts I should do to improve them in the future.
As to the internship, I was very stressed about it at the beginning because I thought I am
just an ordinary language teacher and how I can do the leadership at the district. After learning
the seven ELCC standards and talking to Dr. Abbott and my mentor, I find I have many
opportunities to do a little more beyond what I am doing to practice my leadership skills, such as
advocating for starting the Chinese program at Dexter High School and setting out to prepare for
it. In addition, I have some opportunities to attend and observe the administrative meetings,
which provides me an opportunity to meet and think outside the confines of my classroom, and
get to know how their jobs contribute to the overall goals of the school district.
All in all, the course EA7720 has filled me with moments of self-reflection, critical
thinking and personal growth, and I do believe these will benefit my educational career now as
well as in the future.

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