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If (a + b) : (b + c) : (c + a) = 7 : 6 : 5
and a + b + c = 27, then what will
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
be the value of : : ?
𝒂 𝒃 𝒄
(a) 4:3:6 (b) 3 : 4 : 2
(c) 3 : 2 : 4 (d) 3 : 6 : 4
from the given equation we get,
2(a+b+c)=18. (a+b+c)=9
In order to find the value of a:b:c we just put the value of (b+c)
for a and (a+c) fpr b
3: 4: 2.
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
Now we will solve by option, as : : will be the reciprocal of 4:3
𝒂 𝒃 𝒄
which satisfies only one option
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
2. If =
𝑐+𝑎 𝑎+𝑏
then which one of the following
statements is correct?

(a) Each fraction is equal to 1 or –1

(b) Each fraction is equal to 𝟏Τ𝟐 or 1.
(c) Each fraction is equal to 𝟏Τ𝟐 or –1.
(d) Each fraction is equal to 𝟏Τ𝟐 only.
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐 (𝑎+𝑏+𝑐) 1
= = = =
𝑐+𝑎 𝑎+𝑏 2(𝑎+𝑏+𝑐) 2
Here two cases arises,
Case 1, where a+b+c=0, then the equation becomes
undefined, then
Case 2, where a+b+c 0, then the value of the equation
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
−𝑎 −𝑏
= −𝑐
=-1. Hence Option C.
3. If x is subtracted from each of the numbers
20, 37, 54 and 105, then the numbers so
obtained in this order are in proportion. What
is the mean proportional between (7x-5) and
(x + 1)?

(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 6 (d) 12

We know that mean proportional of (7x-5) and (x+1) can be found out by

= (7𝑥 − 5)(𝑥 + 1)
Now the best method is to solve is by hit & trial method
whereby we put different value of x until we find the result in
integer and rational number since the answer has no
irrational numbers.
x=3, then we get 8 as answer, which is option (A)
4. If (p-a):(p-b):(p-c)=11 : 12 :13
where p = . Find the ratio of
(a) 24:25:26 (b) 25:24:23
(c) 26:23:24 (d) 25:23:24
4. (p-a)+(p-b)+(p-c)=11 + 12 +13
or, 3P-(a+b+c)= 11+ 12 + 13
or, 3P-2P = 11 + 12 + 13 [ given p = ]
Now in the above, (p-a)= 11 P = a+11
or, 11+12+13= a+11
or, a = 25
Option (B)
5. What is the ratio of the third proportional
to 0.4 and 0.8, to the mean proportional
between 13.5 and 0.24?
(a) 9:10 (b) 8:9 (c) 5:4 (d) 7:8
Third proportional of 0.4 & 0.8 =
Fourth Proportional = 13.5 × 0.24
Go by options because 13.5= which means it’s
a factor of 9 thus only option b satisfies.
One might think of option A but its third
proportional where 9 is impossible
6. The ratio of two numbers is 3 :5. If 39 is
added to the first, and14 is added to the second,
then the ratio becomes 6: 7. What will be the
ratio become if 11is added to first number and 6
is added to second number ?
(a) 7 : 9 (b) 5 : 9 (c) 5 : 7 (d) 2: 3
7. The ratio of the income of A to that of B is 5 : 7.
A and B save Rs.4,000 and Rs.5,000 respectively.
If the expenditure of A is equal to 66 3 % of the
expenditure of B, then the total income of A and B
is :
(a) Rs.28,800 (b) Rs.26,400
(c) Rs.25,200 (d) Rs.24,000
8. The ratio of the incomes of A and B is 3 : 5,
whereas the ratio of their expenditure is 4 : 7
respectively . If A and B save Rs.16,000 and
26,000 respectively then what is the
difference between their expenditures?
(a) 6800 (b) 5400 (c) 5000 (d) 6000
9. If (x-y+z):(y-z+2w):(2x+z-w)= 3:4:7 then find the
value of (4x+4z-2w):w ?
(a) 1:10 (b) 5:6 (c) 10:1 (d) 8:9
10. Rs 170 needs to be distributed among 55
men & women. The ratio of total amount of
money received by men and women is 9:8
but the ratio of the money received by each
man & woman is 3:4. Find the number of
men & women.
(a) 55:33 (b) 22:33 (c) 33:22 (d) 85:17
11. In a regiment the ratio between the officers to
soldiers was 4:43. In a battle 8 officers killed and
7 soldiers join the regiment and the ratio becomes
2:23 find the number of soldiers after the battle?
(a) 1610 (b) 1426 (c) 1386 (d) 1472
12. The ratio of two numbers is 1:2. If 7 is
added to both the numbers the ratio
becomes 3:5. Find the numbers
(a) 12:24 (b) 14:28 (c) 28:12 (d) 12:22
13. The ratio of Income of A:B:C is 4:5:6
and the ratio of their expenditure is 2:3:4.
Savings of B is rd of their income, then
find the ratio of their savings?
(a) 16:14:13 (b) 15:12:14
(b) 16:15:14 (d) 15:16:14
14. Three persons A,B & C spend 75%, 70% & 80%
of his income. The saving ratio of three is 20:9:8.
Their total income is Rs.45000. Then their incomes
(a) 12:18:15 (b) 24:9:12 (c) 22:10:13 (d) 15:18:12
15. Ajay and Manoj had certain amounts of money with
them. The ratio of the amount with them is 8:5. Each day
Ajay spends a certain amount and Manoj earns one sixth of
the amount that Ajay spends. After 9 days, the ratio of the
amounts with them is 10:11. In how many more days, will
the ratio of the amounts with them be 18:35?
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 12
16. In a school there were 1554 students and the
ratio of the number of the boys and girls was 4 : 3.
After a few days, 30 girls joined the school but a
few boys left; as a result the ratio of the boys and
girls became 7 : 6. The number of boys who left
the school is :
(a) 76 (b) 74 (c) 84 (d) 86
17. The prime cost of an article is thrice of raw
material. If the cost of raw material is increased in
the ratio of 5:12 & cost of manufacturing expenses
increased in ratio 4:5.If initial cost is Rs.6, find the
final cost?
(a) Rs.9.8 (b) Rs.6.4 (c) Rs.5.8 (d) Rs.18.2
18. In an examination the number of students who passed
and the number of those who failed were in ratio 25:4. If
5 more had appeared and the number of failures were 2
less than earlier, the ratio of students who passed to the
number of students who failed would have been 22:3.
Find the total number who appeared at the examination?
(a) 145 (b) 122 (c) 135 (d) 150
19. How many job applicant had applied if the ratio of
selected to unselected was 19:17. If 1200 less had
applied and 800 less were selected then the ratio of
selected to unselected would have been 1:1.
(a) 3600 (b) 7200 (c) 8400 (d) 9600
20. A gold broke into three parts, the ratio of weight of
three part is 3 : 4 : 5. The price of gold is directly
proportional to its square weight. If there is loss of
Rs23500 after breaking gold then what was the starting
price of gold?
(a) 30,000 (b) 36,000 (c) 40,000 (d) 46,000
21. In a factory the number of labour decreases in the
ratio of 9:8 and their salary increases in ratio 14:15. If the
total wages of one day decrease by Rs.6000. Find the
present each day salary?
(a) Rs12000 (b) Rs.126000 (c) Rs.135000 (d) Rs.14000
22. When ticket prices to a water park are increased in
the ratio 11:12 then the number of daily visitors to the
park fall in the ratio 8:7. If the daily revenues before the
increase in ticket price was Rs.176,000, then find the
daily revenues after increase in ticket price.
(a) 264000 (b) 112000 (c) 192000 (d) 168000
23. The ratio of the incomes of A and B last year was
4:3, respectively. The ratios of their individual incomes
of the last year and the present year are 3:4 and 5:6,
respectively. If their total income for the present year is
₹8.04 lakh, then the income of B last year was:
(a) ₹3.6 lakh (b) ₹2.4 lakh (c) ₹2.7 lakh (d) ₹2.8 lakh

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