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DOI: 10.1111/prd.



Role of occlusion in periodontal disease

Euloir Passanezi | Adriana Campos Passanezi Sant'Ana

Division of Periodontics, School of Dentistry at Bauru, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil

Euloir Passanezi, Division of Periodontics, School of Dentistry at Bauru, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N disease, indicating little to no correlation between trauma from

occlusion and periodontal disease. 23–25 Bhaskar and Orban26 failed
Although more than a century has elapsed since the first publication to observe the development of gingivitis or periodontitis in animals
of Karolyi,1 which implicated the forces of occlusion in the behavior of subjected to trauma from occlusion but not affected by plaque-­
periodontal tissues, deep-­rooted controversy about the role of occlu- related chronic periodontitis. Polson27 and coworkers9,28 did not find
sion in the development/progression of marginal inflammatory infec- a positive correlation between occlusal trauma and gingival inflam-
tious periodontal disease—gingivitis and periodontitis—still remains. mation or pocket development.
Some studies propose that traumatogenic occlusal forces are related to However, these studies, although performed under controlled
the initiation and/or progression of periodontal disease. Conversely, experimental conditions, used animal models, which do not deliver
other studies find no association between trauma from occlusion and reliable data on the role of occlusion in humans because teeth in an-
periodontal disease.9,10 These contradictory arguments have led to imals are designed for defense and attack, as well as for mastication,
widespread disagreement in the literature in relation to the role of oc- and respond very well to different occlusal stimuli. In addition, the
clusion in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, inspiring much Latin envelope of mandibular motion in animals is quite different from that
American research.2,3,11–20 Accordingly, a detailed and comprehensive in humans, with no opposing directions resulting from the lateral dis-
presentation of important clinical and scientific evidence to shed light tribution of occlusal forces. This is probably one of the reasons why
on the role of occlusion in chronic periodontal disease is required. jiggling forces are needed in animals to achieve a periodontal injury
compatible with that induced by traumatogenic occlusion in humans,
with a particular exception for primates.4,9,28–30
2 |  A H I S TO R I C A L PE R S PEC TI V E During the 1960s and early 1970s, Glickman7,31 and cowork-
ers5,6,17,18,32–35 proposed that occlusal trauma acted as a co-­
The role of trauma from occlusion in the etiology of periodontal dis- destructive zone, influencing the spread of inflammatory gingival
ease has been discussed since the early 1900s. Historically, the first exudate directly to the periodontal ligament, eliciting a combined
evidence for a role of trauma from occlusion in periodontal disease lesion of trauma from occlusion and periodontitis. The final result
came from research performed in animals21 and human cadavers.3 could be the development of infrabony periodontal pockets, as sug-
These studies suggested that trauma from occlusion was related gested by other studies,15,22,25 indicating an association of trauma
to the development of infrabony pockets, possibly consequent to from occlusion with periodontitis.
ischemia of periodontal ligament and depletion in gingival blood However, the possible coexistence of trauma from occlusion and
supply. 21 inflammation without the formation of infrabony pockets cannot be
Further research2 suggested that trauma from occlusion resulted ruled out, meaning that these conditions are not pathognomonic of
in disorganization of periodontal tissues, impairing their normal re- trauma from occlusion.6 Moreover, suprabony pockets and horizon-
pair function. Besides that, the alterations produced by trauma from tal bone loss could result from the association between trauma from
occlusion might contribute to the deepening of periodontal pockets, occlusion and inflammation, under certain circumstances yet to be
favoring the spread of inflammation to neighboring tissues. determined.
By this time, other studies performed in animals showed no caus- The type of periodontal pocket that develops in response to the
ative association between trauma from occlusion and periodontal association between trauma from occlusion and chronic periodontitis

Periodontology 2000. 2019;79:129–150.   © 2019 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  129
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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is related to the thickness of the bony wall: the thicker the bone wall, • There is a place for occlusal therapy in the management of peri-
the more probable is the development of an infrabony pocket; the odontitis, especially when related to the patient's comfort and
thinner the bone wall, the more probable is the development of a function.
suprabony pocket. In areas with suprabony pockets superimposed • Occlusal therapy is not a substitute for conventional methods of
by trauma from occlusion, a deeper pocket is expected to develop. resolving plaque-induced inflammation.
Consequently, areas with different depths of suprabony pockets
could denote the influence of traumatogenic occlusion. In addition, Therefore, Davies et al. proposed that occlusion of periodontally
trauma from occlusion could induce changes in the architectural compromised teeth should be designed to reduce the forces to be
structure of alveolar bone, making existing suprabony pockets more within the adaptive capabilities of the damaged periodontium.
prone to conversion to infrabony pockets. Currently, the discussion on the role of trauma from occlusion in
These theories were substantiated in a series of experiments periodontal disease relies on the belief that excessive occlusal forces
performed in beagle dogs,4,8,36,37 supporting the relationship be- do not initiate destructive chronic periodontitis but are capable of
tween excessive occlusal forces and the pathway of gingival inflam- causing periodontal injury.41 Thereby, “the crux of the remaining ar-
mation seen in animal models and autopsied human jaws.6 gument is this: Can occlusal forces exacerbate the progression of
In human autopsy material, dental plaque was detected in the periodontitis, and is eliminating occlusal discrepancies appropriate
deepest “front” of infrabony periodontal pockets. Hence, it could or necessary in the treatment of the disease?”
not be inferred that infrabony pockets were related to the partici- As many of the studies investigating the role of occlusion in
pation of traumatogenic occlusal forces, which means that it can not periodontal tissues and indicating that occlusal forces may not be
be assumed that infrabony pockets were related to the incidence a factor in the progression of periodontal disease are performed in
of traumatogenic forces.38,39 The development of infrabony peri- animals, some questions remain unanswered because:
odontal pockets in animals as a consequence of an alteration in the
pathway of dental biofilm-­related gingival exudate spread to the …naturally occurring periodontal disease is virtually
supporting tissues only occurred in the presence of forces of high unknown in monkeys, and it usually occurs only in
magnitude. So, the infrabony pocket would be the result of intru- much older dogs than those used in the studies of
sion of the tooth, rather than dislodgement of inflammatory exudate occlusion. Furthermore, in humans, most periodontal
directly into the periodontal ligament space in which destructive al- destruction resulting in attachment and bone loss oc-
terations directly associated with the occlusal trauma were taking curs relatively slowly over a much longer period than
place. 29 that used in the animal studies. Both the use of an-
Therefore, many contradictory concepts are being challenged by imal models and the relatively short duration of the
the same group of authors, making the role of occlusion a cloudy studies leave questions concerning the application of
matter in dentistry. Besides, it is paramount to bear in mind that na- these results to periodontal destruction occurring in
ture provided occlusion as a vital source of human survival, mean- humans. (Harrel et al.42)
ing that deviations from normal occlusion might have a tremendous
deleterious effect. Despite extensive research over many decades,
one such defying question relates to the role of occlusion in the eti-
ology and pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis, which is still not 3 | PH YS I O LO G I C A L RO LE O F
completely understood. TR AU M ATO G E N I C O CC LU S I O N I N TH E
Recently, the distinction between primary and secondary occlu- PE R I O D O NTA L S U PP O RTI N G TI S S U E S
sal trauma has been questioned because the pathological changes CO M PA RTM E NT
that occur in the periodontium are similar in both types of trauma, ir-
respective of the initial level of periodontal attachment at the onset Physical forces exert a basic role in regulating the form and func-
of injury. By analyzing data from the literature, several points were tion of periodontal ligament, the fundamental importance of which
stressed by the authors, including: is underlined by its functional and biological features, its basic role
in development and maintenance of the periodontium, and its core
• There is no scientific evidence to show that trauma from occlu- function in periodontal wound healing. The periodontal support-
sion causes gingivitis or periodontitis or accelerates the progres- ing compartment is unique among the various ligament and tendon
sion of gingivitis to periodontitis. systems of the body because it harbors two different types of hard
• The periodontal ligament physiologically adapts to increased oc- tissue (bone and cementum) and periodontal ligament fibers are at-
clusal loading by resorption of the alveolar crestal bone, resulting tached to both, assuming the feature of Sharpey's fibers. As a biolog-
in increased tooth mobility. This is occlusal trauma and is revers- ical system exposed to repetitive biomechanical strains, periodontal
ible if the occlusal force is reduced. ligament has special metabolic requirements and an architectural
• Occlusal trauma may be a cofactor which can increase the rate of tissue design that facilitates its function. Therefore, the homeostatic
progression of an existing periodontal disease. mechanism of the periodontal supporting compartment seems to

be engaged with different tissue domains, requiring coordinated ac- generating the stressful occlusal forces, while “occlusal trauma” is
tions among the different cell populations involved. aimed to identify the injury produced in the tissues by the incidence
Accordingly, the role played by transfer of the stimulus to the of forces.
cells is paramount. It is mediated by, for instance, integrin-­matrix The development of traumatogenic occlusion requires the inter-
linkages, which elicit activation of the appropriate cell-­signaling cas- action of factors related to the occlusal force itself and the adapa-
cades. These cascades then trigger physiological responses to that tibility of subject's tissue,45 so that the pressure surpasses the
stimulus, according to the phenotype of the activated cell. Several threshold of tolerance of the periodontal tissues. The periodontium
other extracellular matrix components have been mentioned, such attempts to accommodate the forces exerted on a tooth in an adap-
as collagen types V and VI, chondroitin sulfate, proteoglycans, fi- tion mechanism that varies from person to person and also varies in
bronectin, tenascin, and undulin. Periodontal ligament cells are ca- the same person at different times.46
pable of synthesizing important, locally acting molecule regulators
of cell function, such as cytokines and growth factors, allowing bio-
4.1 | Primary and secondary trauma from occlusion
logical mechanisms that tightly regulate the metabolism and spatial
locations of the cell populations involved in the formation of bone, According to the behavior of tissues in response to the action of
cementum, and periodontal ligament to be activated.42,43 traumatogenic forces, trauma from occlusion would develop in three
The existence of an arborizing network of oxytalan fibers is also sequential stages4,6,16,31,33,37,47–52:
important as it seems to control the influx of blood to the tissue.
Interestingly, periodontal ligament is a highly vascularized tissue, • The active tissue-destruction stage under the action of traumato-
which allows a hydrodynamic damping to applied forces, coupled genic occlusal forces, which is characterized by typical features of
with high plasma transudation rates to nourish the tissue. Therefore, trauma from occlusion. During this phase, clinical and histopatho-
it can be extrapolated that occlusion or any other function gener- logical signs of trauma from occlusion are present, indicating the
ating physical forces upon the teeth elicits a complex interplay be- fragility of tissues and suggesting their inability to resist the ac-
tween biological molecules of different compositions and functions tion of other aggressive agents.
and the various cells of the different tissue domains of the periodon- • The tissue-adaptive stage, during which the structural tissue or-
tal supporting compartment. In other words, it can be assumed that ganization is reestablished, almost completely restoring the bio-
occlusion is the main factor engaged in the homeostatic behavior of logical characteristics related to the homeostatic behavior of the
the supporting periodontal compartment.43 periodontal supporting compartment and tissue resistance ability,
The integrity of all periodontal supporting tissues (cementum, al- although perhaps at the expense of enlargement of periodontal
veolar bone, and periodontal ligament) seems to be, at least in part, ligament, depending on the change of tooth position.
coordinated through the expression of periostin, a key molecule • The tissue-remodeling stage, processed thereafter to achieve
released under the action of occlusal forces in mice. Interestingly, the homeostatic requirements of periodontal supporting tissues
while periodontal defects were observed in periostin-­null mice after through establishing the final structural and architectural char-
tooth eruption, contrariwise removal of masticatory forces under acteristics of cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone,
this condition rescued the periodontal defects. Periostin expression with functional reorientation of periodontal ligament fibers and
seems to be controlled by activation of transforming growth factor-­ bone trabeculae, according to the new functional requirements of
beta in response to mechanical strain, leading to the conclusion the area. This remodeling stage seems to occur when the adaptive
that mechanical loading maintains sufficient expression of periostin stage cannot be achieved, 5 or when the involved teeth achieve a
to ensure the integrity of the periodontium in response to occlusal new position to avoid the offending occlusal contact.
Nevertheless, all these observations strongly suggest a poten- Trauma from occlusion can be initiated when the intensity of forces
tial role of occlusion in the homeostatic behavior of the periodontal surpasses the adaptive threshold of periodontal supporting tissues
supporting apparatus, so that deviations of the physiologic occlusal (primary trauma from occlusion) or when the tissue-­adaptive threshold
function should be assumed as risk factors that might jeopardize the is weakened to the point that the remaining supporting tissues are un-
maintenance of a healthy functioning periodontium. able to withstand the physiological occlusal forces (secondary trauma
from occlusion).53 However, pathological changes that characterize
trauma from occlusion are exactly the same in both situations.
4 | TH E RO LE O F O CC LU S I O N I N TH E In most cases, loss of adaptability in periodontal supporting tis-
I N J U RY O F PE R I O D O NTA L S U PP O RTI N G sues occurs in the presence of intra-­alveolar bone height loss, with
TI S S U E S a significant reduction in the number of principal periodontal liga-
ment fibers per unit of volume of the root, which is critical if we
Several aspects must be addressed to understand the role of trauma- consider that the reduction occurs in the cervical-­to-­apical direction.
togenic in Dentistry (and more specifically in Periodontology). The However, loss of periodontal attachment may also occur from the
term “traumatogenic occlusion” is used to define the conditions apical-­to-­coronal direction, as in the case of an apicoectomy, apical
132       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

root resorption, or root fracture. This traumatogenic picture, occur-

ring after application of forces of physiological magnitude to teeth,
which subsequently display significant loss of periodontal support, is
defined as a secondary trauma from occlusion.

4.2 | Tissue-­destructive changes induced by trauma

from occlusion
Several publications have described the periodontal tissue changes
produced by traumatogenic occlusal forces. 3,9,14,16,26,27,33,51,52,54–57
The magnitude, direction, duration, and frequency of force appli-
cation are all factors that may turn a force into traumatogenic. As
a rule, when the magnitude of occlusal forces is increased, peri-
odontal tissues respond with widening of the periodontal ligament
space, an increase in the number and width of periodontal ligament
fibers, and an increase in the density of alveolar bone. When the
direction of occlusal forces is changed, stresses and strains of the
periodontium are reoriented. Principal fibers of periodontal liga-
ment are arranged to accommodate occlusal forces along the long
F I G U R E   1   Photoelastic model, evidencing that stress is
axis of the tooth. The incidence of nonaxial forces (lateral or hori- concentrated at the level of the buccal bone crest (red arrow)
zontal, and torque or rotational) tends to cause injury to periodon- when a lateral force is applied by the incisal edge of the mandibular
tal tissues.46 These alterations are more critical in pressure areas incisor. Internal stress shows greater concentration at the
than in tension areas, although no differences in the depth of peri- subcervical region than at the apex [Colour figure can be viewed at]
odontal pockets were observed between these areas in humans. 3
The response of alveolar bone is also affected by the duration and
frequency of occlusal forces. Constant pressure on the bone is is a clinical increase in tooth mobility, observed 24-­38 hours later.
more deleterious than intermittent forces. The more frequent the Simultaneously, circulatory changes in lymphatic and blood vessels
application of an intermittent force, the more injurious is the force modify the cellular metabolism as a result of impaired oxygenation
to the periodontium.46 and consequent hypoxia of compressed periodontal ligament,62 re-
Trauma from occlusion produced by jiggling forces is character- sulting in ischemic changes that cause partial derangement of peri-
ized by widening of the socket at the cervical area, resulting in the odontal ligament, but without cell necrosis. In instances of slightly
development of a funnel-­shaped bone defect with no distinction be- excessive occlusal forces, hypoxia could be radically reversed by the
tween pressure and tension sites, which means that both can occur invasion of injured sites by proliferating blood vessels,63 explaining
at the same place alternatively by a “back-­and-­forth” mechanism, in why no significant changes in the organization of cementoblasts,
such a way that pressure and tension are processed alternatively at which do not possess surface receptors for inflammatory mediators,
all directions of tooth movement.58 are seen.64 This phenomenon would account for failure of cemen-
When the tooth is subjected to a lateral force, a rotational move- tum resorption when traumatogenic forces do not exceed the tissue
ment is established around the geometric center of the alveoli (ful- adaptive threshold at a rate sufficent to produce hyalinization of
crum), resulting in the establishment of two diametrically opposed periodontal ligament.
pressure areas at cervical and apical thirds and two corresponding On the other hand, heavier occlusal forces cause a more intense
tension areas at opposing regions,46 as the tooth is suspended in ischemia, leading to cellular necrosis, thrombosis, hemorrhage, and
the alveolar socket, developing an intra-­alveolar power arm and an hyalinization of the periodontal ligament at pressure sites.46 Under
extra-­alveolar resistance arm. When a lateral force is applied to the these conditions, periodontal ligament interstitial fluid is moved
tooth, a critical pressure is exerted at the cervical region, creating into the marrow spaces via alveolar foramina, where an increase in
different effects depending on force intensity, as demonstrated by hydrostatic pressure develops. As a result, osteoclastic stimulation
59,60 32,61 is produced away from the periodontal ligament, and bone resorp-
photoelasticity and finite element studies and illustrated in
Figure 1. The findings of these and other studies in which the effects tion occurs inside marrow spaces 46,58 toward the periodontal liga-
of force application are investigated, by Latin American researchers, ment area. No significant mobility is produced until bone resorption
in periodontal tissues and roots in vitro, are summarized in Table 1. reaches periodontal ligament. When this happens, a sudden and
Frontal resorption of cortical alveolar bone begins from the abrupt increase in tooth mobility occurs. Early activation of os-
area of periodontal ligament compression and proceeds toward teoclasts is observed in the damaged tissues, which corresponds
the spongy bone tissue, leading to an almost immediate widening with the osteoclastic bone resorption observed at the tension side
of the periodontal ligament space after force application. The result 48 hours after intensive pressure.65

TA B L E   1   Summary of Latin American in vitro studies investigating the role of occlusion in periodontal disease

Reference Objectives Study design Results

Alves et al To investigate force distribution in bridges with mesial Photoelasticity Mesial cantilevered bridges neutralized occlusal
and distal cantilevers placed on normal-­length and forces more effectively than did distal cantilevers,
short-­length roots under 2 types of force: uniformly independently of the type of force applied; long
distributed; or centered at the pontics roots supported greater forces than did short roots;
cantilevered bridges generated lateral forces in the
periodontium, regardless of the size and root
anatomy of the abutments
Campos Jr To analyze two types of occlusion: cusp to fossa Photoelasticity Both types of occlusion are similar mechanically and
et al123 versus cusp to marginal crest related to axial distribution of tensions through the
Chiapinotto To investigate periodontal distribution of internal Photoelasticity In models with normal periodontium, force was
et al124 tensions at hemisected lower first molars, simulating transmitted to the apical region and more concen-
a furcation lesion with normal and reduced support trated at the mesial root. In models with reduced
at marginal area periodontium, force was distributed mainly to apical
regions and more concentrated at the mesial root,
but lesser force was necessary to produce it. After
splinting of the separated roots at the coronal level,
force distribution was similar to that observed with
normal periodontium.
Poiate et al61 To evaluate stress distribution by finite element Finite element The most harmful values of tensile and compressive
analysis in a PDL in three-­dimensional models of stresses were observed in models 2 and 3, with
upper central incisors at three different load similarly distinct patterns of stress distributions
conditions: 100 N at 45° (model 1: masticatory load); along the PDL. Tensile stresses were observed along
500 N at the incisal edge at 45° (model 2: parafunc- internal and external aspects of the PDL, mostly at
tional habit); and 800 N at the buccal surface at 90° cervical and middle thirds.
(model 3: trauma)

PDL, periodontal ligament.

The furcation area of rat molars experimentally submitted to oc- mandibular second premolar and first molar of Beagle dogs to exert
clusal trauma, associated or not with inflammatory reactions induced a continuous and constant reciprocal force of 25 cN for 1, 4, 20, 40,
by injection of lipopolysaccharide, showed hyaline degeneration of and 80 days. During the experiment, tooth movement was recorded
periodontal tissue and an irregular bone surface, with osteoclasts weekly. After 24 hours, osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity had
appearing 5 days after force application. These tissue changes were increased at pressure and tension sides, respectively, with some
spontaneously reversed at 10 days, when slight hyaline degenera- samples showing hyalinization. When teeth moved quickly, areas of
tion of periodontal tissue and no irregular bone surface were seen.67 direct bone resorption at the pressure side and deposition of trabec-
When hyalinization of the periodontal ligament occurs, cemen- ular bone at the tension side were found. In the periodontal ligament
toblasts also disappear from the scenario, leaving the cementum of teeth showing little movement, small patches of hyalinization
surface exposed and amenable to resorption by cementoclasts. were found at the pressure side, mostly located buccally or lingually
To investigate hyalinization of periodontal ligament with time and to the mesiodistal plane, which could explain individual differences
in association with root resorption during orthodontic movement, in the rate of tooth movement.
premolars indicated for extraction for orthodontic reasons, from Crespo Vázquez et al. 65 investigated root resorption in ex-
56 adolescents, were submitted to buccally oriented orthodontic tracted teeth showing one-­third to two-­thirds of alveolar bone
movement of approximately 50 g for a time period of 1-­7 weeks. loss (Group 2) and more than two-­thirds of alveolar bone loss
Histologic analysis showed increased compression and necrosis of (Group 3), with and without antagonists. Teeth showing a greater
periodontal ligament and formation of hyalinized areas in 33 (59%) amount of alveolar bone loss with antagonists exhibited the great-
experimental teeth and 2 (4%) controls. Hyalinization occurred as est percentage of root resorption, suggesting that the incidence of
early as 1 week after force application and was located mainly at forces in a reduced periodontium favors the development of root
buccal cervical and lingual apical areas, corresponding to pressure resorption.
sites. Root resorption was observed in 93% of experimental teeth A recent publication70 indicated that diffuse distribution of
and in 54% of controls. The hyalinized areas (43%) in the experimen- forces applied to periodontal tissues during tooth movement tends
tal group were close to resorption cavities coronal or apical to re- not to promote either extensive areas of hyalinization or significant
sorption lacunae. death of cementoblasts. However, when concentrated in a limited
These findings were also described in a previous study69 per- area, forces, even if of low intensity, are associated with extensive
formed in animals. An orthodontic appliance was placed on the areas of hyalinization and focal death of cementoblasts, which are
134       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

commonly associated with root resorption, as observed in the apex after the initiation of orthodontic movement, but these observations
of roots submitted to tipping movements. require further confirmation. As the number of osteoclasts started
As occlusal trauma produces concentration of forces at com- to increase only 20 hours from initiation of orthodontic movement,
pression sides, root resorption was investigated in premolars of 12 reaching a peak after 60 hours, bone resorption could not be asso-
adolescents submitted to 4 weeks of occlusal trauma by light curing ciated with the higher number of osteoclasts, suggesting that there
glass-­ionomer cement to occlusal surfaces before tooth extraction. may be quiescent osteoclasts at the site or that an osteocyte-­related
Samples were examined by microcomputed tomography and the osteolysis could initiate bone resorption.78,79
results were analyzed using software for volumetric measurements Furthermore, expression of RANKL on endothelial cells, inflam-
of resorption craters; significant differences were observed in the matory cells, and periodontal ligament cells is clearly related to in-
amount of root resorption in traumatized versus nontraumatized flammatory bone resorption. The distribution of RANKL-­expressing
teeth.71 cells in rat periodontium after injection of lipopolysaccharide to
In addition, injury to the periodontium produces a temporary induce inflammation associated with occlusal trauma showed that
depression in mitotic activity and in the rate of proliferation and dif- expression of RANKL on endothelial, inflammatory, and periodon-
ferentiation of fibroblasts, both in collagen formation and in bone tal ligament cells was higher than that observed in nontraumatized
formation, which returns to normal levels after force dissipation.45,72 teeth, suggesting that the increase in osteoclasts caused by occlusal
trauma is related to expression of RANKL.80
In a hyperocclusion mouse model, it was demonstrated that
4.3 | Molecular mechanisms of bone resorption
traumatogenic occlusion resulted in increased expression of both
induced by force application
RANKL and osteopontin, probably related to the increase in number
Traumatogenic occlusal forces that slightly surpass the threshold of of activated osteoclasts. It was also suggested that the maintenance
tissue adaption produce very rapid circulatory changes in the peri- of a physiological occlusal state is achieved primarily by inhibition
odontal ligament (probably within minutes), resulting in platelet of bone apposition in response to the occlusal forces, rather than
aggregation and release of prostaglandins, thereby activating osteo- the equilibrium between continuous deposition of apical tissue and
clasts of the periodontal ligament.74 the corresponding resorption of bone tissue. Inhibition of alveolar
Mechanical forces can also induce the production of interleu- bone apposition by occlusal forces was considered to be an import-
kin-­1, a proinflammatory cytokine, and the isoenzyme cyclooxygen- ant mechanism for controlling occlusal height, which might work in
ase-­2, both involved in prostaglandin synthesis.43 During orthodontic synergy with RANKL-­induced bone resorption to maintain normal
tooth movement in 10 patients, a significant increase in the levels of occlusion.81 According to Passos et al,82 the precise role of osteo-
interleukin-­1 and prostaglandin E2 in gingival crevicular fluid were pontin and RANKL in bone resorption related to trauma from occlu-
observed at test teeth, which returned to baseline within 7 days. A sion is yet to be determined.
previous study74 suggest that mechanical stress induced in periodon- The interrelationship between chemokine expression and os-
tal ligament of cats results in an increase in the levels of interleukin-­1 teoclastogenesis was further evaluated in hyperocclusion models
and prostaglandin E2. Additionally, when mechanically stimulated in vitro and in vivo.83 The in vitro model showed that intermittent
periodontal ligament cells were cultivated in preconditioned medium stretching-­induced mechanical stress upregulated the expression of
containing interleukin-­1, greater bone resorption was observed. C-­C motif chemokine ligand 2, C-­C motif chemokine ligand 3, and
Mechanical stimuli on teeth generate free proteins within peri- C-­C motif chemokine ligand 5 in periodontal ligament cells. The
odontal ligament, induced either by compression and mechanical in vivo rodent model revealed that expression levels of C-­C motif
stress of cells or by cellular destruction and collagen fiber disor- chemokine ligand 2 in periodontal ligament tissues, its receptor C-­C
ganization following collapse of blood vessels.17 These proteins motif chemokine receptor 2 in preosteoclasts, and tartrate-­resistant
cause degranulation of mast cells present in periodontal ligament, acid-­phosphatase-­positive cells in alveolar bone were significantly
releasing histamine and free nerve endings neuropeptides. These up-­regulated 4-­7 days after excessive mechanical stress during hy-
processes result in contraction, vasodilatation, and increased vas- perocclusion. Hyperocclusion predominantly induced C-­
C motif
cular permeability of endothelial cells, leading to leukocyte leak- chemokine ligand 2 expression in periodontal ligament tissues and
age from blood vessels through interendothelial cell junctions. promoted chemotaxis and osteoclastogenesis, probably establishing
It takes approximately 90 minutes after force application to the the link by which the mechanical stress-­dependent alveolar bone de-
periodontal ligament until an inflammatory infiltrate develops, struction occurs during occlusal traumatism.
eliciting an acid pH that favors the attraction and accumulation of Bone and cementum portray structurally and histologically similar
osteoclasts. Several enzymes in this inflammatory exudate render characteristics. Histomorphometric analysis of root resorption lacu-
the mineralized bone surface unprotected, allowing osteoclasts to nae during orthodontic movement in rats, in which the findings were
become established. Osteoclastic bone resorption may then pro- assessed and confirmed by RT-­PCR, showed a significant increase
ceed at a rate of 100 μm/d.77 in expression of the osteopontin gene in the test group compared
Interestingly, bone resorption occurred 12 hours after the ap- with the control group.82 Densitometric analysis revealed increased
plication of orthodontic force, reaching a maximum peak 48 hours background levels of osteopontin in the resorptive lacunae of roots

in the test group, suggesting that increased expression of osteopon- of generation of excessive compression of the periodontal ligament
tin is associated with root resorption induced by orthodontic tooth against alveolar bone.46
movement. As trauma from occlusion can elicit the same response as When traumatogenic forces are generated in the skeletal arc
orthodontic tooth movement, it can be assumed that the resorptive of mandibular closure or in the habitual arch (eg, by placing a res-
processes of roots in teeth under traumatogenic occlusion could be toration in premature occlusal contact), changes in the occlusal
mediated through the same mechanism. program are produced, leading to the development of different be-
havioral effects on the masticatory system to compensate for occlu-
sal imbalance. First of all, the proprioceptive neuromuscular system
4.4 | Adaption of periodontal supporting tissues to
coordinated by the periodontal ligament stimulates the jaw to seek
traumatogenic occlusion
another stable occlusal position, escaping from the older maximal in-
Whether traumatogenic forces are of low or high intensity, moderate tercuspal habitual position and developing a new one. This results in
to severe widening of periodontal ligament space is produced as a removal of traumatogenic occlusion.85 In the new stable maximal in-
result of degenerative processes. This is accompanied by a radio- tercuspal habitual position, occlusal contacts may be of the cusp-­to-­
graphic smoky aspect or disappearance of lamina dura. The extent slope type, producing instability of tooth position. In such cases, the
of periodontal ligament space widening is dependent on how much decomposition of occlusal forces leads to the formation of horizontal
dental displacement occlusal prematurity is able to produce, as the components, additionally to the axial component, which mobilize the
destructive process ceases as soon as tooth displacement releases tooth laterally within its socket by widening the periodontal ligament
excessive pressure in periodontal tissues. This adaptive behavior space. Thus, the firm strength of the occlusal contact—which is de-
probably results from activation of osteoclasts following the binding pendent on the physiological mobility of the tooth—is lost, affecting
of inflammatory mediators to specific receptors on the osteoblast the stability of the tooth position also in the vertical plane, thus al-
surface, thereby mediating bone resorption.64 A funnel-­shaped bone lowing expression of the active eruption force probably generated
defect bordering the cervical area of the periodontal ligament then by the continuous renewal of periodontal ligament fibers.86
develops, but without formation of a periodontal pocket. Antagonist teeth are then subjected to horizontal and vertical
Before tooth displacement, widening of periodontal ligament displacement forces, directing the teeth in accordance with the res-
space increases the range of tooth movement in the socket up to the toration of a stable dental relationship cusp-­to-­fossa. When this re-
point where the tension of periodontal ligament fibers could result lationship is achieved, the adaptive remodeling of the periodontal
in fiber breakdown and cleavage of cementum fragments. Severe supporting apparatus consolidates a new stable tooth position. This
tension could result in tearing of the periodontal ligament and re- is the reason why the jaw may develop different maximal intercus-
sorption of alveolar bone.46,66 This is mostly produced by interfer- pal habitual positions along the years and still maintain the dental
ence contacts rather than by premature occlusal deflective contact, relationship cusp-­to-­fossa, in spite of the existence of other factors
as tooth displacement is greater as is the extent of functional tooth influencing tooth position.46 These periodontal behaviors show that
contact during mandibular excursion. Moreover, as the cusp-­
to-­ occlusal stability involves not only the positional stability of the jaw
fossa is the stabilizing tooth contact, the teeth involved with occlusal but also that of the teeth themselves, fulfilling the requirements of
interference cannot escape from the offending contact. Accordingly, orthopedic stability, dictated by seating both mandibular condyles
periodontal damage may persist and worsen.46 in centric relation in their respective glenoid fossae while opposing
Stable contacts are established in the maximal intercuspal habit- teeth maintain the maximal intercuspal position.87
ual position, which is mostly characterized by a cusp-­to-­fossa inter- As can be seen, the periodontal adaption to traumatogenic oc-
relationship. When the mandible is guided in the hinge axis position, clusion can involve the widening of the periodontal ligament space
the cusp-­to-­fossa relationship is lost, giving rise to an occlusal con- and/or change in tooth position to another stable cusp-­to-­fossa, or
tact that embraces a cusp-­to-­slope or a slope-­to-­slope relationship, even cusp-­to-­slope, occlusal relationship. During the stages of peri-
which occurs before the vertical dimension of occlusion is achieved. odontal adaptive responses, periodontal supporting apparatuses ex-
This position is unstable, resulting in premature deflective occlusal perience appositional formation of cementum, periodontal ligament,
contact in the centric segment of the mandibular arch of closure. and alveolar bone,46 thereby reestablishing the biological and meta-
The difference between the first occlusal contact in the hinge axis bolic requirements that govern the maintenance of teeth. However,
movement of mandibular closure and the maximal intercuspal habit- new scientific observations are needed to assess this behavior,
ual position characterizes the mandibular “slide in centric.” specifically in cases of generation of occlusal interferences during
The extent of lateral tooth displacement under trauma induced mandibular excursions, when teeth are almost unable to escape from
by premature deflective occlusal contacts seems to be limited. prematurity.
Excessive pressure on periodontal supporting tissues ceases soon
after the corresponding widening of periodontal ligament space. The
4.5 | Remodeling phase of trauma from occlusion
tooth become mobile, and a new cusp-­to-­fossa relationship is estab-
lished at the maximal intercuspal habitual position, allowing recon- As described before,45,64,86 as an adaption mechanism to avoid injury
struction of the periodontal supporting apparatus and termination by traumatogenic forces, widening of the periodontal ligament space
136       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

allows bone to withstand physiological pressure. The physiological Similarly to trauma from occlusion, periodontal disease pro-
width of periodontal ligament should be regarded as vital space or gresses in episodes of acute destruction followed by periods of
minimal essential width. Periodontal ligament exhibits adaptability adaptation or stabilization90,91 in which no active destruction of
to rapidly changing applied force levels and capacity to maintain its periodontal tissues exists. When the apical spread of dental biofilm-­
width at constant dimensions throughout its lifetime; this is an im- related inflammatory exudate occurs along with trauma from
portant measure of periodontal ligament homeostasis and gives in- occlusion-­related inflammatory degenerative changes produced in
sight into the function of biological mechanisms that tightly regulate the periodontal ligament and zone of bone co-­destruction,6,22,34,35
the metabolism and spatial locations of the cell populations involved an association of periodontitis plus trauma from occlusion could be
in the formation of bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament.43 established (Figure 1). This peculiar condition—“the combined lesion
The remodeling phase occurs when the tooth cannot escape from periodontitis plus trauma from occlusion”— is responsible for the
the traumatogenic occlusion, so the periodontal supporting struc- controversies in the literature.
tures need to remodel in order to overcome the offending forces; When (i) occlusal trauma is in the stage of adaption or remodel-
they do so by increasing the minimal essential width through widen- ing and periodontitis is in the phase of activity or (ii) occlusal trauma
ing of the periodontal ligament space. is in the active destructive stage and periodontitis is in the remission
The remodeling capacity of periodontal tissues under the action phase, the combined lesion trauma from occlusion and periodonti-
of traumatogenic forces, and their clinical implications, are sup- tis will not develop. Therefore, traumatogenic occlusion and den-
ported by results obtained in experimental studies performed in tal biofilm may be occurring simultaneously, but not producing the
48 50
dogs and monkeys, which showed that facial tipping movements combined lesion, supporting the concept that suprabony pockets
produce dehiscence defects not necessarily accompanied by at- and horizontal bone loss around teeth in instances of trauma might
tachment loss, in the absence of plaque. Moving these teeth back to coexist.6 On the other hand, the interaction of tooth-­tilting forces
their original positions results in the re-­formation of bone at buccal and gingival inflammation requires a long period of time to induce
surfaces. Jiggling forces are able to produce dehiscence defects, an infrabony lesion.92 Thus, the development of combined injuries is
leaving within them a soft tissue layer that, if removed, prevents the critical, as the destructive process occurs quickly over a short period
re-­formation of alveolar bone, which suggests that bone resorption of time, while adaptive phases occur over a fairly long period of time,
by jiggling forces leaves a supracrestal component capable of form- which might explain why some studies fail to reproduce the com-
ing new bone. bined lesion.9,10,23,27,28
Periodontal changes induced by traumatogenic occlusion are re- Progressive stages of trauma from occlusion and periodontitis
stricted to areas in which tooth displacement produces compression are variable. The existence of both lesions at destructive stages is
of periodontal ligament against the bone wall, without the develop- required to establish the combined (periodontitis plus trauma from
ment of a periodontal pocket in the absence of plaque-­related in- occlusion) lesion. However, an effective association between both
flammation.4,11,14,16,23,33 The probable reason is that the periodontal lesions is characterized by overlap of the adaption/remodeling
protective compartment (comprising biologic width plus keratinized phases of trauma from occlusion and the remission/acute phases
gingiva) is not subjected to compressive forces, as the soft tissue of chronic periodontitis. In these instances, the sequel produced by
is moved away in the direction of tooth movement. Circulatory the combined lesion remains, but no other typical changes of the
changes in periodontal ligament caused by traumatogenic occlusion association between trauma from occlusion and chronic periodon-
did not produce significant deleterious changes in gingival tissues, titis occur, unless another acute destructive episode of both lesions
probably because its main source of vascularization is supraperios- develops simultaneously. Jiggling forces can accelerate the rate of
teal blood vessels. attachment loss, which requires an extremely intense force that
does not allow the tooth to adapt or migrate from offending forces.
Accordingly, few clinical cases would end up with a traumatogenic
5 |  RO LE O F TR AU M A FRO M O CC LU S I O N condition. Therefore, it could be suggested that adaption to exces-
I N PE R I O D O NTA L D I S E A S E S sive forces takes place in most cases, without affecting the spread of
inflammation deep into periodontal tissues.14
Although there is general agreement that trauma from occlusion
does not initiate chronic periodontitis, the role of trauma from oc-
5.1 | Evidence for the role of occlusion in
clusion in periodontal disease is still controversial. According to
periodontal parameters
the American Academy of Periodontology,90 the lesion of trauma
from occlusion may occur in conjunction with, or independent of, Controversy on the role of occlusion in periodontal diseases may be
inflammatory periodontal diseases. The elimination of alveolar bone attributed to the lack of properly designed methodology to evalu-
inorganic matrix at the cervical area by traumatogenic occlusion ren- ate the border between both conditions, responsible for producing
ders the tissue more fragile, facilitating the apical spread of dental the combined lesion.92 Even in accordance with the requirements
biofilm-­related inflammatory exudate and resulting in direct invasion of evidence-­based science, clearly none of the research intended to
of the injured periodontal ligament.5,6,47,55 elucidate the role of trauma from occlusion in periodontal diseases

has properly investigated the initiation and/or progression of dental junctional epithelium to the outer environment. Therefore, the de-
biofilm-­related periodontal inflammation simultaneously with the velopment of deeper periodontal pockets would be favored.94
destructive phase of traumatogenic occlusion. Rather, the meth-
odologies were mainly based on the independent initiation or pro- Studies in animals
gression of chronic periodontitis and the initiation of traumatogenic The effect of trauma superimposed upon existing intrabony pock-
occlusion. Therefore, there was no combination of the destructive ets was investigated in monkeys by the surgical creation of localized
phases of trauma from occlusion and chronic periodontitis. Until infrabony pockets at mesial and distal surfaces of the mandibular
that, theories on the association between trauma from occlusion and bicuspids. Samples from 2 squirrel monkeys were obtained after
periodontitis will rely on evidence arising from case reports or ret- 10 weeks. In 4 other monkeys, 10 weeks after inducing periodon-
rospective and short-­term prospective studies in humans. Previous tal disease, a mesiodistal jiggling movement was established, which
studies investigating the role of occlusion in periodontal disease was continued for another 10 weeks. Four additional monkeys were
are mainly based on photoelastic or finite element studies, animal not subjected to traumatogenic forces and were used as controls.
models, or cadavers, which cannot be considered as ideal models to Biopsies were obtained from these groups at 20 weeks. Gingival
investigate the causal relationship between traumatogenic occlusion inflammation and increased mobility of the mandibular bicuspids
and periodontal breakdown. Attachment and bone loss in humans were observed in all groups after induction of periodontitis. After
occur slowly, over a much longer period of time than that used in the introduction of jiggling forces, greater mobility of the mandibu-
animal studies, posing a question on the applicability of results from lar bicuspids was observed in the test group, including in vertical
animal studies on the incidence of traumatogenic forces to perio- directions. These teeth showed significantly increased bone loss
dontal destruction in humans.42 (P < 0.01), measured as the distance from the alveolar bone crest
In the following sections, the influence of traumatogenic occlu- to the cementoenamel junction, and a significantly (P < 0.01) lower
sion on periodontal parameters investigated in animal and human percentage of osseous tissue at interproximal sites. Additionally,
studies is described and discussed. Latin American research per- marked differences in osseous morphology were found between
formed to investigate the relationship between traumatogenic test and control groups, but without affecting connective tissue at-
occlusion and periodontal disease is emphasized, with a summary tachment.10 Histologic examination of the specimens showed an ini-
of the main investigations in animals and humans in Tables 2 and tial phase of intense resorptive activity associated with the coronal
3. Table 4 summarizes narrative and systematic reviews published alveolar bone, and the morphology of this bone eventually consisted
by Latin American authors on the role of occlusion in periodontal of osseous islands surrounded by a loosely arranged, highly vascular
disease. and cellular connective tissue. These findings suggest that trauma
from occlusion is not able to induce the formation of periodontal
pockets, although does produce alterations in marginal bone mor-
phology and crestal bone loss at interproximal sites.9
5.1.1 | Formation or deepening of
Orthodontic tooth movement promoted a shift in supragingival
periodontal pockets
plaque to a subgingival position. The mesial-­to-­apical movement
Most studies agree that traumatogenic forces are not able to pro- of teeth with plaque accumulation resulted in the formation of in-
duce a periodontal pocket in the absence of plaque-­related peri- frabony pockets. In 4 out of 5 beagle dogs, displacement of the
odontal inflammation but facilitate the spread of inflammatory plaque-­infected tooth resulted in an apical shift of the connective
exudate toward periodontal supporting structures.6,22,26,33,35,47 The tissue attachment. When similar orthodontic forces were applied to
deepening of existing periodontal pockets is accelerated and angular plaque-­free teeth, tilting movement did not result in the formation
bone loss develops in the presence of trauma from occlusion in teeth of infrabony pockets, and loss of connective tissue attachment was
with chronic periodontitis.6,31,34,47,94 observed in only 2 of the dogs.4
In teeth subjected to traumatogenic forces, the migration of in- These results were later confirmed in a similar study in beagle
flammatory exudate toward the bone crest seems to be facilitated dogs, in which plaque-­associated marginal periodontitis was devel-
by the resorption of inorganic matrix from alveolar bone at cervi- oped, followed by the application of jiggling forces 60 days after
cal areas, resulting in the formation of deeper infrabony or supra- plaque accumulation. The dogs were killed at 360 days; histologic
bony pockets, compared with nontraumatized teeth; this suggests analysis showed that the application of jiggling forces enhanced the
that dental biofilm-­related inflammatory exudate progresses more rate of destruction of the periodontium. 29
rapidly in teeth subjected to traumatogenic forces. A faster In Long-­Evans rats with arteriosclerosis induced by a hypercho-
deepening of periodontal pockets under the influence of trauma lesterolic diet that were submitted to occlusal disorders for 6 weeks,
from occlusion could also be ascribed to traumatogenic occlusion-­ hyperfunction was established by a high restoration in the first
95 96
induced resorption bays or cracks in the cervical cementum. This mandibular molars and hypofunction was achieved by removing the
would create a suitable environment for the apical migration of junc- antagonist. A marked increase in the number of inflammatory cells,
tional epithelium, and biofilm-­related inflammatory exsudate; new as well as deepening of the gingival pocket was observed in one-­
layers of plaque and calculus are deposited, soon after exposure of third of arteriosclerosis-­induced rats during the 6-­week treatment
138       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

TA B L E   2   Summary of Latin American studies investigating the role of occlusion in periodontal disease in animal models

Reference Objectives Study design Results

de Oliveira Diniz et al To evaluate the influence of DM 32 Wistar rats were assigned to 4 Teeth subjected to OT showed
on bone response in the groups: increased alveolar bone loss at
furcation areas of teeth G1: DM + OT + EP (n = 8) furcation region, while
subjected to OT in the presence G2: DM + OT (n = 8) contralateral teeth showed
or absence of EP in a rat model G3: OT + EP (n = 8) preservation of normal width of
G4: OT (n = 8). PL space and no evidence of
Rats were euthanized 35 d after bone loss, for all groups
induction of DM (P < 0.0001). Rats in G1 and G3
(periodontal inflammation)
showed greater bone loss than
rats in G2 and G4 (periodontal
health), with no differences
between diabetic and nondia-
betic rats subjected to OT. These
findings highlight the role of
trauma from occlusion in the
development and aggravation of
alveolar bone loss.
Dotto et al54 To study the effect of trauma 36 male Wistar rats were divided The results showed a statistically
from occlusion on an increase or into 6 groups according to the significant increase of the
positional change of periodontal duration of the OT: 3 d (n = 5); vasculature only after 21 d of
blood vessels in rats 7 d (n = 5); 21 d (n = 8); 60 d OT, which persisted up to the
(n = 5); 120 d (n = 8); and not final period. Blood vessels were
submitted to trauma from normally closer to the bone
occlusion (n = 5). The histochem- surface in the control specimens
ical technique of Wachstein and and soon after the 3-­d period
Meisel for measuring ATP gradually showed a displacement
activity was used to demon- toward the cemental surface.
strate the blood vessels after
15 min of incubation.
Dotto et al16 To evaluate the effects of 22 adult Wistar rats were In the cervical area of the alveolar
experimental trauma from submitted to traumatogenic buccal bone there was a
occlusion in the periodontal occlusion for periods of 60 d widening of PL and the
tissues of rats (n = 9) and 120 d (n = 13). formation of a plateau or ledge
Histological sections were of bone. Bone resorption and
obtained and stained with HE. long connective tissue attach-
ment was evidenced toward PL.
The outer aspect was undergo-
ing bone formation. Deposition
of cementum could also be
found. The main changes in
alveolar crest were found at the
tension side. The remodeling
phase of trauma initiated 60 d
after induction of trauma. After
120 d, there was adaption of PL
to functional demands, with
persistence of a widened PL
space at the tension side, with a
formation of a plateau of crestal
bone and cementum at the
buccal area.


TA B L E   2   (Continued)

Reference Objectives Study design Results

Itoiz et al To develop a method for the Induction of OT in the upper third Bone resorption was detected
production of OT in rats molars of 45 male Wistar rats earlier in rats treated using
according to 3 methods:Method methods II and III. Intense
I: amalgam restorations (n = 19), inflammatory infiltrate invaded
with periods of sacrifice ranging the PL. Migration of the
from 1 d to 4 wk; Method II: epithelial attachment and
head pins (n = 6), with sacrifice gingival inflammation associated
after 1-­7 dMethod III: stainless with debris present in the pocket
steel arch wire (n = 20), with was seen in some species, as well
sacrifice after 1 d to 4 wk as rear resorption. Although PL
changes and bone resorption
were still predominant after
4 wk, few osteoclasts were seen.
Cementum resorption could also
be detected. Traumatizing forces
acted directly on the PL and the
compression or stretching of the
fiber bundles produced bone
changes. No pocket formation
was found to be associated with
Nascimento and Sallum126 To investigate changes in An extracoronal arch wire was Areas of tension showed
periodontal supporting tissues of fixed into occlusal perforations stretched periodontal fibers in
lower canine and premolar of of upper third premolars and the distal region of the canine
marmosets under traumatogenic first molars on both sides of the and areas of pressure showed
forces maxilla in 8 marmosets. The osseous and radicular resorption
marmosets were sacrificed after in the mesial region of the first
7, 14, 21, and 28 d, and premolar. At the end of the
specimens were processed for experiment, newly formed bone
histological examination. was observed on the interdental
crest, with transseptal fibers
presenting features of normal
orientation and density. No
inflammatory cells were found at
PL. There was no apical
migration of epithelial attach-
ment or pocket formation. These
findings suggest adaption of
periodontal tissues, new bone
formation in tension areas, and
bone, cementum, and dentin
resorption at compression areas.
Nogueira Filho et al127 To investigate the effects of 30 male rats were randomly Nicotine enhanced bone loss
nicotine on alveolar bone assigned to the following 3 induced by OT in teeth with EP
changes induced by OT groups:
Group A: injection of nicotine
solution and occlusal overload
Group B: injection of saline
solution and occlusal overload
Group C: injection of saline

140       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

TA B L E   2   (Continued)

Reference Objectives Study design Results

Otero et al To analyze the initiation and 300 rats were used. A specially Signs of gingival inflammation
development of bone resorption designed orthodontic appliance were found without migration of
and increase in the number of was placed between the 2 upper epithelial attachment or pocket
osteoclasts induced by first molars, without interfering formation. Within the first 12 h,
orthodontic movement with occlusion it was possible to distinguish
areas of pressure (resorption)
and tension (stretched) sides.
Areas of resorption started to
increase after 12 h and reached
a maximum after 48 h. The
number of osteoclasts started to
increase 20 h after initiation of
orthodontic forces attaining a
maximum at 60 h. These findings
suggest that the initiation of
bone resorption is not associated
with an increase in the number
of osteoclasts.

DM, diabetes mellitus; EP, experimental periodontitis; HE, hematoxylin and eosin; OT, occlusal trauma; PL, periodontal ligament.

with occlusal disorders (P < 0.05), along with degenerative changes deeper probing depths (5.53 ± 1.51 mm) than teeth without oc-
in connective tissue, and diminished apposition and increased os- clusal discrepancies (4.77 ± 1.31 mm), even after adjustment for
teoclastic resorption of alveolar bone, suggesting superimposition other confounders (P < 0.0001). Worse initial prognosis (fair to
of inflammation as a result of the lipidic-­rich diet and trauma from poor; poor; hopeless) was attributed to teeth showing occlusal
occlusion.97 discrepancies (13%) compared with teeth with no occlusal discrep-
ancies (<5%). Mobility10,58,77 was observed in 23% of teeth with
Studies in humans no occlusal discrepancies and in 31% of teeth with occlusal dis-
A historical study performed in 1939 by Erausquin and Carranza3 crepancies (P = 0.03). No significant association between clinical
in humans suggested that suprabony pockets were related to areas mobility and occlusal discrepancies was found, although the risk
of normal occlusion or hypofunction (100%) and that a smaller per- of teeth with occlusal discrepancies to present clinical mobility
centage (57%) were present in areas of hyperfunction. Infrabony was approximately 1.2 times greater. These findings suggest that
pockets, in all cases, were related to teeth presenting trauma from occlusal discrepancies could be considered as an independent risk
occlusion. Additionally, the mean probing depth at sites of unbal- factor for periodontal disease.93,98 Teeth with untreated occlusal
anced occlusion (excessive or no function) was twice as deep as that discrepancies showed an overall worsening in prognosis over time
observed at areas of normal occlusion (2.5 mm vs 1.2 mm, respec- compared with teeth with no occlusal discrepancies or teeth with
tively). Moreover, pocket deepening appeared to be strongly influ- treated occlusal problems, as well as a greater deepening in peri-
enced by the masticatory function, being minimal in teeth under odontal pockets per year.93
normal occlusion, 2-­fold greater in teeth out of occlusion for a long More recently, a further analysis of 85 patients with 2219 teeth
period of time, and 3-­fold greater in teeth under excessive function. presenting prematurity in centric relation (20%) or in maximal in-
In a series of studies investigating the causal relationship be- tercuspal habitual position (57%), working (32%), and balancing
tween occlusal discrepancies and periodontal disease, clinical re- (11%) contacts during lateral movement showed that teeth with
cords of patients attending a private practice were included in a centric prematurities had 0.9 mm greater probing depth than did
database containing records from medical and dental histories, teeth without centric prematurities (P < 0.0001). Anterior teeth
complete periodontal examinations, and annotations of occlusal with contact on protrusive movement had a decrease of 0.18 mm
discrepancies at a minimum interval between examinations of in probing depth compared with anterior teeth without contact on
1 year. Untreated patients (n = 30) were included for comparisons protrusive movement (P = 0.0076), and posterior teeth with contact
with partially treated (nonsurgical therapy; n = 18) and completely on protrusive movement had an increase of 0.51 mm in probing
treated (nonsurgical + surgical therapy; n = 41) patients. Occlusal depth compared with posterior teeth without contact on protrusive
therapy was performed in 17 (39%) patients of the complete treat- movement (P < 0.0001). Teeth with working contacts only did not
ment group and in 9 (50%) of the partially treated group. Thirty have significantly different probing depths from teeth without any
patients showing occlusal discrepancies were not treated for contacts except for maximal intercuspal habitual position (P = 0.55).
these conditions (5 in the partially treated group and 25 in the Teeth with balancing contacts, with or without working contacts,
untreated group). Teeth with initial occlusal discrepancies showed had 1.1 mm (P < 0.0001) to 1.0 mm (P < 0.0001) greater probing

depth, respectively, compared with teeth with no contacts outside

OA results in improved response to surgical

The prevalence and severity of periodontal

the maximal intercuspal habitual position. Slides in centric of any

diminished after periodontal treatment.

The impact of oral health on mastication

The number of teeth had considerable

disease increases in tooth that do not

vertical distance were associated with over three times the proba-
and nonsurgical periodontal therapy bility of having an initial prognosis less than “good.” The greater the

importance in the perception of

vertical slide (2-­3 mm), the smaller the probability of having an initial
prognosis of “good,” a result in agreement with previous reports of
the study group.99

CAL, clinical attachment loss; MWF, modified Widman flap; OA, occlusal adjustment; OIDP, Oral Impacts on Daily Performance; PD, probing depth; SRP, scaling and root planing.
The association of dynamic occlusal contacts (contacts at
balancing and working sides during lateral excursive movements


or posterior contacts during protrusive movements) and probing

depth and attachment loss were investigated in 2980 patients
aged 20-­79 years. Contacts in balancing sides during lateral move-
ments were significantly associated with greater probing depth
the number of teeth and difficulty in eating
treated; OA did not influence initial pocket

(P < 0.0001) and attachment loss (P < 0.0001). Contacts in balanc-

Absence of occlusal contacts was observed
attachment level in patients who received

before and after treatment was observed.

A significant negative correlation between

more severe periodontal disease and oral

Probing depth had a positive relationship
periodontal disease did not influence the

in 27.82% of teeth. These teeth showed

OA at sites surgically and nonsurgically

ing and working sides in the same tooth were significantly asso-
There was significantly greater gain of

depth or tooth mobility. Severity of

with OIDP score before treatment.

ciated with probing depth only (P = 0.004) in a regression model.

Other factors associated with probing depth and attachment loss
were tilted teeth and restored surfaces, besides elongated teeth
and tooth type.100
response to OA.

5.1.2 | Bone loss
TA B L E   3   Summary of Latin American studies investigating the role of occlusion in periodontal disease in humans


In the presence of a thick bony septum subjected to trauma from


occlusion, the bone matrix alteration may be confined to the peri-

odontal ligament environment, allowing a faster spread of inflam-
matory exudate and formation of an infrabony periodontal pocket.
months after OA, patients were assigned

system was used to determine activity in

periodontitis were randomly assigned to

A clinical examination was performed to

mastication muscles and bite force. PD
50 patients with moderate-­to-­advanced

hygiene levels and periodontal disease

to MWF or SRP (split-­mouth). Patients

The existence of infrabony pockets in areas of thick bone septa is

28 patients were evaluated before and
OA (n = 22) or no OA (control; n = 28)

questionnaire. An electromyographic
after hygienic phase treatment. Two

were maintained every 3 mo for 2 y.

and tooth mobility were registered

suggestive, yet not pathognomonic, of the participation of trauma-

investigate occlusal contacts, oral
after treatment using the OIDP

togenic occlusion in the spread of the inflammatory exudate. In areas

of thin bone septa subjected to trauma from occlusion, the entire
bone may be converted into bone matrix.48,50 Under these condi-
tions, the spread of inflammatory exudate would result in loss of
the entire bone septum, characterizing a horizontal bone loss with
Study design

the formation of a deeper suprabony pocket. The inequality of su-

prabony pocket depths may be an indication of the possible role of
trauma from occlusion in the progression of the inflammatory ex-
udate. Additionally, the change in alveolar crest shape to a funnel
association with periodontal therapy on

profile seems to favor the development of dental biofilm infrabony

To investigate periodontal disease and

pockets, supporting the proposal of a bone co-­destructive zone.6,55

To assess the impact of conventional
To investigate the influence of OA in

periodontitis on the perception of

oral hygiene in disoccluding teeth

periodontal treatment of chronic

Studies in animals
CAL, PD, and tooth mobility

Studies have shown that repeated trauma at interproximal bone

by jiggling forces results in alveolar bone loss and, when combined
with periodontitis, an increased amount of bone loss was observed
when compared with periodontitis alone.9,28 Changes resulting from

traumatogenic forces are reversible when the force is discontinued

or when the tooth moves away from the force in an adaption mech-
anism.93 When the offending forces were removed, a reduction in
the distance from the alveolar crest to the cementoenamel junction

Pereira et al128

and a greater percentage of interproximal bone were observed only

Burgett et al


at traumatized teeth, together with reduction in clinical mobility. In

et al129

teeth subjected to jiggling forces and periodontitis, no significant

differences were observed in the distance of the bone crest to the
142       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

TA B L E   4   Summary of Latin American narrative and systematic reviews investigating the role of occlusion in periodontal disease

Reference Objectives Methods Main findings

Albertini et al To review concepts that deal with Narrative review Trauma from occlusion is not related to the etiology of
periodontal trauma from occlusion periodontal disease and does not develop attach-
ment loss or periodontal pocket; there are character-
istic signs and symptoms of trauma from occlusion
that dictates its treatment as an independent
condition; its development requires the presence of
occlusal alterations that result in an unequal force
distribution; diagnoses and treatment of trauma from
occlusion require a multidisciplinary approach
directed to a favorable occlusal condition
Gélvez Vera To establish the role of traumato- Systematic review. Literature The role of trauma from occlusion in the etiology of
et al19 genic occlusion in the development search conducted at gingival recession remains as a clinical opinion and it
and progression of gingival MEDLINE, Ebscohost, is convenient to control occlusion as a risk factor to
recession OVID, Science Direct, any type of periodontal lesion
Scopus and Proquest.
Foz et al119 To identify and analyze the studies Systematic review. Literature Although the selected studies (n = 4) suggest an
investigating the effects of OA, search conducted at association between OA and improvement in
associated with periodontal MEDLINE, Cochrane periodontal parameters, there is a need for new trials
therapy, on periodontal parameters Central Register of for a better understanding of the efficacy of OA in
and GCF markers Controlled Trials, and reducing the progression of periodontal disease
Furlaneto et al17 To investigate the role of traumato- Narrative review OA, when indicated, must be routinely performed
genic occlusion in aggravation of during periodontal treatment. Further studies are
periodontal disease, as well as to necessary for a better understanding of the
investigate the possible advantages association of trauma from occlusion and periodontal
of associating occlusal therapy and tissues
periodontal therapy
Passos et al82 To review current literature on the Narrative review Different results were found in laboratory and clinical
role of osteopontin and RANKL on studies. These differences could be related to
trauma from occlusion and differences in methodologies, which are not always
periodontitis lesions adequate as related to resistance and/or force
intensity. Based on current literature, the precise
mechanism of periodontal breakdown under
traumatogenic forces induced by osteopontin and
RANKL is yet to be determined.

GCF, gingival crevicular fluid; OA, occlusal adjustment.

cementoenamel junction, in the percentage of interproximal bone, greater alveolar bone loss at the furcation region compared with
and in reduction of clinical mobility. Consequently, it can be sug- nontraumatized teeth (P < 0.0001). Groups with experimental peri-
gested that primary trauma from occlusion (without periodontal in- odontitis (1 and 3) showed greater bone loss, with no differences
flammation) results in no loss of attachment, with preservation of a between diabetic and nondiabetic rats subjected to trauma from
bone matrix that is able to regenerate in the absence of traumato- occlusion. The results highlight the role of trauma from occlusion
genic forces. However, when periodontal inflammation is superim- in the aggravation of alveolar bone loss and suggest that diabetes
posed with trauma from occlusion, alterations in alveolar bone height mellitus enhances bone loss in the presence of occlusal trauma and
and volume are not reverted by elimination of traumatogenic forces, experimental periodontitis.101
with persistence of clinical mobility and gingival inflammation. Campos et al102 recently investigated the influence of short-­term
The extent of alveolar bone loss was also analyzed in the furcation cigarette smoke inhalation on interradicular alveolar bone loss induced
area of teeth exposed to trauma from occlusion in the presence or by primary occlusal trauma in 48 Wistar rats. Occlusal trauma was in-
absence of experimental periodontitis in 32 Wistar rats with or with- duced by bonding an orthodontic wire to the occlusal surface of the
out diabetes mellitus. The rats were assigned to four groups: (Group lower first molar. The rats were exposed to cigarette smoke inhalation
1) diabetes mellitus + occlusal trauma + experimental periodontitis in a cigarette smoking chamber for 8 minutes, 3 times a day, during the
(n = 8); (Group 2) diabetes mellitus + occlusal trauma (n = 8); (Group experimental period. Smoke was produced by 10 cigarettes containing
3) occlusal trauma + experimental periodontitis (n = 8); and (Group 1.3 mg of nicotine, 16.5 mg of tar, and 15.2 mg of carbon monoxide. The
4) occlusal trauma (n = 8). Histomorphometric analysis showed that rats were randomly assigned to the groups occlusal trauma + cigarette
teeth subjected to trauma from occlusion displayed significantly smoke inhalation (n = 16), occlusal trauma (n = 16), or negative control

(no occlusal trauma, no cigarette smoke inhalation; n = 16). At intra- Trauma from occlusion was induced by jiggling forces for 90 days,
group analysis, a significant increase of interradicular bone loss area then jiggling forces were stopped in the test group, resulting in a
was observed over time in occlusal trauma + cigarette smoke inhalation decrease in clinical mobility. Loss of connective tissue attachment
(P < 0.0005) and occlusal trauma (P = 0.0182) groups. No interradicular on day 360 was similar in test and control sites, suggesting that the
bone loss was observed in rats of the negative control group (P = 0.99). height of supporting periodontal tissue was similar in traumatized
Rats from the occlusal trauma + cigarette smoke inhalation group teeth before and after force removal.104
showed a greater (P = 0.0022) area of bone loss (0.54 ± 0.20 mm ) than A recent study performed in Lewis rats investigated the effects
rats of the negative control group (0.3 ± 0.29 mm2) at 7 days, but no of occlusal trauma on periodontal destruction, particularly loss of
significant differences were observed between occlusal trauma + cig- attachment at the onset of periodontitis. Forty-­eight rats were im-
arette smoke inhalation and occlusal trauma (0.42 ± 0.15 mm ) groups munized with intraperitoneal injections of Escherichia coli lipopoly-
in this period. After 14 days, significant differences (P < 0.05) in mean saccharide suspended in phosphate-­buffered saline. Twenty-­eight
interradicular bone loss area were observed between the occlusal days later, rats were assigned to one of the following groups: trauma,
trauma + cigarette smoke inhalation group (0.93 ± 0.16 mm2) vs the induced by bonding a high metal wire to the occlusal surface of man-
occlusal trauma group (0.62 ± 0.14 mm ) or vs the negative control dibular first molars; inflammation, induced by topical application
group (0.29 ± 0.02 mm2). Also, significant differences were observed of E. coli lipopolysaccharide in phosphate-­buffered saline into the
between occlusal trauma and negative control groups. The furcation palatal gingival sulcus of maxillary right first molars; trauma + in-
region of teeth submitted to occlusal trauma showed hyalinization flammation; or phosphate-­buffered saline (negative control). The
and cementum resorption (62.5% and 75% in occlusal trauma + cigar- trauma group and the negative control group also received topical
rete smoke inhalation after 7 and 14 days, respectively; 37.5% after application of phosphate-­buffered saline into the gingival sulcus.
7 and 14 days in occlusal trauma), which were not observed in rats Additionally, 12 nonimmunized rats were treated as described for
of the negative control group. An increase in the number of tartrase-­ the trauma + inflammation group. At 5 days, trauma and negative
resistant acid phosphatase-­positive cells/mm was observed on days 7 control groups showed no loss of attachment. The inflammation
(P < 0.0001) and 14 (P = 0.0099) in rats from the occlusal trauma + cig- group showed slight loss of attachment, while the trauma + inflam-
arette smoke inhalation group. These findings suggest that short-­term mation group showed loss of attachment and inflammatory infiltrate
cigarette smoke inhalation could increase bone damage in the nonin- at the junctional epithelium and connective tissue in all specimens.
fectious periodontal lesion of primary occlusal trauma, suggesting its In the nonimmunized trauma + inflammation group, loss of attach-
possible role in inducing tissue changes and bone loss in smokers. ment was not detected. However, the inflammatory infiltrate was
greater in this group than in negative control and trauma groups at
Studies in humans 5 and 10 days. The histometric analysis showed significantly greater
The association between signs of trauma from occlusion and peri- loss of attachment at 10 days than at 5 days for inflammation and
odontitis was evaluated in maxillary first molars of 300 individuals. trauma + inflammation groups. Significant differences were ob-
Teeth with bidigital mobility, functional mobility, widened periodon- served among groups at 5 and 10 days, with greater attachment loss
tal ligament space, or visible calculus on radiography had deeper for the inflammation and trauma + inflammation groups. Tartrase-­
probing depth, greater loss of clinical attachment, and less radio- resistant acid phosphatase-­positive cells were not observed in neg-
graphic osseous support than teeth without these findings. Teeth ative control, trauma , or the nonimmunized trauma + inflammation
with occlusal contacts in centric relation, in working, nonworking, groups, while the inflammation group showed few tartrase-­resistant
or protrusive positions, did not exhibit any greater severity of peri- acid phosphatase-­positive cells at the edge of palatal alveolar bone
odontitis than teeth without such contacts. Those teeth showing on days 5 and 10, and the trauma + inflammation group showed
functional mobility and widened periodontal ligament space showed many at 10 days. Trauma groups exhibited fewer collagen fibers at-
deeper probing depth, greater loss of clinical attachment, and less tached to the roots compared with the other groups. The greater dis-
osseous support than teeth without these findings. Finally, given persion of immune complexes in the trauma + inflammation group
equal clinical attachment levels, teeth with evidence of functional may explain the mechanism of acceleration of attachment loss in-
mobility and widened periodontal ligament space showed less radio- duced by occlusal trauma.67
graphic osseous support. These findings suggest that no association
between trauma from occlusion and chronic periodontitis exists.103 Studies in humans
To investigate if trauma from occlusion combined with periodontal
pockets would promote a change in biofilm composition and there-
5.1.3 | Attachment loss
fore increase loss of attachment, 4-­5 mm interproximal bone defects
Studies in animals were surgically created in Beagle dogs. Trauma from occlusion was
The effect on periodontal disease induced by positioning of ligatures produced by the placement of 1 incisor crown overbuilt by 3 mm,
and incidence of jiggling forces after its elimination were inves- creating a premature contact, 4 weeks later. Nontraumatized con-
tigated in beagle dogs. Ligatures were positioned to induce peri- tralateral incisors were used as controls. Samples of biofilm were
odontal disease in mandibular premolars and removed 90 days later. collected at baseline, and at weeks 1-­3 (Phase 1: development of
144       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

A percentages of motile bacteria, although baseline levels were not

reached, and there were no significant differences between trauma-
tized and non-­traumatized teeth, suggesting that the greater attach-
ment loss observed in the test group was related to the influence of
traumatogenic forces.105

5.1.4 | Gingival inflammation
Studies in animals
Biancu et al36 performed a study in beagle dogs to investigate
which tissue changes may occur in the zone of co-­destruction to
B gain a clearer understanding of the role of trauma from occlusion
in additional attachment loss and to investigate changes in the peri-
odontal ligament tissue when an inflammatory lesion approaches
the periodontal ligament space. In Group A, a buccolingual jiggling-­
type movement was induced by an orthodontic elastic resulting in
increased tooth mobility at P3, under plaque control. Biopsies were
obtained on day 90 for Group A. Dogs allocated to Group B were
subdivided into two groups: BI (n = 5) and BII (n = 5). On day 0, a
4-­month period of experimental periodontal tissue breakdown was
initiated by placing cotton floss ligatures submarginally around man-
dibular fourth premolars (Group BI) and around mandibular third
C premolars (3P3; Group BII). Ligatures were removed after 120 days
and biopsies were retrieved from dogs in Group BI, while dogs in
Group BII were submitted to supragingival debridement followed
by plaque accumulation up to day 225. The histologic and histo-
morphometric analyses showed that the most coronal portion of
periodontal ligament of teeth with increased mobility presented a
widened width, reduced collagen tissue volume, and increased vol-
ume of vascular structures and number of leukocytes. The number
of osteoclasts bordering this portion of alveolar bone was increased
and the number of collagen fibers inserting into the root cementum

F I G U R E   2   A, Panoramic X-­ray of a 57-­y-­old female patient and the alveolar bone was decreased. In teeth with normal mobil-
showing mesial inclination of the lower-­left second molar and distal ity, the position of gingival inflammatory connective tissue failed to
migration of both lower-­left bicuspids. The lower-­left second molar influence the composition of the tissue within the coronal portion of
depicts a periodontal infrabony lesion measuring 7.0 and 5.0 mm periodontal ligament.
on mesiolingual and lingual surfaces, respectively. B, Advanced loss
of periodontal supporting tissues at the lower-­left second molar;
C, 13 mo after treatment, showing recovery of the periodontal 5.1.5 | Severity of periodontal disease
supporting tissues, which resulted in probing depths of 2.0 mm on
mesiolingual and lingual sites Studies in humans
To understand the role of traumatogenic occlusion on the pro-
periodontal pockets) and weeks 5-­16 (Phase 2: trauma from occlu- gression of periodontal disease, Branschofsky et al106 conducted
sion + periodontal pockets). Significantly greater mobility (P < 0.05) a study to correlate the quality and quantity of secondary trauma
was observed in teeth with trauma from occlusion and periodon- from occlusion with the extent and severity of periodontal disease
tal pockets (test) than in teeth with periodontal pockets only (con- in 288 subjects with chronic periodontitis and 93 healthy subjects.
trols). Test teeth also showed significantly greater loss of attachment Inclusion criteria were for patients to display premature and balance
(P < 0.05) than nontraumatized teeth with pockets. At baseline, cocci contacts in habitual intercuspation and to show lateral or protrusive
(65%-­75%) and small amounts of motile bacteria (12%-­15%), includ- movements of the mandible. Trauma from occlusion was detected
ing 3%-­4% of spirochetes, were observed. At 4 weeks, a small re- in 64.3% of all patients. Most patients presenting slight periodonti-
duction (to 42%-­45%) in the percentage of cocci, and increases in tis did not display trauma from occlusion (n = 36); and most patients
the percentages of motile bacteria (to 37%-­43%) and spirochetes presenting moderate and severe periodontitis displayed, respec-
(to 24%-­27%), were observed. After scaling and root planing, there tively, ≤3 (n = 69) and >3 (n = 42) teeth with trauma from occlusion.
was an increase in the percentages of cocci and a decrease in the Significant differences were found among groups, including the

control group versus patients with slight periodontitis. Trauma from all subjects showed interferences in protrusive, lateroprotrusive,
occlusion was positively correlated with the severity of attachment and lateral excursive movements on teeth showing gingival reces-
loss. These findings suggest that trauma from occlusion influences sion and gingival clefts. Occlusal wear was present on all teeth with
the severity of chronic periodontitis.4,8,12,49 gingival clefts and on almost all teeth with gingival recession. These
When diagnosis of occlusal trauma was based on the trauma from results suggest that occlusal interferences in maximal intercuspation
occlusion index, which takes into account the combination of func- and eccentric movements and the absence of mutually protected oc-
tional mobility of the tooth and the presence of a widened periodontal clusion can contribute to gingival recessions and clefts.112 It should
ligament space, there was significantly greater probing depth (P < 0.01), be mentioned that in many of the aforementioned studies the oral
attachment loss (P < 0.01), bone loss (P < 0.01), gingival bleeding and hygiene habits of the patient, as well as other possible influencing
inflammation (P < 0.05), and plaque index (P < 0.05) in teeth positively factors, presently recognized, have not been considered.
diagnosed than those negatively diagnosed. Considering the same A recent systematic review to investigate the role of traumatic
attachment level, teeth positively identified according to the trauma occlusion in the initiation and progression of gingival recessions was
from occlusion index showed more bone loss than teeth negatively performed, in an attempt to gain a clearer understanding of the role
identified. Conversely, teeth positively diagnosed according to the of occlusion in these lesions. After searching 20 databases, 3577 ref-
adaptability index (occlusal wear + thickened lamina dura) showed less erences were found. After considering inclusion and exclusion crite-
attachment loss and greater bone support than teeth negatively iden- ria, 51 references were selected for screening, from which 32 were
tified according to the adaptability index. No differences were found excluded. After assessing the quality and validity of the studies ac-
in probing depth, attachment loss, bone loss, bleeding index, gingival cording to Journal of the American Medicine Association parameters,
index, and plaque index between teeth identified with premature 7 articles were selected, just 1 of which specifically addressed the
contacts, balancing side contacts during lateral movements, posterior relationship between traumatic occlusion and gingival recession. It
contacts during protrusive movements, and premature contacts at an- could be concluded that the relationship between the conditions re-
terior teeth and teeth without contacts. These findings suggest that mains as “a clinical opinion” and that it seemed convenient to control
the effects of heavy forces on the periodontium should be investigated occlusal factor in clinical practice because it can be considered as an
according to the capacity of adaption of involved teeth.107 independent risk factor for periodontal disease.18

5.1.6 | Gingival recession 5.1.7 | Tooth mobility

Studies in humans Studies in animals
Kleber and Schenk108 reported that one-­third (1039 of 4022) of pa- Studies performed in Macaca monkeys, in which a dysfunctional
tients seeking periodontal care showed gingival recession. Gingival occlusal relationship was created by inserting occlusal splints in
recession was present mainly in young (20-­
25 years) patients the maxilla, raising the vertical occlusal dimension by 3-­4 mm, and
(44.4%), who showed functional disturbances during occlusal excur- incorporating interferences in the occlusion at test teeth, showed
sions (79% at first bicuspids and 72% at second bicuspids). evidence of acute trauma from occlusion, development of wear fac-
Although it has been speculated that the elimination of trauma ets, and significant increases in tooth mobility and gingival index.
by occlusal adjustment, relieving the incidence of excessive occlusal Radiographically, signs of breakdown of marginal and interradicular
force on teeth showing gingival cleft formation, resulted in sponta- alveolar bone were observed. One of the monkeys developed peri-
neous remission of gingival recession, with no additional treatment odontal pockets of 4-­5 mm at the test side. Tooth mobility, gingival
performed, this has never been documented by other research. index, and plaque index remained elevated, but no clinical or radio-
Furthermore, no relationship was found between the existence of graphic evidence of further bone loss or increase in pocket depth
occlusal discrepancies, whether treated or not, and changes in kera- was seen. Analysis of cortisol plasma and urine levels showed a sig-
tinized gingiva width, as described by Harrel and Nunn111 in a regres- nificant increase in the 24-­hour urinary cortisol excretion rate and
sion analysis of 91 patients divided into untreated (n = 30), partially plasma concentration, which showed a decrease to basal values at 6
treated (n = 20), and completely treated (n = 41) groups. Occlusal and 12 weeks, suggesting that a dysfunctional occlusal relationship
discrepancies were found in 56 (61.53%) subjects and were more may also result in bruxism associated with emotional stress.113,114
prevalent in younger patients (50.4 ± 11.6 years vs 57.9 ± 12.3 years;
P = 0.005), and the mean width of keratinized gingiva was 3.28 mm
in patients without occlusal discrepancies and 3.33 mm in patients 6 | C LI N I C A L A N D R A D I O G R A PH I C S I G N S
with occlusal discrepancies, at initial examination. A N D S Y M P TO M S O F TR AU M A FRO M
An investigation on the nature of occlusal contacts in maximum O CC LU S I O N
intercuspation, protrusive, lateroprotrusive, and lateral excursive
movements was performed in 50 subjects with gingival recession Diagnosis of occlusal trauma can be made by evaluating signs and
and 10 subjects with gingival clefts. Gingival recession was more re- symptoms of the injury. Although not pathognomonic of the condi-
lated to group function than to mutual protected occlusion. Nearly tions, signs and symptoms of trauma from occlusion, according to
146       PASSANEZI and SANT'ANA

the American Academy of Periodontology,90 include: tooth mobility; adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease.93,99 A
tooth migration; pain or discomfort on chewing or percussion tests; cohort study was performed115 to investigate the relationship be-
widening of periodontal ligament space; disruption of the lamina tween biting ability and progression of periodontal disease in 194
dura; furcation or vital tooth apex radiolucencies; root resorption; patients monitored for 3 years during the maintenance phase of
tenderness on masticatory muscles or other signs and symptoms of periodontal therapy. Patients who showed progression of periodon-
temporomandibular junction dysfunction; presence of wear facets; tal disease during the follow-­up period, defined by the presence of
enamel fractures; and fremitus. at least 2 teeth showing interproximal loss of attachment of ≥3 mm
Figure 2 presents the radiographic image of a 57-­year-­old patient or tooth loss, were included in the progress group (n = 83), while
with an acceptable periodontal status, except for the lower left sec- subjects not showing progression of periodontal disease according
ond molar. Mesial and lingual pockets, of 7.0 and 5.0 mm depth, re- to these criteria were included in the nonprogress group (n = 111).
spectively, were present. A heavy occlusal balancing interference, high High occlusal forces were defined as >500 N in men and >370 N in
enough to produce disclusion of all other posterior teeth at working women. A logistic regression analysis showed that progression of
and balancing sides, was detected. In addition, there was a premature periodontal disease was significantly associated with attachment
contact in the centric arch of closure between the outer surface of loss of ≥7 mm (odds ratio = 2.397; 95% confidence interval: 1.273-­
the distal marginal ridge of the lower-­left second molar and the mesial 4.346; P = 0.005) and low occlusal forces (odds ratio = 2.352; 95%
slope of the palatal cusp of the extruded upper-­left second molar, pro- confidence interval: 1.273-­4.346; P = 0.006), suggesting that in the
ducing anterior sliding of the mandible. Dental biofilm was detected at presence of severe loss of attachment, even forces of low magnitude
the affected site, suggesting a role in the etiology of the periodontal influence the progression of periodontal disease.
lesion. Treatment was accomplished by oral hygiene measures, scaling Treatment of primary or secondary trauma from occlusion re-
and root planing, professional prophylaxis, and selective occlusal ad- quires controlling marginal inflammation and restoring normal
justment, resulting in complete remission of the periodontal pocket. occlusal function.41,116 Remission of primary trauma from occlu-
This case may provide clinical evidence of a cause-­and-­effect relation- sion proceeds uneventfully if periodontal pockets are successfully
ship between periodontitis and trauma from occlusion. treated.9,10,23 Considering that, treatment of primary trauma from
occlusion should basically address the occlusal adjustment to re-
direct occlusal forces, allowing reversibility of the lesion. In cases
7 |  TR E ATM E NT CO N S I D E R ATI O N S in which periodontitis and trauma from occlusion coexist without
producing a combined lesion, treatment should be directed to the
Although trauma from occlusion may occur concurrently, the con- independent treatment of both conditions as two distinct patholog-
ditions may be treated separately, with specific and independent ical entities.
treatment goals and end points. The goals of the treatment of oc- According to Bhola et al,116 once periodontal health is estab-
clusal traumatism may be described as: elimination or reduction of lished, occlusal therapy can be performed, if indicated, to help re-
tooth mobility; establishment or maintenance of a stable and repro- duce mobility when such a condition is associated with a widened
ducible maximal intercuspal habitual position; provision of efficient periodontal ligament space. Redirection of occlusal forces and re-
masticatory function and a comfortable occlusion with acceptable duction of tooth mobility to physiological levels may influence long-­
phonation and esthetics; and elimination or modification of par- term bone regeneration and connective tissue attachment. A total
afunctional habits.90 of 82 patients and 1974 teeth were examined according to pocket
Treatment of occlusal trauma may be performed at any phase depth, attachment level, and tooth mobility, at baseline and yearly
of periodontal therapy. For chronic periodontitis, treatment efforts up to 8 years of follow-­up. Treatment consisted of scaling, oral hy-
are directed toward elimination or minimization of excessive forces, giene instruction, occlusal adjustment, and periodontal surgery
and occlusal therapy may be accomplished through several different (curettage, modified Widman, or pocket elimination), followed by
approaches, including: occlusal adjustment; management of para- prophylaxis every 3 months. Tooth mobility was scored as 1 to 3,
functional habits; temporary, provisional, or long-­term stabilization with scores being related to changes in attachment levels for three
of mobile teeth; orthodontic tooth movement; and occlusal recon- grades of severity of periodontal disease, based on initial pocket
struction or extraction of selected teeth, depending on the case. depth (1-­3 mm; 4-­6 mm; ≥7 mm). The results obtained indicated that
After completion, desired outcomes should be90: reduction or elim- there was a statistically significant relationship between mobility at
ination of tooth mobility; absence of further tooth migration; stable baseline and the change in attachment level after treatment. Pockets
functional physiologic occlusion, compatible with periodontal health of clinically mobile teeth did not respond to periodontal treatment
and esthetically acceptable; reduction or elimination of radiographic as well as did firm teeth, when the same initial disease severity was
signs and symptoms (eg, widening of periodontal ligament); relief of present. However, mobile teeth could be successfully treated and
pain and improved patient comfort; and elimination of premature well maintained by supportive periodontal treatment.117
contacts, fremitus, and occlusal interferences. The influence of occlusal adjustment in association with peri-
Occlusal therapy is able to reduce the long-­term progression odontal therapy on attachment levels, pocket depth, and tooth
of periodontal disease, and could be considered as an important mobility, its significance in nonsurgical periodontal treatment, and

the influence of initial tooth mobility or disease severity in post-­ included in the biologic width.121 An ideal goal is the conversion of a
treatment attachment levels after occlusal adjustment, were in- pathologic periodontal pocket to a healthy one.38,39,122,123
vestigated in 50 patients randomly assigned to occlusal adjustment Occlusion is the main factor affecting the behavior of the sup-
therapy (n = 22) or no occlusal adjustment therapy (n = 28). A signifi- portive periodontium. Although no consensus exists on the role of
cantly greater gain of clinical periodontal attachment was observed occlusion in periodontal disease, analysis of the reports described
in patients who received occlusal adjustment compared with those in this chapter suggest that traumatogenic forces may facilitate api-
who did not. Both surgically and nonsurgically treated sites in a split-­ cal spread of dental biofilm and inflammatory exudates, resulting in
mouth design responded similarly to occlusal adjustment. No effect pocket deepening, and attachment and bone loss. The establishment
of occlusal adjustment was observed on the response in pocket of a periodontitis plus trauma from occlusion lesion is very difficult
depth, nor did initial tooth mobility or initial severity of periodontal to reproduce, and consequently to investigate, because for this type
disease influence the response to occlusal adjustment.118 of lesion to occur, it is necessary for both conditions to manifest at
A recent systematic review119 of 4 studies, investigating the ef- the same time in their destructive phase. This might explain the dif-
fects of occlusal adjustment in the reduction of periodontal disease ficulty in establishing a causal relationship between traumatogenic
progression, demonstrated that occlusal adjustment to eliminate forces and periodontal disease.
occlusal interferences in centric relationships, protrusion or lateral Finally, systematic reviews failed to find a causal relationship
excursions, mandibular eccentric movements, and contacts at bal- between periodontitis and trauma from occlusion, but these pub-
ancing sides, resulted in improvement of periodontal parameters. lications exclude case reports, case series, and uncontrolled clinical
However, considering the great heterogeneity of methodologies, trials from analysis, and do not consider many other important re-
it could be concluded that further studies are necessary to gain a sults described in the literature. Mainly, the outcomes investigated
clearer understanding of the benefits of occlusal adjustment in peri- in systematic reviews are based on research performed according
odontal treatment. to similar methodologies, but without considering the results of
Santamaria et al described a clinical case of a 13 mm pocket treatment performed in patients. Most of the research to investigate
probing depth on the mesial surface of a lower-­right second molar, the role of occlusion in periodontics has been performed in animal
with Grade 2 clinical mobility and bleeding upon toothbrushing. The models or cadavers and hence does not reflect the real influence of
patient was submitted to nonsurgical periodontal therapy, including trauma from occlusion in humans. As a consequence, aggravation
scaling and root planing and occlusal adjustment of an overt protru- of plaque-­related inflammatory periodontal disease by trauma from
sive interference. After 6 months, reductions in bleeding on probing, occlusion is still under question, and further investigations are nec-
tooth mobility, and pocket probing depth to 4 mm were observed. essary to elucidate such an association.
These findings suggest that minimizing occlusal interferences along
with appropriate periodontal treatment result in improvement in
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How to cite this article: Passanezi E, Sant'Ana ACP. Role of
116. Bhola M, Cabanilla L, Kolhatkar S. Dental occlusion and peri-
occlusion in periodontal disease. Periodontol 2000.
odontal disease: what is the real relationship? J Calif Dent Assoc. 2019;79:129–150.
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