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‘The Internet will never replace traditional course books in

How far do you agree with this prediction?
The widespread use of internet has certainly changed many
aspects of our lives including education. Some people believe
that online data would never suffice to take place of
conventional reading materials in schools. I agree with this
assertion and this essay will discuss the reasons for that.
One of the main reason why books are important is that
although data is available in abundance online, it’s time
consuming to find the specific materials related to any
course, on the other hand books are organized, well-written
and every line in a book contribute to the subject. Another
reason for insufficiency of online study is that internet users
are prone to distractions. For example, it is likely that a
student might open Facebook or YouTube in a new tab and
get stuck in those sites for hours forgetting the purpose that
he opened the net to study.
Furthermore, throughout the course of human history they
have been writing, reading books and was the only medium
of transferring knowledge. So, human by nature are more
comfortable and more focused while studying from books.
Finally, some parts of the countries have a very slow or even
no access to the internet and the only option there is to use
printed books such as in the far North or East areas of
Pakistan people hardly ever get signals to call someone and
there is no sign of internet.
In conclusion, books had been a vital part of education for
millennia and it is hard to believe that internet will take its
place for reasons such as the organization of online data and
the fact that using internet students are very likely to get
distracted from their track.

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