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Guide to Objectives

in teacher training
Good Objectives
Good feedback and target setting is at the heart of good teacher training. We expect
Objectives to be set at least once every week by the mentor and agreed with the

Good objectives are evaluative rather than descriptive and focus on the impact of
trainees’ teaching on the progress and learning of all pupils, although they may well
focus on impact on particular groups. We expect Objectives to be set and reviewed
during the weekly mentor meetings, although this may happen at other times as
priorities arise.

Objectives will be developmental, linked to the Teacher Standards and focus on

trainees’ progress and on their impact on pupil learning. Objectives will also relate to
trainees’ subject and curriculum knowledge and pedagogic understanding.

During weekly meetings, trainees will present evidence of their impact on pupil
progress and learning over time. Mentors will explore this evidence, triangulating
against planning, assessment information, pupil work and discussions with pupils
about their progress over time. Together, trainee and mentor will regularly evaluate
action against previous Objectives

This following two sections are designed to assist in Objective setting.

- Examples of Objectives uses the headings that you will see in the Objectives
form of Blue Sky. These are worked examples to help you think through how
to set objectives
- Objective setting to support trainee progress provides examples from each of
the Teacher Standards for each trainee level from A-D.
Examples of Objectives

Teacher Standard Objective title Performance Criteria Actions Organisation

TS1 Set goals that stretch and Demonstrate progress made by For every taught activity, identify goals to Support from mentor
Set high challenge pupils pupils through their work and/or stretch the more able on your planning and
expectations which formative assessment share the learning objectives and success
inspire, motivate, criteria with them.
and challenge Ask pupils to set themselves a mini goal for the
pupils week/topic and then judge whether they have
achieved it. Encourage pupils to reflect on the
progress they have made and their emerging

TS5 Using pupil choice to Demonstrate progress made by Provide children with a range of resources to Class teacher and
Adapt Teaching to respond to different strengths different groups or individuals in choose from to support their learning. Pitch SENCo to help trainee
Respond to the and needs of pupils response to differentiation activities at different levels and provide the access relevant data on
Strengths and children with opportunities to choose their own the class.
Needs of all Pupils activity and level at which they learn. Provide
some flexibility in how pupils present their

TS6 Use formative and Be able to show how written Review a sample of pupils’ books from XXX’s Facilitate observation of
Make accurate and summative assessment feedback has encouraged pupils to class – identify good practice in terms of written the written work from a
productive use of more effectively respond and improve their work feedback – what strategies does he use to range of classes
assessment encourage pupils to respond and improve their
work? What impact did this have on pupils’
Try to model this good practice when marking
class books – how did the pupils respond? What
impact did it have on their progress?

TS6 Use formative assessment Extend range of assessment Observe XXX teaching and answer the following Create opportunities to
Make accurate and more effectively strategies which encourage questions– what does she ask pupils to do to observe a range of
productive use of children to evaluate and improve evaluate their work? How do the pupils respond? teachers
assessment their work and hence make Do the pupils know now how to improve their
demonstrable progress work? Did this strategy help to improve pupil
progress? How could I adapt this strategy for my
Include this ‘new’ assessment strategy in your
next lesson
TS8 Deploy support staff Brief support staff effectively and Observe and note the range of activities Support from mentor to
Fulfil wider effectively monitor how they facilitate pupil support staff carry out during lesson time. facilitate working with
professional learning and have a positive impact support staff
responsibilities on pupil learning.  Discuss your observations with your teacher
and how they communicate their requirements
to support staff to ensure they carry out their
role effectively.

 Find time to talk about the role with your

support staff and make notes about what they
need to know for reference at a later date
Objective setting to support trainee progress
These tables give suggestions to guide mentors and trainees in setting Objectives. Whilst Objectives will need to be contextualised for each
trainee, this table sets out the sorts of targets mentors might be setting for trainees at different points in their progress.
TS1 - Set high expectations Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
which inspire, motivate, and
challenge pupils
1a) Establish a safe and Observe your pupils more closely To increase your expectations To ensure that your To further promote very high
stimulating environment for to find out what they know and their of pupil behaviour. expectations of behaviour are expectations of behaviour by
pupils rooted in mutual respect interests consistently high, you should enthusing learners to take
To ensure that you
communicate instructions responsibility for their own
consistently implement a range
Establish clear working clearly and model examples actions e.g. use role play
of behaviour strategies Such
relationships, class rules, modelling good behaviour taking
as-rewards/sanctions clear
behaviour systems, and roles of responsibility
learning objectives group
management strategies that you Use circle time to address
targets and feedback
can consistently implement. behaviour issues
Use frequent positive
Establish a firm but fair working
To increase your expectation reinforcement of acceptable
relationship by setting clear rules
of learners' work to ensure all behaviour
and expectation and consistently
learners make progress.
applying these and modelling Praise good behaviour.
through your own behaviour Avoid negativity.
To ensure consistent use of
clear group targets but also
Demonstrate consistently a positive
individual targets in Core
attitude to behaviour and learning
expected of pupils.

1b) Set goals that Stretch and Begin to set goals that… When setting goals Increase the use of Continue to set goals in all
challenge pupils of all differentiate more by... differentiated goals… subjects and refine them by…
backgrounds, abilities and
dispositions You need to plan in greater detail in Reconsider the goals you set
order to enable pupils to progress for particular groups
1c) Demonstrate consistently To act as a role model for pupils To act as a good role model To act as an excellent role Consistently show a high level of
the positive attitudes, values through the way you speak to other for all pupils through your model for all pupils and to professionalism when dealing
and behaviour which are adults e.g. through avoiding professionalism and setting show other adults a high level with all pupils, staff, parents and
expected of pupils inappropriate language high standards of professionalism members of the public
TS2 - Set high expectations Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
which inspire, motivate, and
challenge pupils
2a) Be accountable for pupils' Know and understand how to apply Develop further... more Reflect through lesson Develop efficient but effective
attainments progress and school policies relating to...... individual detail. information evaluations upon your records to show pupil progress
outcomes about pupils' progress in teaching and Systematically and attainment across all
learning review teaching areas to subject
identify targets for
Continue to develop improvement. Plan and integrate
Develop a knowledge of knowledge about the individual Cooperatively the work of
appropriate level of expectation in. attainment and progress of... Demonstrate through your others into your classroom
understanding of school management and organisation
Be able to identify the progression
Develop a clear System of policy how to support and
in learning that. ….have made
communication about pupil manage other adults working Be able to demonstrate an in-
attainment that is easily alongside you. depth knowledge of a pupil’s
understood by... learning and progress
Improve your record keeping
to show..

2b) Plan teaching to build on Use lesson plan proformas Consistently use the record Develop more focused Start to develop in practice the
pupils' capabilities and prior consistently to develop clear lesson keeping System to inform assessment and show how concept of personalised
knowledge structures. planning and pupil progress. this has informed your learning y focusing on ..
Use assessment data collected in a
Ensure assessment for
lesson to inform your planning by...
learning (AfL) is an integral part Use focused assessment to
Ensure planning is accurate and of your lessons on a daily basis set different expectations for
takes account of all pupil groups. groups.
In planning and lesson
delivery, show how different
groups are clearly catered for

2c) Guide pupils to reflect on the In planning write clear learning Further develop your subject Through clear evidence be Start to think through a clear
progress they have made and objectives and success criteria to knowledge for.. able to speak with authority system for giving feedback to
their emerging needs show progress about your pupils’ attainment pupils that enables them to ..
Consistently show how you are and focus. Start to give
giving feedback to pupils focused marking
Develop a range of strategies developmental feedback
(oral/written feedback) to show Frequently ask pupils to
pupils where they are making explain their understanding of.. Ensure pupils understand the
progress next steps to learning in ..
2d) Demonstrate knowledge and Try and use a variety of strategies Overcome pupils’ barriers to Systematically check pupils’ Be able to orally assess the
understanding of how pupils such as.. learning by.. learning.. needs of pupils, articulate this
learn and how this impacts on and
Start to use other sources of
learning Develop a good
information to gain a better
understanding of how pupils
understanding of your pupils and
learn and select teaching
the way they learn
2e) Encourage pupils to take a Set clear expectations from pupils Develop higher expectations Continue to encourage pupils Introduce pupils to more
responsible and conscientious about expected Standards for.. for all learners by... to work hard by...\ independent study
attitude to their work and study By use of questions/
Model your expectations when
Extend higher achievers by activities/plenaries etc.,
introducing an activity/task.
introducing more challenge in... challenge pupils to…
More consistently engage with
pupils about their learning..... Consistently reward effort Use pupil responses as model
for their peers.
Ensure that pupils are rewarded for
effort as well as attainment....
TS3 – Demonstrate good Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
subject and curriculum
3a) have a secure knowledge of Develop a better subject knowledge You need to become more You need to widen your You need to develop an
the relevant subject(s) and in.......... by focusing on ... Secure in your subject knowledge base so that you awareness of the generic key
Curriculum areas, foster and knowledge by. and Convey this can demonstrate effectively skills that link to subject related
Develop a knowledge of teaching
maintain pupil's interests in the to the pupils clearly to improve cross-curricular links between skills and be able to apply these
sources that are available to
subject, and address standards subjects at a higher |evel and
improve your subject knowledge via
misunderstandings focus on...
your own research
Your subject knowledge is
To improve your teaching, you patchy and needs to be secure You need to demonstrate a
should look at how you can turn if you are going to be able to high level of understanding
pupils' misconceptions into apply it effectively in the context and application of the use of
successful teaching of what pupils need. cross curricular themes by......

Know clearly what strategies

you might use with pupil x.

3b) demonstrate a Critical You have a surface knowledge of... Consistently apply your Begin to show an awareness Work towards an insightful
understanding of developments but also need to be familiar knowledge of … knowledge of teacher feedback
in the subject and curriculum with........ and how to apply it. and how it can promote pupil
areas, and promote the value of Consistently use strategies Introduce pupils to learning
scholarship for.. metacognitive activities by..
In your planning you need to make Carry out a book scrutiny and
reference to curriculum standards Try and promote a love of talk through impact on pupil
by. learning by… learning
You have Some understanding of
the curriculum but need to...
Start by concentrating on the
requirements for
literacy/articulacy/Standard English
and be able to put these into

3c) Demonstrate an Make better use of your English Continue to demonstrate how Continue to demonstrate how Systematise strategies you use
understanding of and take subject knowledge by… high standards can be high standards can be to promote standard English
responsibility for promoting high achieved by using…
standards of literacy, articulacy Begin to use consistently standard achieved in English by
and the correct use of English, English in your teaching by using…
whatever the teacher’s specialist modelling..

3d) If teaching early reading, Develop the knowledge and Continue to develop phonics Create challenging learning Consider the role of phonics
demonstrate a clear understanding needed to teach teaching skills by.. opportunities for pupils by.. alongside High Word Frequency
understanding of systematic phonics by… as an effective teaching strategy
synthetic phonics Demonstrate a variety of and start to develop practice
strategies to teach phonics using both approaches
Devise more appropriate strategies
to develop pupil learning by..
3e) If teaching early Devise appropriate maths activities Demonstrate a variety of Be able to use different Challenge pupils by…
mathematics, demonstrate a to develop pupil learning by strategies in strategies in developing this
clear understanding of maths concept and And through other mathematical
appropriate teaching strategies Great challenge for pupils by demonstrate through… learning opportunities
TS4 – Plan and teach well- Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
structured lessons
4a) impart knowledge and To plan more effectively by Although your planning is Review planning more Your planning is consistently of
develop understanding through satisfactory it needs to be rigorously by being more a high standard with objectives
Using a lesson plan pro forma
effective use of lesson time more consistent and contain specific on the review of activities, resources and
Ensuring objectives and success more specific detail in planning evaluation and being outcomes all matched well to
criteria and assessment are clearly more self-critical the needs of the varying groups
stated So that the match of activities taught.
and resources to intended Thanks sure you’re planning
Making a direct link between
outcomes is fully worked out is consistently high standard Develop your planning further
planned activities and resources
by ensuring by
In planning opportunity must Identifying AfL questions for
Plan to develop different teaching be more consistently taken to Objectives and success plenaries
approaches to meet individual consider cross curricular links criteria are always clearly Extending the opportunities for
pupils needs defined pupils to develop ICT skills
In personalising your planning within lessons through careful
try to meet the needs of all Learning resources and planning
Challenge pupils more by setting your pupils by clear reflection learning activities are Refining your planning to
challenging tasks differentiated on previous learning, accurate matched carefully encompass the following skills
learning objectives asking sharper expectations for the lesson for pupil development
questions involving children in and appropriate support Assessment opportunities Thinking, Communication, self-
problem-solving resources purposeful management, problem-solving

Plan to include more In planning, ensure that you

opportunities for all learners to planking system they cross
develop their skills by linking to curricular links
other subject areas
Allow pupils to select the
resources they need to
achieve the task
4b) promote a love of learning Starting use a variety of teaching Make your lesson objectives Give the pupils more To involve pupils more in their
and children’s intellectual strategies to take into account the more challenging by opportunity to apply that learning involving different work
curiosity different way that pupils learn Engaging pupils in their knowledge by encouraging situations for example pairs,
learning through the use of various ways to report back to mixed ability
In planning lessons try and include
interactive displays common the class. Encourage greater popular
a Wow factor at the beginning of
discussion, problem-solving, All the foundations of lesson participation by increasing their
the lesson
Active learning strategies planning and delivery are in involvement in establishing the
During the course of the lesson place so to now start to take success criteria for a lesson.
think about introducing mini Involve the pupils more in more risks in your letter in
plenaries learning by refining your your teaching to make A regular basis set challenging
learning more interesting targets.
Listen carefully to what the pupils teaching to cater for the needs
are saying and use this as a of groups or individuals
starting point to develop their To make the lessons more
interest interesting try something
unusual in the lesson
evaluated in terms of effect on
pupil motivation engagement
and learning.
4c) set homework and plan Set homework on a regular basis Ensure homework is set in Consistently use homework Make innovative use of ICT to
other out of class activities to and monitor its completion. line with school policy is an opportunity to extend learning beyond the
consolidate and extend the consistently. consolidate, reinforce, extend classroom
understanding pupils have existing knowledge
acquired Ensure that the homework that is And Ensure homework is
set is linked to current learning linked to consolidating current On a regular basis, plan out
learning. of class activities which are
Look at how you might use
out-of-school learning to help
you in your teaching by….
4d) Reflect systematically on Following lessons make sure you Consider your current practice Modify teaching within To ask for regular feedback from
the effectiveness of lessons and evaluate your teaching and people and begin to consistently lessons to suit the needs of the pupils about your marking
approaches to teaching learning and link this to lesson review the impact of your the learners. comments and review how
planning. teaching on pupils’ progress. effective they are in helping
Change lesson structures so pupils improve the learning.
Be more open to changing you move away from the
your planning and teaching in three-part lesson. Ensure the efforts of other
the light of the progress is being adults in the room or also
made by pupils. Consider outdoor teaching impacting on the progress of all.
wherever possible.
Recognise how you’re teaching
has influenced the learning of
4e) Contribute to the design and Respond positively to targets and Continue to contribute Contribute to planning Take more risks by introducing
provision of engaging curriculum suggestions given by others. positively to group or whole sessions by… …
within the relevant subject areas. school planning
Begin to accept some
Closely at your planning Improve your curriculum curricular responsibility for…
delivery guy
TS5 – Adapt teaching to Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
respond to the strengths and
needs of all pupils
5a) Know when and how to Introduce into lessons planning You’re beginning to Be consistent in meeting the Demonstrate on a regular basis
differentiate appropriately using and delivery… so time is used differentiate but now you need individual needs of… by… the ability to meet the diverse
approaches which enable pupils effectively to do more consistently by… needs of your pupils
to be taught effectively Continue to develop and successfully
Introduce other strategies to
Continue to try different refine differentiation
differentiate by
teaching strategies such as… strategies by…
5b) Have a secure Start was the question why? about Trying to adapt to your Unable to consistently apply Be able to demonstrate how
understanding of how a range to pupil’s inability to learn teaching for… group by… your teaching skills in you are tackling some of the
of factors can inhibit the pupils differentiating between pupils barriers to learning by…
Think and talk to others about
ability to learn and how best to For pupils with learning by…
ways you can overcome barriers to
overcome these difficulties make use of Be able to discuss the
individual targets or learning Be able to list and apply… challenges and opportunities of
Talk to others about why… is plans. teaching strategies suitable to teaching and how these can be
struggling with learning different groups of learners accommodated in the daily life
Show a greater degree of of the classroom
empathy by
5c) Demonstrate an awareness Start to look at the class as groups Consider further the needs of Vary your lesson structure Be able to show the
of the physical, social and and then to plan to meet their pupils by.. and type to cater for pupil development of your pupils by
intellectual development of needs by… development by.. illustrating the stage of their
children, and know how to Build on your current physical, social, intellectual and
adapt teaching to support understanding of pupil needs Be able to demonstrate to or cultural development
pupils’ education at different Think about the social and physical by.. other adults the differing
stages of development needs of the class by… needs of groups
5d) Have a clear understanding Think about how you can meet all Become more aware of.. As well as identifying the Show how you are meeting the
of the needs of all pupils, the needs of your class by.. needs of all learners, learning needs of…
including those with special Consistently cater for… demonstrate how this reflects
educational needs and or in your teaching Demonstrate your ability to
disability, those of high ability Look at the requirements of pupils’ When teaching … group, try adapt your teaching by…
and those with EAL and be able IEP/IEP and explore how these can new strategies such as…. Be able to show how… has
to use and evaluate distinctive be integrated into learning progressed over time
teaching approaches to engage
and support them Be able to demonstrate with
confidence your ability to..
TS6 – Make accurate and Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
productive use of assessment
6a) Know and understand how Be able to demonstrate class Be able to demonstrate class Be able to articulate the Be able to demonstrate
to assess the relevant subject recording and assessment recording and assessment function of AfL consistently a full range of AfL
and curriculum areas including procedures for core subjects procedures for core subjects elements in planning and
statutory assessment teaching
Gain knowledge of local and Gain a working knowledge of
national data that has been used in KS1 and KS2
the evaluation of pupil’s learning
6b) Make use of formative and To become aware of all types of Although assessment is In order to improve further Start to use assessment and
summative assessments to assessment strategies satisfactory to improve you you need to demonstrate that: recording information to set
secure pupil progress need to: You use AfL flexibly through challenging earning objectives
Use LU, Success Criteria and the use of Success Criteria, a as well as consistently
Be able to demonstrate use of AfL, feedback consistently in all variety of questioning monitoring pupil progress
Learning Outcomes and Success lessons techniques and are selective
Criteria Make more Consistent use of in your use of assessment Further develop the use of AfL
formative assessment and recording strategies by developing peer and self-
strategies. You give the pupils an assessment planning rigorously
Record pupil progress formally Overview of what is being different types of questions to be
by using a record keeping learnt across the Whole Unit used in plenaries. e.g. multiple
system that reflects the LOs of Work choice
and is informative, clear and You model the learning questions that provoke
concise task/activity consistently to discussion
Start using these records as raise pupil awareness of
part of the tracking System to expectations
ensure that pupils make
progress against learning Write more precise and
outcomes assessable learning
objectives, and identify
To improve in assessing the assessment strategies
learning needs of pupils you targeting individuals and
need to groups
Show you are modifying your

6c) Use relevant data to monitor Be able to keep accurate records Be able to make use of Show high quality recording Show consistent use of a high
progress, set targets and plan of pupil learning statistical data (e.g. tracking) in systems through your quality recording system that
subsequent lessons helping to differentiate assessment and monitoring illustrates the links between
teaching in order to raise file planning, assessments, target
Begin to consistently keep records Make adjustments to planning setting recording and reporting
of assessment Collect and collate simple for groups and individuals systems
statistical information so that
planning is mainly referenced Set realistic and achievable Show high quality recording
Be able to show the links between to whole targets that all contribute to systems through assessment
assessment and subsequent School/class/individual targets raising achievement record keeping, make
planning adjustments to planning for
Targets that you set need to Consistently make sure that groups and individuals, setting
be consistently realistic and the pupils know their own realistic and achievable targets
Be clear about the learning achievable for… targets by… that contribute to raising
outcomes for lessons achievement.
Consistently monitor targets
especially with reference to Change teaching as a result of
Make target setting realistic by.. . AfL assessment during a les son
Use targets to differentiate
work by...
Gain knowledge of local and
national data that has been used in
the evaluation of pupils’ learning

See how data is used to manage

pupil learning
6d) Give pupils regular Consistently give feedback to pupils Give constructive feedback to You now need to show that the Use assessment to diagnose
feedback, both orally and about their learning Whilst lessons pupils that helps them to constructive comments you learners’ needs
through accurate marking, and are taking place. progress their learning give to pupils are consistently
encourage pupils to respond to applied and relevant to their Use assessment to set
feedback Establish regular monitoring Current learning needs challenging but realistic targets
Give written feedback that helps the and reporting systems so that for pupil achievement
learner to understand how they learners know their next targets To improve you need to
have performed and how they can or steps in learning because of involve learners in identifying
improve further. the quality of feedback given their own learning needs
through discussion/
involvement in selecting
Take a more consistent approach success criteria for lessons/in
Written feedback discussing learning outcomes
in plenary sessions/ in setting
their own learning targets.
Make target setting realistic bγ…
Begin to consistently record the
assessments of your lessons

Start to work on the previous

teaching targets that were set by...

Develop written feedback that is

constructive, positive, and involves
pupil reflection

Provide positive Comments and

give examples of how the work can
be improved, if appropriate.
TS7 - Manage behaviour Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
effectively to ensure a good
and safe working environment
7a) Have clear rules and You need to establish clear Be more specific in stating why Adapt your behaviour Having established good
routines for behaviour in the guidelines with the pupils for them to pupil behaviour is good or not management techniques classroom discipline, explore
classroom and take follow. These guidelines need to be desirable. Where necessary. Consider strategies and techniques for
responsibility for promoting applied Consistently through. Make sure your expectations the ways that body language making pupils more independent
good and courteous behaviour are consistently adhered to and can Control pupil behaviour as learners by:
Make your expectations clear to the
in the classroom and around the in line with School policy. well as the use of your Voice reviewing your teaching
pupils by....
school, in accordance with the Plan and Contribute to lesson methods
school behaviour policy Follow the school behaviour Try out different control planning with others on a giving pupils increased
management policy and apply it Strategies with ..., e.g. pair with regular basis. responsibility for their earning
consistently. different pupils, set individual through problem solving
tasks, give precise challenges and investigations
achievement targets raising the level of expectation
through focused feedback to
pupils who are meeting your

7b) Have high expectations of Consistently set clear expectations You have established some How can you adapt your Develop extension activities to
behaviour and establish a of behaviour by. basic strategies for teaching strategies for individual challenge different groups of
framework for discipline, and behaviour management learners learners
Ensuring that the class rules are
consistently and fairly with a
adhered to by......
range of strategies, using Make sure that you are
praise, sanctions and rewards Consider how you are using praise consistent in the way you use
consistently and fairly them
Think about how you wish the pupils
to respond to your teaching in the
way they engage with activities

Develop a clear plan on which to

base your lessons.

7c) Manage classes effectively, Think about more than one You now need to focus on You need to be able to begin You need to practise consistent
using approaches which are behaviour management strategy different groups and begin to to demonstrate and talk about ‘small step’ learning for lower
appropriate to pupils’ needs in and how you might implement plan for individual learners personalised learning achievers
order to involve and motivate these in the classroom e.g. by by… strategies on a consistent
them chunking lessons basis across.. Provide appropriate challenge
and deep learning activities for
all pupils
Ensure boundaries are clear and Plan to give pupils a greater
that pupils understand your range of learning opportunities
expectations by..
7d) Maintain good relationships Learn to listen to.. Monitor the classroom carefully Can you make the Be able to articulate the link
with pupils exercising so that timely interventions can relationships you have between a pupil’s behaviour and
Start to find out about pupils as
appropriate authority and act take place to… established in the class their engagement in the lesson
people by…
decisively when necessary stronger by…
Be clear in your own mind of the You have established a pattern Continue to develop the use of
school rules and how to apply them of discipline: now apply it Ensure the systems you use the voice by…
fairly consistently for interventions are…
Experiment using different
Be more assertive when…
Think of ways you can engage Think about the learning teaching styles, for example…
pupils in their wider learning environment to..
Think of ways to create a more by…
positive learning environment and Minimise the impact of bad
how you can… Think of how you can create a behaviour that occasionally
fair learning environment by.. happens by..

Vary the tone and language

you use to cater consistently
for all learners
TS8 – Fulfil wider professional Working towards (A) Requires Improvement (B) Good (C) Outstanding (D)
8a) Make a positive contribution Become more aware of the context Take part in an assembly, Plan and lead an assembly or Explore the different learning
to the wider life of the school in which the school works school trip, school fayre, school trip or run a school communities around the school
school club etc. club and explore how they might be
of use to you

Contribute to a staff meeting or

inset day

8b) Develop effective Get to know how other Colleagues Engage the teaching assistant Maximise the opportunities to To demonstrate working
professional relationships with might help you in your teaching and and others in the work of the collaborate with others cooperatively with others by
colleagues, knowing how and in preparing work for individual classroom contributing to school planning
when to draw on advice and pupils On a regular basis, where In dealing with others be development, taking a class
specialist support appropriate, engage with the consistently professional by... assembly or running an extra
To begin to collaborate and
parents in the class. curriculum activity
cooperate with professionals in the
school by: liaising with other
Engage and collaborate with
teachers and subject coordinators
the lunchtime staff
talking to other staff in the school
Reading and responding to the Where possible engage others
school teaching and learning policy. in the Support of teaching and
learning. e.g. on School trips

To actively share/receive
advice or give information to
Colleagues. For example, -by
joint planning with others -by
attending meetings -by acting
on advice given -by beginning
to involve others in lesson

8c) Deploy support staff Identify how Teaching Assistants Engage in professional Engage more regularly in Experiment in how best to
effectively will support pupil learning on your discussion about lessons professional discussions use…
lesson plan with… about lessons with..
8d) Take responsibility for To take more responsibility for your To be regularly proactive in Evaluate your own To be able to set your own
improving teaching through teaching, planning., assessment to using the expertise of competencies and seek active professional targets for
appropriate professional help structure your lessons colleagues to assist in ways to develop yourself as a continuing professional
development, responding to developing your skills by professional development
advice and feedback from Sharing your planning more with discussing with e.g. SENCO or To conduct a professional
colleagues your mentor subject coordinators discussion with your mentor
about your strengths and
Involve others in lesson areas for development for the
To respond positively to Objectives delivery to promote effective induction year
To be able to recognise the
development you have made
by mapping your growing
expertise and recognise areas
for further development

To regularly evaluate your

planning and lesson delivery

To seek out opportunities for

professional development by..

To being to plan your own

professional development by

8e) Communicate effectively Get to know how other colleagues Make use of reading diaries to Keep records of quality that Develop innovative ways to work
with parents with regard to might help in your teaching or communicate with.. can be used as evidence in with parents to promote pupil
pupils’ achievements and well- preparing work for individual pupils reporting to parents learning
being Start to interact with parents
when the opportunity arises Interact with parents on a daily
Develop an understanding of
parents’/carers’ rights with
regards to communication

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