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Communicating Science:

A Practical Guide for Engineers and Physical Scientists

By Raymond Boxman and Edith Boxman

Our text book on scientific writing is now available from World Scientific:

The text is aimed at graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, beginning career researchers, as
well as senior researchers who mentor others, and is intended to aid them in their professional
writing tasks. This is the book you want to read before you write your thesis or your first paper,
and which you want your students to read before they start writing any research report which
you will need to edit. Writing research reports, i.e. journal papers, theses, and internal reports,
is emphasized. Chapters on other genres which researchers encounter as they advance in their
careers are based on the research report model, and include conference presentations, research
proposals, business plans, patent applications, popular media, and job hunting. And a large
chapter entitled Writing Well discusses writing strategies, and English language issues for both
native English speakers and researchers for whom English is a learned language. The book is
based on Ray’s 16 years of experience in teaching a compulsory writing course for all
engineering PhD students at Tel Aviv University, and Ray and Edith’s experience in presenting
short courses and tutorials on scientific writing around the world.

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