Nsa RDP96X00790R000100030004 1 PDF

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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 z gree ye (b)(1) oT (b)(3) tegen ASTRAL PROJECTION CAP Chapter IIT 8 Aug 73 Telephone call froa Subject volunteered to attempt to locate a facility in the USSR comparable to the underground installation previously described. Found it, gave sts exact coordinates (not mentioned spectfically, but said to be in the Ural Mountains). Subject described external features, including helicopter pads, rail pur, and, cone miles avay (30 to 40 milest), large dish antennas. Subject sald the antennas were used for intercepting dovn Link telenetry fran U.S. satellites. (Also for receiving dovn Link fram Soviet satellites?) cra found such a facility at the coordinates given by subject. Photos show large dish antennas. Te umber of antennas was different from thet counted by subject, and their dimensions vere slightly different In a double-blind experiment, subject was fed the coordinates of a enall Soviet-occupied island in the Indian Ocean The island did not show on the map used by the experimenters. In fact, the latter assumed the subject vas being targetted against open ocean as a test. Subject began draving « large scale map of an island, following its periphery. He soon ran off his Classified by DIRNSA (NSAMI 129.2) Exempt From GUS, EO 11652, Cat. ie LIMITED DISTRIBUTION ag gy cx pen a cpt Date eer Bo Ord = Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 Decassfed in Part - Santized Copy Approved for Ralease 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP9Sx00790R000 1000300041 —reesecrrt —rotnenee sheet of paper, continued on auother aneet, and comtinied this process until several separate sheets hac Leen riled in, aod subject bad Feturned to hie starting point. When the peges vere Joined tauetter, The result vas an exact match ard an absolutely accurate topographical imap of the island. Subject aieo decerited exactly viat vee going oo on the Selena. ON Declassified in Part - Senitized Copy Approved for Release 2044/12/01 - NSA-RDP96x00790R000+00030004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 ASTRAL ICTION Chapter II 23 Jul 73 ‘Telephone call from Subject has made a second visit to the underground insis}lation. ‘This occurred at 1930 hours on 15 July 13. Price's description - Surprised at the number of government personnel vorking on @ Sunday evening. ‘Two military officers having a conference. They vere COL R.J. Hamilton, Chief of Security (probably newly assigned) and MGEN George R. Nash. Nash vas upset sbout a security leak and emphasized that 1t must be stopped. ‘The name of the underground facility is HAYFORK or HAYSTACK. Other “code vords" on papers and documents in the facility are FLYTRAP and MINERVA. On the north wall of one room are a series of gray, locked cabinets. Inside the cabinets are a number of folders marked with tode vords, including CUERALL, FOURTEEN BALL, FOUR BALL, EIGHT BALL, 2d RACKUP, On the outside of a cabinet 18 the ord, POOL. subsequent actions: nas been with USAF Security Service for many years. (I Knov him nally.) 4 Classified by DIRNSA (NSAM 123-2) Exempt From GDS, £0 11552, Cat. che Declas Date Cannot Be Determined 3UTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 —TFOP SESRET_ TON, - TOP SEGRET_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 NSA-RDP96x00790R000100030004-1 NSA-RDP98X00790R000100030004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 1/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 eS —Pepsueree— ASTRAL PROTEUITON CAPER Chapter V MT Sep 1 A brief cummary of nev developuenis, Findings, and sone observations: 1. We have received copies of two SRE reports containing gore detatis of the initial, Price and Sven visits to the location. One of the reports states that Price wus given the target coordinates by phone, that he mailed his responce back to SRI, and thet he took about 24 hours to begin writing his deserip:ion of the area. This leaves his performance about as solid as « chunk of Sviss cheese. There vas plenty of time for him to look at a rap, refer to aerial/space photos at a \{brary, ete, = perhaps even vo confer vith Sven. 2, The SRI reports contained the coordinates of the "Ural . Mountains” end "India Ocean" targets. ‘These were passed to $)1, with a request to chee them out. The result: available to NSA does not show anything within a 2)-mile radius of the target in the USSR. We have not tried to reconcile this finding with oral report of CIA's finding. (We have asked $12 to expand the search area to a S0-n!le dius.) Classified by DIRNSA (NSAM 123.2) : Exempt From GDS. ED 11652, Cat... Daclas Date Cannot B2 Determined DISTRIBUTION = em 7 Eo rt : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 - NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 Decassifed in Part- Saitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/1210" :NSA-ROPGSXO0790RO00100030004-1 = STEAL, PROJECTION CAPER (Cupter 20 oon Vistt to GOR George Long, MIS: By wey of background, on 4 dug 73, I briefed Cair Long geoerelly fon this caper and asted hin to personally determine vbether the bore any resemblance to the sub- Ject's desertption of the so-called underground installation. I provided ong with a copy of both the Price and Svan narrative descriptions and the two maps dram by Svan. Long visited the factlity and the folloving fare his geverel coments (written details to be furnished se in o ay or two) = ‘mere te an outehing sisilarity” between Price's narretive, ‘coupled with Sven's maps, end the real thing. The generel physical tayout of, te atnost Sdentioal with the oven Map Ir. 2, eluding the "Gepreceion of sane cort,” the “conething round," the ‘aggole,” the road, and sone of the butidings. ‘Tere 16 an underground facility ot constant ing floors. ‘The fieet floor 4s “usclaseified,” vile the one below ‘ clnsstsied records atoruge area. The dimensions of this latter 7 come as given by Price, Tere are a large mimber of grey fling 12 te roca. lasted by DIRNEA (NSAM 1 Evempt rem cD3. C0 'ON tas Deciassified in Part « Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/92/01 - N&M-RDPS6xo0790R000+00030004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 “TOP-SErEREr —terseene— There are not now -- and so fur us Gudr Long could determine -- never have teen people assigned to the facility with the names of Hamilton, Nash, or Long, as claimed by Price. lo one Cadr Long contacted at the facility admitted to recognizing any of the so-called cole words seen by Price. A guide escorting Cadr Long ona tour of two of the buildings Volunteered that "this 1s our HAYSTACK facility.” ‘The results of cone independent actions I have taken over the pact several weeks to confirm/deny the validity of the Price/Svan informatior ‘There was an NRL experiment run At sirca 1969, to cee = & whether @Wis could be tracked via Tae equiment © sployed at was called the ACK Mnstallation. It robably is still used by the Navy but, presumably, NSA doesn’t know wat for. — 3UTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030004-1 DDeciassied in Part Saniized Copy Approved fr Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-ROP9SXOD7SOR000100030004-1 FOP SEGREF See be There 15, indeed, an ie%erd Gt the Indian Ooeen coordinates. It shove prominently on a mp in @ comseretelly evatlable atlas Sn S13. Ite mune te Kerguelen Toland and 1: Le longs to France futhine of the {sland, a= shown in the atlas, does aot uear much reremblance to the Price druving, reproduced in one of the SRE reports. We coum to have both bite and misses, here: 3 fnlded ugnin, stating that he acd othect in CIA vere eo concerned thot hey had brieted the Director of Seeuriy con the £021 detatis and recommended that there be a “high-level” meetin: betwoen CIA and HSA on the matter. T advised hie thet Me. Tate would 12 the HEA point of contact for such a meeting. Se

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