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The great success (seqsass) of The Hunger Games trilogy is known,

achieving (echiveng) to become a best-seller among the youth

population and has become one of the most successful (sexsaxfol)
film sagas (sages) of recent (ricent) times.

One of the factors that helped such a majestic success (sexsax) was
that it integrated two themes that were very fashionable among young
people, which were reality shows and war movies (wor movis), which
allowed (allowrd) him to expand his target audience.

In addition to the above (abofe) , it generates a disruptive that is

implicit in a denunciation of problems that affect some current
societies(cesairis) such as the lack of freedom, dictatorial(dictitorial)
governments, injustice, emotional management, child exploitation, the
mass media as allies(alais) of government interests, indiscriminate
consumption(consumption) of the so-called tele(teli)-trash,
genetic(generic) manipulation and excessive(exsasif)
aesthetic(asteric) concern; all(oll) this concentrated in the revolution;
what generated the union of the people and that many people felt
identified(aidenafay) with the stories.

Likewise, they integrated(entegreyred) all this with a love story, a very

beautiful romance and with many tragedies(trageries); which
captivate(captevei) the audience and have a large audience such as

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