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Rio Design and Display









Rio Design and Display

A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA Program of the

ICFAI University, Dehradun

Date of Submission: 14th May, 2010 (Friday)


This report titled “Media Research- Testing the Efficacy of Outdoor Media over the Print
and Electronic Media for Advertisements” was written and submitted as partial fulfillment of
the requirement of MBA Program of ICFAI University, Dehradun. The report was submitted by
Srikanth.N, IBS-Bangalore to the company guide Royston D‟sa, Business Development
Manager, Rio Design and Display and to the faculty guide, Prof. Geetha Sharma, IBS-

Date: Date:

[ ] [ ]

Faculty Signature Company guide Signature


[ ]

Student Signature


As a part of the MBA curriculum at IBS, the „Summer Internship Program‟ enabled to
enhance my skills, expand my knowledge in various streams like Research, Marketing, Finance
and Operations.

It has been a highly enriching experience to do my Internship at Rio Design and Display,
Bangalore, during the summer of 2010. It has been possible to achieve the perfect blend of the
valuable experience gained from the work place and the indispensable knowledge gathered from
theoretical studies. Moreover, the much-needed work ethics and culture have been inculcated
carefully over the period of the internship.

I would like to thank my faculty guide Prof. Geetha Sharma for her wonderful support till the
end of my project. I specially thank her for giving tips on how to work on my project and giving
feedback when ever it was required.

I would like to thank my company guide Royston D‟Sa, Business Development Manager who
gave me wonderful support in gaining knowledge about the outdoor media industry. He also
taught me the importance of patience during the sales. I specially thank him for giving a
wonderful opportunity for me to learn multi tasking, handling Marketing, Research, Finance, and
operations work.

My sincere thanks to Dr Latha M Chakravarthy, the Director, IBS-Bangalore, for providing

the opportunity to work for a company for a period of 3 months to gain real time experience

I would like to thank Mr.Siddiq pasha, the Managing Director who gave me the opportunity to
be associated with Rio Design and Display for 3 months of period from February 23, 2010 to
May 23, 2010.

My sincere thanks to Mr. Patrick Roupin, Market Research expert, Founder of Kovent Info
Tech Pvt Ltd, for giving me lot of inputs on qualitative research and how to go about it. I also
thank all the people and the managers who participated in my interviews. I specially thank
IBS-Bangalore for providing me its resources especially library and internet during the SIP

Table of Contents:


1. Abstract………………………………………………………………….7
2. Introduction……………………………………………………………...8
2.1 Media Industry in India……………………………………………...8
2.2 Rio Designs and Display……………………………………………10
2.3 Setting the Hypothesis………………………………………………11
2.3.1 Null Hypothesis……………………………………………...11
2.3.2 Alternate Hypothesis………………………………………...11
2.4 Objectives of the project……………………………………………..12
2.5 Methodology…………………………………………………………12
2.6 Limitations of the study.......................................................................12
3. Research………………………………………………………………….13
3.1 Market Research……………………………………………………...13
3.2 Marketing Research…………………………………………………..13
3.3 Qualitative Research………………………………………………….14
3.4 Qualitative and Quantitative Research……………………………….15
3.5 Primary Research (Interviews)……………………………………….15
3.6 Secondary research…………………………………………………...16
4. Sampling in Qualitative Research………………………………………..16
4.1 Sample size and Data Collection……………………………………..17
5. Analysis…………………………………………………………………..19
5.1 Analysis Based on Interactivity……………………………………...19
5.1.1 Print Media…………………………………………………..19
5.1.2 Electronic Media……………………………………………..20
5.1.3 Outdoor Media……………………………………………….22 Technology……………………………………………….22 Mc Donald‟s Interactive Billboard………………………22 Some examples of interactive Billboards………………..24
5.2 Analysis Based on User groups……………………………………...27
5.2.1 Gender……………………………………………………….27
6 Females…………………………………………………..27 Males……………………………………………………..30
5.3 Analyzing the Managers and Experts………………………………..34
5.3.1 To Examine whether the Outdoor Media is going to dominate
Electronic and Print media for advertisements………………34 Electronic Media…………………………………………35 Print Media……………………………………………….36 Outdoor Media…………………………………………...37
5.3.2 Why big brands are not entering in to outdoor media Industry? .39 IOAA (Indian Outdoor Advertising Association)……….39 Agenda……………………………………………………39 Key issues faced by the industry…………………………40
5.4 Analysis based on ROI (Return on Investment)……………………...41
5.4.1 Return on Investment…………………………………………41 Measuring the ROI for Advertisements…………………..41 ROI for Broadcast Media………………………....41 ROI for Print Media………………………………42 ROI for Outdoor Media…………………………..42
6. SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………...44
6.1 Electronic Media………………………………………………………45
6.2 Print Media……………………………………………………………48
6.3 Outdoor Media………………………………………………………..49
7. Conclusions and Recommendations ………………………….50
8. What did I learn from SIP?.............................................................................53
9. Annexure………………………………………………………………….54
A. Interview questions for finding the consumer behavior towards various
Media ………………………………………………………………..54
B. Interview questions to Managers and Experts………………………..55
C. The data collected from various respondents………………………...56
10. References……………………………………………………………………67

1. 0 Abstract:

What is happening in this advertising industry right now is a massive revolution that is changing
the rules of marketing. This revolution is taking place in all the affluent countries where
advertising and media are well developed. Organizations in both the private and public sectors
have learned that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with their target
audiences is critical to their success. Consumers are finding it increasingly difficult to avoid the
efforts of marketers, who are constantly searching for new ways to communicate with them.

Marketers can communicate with their customers through different media i.e. through electronic,
print and outdoor media. Electronic media include TV, Radio, Internet and Mobile. Where as
print media include Newspapers and Magazines. But the outdoor media may be having a
combination of Print and Digital (electronic) media. All the Billboards, Signboards, Banners,
Advertising in movie theatres etc come under outdoor media.

Which media is going to be more effective for the marketers in the future? Is it Electronic or
Print or Outdoor? You may get surprised when you find the answer for this question after going
through the entire report. What is the consumer behavior towards each media at present is
studied in detail in this project.

We have many diversified companies like ITC, Reliance, and Tata etc. They are in to
Automobiles, Finance, Garments, Communications, Hotels and many more. But why these
companies did not enter in to traditional advertising media industry? Are they going to enter in to
this industry in the future, is also studied in detail in this project.

Apart from analyzing the data collected from various respondents, this project also focuses on
the SWOT analysis of each media i.e. finding out the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats of Print, Electronic and Outdoor media. This analysis helps us to identify the importance
of each media in particular.

2.0 Introduction:

2.1 Media Industry in India:

Media industry in India is among the fastest growing industries of the present Indian economy.
The media industry has benefited a lot from the Indian current economic growth coupled by the
rising earnings levels in India. The media industry is presently in a critical stage of revolution.
Since 2006, the media industry has enjoyed a good time in terms of growth and development as
it has been characterized by realignment, consolidation and expansion in many sectors of the
media industry. In addition, the media industry is anticipated to grow up faster than GDP growth
of India and subsequently more spending is being expected in the media industry.

Indian entertainment and media industry (IEM) is 0.7% of the global US$ 1.4 trillion media
industry. The IEM sector grew at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate of 20%over the last 2
years. As per PWC (Price Water House Coopers), India will be one of the key drivers in pushing
the global entertainment and media industry to US$ 2 trillion by 2011. It is expected to grow at a
CAGR of 18.5% till 2011 to touch Rs 1 trillion from Rs 436 m in 2006.

The growth in IEM is being fuelled by a number of factors like strong economic growth, rising
income and literacy levels, higher aspiration levels, widening base of the middle class income
group and technological changes.

The IEM is divided into different segment like Television, print, films, radio, internet and Out of
Home advertising (OOH). Given below is the breakup of the revenues among the various
segments and the expected growth rate till 2011.

Media 2006 2011 % CAGR

Television 191.2 519 22.1

Print 127.9 232 12.6

Radio 5 17 27.7

OOH 10 21.5 16.5

Top players in Indian Entertainment and Media Industry:

Star India
New Delhi television
Bennett, Coleman & Co. (The Times of India Group)
Sony Entertainment Television
Zee Tele films
Hindustan Times
Living Media India
Balaji Tele films
The Indian Express Newspaper
Television Eighteen India
Malayala Manorama & Co

Top players in Outdoor advertising industry in India:

1. Selvel Advertising
2. Jagran Engage
3. Times Innovative Media Limited
4. Clear Channel
5. Prakash arts
6. Laqshya Media

The average revenue of outdoor media industry in India in 2006 was around INR 10 billion
and is expected to reach INR 21 billion by 2011.

2.2 Rio Design and Display:

Rio Design and Display began its functioning from 2000 and since then has worked earnestly for
providing the best to its patronage. Mr. Pasha established the company with a comprehensive
vision of making it a one-stop shop for all graphic solutions. Emphasizing on quality assurance
and maintaining deadlines, the company has been able to go beyond its ambit in a very short
span of time.

Rio Design and Display is India's one-stop digital printing house catering to the upcoming
printing needs of major advertising agencies and design studios in India.

After pioneering excellent digital printing processing in India, Rio Design and Display is now
extending its proficiency in to topnotch large format digital printing solutions.

With advanced and impressive infrastructure, Rio Design and Display provides you error-free
graphic process, precise scanning and perfect digital printing. Having a steadfast technical
support system, Rio Design and Display assures premium quality printing not only to local
advertising and publicity agencies but also to some of the biggest corporate of the country.

With state of art equipments like UV RTR JET I 3348 Vision, HP ink jet printing 5500 and HP
ink jet printing Z6100, HP Eco Solvent printer 8000, Solvent Edge 3316 and Router vector 2500,
Roland vinyl cutting; Rio Design and Display excels in larger format printing. Be it Signboard

Printing or Digital printing, Rio Design and Display offers tailor made solutions to suit
distinguished requirements. Outsides‟ printing solutions, Rio design and display also fulfills
discovering scanning requirements.

Rio Design and Display is INR 30 million company which is approximately equal to 0.03

The company is expecting lot of growth by 2020 and may become one of the top players in the
industry. Major clients of Rio Design and Display are Adidas, McDonalds, HDFC bank, Mega
Mart, Total, Shoppers Stop, Himalaya etc.

2.3 Setting the Hypothesis:

According to the secondary data collected from various sources like OAAA (Outdoor
Advertising Agency of America), Neilson org, PWC (Price Water House Coopers) and various
others the Null Hypothesis and the Alternate Hypothesis were set.

2.3.1 Null Hypothesis:

H0: Outdoor media can become the more effective media in the future when compared to print
and electronic media.

2.3.2 Alternate Hypothesis:

H1: Outdoor media can‟t become the more effective media in the future when compared to print
and electronic media.

After testing the Hypothesis if the Null Hypothesis goes wrong then the alternate Hypothesis will
be true.

2.4 Objectives of the Project:

1. To examine whether the outdoor media is going to dominate print media and
electronic media for advertisements.
2. To find the consumer behavior towards print, electronic and outdoor media at present.
3. Why big companies are not entering in to Outdoor media industry?

2.5 Methodology:

This project is completely based on qualitative research. Various methods of qualitative research
are interviews, observations, secondary data collection, focus groups and projective techniques.
This project mainly focused on secondary data collection and interviews. Interviews are taken
from Marketing Managers of different companies, Managers from media industry, Market
research experts and common people. A part from analyzing the data collected by various
methods this project also focuses on SWOT analysis of each media i.e. finding out the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of print, electronic and outdoor media. This helps us to
identify the importance of each media in particular.

2.6 Limitations of the Study:

1. Collection of primary data is done only in Bangalore.

2. Availability of time.
3. Availability of Managers and Market Research experts

3.0 Research:

Research is a systematic and objective process of gathering, recording, and analyzing data for
various purposes. The procedures followed at each stage are methodologically sound, well
documented, and as much as possible planned in advance. Research should be conducted
impartially. There should not be any biasness towards the objectives.

Research can be divided in to

1. Market Research
2. Marketing Research

3.1 Market Research:

Market research is done by various research companies especially finding out the potential of a
particular industry at present or in the future. The data analyzed can be publicized and can be
made available for the people.

3.2 Marketing Research:

Marketing Research is done by the companies itself for identifying their problems and finding
the solutions. The data analyzed should be confidential and can‟t be publicized. However the
methodologies followed in both the types are similar.

This project is focused on Market Research which can further be divided in to

1. Qualitative Research
2. Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research is collecting the qualitative data through various methods like interviews
and observations etc and Quantitative Research is collecting the Quantitative data by using the
methods like questionnaire. The method of analyzing the data is different in each case. This
project mainly focuses on Qualitative Research.

3.3 Qualitative Research:

Qualitative Research is one of the major methodologies used in exploratory research.

Researchers undertake qualitative research to define the problem or develop the approach. In
developing an approach, qualitative research is often used for generating hypothesis and
identifying variables that should be included in the research. In case where conclusive or
quantitative research is not done, qualitative research and secondary data comprise the major part
of the research project. Various methods of collecting qualitative data include depth interviews,
focus groups, secondary data and observations. Qualitative research also deals with indirect
procedures called projective techniques with emphasis on association, completion techniques.

Qualitative research seeks out the „why‟, not the „how‟ of its topic through the analysis of
unstructured information – things like interview transcripts, emails, notes, feedback forms,
photos and videos. It doesn‟t just rely on statistics or numbers, which are the domain of
quantitative researchers. Qualitative research is used to gain insight into people's attitudes,
behaviors, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles. It‟s used to
inform business decisions, policy formation, communication and research. Collecting and
analyzing unstructured information can be messy and time consuming using manual methods.
When faced with volumes of materials, finding themes and extracting meaning can be a daunting
task. Qualitative research software like NVivo helps people to manage, shape and make sense of
unstructured information. It doesn't do the thinking for you it provides a sophisticated workspace
that enables you to work through your information.

3.4 Qualitative and Quantitative:

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Objective to gain a qualitative understanding to quantify the data and

Of the underlying reasons generalize the results

Sample Small number of cases large number cases

Data Collection Unstructured Structured

Data analysis Non-Statistical Statistical

Outcome Develop an initial understanding Recommend final action

This project is fully based on qualitative research which is focused on Interviews (primary
research) and secondary research.

3.5 Primary Research (Interviews):

In-depth interviewing is a qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive

individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a
particular idea, program, or situation. For example, we might ask participants, staff, and others
associated with a program about their experiences and expectations related to the program, the
thoughts they have concerning program operations, processes, and outcomes, and about any
changes they perceive in themselves as a result of their involvement in the program.

In-depth interviews are useful when you want detailed information about a person‟s thoughts and
behaviors or want to explore new issues in depth. Interviews are often used to provide context to
other data (such as outcome data), offering a more complete picture of what happened in the
program and why. For example, you may have measured an increase in youth visits to a clinic,
and through in-depth interviews you find out that a youth noted that she went to the clinic
because she saw a new sign outside of the clinic advertising youth hours. You might also
interview a clinic staff member to find out their perspective on the clinic‟s “youth friendliness.”

In-depth interviews should be used in place of focus groups if the potential participants may not
be included or comfortable talking openly in a group, or when you want to distinguish individual
(as opposed to group) opinions about the program. They are often used to refine questions for
future surveys of a particular group.

3.6 Secondary Research:

Secondary research occurs when a project requires a summary or collection of existing data. As
opposed to data collected directly from respondents or "research subjects" for the express
purposes of a project, (often called "empirical" or "primary research"), secondary sources already

These secondary sources could include previous research reports, newspaper, magazine and
journal content, and government and NGO statistics. Sometimes secondary research is required
in the preliminary stages of research to determine what is known already and what new data is
required, or to inform research design. At other times, it may be the only research technique

4.0 Sampling in Qualitative Research

Even if it were possible, it is not necessary to collect data from everyone in a community in order
to get valid findings. In qualitative research, only a sample (that is, a subset) of a population is
selected for any given study. The study‟s research objectives and the characteristics of the study
population (such as size and diversity) determine which and how many people to select.
According to the secondary data collected from various sources Null hypothesis and Alternative
Hypothesis were set which were discussed in Introduction. Basing on the hypothesis objectives
of the project was set.
The objectives are to find whether the outdoor media is going to dominate print and electronic
media for advertisements in the future. The project also aims to find out the consumer behavior
towards outdoor, print and electronic media at present. For these objectives data should be
collected from various people, marketing managers and experts in advertisements.

4.1 Sample Size and Data Collection:

Common People: In between 40 and 50
Managers and Experts: In between 6 to 10
Data is collected from 40 people, 10 managers and experts.

Percentage of Data collected based on



Percentage of the data collected based on


Middle age (25%)

Data Collected from various parts of Bangalore:




Sanjeevini nagar


WEST Bangalore
Basaweshwara nagar White Field

Kamakshi palaya
Jnana Bharati
Kadugodi Colony





JP Nagar

5.0 Analysis:

5.1 Analysis Based on Interactivity

5.1.1 Print Media

Cover page:

The interactivity of print media mainly depends on the cover page. Cover page will take you
through the entire Newspapers or the Magazine. It helps us to identify what information is there
in which page. It also highlights the important news of the day, so that it will be easy for the
readers to see the headlines quickly. Technological changes are coming up in the print media
which will enhance the interactivity.


In print media especially in Newspapers advertisements ranges from international to Local. One
can find local jobs only in Newspapers. The kind of interactivity we get is we can note down the
email ids, Telephone numbers, address for communication etc.


It also entertains the readers by providing movie masti, classifieds etc. Lot of interesting articles
by many editors will be present in the editorial page which gives us lot of knowledge. The very
big advantage of print media is that we can carry along with us and can go through it when ever
we want.

5.1.2 Electronic Media

Electronic media can be classified as Television, Radio, Mobile Telephone and Internet.


Remote Control

Remote Control plays a major role to interact with Television. One can easily switch the
channels and can watch which ever channel they want. Remote control helps to increase or
decrease the volume, adjust the brightness, color and have many other options which make the
viewers comfortable to watch Television.

Audio and Video effects

The audio and video effects play a major role in Television. Because of these effects people can
listen and watch a particular advertisement or news which helps the viewer to easily register an
advertisement in their mind.

Digital Video Recorder (DVR)

Technological changes like DVR allow the viewers to record the Television programs and watch
whenever they are free. It also provides an option called zipping which allows the viewers to
skip the advertisements.


Television advertisements are said to be more powerful because of its audio and video effects.
But it concentrates mostly on International and National ads. Each advertisement ranges from 10
to 25 seconds and some times may be less than 10 seconds also. So it will be difficult for the
viewers to note down telephone numbers, email ids and addresses.


Radio has only audio effects and it helps the people to listen a songs or commentary or News or
advertisements. Technological developments like FM radio now help the radio listeners to switch
the channels. Most of the local players concentrate on radio advertisements. But it is difficult for
the listeners to note down telephone numbers or email ids or addresses as there is only audio
effect and also an advertisement is of few seconds.

Mobile Telephone:

Advertisements through SMS (Short Message Service) play a major role in mobile. It allows the

users to store it for future reference. Tele calls from customer care allows the mobile users to
listen the advertisements. Lots of technological changes coming up in mobile allow the users
even to listen and watch a particular advertisement. Interactivity is with the keypad of the mobile


Today internet is said to be the most interactive media for any kind of information. We can
watch TV, we can read newspapers, we can listen to songs, and we can search for jobs and what
not. It allows the internet users to interact with their friends or their relationships. It also helps to
build new relationships through different networking websites like orkut, face book and many

5.1.3 Outdoor Media: Technology
Technology plays a vital role in outdoor media especially in billboards. In the olden days artists
used to paint on the walls afterwards posters came in to picture, next printing on various
materials like vinyl and flexes came in to existence and now digital media has entered in to this
industry which is creating lot of buzz among the people. The interactivity of these kinds of
billboards can be explained by taking a small example. Mc Donald‟s interactive Billboard

Mc Donald‟s interactive Billboard is creating lot of buzz among the people. For 40 seconds one
can take pictures of oneself holding dumbbells, having smoke pouring out of one‟s ears, or
blowing out birthday cake candles which are very amusing. Most of the people will definitely
remember Mc Donald‟s for ever as a very good entertaining experience.
25 Some of the examples of interactive billboards:

Slower is better
The following billboard informs the driver about the speed limits and its consequences.

This interactive billboard allows the people to write their own message using different

A person who sits on the bench their weight will be displayed


5.2 Analysis Based on User groups: To find the consumer behavior towards various media
Segmentation is done basing on the gender and age. Females and Males are analyzed separately
because of the psychological differences between them. Psyche of Females is different from the
psyche of males.

5.2.1 Gender
The number of people interviewed basing on gender is represented in the following pie chart.

Percentage of Data collected based on


29 Females:


The average time spend by females on TV is around 3 hours per day. Out of these 3 hours most
of the house wives are interested to watch TV serials and TV shows. They hardly watch TV
advertisements and mostly switch the channels when advertisements are coming. But there are
some housewives who watch TV for 5 to 6 hours daily and even watch TV advertisements
especially FMCG products.

Coming to youth, most of the youth I interviewed are working professionals. They hardly have
time to watch TV as they are working for more than 10 hours daily. But still they watch TV for
entertainment and most of them replied that they get attracted to TV advertisements but the only
thing is that we are not getting time to watch TV. In the weekends we watch TV but during
evenings we go out for entertainment.

Newspapers and Magazines

According to the data collected most of the women like to read newspapers and magazines daily.
They like to see advertisements in newspapers especially offer on sales.

Radio and Mobiles

Coming to this media both housewives and youth haven‟t shown much interest on
advertisements in radio or mobiles.


When we talk about internet we talk about youth mostly or working women. They are using
internet for checking emails, chatting, social networking and education purpose. They responded
that they don‟t give any importance to advertisements in internet. Most of the people I
interviewed have an account in social networking sites.

Outdoor Media

Youth are getting more attracted towards outdoor media when compared to housewives because
youth are spending more time outside and also due to the kind of technology in billboards and

the kind of celebrity in the billboard advertisement. Most of the people responded that daily they
see lot of billboards and signboards when they are travelling from our home to office and when
they go out. They see the same billboard for many days and many times in a day when they pass
through it. When ever they stand at bus stop waiting for a bus their eyes are attracted towards a
billboard for spending time.

Attraction towards various media by women in terms of percentage

Housewives Working Professionals

(percentage) (percentage)

Electronic Media 66.66 55.55

Print Media 50 66.66

Outdoor Media 33.33 55.55 A bar chart explaining the percentage of women attracted to various media

Out door Media

Working Professionals
Print Media Housewives

Electronic Media

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
31 Males:

Males constitute around 62.5% of the total people interviewed. All are working except few who
are retired. Males can be analyzed basing on the age group to which they belong to, i.e. youth or
middle aged or the retired. Children were not given any concern while taking interviews due to
lack of maturity in answering the questions.



99% of the youth I interviewed are working professionals and the average time they spend in
office came out to be more than 10 hours. The average time spend on Television is around one
and half hour. Most of the youth are interested in watching TV advertisements but the only thing
is they are not getting time to watch TV. Presently most of the youth are attracted to TV shows,
music channels and sports especially cricket. Most of them also responded that they get irritated
because of repetitive advertisements. Out of 100% - 99.99% are attracted to Vodafone zu zu
advertisements. Apart from that hardly they remember few advertisements. This says that there
are very few advertisements which are very attractive.


The interviews revealed the fact that most of them use internet for checking emails, chatting,
networking and education purpose. They hardly give importance to advertisements in internet.
But most of the companies are targeting e-mail advertising and also networking sites because
most of the people are present over there.

Radio and Mobiles

Youth said that radio and mobiles are not attracting them much for advertisement. But some of
the advertisements in the form of SMS really attract them and have the option of saving them for
future reference. FM radio is attracting the youth very much but they only listen to music but not

Newspapers and Magazines

Coming to Newspapers, most of the youth generally read newspapers daily but they just read the
headlines and leave it. The reason they say is they don‟t have time. Most of the people responded
that they give more importance to job postings in newspapers. They like to see advertisements
only when there are new launches and also they see advertisements related to movies.

Regarding magazines not many people are following magazines and not giving much importance
to advertisements in magazines.

Outdoor Media

As per the findings youth are mostly inclined towards outdoor media when compared to any
other media. They say that outdoor media especially billboards are the most effective way of
advertising than any other media. They are attracted towards the technological changes in the
billboards and generally speaking youth like to spend more time outside and so have a great
chance of seeing billboards and signboards. Some of them said that most of the products they
buy depend on billboard advertisements.

Middle aged

Coming to the middle aged group people, the findings said that they are mostly attracted to
Newspapers and Billboards when compared to any other media. They said that daily they go
through the newspapers and also it is their favorite pass time. Coming to the billboards, they are
attracted towards the technology and its big size. As they travel from their home to office and
office to home they see lots of billboards and signboards and get attracted to those.

They replied that they don‟t give much importance to TV, the reason being as the age goes on
they lose interest in watching TV. Most of the working professionals especially business people
will definitely give lots of importance for advertisements in any media but if we talk about
common people they are not.

The Retired

The only reply I got from the retired people is they read Newspapers daily and that is their
favorite pass time. They like to see advertisements in the newspapers only if they are relevant to
them. They replied billboards, TV, internet, mobiles and FM radio they are meant only for the
youth and not for them and even they said they are spoiling the youth.

Table showing the percentage of the males inclined towards various media

Youth Middle aged The Retired

(percentage) (percentage) (percentage)

Electronic Media 42.85 40 33.33

Print Media 33.33 71.4 99.99

Outdoor Media 73.33 57.1 33.33 A bar graph showing the percentage of the males inclined towards various media

Outdoor Media
Middle aged
Print Media

Electronic Media

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Chart showing the consumer behavior towards various media for advertisements as a

Youth Middle aged Retired

(percentage) (percentage) (percentage)
Electronic Media 48 33.33 20

Print Media 40 73.33 99.99

Outdoor Media 68 60 20

Outdoor Media

Middle aged
Print Media

Electronic Media

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

5.3 Analyzing the Managers and experts:

5.3.1 To examine whether the outdoor media is going to dominate electronic and print
media for advertisements in the future

Company1 Company2 Company3 Company4

Television Newspapers Magazines

Radio Internet Mobiles

OOH (out of home advertising)

Common People

The above diagram depicts that companies can reach the people by using different channels like
Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Mobiles, Radio, Internet and OOH (Out Home
Advertising). But which channel is more effective for reaching the audience is most important. Electronic Media (Television, Radio, Mobiles, Internet):


Electronic Media is the one of the most attractive media for advertisements. Companies
generally target Television for attracting their target customers because of the following

1. Audio and Video effects

2. Mass Media

Television is considered to be the Mass Media in which huge population watches at a single
time. Because of its advantage it is said to be the costliest media for advertisements. But the
companies have to analyze which type of people they are targeting and whether choosing Mass
Media like Television are the right Media or not for their advertisements. One more advantage of
Television is both audio and video effects are present which creates lot of impact on their target
audience. For this reason even though the advertisement is for 10 to 20 seconds people are able
to remember. Some of the experts expressed that though we have the above advantages there are
many threats like the effect of Digital Video Recorder, Increase in the number of channels and
other substitutes like internet, DVD players, CD players etc. It also depends the average time
people spend on Television. Technological changes in Television definitely have huge impact on
the people. In the future there will be growth in Television industry for advertisements.


Today internet has become the substitute for Television. Even we can watch TV programs in
internet and apart from that we can use internet for many other purposes. The latest trend in
internet is Social communities like orkut, face book, twitter and many others. These communities
enable the people to build their own network, chat with their friends, share the information and
many others. These communities are becoming more and more popular in these days. Some of

the managers and experts believe that these communities play a vital role in the future for

Radio and Mobiles:

FM radio is the latest trend in radio, but the only disadvantage is that it has only audio effects
which will be difficult for the target audience to remember an advertisement. Generally all the
local players target radio for their publicity. But one of the experts believes that lot of
technological changes will happen in this media and might play the vital role in attracting the

Coming to Mobiles, Mobile has become a body part for every person in these days. Nobody can
imagine this world with out mobile telephone. But is this the right media for advertisements, it is
a big question. People get many advertisements in their mobiles in the form of SMS, but are they
caring for those SMSs. The answer from the people is No. Some of the managers said that
wonderful technology is going to come in mobiles especially for advertisements and will create
lot impact on the people. Print Media:

For Newspapers and Magazines I got a divided response from the managers and experts. Some
managers said that Newspapers do not have that much impact on people and some said that it
creates impact on the people. It also depends on the type of advertisements. Generally people
give importance to government advertisements rather than commercial advertisements in
Newspapers. The only advantage for the youth is they find local jobs only in newspapers. Some
experts said that technological changes are also happening in Newspapers like introducing
barcodes in which lot of information can be embedded in a single barcode. One of the
advantages of print media especially newspapers and magazines is they are mobile and can be
carried easily to any place. As the Newspapers are static people can spend time on it for better
38 Outdoor Media (Billboards and Signboards):

OAAA (Outdoor Advertising Association of America) says that outdoor advertising is a growing
industry with a bright future because

a. Consumers are spending increasingly more time away from the home.
b. Technology continues to improve the outdoor advertising medium
c. Other media (print and broadcast) have declining audiences due to media fragmentation

Most of the experts and managers viewed billboard advertisements as mainly for local
promotions. There are also many international brands like Mc Donald‟s, Sony, Samsung, ITC,
HUL, Hero Honda and many others who use billboards for their advertisements. They said that it
has many advantages when compared to print and electronic media like

1. Twenty four hours in a day

2. Investment
3. Attention span
4. Flexibility
5. State of art

24 hours exposure:

Outdoor advertising means 24 hour exposure, may it be day or night, rain or shine. The other
media print and electronic are momentary and sporadic.


One of the most cost efficient ways to reach potential customers is outdoor media. Its advertising
costs are very less when compared to Television, radio, Internet and Newspapers.

Attention span:

When people are stuck in traffic or waiting at the bus stop, most of the people are looking for
something to pass time. The human eye will get attracted to an outdoor advertisement to help
pass time and avoid boredom. Thus said, positioning ads at bus stops, busy intersections and/or
along highways prone to high volume can be ingenious.


Billboards can be placed at any place where there target audiences are present. Most of the
Restaurants and Motels use billboard advertisements in highways which is the only effective way
to advertise.

State of art:

Latest technologies in billboards are creating incredibly eye catching advertisements. 3 different
ads can be displayed on a single billboard. Digital media is going to be the future of billboard

One of the experts in Integrated Marketing Communication says that zoning effect will show an
impact on this industry.

Zoning effect: Restrictions on Billboards to specific areas is called zoning effect. Government
put some restrictions on billboard advertising agencies like they should not place them in high
traffic areas as they are leading to accidents. They also put restrictions on size of the billboards.

All the managers and experts believe that there will be lot of growth in outdoor media in
the future and also partially accepted that outdoor media may dominate print and
electronic media in the future for advertisements due the innovative and wonderful
technology entering in to this industry.

5.3.2 Why big brands are not entering in to outdoor media industry?

Before talking about why big brands are not entering in to this industry, let us think about the big
players in this industry. This is a very big question in everyone‟s mind. If we talk about the big
players in other media like print and electronic people will surely answer for this. The top five
players in this industry are

1. Selvel Advertising

2. Jagran Engage

3. Times Innovative Media Ltd

4. Clear Channel and

5. Prakash Arts IOAA

The above five companies came together to form Indian Outdoor Advertising Association
(IOAA). The primary objective of the IOAA is to promote, protect and advance the rightful
interests of outdoor media and outdoor advertising media companies and associated businesses.
It will ensure co-operation, free and fair competition amongst outdoor media companies and deal
with factors affecting the outdoor industry besides providing a common platform for the outdoor
media industry to take up the issues at various government & non-government forum. Agenda

1. To protect outdoor media

2. To promote the use of outdoor media

3. To improve quality of outdoor media.

4. To establish standards for outdoor media as well as code of conduct for the continued
well being and long term fortunes of the industry.

5. To protect revenues of outdoor media and promote rapid growth

6. Fixing jurisdiction over Outdoor Advertising – whether local administration, State

Government or Judiciary and at what levels.

7. Obtaining recognition and/or appointment of national ombudsman to adjudicate on

various complaints.

8. Prepare Model Regulations for Outdoor Advertising Media for handing over to every
Municipality or other body with jurisdiction so that uniform rules may be applied across
the country. Key Issues faced by the industry

The Laws regarding outdoor advertising displays are under the jurisdiction of state
government; however, local municipal bodies implement these laws. Here is no uniformity in
which they apply to different states.

Outdoors is a perfectly legal business while the decision to ban them is arbitrary and knee
jerk reaction in many parts of the country. The sites are owned by local companies who have
invested huge amounts - a ban like this puts such huge investment in total jeopardy and
affects the livelihood of many dependent on the industry. The IOAA will play a facilitator‟s
role to the government and safeguard the interests of the site owners.

Across the developed world, it has been conclusively proved that hoardings do not cause
accidents and therefore need not be targeted for removal from a safety risk point of view.
IOAA will engage in a dialogue with state government/local government bodies to
rationalize such issues

Because of these key issues many big brands are not entering in to this industry. But the
many managers whom I interviewed expressed that in the future definitely big brands
are going to enter in to this industry and will play a vital role.

5.4 Analysis based on ROI (Return on Investment):

5.4.1 Return on Investment (ROI) analysis is one of several approaches to evaluating and
comparing investments. With ROI, decision makers evaluate investments by comparing the
magnitude and timing of expected gains to the magnitude and timing of investment costs. A
good ROI means that investment returns compare favorably to investment costs. ROI
compares investment returns and costs by constructing a ratio, or percentage. In most ROI
methods, an ROI ratio greater than 0.00 (or a percentage greater than 0%) means the
investment returns more than its cost. When potential investments compete for funds, and
when other factors between the choices are truly equal, the investment or action, or business
case scenario with the higher ROI is considered the better choice, or the better business

One serious problem with using ROI as the sole basis for decision making is that ROI by
itself says nothing about the likelihood that expected returns and costs will appear as
predicted. ROI simply shows how returns compare to costs if the action or investment brings
the results hoped for. Measuring the ROI for advertisements:

Advertising ROI (return-on-investment) discusses how advertisers can get the most out of
their media buys. This topic tracks the latest news and information advertising ROI for print,
digital, TV, and emerging media. ROI for Broad cast Media:

Broadcast (Television and Radio)


Cost per Thousand is said to be one of the metrics for ROI in broadcast media
advertisements. It measures the cost to deliver a message to one thousand people. It tells how
good a company is at getting message to the audience. But it does not tell how much impact
it has on the audience after reaching them. That‟s why it is not said to be the only indicator
which measures ROI.

Some of the studies found that the average ROI of Television advertising is 0.54 to 1 percent.
According to this study television media on an average lose money for the advertising
agencies. Another study states that ROI of TV advertising campaigns ranges from 1 to 4
percent still a small number.


Radio stations generally design some programs to attract the listeners and sell those listeners
to the advertisers. They calculate ROI by looking carefully at listeners ratings to determine
how many people are listening to their ad in a particular station. Now a day companies are
using Portable People Meter to automate the process of collecting the data from listeners and
to deliver better results. Print Media

One of the metrics for estimating the ROI in print media is pass along readership. A research
shows that readers have positive feelings about the pass along copies. Researchers said that
ads that appear on the key positions (Front cover, Back cover and Outside cover page) in
Newspapers or in Magazines receive more returns than the ads in the middle pages. Outdoor Media

Let us consider a practical example to calculate the ROI of outdoor advertising.

How Honda‟s sales has gone up after an outdoor campaign and Measuring the ROI.

Sales of certain models in Honda namely Accord, Civic and Odyssey are very less than


An outdoor campaign with 10 posters for 2 weeks in April and May with a message on the
posters “Competitive Lease Price on Honda Target Models”.

Poster Exposure:

Total Daily Views: 1, 25,300

Total Campaign Views: 1.75 Million


Campaign Response:

Totally 8 cars were sold.

Campaign Return:

Gross Profit:

8*$3000= $24000


$5000 (10 posters) + $693 (production cost) = $5693

Net Profit = Gross Profit – Costs = $24000 - $5693 = $18307

ROI (Return on Investment) = Net profit / Costs = $18307/ $5693 = 321.5 percent

This example says that ROI is high for outdoor advertisements when compared to other

6.0 SWOT Analysis:

SWOT analysis for various Media is done separately to understand each media in

1. Electronic Media (Television, Radio, Mobiles and Internet)

2. Print Media (Newspapers and Magazines)

3. Outdoor Media (Billboards, Signboards and Transits)


6.1 Electronic Media:



Audio and video effects play a vital role in Television. That is the reason why people are able
to remember an advertisement which is only for a few seconds. It is a mass media in which
lakhs of people can watch an advertisement at the same point of time. Technological changes
like LCD and LED screens will have lot of impact on the people due to increase in the
effectiveness. Presently Television is accessed by around hundred million households in
India. Apart from these people are getting attracted to creative TV shows in which many
companies are targeting for their advertisements.


Television is said to be the costliest media for advertisements. Today we have more than 200
channels and at the same point of time two important TV shows or serials are coming and the
people are switching the channels.


Companies should use the coming up technologies in television to attract the potential
customers. Have to come up with innovative advertisements like zu zu Vodafone
advertisements and recently virgin mobiles have come up with innovative advertisements on
the recent IPL-2010.


Viewership for television is decreasing because people are spending increasingly more time
out of home due to their workloads. Technology like DVR (Digital video recorders) which
enables the viewers to record any TV show or serial or a movie with out any advertisements
included in it. Media fragmentation is also one of the threats for television.



Low cost of advertising when compared other electronic media. It is good media to build
frequency. Radio is very effective for local companies. Technological changes like FM radio
is creating buzz among the people. It is also a mass media.


It has only audio effects unlike television which has both audio and video. Commercial
clutter is one of its weaknesses. Innovation is less in radio programs.


Innovative programs can be brought to attract the audience. Technological developments are
taking place which enhances the effectiveness of radio.


Television is always a threat for radio because of its audio and video effects. The other media
like internet, mobiles are also a threat for radio because of their technological developments.



Mobile phones have the following strengths:

1. Large number of mobile users

2. Advertisements can be personalized because every one has their own mobile.

3. Local information can be provided using GPS which is very helpful for the local
advertisers to advertise in a very cost effective way

4. Viral advertising

5. Multiple forms of advertising: Mobile phones have various features like SMS, MMS,
gaming, etc. and hence the opportunities to advertise are also many times more.


Transfer of data in mobiles is slow. Most of the mobile users are not surfing internet because
of slow transfer of data. One of the bigger problems facing viral marketing with regards
to Mobile Phones is customer annoyance. Since certain customers may get irritated with the
frequency and type of text messages that are sent to their phone. People started chatting by
using SMS offers given by many mobile services. Due to this people are not caring for
mobile advertisements.


Mobile phone advertisers can keep the people interactive by using the technology that is
coming up in the future. Improve the data transfer speed which enhances the usability of
internet in mobile phones.


Mobile service providers can enable to block the calls and messages which are irrelevant to a
customer. These are the special offers given by all the service providers now a day.



Huge number of internet users. Radio, Television every thing is included in internet. Google
is the website in which one can search for any information they want. Personal marketing is
possible through internet in the form of emails. The latest trend is social communities like
orkut; facebook, twitter etc are creating lot of buzz among the people. Excellent animation
abilities are there in internet.


People are involved in chatting with their friends so giving less importance to advertisements
in internet. They are mainly using internet for checking emails, chatting and for education
purpose. Now a day internet advertisements are also said to be costly in some famous
websites like yahoo, google and the like due to its huge number of users. People can‟t
experience the feel of reading newspapers in internet unlike reading it physically. Similarly it
applies for watch movies in internet.


Companies can target social communities like orkut, facebook, twitter etc in the future as the
traffic over there is increasing day by day. Many improvements in the interactivity of
websites on people are coming up. In the future most of the businesses run on internet and
many will use internet advertising as a major tool.


People are spending increasingly more time on chatting. Mobile telephones are one of the
threats for internet. Internet is costly when compared to mobile advertising and the coming
up technology in mobiles may dominate internet for advertisements.

6.2 Print Media

Newspapers and Magazines


It is a Mass Media. It is an advantage for local advertisers. Local jobs can be found only in
newspapers. Increasing literate population, more folks in rural and urban regions are reading
the newspapers and the magazines nowadays. Foreign investments are pushing the growth in
print media. It is very convenient to carry newspapers to any place. It is not a fleeting


Cost of advertising space is more in newspapers. Due to the absence of audio and video it
can‟t capture huge audience unlike Television and Internet. Lead time is one of its
weaknesses. It takes more time to print news or advertisement by that time most of the
people watch in television or internet. All the people won‟t read magazines; it is confined
only to few people. Clutter is also one of the major issues in newspapers advertisements.

New technologies like use of bar codes in newspapers are coming up in which large amount
of data can embedded in it. By using barcodes companies can save lot of advertising space
which reduces the cost.


Online newspapers and journals are a very big threat for print media. Now a day people are
spending more time on internet and also they can see the latest updates of news which is not
possible in print media.

6.3 Outdoor Media

Billboards and Signboards


Cost of advertising is less when compared to other media. It will reach the right target
customers. People are spending increasingly more time outside. LED technologies in
billboards are creating buzz among the people. Size of the billboards is one of the
advantages. Clutter is very less in outdoor media. This media is more effective for rural


It is not a mass media. It is specially suited for local players. Messages on the billboards are
long, should make small because people spend only few seconds on it.


Innovative digital technology is coming up in outdoor media. People are spending

increasingly more time outside. Creativity matters a lot in outdoor media. They have the
option of using their creativity to attract the target audience.


Zoning effect is one of the threats for outdoor media. Government put some restrictions on
billboard advertising like not to use in high traffic areas and on the sizes. This is called
zoning effect. IOAA (Indian Outdoor Advertising Association) is striving hard for the

removal of such restrictions on outdoor media. Television and mobile phones will be a very
big threat for outdoor media due to their fast technological developments when compared to
outdoor media.

7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations to Rio Designs and Display:


1. After the detail analysis of primary data collected from various people, it is clear that
youth and working professionals are attracted more towards outdoor media.

2. After analyzing the secondary data, it is clear that the percentage of the working women
is going to increase by a big number which makes the advertisers to invest more in
outdoor media for attracting them.

3. Presently Managers are unable to decide whether to invest more on outdoor media or
print media or electronic media. But with in few years definitely they will have a clear
picture on choosing the right media for their advertisements.

4. By 2018 the outdoor media industry is estimated to grow by 54.4% according to

research conducted by big guns in market research industry.

5. From this analysis I also found that apart from outdoor media, Mobile phones and Social
Communities like orkut, facebook, twitter etc will also have high growth in the future
for advertisements.

6. Most of the experts and managers in outdoor media industry are sure about the entry of
big brands in to this industry in the future


Basing on the detailed analysis on the data collected, we can say that the growth of the
outdoor media industry will be high in the future.

Definitely Rio Design and Display can invest more on the technology and can expect
very good returns in the future. The technology that I can suggest is the digital media
which is going to be the future of outdoor media.

Marketing Strategies for improving the Sales of Rio Designs and Display

 The Company can tie up with Property Building companies like Brigade group,
Prestige group, G. Corp Pvt Ltd etc who deals with various infrastructure projects
like building companies, Shopping Malls and many others who are their target
customers. They will give information about the latest projects they are handling and
the company can approach the owners of the property and get the advertising and
other graphics work need by them. A part of the profit can be given to the property
building company basing on the deal between them. This will reduce the sales efforts
of the company.

 Barter System of Outdoor Advertising

We know that barter system means exchange of goods for goods. In the similar
fashion the company can tie up with a TV channel and can print Billboards to
popularize a TV show in that particular channel in return they publicize Rio designs
and Display in their channel. No money is involved in this type of advertising.

 As Rio Designs and Display has an experience of a decade, it can print some
brochures show casing the company profile, technology, previous projects
undertaken and can distribute them to their target customers which will improve the
brand image of Rio Designs and Display.

8. What did I learn from SIP?

I. About Research

II. Sales

The Sales process at Rio Design and Display:

1. Generate the leads

2. Fix the meetings

3. Explain about the services that the company offers

4. Price Negotiations

5. Get the project to the company

6. Handover the project to operations Department

7. Installation

8. Generate the Bill from Finance Department

9. Collect the Money from the Client

10. Maintain good relations with the clients for further projects

III. Multi tasking:

This is one of the best opportunities that I got during my SIP. I handled Research, Sales and
Marketing, Finance and Operations work which helped me to develop all round knowledge.

IV. Importance of patience during the sales.

V. Handling the clients and maintaining good relations with them

VI. Importance of a Regulating Body for any industry. Regulating body helps the company
to get in time payments. This is the main problem that I observed in this industry during my SIP.

8.0 Annexure:

A. Interview questions for finding the consumer behavior towards various media at

1. How much time you watch TV daily?

2. Are you interested to watch TV commercials?
3. Can you tell me the last TV advertisement that you remembered.
4. Do you switch the channels when advertisements are coming?
5. Which channels do you prefer to see mostly?
6. Do you listen to radio daily?
7. How much time do you spend on Internet daily?
8. For what purpose you use internet.
9. Do you have an account in social communities like orkut, face book, twitter, linked-in
10. Do you give importance to advertisements in internet?
11. Daily you get lot of advertisements in your mobile. Do you really see those
12. Do you read Newspapers daily?
13. What kind of advertisements do you see in Newspapers?
14. How much time you work daily?
15. While you are travelling or when you go to shopping malls we see lot of billboards
and signboards. Do you really care for those?
16. Do you think billboard ads are really attractive? If so what is the reason?
17. Lot of technological changes have happened in outdoor ads like LED signboards and
billboards coming in to picture. Are they really attracting you?
18. Your buying behavior depends on TV ads or Newspaper ads or Outdoor ads or others.

B. Interview questions to Managers and Experts

1. What do you think are the advantages of outdoor media over print and electronic
2. According to many research companies the average time spend by the people on TV
has come down to two and half hours. So hardly they are getting time to watch TV
and today we have more than 200 channels in which people tend to switch the
channels when ads are coming. What is your opinion about this?
3. Do you think people get attracted to outdoor advertisements like billboards and
4. Lot of technological changes is happening in outdoor advertisements. What kind of
impact these technologies are going to have on the people?
5. What do you think about internet advertising? Are they really effective? Do you think
people really care for those?
6. What can you say about the impact of Newspapers advertising on the people?
7. Tell me some thing about the impact mobile and radio advertisements on the people.
8. What do you think is the future of advertisements? Which media do you think plays a
vital role?

C. Data Collected from various respondents

Common People

1. Vikram, 24, MBA student, March 12th , 2010

Presently I am not watching TV. I spend 12 hrs daily on internet. Main of internet is
studies, games, chatting. I don‟t give any importance to ads in internet. They are time
waste. TV ads are more powerful than internet ads. Billboards will catch attention of the
people. It is very powerful media. News papers ads are similar to internet ads. I will get
attracted to print media more when compared to electronic media.
2. Farooq, 24, MBA student, March 12th, 2010

As I am staying in hostel, I am not watching TV presently. I like to watch TV ads. Daily I

spend 4 hrs on internet. I use internet mainly for networking. I don‟t care for internet ads.
When I go out I will be seeing billboards, signboards etc they will attract me but I will
get more attracted to TV ads when compared to billboards or newspapers.
3. Jitendar Nair, 32, Small entrepreneur, March 13th, 2010

I watch TV for one hour daily. I like to watch TV ads. I like the concept involved in
those. For example zu zu ads of Vodafone they are really very good. Even I like to see
internet ads. I feel that billboard ads attract the people but they are limited to a particular
area. TV ads attract me more when compared to when compared to any other media.
4. Dhiraj, 19, Technician, Maruti Suzuki, March 14th , 2010

I don‟t have time to watch TV. I am working for 10 hrs daily. I listen to radio when I am
travelling. I won‟t go to internet much. I don‟t like to see ads. But when I am travelling I
will see billboards, hoardings etc which attract me more when compared to any other

5. Ajay, 23, MBA student, March 14th, 2010

As I am a student staying in hostel I am not watching TV presently. Housewives watch

TV more and now a day‟s scrolling are the new strategy for attracting the people. I will
get more attracted to billboards when compared to any other media. Billboards show the
presence of a particular brand and TV creates the awareness of that brand. Youth will get
attracted to billboards.
6. Lakshmipati, 20, sales( Shiva optical), March 14th, 2010

I work for 12 hours daily. I watch TV for 2hrs daily and I like to see ads. I don‟t have
anytime for internet. I listen to radio very much. As I will be in shop for so much of time
I will see billboards and hoardings. They attract me well. I spend most of my time on
news papers. News papers ads attract me more when compared to any other media.
7. Sooraj, 28, sales person ( Cauvery motors Pvt. Ltd), March 15 th, 2010

I will watch TV daily for 2 to 3 hrs. I work for 12 hrs daily. I don‟t get attracted to any
brand ambassadors. I don‟t drink Thums up because of Akshay kumar. I use internet only
for checking mails, chatting etc. Interesting fact is that print media is more costly than
electronic media in US. Outdoor advertisements like billboards are very attractive these
days and lots of technological developments are coming up in outdoor ads like LED
signboards etc. Even in Newspapers technological changes will occur. I will get attracted
more to print media when compared to electronic media. In print media especially
outdoor print ads like billboards will attract me more than TV or internet.
8. Satyanarayana, 73, retired, March 16th, 2010
Now a days TV ads are spoiling the youth. We won‟t watch TV ads at all. If an ad comes
we will switch the channel. I read newspapers regularly and like to see the ads which are
relevant to us.

9. Ramchandra Rao, 67, retired, March 16th, 2010

I don‟t like to watch TV ads. They are just spoiling the people. I won‟t like to see
hoardings and billboards they are meant only for youth. I read newspapers regularly and
like to see the ads which are relevant to my age.
10. Nithesh, 21, working in operations department, Mc Donald, March 17 th, 2010

I don‟t have time to watch TV because I work for 12 hrs daily. I will see ads some time if
they are attractive. I am not that much interested in TV. I like to see billboard ads, they
are really attractive.
11. Abdul tusif, 23, working, March 17th, 2010

I watch TV one hour daily. I go to internet very rarely and I don‟t listen to radio. I switch
the channels when ad comes because they are very boring. No body prefers TV ads. Only
when a new launch comes I watch TV. I would get attracted to billboards because they
are much more attractive than TV ads.
12. Pushpa, 23, MBA student, RV college, March 17th, 2010

Presently I don‟t have much time to watch TV. I use internet to check my mails and do
my project related works. Hardly I would go to shopping malls. Billboards are attractive
but I would get attracted to TV ads more. I read newspapers but not regularly.

13. Manjunath, 35, small entrepreneur, March 17th, 2010

I watch TV for 2 hrs daily. TV ads I see very less, if that ad is good and creative like
Vodafone then only I will see. Hoardings and billboards if they are attractive then only I
see. I read newspapers regularly and will get attracted to newspapers ads more.

14. Srikala, 28, software engineer( TCS), March 18th, 2010

Now days I don‟t have time to watch TV. I watch TV ads rarely. I use internet to do my
office work. Yes I would see lot of billboards, hoardings while I am travelling they are
attractive but I would get more attracted to TV than billboards or any other media.

15. Smitha, Doctor, 46, March 18th, 2010

We don‟t have TV at our home I listen to FM radio while travelling. I don‟t spend much
time on internet. I never see internet ads. I read more of Newspapers. I see billboards
which attract me and my buying behavior depends on Newspapers ads.

16. Mary, 53, sister in a convent, March 18th, 2010

I won‟t watch TV at all. Some times in the weekends I watch TV. I won‟t care for
Billboards also. I read only news papers which will attract me.

17. Pushpa.BglrCentral, 48, Housewife, March 18th, 2010

I watch TV 4 to 5 hrs daily. I don‟t see much of TV ads. I switch the channel to some
other channel when ad comes. I read news papers some times. I don‟t see much of

18. Amit, 45, working for an MNC, March 19th, 2010

Presently I don‟t have time to watch TV. I don‟t care for billboards, signboards and
internet ads. I read more of newspapers which will attract me a lot. Now I don‟t have that
much time to talk with you.

19. Harsha, 24, working in Reid and Taylor, March 19th, 2010
I don‟t have time to watch TV. I see the ad which is attractive like Vodafone zu zu ads.
Some times I care for internet ads when they are attractive. As I am spending most of the
time outside I see more of Billboards and would get attracted to those. Lot of
technological changes are happening in Billboards and they attract the people very much.
The future is going to be outdoor ads.

20. Rakesh, 26, working in Reid and Taylor, March 19th, 2010
Daily I watch TV for 2 to 3 hrs. I like zu zu ads very much. They are very attractive. My
mom watches more of TV serials and she switches the channels when ads are coming. As
I am working in shopping mall I would see lot of billboard ads, banners etc and they are
really attract me a lot. I use internet only for checking emails.

21. Latha, 52, Doctor, March 20th, 2010

I watch TV for 4 hrs daily. I like to see ads but not much. I switch the channels some
times if any interesting serial is coming. Some times TV ads disturb me. I use internet
only for checking emails. I see sign boards, billboards when I am travelling. If they are
attractive then only I will care for them. I read newspapers more and they will attract me
a lot when compared to any other media.

22. Nithesh, 47, Engineer, IBM, March 20th, 2010

I watch TV for half an hour daily. I don‟t see TV ads much or even I don‟t care for
billboards. I use internet only for my office work. I see what is relevant to me. Daily I
read newspapers which attract me more when compared to any other media.

23. Mandeep Singh, 24, software engineer( fresher), March 20 th, 2010
I watch TV daily for 1 hour. I watch TV ads but not much. I like to spend more time in
gym. I don‟t read much of newspapers. I use internet only for checking emails. But
billboards attract me much when I am travelling and when I come to shopping malls.

24. Sambhashiva Rao, 55, working for government, March 20th, 2010
I watch TV for 2hrs daily. I watch TV ads which are relevant to me. Yes I get attracted to
billboards but it depends on my interest on that particular ad. Each person will have
different opinions but to me definitely billboards will have lot of impact on people.

25. Shiva, 19, engineering student, March 20th, 2010

I am staying in hostel so I don‟t watch TV. I am coming to shopping mall for the first
time. Billboards are very attractive. I don‟t use internet much. Even I don‟t read News
papers much.

26. Suma, 20, engineering student, March 22nd, 2010

Presently I am not watching TV because I am staying in hostel. I read Newspapers
regularly. Billboards are good but they are not that much attractive. I get attracted to TV
more. My buying behavior depends on TV ads.

27. Charan, 20, Engineering student, March 22nd, 2010

I stay in hostel so don‟t watch TV. I read newspapers daily. I will get attracted to
Newspapers more when compared to any other media. I like to see newspapers ads more.

28. Samantha, 27, working in a mall, March 22nd, 2010

I don‟t have time to watch TV because I work for 10 hrs daily. I don‟t read newspapers
much. I don‟t use internet. Even though I work in Malls I don‟t like to see much of
Billboards and signboards. But TV attracts me a lot.

29. Pardhasaradhi, 52, working for BM, March 22nd, 2010

We have 2 TV‟s even though I don‟t watch TV. I don‟t have that much time to watch TV.
I work for 10 hrs daily I don‟t even read Newspapers much. I like to go to Malls
frequently and like to see billboards and signboards they are very much attractive these

30. Shyamala, 28, housewife, March 22nd, 2010

I watch TV for 5 to 6 hours daily. At present I am watching IPL. I don‟t give importance
for ads either it might be TV or Newspapers or billboards. I come to know about any
brand or product through my friends. If any offers are there in Newspapers I would like
to see those.

31. Radha, 27, working as a librarian, March 23rd, 2010

I watch TV for 2 hrs daily. I work for 10 hrs daily. My family is very much interested to
watch cricket. The latest ad I remembered in TV is Vodafone zu zu ad I like to see
newspapers ads. I don‟t spend that much time on internet. Even I like to see billboards
and signboards. I can‟t say electronic media is attracting me more or print media is
attracting me more. I my view both are important for advertisements.

32. Bhuvaneshwari, 22, MBA student, March 23rd, 2010

I stay in hostel but we have TV. I watch TV for one hour daily. I like to see TV ads but
these days they are not much attractive. I am not reading newspapers at present. I spent
more time on internet, but only for checking emails and chatting with my friends. Some
times I see ads in internet. I see signboards, billboards but don‟t pay much attention to

33. Rafiq, 42, sales person, March 24th, 2010

Daily I have to work for 8 to 10 hrs. We have two shifts morning, evening. I watch TV
for 2 hrs daily. I like to watch ads. I read newspapers daily. Ads give awareness about the
product. In my view all the advertisements are important either in TV or Billboards or
Print ads.

34. Krishna, 26, software engineer (WIPRO), March 24th, 2010

I am working for 10 hrs daily. I watch TV for 1 hr daily. I don‟t like to see much of TV
ads. I spend half an hour on internet for checking emails. Billboard ads are attractive and
when I am travelling I like to see billboard ads. I don‟t listen to radio. Most of the times I
spend outside therefore outdoor ads are attracting me a lot.
35. Krishna Sagar, 25, software engineer, Wipro, March 24th, 2010
As I am working for 10 hrs daily I am unable to watch TV. Ads create awareness about
the product. When ever if we watch the ad again and again it will register in to our minds
and that will bring them to shops for buying the products. But now a day‟s people are not
having time to watch TV, so the only choice for them is outdoor ads and newspapers.

36. Ashok, 27, consultant, March 25th, 2010

I watch TV for 3 hrs daily. Vodafone ads are very attractive because they are very much
creative. I switch the channels when ad comes. I read newspapers but search only for job
related ads. TV ads are attractive but not all the advertisements only few. I give lot of
importance to outdoor advertisements. They are very much attractive these days and also
LED signboards are attracting me a lot.

37. Ancy Mathew, 52, working in MBA college, March 30th, 2010
I watch TV for 45 minutes daily. I like to watch news more; I don‟t see much of TV ads.
I like to switch the channels when ads are coming in one channel. I watch English news,
Malayalam and Kannada news. I don‟t watch much of serials. When I am travelling I
listen to radio, see billboards. Billboards attract me very much because of their size and
technological effects like LEDS etc. I read newspapers daily and I like to see offers. I
have an orkut, face book account but I mainly use for communication purpose. I don‟t see
any advertisements in these communities.

38. Bharati rao, 54, working, March 30th, 2010

I watch TV for one and hours daily. I like to see government ads very much not private
commercials. Now a day‟s lot of misuse of gender is there in TV. Lot of westernization is
coming up which I don‟t like. I stick to one channel and don‟t switch the channels until
that program completes. I don‟t like to watch serials they are affecting the people very
much. I see lot of billboards and signboards while travelling but they should be placed in
strategic locations. Some times they lead to accidents also. Technological changes like
LEDs will definitely have lot of impact on the people. They are really impressive. I don‟t
read newspapers much. I have orkut and face book but won‟t use much. My purpose is to
check emails.

39. Agi, working, March 31st, 2010

Daily I watch TV for 2hrs. Now a day I am watching IPL. I like to watch TV ads. The
last ad that I remember is Vodafone ad. If the ad is repetitive then definitely I switch the

channels. I am working for around 8 to 9 hrs daily. While travelling definitely I see
billboards and signboards. They attract me very much when compared to any other
media. I spend around 4 to 5 hrs on internet. Main purpose is to check emails and study
purpose. I read newspapers but don‟t care for ads.

40. Atul, 33, working, March 31st, 2010

Now a day I am not watching TV because I don‟t get time as I am working for 10 hrs
daily. I watch TV ads but if they are repetitive I skip the ad. My buying behavior mainly
depends on billboards and signboards. Most of the products I buy depend on outdoor ads.
It helps me to note down the phone number of that particular company. Technological
changes which are occurring now a day will have lot of impact on the people. They are
going to be the future. I read newspapers but don‟t care much for ads.

Managers and Experts:

1. Royston D‟Sa, Business Development Manager, Rio Design and Display, March 4 th,

In my view Billboard ads are more powerful than print and electronic media. Billboards
catch the attention of the people very easily while they are travelling. Lot of
technological changes has happened in this outdoor media industry like LED signboards
which will have lot of impact on the people. The future is going to be outdoor ads and
digital media plays a prominent role in it. The advantages of TV ads are many people can
see at once and have audio and video effects. I read newspapers daily but I don‟t listen to

2. Abhishek, Brand Manager, Rio Design and Display, March 4 th, 2010.
People get attracted to Television ads more when compared to any other media. I think
technological changes like LCD TV or LED TV will have lot of impact on the people.
But the thing is how many people are really watching TV? Is the TV viewership
decreasing or increasing? Do people getting time to watch TV? All these are big
questions. Companies are spending more on internet presently. But I can say that growth

of the outdoor media industry is for sure. But we can‟t say whether the outdoor media is
going to dominate other media for advertisements or not.

3. Guru Charan, Brand Manager, Matrix innovations, March 10 th, 2010

These days people are not watching TV that much due to lack of time. TV viewership is
decreasing. Billboards are mostly for local advertising and they attract the people very
much. Outdoor media is more attractive than TV media. In my view most of the people
use internet for education purpose, emails, chatting and networking. I am confident that
companies will spend more on outdoor advertisements in the future when compared to
any other media due to the technological innovations in this industry.

4. Rejit Nair, Sales Manager, Cauvery Motors Pvt Ltd (Dealers of Toyota Motors),
March 15th, 2010
I watch TV for 2 to 3 hours daily. My parents are retired and they watch TV more. TV
advertisements my parents won‟t see and they switch the channel when ad comes.
Generally ads keep on rolling and they are repeated, we get bored because of this. I like
to watch movies and TV shows more. I listen to radio but I don‟t give importance to ads
in radio, but if it is a joke then I listen to it. If you talk about outdoor media, they are the
most powerful media at present; they attract the people very much. Lots of technological
changes are coming up in this industry and it is going to be the future. In US print media
and outdoor media are more costly than electronic media.

5. Vinod, Manager, Bangalore Central Mall, March 25th, 2010

I watch TV for 2 hours daily. I like to watch TV ads. The recent ad that I have seen is
Vodafone ad. Some ads create enthusiasm like Thumps up ads. They say to be continued.
Every company is coming with innovative ads. Vodafone they are not using big stars but
the kind of concept they are coming with is wonderful. For sure that people switch
channels when same ads are coming. Outdoor advertisements I don‟t see much. It
depends on how much attractive it is and the kind of star etc. I read Newspapers but those
ads won‟t attract me much. In my view no media can dominate TV media for
advertisements at any point of time.

6. Aninda Sen, Associate Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, Cyber Media, March
25th, 2010
I don‟t watch TV. Most of the people might say that Vodafone ads are very attractive but
how much of them are really converting in to subscribers of Vodafone. This is a big
question. Companies can reach their audience by Newspapers, Radio, TV, Internet, and
Outdoor Media. Only 3% of the people believe these advertisements. The new trend is
Social communities like Orkut, Face book, Twitter and Linked-in. There is a pyramid
structure for advertisements from bottom to top namely Awareness, Consideration,
Buying and Advocacy. Outdoor media is attractive but in my view they can‟t dominate
other media for advertisements. Mobile also plays a vital role in the future for ads. The
kind of technology the companies are coming up with brilliant. TRP ratings of TV are
reduced and the revenue of TV media industry is decreasing. The CEO of P & G says that
Social networking sites are going to be the future.

7. Srinivasan.R, Expert in Integrated Marketing Communication, April 7 th, 2010

Billboards are mainly for local advertising and they are region specific. They have their
own advantages like they catch the attention of the people very easily due to their big
size. For National and International businesses TV is more effective. I generally watch
News, Sports, Discovery Channel in TV. Now a day‟s frequency of ads is more and some
times I get irritated. It is for sure I switch the channel when ad comes. I don‟t care for
social networking sites. In my view children give more importance to TV ads but adults
don‟t give importance to TV ads. Technological changes are coming up in radio in the
future and definitely their growth is very high. Billboards are effective but it depends on
the type of industry they are into and the type of product. Outdoor media will have lot
growth in the future but as of now we can‟t say whether it is going to dominate or not.

9.0 References:

1. Naresh K.Malhotra, 2007. Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Fifth Edition.

India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt., Ltd.
2. William G. Zikmund, 2009. Business Research Methods. Seventh Edition. India:
Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
3. Murthy S N, 2007. Advertising: An IMC perspective. First Edition. India: Excel Books.
4. Sankararaman, G., 2007, Barter System in Outdoor Ads, July.p.28.
5. [ Accessed 15 March 2010]
6. [Accessed 10 March 2010]
[ Accessed 3 April 2010]
8. [Accessed 5 April
[Accessed 5 April 2010]
10. [Accessed 10
April 2010]
11. [Accessed 15 April 2010]
12. [Accessed 25 April
13. [Accessed 25 April 2010]
14. [Accessed 29 April 2010]
15. [Accessed 1 May 2010]
16. [Accessed 5 May 2010]
billboard-advertising / [Accessed 5 May 2010]

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