Eligibility Check (KEP) PDF

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Record of commercial and legal eligibility SF a ee te era pe con Potential recipient Persons involved in the. giz checks on potential recipients WOMEN FOR BETTER HEALTHY LIFE (WFBH) Orgenizaion igibility checking process amets) ] br Gunsn Stote, Or Bakhtiar Ames Place Dabok OE, acai) | 3.082018 te Information on recipient {Please summarise key information here and attach any expanatory nates as an appendix) Etigiity criteria neon 1 Legal form of the nsttutionorganisation (ats wan ft ratte? How 8 ‘natdonsganesion esa Ete tou om a ‘taten mots th mp rover oe Sey neha santeneron wis Powe nen coonrg ne wc ie manana age SScetee bey ceraenting nnn net ‘ne cana ns ode ets, dn ona rosa man? WBH is newly developing lal non govern- ‘mental andnon-proft organization and therefore sil requires some support and capacty balding ‘guidance tom iz ‘Altached isthe NGO regisraon eter ‘spo the KRL NGO Law (1) 02011, ace XIV, Fourth: NGO revenue, properties and fund stat be exemple fom tax and customs des! Publlebeneft status ane te tainlpeseten have sable latin? ‘ess una ep stn dr toc ga ‘ovr Suet als at sci nat am (abe ur parr enue oye egies Feisue of ptr nanan mp a pos (endear ncaest sb mae oma Serle. er wo ctr cn in, ‘Zansaentscisc? crn Sow macesogenee Ibe neon zag oe poe opal owe ins peed ve hoe! acage poset oud te ethane nk ave nape wae peremes n carmen? [As stated above, WFBH is non-governmental ‘and non prott organization a per the atached legal regstation document | WEBI sa lce! national NGO and abide to he regi to law and legislations and as stated above stax prvleged as per the KRI NGO Law (hy erzoit Working to empower, promote snd suppot ‘women ane gender equally, WFBH would be: Ine for tcpriveged status, {NGO Lon) 2011 a mech ‘oon. the'Srrcomant separ csp iyancne aoancemn el ea or wanen = 19 Dawe Jansory 2018 ‘tno £280 Poget ‘Accounting sity chat tri wt tae cea Son wn and pean 8 ‘Gelert ir ope ea re ta ‘hae age sume we mois postoy seal Seiden giz ‘The fnandial pudeines of WFH aren accor ance wih the requirements ofthe KRG. Whe \WPBH nas demonstrated mach commitment their undersanding and exeeton ofthe Giz r- ‘quirements, some gaps and defeiencies cor- tinue to preva wth gard tothe nancial mon- iosing and nence ony a local subsidy can be eh ‘WFBH has Been guided by GIZ ia Bs previous | Drojecs wth swartng contracts and procure: ‘ment (smaler amounts) and oveal thre has ‘een satisfaction wih ther procosses end com tls bu more guidance te bul up thei capecty wilbe Benefcal | Internal and external controls ‘WFHE has a board of ments who re conn: lousy ivolved wah al aspects of nance and Gecision making. They have a system of conto | an regulon ofan through thee atl ot oer bt stil need more experience and suppon te srengthen this famawork frst mani uml eta ane cen ‘aoarg feta Previous experience Een ota perce, uly etal nd aie (Segtnae ane soc Four local subsidies have been eniered wih Giz, ‘analing WFBH to be wal acauainted wih the processes and requirements ancl and over {2} of IZ. WFBH Is doing @ goed job but the cur rent assessment continues agree wih the fact, at WFBH sil lacks capac with reparés to financial system and montorng ans hence cont local subsidy can be granted, {Anticorruption Fre any septs of coupon or reigns ie Foss omyon tring ergo ome B o ‘Atinancingfgransbsidy agreement canbe ‘Overall isk assessment based on the eligibility check ‘As per the Pub Financial Auding and ives- {atlon, NGO are table for neni and account- ing audting and investigation of potential miss- tse or allege potential comuption ats. But there are no such cases mvowng senor empoyees or manager of WEBH entered ino, | finsnclnggrnsusdy agreement canbe entered into wit the folowing accompanying ‘measures, wich musi be conivstualy sprees (Where appt, stn an append {and inal cass form the GIZofee or Procurement and Contracting Dvision when Sawing Uuptte agreement) ‘As at somuty 2018 Page? 1B No agreement can be entered int wt hs ellen. [ Dy Aocal subsidy can and shouldbe agreed | Designation ofthe potential recipient by name inthe commissioning party's offer “The otcer responsible forthe commision ensures that he recipients of any funds made avaiable Under fancing, grantor subsidy agreements are designated by name in he commissioning party's Recipient speci by name? B ves 5 The name ofthe recent wil be submited before he contact is signed and passed on to Contract Management Forwarding of funds bythe recipient o third parties funds are tobe forwarded by the cechlent othe parts (aa recent) this must be mentioned inne deseiton of he measure. This doesnot refer o purchases of materiasfequipment or se Int conte, the init othe final repent must be checked and documented before the con. tracts signed end he same guidelies aly nolo o commercial and legal oily Checks. ‘The documentation covers a ast the lga-personality and pubic-beneft cite, Ie finlreapiont has not been confimed peor tothe signature ofthe contac, the potent fal recipients must be made known o Giz in wing, and GZ approval oblained before the funds are forwarded Wl unds bo channelled onwards oth partes under this feancing erangemont? Bw Ty Yes attach sigity checks gal personality ant publo-benef natu) ofa recipient) Gaol eo 4/091 2014 ee COTE a ‘A plausibity check has boon cared out. | The overall assessment can be confirmed giz Yes ‘ignaure (or Cairat WanapemenvGz aca) ‘As sonny 2018 ‘aor £260 Pages

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