Cadet Millers Review May 16-17th

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Cadet Review

Cadet CADET 399 | M. Miller

Officer Reporting CPL 191 | D. Outlaw

Date May 16th - 17th 2020

Shift Duration 2.5 Hours


Cadet Miller is familiar with most of his 10 codes, however, still needs to study on his phonetic
alphabets. Also Cadet Miller tends to freeze up with secondary pursuit callouts while driving. I
recommend that instructors have him work on callouts and pursuits separately for better


While in pursuit Cadet Miller’s driving has improved, he needs better situational awareness
sometimes he tends to lose suspects while in their view. To work on this I recommend he sits
passenger and have the instructor drive and have Cadet Miller watch how he/she conducts
their pursuits.


Cadet Miller has no issues with processing individuals. He reads them their rights and informs
them of the processing, listing charges, etc.


During one bank robbery that lasted about an hour of negotiations, Cadet Miller performed
expeditiously and professionally, I highly recommend him to be cleared of negotiation.

Cadet Miller knows to look for DNA evidence during crime scenes. He’s good at interviewing

Traffic Stop

Cadet Miller knows how to conduct traffic stops, he introduces himself and informs them as to
why they’re being stopped.

❔ - Was🚫not✔- -Not
Recommended for clear
able to work on this, did not witness
recommended for clear


Pursuit 🚫
Traffic Stop ✔

Radio 🚫
Processing ✔

Negotiation ✔

Investigation ✔

Cadet Feedback

The thing(s) you did well today a​re: I believe I did a good job in the hostage
negotiation at the Pacific Bank.
Considering the circumstances and the
individuals involved being very hostile
towards hostages, I think I did as well as
possible to de-escalate and get the
hostages out safely. I think I'm also pretty
good at relaying messages to 95's and
keeping them informed throughout the
arrest process.
The thing(s) that you can improve on the Staying calm I think is a pretty big issue
most are: for me at times. I still get overwhelmed
sometimes, for example trying to do coms
and also keep up with 10-80's at the
same time, and that is when I start to
mess up. My call outs in 80's need work
too. And also the phonetic alphabet.

What you would ideally like to see before Again, I think sometimes the best thing to
your next ride-along: do is just hop in to learn. I've had nights
where I felt I did pretty well and then
some nights not so much. Just need to
work on consistency. My FTO had
suggested I work on my coms in 80's for
a bit by just focusing on call outs while
someone else drives, because I feel
alright about driving without the coms. I
think the coms need some work.

The cadet has been advised of my feedback and recommendations. Should any further
information be required regarding the ride along and information detailed above, please do not
hesitate to reach out to me, I will be happy to assist or verify anything.

Cpl 191 | D. Outlaw

Mission Row Police Department 
Sinner St 
Los Santos, SA 92212 

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