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Lesson Plan for Grade 1, Language Arts 

Prepared by Mrs. Stone 

Task 1 Making Better Choices 

Read the nonfiction passage below on “Making Better Choices” two times all the way 
through. Before writing down any answers, be sure to go back into the text and 
underline the key detail used as evidence from the text. All answers need to be 
written in complete sentences with capital letters, a complete thought and a period. 
Do not just answer with 2 or 3 words. After reading the passage, your scholar will 
need to determine the main topic as well as two supporting details that can be used 
as evidence. Keep in mind that the two details are used to support the main topic. 

If you complete this task on separate paper, be sure to label each of the 3 questions 
and leave enough space to write the answers completely.  

Task 2 Amish Way of Life 

Scholars will read the nonfiction passage about the “Amish Way of Life”. The main topic is 
being able to identify what the passage is mainly about. The key details are the sentences or 
parts of the passage that you have to have to help prove the main idea. The key details are the 
evidence you need to identify the main topic.  

Scholars will need a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple crayon, marker or colored 
pencil. If printed, write directly onto the paper, if not then use the color provided to write the 
sentence from the passage directly onto the sheet of paper your scholar is answering on. Go 
back and forth in the text as needed to answer all of the questions correctly. Scholars may 
need to reread certain parts of the passage to help with understanding and comprehension. 
When answering the multiple choice questions, be sure to underline or write the sentence 
from the text that gives reliable evidence to prove the answer circled. On the open ended 
writing questions, make sure that your scholar is writing and answering in a complete 
thought or sentence. Each answer should start with a capital letter and end with a period. Try 
not to allow short answers of only 2-3 words.  


Task 3 Hospitals 
Read the nonfiction passage below about “Hospitals” two times all the way through. 
Before writing down any answers, be sure to go back into the text and underline the 
key detail used as evidence from the text. All answers need to be written in complete 
sentences with capital letters, a complete thought and a period. Do not just answer 
with 2 or 3 words. After reading the passage, your scholar will need to determine the 
main topic as well as two supporting details that can be used as evidence. Keep in 
mind that the two details are used to support the main topic. 

If you complete this task on separate paper, be sure to label each of the 3 questions 
and leave enough space to write the answers completely.  

Task 4 “Sit, Stay” 

Read the nonfiction passage titles “Sit, Stay” about a dog two times all the way 
through. Before writing down any answers, be sure to go back into the text and 
underline the key detail used as evidence from the text. All answers need to be 
written in complete sentences with capital letters, a complete thought and a period. 
Do not just answer with 2 or 3 words. After reading the passage, your scholar will 
need to determine the main topic as well as two supporting details that can be used 
as evidence. Keep in mind that the two details are used to support the main topic. 

If you complete this task on separate paper, be sure to label each of the 3 questions 
and leave enough space to write the answers completely.  



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