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Julia Rodinec

Mrs. Storer

English 3H, Block 1


Stereotypes Through Time

In the film, “Back to the Future”, Marty McFly says, “If you put your mind to it you can

accomplish anything” (Zemeckis 01:14:16-01:14:21). Marty says this to George to help him take

chances in a stereotypical world. This classic film by, Robert Zemeckis, is about how Marty

Mcfly time travels in Dr. Brown’s 1st successful machine, from the year 1985 to 1955 and

encounters his parents, George and Lorraine, as well as his dad’s boss, Biff. Throughout the

movie, the characters: Dr. Brown, Biff, and George Mcfly, each portray certain stereotypes that

are seen in the 1950s as well as the 1980s which shows how society’s view of stereotypes stays

the same over time.

Dr. Brown or Doc is portrayed as a typical “mad” scientist through the way he looks and

through his hobbies. We first see Doc in the ‘80s riding out of the back of a truck in his smoking

time machine. We see him get out of the car wearing a long, white lab coat and goggles with

white, straggly hair that sticks out. The director wanted to make Doc look like a typical scientist

with the white lab coat, however, he wanted to also make him look like the typical mad scientist

with white hair that sticks up. This character resembles the same appearance as Albert Einstein

because of his hair, but also because of his love for creating inventions. As Doc is amazed that

his time machine works, he states, “I finally invent something that works” (Zemeckis 00:51:57-

00:52:00). Doc has spent his whole life creating and experimenting with many different things

just like other scientists. Doc’s typical hobby of creating new gadgets or machines shows his
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love for science. Through the characteristics and interests of Doc, the audience can see the

stereotypical scientist.

Biff is portrayed as a bully in his teen and adult self through his looks and behavior. When

we see Biff portrayed as a teen, we see him walk all over town intimidating people like he owns

the place. He is always portrayed with an entourage and he is bigger and taller than everyone

else. He is always shown with upward-facing cameras to show the power he has over the other

characters. The director wanted to show a clear idea that Biff is a stereotypical bully that is seen

throughout society. His looks and status are feared by all who get picked on by him. His

intimidating looks does not only make him a basic bully, but his actions completely show the

unwanted stereotype. For example, throughout the movie, Biff always picks on George making

him feel less than everyone else. He states, “Hello. Hello. Anybody home? Think McFly.

Think.” (Zemeckis 00:12:57-00:13:03) In this scene, he is trying to get George to do his own

work for him. Biff is making George feel like he is dumb for not doing what Biff wants him to

do. This shows how Biff is a typical bully by picking on shy people like George. It also portrays

the behavior of a bully because it shows that Biff can act any way he wants towards other people.

George McFly is viewed as a common nerd who is fearful of the people around him.

When George is in the diner in the ‘50s, one of the waiters asks him why he lets himself be

picked around, and he shyly responds, “Well, they’re bigger than me.” (Zemeckis 00:40:14-

00:40:16) He says this quote to describe Biff and everyone else that bullies him. This shows how

George can be easily intimidated by people in his life because he has been constantly picked on

since a teen. The fearful quality shows this common stereotype of how people like George are

afraid of people like Biff. As George grows into an adult, these same characteristics travel with

him because he has lived his life in fear of others. When Marty McFly begins to ask a similar
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question, he is immediately interrupted by his dad stating, “I’m afraid I’m just not very good at

confrontations.” (Zemeckis 00:14:06-00:14:11) This scene takes place when George is an adult

showing that the stereotype has not changed through the years. This shows how he does not have

the guts to stand up for his own wellbeing because he had not done this growing up. The director

wanted to show this stereotype of a shy nerd by portraying George as someone fearful of

common bullies like Biff.

Overall, the director of the film kept the stereotypes the same in both of the time periods to

show that our views of certain people in society can stay the same over time. The depictions of

stereotypes were viewed through the characters, Doc, Biff, and George, throughout the movie. In

movies, many different yet similar stereotypes are portrayed towards audiences. These

stereotypes can be seen as exaggerated versions of people around us each day.

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