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Daytime Sleepiness, Snoring, and

Obstructive Sleep Apnea*

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Murray W johns. M.B., B.S., Ph.D.

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is a simple question- useful measure of average sleep propensity, comparable to
naire measuring the general level of daytime sleepiness, the results of all-day tests such as the multiple sleep latency
called here the average sleep propensity. This is a measure test. (Chat 1993; 103:30-36)
of the probability of falling asleep in a variety of situations.
The conceptual basis of the ESS involves a fOur-process
model of sleep and wakefulness. The sleep propensity at ASP=average slee_p propensity; BMI=body mass index (q/
any particular time is a function of the ratio of the total m"); ESS=Epworth Steepiness Scale; MSLT=multiple steep
sleep drive to the total wake drive with which it competes. latency test; MWT =maintenance of wakefulness test; OSAS =
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; RDI =respiratory distur-
ESS scores signi&cantly distinguished patients with primary bance index (the number of apneas and hypopoeas C!::lOs Iona
snoring from those with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome causing <!::3 percent arterial oxygen desaturation per hour Of
sleep); REM=rapid eye movement sleep; Sa01 =arterial oxy-
(OSAS), and ESS scores increased with the severity of gen saturation percentage; SL= sleep latency; SP= sleep pro-
OSAS. Multiple regression analysis showed that ESS scores pensity (the probability of falling asleep in a given situation at
were more closely related to the frequency of apneas than a particuJar time); SSS=Stan£ord Sleepiness Scale; VAS=vis-
ual analogue scale
to the degree of hypoxemia in OSAS. ESS scores give a

I ncreased daytime sleepiness is an important symp-

tom of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). 1
iness to be and this has led some to use a circular
argument to define sleepiness as that which is meas-
Currently the most widely used method for measuring ured by one or other tests of sleepiness.
sleepiness is the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT)2 Some consider sleepiness to be a state involving
or some variant of it such as the maintenance of feelings of tiredness or fatigue and the subjective
wakefulness test (MWf). 3 However, these tests are changes that immediately precede sleep onset, as are
expensive and time-consuming (they take all day) so measured by the Stanford Sleepiness Scale {SSS).6
they are not always done, even when there is clearly This has been called "subjective" sleepiness. So too
a need for quantifying patients' sleepiness. There is has the sleepiness measured by a visual analogue scale
also confusion about what sleepiness is and what the (VAS) of sleepiness-alertness in which sleepiness is
tests measure. seen as a subjective state of low alertness. 7 As others
This report is about a simple new method that I have pointed out, fatigue and a low level of alertness
have proposed for measuring daytime sleepiness-the may signal the need for sleep but they do not provide
Epworth Sleepiness Scale or ESS.U First we need to a useful measure of the likelihood of falling asleep. 8
consider the conceptual basis for sleepiness and its Many insomniacs are very tired at night but cannot
measurement. This will involve clarification of some fall asleep readily whereas narcoleptics often fall
existing concepts and the introduction of some new asleep during the day without feeling tired. The
ones. Only then can the rationale of the ESS be "subjective" sleepiness measured by the SSS is usually
explained. This report then goes on to show how not related to a subject's propensity to fall asleep, even
sleepiness measured by ESS is related to the severity when measured at the same time by the MSLT. 9•10 In
of OSAS and to snoring, drawing comparisons with addition, the SSS is not a unitary scale according to
the results of other investigations that have measured the results of factor analysis of its items. 11 A VAS of
sleepiness differently. alertness-sleepiness is simpler and because it is a
unitary scale, it appears preferable to the SSS for
SLEEPINESS RECONSIDERED measuring "subjective" sleepiness.
The word sleepiness did not appear in the index of Other people define sleepiness as "a physiological
medical text books in the past. It is a concept that is drive usually resulting from sleep deprivation''12 or as
still not widely used or clearly understood. There is "a physiological need-state that leads to an increased
confusion about what different people consider sleep- tendency to fall asleep:' 13 It is said that "the presence
and intensity of this state can be inferred by bow
*From the Sleep Disorders Unit, Epworth Hospital, Melbourne, readily sleep onset occurs, how easily sleep is dis-
Australia. rupted, or bow long sleep endures."13 It is this concep-
Manuscript received February 5; revision accepted June 2. tual framework that led to the development of the
"8pnnt rsquuts: Dr: }ohm, Sleep Dlaorders Unit, Epworth H08pital,
Erin Smret, Melbourne, Victoria 31.21, Auatralla MSLT which, it is claimed, "establishes a setting to

30 Daytime Sleepiness, Snoring and OSA (Murray W. Johna)

maximize the likelihood of sleep onset" while "all two wake processes contribute to the total wake drive.
factors competing with falling asleep are removed What I call the primary sleep drive is due to an
from the test situation:'13 That it is possible to establish intrinsic CNS process that varies with a circadian
such a setting in which there is no alerting influence rhythm having a peak at about 10 pm to 12 midnight
competing with a sleep drive is a premise rather than and a trough at about 6 to 8 am, as manifested in the
the subject of experimental evidence. circadian rhythm of delta-wave sleep. 19.:in A secondary
The MSLT measures objectively the mean sleep sleep drive increases progressively during wakefulness
latency (SL) in four to six half-hour naps taken 2 h and is modified by behavior. It is discharged progres-
apart during the day in a comfortable, darkened room sively after the onset of non-REM sleep. Its influence
when the subject is encouraged to sleep.2 By contrast, is seen predominantly during the first sleep cycle
the MWf measures SL when the subject is asked to when the influence of the primary sleep drive is also
stay awake while sitting for 40 min at a time in a dimly high.
lit room. 3 Another variant, the repeated test of sus- What I call the primary wake drive is due to intrinsic
tained wakefulness, is similar.but the subject lies down activity in the reticular activating system that varies
for 40 min trying to stay awake. 14 Because such tests with a circadian rhythm having a peak at about 6 to 7
involve objective measurements of SL, the sleepiness pm and a trough at 4 to 5 am. This is reftected in the
they measure has been called "objective" sleepiness. circadian rhythm of body temperature, melatonin
However, different tests that are said to measure secretion, and REM sleep. 21.22 By contrast, a secondary
"objective" sleepiness, such as the MSLT and MWf wake drive is influenced very much by posture,
taken at the same time in the same subjects, give behavior, physical activity, feelings, and mental activ-
results that are not closely related. Their correlation ity generally. It is derived from the nonspecific tha-
is statistically significant (eg, r = 0.407, n = 258, lamic projection system via collateral inputs from all
p<0.001} but accounts for only about 20 percent of sensory nerve tracts (exteroceptive and enteroceptive}
the variance in SLS. 15 This has led to the conclusion and from the limbic system that is inftuenced by all
that the MSLT measures the ability to fall asleep CNS centers concerned with affect, volition, atten-
whereas the MWT measures the ability to stay tion, and cognition, etc.m
awake. 16 In addition to its circadian rhythm, the primary
One reason for the confusion in such matters is, I wake drive has an ultradian rhythm with a cycle length
believe, that the generally accepted concephµl} basis of about 90 to 110 min, manifested in REM sleep
for sleep and wakefulness, exempli&ed by models such cycles. m Similarly, the primary sleep drive has an
as the two-process model of Borbely and associates17•18 ultradian rhythm manifested in delta-wave sleep oc-
is too limited. It largely ignores the idea that sleep currence, with a slightly longer cycle length (120 min}
processes (sleep drives} must continuously interact than the ultradian rhythm in the primary wake drive. 4
with competing wake-processes (wake ~ves}. Knowl- Both the priµlary sleep and primary wake drives can
edge of one or other of these competing drives alone also have ultradian rhythms with longer cycle lengths
is not sufficient to determine the state of sleep or of 4 to 12 h. 114 All four sleep-wake processes can vary
wakefulness. It is the ratio of these two main variables, independently but have mutual and mainly inhibitory
not their absolute magnitude, that determines the interactions. These interactions and the relative phase
likelihood of falling asleep. In my view, sleep propen- relations~ips between their circadian and ultradian
sity or SP (which some people call "objective" sleepi- rhythms determine the usual times and duration of
ness} is neither a state nor a physiologic drive but the sleep and wakefulness, and the occurrence of REM/
probability of falling asleep at a particular time. More non-REM sleep cycles. The nature of the interactions
precisely, it is the probability of a state change from among these four processes may be different in wake-
wakefulness to non-REM sleep. · fulness, non-REM, and REM sleep, determined by
Thus, SP= f (total sleep drive}/(total wake drive). specific mechanisms involved in each type of transition
This is not the same as the probability of remaining between states. However, some influence from all four
awake which is 1- (SP}, a function of SP nevertheless. processes continues throughout sleep and wakefulness.
We are concerned here only with the transition from
wakefulness to non-REM sleep. This is different, for
WAKEFULNESS example, from the transition from wakefulness to
A model of sleep and wakefulness must involve at REM sleep, which is usually blocked, but which can
least four processes for it to explain sleepiness. The occur in narcolepsy. ·
details and ramifications of such a theory are beyond For most people, the SP at a particular time depends
the scope of this report and will be described else- at least as much on their total wake drive as on their
where. However, the essence of this model is that two total sleep drive. Subjects whose primary sleep drive
sleep processes contribute to the total sleep drive and is very high can fall asleep at any time simply by

CHEST/ 103 I 1 I JANUARY, 1993 31

voluntarily reducing their secondary wake drive by range from 0 to 24. Initial results suggest that the
lying down and relaxing with eyes closed. To ask the clinically "normal" range ofESS scores is 2 to 10 with
same subject to try and stay awake rather than fall a normal distribution statistically and a model score of
asleep reduces his SP by increasing the secondary 6. However, this "normal" range may have to be
wake drive without changing his sleep drive. For those modified as more data become available.
whose primary sleep drive is not very high, being ESS scores are significantly but not highly corre-
asked to fall asleep at a particular time, when under lated with SL measured in MSLTs(r= -0.514, n=27,
constant surveillance to see whether they do or not, p<0.01). 4 Item and factor analyses have shown that
may involve them trying harder than usual to fall the ESS is a unitary scale with high internal consis-
asleep. This too will increase their secondary wake tency (Cronbachs alpha=0.88). 5 The ~SS has a high
drive and lower their SP. Thus, the SP for a particular test-retest reliability over a period of 5 months in
subject depends not only on when but under what normal subjects (r=0.822, n=87, p<0.001). 5 The
circumstances it is measured. While some aspects of high initial scores of patients with OSAS return to
different situations can be standardized (eg, posture~ "normal" after nasal CPAP treatment for at least 3
others are highly subjective, depending on their months. 5 The ESS is conceptually unique in its ability
meaning for each subject, and cannot be fully con- to measure ASP over its whole range from very low
trolled or even measured. Thus, SP is not independent levels in some insomniacs to very high levels in
of the circumstances in which it is measured. patients with severe OSAS and narcolepsy. 4 However,
Regardless of individual responses, some situations it was anticipated earlier that ESS scores and ASP
or activities are more likely than others to promote a may also differ between subjects because of one or
change in the secondary wake drive with a consequent more psychophysiologic traits that in8uence their
change in SP. This characteristic can be called the sleep and wake drives in the absence of recognized
soporific nature of the activity or situation. Lying down sleep disorders.
is more soporific than sitting, but walking is much less Each ESS item gives an estimate of SP in one of
soporific than either. The MSLT, MWI', and re~ed eight specific situations whereas the total ESS score
tests each measure the SP under different circum- gives a measure of the more general parameter, ASP,
stances, none of which is entirely representative of a relating to a range of situations that are commonly met
patient's daily activities. The SP measured in one such in daily life. Thus, the ESS is the subjective equivalent
test may well be correlated significantly with the SP of eight different objective tests such as the MSLT,
in another, but they will not necessarily be closely each one of which can measure SP in only one
related, as others have found.15 •16 situation. What the ESS lacks by way of objective
A subject's SP at a particular time will be inftuenced accuracy with each item score as a measure of a
by the many factors that affect the four sleep and wake situation-specific SP it makes up for by increasing the
drives. These include the time of day, previous sleep number and range of situations and by making them
deprivation, the effects of drugs on the CNS, the more relevant to daily life.
subject's age, the presence of sleep disorders such as The ESS does not measure "subjective" sleepiness
OSAS, and the patients physical, cognitive, and affec- as described above and is not an alternative to the SSS
. tive state at the time-Although the SP will inevitably or to a VAS of alertness-sleepiness. As with any
. vary during the day and from day to day, different questionnaire-based method, the ESS is limited by
subjects will have a mean SP over prolonged periods the subject's ability to read and comprehend the
(at least a week) about which 8uctuations occur. I call questionnaire and to answer the questions honestly.
this long-term characteristic the average sleep propen- This disadvantage must be weighed against its consid-
sity (ASP). It is this ASP that a chronic sleep disorder erable advantages in terms of cost and ease of admin-
such as OSAS affects by increasing long term the total istration when compared with all-day laboratory tests.
sleep drive but not the wake drive.
'"1sent Investigation
RATIONALE OF THE ESS The aim of the present investigation was to provide
The ESS is a simple questionnaire that asks the further evidence about the validity of the ESS against
subject to rate on a scale of 0 to 3 the chances that, as the conceptual background outlined above. The clini-
part of his "usual way oflife in recent times," he would cal use of the ESS is illustrated by showing how ESS
doze in each of eight different situations. 4 The situa- scores differ between patients who have either OSAS
tions were chosen on a priori grounds to vary in their or primary snoring and how their ASP is related to
soporific nature from highly soporific ("lying down to various parameters ofOSAS when assessed by multiple
rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit') to regression analysis. Comparisons with other published
much less soporific ("sitting and talking to someone'). 5 results show that the severity of OSAS is related at
The ESS score is the sum of eight item scores and can least as closely to ESS scores as it is to SLs measured

32 Daytime~ Snoring and OSA (Murray W. Johns}

objectively by MSLTs or MWfs. Posthoc Schetre tests were used to test differences between paired
groups.• The Schetl'e test is conservative and is suitable for groups
METIIODS of unequal size. A matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients was
All subjects were fee-paying patients, investigated in the Sleep calculated fur &ve variables in the 165 ungrouped OSAS patients.
Disorden Unit at Epworth Hospital, a private liOspital Jn Mel- Multiple regression analysis was used to relate ESS scores to age,
bourne, Australia. They answered the ESS without assistance at BMI, RD( and minimum Sa01 • Statistical signi&cances was ac-
the end of their &rst interview They liad one nights diagnostic cepted at p<0.05 in two-tailed tests.
polysomnography with sleep staging by EEG (electrode positions
C4-Al), lei\ and right EOG, submental EMG, measurements of
nasal and oral airflow, thoracic and abdominal respiratory move- Analysis of \&rlance
men~ arterial oxygen satwation measured by a pulse oximeter
with theprobe on the fifth &nger, ECG, lei\ and right leg movements The results for primary snorers and the three
monitored by a ceramic strain gauge over each tibialis anterior categories of OSAS are summarized in Tu.hie 1. There
muscle, snoring noise analysis, and continuous infra-red video and were many more patients with primary snoring or
sound-track recording.• Patients were not permitted any alcohol on "mild" OSAS than there were with "moderate" or
the day of polysomnography. .
"severe" OSAS. Between these groups there were
After investigation, there were 108 consecutive patients who were
diagnosed as having primary snoring and 165 with OSAS. All these significant overall differences in the patients' ages,
patients had been reported to snore at home, on most if not all BMI, RDI, minimum Sa01 , and ESS scores. However,
nights, and most fur whom reports were avadable were said to "stop posthoc Scheffe tests did not reveal significant differ-
breathing: during their sleep. On this basis, all were suspected of ences in age between any paired groups. The BMI
having OSAS. The respiratory disturbance index (RDI) was calcu-
~ significantly lower for primary snorers than for
lated for each patient as ·the number of apneas and hypopneas per
hour of sleep associated with at least 3 percent arterial oxygen each grade of OSAS (p<0.001). These grades did not
desaturation. There were 108 patients who had an RDI <5 and who differ significantly in BMI between themselves
consequently were diagnosed as having primary snoring rather than (p>0.22) but the percentage of obese patients, with
OSAS. Those with·an RDI between 5 and 24.9 were diagnosed as BMI >30, tended to increase from 35.2 percent in
having "mild" OSAS, between 25 and 49.9 as "moderate" OSAS, "mild" OSAS, to 41.5 percent in "moderate;· and 63.2
and 50+ as "severe" OSAS. These categories were chosen fairly
arbitrarily, each representing about one third of the range of RDis percent in "severe" OSAS.
(5 to 70). Different categories of OSAS had been used in an "8rlier As expected, RDis differed significantly between
investigation with the ESS.• Snoring, apneas, or hypopneas that each of the three grades of OSAS (p<0.001). These
ended in arousal were not distinguished from those without arousal, categories had been chosen on a priori grounds to be
nor were patients distipguished on the basis of cardiac arrythmiai
mutually exclusive. The minimum Sa01 also differed
or ischemia associated with their OSAS.
Patients were excluded from this study if they had another sleep significantly in posthoc tests among each of these three
disorder such as restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement categories (p<0.001).
disorder, or naroolepsy in addition to primary snoring or OSAS. The primary snorers had significantly lower ESS
Thirty-two of the patients with primary snoring and s.; of those scores than patients in each of the three categories of
with OSAS had been the subjects of an earlier investigation with
OSAS (p<0.001). ESS scores increased significantly
the ESS.• There were 91 men and 17 women among the 108
primary snorers, and 156 men and 9 women among the 165 patients
with each step from "mild" to "moderate" and "severe"
with OSAS. Ages ranged from 18 to 77 years. The body mass index OSAS (p<0.005). There weJ'e.$.'Ores in the range 11
(BMI) was calculated from the weight and height of each patient to 15 in all four groups and. a considerable overlap
(kWm•). The lowest arterial oxygen saturation (Sa01 percent) re- among them. All patients with "severe" OSAS had
corded overnight was noted as the "minimum Sa01" fur each
scores of 10 or more.

StatUtical Method& Correlation and Reg~ssion Analysis

Overall differences between the primary snoren and the three The matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for
categories of OSAS were tested by repeated one-way ANOVA. five variables in the 165 ungrouped patients with
Table I-The Number cf ftdienU in F.acla Group and the MflOft :t SD for Age, Body Mau Inda: (BMI), Bapiratory
Disturbance Inda: (BDIJ, Minimum Arterial Osrlgen Stdundioa &conW During A,..,. Ooernigld (Min- Sa01 ,.), and
Scom on the Epworlla SJ.pit.,. Sca1- (ESS)

Primary AN OVA
Snoring Mild Moderate Severe (p)
No. ofSs 108 105 41 19
Age, yr 47.2±11.0 50.4±8.8 51.4±11.1 46.1±10.4 <.05
BMI ~.9±3.8 29.5±4.4 30.8±5.9 31.8±5.5 <.001
RDI 12.1±5.4 34.8±9.4 56.6±5.9 <.001
Min•Sa01._, 80.7±7.8 71.1±10.2 60.1±11.4 <.001
ESS score 8.0±3.5 11.0±4.2 13.0±4.7 16.2±3.3 <.001
ESS range ().15 2-22 ~22 1().23

CHEST I 103 I 1 I JANUARY, 1993 33

Table 2-ftlanon Correlation C~ Be'1Deen Age, unexplained by those variables and not related to
Body Mau lnd.e% (BMI), &apiratory Didurbance lnde% OSAS.
(BDI), Minimum Arterial {).q/gen Saivrtdion (SaO.)
Beconkd During Apneaa Ooernigld, and Score on the
ESS scores differed widely among the snorers (0 to
Epworth S.,_,._. Scale (ESS) for 165 Bdienta With 15) and overall were higher than those reported
OSAS previously for nonsnoring control subjects, the mean
of which was 5.9±2.2 (SD) and the range of which
Age, yr BMI RDI SaO. ESS was 2 to 10.' This difference was statistically significant
Age, yr 1.000 (F= 10.55, df= 136, p<0.01). The distribution of
BMI -0.183* 1.000 snorers' scores was bimodal, which peaks at 5 and 9.
RDI -0.051 0.20lt 1.000 There were 25.9 percent of snorers with ESS scores
Sao, 0.119 -0.284:j: -0.693:j: 1.000
ESS 0.026 0.193* 0.439:j: -0.404:1: 1.000 between 11 and 15, above the "normal" upper limit of
10, and at levels of ASP associated more typically with
•p<0.05. "mild" to "moderate" OSAS. For comparison, 53.3
:j:p<0.001. percent of patients with "mild" OSAS had scores of
11 or more, as did 73.2 percent with "moderate"
OSAS is shown in Tuble 2. Seven correlations were OSAS and 89.5 percent with "severe" OSAS. Thus,
statistically significant, the highest being between there was evidence that a minority of heavy snorers
ROI and minimum Sa02 (r = - 0.693, p<0.001). ESS had increased levels of ASP whereas the majority were
scores were correlated independently and significantly "normal" in this respect.
with RDI, minimum Sa02 , and BMI. The highest of
these correlations was with ROI (r=0.439). Multiple
regression analysis was used to define more clearly The results provide further evidence that ESS
the relationship of these interrelated variables to ESS scores give valid measurements of ASP or daytime
scores and hence to ASP. The multiple regression sleepiness as defined herein. The scores increased
analysis initially included age, BMI, ROI, and mini- linearly with the severity of OSAS and distinguished
mum Sa02 as independent variables and ESS score as primary snorers from patients with OSAS, even of
the dependent variable. The multiple correlation mild degree. In the patients with OSAS, it was the
coefficient (R = 0.474) was statistically signi&cant frequency of apneas and hypopneas that bore the
(F= 11.58; df=4,160; p<0.001). The only significant closest relationship to their ASP as measured by ESS
beta-weight was for RDI (beta=0.299, p<0.002), but scores. The degree of hypoxemia, measured by the
that for minimum Sa02 approached signi&cance minimum Sa02 overnight, was significantly correlated
(beta= -0.180, p=0.07). Neither age nor BMI con- with the ROI but was much less important as an
tributed significantly to this multiple regression. independent predictor of ASP. Similar conclusions
The multiple regression analysis was repeated in a have been reached by others who measured "objec-
forward stepwise fashion, beginning with ROI as the tive" sleepiness by MSLTs27 or by MWI's. 28
only independent variable and ESS score as the It seems that OSAS increases the total sleep drive
dependent variable. Other independent variables mainly by fragmenting sleep with repeated arousals
were added one by one but were retained only if the that have the same effect as sleep deprivation. This
proportion of variance in ESS scores explained by the would increase the ASP so long as the total wake drive
regression was' increased significantly as a result. With did not also increase, and there is no evidence that it
this method ESS scores were related to RDI as before does. However, the same increase in sleep drive due
(beta= 0.305, p = 0.002) but minimum Sa02 now made to OSAS can be expected to have differing effects on
a significant additional contribution to the regression the ASP depending on the coexisting levels of wake
(beta= -0.193, p<0.05). The multiple correlation drive in different patients. It may be that hypoxemia
coefficient (R = 0.460) was again significant (F = 21. 77, during apneas does not much affect the sleep or wake
df=2,162, p<0.001). The regression equation was drives until the Sa02 reaches quite low levels (possibly
(ESS score)= 16.11+0.082 (ROI)-0.078 (minimum <75 percent) so that its overall effect on ASP for most
SaOJ. Thus, the ESS of these patients was related to patients is small.
the severity of their OSAS mainly in relation to the In an earlier investigation of patients with OSAS,
frequency of apneas and hypopneas causing arterial the correlation between SL measured in MSLTs and
oxygen desaturation of at least 3 percent, and to a their ROI (or closely related variables such as apnea
lesser extent to the severity of hypoxemia overnight. index or respiratory arousal index) was -0.36.27 In
Of the total variance in ESS scores for the 165 patients, another investigation, the correlation between SL
the RDI explained 19.2 percent and the minimum measured in MWI's and RDI was -0.35. 28 By con-
Sa01 explained another 1.9 percent. This left 78.9% trast, others have failed to find a significant relation-
of the variance in ESS scores and presumably in ASP ship between MSLT results and RDI or related

34 Daytime Sleeplr-. Snoring and OSA (Murrey W. Johna)

variables. 29 The correlation between ESS score and questionnaire is based on retrospective reports of the
RDI in the present investigation was 0.439. This subjects' usual behavior, the ESS is capable of meas-
suggests that ASP measurements by means of the ESS uring ASP, which others might call "objective" sleep-
are at least as useful clinically as the results of much iness.
more time-consuming and expensive laboratory tests
such as the MSLT. REFERENCES
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October 24 - 28, 1993 • Orlando

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Daytime Sleepiness. Snoring end OSA (Murrey W. Johna)

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