E.INF. Inglês Técnico Ii: 2º Semestre 2019/20 Docente: Hélder Correia Hackers: Interview With A "Ghost" by Ludmila Goroshko

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INGLÊS TÉCNICO II: 2º SEMESTRE 2019/20 Docente: Hélder Correia

Hackers: interview with a "Ghost" by Ludmila Goroshko

Ludmila Goroshko, an analyst of Computer Crime Research Centre,
managed to interview a former hacker also known in certain circles as
"Mazez Ghost". Of course he agreed to this interview because Ghost was
ex-hacker. Hackers do not like to talk to journalists and especially give
interviews. Mazez Ghost said he was not engaged in hacking anymore and
his main job lied in the Internet-marketing for one of the companies.

LG: How can we learn hacking?

MG: I have incomplete high school education. I studied on my own:

- mathematical disciplines (mathematical analysis, theory of functions of a complex variable, algebra, geometry, theory
of probability, mathematical statistics, mathematical logics and discrete mathematics);

- engineering disciplines (physics, hardware of computer techniques, radio electronics fundamentals, communications
networks and information protection from technical intelligence);

- programming and computer disciplines (informatics, high-level programming languages, methods of programming,
Assembler, operation systems, database management systems and networks);

- special disciplines (cryptography and theoretic fundamentals of computer systems protection).

And the most important thing to learn was social engineering.

LG: Have you heard of Bruce Sterling book "The Hacker Crackdown" where he gave an interview with the head
of the New York Police Department? He says hackers are principally not good at creative programming. What
do you think about it?

MG: Theoretically, I may program creatively. I remember I did it several years ago. Really, I think I would be interested
to get involved in some interesting project to work on it. But it will be right to say that programming nowadays is divided
into coding (protection) and hacking (break in). These things differ. They just interfere with each other. Therefore, this
question is not entirely correct, but I understand its hidden motive, they say, "They did not create anything and won't
create ever!" Yes, I think many hackers didn't write any software, but this does not detract from their merits. It is a
separate occupation. It is hard to reproach a surgeon with specifics of his occupation. Frankly speaking, I do not think I
can achieve any success in the programming field.

LG: Is it hard to penetrate into the "closed" computer systems?

MG: Not always. It is a rather specific work. It depends on hacking tools. Sometimes break in demands application of
special software, sometimes examination of protection flaws, several standard flaws that are widely mentioned in
hacking how to's. More often it is pure chance, hacker's intuition and examination of system administrator's psychology.

LG: What hacker achievements could you tell us about?

MG: Nothing serious, just average hacker's success, various commercial services and networks: GEnie, CompuServe,
AmericaOnLine and alike, also frauds with credit cards.

LG: But still, hacking is probably unsafe, isn't it? There are some appropriate authorities that fight computer

MG: There are many special services, but they can't agree with each other. Those who know me do not hunt for me,
those who do want to chase after me but unfortunately they do not cooperate with the first.
LG: Do you think you are a criminal?

MG: Hmm, it is a difficult question. As a matter of fact, it depends on one's attitude towards law in general. I did not
commit any crime against laws and, being an anarchist, I can't regard myself as a criminal. There are some things that I
consider inadmissible for me, but they are beyond laws.

LG: Why is the image of a hacker associated with romantics of XXI century for some people, and with crimes
and computer piracy for others?

MG: Obviously, we may view the same subject in different ways. Some consider it on the part of protection, other on
the part of break in. The truth may be somewhere in the middle.


Answer the following questions about the text.

1. Did “Mazez Ghost” study to be a computer genius? Justify.

2. Why is it usual to say that “hackers are not good at creative programming”?

3. What are, usually, the hacking tools?

4. What kind of achievements did he get?

5. Does the “Ghost” consider himself a criminal? Justify your answer.

6. Do you consider the hacker “on the part of protection” or “on the part of break in”? Why

Computing vocabulary

A. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. A person who illegally accesses somebody else's computer over the internet is called a__________.
a. pirate b. hack c.hacker

2. A website which (in theory) cannot be accessed by a hacker is __________.

a. strong b. secure c.clean

3. A website which can only be viewed by authorised people has __________ access.
a. reduced b. small c.restricted

4. Unwanted advertising emails are popularly known as __________.

a. meatloaf b. spam c.sausages

5. Software which blocks attempts by others to access your computer over the internet is called a__________.
a. firewall b. fire blanket c.fire engine

6. It's essential to __________ your anti-virus protection regularly.

a. up-to-date b. date c.update

7. Anti-virus software can __________ your computer for viruses.

a. detect b. review c.scan

8. Anti-virus software can also ____________ viruses on removable media, such as pen drives.
a. detect b. control c.see
9. When your anti-virus software subscription __________…
a. ends b. stops c.expires

10. … it's a good idea to __________ it immediately.

a. renew b. renovate c.replace


B. Match the activities with the internet features

Grammar – Present Continuous

The Present Continuous is used when we talk about something which is happening now or about a planned action in
the future (Tonight, I’m going to the cinema!).
We make the Present Continuous tense with the correct form of the verb to be (am/is/are) and the ing form of the
main verb.

Grammar – Complete the sentences using the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
1) Alexander _____________ a film. (to watch)
2) We _____________ a computer game. (to play)
3) The dog _____________ at the cat. (to bark)
4) Peter ____________ his rabbits. (to feed)
5) Philipp and Johnny ____________ a song. (to sing)
6) Mary _____________ her hair. (to wash)
7) I _____________ to Doris. (to talk)
8) Peggy ____________ a picture. (to draw)
9) Henry and his sister ______________ their mother. (to help)
10) You _____________ the poem by heart. (to learn)

1) _______________ (you/come) tonight? 11) She ______________ (not/go) to the cinema very
2) ______________ (he/eat) rice every day? often.
3) I ______________ (work) at the moment. 12) You usually ______________ (arrive) late.
4) ________________ (he/usually/come) to London? 13) He usually __________ (have) dinner at home.
5) He ______________ (play) tennis now. 14) ________________ (you/study) every night?
6) ________________ (you/come) to the cinema 15) ______________________ (they/usually/work)
later? late?
7)They _______________ (not/come) to the party 16) You __________________ (not/go) out later.
tomorrow. 17) I ___________________ (not/work) tonight.
8) He _______________ (not/play) golf now. 18) _____________________ (she/work) at the
9) _______________ (you/play) tennis this Sunday? moment?
10)They _____________ (go) to a restaurant every 19) I never _______________ (drink) coffee.
Saturday. 20) Julie ___________________(sleep) now.

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