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Questionnaire for getting preliminary information of a CDM project

1. Brief description of the project. This includes the background, purpose, process description and
status of the project.

2. Location of project (also include a map of the project site location, and information on its
geographical location including longitude and latitude of the place and accessibility from nearby major
airport, seaport).

3. Brief description of the technology employed (technical brochure of supplier, if any, to be

attached). Process flow diagram required to explain the project may be included. Please highlight in
the flow diagram what existed before the project was implemented and what has been added as the
project activity (you may provide flow diagram for before and after the project implementation).
Please mention the capacities of the major equipments and the major inputs and outputs of the
processes to understand a rough mass and energy flow. Also, if any capacity addition in planned in
near future, include those details separately and likely date of its implementation.

4. Information on technology providers. Was the technology new to the employees?

5. Information on existing national legislation/ regulations those are applicable to the project, and
status of various clearances (e.g. electricity board, pollution control board etc.)

6. How prevalent is your type of project activity in your industrial sector/region/country/world?

7. When was the decision of project implementation taken? What is/was the commissioning date?

8. Details on any environmental and social assessments already carried out or planned for the

9. What was done to meet the objective same as in the proposed CDM project before considering
this option (e.g. - how the waste water was treated before the proposed CDM activity i.e. installation
of anaerobic digester? If by aerobic lagoon – its capacity and was it serving the purpose well?)

10. What are the alternatives methods of achieving the same objective as that of this project?
11. In absence of the project what would have happened? Explain what alternative project option
would another project promoter in your sector of operation is likely to consider if he is not favorable to
initiating a project similar to you.
12. What is the potential annual savings (except financial savings) of the project? Example:
Electricity saving, Fuel saving, steam saving which would lead to reduction in GHG emission.

13. What is the source of steam and power supply (if any e.g. grid electricity, captive power plant)
for this project?

14. What type of environment, economical and social developments would your project generate
in the areas around your project site?

15. What are the IRR and DSCR of the project?

16. How is the project funded? If any funds are flowing from any development agency please
mention in details.

17. Please include contact details in the following format


Contact person:
Last Name:
Middle Name:
First Name:
Direct FAX:
Direct Tel:
Personal E-Mail:

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